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5.4k · Oct 2022
Edoardo Alaimo Oct 2022
I thought, boldly
That I could see your colours,
Under many layers

I see some azure,
Soft as the sky,
A welcoming, warm pink,
Just as real sunsets

Then some ****** red,
Where it hurts,
And a pitch black
In the shadows of your mind

I am just a fool,
Pretending to understand,
As you continue to refresh,
And brush new paints

Pick the best tones,
Let the canvas flourish,
Blooming like nature,
  In all seasons

I just hope
I can see a few of them
A few colours,
That would do

Or maybe,
A bit of you
13 Oct 2022
remember sight degrades over time,
use it to see the best colours of your life,
sweet or sour may them be.
you are precious
E. A.
2.2k · Apr 2023
Pensieri che volano
Edoardo Alaimo Apr 2023
Una nuvola arriva e copre,
Un ombra davanti al sole
Dalle tenebre
Diffonde la luce

Ha le forme di un tocco angelico
Forse un dio, premuroso,
O un suo messaggero,
Che abbaglia gli indifferenti

Ti avrò pensata una, due volte,
O forse cento o forse mille
Ogni volta era pura magia
Con le tue braccia a me avvolte

Ti avrò pensata urlando,
Piangendo e mentre ero felice.
Allo specchio mi son detto,
Rifarei tutto quel che andiam sognando
Thoughts on a plane,
while I was going to a research center
the clouds had just the right shape.

NEVER close your love in a box,
When you feel like it
Just give it all, expand, explode.

1.8k · Jun 2021
Edoardo Alaimo Jun 2021
For some reason,
Things with no sense
Are the foundation
For everything else.

Standing on a raft,
Struggling through
waves and winds,
logic and reality.

You create your purpose,
a clear direction.
Maybe, this path,
can be the foundation.
A small thought on the relation between man and science. Which share strengths and weaknesses.
1.6k · Jun 2023
N-body harmony
Edoardo Alaimo Jun 2023
We feel each other with gravity and tides,
Sharing warmth at each embrace,
A treasure trove of love and light
That time and distance can't erase.
Dedicated to my PAA fellows
Written with free friendship in mind

Love and live ♥
1.4k · May 2021
Shadows ∧ Lights
Edoardo Alaimo May 2021
Close your eyes,
Breathe calmly,
For some time

You've looked down to yourself for so long that you forgot what it was to be alive.
Break the walls that you've built around you to protect from the agony, the pain, the apathy, that trapped you into them.
Our lives are not supposed to be talked about in a piece of poetry. They are too complex, unique. Our reality cannot be determined simply by words, rhythm, rhymes, music.
Chemical signals. Physical laws. Duties, Emotions. Joy. Wellbeing. Despair. Depression.
The possibility of crying out loud all of the sadness that had built in for ages, and to absorb all of the splendor of a hug with someone you love in a minute that lasts forever. Enjoy your journey. Do not waste these precious moments, even the darker ones. We are to be living wonderful and sorrowful times, but life is not about wonderfully sorrowful times.
To wish you were someone else would ruin and waste your precious uniqueness. It is all about the journey, just live it all, experience all of the thousand sides in a diamond where life beatifully scattered its light. Experience the shadows, thrive in the dawn. Just do not forbid yourself from living. Do not anticipate.  Be wonderful and find your way.

Long breathe.
Embrace yourself,
and open your eyes.
Sometimes things don't go your way. It's part of the game. Has to be, would be a pity if it weren't. I hope this is appreciated by the few readers.
1.4k · Apr 2024
Like mist
Edoardo Alaimo Apr 2024
Like mist,

Becoming water,
and then a river,
and going forever

And strong and fast and turbulent,
growing life and joy and colors,

Our purpose is,
and was never.
Very concise poem on existential nihilism

1.2k · Feb 2024
Edoardo Alaimo Feb 2024
You could go on adventures together,
Enjoying a hot cup of mulled wine,
Or just share stories sitting on a couch,

Having an infinite amount of joy
Spreading bullsh1t 10000 km away,
Finding secret codes, creating phrases.

Some threads work in close range,
Or they stretch out a far distance,
Tying with friends, new or old alike,

They melt the rock ice beneath,
Within the reach of your finite souls,
Exploring the walls of a finite home.

They bring fire in your heart,
Making it want more and more
Thirsty of the whole endless world.
Thoughts after a 22hours trip back home,
And after 3 months in California,
Harvesting opportunities and meeting wonderful people

1.1k · Apr 2016
Sei qui con me
Edoardo Alaimo Apr 2016
Quando penso a te,
non sei da qualche parte
a ragionare, a patire.
Un occhio, solo, alla luce,
Uno scudo contro mille lance,
In un terreno di battaglia lontano.
Sei qui con me,
E quando ti penso non ** paura
Né angoscia: io ti ** dentro
Quando ti vedo sei sempre come
Mille libri da cui trarre ispirazione.
Dentro di me, rimani il libro più bello
E il solo vederne la copertina
Mi fa stare meglio:
Sei come il sole, splendido dell'orizzonte,
Che diventa mio, al mattino
Sei una brezza di calma e di serenità
Che sfiora il corpo.
Che io sia ovunque,
Ti tengo stretta:
Con te sono piu forte,
Mi sento migliore
Il mondo intero lo sembra
Vi siano tramonti d'autunno,
O temporali e folgore
Sei la mia buona stella,
In questo luogo,
Dove si annega il pensiero,
E le preoccupazioni
Vorrei stare sospeso con te
In questo luogo;
E raccontarti a chiunque
This is what I was. There are many elements to this poem which are interesting.

First of all. The idea of "what is the idea I have of you" vs "what is the truth of you". Bringing an element of Le Chatelier principle: for me, when I think About you, you are not alone fighting a war, because in reality you are here with me.

This is clearly contradictory to reality. And it is a dream. Because when you are fighting you are alone. The hope of these sentences is to "bring an idea": for me you are not alone, so maybe you are not thinking you are alone.

This idea is Carried throughout the whole poem. Especially the "you are my breeze of calm and serenity". It is all about myself. It has nothing to do with you.. I myself feel calm when I think about you.

I myself feel tranquil and feel like talking about you to anybody.  But that is me. Not you.

I think the best continuation to this poem is "Colours'.
847 · Jan 2
To Immortality
This is not meant to be a poem.

Never delete what you were. Even though it doesn't reflect your current being. You must be proud of what you were because it got you until now and it prepared you. It gave you the tools. It WAS you and hence it IS still you.

Never be ashamed of the love you felt and gave. Instead. Grow in love and grow the love.

And if things did not go the best possible way. Well. What even is the best possible way? Things went the only way possible. You learn from what happens and live the way you think is best for you. Maybe learning from mistakes too.

There are no true immortal beings, but immortal are the feelings we feel and the ideas that we bring to others. This is because ideas and feelings will move through generations as long as someone is willing to talk about them. Share them. Write them. And speak about them with other people.

This is magic.

I guess that's all.
मैं आपकी तरह छिपा हुआ नहीं हूं, इसलिए कृपया मुझे लिखें या संदेश भेजें। मैं आपको उचित उत्तर देना चाहूँगा
812 · Jun 2024
Tic Tac
Edoardo Alaimo Jun 2024
‎    ‎        At
some        point,
  felt           time
      ­          i
751 · May 2024
Come nebbia
Edoardo Alaimo May 2024
Come nebbia,
Nebbia sparsa

Che divien acqua,
Poi torrente,
E poi per sempre

E forte e rapida e turbolenta
Cui vien la vita, la gioia, i colori

Il nostro scopo é
Ma non era niente
A translation of "Like mist"
Edoardo Alaimo Jul 2016
I do often gather onto these ledges
Alone, I save me where the sea beats.. and
Rustles,  waves, blue and green reflections,
Bubbles, shattering in grains, foaming. I think
Many more millions, just like me, here,
Had roosted, to observe, to listen;
Perchance they felt the very same
Strong, dulcet, genic quietness. Any one,
If they please, can just go ahead, and
Join me: here, some inches over the sea. I
Ceased to write as the dusk went by.
*Written at Foro Italico, Palermo.*
610 · Nov 2024
πάντα ῥεῖ
Edoardo Alaimo Nov 2024
It begins

With fiery jokes about Canada  
And your hair, blazing, untamed

Is it maybe your stunning mind
I am simmering, 180 degrees

Perhaps it is the cookies we bake,  
The stories we share,
the laughter we shape
With such SERIOUS faces

I could look at you for hours.
Your beauty defies all word
But it's not even that —

Your charm and confidence  —
you wear them like a crown
—I know it must hurt

It could be your ambition
That I truly love so much

This burning sensation is so strange
I know you won't like this, but
This love, like wine, leaves me  
soaked, spinning, dizzy

I am just not used to this—
I've never wanted anybody to feel so good in life
But it is what I want for you

I feel so free,

You are too —

You know the moon is free falling too
608 · Oct 2024
Wet Vortex
Edoardo Alaimo Oct 2024
We chose to be caught,
Swirling in this vortex,
With our crystalline eyes
Closed, or open—


I remember clearly,
A flirt. A touch. A kiss.
I flew with my mind,
I loved it wet—

but you couldn’t love it then,
you couldn't even hate it,
you hate it now, looking back

We found ourselves
Spinning in the spiral
Of something we chose—
It was our own will,
Unbreakable by anyone,

though it had happened before:
you were torn apart like paper.

and now you are here,
gluing with gold the shattered pieces

Of the beautiful being you are,
Of the beautiful thing you swear to be,
Of the beautiful child you see,
When you look into the mirror
With your eyes wide open.

(Open your arms towards yourself and towards others, because love is always open arms)

565 · Mar 2024
Edoardo Alaimo Mar 2024
Amo sorridere,
Voglio volare,
Spingere, spingere fuori,
Andare, andare, andare

Fissarti il colore degli occhi e basta oppure guardare e fantasticare

Vorrei vibrare, vibrare
Come foglie al vento
Come un albero secolare
Movimenti in ogni direzione

Sento il mio cuore che segue il tamburo che segue il rumore che sento rombare

Esplorare il verde, il verde
Chiusi gli occhi al vento e al sole
Pelle morta che si libera nell'aria
Voglio odore, odore, odore

Sentirti un profumo inebriante come un esplosione che saturi tutto tra naso e sapore

Voglio andare piano o veloce
Costruirmi, costruire, costruire
Le braccia tese all'infuori,
e stringersi a sé stessi

Voglio abbracciare con il petto e con le mani ed incendiare e bruciare le vene e il cuore

Voglio creare,
fare cazzate,
Gioire, soffrire, amare,
Capire, vivere, baciare,

Voglio annegare e gustare le mucose e la bocca ed il silenzio e l'immenso

e come un cotone galleggiare
Weaving a new cotton sheet, a piece dedicated to experiences, the senses, and the sensations. More of a stream of consciousness of reality, yours. Mine. Who knows.

557 · Dec 2019
Polvere di immenso
Edoardo Alaimo Dec 2019
Per quanto ancora vedrai
il colore dei fiori, rigoglioso?
E il loro profumo, con questa brezza,
quanto spazio avrà percorso?
Che segno lasceranno i lor fusti
a chi li calpesterà?
Può un serpente
mordere persino il sole?

È qualcosa che capisco,
e che continuamente dimentico,
come un foglio che sbiadisce,
e che ogni tanto ricopio.

Come un cuore che soffre,
su ciò che è già andato,
che si rialza e rinasce,
con il petto rinvigorito.

Mi chiedo che sia l'immenso,
Un foglio bianco sporco,
Pieno di figure, di colori,
Un emozione dal nulla.
Mi chiedo se sai qualcosa di me,
Ora che non si scorge;
Anche l'immenso, ne son certo,
Procede verso il cambiamento.
Old poem, changed it a bit, I think it was unfair for it to stay hidden in my computer :)
Edoardo Alaimo Feb 2020
Clinging on the elusive cliff
I see nothing that might hurt beneath

With not much that is close by
I'll be taking my sweet time,
Trying not to fall to feel the sky

I might do everything, or nothing much,
A cloud of inertia I'm not hurrying to reach.
All is left is a huge sigh
Out the shell I was shielded by

I was dressing colorful to be alive,
Now swimming through the waves,
Heating up my ways,
Walking slowly, racking up the pace,
Bumping on rocks, damping the grace,

Playing the melody,

Relaxing the agony.
Wrote with an urge to write,
I hope you have a fantastic day there :*
337 · Dec 2024
A fare un uomo
Edoardo Alaimo Dec 2024
Non é l'istruzione
Non sono gli oggetti
A fare un uomo,
Se stesso.

É come vive l'ora,
Cosa fa con gli altri;
Ció che condivide;
L'intenzione con cui lo fa,
La voglia;

La personalitá, il mistero,
la magia, la forza...

Di amare ogni istante
Vivere, amare, capirsi

2016, non meglio precisato

— The End —