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Feb 15 · 142
Trinkets Feb 15
worn-down paws
stepping forward
many consonants
create jagged ground
whose icy surface
cuts into paws
Feb 12 · 502
Trinkets Feb 12
hear me out, I have a plan,
increase profits while investing
as little as we possibly can
we’ll create an image of them and call it “success”
to give an image of their life prospects

create a worldwide obsession
with this thing
we’ll call it “money”
while giving it to nobody

ask their children what they want to be
make productivity be their life expectancy
the established illusion of worth in gold
that's what they'll be told

we know of basic human needs
we’ll enforce a new one
the need of greed
we'll start with banks
ideas of worth beyond a number
and that's where we will build this power

we’ll have struggles remain to keep the profit
have to keep them on their toes
keep them suffering to work this hard for nothing
we’ll decrease the risk of profit loss
just take their space for genuine thought

curiosity creativity new ideas
required for innovation or solution
but we must prevent the risk of them
climbing out of desperation
we’ll keep them busier than ever
no time for self, expression
then give them   j u s t   a hint of having life
be easier through efficiency of trickery

here, use this tool for the sense of creation
instead of painting, do computer visualisation
inner-most dreams an instant donation
provide relief in the trusting belief
that data collection won’t make them bleed
until we know their every thought
replace them through devices they bought

the computer program of information recycler
have them put the information of their lives there
self-improvement program grows to know
be better than them at building growth
we have their minds replaceable
have them learn to feel incapable
we keep this plan from falling apart
through the simple act of having them
devalue their own art

we’ll create this system for communication
interaction instant gratification
with price tags make the image of enough
to portray they’ll pay just buy enough stuff
the image they help to spread
like catching lullabies
to help them fall to sleep
they’ll spend their years avoiding fears
of creating less than perfect portrayal
we’ll take real away make them crave
creating ads with pictures of self, betrayal

for power over their perception
that they can’t see or take part in
the currency through algorithm
meant for us alone
overpowered mind control
control over their lives
paid for by the companies
wanting in on changing minds to hives

what then is the point, they’ll wonder
murmuring through illusioned slumber

we’ll show them that there are exceptions
motivating using tales of hope
disguise it all as piles of gold

we know of basic human urges
we’ll play the limits through diversions
game of myth
of salvation
“surely there is a way”
“if I keep working hard”
“if I have hope I will prevail”

the reward for lifetime servitude
we promise them aging life
end-of-life rescue

they’ll blame themselves
for all their curses
as we take away
their caring nurses

after just a few years
creating the fears
of everyone else on earth
we will finally rule reality
at long last we’ll own their worth

the fear of age and the fear of death
will be cured through dying breaths
basic driving forces and human urges
now in power
over all their lives through
the contents of their knockoff purses
Jan 27 · 358
Trinkets Jan 27
expect flaws, be flawed yourself
expect perfection, as something human
every person is but one part

if someone plays your tune, just listen
sing along, ask to dance, bravely
share with them

and you'll know if they are family
or a roller coaster wild experience
memories to treasure
Jan 26 · 262
Trinkets Jan 26
poor brainwashed people
dressed in suits
born in time unordered life ensues
taught nearly all not nearly enough
believing life is tough
believing in what humans should
with too much power
believing into
existence hell
on earth is swamped
with minds creative
a dying earth not saved
with science made unable
ideas are ranked
by suits valued importance
paying for a voice to only
thoughts of suits feeling
not heard must make a stance
poor brainwashed needs of self
realisation not in correlation
of the need for salvation
greed unimportant next to being
the one who looked down on the rest
poor brainwashed suits believing
themselves to be the best
the world continued burning
the right ideas through fear
kept mute
must not be overhead
when suits see fires
lit in tribute
Jan 25 · 209
Blame game
Trinkets Jan 25
a solid basis of conflict
between generations
is the blame game thinking
“if only, then”
meant only to distract
from the hopelessness of knowing
“not now either”
Jan 25 · 470
Trinkets Jan 25
you have a secret don’t you
like a coin in the hand of
a beginner magician
well hidden for any who
never really pay attention
Jan 24 · 121
Trinkets Jan 24
managing mental health
wrapping head around
changing outlook views
wearing scars like a crowns
won’t help you to survive
without food on the table
without a chance to be well
it won’t matter
self taught lies
when problems are in real life
and you're not allowed yourself
Jan 22 · 229
Investment 101
Trinkets Jan 22
The art of connection is not by chance.
More of investment and less of dance.
Follow this guide, to a T, to have a chance.
For connection or romance.

Step 1
   Two people meet who identify potential.
   Potential advertisements successful.
   Interest of purchase, the game is on.
   Time for negotiation.

   “This is what I want, and this I see in you
   we could be magnificent, do you see it too”?

Step 2
   The two parties state their terms.
   What I want, need, now you, take turns.
   This is what would make it happen for me,
   what I would need for ease and harmony.
   Lists categorised by priority.

   Lists of what would hurt as ****, if you agree?

Step 3
   Comparison of wins and gains and risks and pains
   in our now well documented passions.
   Stated clearly in the contract, attachments,
   terms and conditions.

   Does the potential magic outweigh the discomfort?
   Knowing all, would you be a suitable consort?

   Not free of flaws, just flaws matching mine.
   The positives showing potential, long term growth,
   and something less tangible. A sign?

Step 4
   Consideration of the terms for the exchange.
   Feel free to bring in outside counsel,
   all normal, nothing strange.

   “***, I think they like me”?
         “Do you think he even cares”?
               “I don't know if she is ready”.
   Doubts like this no longer stand a chance.

Step 5
   Place fourth what you'd be willing to invest, on the table.
   Be careful not to place more than you are actually able.

Step 6
   Potential trial runs, if stated clearly in the terms.
   Experience the chemicals of connection
   and see if trust can be earned.

   Did reality meet expectations?
   Where there all the right sensations in our relations?
   Giving passion a chance in this well structured test.

   With everything now on the table,
   are the parties ready to potentially invest?

   Any last warnings to heed?
   Excellent, I believe we are ready to proceed.

   The parties gather for progression
   as it is time for

Step 7
   An agreement is reached at last.
   Taking into account all that has passed.

   The details have been discussed.
   “Yes, Christmas with my family is a must”.

   Will they walk their separate ways,
   or will the fires of romance be set ablaze?

The beginning of a great love story,
with nothing lost and potential true connection won.
If you just follow the steps in investment 101.
Jan 21 · 125
Trinkets Jan 21
your bedroom always smelled of

the memories
of bed and breakfast
put shame to dull routines

but routine it was
wooden trays and coffees
with that look at me
Jan 21 · 171
Trinkets Jan 21
you are too loud
you should be quiet
you don’t have to
but only when you do
might they stop insulting you

your words are wrong
you should not speak
you could go on
but if you do
eyes will roll at you

your feelings are too large
you should make them smaller
you are allowed to have them
but if you don’t suppress
everyone will care much less

you are not like one should be
you should hide away yourself
you might sometimes visit
but if that is how you must behave
it makes sense they walk away

you think only wrong
you should see like normal
you may love your daydreams
but pretending more for reality
won’t grant you any sympathies

you assume too much importance
you should not exist like that
you should give up, be gone
but don’t walk away or leave
as that might hurt their feelings

you say there are no options left
you should know that life is easy
you feel tension building, in your throat
but just speak up, speak loudly
no one wants to own your suffocating
Jan 20 · 374
Trinkets Jan 20
I make you fight
for what you value
as if it is your own
while to the ground
I slowly burn your home
Jan 20 · 70
Trinkets Jan 20
Hello, can you see me?

Am I real to you?

I've been waving hands aggressively

in front of people’s faces,

but I don't think that they can

see me.

Please, can you hear me?

I've nearly lost my voice

from all the shouting,

screaming at them,

but I don't think that they can

hear me.

Can you feel me,

as I try to hold your hand?

I've been trying to reach out,

hold you, talk and listen.

But I don't know if I am

real to you.
Jan 19 · 108
Time traveller V
Trinkets Jan 19
Darling time traveller,
will you dance,
or must you stay alone?
When your version of love
is singing together, words unknown.
Does hearing voices make it difficult,
to listen for people of your kind?
When you hear only music
that inspire the worlds you find.
But darling time traveller,
please share your words.
They are the most beautiful
that I have ever heard.
They light up your eyes,
bring shivers and chills,
The music that make time
come to a standstill.
Jan 19 · 100
Trinkets Jan 19
my love is conditional
something to be earned
you withhold and yet attempt
awkward silence purchase
misunderstood transactional

I deserve to have needs met
needs not wishes, for survival
even when my want is you
when you dream love elusive
for such deceit I’ll never fall

I will not love in reasonless
never lean on stranger trust fall
trust complete but not naively
you dream trust illusory
my dream established neatly

you expect love unconditional
you could have all you desire
when I love I love completely
standard terms and conditions
but you are above such requisitions
demands of unconditional
can be used to manipulate
conditions to enter into love
can be used to love oneself
Jan 18 · 41
Trinkets Jan 18
life and health thrown away to make it to that point
I stood surrounded by the chaos, my life fallen apart
didn’t know how much, what was normal to achieve
I only knew the many reasons tulips broke my heart

the day I got a big bouquet of bright white shiny tulips
someone saw how hard I’d worked, all the ways I’d tried
the first and only time congratulating life achievement
on the middle of the table, proud, I placed them and I cried

the bouquet was so beautiful, fit in to someone else’s life
standing up again from falling, bruised but still prevailed
felt ugly, tired, disappointed, hurt and ill and shame
still not enough, still trying, still feeling like I failed

years later tulip girl would find such disappointment
the permanence of sacrifices she made to survive then
I live the life of living up to expectations of those flowers
trying to convince myself that I am someone
                               who deserved them
Jan 18 · 153
Trinkets Jan 18
I know that you are strong
in your endless carrying
in all my doubts about the world
I know you can handle anything

under the weight of it all
you stand steady still
but please listen when I tell you
you don’t have to die on that hill

just because you carry well
with no complaints or protest
doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy
darling, you deserve some rest
Jan 16 · 113
Old friends
Trinkets Jan 16
You used to believe in dragons, when you were young. Used to make them come to life. After midnight, silent keyboard tapping built entire worlds.

Up the stairs of your own building where they also always lived. Almost shaking grabbing keys, unlocking doors and switching lights on. Attic smells as you puzzle boxes out of way, in the corner, dark and barely lit. You grab the right one. You sit. Leaning against dusty walls. Get comfortable.

With almost reverence you untie strings holding cardboard closed. Not opened since, since you were there, with them. With your hands, carefully flattening, every yellowed piece of paper.

You read. Some out loud. You know them. Never really forgot. Some read walking back and forth. Some softly sung. Some tugging on old scars. Some naively loving in a way you wish you could. Some screaming to be loved in a way they didn’t know they would.

You hold them to you. Wipe tears, old and new. The worlds you built once. Undeserving. You’ll take them with you.

You used to believe in dragons. Now you believe in you.
Jan 16 · 47
Trinkets Jan 16
in you I found

in silence we just knew
creeped out and amused
absurdity in compatibility
long lost family
non existent memories
outrageous similarities

sharing with you
never blame
pushed off feet
and stumbling
from first time
feeling safe

in you I found
twin flame

shared fascination
in creating
partner in crime
unmatched pride

like a movie you are
you know
and you create
in shadows
share same view

in you I found

searching for
wanting someone
didn’t know
I needed

when I was hurt
and failing
you held my hand

in you I found
best friend

believed in me
until I was able
you were strength

after only ever knowing
how to be alone

in you I found
sometimes me must write
our friends
sometimes we must call
and yell at them
when writing made us cry
Jan 16 · 74
Trinkets Jan 16
images of people
are always limited
reality always messier
than one photograph
no matter how well portrayed
messiness never shown
and chaos never imagined
as any more real than
a temporary state
of the journey to the real goal

true connection
nothing to be dismissed
as much as any force fed image
of its nature is
the all consuming something
more and less tangible than reality
no more than a lie to keep us trying
no consumer motivated reason
for the constant sandpaper
to ourselves
will make it less of a betrayal
to that childhood dream

one day, I will not fear
one day, who I am will be seen
one day, what is my good
will be appreciated
as much as I am able
to imagine and more

if only I am able to not be myself
Jan 16 · 303
Said and done
Trinkets Jan 16
when all is said and done
and all has been resolved
there is the ease of resolution
no more tears to bawl

all is said and done
all the words were said
all the questions asked
all the pain been bled

now you go on living
get back to your life
pretend that nothing happened
ignore the scars, there was no knife

and when you think you’re able
when at last, you’re back to you
there is the faint remembering
you realise you’ve been lied to

the cuts were self inflicted
that’s what you’ve been told
the boiling water poured on you
had no intention to ever scold

but there was a knife and there was water
unfamiliar knife rack and a kettle
in your home they’re not, mental images
held by hands not yours, unsettle

it doesn’t matter anymore
not relevant the truth was spun
you’re meant to have moved on
when all is said and done
Jan 15 · 95
Time traveller II
Trinkets Jan 15
Darling time traveller,
do you know who you are?
There is no time
to remember old scars.
Each moment of you
comes at too high a price.
When you live only play pretend,
your own life put on ice.
Just calm down.
They’re not real,
the sounds you hear.
Just calm down.
All that stress
will make you ill.
Darling time traveller,
just breathe, it isn't real.
You will find peace again
when time stands still.
Jan 15 · 47
Trinkets Jan 15
some words only some will hear
colours only some will see
faces in the crowd will know
those with hands that speak
words only some will hear

a constant on the tip of tongue
in the back of mind
always smelling something there
a faint remember when

whispered songs around me
always dancing, restless
dreaming what could be
with glass shards stuck in my feet
breaking through skin, potential
of the only real unknown

all that’s there of me
red trampled footsteps left behind
hearing music all around me
feeling out of my mind

a shout, a whisper, siren song
a wish, a curse, to belong

broken shards from inspiration
long since forgot
grabbing them from broken soles
knowing what they are

stories wanting to be told
with words only some will know
Jan 13 · 81
Trinkets Jan 13
If only I could talk to you
                        I'm here
If only I knew what to say
I don’t know what to do
                        No need
I just want you to stay
                        I'm here

If only I could read your mind
                        Ask anything
never know what words to use
                        I'll tell you
You've always been so kind
                        So have you
Maybe I'm just too bruised
                        I'm here for you

I’d like to tell you how I feel
                        I hear it
how much you've helped me heal
                        I'm proud of you
tell you what you mean to me
                        I feel it
send my thoughts and make you see
                        I love you too

I wish I could be better for you
                        You are enough
be what you deserve, every day
                        You are everything
there is nothing I wouldn't do
                        Nothing needed
If only there was a way
                        I just need you

I owe so much already
                        Nothing to repay
I put it all on you, leaned heavily
                        I'm here for it
You carried it all somehow
                        Because I love, it's easy
But I’m scared to be myself now
                        I'm sorry

I found such comfort on your skin
                        I found comfort in you
Forgiveness in your touch
                        Nothing to forgive
It's why it feels like such a sin
                        Nobody is perfect
To be too much
                        I want all of you

It seems to all go wrong
                        If only we could talk
you, halfway out the doorway
                        We'll figure out what to say
I don't want to string you along
                        I don't know what to do
I’ll just stay away
                        I just want you to stay
Jan 12 · 149
Time traveller VI
Trinkets Jan 12
Darling time traveller,
no exhaustion matters,
when no time has passed,
when inspiration has struck,
and the dice have been cast
When late at night
in bedroom night light,
words come to you
When your mind is too loud,
can't sleep,
you grab your pen
Darling time traveller,
it was never a choice.
Your mind will act if you don’t.
Writing stories in your head,
against your will.
In those moments where
time comes to a standstill.
Jan 12 · 48
Paper maker
Trinkets Jan 12
Like first time seeing stars in skies free of city lights.
Like late summer sun reflected golden in lake waves.
The light I see in you, through your eyes, right behind your face.

Through states or circumstance, that will make it feel afar.
I see golden lights, the dream, that defines who you are.

You have such stories, but no paper. Forced to make it from scratch.
While knowing the perspectives of the world that only you can catch.

I see fierce beauty in your bleak depiction of reality.
Disillusionment and disappointment,
because you know what reality was supposed to be.

At night you are a paper maker, while humming horrors of the world.
Words yearning for a canvas, with impatience, needing to be heard.
Words of night time skies, making paper makes you glow.
Dancing to the melody of light, in duet with your own shadow.

Because the world is clear to you, you make others see it too.
With such excitement, I just wait. I can see the future thanks to you.

A day of paper, you write light, for everyone to see. Your art.
The light I see through your eyes, right behind your face,
that defines who you are.
Jan 11 · 73
Trinkets Jan 11
You are a master of pretending,
even when your life is ending.

An artist of escape
to avoid every heartache.

Most well dressed stranger
at any masquerade.

Who you meet in the mirror,
worthy of none of your affection.

It is difficult to love yourself
without a reflection.
Jan 9 · 194
Time traveller IV
Trinkets Jan 9
Darling time traveller,
do you know what you are?
Have you yet dismissed the normality
you are incapable of?
Are you as fiercely protective of yourself,
as you are of your art?
When you hide away in boxes,
is it fear or is it love?
You can put all the paints away,
dismiss every pen.
But what you see is different,
darling time traveller.
You can turn away,
you can pretend.
But you must know,
you are the reality unraveller.
Jan 7 · 530
On fire
Trinkets Jan 7
“Come on”
    “Shut up”
   when one day I burst into flame
     when every notebook I held burned up
           when dusty soot from attempts at art
                                                        just flew away
blinded by the pain
       it’s difficult to see
when every bed is flammable
                       it’s difficult to sleep
       enough sleep deprivation would
                                     drive anyone insane
“Don’t play the victim”
              “Don’t ask for pity”
      “Stop your constant complaints”
                      “Don’t give the fire
                                     power of mind
                                         allow it to grow
                                            into its own entity”
alive but aflame
   hiding with all my might
            they kept asking more
                                  “Be normal”
   ­                         “Smile for ***** sake ”
               while every glimpse of real
                          gave them a fright
when I in desperation sought
                        for water
                  at any cost
   just make the pain stop
                  while their words
                          created drought
in my life
  of burning flesh
      I kept trying to forget
                                start fresh
                got so good at pretending
                             invisible flames
            my life slowly ending
                 just not aloud
    my silence during emergency
             made them proud
when there was barely any left
  turned to dusty soot myself
     turned mute
        I dropped to my knees
                        I begged
they didn’t waste any time
         before saying
                                  “You have to understand,
                    everyone gets a little hot sometimes”
Dec 2024 · 480
Trinkets Dec 2024
Look, here is a puzzle.

A mystery for you to solve.

You don't have the answer?

You're meant to have them all.

Just read the signs, in faces, reach out,

but never call. Don't ever ask the questions,

that's against the rules. You are the only one

that find the silence cruel. Only you find it to be

troubling. Everyone else can play this game, no problem.
Dec 2024 · 432
Some dream
Trinkets Dec 2024
some dream of warmth
some dream of flying

some spend mornings lying
balancing on the edge
between sleep and awake

half dreamt images
of dancing flames
heat warming their face

or lingering sensations
of falling
remembering soaring
through the sky

meeting someone
share the dream
such a rarity

find and be found
instead of searching
the reason we search

few words needed
when minds mere touch
feel like home

to know already
the smile in your voice
to words not said

the touch of your hand
in mine
without holding

few words needed
none allowed

to share a dream
is unspoken

there had been signs to indicate
you too hid matches in your coat

if one were to find them now
others not to be ignored

tasting on your skin
a silent longing for
someone to share your skies

nothing now in your eyes
but squinting back to see

attempts at finding
wordless answers

some do not remember dreams
they have but half dreamt images
lingering sensations

if you had but asked
if only I had shared
I never wanted flying

I dream of fires
Nov 2024 · 76
Blue skies
Trinkets Nov 2024
you are the one
that fell from the sky

content with the falling
aware of the landing
people pleaser in a flying suit

didn't ask
for a parachute


you are the one
that fell from the sky

no grounds or attachments
no worries fly by
no thoughts of before

breathing fast air
wanting more


you are the one
that fell from the sky

brace yourself
halfway through
tense and confused

fall hard every time
end up bruised


you are the one
that fell from the sky

brand new attire
back up again
metal box plane

preparing new you
for no hint of shame


you are the one
that fell from the sky

ready to fly
enter the stage
from such a height

remember only then
your stage fright


you are the one
that fell from the sky

content with the falling
aware of the landing
people pleaser in a flying suit

didn't ask
for a parachute
Nov 2024 · 264
Trinkets Nov 2024
we have an understanding
you and I
carefully tiptoe around

no touch waltz game of mirrors
and pretending
we do not see
attempts to follow or to lead
all focus on to hide
enough to please believe

I am worthy of the dance

inner thoughts printing press
working overtime
writing stories variations
hundreds thousands
locked up overflowing
when any one would do

finding myself
grasping lighters
hiding in my pockets
desperately wanting
something real
a fire all consuming
destroying what is me
to burn all past beliefs

I would grab old stories
by the handful crumpled paper
dismiss all for just one truth
throw them all to fuel flames
for just one scribbled piece
of any story from you

answers in a conversation
surrendered for imagined somethings
the nature of human loneliness
reading only what there is to read

there never would be fires
or firework displays

no darkened smoke
no burning out
no disappointment

just endless inner libraries in decay
Nov 2024 · 116
Human collector
Trinkets Nov 2024
I save humans
                in my collection
book of memories
                history of affection

I pick them out
                like fancy chocolates, carefully
I like the weird ones
                who will hop into my book, shyly

the humans I collect
                true one of a kind-collectibles
been found and loved before
                but not on pages quite so delectable
Nov 2024 · 50
Trinkets Nov 2024
you are a treat
best enjoyed in moderation
in a world where it is ugly to make
any such communication

you are a treat
junkfood, excessive partying
something people want until
their every day routine starts faltering

you make people feel alive
flames lighting up their skies
until the constant light show
made them feel nothing but tired

you are a treat, a rarity
the world through rose tinted glasses
more dreams, ideas and exploration
when what they wanted was less

simple dreams are easy wins
not suited for your crazy whims
when all they needed was to say
this is no place for a fireworks display
Nov 2024 · 197
Trinkets Nov 2024
You mustn't take words
all too seriously.

They have meaning,
yes. They have power.

Please be advised,
use responsibly. But,

words are just playthings.
Like toys of worlds of children.

Be it plastic, rocks or sticks.
Not required.
Tools of the trade, never the essence.

Over there your kingdom lies,
over here is mine. Life and death.

After bedtime, by nightlight,
the story
stays the same. The toys just windows in.

For some time, the dream and concept
will remain. This story’s true creation.

Words are just playthings, made
as invitations to partake.

Words never did build
worlds alone. You did.

— The End —