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3.6k · Oct 2016
Girl with Freckles
lilac Oct 2016
a small teaspoon
of sweet brown sugar
sprinkled on her nose

her brown hair cascaded
down her back
her dark blue eyes gleamed
in generosity and beauty.

they grew,
beginning to splotch
everywhere upon her face.
some called her ugly,
despite her vibrant eyes
her long wavy hair,
her mum, to be specific,
said she was amazing
and looked fantastic
and who wouldn’t want
‘beautiful’ freckles?

the insults didn’t stop,
they flew
at the girl with freckles
like peter pan
charging through the air
at top speeds.

as the girl with freckles
grew up,
she and they started to
accept the fact that
the shining sun created
her with
I have freckles, so I think that's kind of what inspired this poem! Though all of it's not true - I just used myself as inspiration.
2.6k · Dec 2016
blue colored sighs
lilac Dec 2016
a blue colored sigh
matches perfectly with
red tinted lips, says the
old cranky bird with oil wings.

so i am purple,
because i decided
to make my sighs blue colored
to match up with my red tinted lips.

blue colored sighs match up
perfectly with red tinted lips,
is what they said.

i turned purple.
2.5k · Oct 2016
lilac Oct 2016
I’ve got my glitter --
It pours down on me,
Shiny, black, and splendidly dark.

Your glitter is gorgeous --
It trickles down smoothly,
Light, pink, and splendidly sparkly.

You've got the occasional
Black poured down upon you,
But it's quickly washed away.
Gone, overthrown by your
Iconic pastel glitter.

Mine is black.
It stays black.
When I get the occasional
Light colored glitter,
It simply seems to fall through
My black glitter coated fingers,

The light glitter’s gone, and
All I've got is black.
Just a poem based around two made up characters.
2.0k · Oct 2016
a galaxy full of stars
lilac Oct 2016
a flick of her wrist and
the star is sailing through
the blackened sky.

he throws his head back
as his body runs with her love

but they're worlds apart,
and the galaxy can't hold all the stars.
1.9k · Dec 2016
goldfish bowl
lilac Dec 2016
my head's stuck in a goldfish bowl
and goldfish are swirling around me.

it's hard to breathe here.
hey, look
there go the air bubbles,
escaping from my lips!

i'm just another person
and no one can see my goldfish
bowl of a head.

not until they meet me,

and usually they avoid me
once they've seen
the goldfish bowl.

that's okay, because even though
it's hard to breathe,
i like it here.

i like it very much.
1.2k · Nov 2016
lilac Nov 2016
i'm tripping over shoelaces
and falling over beating hearts
while you are watching
with amused, worried eyes.
my fingers turn to ice
and i manage to mumble
"i like your hair" before
the world ends and
my shoelaces are strangling me.
1.1k · Dec 2016
tangled heartstrings
lilac Dec 2016
i think my heartstrings
are a little bit tangled.

my brain isn't in control
and my heart's doing it all.

it doesn't know better.
but really, i'd rather not have
tangled heartstrings.
something's wrong
1.0k · Dec 2016
a lonely christmas
lilac Dec 2016
the air, cold
your soul, warm

and christmas, sad

because you're not
here with me.
just a story
1.0k · Oct 2016
magenta socks
lilac Oct 2016
my socks are magenta.
yours are a dark gray.

my nose is cold,
my toes,
my cheeks are cold,
and you say,
your cheeks are rosy pink."

and i smile sadly and wish my
magenta socks were
socks r kool
886 · Apr 2017
outrun the foxes
lilac Apr 2017
and the fox hunts the rabbit,
because that's how the world goes.
and the frown appeared on her face
because that's how the world goes.
but there's always the one rabbit
that makes it home safe.

so all you have to do
is outrun the fox.
yoooo!! happy poetry month !!!!!
855 · Dec 2016
lilac Dec 2016
every time i see you,
i see you
the gears cranking in your head
                 boxes, boxes of information
                                   gathering dust.

on the outside, i see you
bronze and a sky of dawn

but the words out of my mouth are
they're nothing to you
and when i do speak
my words are choked up,
lilac Nov 2016
upon twilight she walks,
small jar in hand.
while moon rises in sky,
she prepares her routine.

stars play about
in the moon lit night.
twinkling overhead,
welcoming her presence.

she climbs the ladder
to the twinkling night sky.
her fiftieth day of catching
the beautiful stars.

her eyes twinkled
along with the stars
as they approached her
their glimmer golden.

the stars let her breathe,
filling her life with light
and in her little glass jar
were stars ready to land.

she was the star girl,
the princess of the night.
she caught the stars,
and the stars smiled.

stars in her hair,
in her jar and her soul
brought her to life
every gorgeous night.

but one shadowed night,
the sky had no stars.
on her ladder to space,
the little girl stared.

all the stars - gone!
where could they be?
star girl’s life was slipping,
her breaths shortening.

she was falling down,
falling through the sky,
all the stars were gone,
and her jar was empty.
collab poem i did with my friend. she's also on here!
796 · Oct 2016
a soul-sucking kind of love
lilac Oct 2016
A kiss from him,
a **** of her soul.

He did truly love her,
though not so much.

He really had to steal her soul,
and take her life away.

Her breath now courses through him,
her lost soul in his lungs.

He loved her, he certainly did,
just really not so much.
well that was a bit weird
i tried making it a bit sing-songy
lilac Oct 2016
You tell me to smile more, and
I just reply back with a
"Resting ***** face."


You say I look prettier
when I smile.
I smile.


You walk up to me,
telling me my resting ***** face
is gone, for that moment.
I smile.


Your hand touches mine,
and shivers run down my spine.
You ask me if I'm okay.
I just smile.
766 · Dec 2016
center stage
lilac Dec 2016
i may just be a player
in the game of life,
and to you i'm nothing but
a side character.

that's okay, but
to me you're center stage
right along with me.
lilac Nov 2016
i want to sing my sorrows away
and sweep myself off the ground
to go soaring through this rainy sky.

you're in my way, and you're
crying your sorrows away.
but your crying never stops.

my singing doesn't stop either,
but i feel better.

you don't feel better,
and you keep crying your
sorrows away, while i am still here
singing, my sorrows long gone.
750 · Sep 2017
lilac Sep 2017
sugar on her lips
a smile

sugar, sugar

she's the kind that
burns your throat if you eat
too much
I haven't been on here in forever :c
746 · Mar 2017
lilac Mar 2017
lift me off the ground,
lift me in the air.
the sky is clearer here,
the air purer.
my head feels clean
your hands tickle.
lift, lift
lift me up.
ehhhh? well hi!!! it's been a while!
721 · Nov 2016
lilac Nov 2016
i have goosebumps
from watching you paint
the way you do.
and i wonder, if i'm getting
goosebumps, what kind of magic
you must be feeling inside.
art is cool
720 · Nov 2016
the art ghost
lilac Nov 2016
i like your hair,
your art,
and the way you flick
your wrist when you paint.

i'm a whisper of a ghost,
you can't see me,
but i wonder if you can
feel my cold touch on your skin.
lilac Nov 2016
the world cracks and
i am in hell.
so i pull out my marshmallows
and roast them above
the raging fires that
scorch my fingertips.
taking advantage of your ****** circumstances
lilac Nov 2016
i'm drowning in the white of the water,
watching pages flip as you read Harry Potter.

i can't breath, my breath is gone,
but i'm happy you can carry on.

(and giggle of Drarry)
(i know it's necessary)
harry potter and drowning
595 · Oct 2016
Sugar On Her Lips
lilac Oct 2016
Her laugh is like a beautiful xylophone playing blissfully in the distance,
she just rolls her eyes when I tell her she's beautiful.

She lips taste like vanilla and cinnamon and sugar,
and her freckles glisten just like the tasteful sugar on her lips.

Our feet tangle together next to each other, and hers are warm
whilst I'm sure mine are cold as tea left alone for hours.

She helps me cut my cuticles and paint my nails,
and I compliment her on her perfect, shiny purple fingernails.

I like her.

She blushes when she sees me.

Does she like me too?
a happy poem! finally lol
563 · Oct 2016
Tears on Sleeves
lilac Oct 2016
I’m crying,
I’m dying,
I’m sighing,
And I’m sobbing
My heart’s throbbing,

The girl flips her hair
It eases my despair,
But all of a sudden she leaves
And my tears are being wiped on my sleeves.
just a little warm-up! :)
548 · Oct 2016
No Love
lilac Oct 2016
All she wants is a simple kind of love,
But is that possible, with no one she in awe of?

He smiles sweetly up at her,
Though he knows no chemistry will occur.

So they sit in silence, lives apart
Knowing their souls will not share a heart.
quick poem drabble thing
544 · Oct 2016
foggy mirror
lilac Oct 2016
my skin
the hot, muggy
my hands
furiously scrub
at the dirt
mixed in with my
honey hair.
***** water
runs down my arm,
trickling off to my leg
and then into the drain.
i breathe, evaporated
filling my lungs.
my hair is clean.
my legs are tired of standing
and hurt from
all the razor nicks.
i shut off the
stupid shower
and step out,
shivering from the cold.
dirt is still caked under
my fingernails,
and there are still
blood streaks
on my legs
from my cheap razor
and bad
shaving job.
i stare at
the foggy mirror,
and draw a
frowny face right
where my own
lips are.
lilac Oct 2016
You approach me, and a smirk is dangling by the side of your lips.
My heart is beating, because I very much do Love you.
I'm excited.

You come closer to me, and our bodies are merely inches away,
and I can feel the contagious Smile blossoming on my face as our hands
lace together every so gently.
Your hands are warm.

You untangle one hand from me, and it's placed on the small of my back.
I'm pulled closer to you, but instead of it feeling like you're doing the work,
it feels as if a sudden force is doing it for you.
Our lips touch.

A burst of explosion is around me, just like they say.
It is Fireworks, it really is.
I am now hugging you,
pressing you to my body.

And we are kissing.
The explosions continue.

My Love for you grows stronger, and
there's nothing more I want than for it to continue,
but I know the explosions must stop soon, because I know
they will always have to.

So we do.
We pull away, and I'm breathing heavily, sparks shooting out of my mouth,
and you're breathing heavily, the words I Love You slipping out over and over again.

I tell you, I Love You Too.
a love as strong as yours makes /me/ fall madly in love with you
502 · Sep 2017
lilac Sep 2017
"i didn't mean to disappoint"
is her own sort of poem

it makes me sad and
makes me laugh together

she has disappointed;
cruel words and mean sneers,
hate under the compliments she gives

the emptiness and sadness of her lonely life,
the sneers i gave in return
makes it sad.

"i didn't mean to disappoint"
is her own sort of poem
488 · Oct 2017
tick tock
lilac Oct 2017
tick tock goes a mind,
a mind so in love

tick tock goes the clock,
time rushing by.

tick tock,
nothing left
but a sad heart.
tick tick tick tick booom
483 · Nov 2016
i'm not your friend
lilac Nov 2016
your words hurt me,
your actions break me.

i'm not your friend.
for ***** sake,
i'm not your friend.

you hurt me.
and i'm sorry i cannot
talk to you.

it hurts me
to imagine hurting you.
so i'll stay quiet.
because apparently that's
what i'm best at (remember?)

but my god,
i'm not your *******

so leave me alone.
454 · Apr 2019
lilac Apr 2019
my desperation lies somewhere
between a pumpkin carriage and
glass slippers.

my truth is cinder ashes;
of feet too big or too small,
of a dress cinched so tight I
cannot breathe.
i haven't been on here in so long eep
happy poetry month !!
450 · Oct 2017
lilac Oct 2017
they caught a glimpse of my heart,
broken, tore, shattered, stitched

trembling hands to hold up the sun,
heavy shoulders with pleading whispers

a burden too heavy,
and a glimpse at my heart.
wha t
437 · Jul 2019
sleeping beauty
lilac Jul 2019
pink cheeks and saccharine eyes
cover the briar roses
a flower escapes her lips,
but the thorns cut her throat

sweet, smart, and kind
the fairy godmothers say.
a rose for her, a kiss from him
on lips as pink as dawn.
421 · Dec 2016
the bones in your fingers
lilac Dec 2016
the bones in your fingers
crack to the rhythm of death;
the silence of choking misery.

she can ***** the candle,
but it'll do none
for the bones in your fingers
are nothing but cream colored cries.
385 · Oct 2016
Nothing More
lilac Oct 2016
Somewhere was emerald skies and floating flowers,
But she did not know where to look. The sounds of rhythm beat through
Her body.
The song sways her hips back and forth, but she wants nothing more
Than to get away
To get away from it all.
Her honey hair and her rosy lips pull the eyes of love to her, but she wants nothing more
Than to get away.
Her hair glows
In the blue skies and flowers are plucked, weaved in her hair
And the boy gives her chocolate every year, but she wants nothing more
Than to get away.
She wants to explore the horizon, find her
Path in the simple world she was stuck in.
Was it possible to get away
When she wanted nothing more?
379 · Sep 2017
smiles & ice cream
lilac Sep 2017
He knocks on her door with
No more than a smile and
A few flowers.

She's wearing her blue summer dress,
The one she wore in
Hawaii weeks ago.

They take the car
To the ice cream shop,
A bright light on a dimly lit street.

And the girl and the boy
Eat mint chip and cookie dough
Together on the steps in the park.

He tells her, "I like your smile."

She says, "Thanks."

And the girl and the boy
Sit in the park together,
Crickets filling in the silence.
wow, um, love?
375 · Feb 2017
it's been a while
lilac Feb 2017
it's been a while --
i've almost forgotten the ways
of your laughs and the taste of your
[it's been so long
since i've seen you smile]

it's been a while --
i'm ready to see you,
but there's so much longer
and i really doubt you want to see me too
[it's been so long
since you've made me smile]

it's been a while --
but now we're here
and to you i'm probably just a nothing girl
[it's been so long,
and together can we please smile?]
1. Long time since I've posted! Oops?
2. crush aahaaah
361 · Oct 2016
lilac Oct 2016
i turn in the darkness of the light,
and all i see is your shining aura
above my swamp of dark light.

you fail to see me, and you just
sing merrily
twirling in your light
a sweet song of happiness
escaping your gorgeous lips.

my eyes flicker over
and i see another,
hiding in the darkness of themselves.

another one of you comes.
now you're dancing together,
failing to see us together
you're together
we're together

and there's nothing we can do,
because you'll never see us.
359 · Oct 2016
it's me, it's you, no--
lilac Oct 2016
it's nothing,
it's nothing,
it's okay;
i will just...
shut up.

please don't bother
to ask if i'm okay.
it's simple,
it's simple,
i will just...
stop bothering you.

there's no
reason for you to
be a crybaby,
it's me,
it's me,
it's all my fault.

i should be crying.
349 · Dec 2016
lilac Dec 2016
hurrah, hurrah!
cue to cheers!
for the long writing program
has ended.

quite a journey it
has been!
spilling out words
squinting at pages
and conquering the
flame breathing dragon
in the very end.

so hurrah, hurrah
huzzah, huzzah,
it's over!
lilac Nov 2016
you like me because
i laugh at your jokes

but please do know
i do not like you back

(please do know)
you are funny,
and the words that spill out of your mouth
make me smile so much
you like me
(i do not like you back)
a common fear i suppose
331 · Oct 2016
lilac Oct 2016
blood rushes down her legs, and she cries
because no one ever taught her how to
shave her legs.
the nicks are obvious, and she grips the
cheap razor tight, sinking to the bottom
of the shower.
“i wish mum were here,” she cries,
smearing the diluted blood streaks
off her pale, blotchy legs.
kind of a sequel to foggy mirror/same concept
326 · Nov 2016
lilac Nov 2016
my wings lift me up
because i'm ready to face the sky.
fly free
325 · Oct 2017
lilac Oct 2017
trying and sobbing and
all to get better in a
perfectionist kind of world
318 · Nov 2016
pixie in the clouds
lilac Nov 2016
the pixie plays
in a sky full of
inky spun clouds of
died cotton, but she
can't manage to realize
that none of it is real at all.
316 · Dec 2016
flaming heart
lilac Dec 2016
a star upon her head,
a smile glittering on her face.
her happiness but a reverie
her twinkle twinkle eyes an illusion

a flaming heart covered with
a plastic grin and painted pink
nails with extra silver sparkles.

no one sees her flaming heart
except me.
312 · Nov 2016
lilac Nov 2016
the rain slips down from murky clouds.
i look up, but can't see you hiding in them.
usually you are there, controlling the rains and
smiling down at us.

but not today.
where are you?

it's raining, the clouds are dark.
i can't see you.

i miss you.
you were such a comfort
to me and
i miss you. i don't want the sun
to come back out again.
all i want is you.

where are you?
309 · Oct 2017
lilac Oct 2017
i live
in a world with dust bunnies
307 · Jun 2019
lilac Jun 2019
I throw away the letters,
ponder the scene.
I drown in the numbers,
cry in the shower,
pluck at the pillows
and stare at the pictures.

I sit in my room
with no place to go,
rip apart the numbers,
sing in my soul.
ok idk
278 · Nov 2016
l o v e
lilac Nov 2016
she likes her but it's not a feat,
it's just a dulled love
that she can't seem to beat.

she loves her honey hair,
but the love doesn't fly back
her love is nothing more than a whisper in the air.
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