A is for all, over which I govern,
B is for brighter as is every tomorrow,
C is for children whom I shepherd kindly,
D is for damnation, now ye fear.
E is for everything which I created,
F is for fun which is limited,
G is for goodness which triumphs,
H is for happiness; a quaint idea,
I is for ignorance, I loathe it so,
J is for jolly as are my followers,
K is for knowing of which I have all,
L is for laughter, the sweetest song,
M is for malevolence which I condemn,
N is for no-one who I will not forgive,
O is for omnipotence which I wield sparingly,
P is for poverty, which is a necessity,
Q is for quiet where the angels sing,
R is for religion, all tied together,
Sis for stolen like my purity,
T is for thieving which demons do,
U is for universality,
V is for your voracious appetites,
W is for worldliness supreme,
X is for X-rays, a simple discovery,
Y is for you who I love,
Z is for zero, a notion blessed.