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Apr 2016 · 1.3k
ShuckFacedGirl Apr 2016
They say Beauty is skin deep
At least according to society
And if you don't conform
Life will be a hellofa storm
Gold lies beneath the sand
So with a shaking hand
I dig in to my skin
Mining for what's within
digging for what you can't see
What is deep inside me
Red gold bubbles at the surface
It hurts but that's why I do this
Beauty pays a price
And this is souly my choice
the scars aren't pretty
And this isn't beauty
It's still you I love
But A mismatched glove
I am to you
Into the trash you threw
Me away
Another day
Passes and No matter how
Deep I dig, I know now
It's not me
I'm not ugly
It's society
So why do I keep digging when beauty only runs skin-deep?
Feb 2016 · 3.4k
Dear Bestie
ShuckFacedGirl Feb 2016
Let's laugh the night away
Forget the sorrows of today
Again tomorrow the sun will rise
And it won't be a surprise
That our friendship will stay
As golden as it was yesterday
Bye, for now
Feb 2016 · 656
I get it
ShuckFacedGirl Feb 2016
I get it

I cry
Not for me
But for you
Can't you see?
You left; I don't blame you
I blame me

I get it

There's bigger and better things
Out there than silly ol' me
There always has been
Always will be

I get it

I'm that answer on the test
You know the one; letter c
Everyone knows it's wrong
Because it's so silly
It's so obvious
Only the poor fool who didn't study
Would choose it and I'm not the right 1
He thought I'd be

I get it

I'm not wanted
I'm unnecessary
I could dissapear in a flash
And it would be easy

I get it

The world stopped moving
When they have up on me
For them, it will keep going
When I give up on me.

Get it?
Feb 2016 · 773
ShuckFacedGirl Feb 2016
You broke my heart
      When you broke up with me

You shattered my heart
       When you got with her

You threw away my heart
       When you lied to him
You said you still love me, but if you did, why would you hurt me like this?
Jan 2016 · 465
Is it all we are now?
ShuckFacedGirl Jan 2016
Just a memory?
       We were so happy..
Just a moment?
        We shared so many..
Just a was?
        What about "We will"?..
Wish we still were.
Jan 2016 · 1.2k
Our song
ShuckFacedGirl Jan 2016
He pushed play
He said "Hey"

But he pressed fast forward
And leaned inward

So I pressed play
We could've kissed all day

He pressed pause
There were a few flaws

I pressed play
I thought it'd be okay

He hit stop
Was I too over the top?

Ether way,
I want to press replay
Not over you
Jan 2016 · 577
Who knew
ShuckFacedGirl Jan 2016
Who knew
I didn't know
Would say

Who knew
That night
We'd see
In each other?

Who knew
We'd share
So many things
And never met

Who knew
Every day
He'd ask me
"Do we
Still match?"

Who knew
The answer
Was always yes?

Who knew
Less than
A week
Would pass
Before he

Who knew
When he
It would
Bring back

Who knew
We'd kiss

Who knew
We'd fall
In love?

Who knew
It was
New Years
And I
Was only
Of him?

Who knew
One month
After Hello
Would be

Who knew
Was enough
To make me cry?

Who knew
I could
Feel him
Even if
I never
Saw him
But now
All I feel
Is his

Who knew
I'd  fall
To pieces
Pick them

Who knew
I'd just
Drop them
All over

Who knew
He wouldn't
Or pretend
He doesn't

Who knew?
Not me.
Jan 2016 · 947
My apocalypse
ShuckFacedGirl Jan 2016
I wasn't ready
I didn't want it to end
But isn't that what anyone would say
After their own apocalypse?

I knew it was coming
So why didn't I do something?
It was like the little boy
Who cried wolf

Except there is no
Little boy Or Wolf
Just you and me
And you went your own way

So now I'm here
Broke in love
I was gambling
I thought it was a good risk

Silly me,
I bet it all
I gave you all I had
And now I'm left with none

I feel empty
Like I'm hollow
Dying on the inside

Every second I'm alone
I'm one second closer to dying
Because now, thanks to you,
I am my own poison

I cry all night
Telling myself things
No one should ever hear
Destroying myself

Burning brighter than the sun
Only to burn out and ruin it all
To become a monster
After something thought beautiful

I never wanted to lose you
No, not yet
But you left me
So now here I am

Laying here alone
Literally shivering in fear
Crying silently in the night
And all because

I wasn't ready
I didn't want it to end
But isn't that what anyone would say
After their own apocalypse?
Is it crazy? That I still want you? Even after feeling like this?
Jan 2016 · 601
The Brain and The Heart
ShuckFacedGirl Jan 2016
My brain and I
We play these sick games

Most games are fun
But not this one

Where I stop eating
Just enough to keep my heart beating

And at night I wish it wasn't
Or at least that's what my brain says

It makes me cry
even when I have no reason why

Until I meet the darkness of sleep
To wake with last night's tears

My brain almost always wins
Talking trash and whispering sins

But this time it's different
I'm not battling my brain, but my heart

I can't stop eating
I feel like I'm barely breathing

I can't do this to myself
But my heart says I need him

It makes me cry
And I can't stop no matter how hard I try

When I meet the darkness of night,
I get a chance but I'm too filled with fright

If I win, my heart breaks,
If it wins, I break
"I think we should break up...." -J
Jan 2016 · 623
ShuckFacedGirl Jan 2016
My home
     Life as I know it
          My world
Is on fire


Ash and Dust

They scream
They taunt

It comes crashing down
        It's heavy
        It's sad
        It's all too real

And yet here I sit
Not even throwing a fit

Watching it burn
For it is my urn

I wait and watch

        Because sometimes
I'd rather burn with it
Than live without it
Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Jan 2016 · 473
I love you too much
ShuckFacedGirl Jan 2016
You're always on my mind
You really are one of a kind

There's no one that can match you
My special someone's only you

Even though you're so far away
Just thoughts of you make my day

I am thinking of you so much
Because I love you too much
Do I care too much?
Jan 2016 · 5.9k
Poppies are red
ShuckFacedGirl Jan 2016
roses are red
violets are blue
but we both know
that’s not true

Roses are red
but violets aren’t blue
they’re violet which
is a different hue

plus, roses are red
but poppies are too
and poppies are better-
they remind me of you

poppies are red,
but what is blue?
I’ll get to the point
before I go coocoo

Poppies are red
violets aren’t blue
I just wanna say
I love you
Just a silly poem for Josh #^-^#
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Jingle (a short story)
ShuckFacedGirl Jun 2015
A young lady, she reminded me of you when you were younger, she was seeking an adventure. She wanted to have a little fun, no harm.  Her name was Emmi. Although she was looking for something new and exciting, she never saw it coming, the poor girl.

She ventured towards the outskirts of the forest her mother has always told her to avoid, no matter the circumstances, which of course only fed her desire to discover what the trees hid from her prying eyes. A small jingle rang through the mellow breeze, which startled Emmi, for no one was around, or so she thought. After traveling a few more paces, She heard again, this time more clear. Now, Emmi could see the trees more clearly from where she was standing, just a few more paces from the inconspicuous woods.

Once again the jingle sounded, but this time, it lasted. Jing-jing-jingle, jing-jing-jingle. jing-jing-jingle, jing-jing-jingle. Down from the leafy and full trees above, gracefully flying, almost dancing blue and yellow bird about the size of the finches that are common in Emmi’s town. The strange bird stops mid-air a few feet from Emmi’s face, obviously intrigued by her, after a moment or two, floats closer to her and ***** its head to one side and studies her. The bird has long wings that look like a beta fish’s fins; flowing and fantastical. It has lucid purple eyes, and a plush yellow underbelly. What’s most striking are the three prominent appendages that have medallion shaped bells at their ends, across the top and bottom of the bird that match the color of the side they are on. While hovering, the bird sways slightly back and forth, which makes the bells jingle.There are also some black lines that cup the creatures face, which comes to the point of a small sharp black beak. Its tail feathers were stretched out and tapered off to a slender blue foot with small orange talons.

The bird zoomed over Emmi’s head and made a U-Turn, and stopped at the tree line, waiting for Emmi to follow. Overwhelmed with joy, Emmi trailed after her new discovery. She followed the bright jing-jing-jingle of the bird through the dim woods, oblivious of the eyes that weren't far behind.

Sometime passed, and the bird was still fluttering on and Emmi was still on its trail, and developing second thoughts. Light begun to filter through the leaves, and Emmi located a light up ahead indicating a break in the trees. The jing-jing-jingling was her only guide through the forest, so when it disappeared, she felt panic shiver up her spine. Blinded by fear, she ran towards the mysterious light, the pine needles crunching behind her, and low branches move out of her way, without out her pushing them to the side…. and with every crunch she makes, another echos behind her, and a few more echo the echo.

Emmi raced out of the forest, and into light. She found freedom, but it didn’t last for long. Emmi found a clearing, and merely trapped herself. Whatever was making the echoing crunches behind her did not appear, at least not at first. The forest was silent besides a breeze ruffling the leaves and pines, and Emmi’s racing heart. Suddenly a loud crack rings through the clearing, like lightning striking a tree, and Emmi freezes . The ground beneath her starts to move, making her legs tremble. Ever so slowly, Emmi turns to see a once dead tree, it’s wood splintered, creating the appearance of a wild grimace, its roots snaking between the dirt and grass, and it’s branches towering over Emmi’s head. Her jaw dropped and was about to let out a blood-curdling scream, but all was silent.
May 2015 · 1.4k
To This Day by Shane Koyczan
ShuckFacedGirl May 2015
To This Day
When I was a kid
I used to think that pork chops and karate chops
were the same thing
I thought they were both pork chops
and because my grandmother thought it was cute
and because they were my favourite
she let me keep doing it

not really a big deal

one day
before I realized fat kids are not designed to climb trees
I fell out of a tree
and bruised the right side of my body

I didn’t want to tell my grandmother about it
because I was afraid I’d get in trouble
for playing somewhere that I shouldn’t have been

a few days later the gym teacher noticed the bruise
and I got sent to the principal’s office
from there I was sent to another small room
with a really nice lady
who asked me all kinds of questions
about my life at home

I saw no reason to lie
as far as I was concerned
life was pretty good
I told her “whenever I’m sad
my grandmother gives me karate chops”

this led to a full scale investigation
and I was removed from the house for three days
until they finally decided to ask how I got the bruises

news of this silly little story quickly spread through the school
and I earned my first nickname

pork chop

to this day
I hate pork chops

I’m not the only kid
who grew up this way
surrounded by people who used to say
that rhyme about sticks and stones
as if broken bones
hurt more than the names we got called
and we got called them all
so we grew up believing no one
would ever fall in love with us
that we’d be lonely forever
that we’d never meet someone
to make us feel like the sun
was something they built for us
in their tool shed
so broken heart strings bled the blues
as we tried to empty ourselves
so we would feel nothing
don’t tell me that hurts less than a broken bone
that an ingrown life
is something surgeons can cut away
that there’s no way for it to metastasize

it does

she was eight years old
our first day of grade three
when she got called ugly
we both got moved to the back of the class
so we would stop get bombarded by spit *****
but the school halls were a battleground
where we found ourselves outnumbered day after wretched day
we used to stay inside for recess
because outside was worse
outside we’d have to rehearse running away
or learn to stay still like statues giving no clues that we were there
in grade five they taped a sign to her desk
that read beware of dog

to this day
despite a loving husband
she doesn’t think she’s beautiful
because of a birthmark
that takes up a little less than half of her face
kids used to say she looks like a wrong answer
that someone tried to erase
but couldn’t quite get the job done
and they’ll never understand
that she’s raising two kids
whose definition of beauty
begins with the word mom
because they see her heart
before they see her skin
that she’s only ever always been amazing

was a broken branch
grafted onto a different family tree
but not because his parents opted for a different destiny
he was three when he became a mixed drink
of one part left alone
and two parts tragedy
started therapy in 8th grade
had a personality made up of tests and pills
lived like the uphills were mountains
and the downhills were cliffs
four fifths suicidal
a tidal wave of anti depressants
and an adolescence of being called popper
one part because of the pills
and ninety nine parts because of the cruelty
he tried to **** himself in grade ten
when a kid who still had his mom and dad
had the audacity to tell him “get over it” as if depression
is something that can be remedied
by any of the contents found in a first aid kit

to this day
he is a stick on TNT lit from both ends
could describe to you in detail the way the sky bends
in the moments before it’s about to fall
and despite an army of friends
who all call him an inspiration
he remains a conversation piece between people
who can’t understand
sometimes becoming drug free
has less to do with addiction
and more to do with sanity

we weren’t the only kids who grew up this way
to this day
kids are still being called names
the classics were
hey stupid
hey spaz
seems like each school has an arsenal of names
getting updated every year
and if a kid breaks in a school
and no one around chooses to hear
do they make a sound?
are they just the background noise
of a soundtrack stuck on repeat
when people say things like
kids can be cruel?
every school was a big top circus tent
and the pecking order went
from acrobats to lion tamers
from clowns to carnies
all of these were miles ahead of who we were
we were freaks
lobster claw boys and bearded ladies
juggling depression and loneliness playing solitaire spin the bottle
trying to kiss the wounded parts of ourselves and heal
but at night
while the others slept
we kept walking the tightrope
it was practice
and yeah
some of us fell

but I want to tell them
that all of this ****
is just debris
leftover when we finally decide to smash all the things we thought
we used to be
and if you can’t see anything beautiful about yourself
get a better mirror
look a little closer
stare a little longer
because there’s something inside you
that made you keep trying
despite everyone who told you to quit
you built a cast around your broken heart
and signed it yourself
you signed it
“they were wrong”
because maybe you didn’t belong to a group or a click
maybe they decided to pick you last for basketball or everything
maybe you used to bring bruises and broken teeth
to show and tell but never told
because how can you hold your ground
if everyone around you wants to bury you beneath it
you have to believe that they were wrong

they have to be wrong

why else would we still be here?
we grew up learning to cheer on the underdog
because we see ourselves in them
we stem from a root planted in the belief
that we are not what we were called we are not abandoned cars stalled out and sitting empty on a highway
and if in some way we are
don’t worry
we only got out to walk and get gas
we are graduating members from the class of
******* we made it
not the faded echoes of voices crying out
names will never hurt me

of course
they did

but our lives will only ever always
continue to be
a balancing act
that has less to do with pain
and more to do with beauty.
My ABSOLUTE favorite poem! Check it out here:
May 2015 · 757
ShuckFacedGirl May 2015
The world keeps spinning
And it's giving me this feeling
That I've felt before.
Managing it is such a chore
But it keeps coming back.
It makes me feel like I lack
What others are born with,
And I am merely 1/5
Of what others are.
I just want to run somewhere far
From this so-called community
Where I'm chained by names like "fatty".
Sometimes I want to curl my finger
And pull the trigger
And let it go
Into the wind and blow
Away like dust
And then it would be gone, this lust
To escape this mess of a world.
I wish.
May 2015 · 510
ShuckFacedGirl May 2015
Where is the rain, where the sun always shines?
Where is the sun when the sky is overcast?

Where are you when I need you most?
Where aren't you when I want you not?
Apr 2015 · 683
ShuckFacedGirl Apr 2015
They say home is where the heart is,
but what if your heart is elsewhere?
In the hands of another
or the Siamese twin of your soul sister?
Lying broken in a graveyard of lost treasures
or maybe a sacred hometown?
Flying high in the clouds above
or buried "six feet below"?
Among others in the home of a god
or floating adrift in a vast universe?

Wherever it may be,
it'd better be safe,
because the heart
is a fragile thing,
and here we live
in a dangerous
But what if my heart is lost?
Apr 2015 · 10.5k
Ode to Gaming
ShuckFacedGirl Apr 2015
Born to fight,
Trained to ****,
Protect My Friends,
Always Will
Stay Low,
Move Fast,
**** First,
Die Last,
One Shot,
One ****,
No Luck,
Pure Skill
Mess with the best,
Die like the rest.
You can mess with a gun,
You can mess with a knife,
But mess with me, and
I'll take your life
Popular Gaming Poem
Apr 2015 · 583
ShuckFacedGirl Apr 2015
Here we are singing our songs
from deep in our hearts
each unique as a snowflake
even though each one is perfect,
each verse is a mistake.
Our lives are our stories, good and bad,
and are nothing but fake.
here we share our story
from deep in our hearts,
each unique as a snowflake.
Parallel poem to

It's Dark in Here (original)
by Shel Silverstein
I am writing these poems
From inside a lion,
And it's rather dark in here.
So please excuse the handwriting
Which may not be too clear.
But this afternoon by the lion's cage
I'm afraid I got too near.
And I'm writing these lines
From inside a lion,
And it's rather dark in here.
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
A Friend At The Fair
ShuckFacedGirl Apr 2015
Hot sun blazing,
sore feet cramping,
standing in an infinite line,
that is seemingly endless,
waiting and waiting,
for merely a small piece of paper.

Finally after what feels like a year
of standing and waiting,
we pass the gleaming,
make-shift fence

As if we stepped through a portal,
into some alien world,
where the air was full of music,
and the aroma
of something deep-fried.
White tents in two parallel lines
stretched forth in front of us,
forming a long path.
To our right were three buildings
that looked like they had been fused together
and reminded me of warehouses.
People hustled and bustled
here, there, and everywhere inbetween.

We make our way down
the rows of tents and displays,
”OOH”ing and “AAH”ing all the way,
and pausing at familiar tent,
that had a banner,
and that banner
that said something
about Jack Lawford Real Estate
and underneath it,
a familiar face,
a face I call Dad.

He was sitting
within the protective boundary
between the safe shadow of the tent
and the beating sun.
We sat and talked for a moment or two,
every now and then we sipped an ounce
out of the crinkly plastic bottles
filled to the brim with water.
Once we had finished
with our rest stop
and every last drop
of our water bottles
had been consumed.

We moved on to one of the large buildings,
and there, we had the chance
to cool down and escape
the searing heat.
There, were a few things
that made me smile
just seeing them,
that I was truly
and sincerely proud of.
Each and every one
had a shining blue ribbon
attached to or next to it.
Coffee cupcakes,
a barnyard decorated cake,
and a country themed miniature garden,
with a bicycle prop
no bigger than three fingers tall.

to follow up that,
we left the building and re-entered
the realm of the shining sun,
but it was different.
It wasn’t as brutal.
We journeyed down
the long lines of the tents,
until we came across a
that read “Magical Midway”.

Here, we waited
for another piece of paper,
in the sun,
for a smidget of time.

We left the line
with little paper bracelets
around our wrists
and stamps on our hands,
that were like passports
to go on an astounding journeys,
filled with thrills,
and more,
except these journeys
aren’t across vast lands,
they’re adrenaline
inducing roller coasters!

Because my partner in crime
is unfamiliar with the vast selection of rides,
me and my younger brother
decided to show her
our absolute favorites
before we let her off of her leash.

Every minute was jam-packed
with action and laughter
smiles and screams!
one or two hours had passed
before we all realized
our stomachs were screaming
Once again we met with my Dad,
but not for long,
just long enough so
we could navigate another two rows of tents,
except these ones were bigger
and much more colorful,
and the smell of hot dogs
and deep fried goods tainted the air.

Nicolle and I ate
two steaming fresh Pronto Pups
bathed in bright yellow mustard
and we each had a fiery hot funnel cake
drenched in strawberry compote
and dusted with powdered sugar.
Neither of us could finish,
but we managed to consume most
of the monstrous beasts.

Afterwards, we returned
to the wondrous world
of roller coasters,
except I didn’t have as much fun
because I was filled with fear
when Nicolle or my brother
mentioned riding one of the tall,
scary rides that turned me into a chicken
right then and there.
Like I had shrunk to about an inch tall,
and the world was out to get me.
I sat through multiple rides,
and my overprotective mom
wouldn’t let my go on some of the rides nearby
that didn’t make me cower in fear,
but she wouldn’t allow it
because someone could ****** me up
while her back was turned,
but I wasn’t exactly convinced.

The three of us stumbled
upon something great!
A game,
a race,
and a prize at the end!
We joined forces
and gathered our scraps
of money and went ahead,
a race to the finish,
ready, set, go!
We all felt the excitement
and adrenaline surge
through our bodies
as we aimed and fired
our squirt guns toward
the bullseye no bigger
than a marble.

We have a winner!
NIcolle, my partner in crime
had finished filling the small tube of water first.
A great achievement deserved a great award.
Among a billion colorful and huggable prizes,
a huge pink and blue elephant caught her eye.
Mr. Periwinkle is his name,
and to this day,
Mr Periwinkle can be found
in the depths of her room,
and I still remember every minute of that day,
I shared a new experience with an old friend,
and the now old experience with that new friend,
Mr Periwinkle.
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
Sink, Sank, Sunk
ShuckFacedGirl Apr 2015
Every step
sinks deeper
ankle deep in despair
sloshing and squishing
never getting
out of here
heart racing
eyes searching
my feet swallowed
below the surface
now knee deep
a crow’s cackle
echos in the distance
mocking my struggle to survive
hands flailing
a minut
attempt to
the inevitable
sinking yet deeper
into the unknown
the monster engulfs
my legs
half free
half dead
my arms
stretch out
to embrace
a crooked tree branch
in soft green moss
an attempt
to save
what is already lost
legs are concrete
feet are forgotten
my heart
skips a beat
and time freezes
all at once
brain, heart, and branch
swallowed by the Earth
no air
no escape
no hope
all is dark
all is dead
all is lost
squirm and wiggle
toes are twisting
toes are living
legs kicking
heart beating
arms flailing
I, and many others, are experiencing this dreaded sinking feeling, and eventually will pass over to the other side that's pulling on us, whatever that may be....
Apr 2015 · 777
ShuckFacedGirl Apr 2015
A beaten
and *****
old door
by a thousand
mile-high weeds
that forever grow taller
to grasp the ankles
of all that wish to enter,
to pull them to the inferno
that lies in the center of the Earth,
where there is no return
to this mysterious
abandoned doorway
blocking out all
light and darkness,
humane and animal
blocking all
from it’s unknown secrets.
Rumors of treasures,
rumors of demons.
Listen closely,
for none shall know
the secrets it hides,
unless one
mends the broken key,
and cuts the weeds
that bind their fate,
will they ever know
the secrets
of a beaten
and *****
What's your ***** old door in life?
Apr 2015 · 2.5k
ShuckFacedGirl Apr 2015
Death may dampen
the mind and soul
but one can
only prevent it
from eroding your heart
Apr 2015 · 789
**Bare Feet**
ShuckFacedGirl Apr 2015
Bare feet dance
under the stars above
in a moonlit scene
where the stars travel closer
than the heavens above.
They come to sing
and dance
and create
a beautiful gown
to cover bare legs
and pure beauty.
Bare feet dance
and are followed
by golden locks,
but when silvery strands
fall into place,
they disappear.
Bare feet dance
in dew riddled race
where field mice roam,
only to grow 7 feet tall
and sprout silky manes
and tails,
and gallop away
on 4 hooves.
Bare feet dance
into a plentiful garden
where a single pumpkin
from orange and plumb
to mobile and magical.
Bare feet dance
away dressed in a gown
as blue as the ocean
into a silk lined coach
lead by elegant steads
Bare feet dance
right into a pair of glass slippers.
Inspired By Cinderella

— The End —