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Nov 2024 · 104
Friday, 29 Mar 2019
Thandiwe Nov 2024
I look for him in wrong places.
Craft his face according to the pieces of what I admire in others.
I don’t know you, yet I already see you.
I have imagined the wonder of your voice, though I hold no idea of you.
Envy, jealousy consumes my heart, when in sight of those who've stolen my painting of love.
What I've created falsely as my love story.
Yet I don't know my love story because it has not been born.
My heart still needs to quieten down and not overplay its role.
It hasn't been called up on stage yet.
I find my mind designing imaginary characters of you, of what you'd say and how you'd act.
It’s become sickening and desperate.
I want none of it, my reality is far from this unclear and unknown fantasy.
I have no control of you yet I feel I already have you.
That tears my heart because I still feel sad and lonely.
I must get acquainted with myself, give myself love and acknowledge my worth.
I've locked my faith neatly in my heart, my hope awakens my heart to each day.
Anticipating the unknown and waiting with bated breath taints the possibility of fully living.
I want this love others speak of, the real love that’s only understood by those sharing it.
The kind that’s spoken through stolen looks in a crowded room, the kind of love that appreciates the others' heartbeat.
That kind that holds high the smiles and encouragement shared, without giving it much effort.
#lovepoem #relationship #love #partner #heart #heartmatters
Jan 2022 · 177
Welcome to Me
Thandiwe Jan 2022
May I never grow old and grey, without the euphoria of love.
Life. Love. Living.
Breathing. Grasping at the realities I've created only to be left still wanting.
How is it so, I have no hope.
That with each sun set, I continue to lay my head low.
As the waves bow and my skin wrinkles, I still wonder what is it to love.
Oct 2018 · 491
Knight from the Hood
Thandiwe Oct 2018
You got me feeling all sorts of things.
Emotions I struggle to identify.
Loving you seems foolish because you are not here with me.
It seems impossible because I don't see you.
So I wonder how I fell so hard for you when all I have are memories and pictures.

It could be your heart. Your gentleness with slight roughness on the edges. Mystery. Secrets that run deep. You intrigue me.

I wish to see you as I please, to speak with you while getting lost in your beautiful eyes, adorable eyes that captured my heart.

Sometimes it's a bit much... I get frustrated, I have tons of questions and lingering insecurities. I'd wonder if these feelings I have for you are enough...Is there more I should do?

Love is a difficult thing. A sweet task filled with many hurdles. It's painful yet laced with possibility and unspoken strength.
Still, I say, years later, what I feel for you is new to me.

It's like a beating pulse that has my mind thinking of you every minute. Active and alive,   and refusing to subside.

I have so many things I want to share with you, see with you and experience with you. Maybe I want more than you can offer.
Expectations can destroy a beautiful thing...but my heart won't nudge. You are mine.
Thandiwe Apr 2018
I'm not my past.
Nor am I my mistakes. It comforts me to know I can still dream of a better future...need to face up and be honest with they self and acknowledge I need to realign my dreams accurately.

I have a lot to get off my chest and pray God will provide me the platform.

A safe and allowing platform, where the depths of my heart are spoken and not judged.

It's time to believe I'm better than this... the old feelings of yesterday have been left behind.
Is it so hard to get a caring, attentive ear?
That will not just hear me but listen to the soft murmurs of my heart.

Will it end? Will it be 100% okay again or is this my life forever...
Tip-toeing around my weaknesses, hoping I don't slip.
Looking in and not understanding what's going on?

Trying to fit into a safe mould but
my limbs, choked by fear are dangling over the edges.

I get so confused. Confused at the storm in my heart... that actually, just maybe, I don't know what's going on.

What I live, is it what I believe?
Why are the lures to death so appealing but those that give life are an uphill climb?
Why is the grasp of sin so easy to capture but that of freedom requires buckets of tears?

It sometimes feels like I'm watching everything unfold before me, the condition of my heart, the trails of my mind, the extension of my hand.

He is faithful. He is true. He is honest.

I need Him at every turn.
Oct 2017 · 612
Dear Heart: You are strong.
Thandiwe Oct 2017
It took me a while.
To look over the mountain of hurt you dumped at the doorstep of my heart.
I told myself that day… Never will I allow a person to hurt me the way you did.
I let myself cry for a few hours and never again. It was a pain I never thought a person could ever inflict on me.
It is funny, that I had to think of you today... four years later… and not feel an inch of emotion.
The radical emotions I felt after you dislodged my inner core took me to the pits of unseen places, places I never knew existed.
But here I am. Standing so firm that hearing your name does not move me.
And to think… back then, your smile hypnotized me. Drove me to a love-craze frenzy, the kind kids get when they are given too much sugar. That was me.
Your smile, voice… could make me feel so invincible. So loved. Shame.
The heart is strong. We give it little credit.
We are strong.
I saw my own strength pull me out of the pits of severe heartache, all caused from loving someone.
Or at least growing to love them.
And you simply had no understanding of how deep in my heart this love went.
One day… Abba Father, I will ask You.
What was going on in this man’s heart and mind. Exactly what was going on?
His words, as sweet as they were, were only digging a deep ditch  that he'll one day throw me in.
What I thought was acts of affection was him digging the destruction of my trust.
I sometimes think of him and wonder exactly what went wrong? Where did it all change?
shakingmyhead I carry no hurt or anger… just wonder.
God… how I thank You, for allowing me to cry. With each tear, giving me a gentle pat of comfort.
Words fail me but memories captured even the smell of the black coffee lingering in my room the day you texted me your “decision”.
I even remember how I was chilling on my bed, wondering why you’d been so distant. Little did I know your distance was brewing my devastation.
Now, years later I look at your pictures and not flinch… just stare and wonder what went wrong.
Funny is life, is love and is a man full of empty promises.
That is what I got... empty buckets labelled "Our Future".
Even "our song" doesn't cut me as deep anymore... I still love it anyway.
And so it’s true. People can and will hurt us. More than we can anticipate. But we rise.
And keep rising.
Oct 2017 · 668
Thandiwe Oct 2017
The birth of a new love is like...
An explosion of emotions, exposed in the eyes of the beholder.
We hold nothing back as we take in the blossoming potential.
I long to look in your eyes and see my future.
See the beauties that are going to be explored.
We'll live in each other's promises and behold the destiny placed on our lives.
I see the unspeakable things when I vision your heart, held in place by our Creator.
He intricately detailed our future and has made sure we don't miss each other in this life.
How I look forward to holding your hands... examining every detail of who you are.
It's beautiful what love can do.
The unseen parts of your soul will be laid bare as I live the rest of my life loving you.
I promise to love you, through better or worse and promise to treat as the king you are.
Let the waiting not distract me, in this wait my heart is being molded to hold your love only.
And for a few months, I look forward to my belly being home to our offspring, blessings from God beautifully and wonderfully made.
Apr 2017 · 414
Cracked Thought
Thandiwe Apr 2017
The dramatic effect of an eloping love.
Seeing only their back, as if it's no longer going to look into your eyes.
Has experience not taught us the overused and sometimes ineffective cliches like 'once bitten twice shy.'
Is there really a loophole to squeeze through in order to get to the other side...
To get a peek at the masterpiece God is preparing.
Maybe on this side I'll remain, chew away at my curiosity and wait for my day to come.
Yahweh knows my ever pacing mind... asking Him all the questions the world has carried.
It comes only naturally when life is such an intricate, delicate and equally complex miracle.
I wonder if the un-resting God we serve ever has a chuckle at some of the thoughts we create.
Yes create, when we are least aware, the mind is churning and turning and creating dimensions and worlds of its own.
When we become, the world either implodes or expands or explodes.... thus birthing our realities.
Circumstances differ yet the mind holds incredible power...
So....where to from here....start again or keep going.
Reboot, refurnish or refuse. At some point that becomes a thorn in our side.
The mind shackling us to what was never meant to be our life really meant to be punishment?
Could this deity really be so unconcerned by our well being?
Apr 2017 · 1.9k
Great Warrior
Thandiwe Apr 2017
I have yet to see the full wonder of God.
Like a big, colourful butterfly... with each flap of its wings a new colour is revealed.
I'm amazed and in awe. Words fail to capture what rests in my heart.
With every thought, my heart smiles and swells with excitement.
To know that this God I hear about... knows me loves me and created me.
Me. Thandi. Weird and awkward... He still sees me and calls for me. Pursues me and astonishes me with His mystery.
I'm amazed that I am His child and that He actually wants the best for me.
Where have I been this entire time... away from this truth?
Where have I been looking, what have I been searching for because I'm overwhelmed by this truth.
It has grabbed my heart and captured my spirit... to remember exactly who Jesus is and what He did for me.
What the scriptures say resound the heart of Jesus and I'm so excited to know Him.
I am too happy to know Jesus.
I can't believe I could've missed this unspeakable joy. This freedom, this victory.
What have I been looking for? A genie in a box, a saviour chilling at a street corner,  a make-believe god who is powerless?
What have been waiting for, hoping in, praying for?
Now I see, now I know... there is no other place my soul would rather be.
Nothing the world gives compares to this.
Jun 2016 · 1.2k
Whirlwind in the Jungle
Thandiwe Jun 2016
It is at that moment of a crumbling ideology, you face the hardest of questions, questions that won't shake off until sufficient answers are given.

How it happens that when you get refined for a better life it has to hurt so much and even lead to questioning the significance of existence.

They often say celebrate the time in the valley as you celebrated the time on the hill...

The valley happens to be growling with wolves who can not stand the sound of rejoicing and are ready to pounce and devour their enemy.

These thoughts are from a hazy place, one that has no clear vision of its direction. The heart...however knows this too will pass, it's in the waiting for the pass that you grow weary and extremely sad.

You feel you can't stand yourself and reserve all opinion on sin because you have been swimming in it.

Putting up with a double-life in order to remain sane....but the former ways still reside in the finger tips of the sinner.

Appetizing at first but only to scar the very fiber of normality you tried to uphold.

Is it okay to say it is really tiresome... To smile when you actually feel like frowning, to laugh when you just want to cry till life stopped...

I just read somewhere "It's not easy, but it is simple. You have to trust God, no matter what you may face."

When I read it I felt the heaviness of what life can be - either beautiful or ugly, trip me. Literally trip me over my current issues and challenges. Falling ******* the fact that I need God, whether I want Him or not...

When I think of the many hardships people are facing in this world, I realise I am wimping for nothing...when mine are minute theirs are gigantic.

But whatif...just whatif even my minute issues cause me gigantic heartache...heartache that feels like my life is being lived by someone else...someone that I actually don't even like.

Heartache that leaves wanting to cradle in God's arms forever, to never have to face the failures and bad choices of my life.

To not have to see my ugly self in the eyes of a reformed me. They are in constant conflict with each other and remain in their separate worlds despite the freedom offered by Jesus.

It is the strangest thing...looking at yourself through a third pair of eyes. They see you. See your messed up behaviour and see you as you fall deeper into the trap of sin.

They see when you happy and worshiping on the hill. When nothing can knock you over and everything you touch turns to gold.

Both times I suppose, you were being prepared for that place which has been in your dreams and has been your vision all these years.

To get there clearly isn't easy. Probably was never meant to be. Some days are better then others, while for the most part, most days really involve going through the motion.

I can't wait to be loved, cared for and sinking in the truth of being appreciated.

Suppose I can be thankful. I am blessed. I am grateful. I am loved.

Just some days it feels like it is all going to fall apart, like the rug has been pulled under my feet.

As I solider on, I thank my Maker for the gift of it always helps me make sense of this jungle I call life.
May 2016 · 618
Butterflies have left
Thandiwe May 2016
When I saw you...the room illuminated.
When I heard you heart jumped.
Every time I see you...the butterflies in my stomach go frantic.
This isn't is crazy because it doesn't make sense.
Who are you to invade my mind, my heart, my imagination.
Day dream...only to come back to reality of you far from me.
What is it that captured me?
What difference could you bring into my life, maybe I don't need it.
Yes I don't need it, didn't get this far to only walk backwards.
The power of the tongue is extraordinary...holds the signals to your next step.
And at this point...I will choose my words wisely. Conceive thoughts that will bear fruit and not throw back in my face yester - year's harvest. good it is to have my senses back,
Nearly lost them in the whirlwind of a masked enemy.
Feet are back on solid ground and mind is clear.
Cluttered again with the everyday routine.
Seeing you now...The room is back to its normal lighting.
When I hear you speak, my heart beats like any other time...
And the butterflies that went frantic when I saw you have actually flown away, leaving this place vacant.
Thandiwe Feb 2016
Injection of love has no limits,
Diminishes bad habits, only traces of a worthy candidate.
We ride the wave of feelings and serenade our ears to the rhythmic beats of our hearts.
How often do the least get rewarded, unseen and unblemished by the horror of life.
This world is paved with gold, pity those treasures are covered by things stale and old.
But not this awakens the soul and traces back the lies we were told.
Capture my runaway train of thought and reign my wishes,
Drowning in my blushes, if words were permanent and memories paintings.
They would create what's never seen...write a story using the strokes of colour displaying my thoughts.
This pie in the sky feeling is blowing up the dust off my feet,
Keep my eyes smiling and inspiring me to always appear neat...spit in the face of defeat,
For after brokenness comes something sweet.
It's me again...leaving behind what was and forgetting there is such a thing as pain.
We keep moving, this love keeps sowing, and unaware of the growth underground, we keep growing.
I love this love. It looks appealing...something out of your dreams which comes alive before your eyes.
It looks great and fun, anticipating excitement and never being out done.
Time...I picture it sitting in a corner with its legs crossed and watching from a distance. It knows when and even know and even beyond the now.
The human heart carries so it can carry hate and love together is hard to imagine.
How does it do it...carry such strong repelling emotions yet still survive...I choose the latter.
There is no darkness in it nor is there despair...
See when you let love take welcome a gentle peck from the heavens.
It warns your soul and melts the concrete that had engulfed the finally you can hear your soul mates knock.
Laughter and long walks, sunsets and crazy talk....
This image might not be for everyone, but love invites everyone.
I love sees no faults, just purity on the eyes of its viewer.
It hurdles you when the world batters you...keeps you sain.
How can I not love love, when it rescued me in my most deepest and brutal pain.
Dec 2015 · 705
A sip of thought
Thandiwe Dec 2015
Let me learn how to trust, without excuses or reservations.
Unlimited to what You can do, my heart only yearns to be fully obedient.
So much to see and learn,  with You Lord how can I fail.
How can I look past your face and be easily enticed be the noisy background.
Surely that world has nothing to offer,
Besides disappointment and regret.
If only there were a true key that unlocked chambers that hold the secret to splendid life might be.
Dec 2015 · 617
Lost in the mind
Thandiwe Dec 2015
I paid her a visit this morning. And she appeared cringed and curled in her dried tears.
How strong are the fears, a continuous replay of the terror can not bring closure.
She looks at me and envies what she sees, longs to have the joy that my heart beams.
How can someone have been soooooo lost, so gone into the frost...of self-despair and minor depression.

Never easing tension, that re-appears when the flood of memories take center action.

She appears unaware of my visit. Her little imagination, ruined and distorted seemed to be detached from her own self-created reality.

Maybe paying her a visit was not a good idea.

Perhaps seeing her scars...some healing pretty well, was not too great of an idea.

What else was I hoping to find in the life of a ******, battered and lost in the moment of fake love and imaginary fun.

Her friend once told me that during her darkest times, she buried herself in her journals.

I could believe that. No matter how hard, that is where her heart remained.

I paid her visit this morning. And found she no longer existed.

Her torn dress lay bare on the ***** floor and her shoes where not in sight, traces of her dull scent was no-longer lingering in the imprisoned mind.

She had fled. Left this prison for something more meaningful. She has ruled out rehearsing and cursing a past she can never change.

This morning, I paid Thandi a visit. The old me has turned into a vapor, lost in the ever blowing wind of humanity.

Her memory wall is smeared and ruined, blurred by the many encounters she endured.  

This morning, during my visit I realised that that Thandi does not exist. She was once a loser lost in the wilderness.

For two or so years she was building the house that will eventually collapse on her.

For the longest time, she had never held a mirror to her face or even to her soul.

She had never known a real laugh, nor felt real emotions.
For all those days, she drowned and drowned and drowned until there was nothing to drown her. Instead her end killed her.

This morning I soared with the creatures of the air as I released that Thandi is no-more.

No-more around to taunt, terrorise and belittle me.

Torture, lie and even destroy me.

I paid a visit to an image of who I was, where I was and what I had become....and now, it nourishes me to know I am free.
Dec 2015 · 570
The Winds of Distress
Thandiwe Dec 2015
The simplicity of life is heavily veiled by the intricate challenges of life, leaves the soul broken and gasping at the possibility of a new life.

Better and masked with joy.

The homeless youth looking at life with vague eyesight,  sees no were beyond his unique DNA and instead succumbs to the prison of drugs.

Believes no further than what he was told and carries his dreams in the joint he smokes.

It puffs up and mingles with the clouds, escaping his head, reaching the Maker of a new beginnings.

We were never given a memo and were never expected to survive the cruelty that sunk its claws into our backs.
Dream further then your reality because that is were dreams reside.

As the years progress we need to it has been only gets worse.

The Creator knows beyond this life, He gave this life and carries our lifes in His perfect Hand. The thoughts of Him no mind can imagine. It is said He breathed the stars into place, one of those stars being as big as Mount Everest, whole earth is merely the size of a golf ball when compared to its bigness....glorious and unimaginable, it's called Cannes Majories.

When the blows of life hit, we are never trained to fight, never ready to resist, we might sink but again the mass expects us to swim.

Is it even possible to see ourselves in their eyes, in His eyes....when the imperfections speak louder then our uniqueness.

Hold close those you love dearly and confine in their belief in you.

This world and life was never meant to be easy, love is what we dream of and live hoping we will one day be engulfed in the arms of our significant other.

Unjudged, undisturbed, in discriminated,  loved with everything that makes you who are.

So sudden time flies, leaving no room to expand and delve in the possibility.

This life we might not know, this time we may not know how to measure, some mysteries are left for the after life and the now is for the bold.

Secrets have no place in the open mouth of society  they always have something to say.

But who will you listen to......Battered and scared, hurt and perplexed as to why  bad things happen to good the always say...

When a smile is all I could offer, in return a hot mess that leaves questioning my existence for as long as I'm breathing.

But wait, you have not robbed me, instead you peeled my eyes to see the world is ugly, not pretty and heavy laden by far worse abuse.

The challenges we face are greater than our intelligence, as they say only the bare and brave survive.

Day by day bad is reported, announced for the world to know we are heading for the worst.

We look at sights of our yester years and burn with deep sorrow, how did we survive.

The human being is clearly designed to handle far more then we can imagine.

Hold no reservations to what love can do...what God can do.

Crossing racial barriers and cutting deep into the fibres of the ******* propaganda.

There is no room for can there be when the simple things are free.

The teachers of faith tell us  so much truth and yet the heart fails to nurture the truths they speak.

The world seems to attract more then repel, we ought to listen yet it seems far from reach.

Time...They say heals all wounds, does it really?

Perhaps it does but fears has cemented our feet in the mess of our decisions.
Sep 2014 · 5.2k
Sweet Ginger
Thandiwe Sep 2014
‘Shadow of the day’

Play and play and release the locks of this attraction.

Sway and displace the diamond sealed in the concrete.

It shone and sparkled immense value.

Could’ve never ended and remained in your zone.

An amazing soul, rare and simply beautiful.

Replace this with thoughts known,

You pure gold, wish forces could entwine this desire not a norm.

Came packaged in a lovely form.

I viewed your sense and values and even butterflies fluttered and passed out from your flood of casual injection of euphoria.

Seems too futile…sadly the world hardly awards love.

Will it sub-side, found a real prince of note…maybe it could’ve been groomed and grown with the days.

Is it possible to remove such a being from my rooms of thought?

Will it get better or worse with time?

Hardly unreal when lips only recite our memories.

Make what’s engulfed me in your aura die,

It’s not needed, not happening again.

Why is it now…over and over again.

The stenches of my lust for you,

My longing to be in your presence.

For once, can I be blessed with  treasure like you.

Shiny and rare…beautiful and valuable.

Regrets of loving so easily has now become a punishment.

Again I need to mend the pieces,

The millions of pieces broken by heavy disappointment.

Why did those words you said colour my ears,

How can you have made me feel liked yet you saw past me.

Haven’t my feet walked this hurt before.

Seems things are too heavy…

Never golden or maybe their lame gestures have rusted my heart.

Hardly any good in the possibilities, I hate these realities.

I’m fed up with these warriors who easily pull on my heart-strings.

Where shall I rest?

Find comfort and acceptance from the evil rest.

I saw sanctuary in your eyes,

Pictured a loving soul and felt a honourale being from your touch.

Loosen my grip on what will never happen.

Too raw…yet the heart has become immune.

Now mind and energy drowns in gloom.

20years of living…still I believe in love.

Still I want to believe there’s one for me.

Understanding and equally loving.

But…sadly there’s been no luck.

Maybe, just maybe it’s my fault.

Maybe I reveal too much and have them regretting they laid eyes on me.
Thandiwe Aug 2014
Strange as the dreams we set, forget, the seeds are laid in our forgiveness, fullness.
Help us reach the untouchables,
Forgettable, label us the monsters of consciousness.
Move on from hurts. Blurts of what set us aside,
It’s in the mind, take my emotions on a ride.
Erased are words you claimed completed my world.
Felt like your number one girl.
All is forgotten, you left marks unknown to my being.
I roam knowing, I was worthy of meeting my possible Life King.
It was amazing, emotions you raised that falling, deeper in your aura of un-felt loving.
All that’s left is to say Thank-you.
I’m cemented, firmly in your grounds so new. I felt you.
Saw you as my partner in love.
It’s kept me awake, it wasn’t fake.
Left and gone…I’m grateful I knew you and went through all I did with you.
Aug 2014 · 779
Lovers of Love
Thandiwe Aug 2014
Days when shyness pinned us to our own demons.
Seeing our hope listed under the removals, since then a woman has stood the trial.
Grey days were when inferiority packaged our existence, having no alliances.
The wise and old, all races…somehow all dream of a free country…
One embracing our intelligence first, ignoring what’s deemed sultry.
Acknowledge our sweet injection of love into everything we touch.
Giving the unmaterialistic treasures and giving birth to God’s beauty.
Pieces of His Majesty shining in our off-springs.
Grant us…allow us to defeat the injustice and constant beatings.
Give us a chance to not see the green-eyed monster, looking back in our reflection.
Allow us to smile without having a flood of tears drowning our stint of joy.
Allow our voices to drown the critics.
Deafen the whistles gasping at sights of beautiful skin.
We love the sight of harmony.
The feeling of understanding.
So long we’ve waited for complete freedom for the world’s life-bearers.
Warm nurtures, replicas of angels...
Fear the power they possess,
Well mannered and hardly careless.
No perfection but a journey to wholeness.
Greatness is forever in us.
See our worth not from what pleasures you had in mind.
Rather polish our worth with genuine words while appreciating our presence.
Women are sprinkled with only what we know and understand.
Morals, values and good characters.
Lovers of love and abundant givers love.
Aug 2014 · 522
Thandiwe Aug 2014
The inviting face of a happy ever-after...a bubble of light fairy colours and shades.
The chasm is broken by a burning sting from a brewing *** of disbelief...”It could never happen.”
To sadly sit through reality, paging through fantasy pages and drawing the outline of each character as though they would appear before your sights, is a thieve to the present blessings.
It is a frilly beginning to the rest of nothing.  
The simple gesture of a warm dashing smile creeps into the lonely heart and formulates hard to believe possibilities.
Slowly and surely the brewing *** of self-image disputes threads a thick rope of scepticism and doubt that some dreams will never come true.
The rope gets stronger each hangs over dreams and unhurriedly forms a loose noose in case everything crumbles.
Yet it seems all, if not, most dreams have crumbled...yet the hope that tomorrow might bring gold keeps blood flowing, pumping life to the musty heart.
Process the “what-ifs”, birthing the idea of eternal bliss. Sadly the assured bliss isn’t tangible at the moment.
We share laughter and thoughts, a bit of this and that...playing peak-ah-boo in each other’s minds.
Yet it isn’t enough to warrant further communication. Or perhaps there shouldn’t be further communication.
The cover might be appealing but the content could very well be unexciting.
Muddled in the passing years...a change in ages each year, you endlessly look forward to your treasures.
Perhaps the eyes should remain shut and instead search with the heart, or maybe the mouth should remain quiet, allowing the soul to speak.
Well...the skies held our conversation and in the clouds it shall remain.
Jun 2014 · 901
Just a bit of Poetry
Thandiwe Jun 2014
Views, words and set rules.
Time has befriended me yet I have no time for anything.
Resting. Soul has searched and found nothing.
“Our souls have long bonded before our bodies met.”
Cling to that hope, string of regret.
Soon or not…life will begin.
Stamped under society’s sin,
Has there been a vision of a better love.
Connected beyond what we’ve been taught.
Pave these paths to suite our walks still to be covered.
Dreams to be recovered, leave behind. The clones looking forward to the “to happen.”
Why then do they have eyes aglow with questions.
Pre-requsit of past mistakes they’ve imprinted themselves on my decisions.
Correct the false generations.
Exhausted by the dawns of more downs.
These upset frowns, mistaken for unknown smiles.
Taken miles to revolutionise these minds.
No where near the assigned soul.
Gauge out centres of my gold.
No return it feels, cheap thrills.
What a stony journey,
Breezy by and sweeping away reality.
Have we still got the trust instilled,
Is He still enthroned, why then do times keep us so constantly disturbed.
No more entrance nor exists…
When his beauty drown this sadness.
Why has so much of me been robbed?
Swapped by weary and exhausted pieces held together by hope.
So much sense has been polluted,
Left hallow and un-rooted.
Abundantly blessed and grateful for the joys. Seamed together with blinding glows.
May 2014 · 533
Words from my heart.
Thandiwe May 2014
Foamy waters crash against my dry skin, millions of tiny sand grains make their way up my heels.

I take in the wideness, broadness and unending blue ocean, it's color burns my heart, bores into my eyes...causing them to cry.
Shed warm tears that join the to-n-fro waves.

I take in the majestic power that lies in these waters, I soak the sun with every blink and wonder about the Hand that put all this water here.

He must be Great, out of this world, unimaginable.
I sense the wisp slaps of droplets telling my soul I have all I need.
There's no place or need to worry. I have no more ways to express the awe of this vast sea.

Area immeasurable and a home to thousand of billions of creatures. Unfounded and found, unseen and seen...all living beneath the depths of water.

Each to its Creator invaluable in His sight.
May 2014 · 3.7k
Yellow Breath
Thandiwe May 2014
The simplicity of life seeping breath into your tired being, comes as no surprise when the Angel of Life reminds you of the beauty of living.

It has been a while since the heart pumped warm blood, it has been a while since the eyes cried warms tears.

It takes a while for the mind to grasp things of this world, when in fact  all you need is a glowing star to remind you of where are and who put you there.

Hidden is the treasure of the unseen, in the treasured areas are the rusted golds.

When there is no more room to expand understanding, no measures taken to fill the empty, where would be the best direction to lead the dreams.
Mar 2014 · 2.6k
Avalanche of Freedom
Thandiwe Mar 2014
Since then...I allowed my heart to take whatever form it wanted.
I trusted the process, letting the heart mould itself as it is supposed to.
I had ample faith that the end is far....little did I realise the end is right next to me.

At first, it felt like a bulldozer had savaged my entire being.
Your words left my mind empty, without a way forward.
A deep grave of hate slowly formed...that is where you would end up.
As appetizing the thought...I want nothing to do you.
Even you residing in my den of enemies is not worth it.
I have done a thorough clean up of hoodlums and heartbreakers like you.
You seem so pointless. This anger towards you is pointless.

I look forward to the treasures that will bloom from this. I'm convinced there are treasures.
You have no hold over my dreams and I refuse to allow my heart to slump in your filth.
It was hard, felt like the world was dumped on my shoulders, soul dark and heavy, mouth dry and tears flooding my living room.
But after a serious self-talk....I remembered my worth, remembered you mean nothing to have no hold on my destiny.
The love you spoke of was and is fake. I don't need it.

I don't need that sort of make-believe love which has no truth...
The kind that loves the idea of love...yet despises love itself.
I have no place for thieves and liars....robbers and fakes.
My mind keeps telling me this is for the best and that better days are to come.

I feel sorry for the one you chose, she knows nothing of your hoodlum ways and smooth tongue.
Coated with every lie possible yet disguised with a fake-romance finish.
She knows not of your empty heart...
your inability to be real...
your other side...
your effortless ways of hurting another...
precious time which meant zero to you...
your exhausted yet experienced hands..
your over used 'I will wait for you'....
your conniving ways disguised by caring efforts...
your smile and charm packaged by pure deceit.

She is clueless. And so in love....I shake my head in despair for you dear sister.
I trust you will not endure the heartache I did.
I hope he will see you a better person than I.
I trust he repects you. Genuinely loves you.

She will bear the brunt of your heart smashing ways.
I am done and over the 'could haves & would haves'...
New day brings new opportunity.
Time to listen to my soul and feed my mind.
Re-enjoy the beauty of living and re-mind myself of may chosen path.
Feb 2014 · 3.5k
Candy Floss and tears.
Thandiwe Feb 2014
I am so disappointed...disappointed in love.
It had unlocked so many closed doors and exposed my eyes to beautiful sights.
It had my heart pounding out of excitement and my tummy in knots.
I would close my eyes and feel the warmth of your hug engulf me in its ecstasy...
Ecstasy defined as "a state of being carried away by an overwhelming emotion".
It felt like I was swept away...lifted off the ground and hung up to soak up this Love.
I had no reservations...since this love showed me sights I never knew existed.
It had my highest level of thought twisted in gold rims and candy floss...lost in the fairytale that always ends happily.
Love. Love. Love.
Words formed little bubbles of thrill all around my imagination.
Cushioning any doubt I might have. It smoothed the rough edges and made the difficult seem easy.
It had me looking forward to a life with you.
Looking forward to the fights and smiles, the laughter and cries.
I used to tell you your laughter brings so much joy to my heart...
Love. I have so many things to tell you. I have so much I want to share with you.
I am upset, disappointed...yet I am excited and I still love you, love.
When you came along I belonged to the fragile kind, the dreamy kind, those that believed in the impossible.
My heart got strengthened with each day, my poems building my broken soul.
I can still see you, every second blink has your wonderful face floating by.
I blink harder to try and remove any trace of you...
Love. Feels like you tore out my heart and smashed it against a high concrete wall.
You wore your biggest boot and kicked me in the guts, making me question if I truly deserve you.
Love. It had me writing endlessly about the golden embroidery you were adding to my tapestry.
Tapestry that details the path of my my Love have been added onto my tapestry. Like it or not.
You are there, blending in with the adventures of my life.
I will remember you, forever think about you...Love, You will  settle in the depths of my being.
Stacked under the "Lost and never found".
Time to move....
Thandiwe Feb 2014
I waited patiently for what could have been...though I realise,I have been living in a bubble....I knew this would end badly.
At the sight if the text you sent, I suddenly felt a ton of despair crash my the dreaded words punctured my being.
Awoke feeling down, wondering if this is fair, fate or plain torture.
I move vanish from my thoughts and your voice fades with the rains.
If reality was our friend then fate would be different, fact is reality is set.
Time is aligned with the paths of our lives and loudly renounce the show must go on.
I will wait in baited breath for my turn and trust God has not forgotten me.
If love is life, then I need it.
If memories exist as they say they do, in yours I would like to stay.
If my heart was a book, it would have lines of you in each chapter.
Sweep me away and carry me to paradise, paradise being your mind and all that is embedded in it.
I have no place in your life and should not demand it.
Love should speak and caution my heart against such things.
I'm disappointed, upset, hopeful....these days were already written and all this isn't new to my Maker.
I seek comfort in past losers and know that will certainly not help me.
So why do I keep going in circles...can I meet a rare human who will possess the mind of a gentleman.
I will keep threading bits and pieces of words spoken so loudly in my heart.
I will return to my corner and continue writing about the happenings of my soul.
Activity is rife in my mind and I will refrain from speaking of it,instead I will find comfort on pages that will speak sense to me.
Soothe the ache your decision has caused.......

Moving two and I already feel better.
I will meet my other and this will be a faint re-collection.
I will continue smiling and laughing my heart out.
Since our paths end here, I will proceed to journey and explore unique terrains.
Don't hold me back, hoping I stick around...I have no energy to fight.
My head is reasoning yet my heart is crying.
It dawns on me I have not felt like this in a very loooong time...I am blank and I don't know what to do.
I am angry yet I am hoping you recover...come back to me and make this a reality like you said you would.
I still want you, love you...check your online status and see the green light next to your name...
How my heart would weep, weep that what could have been the happiest time of my life,
has now become a devastating blow to my guts.
Time to recover, pack up my picnic basket, balloons, warm kisses and hugs, love poems and happy parade... time go home.
Continue my routine and sink in work.
Jan 2014 · 1.7k
Red Toffee Apple
Thandiwe Jan 2014
Yes I am in love...
Sticky toffee-apple kind of love.
The kind that leaves my mouth thirsty, gulping for more.
I think it's love, it feels like love, it should be love,
I have no words for this foreign emotion that has found dwelling in the open space that has been unoccupied for ages.
It's so awesome having a silly smile plastered on my face the whole day.
Easily, wonderfully, beautifully.
It could last forever, maybe it will, perhaps it will...
I never knew my mind could brew up such words, such expressions of a heart beating smoothly from the sound of your voice or the thought of your existence.
Could it all be a dream...fairy-tale...a make-believe story of two people liking each other incredibly?
Hmmmm....whatever it is, I like it. It has unearthed my buried treasurers.
Given back life to my mute my hopes for a happy-ever-after.
Dec 2013 · 739
Effects of Le High...
Thandiwe Dec 2013
It's an emotion to raw to put into words...
I have no place in my heart that rejects this feeling.
I am however looking forward to spending many days with you...
creating memories...adding golden highlights to my life's painting.
I am appreciating this rare gift you've given me.
I am slowly...gently...carefully unwrapping it to fully embrace all that lies within.
Your voice leaves my mind floating on foreign clouds. Your jokes leaves my sides aching...
Our night under the a park...on the round-about swing...kissing and forgetting the world rotates...just as we were.
Left me smiling from deep within...from areas in my soul I never thought existed.
You have brought to life the sleeping emotions I'd left in a coma after passed hurts.
They are foreign to me...strange and seem to be pushing for space in my heart.
I am still trying to find a comfortable place for them...since I had forgotten how to react to such a euphoric feeling.
The sight of your caller ID sends tingles through my excitement can not be smile is wide and phrases can ever describe how I feel whenever I hear from you.
It is very interesting how someone can make a heart feel so at inlove...(drastic to mention this...yet I feel this flower is soon blossoming into something thaaaat drastic).
You have taken a piece of my caged heart, exposed it to sunshine, warming it to the possibility of love.
I am happy to know you, every minute has your voice colouring my mind.
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Chocolate Le High
Thandiwe Oct 2013
What lies in store for a mind so divine,
Could never find, something like this can never be fully defined.
So I wait to see the unfolding of this amazing gift, though not mine.
There is high intrigue within your space, the kind of space I have not explored in ages.
Heartfelt words that regenerate my deepest thoughts.
I had eliminated the possibility of finding your kind. You appeared among the wolves and re-colored my imagination.
I wondered if your kind is still made, still proved me right when you gave me a glimpse to your thoughts.
Like a garden of splendor, with abundant treasure and amazing sights.
All capsuled in gold, I never want to depart from your side.
I say these words very carefully...thinking very deeply about where they could possibly lead.
Who you belong to is blessed...truly blessed since your mind posses depth and truth.
It is unknown where this will go, yet mentally entertaining, it also seems appealing.
Dangerous and exciting, a thrill known to cause heartache.
Clearly there is a rare connection if I write about it, you found dwelling in my words and stamped your arrival in my life, bringing on a surge of fresh air.
It is greatly unique that there is still a person of your calibre.
Every passing minute has you traveling along with my thoughts.
I reserve my heart, and protect my feelings.
I dread to hear the forbidden words yet I still lure the attraction.
Where will we go with this, countable is the length we've spoken and shared thoughts and every time I am left longing for more.
You are not mine and I should not wish you leave your other.
It would be so cheap of me. I'm tossed in the waves of a man who posses so much peace, importance,appeal....
We should keep this overflowing interest, this brewing interest that I suspect will lead nowhere.
I am intrigued by you, enticed by you. Don't want this to blossom, sense it'll get trampled on so fast from the realities we live in.
Words we share are pieces to a beautiful picture, stealing glances of our souls to paint the voices of our dreams.
Every detail of your personality resounds with beauty, delight and pure joy.
This feeble bubble I don't wish to destroy,
I simply relish in conversing with a mind so extraordinary.
There is so much I wish to share with you yet it would not be fair because you don't belong me.
My heart is wrapped in anticipation...waiting to hear from you.
There is so much I would say yet I hold back, out of respect  since I hold you on a high pedestal.
One I know you well deserve to be on, all despair vanishes when I hear from you.
Your fundamental likes are all similar to mine, it stuns me that we are in-line.
You inspire me to conceive words and thoughts of beauty, buried truth.
That clearly give account of how you make you feel.

Thandi Xaba 30 October 2013
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
Aura of Mystery
Thandiwe Oct 2013
The bitter truth of us never entwining,
Leaves gaps of despair, clearly visible like new days dawning.
I’d pictured love a rose-embedded comfort terrain.
My being longs for your thoughts, sights highlighted only with rusted pain.
Words comfort me, sooth my swollen eyes from this visible strain.
Grieve only when I’m at rest,
Cover me with your warmth, not promising all that’s remained n the past.
Involve me in your steps in life,
As I will whole-heartedly encourage you to thrive.
Is our future visible, am I appearing artificial?
Some how all that’s sculptured on you is unmistakingly   beautiful.
Your character somehow attractive,
Smart and attentive, all you posses is angelic.
Unseen joy longs to ensure to escape and grape your soul,
Leaving glimmers of my wishes to better mankind encrusted on your being as a whole.
Reside in my poems,
Seems like my visions of our cuddle remain far from my firm hold,
Already bluntly told, never dream for gold.
When it seems I’m only capable of unleashing hurts and buried and old.
Is it a never-ending marathon?
Ran only by the luscious and slim many, which seem to win in millions.
Should my energy in binding its rich ends with yours.
Fight the resistance, press on despite the harsh unspoken course.
Have I lived to the fullest?
Seen and walked with bright souls, graced their sought-after importance.
How we wish to be loved.
Captured, taken to worlds only created melodic words.
Spin my inner-thoughts into a twirl,
Drive out all my passions, fulfilling my thirst for love and the feel of sweaty palms rubbing away the dizzy butterflies in my stomach.
A relation of intimacy and involvement slow yet growth being frantic.
Am I holding on to the impossible?
Maybe all you house is regarded false, recruiting girls naïve and gullible.
Streams of warm waters easily wet my face.
What could have shaped my out-come left me crushed and wishing for better-looking features.
A dim future, without your existence in it, one might as well not prosper.
3 Feb 2008  Thandi Xaba
Oct 2013 · 1.5k
Ray of Light
Thandiwe Oct 2013
To a person I once felt deeply connected to. He was a gem :

Re-inviting the forgotten emotion of bliss, my heart has accepted but you are still greatly missed.
Had I erased the thought of a better union, from past sinners, selfish liars?
I'd been taught by them trust is only visible in fairy-tales, told by expert lips ejecting no remorse.
I still hardened is my heart, I can't hear my soul-mate's knock.
Cemented by the deceit I was fed by those I'd hoped to grow with.
This love is a myth, not understood nor respected...hard to grasp with one breath. came along, engulfed me with unfamiliar warmth then left to sort yourself out...
Now you have sneaked your voice back into my head, leaving me wishing you remained more than a friend, the forces seem to disregard us sinners and just lead us to sad dead ends.
We dream of rare garments and jaw-dropping bank statements...I dream of having your face as my daily sight, happiness embedded in my eyes from your humble treatment.
I wish to see more of you, live knowing we walk on the same earth and value your own place of birth.

How you see me amazes me, maybe you don't see me as being amazing.
Your actions have been contradictory to your words that fulfilled me.
Once again I wonder...exactly where do you fit in my life painting.
Behind my pains and years of hoping, wishing I too would find a soul-beauty like you.
Or maybe you'd be the speck of dirt ruining my colours and joys of my life, forcing me to completely expel you from my sanity.

You'd become my partner-to-be, letting my lips celebrate the beauty of your name,
letting the random know about this special being that set my soul aflame.
My Ray of Light.... Forever my favourite, the turmoil’s and joy, have come and gone but how special you are to me will always be without a doubt.

Thandi Xaba
Oct 2013 · 1.7k
From the brown bottle
Thandiwe Oct 2013
From that brown bottle.
It was his grasp on that brown bottle that led him to say I’m beautiful.
He claimed to be enticed by my speech,
Claims I’m intelligent, cute and not typical.
Yet I ask where he is…his hold on that brown bottle,
Drove him back to his sanity.
He’s awoken and now realises his mistakes on conversing with this plum flabby copy.
How taken I was, believing him.
His words forming rainbows of hope, wishing things turn out different.
Simple for him to step on my terrain,
Inflict some pain…yet he holds high his brown bottle and still claims I’m beautiful.
Where there any sincere words? The way he held my hand, activities he’s over-used, girls now forget he just doesn’t understand.
My importance, your significance.
Just because he warmed your skin, rubbing you gently certainly doesn’t mean you are anywhere near his book of greatness.
That to him is spreading open and giving him a taste of your pride.
A taste and an unpleasant ride.
He’d unlock your chambers and take you on a walk of sin.
Once his seen your paradise, he’s gotten a bit from your ripe orange, he’ll either reside or seek sweeter oranges.
Amazing how he used the best known gestures,
Sweet, empty words that seep from his sweet lips.
Yet they puncture my ears.
And bring to life my buried fears, I can now confess.
It’s because of this new this sort of treatment that has cemented my heart.
Preventing me now from hearing my soul mate’s knock.
So hardened it has become that bottle-holders like him seem to be daily prescription.
Appealing addictions which keep luring me back into their ambition.
He held high his cigarette.
Blowing the smoke out from his **** lips…I’d fallen deep into his admission.
Highly appealing, he’d look deeply into my eyes and fish for my weakness.
Hoping I’d lead him to my paradise,
Funny enough, I let him look me in the eyes and allowed him to try and find gold.
Yes I possess gold.
Never seen nor told…
It was when he held that brown bottle he claimed I’m special.
I seek his warmth now…
Missing his prints on my skin though I know many women who carry some awe already have those ‘handsome prints’.
Certainly not making me unique or special.
You lied yet again.
Maybe those are measures you take to feel on top of your game.
It was all after you drank the contents of that brown bottle you found me beautiful.
Stating you enjoy  my company…little did I know that’s a line that’s escaped your lips more times then your Marlboro smoke.
Yet again you’ve successfully left me broke.
Have I lost this quest for love?
Early to wish for commitment the elders warned us about.
Thoughts so divine, that brown bottle introduced me to your beautiful mind,
I thank the brown bottle because this being uttered words unfamiliar to my ears.
Sad and pathetic as it is…I thank the brown bottle for introducing me to this being who told me I am beautiful.
Thandi Xaba
7 June 2008
Sep 2013 · 3.2k
Thandiwe Sep 2013
The rush of events has led to a gush of words, stapled with no worth.
Found heaven in the eyes of the humble, discovered calmness in minds highly beautiful.
Apart from dawns and sunsets, memories **** on dull days and leave no room for disappointments.
So many thoughts to understand, my soul has found refuge in far unlikely lands.
They buried my truth and bore statues with no value, regarded the perfect view.
We might not fit the clichés or pet names, yet still live and desire a love flame.
We might not seem ideal or even suitable to walk in public with...yet there is gold worth finding beneath the sins.
We might not be admired nor desired yet we don't carry nor wear any plastic enhancers that have gotten many enticed.
Though it seems, most eyes lust the bust, what happened to knowing the heart.
Forget the stereotype; instead find your best friend in their inner souls and deep eyes.
Can't we fall in love with the beauties of life, simple things that don't require violence or lies?
Allow us to cry from what a melody can do to our souls, exuding the warmth it cloths us with, crushing hate speech and moans.
Sometimes wish I'd be the air blown out of those shiny saxophones, forget the hurts and constant self battles that leave us alone.
Sometimes wish we spoke through music, but we have resorted to inhuman ways and the ultimate mind games, testing to see who will be more drastic.
I wish you'd fill my spirits with heavenly notes..."let me get your name so I can be more genuine" 9th Wonder say it best.
Speaking truth that lightens dark hearts and fresh regrets.
They seem to associate beauty with so many things, laughs! Jewellery and rings, money and kings, wohw!
What happens to those who embrace their truths...bringing out their inner glow.
You pants low, crazy what we find beautiful along with their flaws.
Let's escape and go were skies home our conversations, understanding each other's thoughts without disturbance.
Giving love in abundance, breathing in freshness and getting tingles from stolen glances.
How I wish...don't ever want to be selfish, your happiness will always come first.
I still admire you...mostly where your soul dwells, some things are a bit too good to be true.
Yet we still enticed, just waiting for when reality awakens and leaves our hopes sliced.
Thandi Xaba

— The End —