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216 · Feb 2020
Luna Feb 2020
why do you even try?
you know they're not gonna talk to you
why would anyone want to talk to you
you're weird
you're gross
you're meant to be alone
211 · Jul 2019
easy way out
Luna Jul 2019
"I love you."
I whisper as I set my alarm
"I love you."
I whisper as I write down goodbye
"I love you."
I whisper as I creep down the stairs
"I love you."
I whisper as I open up the bottles
"I love you."
I whisper as I empty them into my hand
"I love you."
"I love you."
"I love you."
Almost did, but didn't go through with it lol
207 · Feb 2020
Luna Feb 2020
im yours
always yours
forever yours
yours and only yours
your little toy
to use as you wish
use me and throw me away
im yours
206 · Feb 2020
Luna Feb 2020
I cant help
but wonder
if I could have
done something
to help you
to stop you
to free you
199 · Jul 2019
Luna Jul 2019
I wish
I could just
kiss you
those who
homophobia's a *****
199 · Sep 2019
Luna Sep 2019
home is
between your arms
my head pressing into your chest
my thumb slowly rubbing your palm
home is
your scent wrapping me in
soft blankets of love
home is
when im with you
195 · Feb 2020
Luna Feb 2020
how long will it take to forget me
a year
a month
a week
a day
how long until im faceless
stuck in old memories you
forgot were there
how long until
my name means nothing
192 · May 2019
Thank you
Luna May 2019
Thank you for loving me
Through health and hardship
Through pain and sorrow and joy
Thank you
for loving me
187 · Feb 2020
Luna Feb 2020
today has been a
a day like many others
a day of tears
and depressive thoughts
and trying to remember how to
tie a noose
cause you learned
once when
you were twelve
but never went through
today has certainly been a day
a horrible, agonizing day
but a day nonetheless
and tomorrow will be a day too
and tomorrow’s tomorrow
and all the tomorrows after that.
186 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
like a buzzard she
feasts upon the fallen
tearing scraps of skin from
their cold, cold bodies
she stares you in the eye with
blood dripping from her open maw and
dares to say she didnt do it
183 · Sep 2019
corpse hug
Luna Sep 2019
limp in your arms
like im dead already
you squeeze me tight
sobs racking your body
tears staining my clothes
i feel nothing
i thought i was the sad one?
183 · Nov 2020
Luna Nov 2020
it's funny how
one sour bite
can turn the whole apple
182 · Sep 2019
Luna Sep 2019
call me pretty
lie through your teeth
call me beautiful
smile with your mouth
call me gorgeous
hold me where it hurts
call me what you like
we both know what's true
174 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
I wonder how many times I've said your name
while laying in bed at night
Calling until you answer
even if it's just in my head
168 · Apr 2019
Nothing lasts forever
Luna Apr 2019
A catalogue of
past loves, a heart on paper.
Alas, time moves on
168 · Apr 2019
The joy of silence
Luna Apr 2019
I am thinking thoughts.
Thoughts that I think of every day
Thoughts that lead to other thoughts
I wish, I hope, I plead for them to stop
But they never do

I’m always thinking thoughts
Like a ball rolling down a hill
Around and around and around again
My thoughts are spiraling spiraling spiraling
Faster and faster they go more and more and more thoughts
They don’t end, they never end
Each thought growing more desperate like a child yelling above the din


I can’t listen.
I can’t hear.
I am not the one in control.
167 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
everything is beautiful
through the lens of love
but take off those glasses
for nothing is what you make it
when you’re in love
One guy i used to have a crush on was a **** and i didnt realize it until i fell out of love ****
161 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
shut your mouth!!
nobody wants to hear you speak
160 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
I'm not sad
just tired
I'm not hurting
just tired
"just tired" I say

I am tired
tired of apathy
tired of feeling alone
tired of failing after trying my best
tired of the same monotonous routine that bears no fruit
tired of being abandoned
tired of being ignored
tired of being told I'm faking it
tired of hiding myself

I wish I could fall asleep and forget everything
but everything is still there when I wake up
159 · Jun 2019
three am
Luna Jun 2019
it's still dark out
but i'm awake
sitting crosslegged on my bed
tears painting my cheeks
freeing love i couldn't hold
i cradle the elephant you gave me in my arms
rubbing it's head with my thumb
dim lamp light reflects in it's eyes
and lone tears drip onto it's fur
i wish you were here
so i could hold you here instead
but its three am
and you're sound asleep
i'm waiting for the sun to rise
its actually four am but three am sounds more poetic right now ****
158 · Aug 2019
can't hold it back
Luna Aug 2019
I can feel you staring at me
but I can't think about it
if I do I'll start to smile
155 · Aug 2019
Honey clouds
Luna Aug 2019
Golden clouds of honey
Coat my throat
Filling my heart
With warm, sticky wonder
154 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
I just want to be with you
in the kitchen of our apartment
dancing to Shakira
in the early morning
while cooking breakfast
152 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
I am jealous
of the sun
who gets to kiss your sleeping face
every morning
I am jealous
of your hair
who gets to cradle your face
in it's wavy hands
I am jealous
of your cats
who get to cuddle you
whenever they please
I am jealous
I wish to love you
But I'm stuck imagining
your face next to mine
your soft breath dusting my cheek
warm, comfortable silence
sewn together
with threads
of love
151 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
I wish time would stop
so i could stay here in this
moment, forever
144 · Feb 2020
Luna Feb 2020
Hounds of hell
lap at pools of blood and ichor
trickling from my
open neck
144 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
There are bees in my head
And clouds in my throat
I can’t think
and I can’t speak
But my blood is filled with honey
And my eyes are wide like grapes
My hands shake like dragonflies
And my heart races like a rabbit
Thumping thumping
Running from you, to you
Only you
Could make me feel this way
Like my feet are backwards
And my arms are ripping at their seams
Like my cheekbones are flying
Like my collarbone is crying
Like everything is wrong
And yet so, so right
143 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
You take my lungs in
your hands and squeeze them until
all my breath is gone
Luna Apr 2019
i wish we were in
love because together we
could have conquered worlds
I've reconciled with her. We're still friends. Though she hurt me, I know she didn't mean to. I still care about her more than I've cared about anyone else before. I'm not throwing that away.
139 · Jul 2019
Luna Jul 2019
The sun burns my back
as the pavement burns my feet
shoeless and sockless
running down the street
I refuse to put them on
though my soles are bright and red
Shove **** between my toes?
I'd much rather be dead.
thats all there is to say on the matter
138 · Apr 2019
push against the walls
Luna Apr 2019
I feel like
the world
closing in
on me,
in a
tiny capsule
until I
135 · Jun 2019
Luna Jun 2019
I am weak
soft and crumbly
like feta cheese

I wish I were strong
sharp and rough
like razor blades
but I don't think
blades are too tasty.
ask the kids who get razor blades in their halloween candy
134 · Apr 2019
Lonely in Company
Luna Apr 2019
I wish that I had
never met you, for now I
can't live without you.
132 · Jul 2019
Luna Jul 2019
It will all be okay
that's what I tell you, at least
but you don't believe me
I don't blame you
I don't believe me either
131 · Aug 2019
Luna Aug 2019
It’s one of
those nights
another night
another sob
another rip in my skin
another dream
another hand around
my neck another squeeze another
scar on my hip
another bandaid
another tissue
with blood and snot and

another night.
another day.
130 · Feb 2020
Luna Feb 2020
they don't look at you but
you can tell they're disappointed when you sit down
their shoulders fall
and they grow quiet
nobody wants you here
130 · May 2019
missing piece
Luna May 2019
What would happen
if I hadn't met you?
What would I do without you?
Having friends but feeling alone
passing you by without a second glance
no smiles shared
no small embrace
Nothing to miss
but my missing piece

Nowhere to look
no map in sight
wandering towards something to bring back my light
Missing a piece but not seeing it
Missing a heart but not feeling it
Missing a breath but not breathing it
endlessly searching
never knowing
that it's you
I'm missing
126 · Apr 2019
I’m not who I say I am
Luna Apr 2019
I say what you want me to say
I do what you want me to do
I think what you want me to think
I want you to like me

I don’t know who I am
I am a little bit of everyone
But I am none of myself
126 · Feb 2020
Luna Feb 2020
you try so hard to be friendly
you try so hard to be nice
you try so hard and they spit in your
and tell you you're
120 · Jun 2019
With you
Luna Jun 2019
I've loved before
My heart enraptured by those who ignore me
Wish they would adore me
They don't look my way
I pine for their love and affection for a time
But when the sun begins to shine
My love fades away

Sometimes someone's love seems to stay
So I'll give them my heart
They'll take it
They'll break it
I'll shatter because I had too much faith it

This time though, my love feels different
Through my blind eyes I can't feel the thrill of it
My heart isn't seized by passion anymore
But I love you more than any before
In your arms it feels so right
Though your stare doesn't make my throat feel tight
I dream of you still
Day in and day out
And I just know that without a doubt
What I feel is love

Because when I'm with you
My heart glows like a fire on a cold winter's night
Illuminating my mind, driving out the fright
I feel nothing but joy with you
'stead of worry and jealousy
Which I never even wished to see
I find a place of security
with you
115 · Apr 2019
Thought we were something
Luna Apr 2019
I wish I could say
you made me happier but
my heart cries for you
113 · May 2019
Luna May 2019
I wish that I
had met you later
so we
could love
without limits
without walls
without restraints
for I know
that if we could
we'd be so much


the two of us
against the world
108 · May 2019
Luna May 2019
You don’t
have to
to tell me
you love me
i already
92 · Apr 2019
my house is not a home
Luna Apr 2019
Home is not
a prison
yet that is where
i lie
92 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
Oh, how the bell tolls
Those mourning lost souls
Hear it ring softly through the night
Say they can’t move on
But disappear with the dawn
Another face fades out of sight
They dug graves to rot in
Their names are forgotten
The man they call Death wears white.
84 · Apr 2019
Luna Apr 2019
I’m homesick for a
home I’ve never known. I wish
I could leave this place.

— The End —