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20.2k · Aug 2019
what’s truly beautiful?
Luna Aug 2019
you say my writing is
but you forget that you’re
the one
inspiring it
7.4k · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
I'm feeling pretty *****.
Or maybe I'm just desperate for an intimate relationship
And I fantasize about sensuality
because I crave the passionate love between two human beings
And I fantasize about skin rubbing skin
the sweat dripping between them
The mixing of two souls and the conjunction of two bodies
The beautiful slopes and curves of her figure
slowly caressing mine
The soft whispers of love that brush against my ear
And trail kisses down my neck
Her soft gasp as I trail my fingers up her thigh
my other hand grasping the back of her head, threading my fingers through her hair
Pulling her closer, ever closer
Her nails digging into my back
Leaving stinging red marks to remind me of her
when I leave for work in the morning
touching the scratches, I'll remember her
In the afterglow
Her arm around me, our legs tangled together
Her hair curled wild around her face
"I love you"
she whispers
Giving me a tender peck on the lips
Before blissfully surrendering to exhaustion
I watch her chest rise and fall
Her soft breathing lulls me to sleep
I'll smile when I think of her
Because I'll remember her words
"I love you"
They'll ring through my mind
"I love you"
Following me wherever I go
"I love you"
Lighting the candle in my heart
The flame growing brighter and brighter with each hushed word
"I love you"

or maybe I'm just *****.
1.4k · Aug 2019
hurts me
Luna Aug 2019
The look in your eyes
hurts more
than the blade
on my hip
1.1k · Nov 2019
Luna Nov 2019
Wrap my throat with barbed wire
clip my tongue and yank it out
sew my lips and make me
972 · Jul 2019
on my mind
Luna Jul 2019
and suddenly
every love song
was about
914 · Jun 2019
Luna Jun 2019
I want to be your
mirror so that you can see
yourself like I do
819 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
Happiness is blue and round
Happiness lives in a bottle
Happiness fits in the palm of my hand
Happiness is taken with water
Happiness lasts from seven to six
Happiness tastes like chalk
I take my happiness every day
So why can’t I notice a difference?
768 · May 2019
Luna May 2019
I know they won't be surprised
but I'm still scared
to tell them
I love you
Because while I know they'll be supportive
I can't help but worry
they'll disapprove and
I don't want to lose them
for a silly little thing
like love
I'm telling my friends that I'm dating someone today. That someone is also one of our friends, and I'm worried things will become tense and awkward.

Edit: It went great! Nobody was surprised and everybody was supportive.
757 · Apr 2019
Empty Space
Luna Apr 2019
A hole in my head
I can’t think.
A hole in my heart
I can’t feel.
A hole in my stomach
I can’t eat.
My body is full of big, empty holes.
Am I going to disappear?
721 · May 2019
not a crush
Luna May 2019
I didn't think that
I would fall in love with you
but I'm glad I did
717 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
A perfect blossom
frozen from a sudden chill
beauty encapsulated
683 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
It feels like
hunger is the only thing
keeping me
663 · Apr 2019
losing friends
Luna Apr 2019
The breeze
your hand
blew you away
from me
leaving me
desperately grasping
empty air
your heart
was supposed
to be
My best friend from the town i moved from has stopped responding to me. I miss her.
586 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
Existing is just
prolonging my

so why keep
562 · Jul 2019
is it pollution or love?
Luna Jul 2019
I can see more stars in your eyes
than I've seen in the sky
I don't know whether
that says more
about you
or the sky
555 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
I grieve
For the girl lost
I celebrate
the girl found.
545 · Apr 2019
Raisin Heart
Luna Apr 2019
My heart aches for you
my dear, my light, my star; I
wish I could love you
532 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
I dream
My eyes seeing nothing
But your face that isnt there
499 · Jun 2019
reaper but not grim
Luna Jun 2019
Death is seen as
a horrifying being
but i think it's quite nice
to have someone
to hold you hand
after you die
to walk you to the afterlife
499 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
do you care
so much

what did i do
to deserve

are you

why do you
make me feel
the way
i do

what is it
about you

what is it
about me

why do you
stick around

why don't you
hate me

why can't you
leave me be

why can't you
just abandon me

why do you stay

am i really that worth it

do you really think that of me


why do you love me?
463 · Jun 2019
shared pain
Luna Jun 2019
the blade that
cuts me
us both
I wish i could stop.
455 · Sep 2019
nothing special
Luna Sep 2019
it appears i am
incredibly average
at everything i do
449 · Oct 2019
Luna Oct 2019
I wish i were strong enough
to weather the bad
so i could appreciate the good
but every drop of rain is like acid
and I'm dissolving beneath your feet
442 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
i accept chaos
whirling swirling chaos
all around us
we live in constant
the world is uncontrollable
so im content letting it happen
412 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
funny how one chord
can say so much
while i
can’t say anything
When I'm sad, mournful piano music soothes me. I wish I could play.
409 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
clouds drift across the
evening sky, covering
colors that paint my world
389 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
I always liked blue.
It’s strangely comforting
To see a color
That feels like you do
I never liked yellow.
It hurts
To see a color
That feels like you wish you do

I met you
You made me something I never thought I could be
You’ve always liked yellow.
I see sunflowers
I think of you
374 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
I want to be
wrapped in your arms
head resting on your chest
the soft pound of your heartbeat
lulling me to sleep
346 · Jun 2019
Luna Jun 2019
tears are the vessel
in which pain escapes
337 · Aug 2019
Blue jean
Luna Aug 2019
Blue jean sky
hangs over the park
The one i love next to me her
Arm resting behind me my
Head on her chest our
Legs tangled together like
Knotted strings
Blue jean grows darker
Our love grows brighter
She’s wrapped around me
Swaying to the beat of the music
My jacket around her shoulders
Red looks good on her
She sings along
I close my eyes
Is this bliss?
334 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
A bumblebee buzzes
by my ear
and lands on my shoulder
before flying off
into a field.
I think she thought
i was a flower.
Luna Apr 2019
Sitting in my room
crying to Cavetown
for no reason
other than it feels good to cry
329 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
try as i may i can
never forget the way your
eyes look when the sun
makes them glimmer like
silver fish in a pond
329 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
The salty breeze stings
her skin as she looks wistfully down
at the sea below.
322 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
You take my breath away
then give me some of your own
317 · Jul 2019
apathetic emotion
Luna Jul 2019
How is it
that I feel so
and yet
nothing at
my life is an oxymoron
316 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
Tell me when to wake
for if I could choose then I
would sleep forever
304 · May 2019
Luna May 2019
a nightingale sings
of wondrous things
like shiny bright strings
and wind on your wings
moonlight on water
mother and daughter
sweet smelling flowers
and sunny rain showers
of wondrous things
this nightingale sings
Such joy that it brings!
A gift to the Earth
That happiness birthed
I'm working on rhyme and structure.
298 · Jun 2019
Luna Jun 2019
watch the
autumn leaves
break off in
the wind and
spiral down
in a grace
ful twirl be
fore landing
on the cold
298 · Aug 2019
dont want paradise anymore
Luna Aug 2019
take me
use me
leave me to rot
its what i want
284 · Jun 2019
dance with me
Luna Jun 2019
I want to slow dance with you
moonlight streaming through the window pane
my head against yours
my arms around your shoulders
pulling you close
feeling your chest rise and fall against mine
swaying gently
the world fading away
until it's just
and the music
278 · Apr 2019
piece of me
Luna Apr 2019
please split my heart in
two and take half so that you
can have a whole one
254 · Nov 2020
Luna Nov 2020
they tell you
"if you love someone let them go"
and they say it like it's easy
252 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
when i cant see
you’re the light
that guides me home
233 · Sep 2019
be yourself
Luna Sep 2019
tell me what you want
and ill be it
... myself, you say?
i dont know who she is
229 · Jun 2019
Luna Jun 2019
we are not bound to
one reality; we make
it in every thought
228 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
I wish I could tell you
everything that's going on
in my mind but
I'm not even sure
I know
227 · Sep 2019
Luna Sep 2019
a chalice
gold as Midas's touch and encrusted with
rubies of blood
cold to the touch yet it burns your fingertips
when you graze the delicately emblazoned surface
pick it up
swirl it
watch the viscous liquid twirl around
like a ballerina on a summer stage
it glistens in the light
love's sweet kiss tingles on your lips
and desire's red wine seeps into your soul
lust's thick fog clouds your eyes, lightens your head
and your heart screams for her
only her
218 · May 2019
just to see
Luna May 2019
sometimes I wish I could die
just for a day
to see how you would react
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