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Feb 2019 · 233
Elizabeth Hynes Feb 2019
The electron buzzed about the nucleus.
Wasn’t that what humans called a family unit?

The proton of course is bigger, and not really just one thing. The neutron accompanies the proton everywhere it goes. Electrons are much freer, in theory. They can zip away along a metallic wire given half the chance. But until they get that chance they’re bound at a distance.

She rarely saw the other electrons, life was mostly her in empty space alone with her thoughts.
Feb 2019 · 293
Elizabeth Hynes Feb 2019
I dreamt we were together
Like we almost were
We spoke of love
A dream I still remember
More or less the same
Most nights
Since we almost were
Four years ago
Do you think of me?
Feb 2019 · 225
don't look back
Elizabeth Hynes Feb 2019
She wanted to leave but she loved him
He just wanted their life as it was now, to continue
She wanted to experience the world and had never expected
Anyone to tunnel into her heart
She didn’t like it

A feminist would say choose career over men
Choose life over servitude
Love is a prison

And she knew they were right.
Because if she stayed she would resent him
And eventually then leave without him
Unless the unthinkable happened
And he got her pregnant

That would be worse than anything
She would be societally bound to be “happy” then
Its illegal to not want a child once it graduates to a fetus

She had seen it happen before
The late night confessionary posts on social media
“I want everyone to know that being a mother
And a working mother
Is STRESSFUL. My hair is falling out.
But its uh… worth it?”
That was how those posts went.

So she left. And she was too afraid to look back
But hoped that he was following.
love life feminism settling fear woman
Jan 2019 · 281
Life is a dance
Elizabeth Hynes Jan 2019
The dance is the movement,
Gradual progression
between fixed points:
perfect plie
Balancing on pointe, arms raised.
These alone are boring.
It's the motion
The conflict between human energy and gravity
Defying nature with spins and splits in midair.
Life is not a fixed point that we reach.
Enjoy the beauty of defying nature
Through unending change.
Jan 2019 · 212
Elizabeth Hynes Jan 2019
A bucket in an empty field
Though a verdant field
Feels nothing
It steals the drops
Of rain
From deserving soil
Jan 2019 · 216
In the seams
Elizabeth Hynes Jan 2019
Think not of perfection
Imperfection holds a greater universe

Fear not that you will not do
Live for little doings in your slice of time

Search not always for a dream
Always dream and delight in the thought

Beauty, idolised, is always just out of reach
A delicate beauty permeates the seams of this grey world

Even a full life can bring, and hide, unhappiness
If it is brimming meaninglessly

The world may tell us how to live
But our hearts dictate how to love
Apr 2016 · 633
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2016
Faint fair devil a plague thee
Rays of light arouse me
Hogs of ash surrounding
Rings of black abounding
Birth from sheets proufoundly
Chased a bus so houndly
Days come and gallavant
Sequential like the rain
I stand and stay adamant
I will not derail.
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
Elizabeth Hynes Feb 2016
Making babysteps in human knowledge
Feeling fluttering in my ribcage
Helping to a brighter world
Possibilities unfurl

Teams of scientist roaming the web
The tide of progess flows and ebbs
Just to play my own small part
Brings me gladness in my heart.

Seeing how discorery works
The sweat and tears that ****
Struggling to be very thorough
Not to introvertly burrow

Meeting great minds giving talks
Learning how to walk the walk
I'm thriving in my favorite field
Like an orange slowly peeled.
Dec 2015 · 2.1k
Elizabeth Hynes Dec 2015
Houses for the priests
Houses for the wives
Houses for the chiefs
Houses can save lives
Yet there are those
Who sit on the streets
Following their nose
Drumming daily beats
Why are they there?
How can they survive?
All the houses are bare
Just let them inside.
Dec 2015 · 500
Winter evenings
Elizabeth Hynes Dec 2015
We wrap up warm
Avoid the outdoors
Try not to snivel
Forget our tissues
Cough in clouds of steam
Take the bus
Sit beside the radiator
Relish hot showers
Never sweat
Dec 2015 · 486
Elizabeth Hynes Dec 2015
Words are like birds
Some more beautiful
Some impossible to catch

They fly into the sky
They are wonderful
There is no match

They say words make us us
They say they say
Dec 2015 · 769
Elizabeth Hynes Dec 2015
It's toxic
Life giving

Measured in inches
Measured in miles
Destroying the crops

When will they heed
The planets need
To breath
Dec 2015 · 920
the festive season
Elizabeth Hynes Dec 2015
Mulled wine is fine to rhyme
Gingerbread lattes are not.

Custom t-shirts are coming through the mail
But look faintly ridiculous that n females

Wrapping paper and cards
Soft flakes of charred
Candle wicks

Ministers minister
Naughtiness is sinister

Tree s go up and needles go down
The outside comes in the chimney

Merriment, capitalisms
Food banks, homeless kitchens

The brave are all swimming in the sea.
Not for me
Dec 2015 · 438
Elizabeth Hynes Dec 2015
I must leave room
For a wafot of perfume
For a gentle riot
Forsaking the polite
Saving the world
Petals unfurled
The sky will race
With your human face
To the pits
Of doom.
Sep 2015 · 518
Elizabeth Hynes Sep 2015
The youngsters traipse and arm in arm
Trying not to be too alarmed
The enter pubs they smell of fear
When they awake they reek of beer

They are young and wont to drink
By day they fill a page with ink
Such a pure unrefined joy
It is to be a girl or boy

They cover the streets as they walk home
(In groups, very seldom alone)
With ***** and ***** and chip wraps
They deserve a jacket with straps.
Sep 2015 · 781
The Bee's Knees
Elizabeth Hynes Sep 2015
I lunge along my path my way
Keeling forward day by day
The indolence of my surrounds
Renders my feet to the ground

Laughter like bellow grunt
Skipping is my featured stunt
Following the very clouds
Oftentimes I think aloud

I am the jester that you know
The crank that always steals the show
Pranking, yanking underwear
Descending an imagined stair

You laugh I cry inside I die
Outside I breath and watch it fly
For what is death but just one side
Of two that holds our life inside

Going to ground around around
A pint of flesh for every pound
Will you sing a song with me?
Oh dee doodle deedle dee.
Aug 2015 · 1.3k
Elizabeth Hynes Aug 2015
Sandwiches are like sentences
They make great metaphors.
Aug 2015 · 3.8k
Elizabeth Hynes Aug 2015
A bag of cookies rolled down the hill
A woman thought of dasing
To grab them
But decided against it
Her arms were full
Onthe crest of the hill a young boy burst
Into tears
Of chocolate chip
Apr 2015 · 499
Little green leaf
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
I see you out there poking through,
I stepped on your sister with my shoe,
The Spring has called you out of sleep,
Your tender colour I must keep.

Your cousin the flower shyly rears,
A bouncing nose and courful ears.
Apr 2015 · 2.5k
Food Crisis
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
The first world is too fat
The third world is too thin
The  third would eat a rat
The first throw a feast in a bin

It takes less energy to make
In Spain than in greenhouse to bake
A tomatoe

Yet other truths exist
Don't ball your fist
But be aware of the tryst
Between gluttony and death.
Apr 2015 · 379
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
Some say the soum alights at conception,
Scientists argue against this perfection
But in the case of a splitting seed
They are forced humbly concede
That both souls then are new

Occams razor leads me to think
They are idealistic
Apr 2015 · 745
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
The sky is cleft across
A ragged aniversay of two
Who for three years were in tune
Down the long paths of their vows

Now it, their love, lies, a loss
And Love roars with his patients on a chain,
Feom every real or crater
Carrying cloud, Death mires their house.

Too much spent in wrong rain
Coming together who love parted:
The windows melt into their heart
And the doors melt into their brain.
Apr 2015 · 779
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
Crouching beggar upturned cup
Singing children hunger sup
Mongrel bounds on a short chain
We are all caught in the rain

Policeman standing proud
Busking waifs are singing loud
******* lies where it was lain
We are all caught in the rain

Pigeons bobbing strut right by
Seagulls scream with glinting eye
Old man mutters 'not insane'
We are all caught in the rain

Babies hold up their palms
Mothers push them in their prams
Babies google their necks crane
We are all caught in the rain.
Apr 2015 · 473
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
He danced atop the bubble
Thay glinted on my coffee
He waved me closer
Twirled, and began to shout
In a tiny tinny voice
'follow the rainbow,
To where the ocean meets the sky
You will reap riches
And its the perfect place to die,
For these are unearthly riches
Sewn into the fabric of death
The aftelifes joining stitches
Your last breath will be a sigh,
So run along through the high wood,
Skip and jumo over river rocks
Chase the roosting rooks
Dive into the sea' that he told to me.
Apr 2015 · 537
The Martian
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
She was tale frail and green
Distinctly unseen
My eye caught her antennae
She moved closer and whispered
In the wrong language
I balked
Funny how the word for Martian
Apr 2015 · 667
The f words
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
Fleet foot float
Fool flotsam flakes
Foal fairly fried
Finish fine fugue
Freshen farted farce.
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
Body pops, tendons crackle and
Joints are made of plasterboard
Birds echo in his ears
A glance fills nietzhan buckets
A step stops, halted.
Neurons glitter in the dark lids
He sits she falls he cries.
Apr 2015 · 743
Grandfather Time
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
Once around the long arm passed
Swung low the leaden bauble
Twice around the long arm passed
Hellos at the threshold
Young with old makes for storytelling,
Dragons look down
Imps smile in glee
And plaid checkered cloth
Gathers stains.
Newspaper discarded tes cosy
All around the long arm swept.
Apr 2015 · 945
Moon wrench
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
Moon drifts
Into and out of focus
There is some hocus pocus
To getting it to stay
All day
Apr 2015 · 2.1k
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
I was happy
Yes, I thought I was the messiah
I thought I was a celebrity
I thought 'gee how every one looks at me'
Now I know my thoughts were wro.g
And I have been demoted to
Nothing. No one.

I am more interesting since being locked up,
'it must have been scary'
They ask me
I say yes
But I mean no.
Apr 2015 · 878
A Spring Tale
Elizabeth Hynes Apr 2015
Buds bursting, coloured pale
Birds tending twigs to nests
Lambs fall about and flail
Farmers try to look their best

Market time has come again
The people weave and wind
Stuffed stalls and scrbbling pen
Church bells start to chime

Children hold their parents' hands
Puppies start to whine
Instinct says to lope the land
But only if tis thine

Steaming pits of people coil
Grey morning sunlight
Puddles iridescent with oil
Blasted seagulls fight.

The rain will come, human fingers
Will grasp at crisp packets
Cigarrette but stench lingers
Still the seagus make a racket.

For love they sell pretty flowers
For death condolence cards
The merchant will use his powers
Decorum lies in splintered shards.

So feast and sneeze as seasons
Change and placate your winter
Hunger, swallow reasons
Lest in your palm they splinter.
Mar 2015 · 436
that two minds would merge
Elizabeth Hynes Mar 2015
The heartless ghost beat round and round out heads,
We clung to the four posters of our beds,
Set sail, a mocking bird to guide
We sit and shriek, enjoy the ride

The moon takes us all for fools
And knocks us to the seaweed soft
Bones of dead fish obey no rules
We hold scuffed trophies all aloft

Then tumbling like the **** that blows
Across the desert far from here
Yet moon seed all and tells us so
Whisperers torment our ears.

Then snapping with a sudden jolt
A burst if light from lightening bolt
The weary dream lifts and we
Share in realtime misery.
Mar 2015 · 790
Elizabeth Hynes Mar 2015
Though bugs do not leap up and yell
They know death came close by
Though impossible to tell
I think I saw one's mothet cry
               Their thanks is silent

Though you not met the farmer
Know he's grateful as is the cow
He warmed his hamds not to alarm her
You bought his milk and how
               Their passion's violent

Though I send no gift but words
Know them to be sincere
Would I could fly with birds
And whisper this poem to your ear,
                You are magnificent.
Mar 2015 · 1.6k
Elizabeth Hynes Mar 2015
Thou no work can in truth be done
Ye may count hours had of fun
Ye may think that tbou hast won
                   Yet it goes and goes

Lest long hours make ye sad
Try in earnest to be glad
I forbid thee from feeling bad
                 Nature sews and sews

Like lions roaring shiny pelt
Your noble actions are well felt
Pride young one is how its spelt
                  Worship of the Jos

Know in you we'll not forget it
Singing high from every pulpit
Have your celebration biscuit
                  Abandoned are all woes

Joyful joyful those around you
Praise and adoration on cue
Blazing celebrations for you
                  In happiness' throes.
Mar 2015 · 372
Elizabeth Hynes Mar 2015
'because the word of God is asomething alive and active,
Because we need to pray today'
She spoke like she'd swallowed laxative,
'allow us here show you the way',
I shrugged and let my gaze wander
She followed it around the room,
'do not let thine thoughts meander'
It just all started far too soon.
Mar 2015 · 374
Dog day
Elizabeth Hynes Mar 2015
yes back in action,
but too much work,
                     as last week I
have worked only few days
tomorrow is going to be
                       long day as going to see      
                             my client based in
             Fareham, it is 4hrs one way travel
so overall 8hrs travel and 3 meeting, so really eleven hours work with only 3hrs paid LOL
Mar 2015 · 3.8k
Elizabeth Hynes Mar 2015
Little ****** blighter unsightful
Strut on the pavement cement
Droppings like rain
Feathers rough and unclean
Yuck they coo
They never seem new
Yet we know that they
Die too.
Mar 2015 · 1.5k
Elizabeth Hynes Mar 2015
Two ducks quack a lover's fued
Coffee steam is rising well away
From he that burns here in
Ashen lava pools my hand
Falls in and melts away only
To regrow holding a snowdrop
Unscathed by wrath which boils
She turns about and says speaking
Low to threat 'go then' I can
Only offer the flower which melts
In the act. I entreat the flames retreat
The belly of the world spits souls
Into fresh bodies morphet anew
From old, not so but middle-aged
Sacred **** lived beyond the reach
Of time that ticks and claws
All downward were it not for life
Anew time might win.
Mar 2015 · 14.9k
Elizabeth Hynes Mar 2015
Buds burst forthwith outward
Leaving the private world of
Growth to be anew
The foal steps lightly
First on air then grass

Smoke rushes in hunlike
Ostentatiously in combat
Purity is its own demise
Osmosis and entropy reign
Mar 2015 · 634
Elizabeth Hynes Mar 2015
I will send the birds to you
And they will sing
What I cannot say
For whose lips dare proclaim
That they can speak of love
Love is the force behind all
Mere thinking mort I
And cannot speak the divine
Yet a bird is pure and knows
What to sing and when
So watch, for birds, and listen
They will not lie
Like I might, they are sweet
Where I am cold, able
Where I fail and on wing
They flit with the elegance
Of a ballet with no schooling
They have my envy as I plod
On square feet towards
My mortal grave
Mar 2015 · 695
Elizabeth Hynes Mar 2015
This day winding down now
Cogs of time turned by turetlesGrinding axles ssquealing
In the mouth of a gull
In my wind rocked home
Sounds permeate the gloom
Steam and spilt droplets of
Freshly poured milk mark
The ashen counter top
Grey becomes rose as the sun
Traverses its casing in the sky
Low now, light gets into my eyes
A flock of crows fly to the treetops
Cawing in their cacophinous way.
Daffodils are aging and leaning
On the stems leaves slightly wilting
Crocuses are lying down ready
To sleep the long dream of death.
Mar 2015 · 476
Elizabeth Hynes Mar 2015
Arms grasping war machines
I wanted history and it is grim
The walls are devoid of art
Fu of ways to blow things apart
So much of history behind glass
Fingerprints on glass te me
Where to direct my sorrowful gaze
I try to take it in but the news
Rambles through my skull
History is not done yet
The fighting goes on and on.
Mar 2015 · 2.2k
Elizabeth Hynes Mar 2015
Drizzles from the sky
Catch in my eye
It will burn in future time
The cogs are turning and the oil
Floating on the surface of a droplet
As an angel
Dances on the head of a needle

Recycling and renewable energy
Can save our souls
And Mother Earth
Before its too late
Mar 2015 · 738
Faint Light
Elizabeth Hynes Mar 2015
A bird cries out from the rooftops
A leaf falls drifting to the ground
A man stumbles on a cobblestone
A woman's throat makes a quiet sound

A dog chases a grey squirrel
The squirrel flees up a trunk
A man reverses into a cul de sac
His boot is full of junk

A postman whistles to himself
An old lady is baking buns
A child decides to be a philosopher
After wondering at the number of Suns

A light beam glances of a window
A boy stumbles temporarily blind
God on his cloud is smiling,
Look at all the joy you can find.
Feb 2015 · 657
Elizabeth Hynes Feb 2015
There were some birds all prancing round,
With tidy foot and fettered thigh,
Upon the grey and dusty ground,
Leaves blew round in wind's fair sigh.

The birds knew nought of deeds of men,
Who crawled through bush with rifle high,
Their thoughts were with the pretty wren,
Who went, the daffodils, right by.
Feb 2015 · 878
Whispering willows
Elizabeth Hynes Feb 2015
All along the mud streaked bank
Gracious trees stand high
They know nought of human things
Though we live so so nearby

A breeze catches in the dangling fronds
Whispers escape the leaves
For nearby fallen detritus
The living green leaf grieves

A swallow darts to dodge the dusk
Defeated, closes her eyes
A couple close embracing look
About them at demise

The park is much forgotten, oh,
The gardener lives nigh
But at the volume of the work
Lets out a weary sigh.
Feb 2015 · 908
a lady's farewell
Elizabeth Hynes Feb 2015
With bodice wound around her girth
And petticoats all a sway
The lady rode past me on the road
In the full flung rays of day

She tossed instruments to the ground
Trumpets, thermometers, gyroscopes,
Then drove her vehicle onwards
Her gloved hands at the wheel *****.

This with lighter load she went
Up a glacial hillock
Up and up and up she went
Bringing only an inlaid clock

Into the sky and above the land
The fantastical vehicle drove
A sharp laugh rang all around
And from this world she wove.
Feb 2015 · 3.0k
Travelling Through Space
Elizabeth Hynes Feb 2015
He wove a weary comet streak
That stained the clear blue sky
He had no time to stop and think
But went a hurtling by
He warned of grevious perils
Dormant in coming days
I saw him with a sparkling eye
And watched through bleary haze
Nearing the horizon and eye limit
He turned and cast a wink
At what he loved and no one more
Then only did I blink.
Feb 2015 · 616
Elizabeth Hynes Feb 2015
I twist and squirm under
***** nails,
You will not reach me
In my titanium
I rock back and forth
But do not burst
I am the sought after
I am meaning
Feb 2015 · 10.8k
Elizabeth Hynes Feb 2015
The seconds become minutes become hours,
I wait,
The days stretch to weeks,
I hate,
To wait.

For a bus for a plane
Yet I am no nearer
To expounding my love for you

            I wait.
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