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321 · Feb 2016
A kingdom on the clouds
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
Some would say this is heaven,
Some would say this is a dream,
Some would say it's a castle of cream,
Living in it a monster with riches that gleam,
But that is all talk,
Cause it's the story of  jack and the beanstalk,
Some say that it is where one falls asleep,
It rest on clouds,
White as a dead man's shroud,
This is bigger than any nation ,
Because Peoples imagination,
Is something one  cannot doubt.
Cause they imagined a kingdom on clouds.
Please let me know how it is,  u can be honest,  I have no problem
321 · Sep 2017
By my side..
Phantom Poet Sep 2017
Sitting in an open cargo carriage,
Feet dangling off the edge,
With you by my side,
The world sailing passing by,
Look into the distance,
Into the green mountain side,
Cranking of the train pistons,
Just with you by my side,
Spark of love in your eye,
Living the best life,
Carefree and wild,
The wind against my skin,
The silence within,
The warmth of the sunlight,
Infront the world will glide,
Nothing is more precious,
Than you being by my side.
Was watching the gameplay of a game called l"life is strange " and there was this scene and I loved it so much that I had to write about it
319 · Oct 2016
Phantom Poet Oct 2016
What is it,
Fear of dogs,
Fear of getting bit,
Fear of spiders,
Fear of liars,
Fear of people breaking your heart,
Fear of remembering the past,
Fear of dying,
Fear of flying,
Fear of buying,
Fear of ghosts,
Fear of monsters,
A wise man told me,
The monster is not under your bed,
It's inside your head,
So is this fear,
And so is everything else,
Now don't fall and drop a tear,
Stand tall and face yourself,
Face the fear,
Hidden within your mind,
Stand near,
Your fear,
And push him off,
From your mind,
You may be weak,
But u have a strong mind,
Just remember,
The monster is not under your bed,
It is in your head!
318 · May 2017
Phantom Poet May 2017
I met a friend,
For what may be the last,
I longed to hold her hand,
But dare I,
Just admire her while she rants,
I longed to embrace her,
But I couldn't,
Cause I can't,
Watched her walk back all alone,
Anything I would do,
To meet her again,
All alone,
With all the time,
But now sitting amongst strangers,
I write this piece,
Feeling the breeze,
My mind not at peace,
Even though I achieved,
What desired the most,
Buzzed by a fly,
Or did I?
318 · Feb 2017
A cold day
Phantom Poet Feb 2017
Today was a cold day,
Sky filled with clouds,
The colour of grey,
Very little sun rays,
Everybody is indoors,
The streets are empty,
The sea is grumpy,
Upon the town,
Hangs a sense of melancholy,
The cold ****** the skin,
The grey empty roads feel eerie,
The scent of rain,
Is in the air,
Within my heart is a pain,
At peace is my brain,
Silence is what I gain,
Everything has a touch of,
Dark grey, blue paint,
Into the silence I roar,
And with pride I stand,
The clouds part and flies down light,
The golden of ichor,
The scent of petrichor fades,
And sunlight shines like the golden of a lion's mane.
That escalated
318 · Jan 2018
Truth and lies
Phantom Poet Jan 2018
Why is the truth painful,
To keep it hidden is painful,
To say it is painful,
To know it is painful,
I guess that's why people lie,
Just so they don't hurt anybody,
So that nobody has to die,
From the inside,
But then if only people were Satisfied,
All the tears cried,
The attempts tried,
The heart pried,
Heart broken,
All because someone said the truth,
Or they lied.
318 · Oct 2016
Phantom Poet Oct 2016
Today is 19th of the month October,
Today was a little cold,
Winter is around the corner,
The sky is dark bold,
I relate to an Eskimo,
I fight the cold,
And onto my life I hold,
But when I stand next to her,
Warmth flows through me,
Her presence is like a flame,
And warm love,
Flows through my veins,
The Eskimo absorbs the heat,
To get rid of cold feet,
He uses fire,
All day cold I will be,
My soul is frozen,
And melts when she looks at me,
Her eyes are warm embers,
Her soul is a flame,
She is my ultimate desire,
She is what I admire,
She is..... My fire.
I felt cold today :p
316 · Nov 2016
The hug
Phantom Poet Nov 2016
There was a man,
Over the age of 40,
His dress was bland,
A shirt, a coat,
And pleated pant,
He stood on a bridge,
Overlooking the sea,
And was admiring it's beauty,
He stood there gazing across,
And wondering what mystery,
Lay beneath,
After a while its been,
Came along a boy,
No older than 17,
Teary eyed the boy stood,
With anger,
Consuming his mood,
The man made eye contact with the boy,
And saw a look in the boy's eyes,
A look with which he was familiar,
A look meaning the end was near,
A look..... Lost in the early years,
The boy looked away,
Into the sea,
This world he wanted to leave,
His body was trembling,
His fingers twitching,
The man read fear,
And hatred in the boy,
The man walked towards the boy,
And hugged him,
On his face was teary joy,
Somebody saved him,
Somebody cared,
The man held on,
Until the boy left him,
The boy left the man,
And walked away,
His spirits awaked,
The man continued looking at the sea,
This time wondering about with a sigh,
The biggest mystery,
Mystery of life!
The first time I'm trying a story type, hope u guys like it
316 · Sep 2017
One step
Phantom Poet Sep 2017
Here i am standing,
Feeling the cool air on my face,
The waves below swaying,
The edge of the bridge never looked grace,
Far below the water dancing,
My heart increased pace,
I could feel blood flowing,
It seemed like the perfect place,
Just one little step and I will be sinking,
Below the surface,
My mind is leaving,
From my body,
I can picture every detail slowly,
The smell of the sea,
The rust on the steel,
Every sense I feel,
One step,
And I will be free,
Then somebody spoke,
Sentence with words of three,
"I love thee",
I never knew who said that,
A man,
Or a kid,
Or a woman,
Thin or fat,
Black or white,
Somebody cared,
One person wanted me alive,
One person had hope,
And those three words,
Changed my life,
I cried and cried,
That night with a smile I slept,
Glad I didn't take that one step.
312 · Jul 2017
Linkin park
Phantom Poet Jul 2017
Heard a song,
In the end it doesn't even matter,
Gotta stay strong,
The end is one step closer,
He is in somewhere he belongs,
No more sorrow,
It's the new divide,
Until its gone,
We are guilty all the same,
The final masquerade,
Shadows of the day,
So what if one more light goes out,
In a sky of millions,
Well I care!
R.I.P Chester Bennington
308 · Apr 2016
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
I have these dreams,
They are weird as they seem,
These dreams depict my deepest fears,
But they are not nightmares,
These dreams makes me weak,
And they come few days a week,
I don't know why,
I don't know what,
These dreams have my fears caught,
And every time I close my eyes,
They release this fear,
And makes me shiver like on ice,
Until one day in the future so near,
My eyes would not open,
I cannot smell the morning token,
I cannot move,
I cannot prove,
and I am engulfed in this dream,
I hear the ferry man's bell,
These dreams were a one way stream,
To a place called hell.
Pardon the mess
306 · Feb 2017
Phantom Poet Feb 2017
I just woke up,
From deep sleep,
Had a dream,
It was a crazy dream as usual,
But I saw someone in it,
And my stomach felt unusual,
Someone I haven't thought about in in a bit,
Long time,
Someone I tried to forget,
A friend I met,
A friend I tried,
To help,
Or that's what I thought,
From a distance she said hi!,
The way she always would,
Towards her I look,
And felt scared,
Scared when old deep memories come back,
Or was swimming in a void,
Of emotions,
Those 2 seconds,
Opened old wounds,
Triggered old memories,
And old feelings.
There might be a 40% chance that that personight read this
303 · Feb 2017
Phantom Poet Feb 2017
Today I attended a farewell,
Something people stated one cannot miss,
So I write down what I witness,
I witness the memories of strangers,
Yet we share the same institution,
There is celebration,
Last lovers are embraced,
Some teary faced,
I witness a memory in the making,
The last of schooling,
The closest friends parting,
I have not been around,
Long enough to know these people,
Nor might I in the future,
Since people are happy,
And celebrations in the air,
I end my writings with,
Fare thee well strangers,
Fare thee well,
It was boring since I don't have ah friends but I still went for it
303 · Sep 2018
Catch 22
Phantom Poet Sep 2018
How do I tell someone,
To stop talking to me,
To get out of my life,
Because I can never help,
But fall in love,
Even after trying to forget,
To ignore,
One message and I'm in love,
How do I tell someone who is hurting,
That I don't want to talk to them,
When I am the only person she trusts,
But even I am hurting,
Only thing is I have no one to trust,
I have to suffer to help her,
To make her smile,
I have to shed a tear from my eye,
I cannot leave her,
Atleast not now when she needs me,
But I do not want to talk to her,
Cuz I will fall in love again,
And she will break my heart.. again,
And never love me like I do,
How do I tell someone,
To stop talking to me,
Seems like I am in a catch 22
302 · Sep 2017
Phantom Poet Sep 2017
What happens when someone dies?
I say,
There is an island that meets the eyes,
And slowly float from life away,
Upon the banks the perished soul lies,
For now it is free and must find a way,
For eternity to survive,
For maybe the soul can die,

What happens when someone dies?,
I say,
They see endless white light,
And they see what's most precious,
It can be a sight,
To the eyes gracious,
It removes the fright,
It may be deceiving,
From the pain,
Of dying.

What happens when someone dies?,
I say,
A person hears his worst lies,
Has to suffer the guilt,
Of the pain inflicted on many lives,
It is endless suffering,
For those who ignores the forbiddence of sinning,
They suffer for all eternity,

What happens when someone dies?
I say,
They are set free from the shackles and tortures of life,
And that is the ultimate freedom,
For one to desire.
What I expect when I die.... Eventually
300 · Oct 2016
An extract of my life
Phantom Poet Oct 2016
There was a new girl in class,
I fell in love with her,
And forgot everything about my past,
Wish I could mirror my feelings for her,
Just like chrome cast,
I want to hold her hand,
Sitting on the beach,
Writing messages in the sand,
Look into her green eyes,
In the air blows the wind,
Little chilly as ice
The sun is setting,
The ground is breaking,
And I wake up,
I am feeling,
Sad and bad,
It was just a dream,
Only..... A dream
299 · Jun 2017
Phantom Poet Jun 2017
I had a best friend,
And I love her,
But I wanted this friendship to end,
My mind was a blur,
I don't know why,
I stopped talking to her,
Maybe it was because,
I found someone who cares for me,
And I didn't believe,
Cuz I refused,
No strings attached,
Now I wish I could apologize to her,
Because I will never find anyone,
Like her.
Just me writing my feeling as usual
298 · Feb 2018
Safe and sound
Phantom Poet Feb 2018
Every morning when I wake up,
My heartbeat kicks up,
I am scared,
I'm just sitting on bed,
I think that I woke up to a new day,
I don't know what will happen,
Is it my last day,
Few minutes ago I was in dreamland,
And now I wake up to this nightmare,
Everytime I wake up scared,
My surroundings feel weird,
I don't like it,
I have to sit and breath,
Till everything settles,
Till my heart slows down,
Till I feel,
Safe and sound.
295 · Jul 2016
Choking me
Phantom Poet Jul 2016
She was the one,
Who didnt love me,
Was the one who left me,
She didn't care,
Her heart was bare,
It was easy for her,
She was the finisher,
She thought She was leaving me,
She didn't know,
She has broken me,
But in reality,
She was choking me.
Honestly It sounded sensible in my head
293 · Feb 2017
My First Poem
Phantom Poet Feb 2017
Yay!! It is summer holiday,
But we don't know how to spend our day,
Maybe go for a swim,
Or try to become slim,
How bout reading a book?,
Or try and become a cook,
Or else go out for ice cream,
Or ride a roller coaster and a scream,
I think going to active will be fun,
Or maybe going to Antarctica will be cool,
Or just sit in front of the tv and get board,
Or go out to the park and ride a skateboard,
Maybe spending time with friends and playing board games,
Or reading the newspapers about hue Olympic games,
There are lots of things to so is holiday,
And we won't even know that,
We have enjoyed,
The whole summer holiday!
I wrote this when I was 14 as a school project and it lead to my start of writing poetry.. I can make lots of changes to improve it but it being my first I will never change anything
292 · Apr 2016
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
I wanted to talk to her,
But I could not talk,
I wanted to speak to her,
But I couldn't speak,
I wanted to be with her,
But I couldn't be,
I wanted to hold her,
But I couldn't,
To my curse I mock,
I had a voice,
But I couldn't talk,
My heart was locked,
Honestly I don't know what it's supposed to mean
292 · Aug 2017
Phantom Poet Aug 2017
I want to love you,
I want to kiss you,
I want to hold you,
I want to protect you,
But I am bound by these shackles of friendship,
When you ask what's on my mind,
I want to tell you the truth,
But all I say is,
A memory in lost in time.
290 · Feb 2016
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
There was once a guy,
And a girl,
She loved him,
And she loved him until they die,
The guy,
On the other hand,
Wanted something he could not buy,
It was love,
He accepted the girl,
And they lived like a pair of merry dove,
But the innocent girl,
Did not know that,
The guy was in a whirl,
For he loved another,
He kept it to himself,
And he slyly stayed with both,
Put the plot unwrapped itself,
And the girl was furious,
She explained,
How she loved him,
And how he broke her heart,
She asked him,
That did he love her from the start,
And the guy said,
He did not know what love was,
And now he does,
And his heart,
Belongs to a mystery heart,
The girl's life fell apart,
She did not want to start,
Again this,
Coz she did not want anyone to break her,
Remaining heart,
And she believes that one day,
She will fall in love again,
And hoping that her prince,
Will not betray her,
Request from a friend
289 · Apr 2016
My first crush ~ part II
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
Saw her sleeping in school,
The A/C kept me cool,
I was tempted,
To put her stray hair back,
She looked beautiful sleeping,
I didn't let anyone as much as clap,
I thought I was dreaming,
Her velvet red lips,
Were parted little,
My heart skipped,
For I have not seen such beauty,
She was there peacefully,
Making me blush,
This is the first time I have tried a sequel
288 · Sep 2016
A wish
Phantom Poet Sep 2016
I wish,
I wish upon a shooting star,
That leaves a streak of light,
In the night sky afar,
I wish I could heal a scar,
Which is deep in my heart,
And I wish that people stop hurting me,
With words like poisonous darts,
I wish,
I wish upon a shooting star,
That leaves a streak of light,
In the night sky afar!
286 · Feb 2019
Phantom Poet Feb 2019
today is the first day I didn't take drugs,
no ****, no hash,
for once I didn't spend cash,
but I cannot sleep,
I cannot sleep if I'm not high,
I cannot until I'm ****** deep,
I cannot....,
until I feel like I can fly,
because when I am not high,
and the day flies by,
I cannot sleep at night,
I realize emptiness,
I don't have anything to distract me,
I just feel this lonliness,
I'm afraid when I have to end everyday alone,
I can't sleep,
in this darkness,
I want to feel like a falling trip,
I want to create anything in my head,
a girl, a story, a song or just a close friend,
I wish my purpose could just end,
that's all I need,
I can't sleep.
285 · Jul 2018
My life
Phantom Poet Jul 2018
After so long feels good,
To write again,
Finally in the mood,
Finally more pain,
I thought it went away,
I'd never feel it again,
I guess now it's here to stay,
Finally more darkness,
Thought the light was a way,
The light was a lie,
Now I am not fighting it,
I will not even try,
This is what I like,
This is what I want,
This is my life.
284 · May 2016
My life
Phantom Poet May 2016
I wake up everyday,
Cuz I have to,
From April to may,
I go to school,
And try not to be a fool,
And then I'm home..... Again,
After a heart pain,
I eat some grain,
And then fill my brain,
With things I dont care,
Then I sleep,
I don't feel,
Don't love,
No fun,
Just work,
Everyday like a clockwork,
I'm dead inside,
This is my life,
A dead person,
Walking alone and pretending to be alive!
284 · Sep 2017
To write
Phantom Poet Sep 2017
Some days I cannot write,
My words do not rhyme,
No words in my mind,
And it is scary,
For I want someone to read my story,
I want to express my deepest emotions,
I can write freely,
Writing is all I have left,
It is my heart,
My soul,
On me it takes a toll,
But who cares,
I just want to write my story,
Atleast something,
That keeps me happy.
I'm trying so hard to write and I'm not being able to
282 · Aug 2017
Phantom Poet Aug 2017
Human life,
A complex journey,
Many emotional ties,
One prime story,
As time flies,
Some celebrated glories,
And many desperate cries,
Many broken ties,
Many spoken lies,
New milestones,
New Life goals,
A living poetry,
An enchanting story,
Lost memories,
The joy,
The ploy,
The struggles and ease,
It is god's,
Magnificent masterpiece.
Hope to be mine too
282 · Dec 2016
A friend
Phantom Poet Dec 2016
A friend... A close friend,
Fell in love in such a way,
Her sorrows flew away ,
She unites with her lover,
and she blooms like a flower,
I fear that,
One day She will forget me,
Like many before her have,
Love is a blessing,
But for others,
Their lives it may be messing,
She is gone,
I do not know,
Why i feel so jealous,
Why do i fell so sad,
She was a friend..... A close friend,
For maybe,
I had something for this friend,
Deep within the abyss of my heart,
Or maybe our friendship comes to an end!
I got nothing to say
270 · Jul 2018
Phantom Poet Jul 2018
never dream together,
with someone who is not yours,
you know that there will be never,
be an us,
but still dream with them,
imagine together with them,
create a whole new dimension with them,
I ask to never to that because,
in the future you can't cuz,
they will have someone closer,
and you cannot talk to that person like before,
cannot dream like before,
cannot profess your love like before,
cannot make promises,
every hope is lost,
every effort to get that person in vain,
every memory you feel is pain,
every reality you tied to dreams,
what ones was a paradise in our minds,
but in reality is a nightmare without them,
it's just pain and painful memories,
and some memories last a lifetime.
Phantom Poet Feb 2017
A person singing with a tune is a song,
There are those which are long,
For some what matters is the beat,
For some it is their favourite is all they need,
There are songs with only tunes and beats,
These are what DJ's need,
They mix and match songs,
But you don't keep them for long,
There are done that are soft,
But the popular ones are lost,
Songs are created from energy by people,
At the same time songs are forgotten,
People are mysterious!
Found an old book of mine with poems written on the back, there were my first ones
263 · May 2018
Just a friend
Phantom Poet May 2018
Friend: who is she?
Me: someone who stays up all night,
And chat with me till no end,
In my dark world my guiding light,
A potion of happiness she can blend,
Never once did we ever fight,
Someone who chats with me with no end,
Friend: but what? She sounds perfect!
Me: but....she is just a friend,
Her love string is not at my end,
Love letters I cannot send,
She is just,
A friend,
Friend: why do you wait for her message?
Me: because I love her
Friend: why do you not want to talk to her?
Me: because.....I love her
259 · Jun 2017
A match
Phantom Poet Jun 2017
I may not be the best at it,
And I don't watch it,
But football is my favorite game,
I love to play it,
Many a chance I got to play,
But God is determined to,
Not let me play,
He broke my leg,
Put in my parents head,
No matter how much I beg,
They won't let me play,
They did,
And the chances were rare,
But when will I play,
When I'm old,
When is that day,
The day I can't play a full match,
There is some things,
My parents will never understand.
I may sound too dramatic but it means a lot to me
259 · Dec 2016
How I see it
Phantom Poet Dec 2016
what is life?,
is it grow up, get a job,
get a wife,
and survive until,
you die?,
who said it supposed to be that,
why do we follow this path?,
something I learnt,
in math,
that for every problem,
is more than one solution,
one answer for the question of life,
is evolution,
that is natural,
but who laid down the laws,
and made us cultural?,
who said we need to use money ?,
no money,
no stealing,
who said we need money,
this is something funny,
we take from nature,
we got that part right,
and build for our future,
but there could have been,
many ways to live life,
life without money,
life without a complex system,
made by people who,
think is right,
there are many answers to life,
and we are experiencing one,
isn't it high time,
to search for a new one?,
or is it too late,
to change change,
our own fate?
Well who am i to judge? I just see things with a different perspective
258 · Aug 2016
Phantom Poet Aug 2016
A tear,
rolls down my cheek,
flows past my ear,
and drops on my paper,
each tear,
is a part of my soul,
every tear I shed,
drops on my ink,
Now I am empty and dead,
and my soul is,
in these very words you have read,
So save my soul,
keep it in a bowl,
protect it from the ghouls,
save your soul from this fear,
lock it in a bowl,
because it starts with a tear,
rolling down,
down past your ear.
250 · Mar 2018
Phantom Poet Mar 2018
I have never been kissed,
So I don't know,
The feeling I have missed,
I don't even know how,
To kiss,
But I long for someone,
To press their lips against mine,
To get lost in endless time,
To feel bliss and,
Pleasure In my mind,
People say it is on of a kind,
Cannot be expressed in words,
The feeling of pure bliss,
Now I know what I miss,
The mending of a heart,
With a single kiss
250 · Mar 2017
Phantom Poet Mar 2017
I'm shy,
To step within the boundaries,
Of my old school,
Meet old friends,
Meet a friend,
Friend I had dreamed about,
Friend I tried to forget,
A friend I gave up,
A friend who loved rain,
A friend I never wanna see again!
244 · Nov 2016
When i think of love!
Phantom Poet Nov 2016
When i think about love,
Or watch it in a movie,
Or feel it in a song that's lovely,
I remember.........,
Remember the time,
When i was never lonely,
I could face life boldly,
I was fearless,
I was complete,
I remember,
Waking up to a text,
Saying good morning,
And that gives me the reason,
To wake up every morning,
I remember,
Every night,
I get a text,
After a bustling day,
On bed i lay,
And read,
"i love you" with a red heart,
It stings like a dart,
And i melt,
And all my problems have been dealt,
But then i remember...,
U are not here for me,
When i need u the most,
I sit here under a tree,
All weak and lonely,
I don't want to eat,
I am not complete,
Anger consumes me,
Emotions blind me,
Tears sting my eyes,
And i say to myself,
"i was stupid to believe",
And then i see her again,
With teeth as white as doves,
And i scream away,
This is what happens,
When i think of love!
This is all true
244 · Sep 2016
Phantom Poet Sep 2016
I have been hurt,
I have been cut,
I have been scratched,
I have been bruised,
I have stitches.
I have braces,
All these things pain,
But does not bother my brain,
But there is one pain,
That does not bleed,
Does not leave a scar,
It is the burning pain,
Deep within my heart!
242 · Nov 2017
Falling in love
Phantom Poet Nov 2017
I think I realised why it's called falling,
It's like falling in real life,
U use a stick or support for walking,
U use a person to support you in life,
But either leaves you,
You can't walk,
Can't talk,
Can't stand,
Can't hold her hand,
U hate everything,
Don't care about anything,
And crawl on,
Until you find,
Another stick,
To pick,
And lean on,
And carry on,
So this is why,
It's called falling,
In love.
Just a thought
237 · Jan 2019
Phantom Poet Jan 2019
I don't know what I want,
I have made mistakes,
And I regret it,
There is no good way out.
231 · Dec 2016
Phantom Poet Dec 2016
my life is like,
I'm hanging,
from the edge of,
a building,
a really high building,
I reach out with one hand,
hoping someone,
will grab it and pull me up,
but there is no one,
from the glass,
people are looking,
at me,
some ignoring,
some thinking,
I am smiling at them,
so they think I'm alright,
but at one point,
I let go of the building,
and I feel relaxed and scared,
the sound of wind rushing,
Past my ears,
and my clothes flapping,
my stomach is in knots,
and I hit the ground,
with a crack,
a brief pain,
and I'm numb,
my vision is white light,
and my life flashes,
it was a fright,
and slowly my vision goes dark,
and everything is black,
on that date,
I realised people don't care,
until it's too late,
I was done trying to survive,
I let go of a building,
called life!
228 · Jul 2018
I love you
Phantom Poet Jul 2018
When we talk late at night,
Imagination running bright,
I always want to tell you,
I love you,
And you will say,
I love you more,
But we both say the same,
But we both know,
That it doesn't mean the same,
Mine is an effort in vain,
Yours is friendly words,
I feel Hurt,
And happy,
And everything,
Just those 3 words I longed to hear,
Now is what I fear
226 · Dec 2018
Phantom Poet Dec 2018
I... Just need a friend,
I just want the loneliness to end,
I just want my life.....
To end.
226 · Dec 2018
Phantom Poet Dec 2018
My hands are bleeding,
My knuckles are bruising,
My skin is tearing,
My eyes are tearing,
Another hole in the wall,
And angry outburst,
It's not a first,
I have scars to prove it,
So much anger and pain,
All the time it is rain,
My mind is stuck,
I just want to break something,
Probably my own neck.
219 · Dec 2017
What to do
Phantom Poet Dec 2017
if I tell her I love her,
we lose our friendship,
if I don't,
I lose my heart,
I don't know what to do,
I just want to be with you,
because I'm in love with you....
210 · May 2018
Check it out
Phantom Poet May 2018
I made a game, one my website, a small 2 minutes text game, it's a demo .
Please do check it out and give you opinion on it
Thank you ^.^
Link is in bio
207 · Dec 2017
Happy new year
Phantom Poet Dec 2017
New years are depressing,
I don't want to go to the next one,
I don't want to grow older,
With life I am done,
Every year I grow weaker,
And more insecure,
Every new year,
Is a fear,
Of getting closer to death,
Of losing people,
Of being alone......,
Another year,
Another tear,
Happy new year.
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