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Feb 2015 · 659
André Morrison Feb 2015
You're in my daydreams, I question my sanity
Can't get my head around you, cause me to use profanity
All it takes is one simple kind gesture to rekindle my fire
And instantly you will be my absolute upmost desire
Infecting my thoughts, can not stop thinking of you
You're in my dreams and nightmares, to name a few
You're my deepest wish, what I want the most
And my largest regret, something I won't obtain
Those deep valentines blues, for those of you who couldn't get that certain someone
Nov 2014 · 788
André Morrison Nov 2014
Patterns of insanity
Echoing the same skewed concept in your twisted perception
Becoming more plausible with every succession
Infinitely decaying your common sense
Until there is a speck left of you
Rendering you unstable and inefficient
The gravity of your grief; your inner disarray
Crushes those around and close to you
Leaving thee, secluded, fragile and vulnerable
All that's left is for someone to light the tinderbox
And the blaze shall come erupting out
Truly creating agony for those you desire
Infinitely scorching and traumatising them psychologically
Even worse, resulting you, to exhaust the last of your philosophy
The darkness has, beyond steadily seeped in
The conclusive ray of light, has undoubtedly vanished
For all eternity
Nov 2014 · 3.4k
André Morrison Nov 2014
Animals that have one soul, but two faces
Animals that hide themselves in lies and insecurities
Animals that like to overcomplicate life
Animals that will assault each other with words
Animals that have prides, but act alone
Animals that discriminate on each others individualities
Animals that will **** each other of a matter of ideals

This specie is suicidal
They do not deserve to share the Earth with the other creatures
They build and build only for it to be destroyed
One step forward and two steps back
We repeat history, never learning
We may as well call ourselves Chaos and Insanity
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
André Morrison Oct 2014
I'm slowing losing everything
What seems to be my loss, is your gain
As I push through the hunger pain
I can feel it effects
Feel the decaying in my brain
Not sure how long I can last
Before I go insane
Nothing could prepare me for this
Not matter how much I train

I simply can not wash myself of you
I don't know how you do...this
Forever trapped in an abyss
Forever dreaming of bliss
Times of joy I truly miss
You're killing me slowly
Feels like eternity
Please just end thee
You're the leech of my life
Cause no love, just Strife
Sep 2014 · 1.9k
Walk Towards Hope
André Morrison Sep 2014
Debate your fate
Dont subdue to the hate
Give back a fight
With all your might
Free yourself
From the ever imprisoning gate
And walk towards hope
The shining light
Sep 2014 · 1.9k
André Morrison Sep 2014
Birth is the initiation
Life Is the test
Death is an Evaluation
What Was your score?
Were there some things you wish you studied more?
André Morrison Sep 2014
Don't leave precious things in the past
You'll never see them

Don't set things too far in the future
Because you'll never reach it

Leave bad memories in the past
Not in the future
They will eventually reach you again
Aug 2014 · 708
André Morrison Aug 2014
Let The Sun Be My Guide
Please Come Along For The Ride

Let The Moon Be Where I Hide
Forever Altering Fates Tide

Let The Earth Become My Soul
Progressively Growing Like My Role

Let The Stars Be My Goal
The Milky Way Being My Dream As A Whole
Aug 2014 · 5.2k
André Morrison Aug 2014
Your Style Can Not Dominate
Not Being Crude, Not Spreading Hate
I'm Just Spreading The Word, Going To Radiate
Even Without It, You'd Probably Meet Your Fate

Taking You Down Has Become My Mission
Going To Split Your Mind, Sanity Fission
And Your World In Two, Territorial Division
I'm Coming At You With Insane Precision

Not Going To Rush, Going To Be Tactical
Make Sure My Plans Are 100% Practical
Attacking Aimlessly Would Be Impractical
Give My People A Show, Theatrical

I'm Flawless, You're Flawed
When People Hear My Words, They Applaud
When They Hear yours? They Call The Firing Squad
I Don't Think Inside The Box, I Think Abroad

I'm Guessing By Now You Must Be Hurting
You Coming To Me, Asking For Some Kind Of Converting
The Topic Kills You, You're Diverting
To You. I'm Quite Alerting
Just Realised the 4th verse will rhyme depending on your accent, oh well...
Aug 2014 · 739
In & Out
André Morrison Aug 2014
The Pain Is Seeping In
The Tears Are Pouring Out

I'm Slowly Giving In
Without Giving A Fight Out

Feeling Lonely, Staying In
Losing Friends, Ruling Them Out

Im Trapped In My Own Hate, Deep Within
Trapped...With No Way out
Aug 2014 · 932
Believe It
André Morrison Aug 2014
Feel It
Breathe It
This Can't Be Real
Can You Believe It?

See It
Dream It
There's No Stopping You
No One Can  Tell You What To Do

Experiencing It
Become It
This Is Your Life
Don't Cause Any Strife

Progress Yourself
Commit Yourself
Try Your Best
Don't Talk About Failure
Dont Even Jest
Aug 2014 · 1.4k
André Morrison Aug 2014
My Life Is An Apple Tree
And You’re The Sole Fruit
You Bear The Seeds To Me
For A Bigger And Better Life

You Are So Sweet
You Are So Gentle
You Do Not Sin
When You Blush, It’s Like *Apple Skin
Aug 2014 · 2.2k
André Morrison Aug 2014
You're My Foundation
My Soul does not Quiver
You, You Entice Me
Your Love Will Always Deliver
It Will Not Break
It Will Not Crumble
And Shall Never Wither

Trapped By The Chains Of Your Protection
I Do Not Dream To Flee
Now I Can't Believe
It's Just You And Me
You Have Chosen Thy
I'm Honoured
I'm Flattered
But I Am The One
That's What Mattered

Or So I Thought
You Quickly Gave Up
To Save Us, I Fought
Hate: One, Love: *Nought
Aug 2014 · 8.5k
Lost & Found
André Morrison Aug 2014





My goodbye
Bye World
Aug 2014 · 3.3k
André Morrison Aug 2014
Your Hands Are Blunt
And Your Eyes, Sharp
Your Hurt Is Convert
No Blissful Harp
Sweet Sound Is Mute
And Pain Is Loud
My Desire Is Blind
What Have I Found
Because I'm Going In Circles
Like A *Merry-go-round

— The End —