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May 2017 · 587
Dyad - 16 -
Paul Jones May 2017
The dark of the sky      drifting over me;
heavy with feeling,      lightness of being.
21:45 - 02/05/17
May 2017 · 650
Dyad - 15 -
Paul Jones May 2017
I might see further,      should I bounce belief
on the bending rule      and raise my thinking.
18:00 - 02/05/17
Apr 2017 · 603
Dyad - 14 -
Paul Jones Apr 2017
To venture into     darkness is frightful
but I know that that      is where light is born.
10:15 - 30/04/17
Apr 2017 · 688
Dyad - 13 -
Paul Jones Apr 2017
A lone wanderer,      forgotten by time,
I throw myself like      dust into the wind.
23:30 - 29/04/17
Apr 2017 · 591
Dyad - 12 -
Paul Jones Apr 2017
A heavy thought is      dropped into the mind.
When it becomes light     it will resurface.
23:00 - 29/04/17
Apr 2017 · 577
Dyad - 11 -
Paul Jones Apr 2017
In the stretch of time,      I sow my seeds so
I may leave my life     like light leaves the sun.
Apr 2017 · 415
Dyad - 10 -
Paul Jones Apr 2017
I'm disabled and     frozen with anger.
Like ice you've returned     to arrest my rage.
Apr 2017 · 700
Helm Wind
Paul Jones Apr 2017
I climb. Although a harsh wind and sleet sweeps
  these hills, my temperament remains steady.
Although the path is treacherously steep
  I have been thoughtful, I have come ready.
The footfall here is few and far between
  and some who came to conquer, could not cope.
As I push on past the point where they've been,
  I look into a mist that holds my hope.
Joy lies beyond a helm wind of despair
  and must be battled with to be surpassed.
I will prevail here knowing that it's there.
  I’ll conquer fell and fall so I’ll be passed
to where tranquillity abounds below,
  throughout the valleys of the rain shadow.
Sonnet - 9 -
11:00 - 29/04/17

This is a revision of a previous sonnet. It's metaphorical and explore's why some people choose to do difficult things in life, despite having easier options.
Apr 2017 · 562
Rhythm Becomes Me
Paul Jones Apr 2017
All is silent; still is the deep of night.
  I look below, cannot see what I feel
beneath my feet. One prevailing insight,
  known only in a sense, goes unrevealed.
I do not fear its truth, neither contest
  it does not know me. Within it, I stand.
An absurd sureness, an uninvited guest,
  has touched the base of what I understand,
now all mind and motion acts in tandem.
  I taste the salt of the air, feel the breeze,
the oceans rhythm becomes who I am.
  Rhythm becomes me, puts the mind at ease.
I feel the calm, hear the call of the night,
  look above, see stars amongst the moonlight.
Sonnet - 25 -
16:00 - 23/03/17

This sonnet is about being in harmony with your nature. It arose out of an interest in how an environment affects who we are and how we feel, even think and behave.
Jan 2016 · 1.0k
Dyad - 9 -
Paul Jones Jan 2016
The storm has passed. Its     surrender was swift
as chalk wiped away     from a wet, slate board.
Dec 2015 · 739
Dyad - 8 -
Paul Jones Dec 2015
What haunts the hollow     hallway of dark hours
fails again. A friend,     not fear, grips me.
Dec 2015 · 668
Dyad - 7 -
Paul Jones Dec 2015
The more I mean it     the more my will melts,
with resolute strength,     square's into circles.
Dec 2015 · 815
Dyad - 6 -
Paul Jones Dec 2015
The unwavering     will, awoken by
a thousand threats, is     shook but never thrown.
Dec 2015 · 669
Northern Wild
Paul Jones Dec 2015
Chills of the northern wild are rough to those
  who have no guidance or are ill-equipped
to scale the steep incline and climb exposed
  the high fells reach. No rock is lightly gripped
when every failure seeks to see me fall;
  No step is taken to be a mistake.
For what is needed to ascend this wall
  is slow to learn and hard to undertake.
Joy lies beyond the helm wind of despair
  and must be battled with to be surpassed.
So I’ll prevail here knowing that it's there.
  I’ll conquer fell and fall so I’ll be passed
to where tranquillity abounds below,
  throughout the valleys of the rain shadow.
Sonnet - 4 - 29/10/15

There is an improved version of this sonnet above called Helm Wind. This one doesn't seem to make as much sense but I won't delete it.

I think some of the lines here are a bit underdeveloped. At least they show my early struggle's with making sense within the difficult confines of iambic pentameter.
Dec 2015 · 752
Dyad - 5 -
Paul Jones Dec 2015
In the hem and haw     of hesitation,
a lull of cloud hangs     low and lingering.
Dec 2015 · 681
Dyad - 4 -
Paul Jones Dec 2015
Curious clusters     of uncurled tendrils
traverse the trellis,     touched to feel their way.
Dec 2015 · 738
Dyad - 3 -
Paul Jones Dec 2015
Burnt ochre, brittle     and blackened since bloom.
In death's repose, the     roses are refined.
Dec 2015 · 615
Dyad - 2 -
Paul Jones Dec 2015
Decaying by the     cove, a crowd of leaves,
content and concealed     in traps of comfort.
Dec 2015 · 659
Dyad - 1 -
Paul Jones Dec 2015
The branches quiver,     clinging to cold roots.
Strength surfaces from     the sinuous deep.
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
Paul Jones Dec 2015
The mirror becomes interesting when
  the face it's held toward is like a  
reflection of the self. If it isn't, then
  their image is defeated, dulled and grey,
subdued in that they are of little worth.
  Thus, only with attention can you shine.
But what attracts also destroys, gives birth
  to collision. The reason I can’t find time
to show you how your colour can burn bright
  is because you're not willing to let me.
I know how the dark tones become highlights
  and feel you should't fear uncertainty.
Instead, realise the potential that’s there
  if you do not discolour what we share.
- Sonnet 1 -
Original: 09/01/13
Edited: 27/04/17

It was written after a tumultuous relationship. At the time of writing, I thought there was potential but it was all too shallow.

Writing this kick-started my interest in poetry. This is where it all started. My ambition then and now is to write about all my deepest ideas and strongest feelings.

— The End —