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Claire Waters Apr 2012
"it's true what they say, the revolution will not be televised" he said to me hands in his pocket both our faces to the sky i had told him that when you walk by buildings in the shadows of their jutting brimstone, when you watch them go by overhead, it's more beautiful.

"the revolution is every day." i said. "every minute, every month, every lifetime we all have the choice to engage or not engage in the revolution of kindness and humanity. we have the power in us to contribute the the energy of our world in a negative or positive way."

it's true what they say.

the revolution won't be televised.

because the television has never told a real love story.

it starts out with one single revolution getting it's voice. then that revolution meets three other revolutions, and then those revolutions find five more revolutions to coalesce with, and soon they all find themselves drawn to hundreds of other revolutions, all bursting to the brim in a single room, in the middle of an obliviously sleepy city.

the revolution sings with a pretty voice and coats the city in warm sheets of sweet song, and he rolls over the pillow to awaken in awe to the revolution, with humbled eyes.

the city remembers last night when the revolution looked so beautiful in it's dress of vowels and consonants. they had tangoed and gone home together and the city knew the revolution was not a mad twist of fate it was destiny, not good luck, that had brought him to her feet, as he took off her shoes and placed them at the foot of the bed.

the revolution had been quiet, with a secret smile, dressed in dappled yellow rays of evening sun, the revolution saw honesty in the words that swam around them as they walked home under streetlights. the conversation had all been sweet truths.

the revolution doesn't have to hide it's skin under layers of fabric because of her beauty. the revolution is not afraid of hate, and the revolution understands how the world works, but loves like a millionaire and knows she can never go broke when there are endless possibilities.

the revolution makes kindness her job, and she didn't have to go to school to know how to be compassionate. the revolution doesn't think in failure, she looks at money and sees paper, learns to pay her way with a currency of empathy and never counts her losses, only the lessons she has learned and the ones she has yet to.

the revolution wakes the sleeping city and tells him she makes mean scrambled eggs and her coffee isn't that bad either. she tells him to live in this moment, don't think about past, chances and mistakes, not even the future and what is out there in it. think about now.
this moment when we can be.
where we can be.
where anyone can be if they choose to live fulfillingly.

learn to love a silence and tame the emotions that roil in your stomach. learn to put down your hands when you are feeling violent. learn to fill your mouth with goodness up to your teeth it's amazing how grace can be so poignant, and yet go down to effortlessly. we are so easily choked by hate that this stirring feeling of calm is welcome.


you are welcome.
you are a piece of the revolution, wake up the city.
Crystal Erickson Dec 2014
Sailing through sheer jagged thoughts
and cool running dreams
The merciless curse of emotion
overflowing the exhilarating streams

Witnessing the chaotic times
of the dark and ancient old
when the mystifying warriors heart
was branded honorable and bold

ever drifting ever more
in this sea without a shore
through this land of legends and lore
ever drifting evermore

Floating ever aimlessly
through translucent waters
seeing the weak of mind from this plane
exiling their sons and daughters

While beasts of burden trudge from within
the midsts of juxtaposing viking ships
ships of war and plague and death
that obliviously vanish within a breath

ever drifting evermore
in this sea without a shore
through this land of legends and lore
ever drifting evermore

Sailing after those laden beasts
that which so arrogantly stray
you see those morbid souls of life
so ominisqueskly carried away

To the ***** delight and warmth
of the strong and merciful earth
Away from this unknown land
Of legends miraculous birth

ever drifting evermore
in this sea without a shore
Through this land of legends and lore
ever drifting evermore

© Crystal Erickson 1999
I have been told this should be a song, however it was written as a poem!
We’re hand in hand and walking, down where the Camden canal runs away from us
and breaks faintly in spires, under the floating patches of, olive tree, street lamps.
She shivers on her cigarette, smoke watching, a furnace strong and foreign,
like the ******* of the incense in Rome, tracing flaming *** trails.
The bird living in my ribcage beats it’s great and terrible wings
again, and has another. I have her cold elbow fit my palm.
The pigeons obliviously sleep to the draw
of that burning London moon.
The draw I feel moving me.
down into the world
that acts as a cellar
to the one we know.
So much colder
than the heat
is, in her
"What is your talent? Can you show me?" He asked me, obliviously.

"My affinity isn't something that can be seen." I replied. "It isn't a fancy circus trick, like juggling, nor is it the astonishing spectacle of a painting. It isn't the beauty of a voice, or the magnificent sound of music to the ears. My ability is from the inside, from the way one simple sentence could turn your whole life around. It's the way words could understand you like nobody ever can, the way quotes or phrases fill the emptyness of your heart, and the way it awakens a sensation you may have never been able to feel before. So, no, I cannot show you what my talent is, as it is the way I can transfer a set of emotions to you with just the enunciation of a word."

And with that, I, yet again, rendered another soul speechless.
softcomponent Sep 2014
the adderall dripping down the back of my throat tastes like sour oranges. little patches of sooty blackness caress the strange dips under my eyeballs as a sign of overworked modernity eating filth to break the fast of a dinnerless evening. cars... more and more cars... glide up Johnson Street on direction to an anywhere packed with reason and meaning, travel-wrung after hours of work and play like Greek tragicomedies written in an Indo-European language lost to the passage of endless time in the Urals. Trailing behind us, the Cossack signaled for the rest of his entourage to approach a little slower if the city were to be won from the Mongol horde approaching Baghdad at the eastern gate (A.D. 1258) and within the little eyelid movies drizzling through my mind every time I close my eyes, I heard screams and scrambled hashtags pleading for humanitarian assistance.. pleading for a chance to rescue the Islamic Golden Age from the brink of its twilight battle with obliviously obvious tired-eyed savagery reveling in the soft moonlit warmth of Mesopotamian beachsand. Blood was being worn as some sort of slimey undergarment, leveling the entire populace to a place so far gone, the mind could no longer discern the universe as a set of tetris patterns blocked and connected with a light string of consciousness, the light of intense college-student starvation as if tuition were the bloodlands trapped between ****** and Stalin.

There isn't much to be said for the way she used to dance. It was sort of like a jimmied cow-- I say 'jimmied' in the context of a cow, out late, midwestern meadow, center of the winter, shivering... shivering so profusely, it was almost as if it were dancing. Dancing, jimmied, silly, frightened, escapist sentiments pulsing through his beef belly blood as if he were capable of some sort of latent sentience, some sort of ability to discern love from hate, black from white, ethical standards from matters of the spirit. That's the way she danced.

She'd shiver to the beat like a dangling mango, misplacing herself in the music. She would cry a little, too. You could see the tears in her aura, flagrantly asking to be left alone. Flagrantly leasing themselves to the moment and whatever delight the moment could afford.

She asked me; "so, what do you look for in a girl?"
I said: "a decalcified pineal gland."

She jingled her keys in front of me, and smiled. I lost myself in someone elses talking points; across the room, I could hear the chatter of some teenage lip-reader repeating her every word line-for-line. It was 12:58 AM, the Mongols began their destruction of the Abbasid libraries. I just stood there, amazed at the near ventriloquism of this strange pretender. Was he, perhaps, pulling her strings? Was she, perhaps, a puppet? Was there, perhaps, an instant connection between these 2 brains on the quantum level, one effecting the other, regardless of the distance in space and time?
arubybluebird Jul 2013
I wore red shorts, black and white striped t-shirts, baggy over-sized Vanity Fair thrifted sweaters. I liked being alone. I liked people, but I just liked to be alone. I'd go to public libraries in other cities. I'd sit on benches at foreign parks, stayed to watch the shift...renouncing sun, rising moon. The shift, faithful moved me in such a way. A way that from the start I decided on never intending to describe. Obliviously attentive I observed everything. Shaggy-haired pre-teens skateboarding past grassy hills. Society-stricken women jogging along directed pavement. Fleeting array of arrival and dismissal. Me, sitting. Cold, happy, miserable, lonely...reading the words of anonymous others. I didn't feel alone when I read. I read all the time. I'd sit in my car on some parking-space in the midst of a small town plaza, in front of my drive-way sometime past mid-night, on the streets that could have been avenues. I'd sit and write. I'd write myself away. For nothing. For everything. For the sake of my time, for the sake of my happiness. My being. I was self-seeking through printed form. Feelings. They confused the **** out of me, especially when I wouldn't feel. And is that really even a feeling…the feeling of absence? The feeling of feeling nothing. A non-existent possessive emptiness. I wanted to be an actress. I wanted to be a writer. A poet. A librarian. An old silver-haired woman with a daughter and a son, and eventually grandchildren. A grandson named Ted and a granddaughter named Valentina, which I’d with warm grandmotherly charm sooner-than-later refer to as  ‘Teddy, dearest’ and ‘Valentina, sweetest’. --- And a lover. My lover who grew old with me. My lover who’d stay up to drink tea with me every God willing night. A great father to our children; a grandfather who’d take little Teddy dearest and Valentina sweetest out for bike rides. I wanted to be a cantante but I didn't have the voice for it. I was too average to be a model. A porcelain face didn’t suffice. More than necessary I’d hear strangers whisper, “doesn't she look like a doll?” The familiars, “dear, you are such a doll.” It was flattering. I hated it. I felt just as plastic as I looked. A doll. A cold plastic life-less porcelain doll. But then…I’d feel high. In it’s purest sense, so high…I could just take the world by clichéd storm. Conquer the dreams of my ancestors along with my own. There were times when I was invincible. I was complicated, and simple. I longed for nothing more and nothing less than a full stomach and a full heart. My organs were always half-empty. I’d stare at the stars, the moon, the sky. The laugh-lines of my father. My mothers illuminating youthful eyes filled with brightness that later in life resembled more of puddles from spring left-over’s. I’d look at my own, through the reflection of satin glass mirrors. I wish my eyes were story-tellers. I wanted a brighter smile. I wish I didn't think so much as I did. I wondered…what would life be like without a face? More sensitive, perhaps. I often times felt crazy. Unsanitary. Pathetic. Never bitter. Always misunderstood. And oddly enough, blessed. Fortunate. I believed in God. Enough so to capitalize His name. I had faith. I was grateful. If I had a million dollars, I’d off and buy the church I attended and give it as a gift to the pastor. Even then, hell as a final-inning wouldn't be eliminated. I wanted a better life. Everybody did. Nobody admitted it. Nobody talked about it. And if they did, I’d yet to hear them out. I would like to know, who, if anyone, will ever care enough to hold a beaten strangers hand? I was sympathetic. Internal. Introspective, and optimistic. I’d more than often refer to myself in the past tense. It just felt better. I liked it more that way. The imagery of a youth gone too soon. I made sense, none at all. And at times, I didn't feel the need to. I was nine-teen. Living in my own worded future. Living, that’s all that counts. All that matters. I’d be better someday. That’s what I’d tell myself. And maybe I would. Maybe I would end up being an actress, or a model, or a poet, or a wife. None of these things mattered, but maybe someday, somehow, I would. I’d wake up and live the life of being alive. 99.9, 8:29. And so…I left. And cars raced against streetlights. Seconds raced against minutes. Time was this never-ending race,
and I was just racing against myself.
This is an entry I wrote a year or so ago in one of the many college-ruled notebooks I've come to own.
I'm sort of just posting this on here for myself, to be honest. A sort of modern time-capsule, or so to say.
Rowan Jan 2018
Near a town of history untold
Where everyone knows each name
Wooden behemoths - obliviously old
Each unique but each the same
It was meant to be a perfect day
Of tranquility through the trees
Instead, the sky is brood with grey
And the leafs flow as they please
Alone, in nature's splendor spilled
In a rainy wilderness, seldom seen
The birds and insects grow suddenly still
In a spread silence of the green
Like eyes embedded in your back
You sense the stare of something sour
The mood hurries to horrid black
As you quiver into a cower
In bending branches blended
Creeping in creases - camouflaged
Nature's imbalance to be amended
In the forest's full mirage
Witness a terror appearing
Frantically floating from afar
Emerged in echoes and vaguely veering
Black, bleak and bizarre
A malevolent, monstrous maw
Snarls of hunger, habit, and hate
A malodor of meat, reeking raw
A violently increasing heart rate
From frozen still to fearfully shaking
You are manically mesmerised
Your pupils promptly dilating
As you and the beast lock eyes
Your meaningless attempt to run
From a stride to a collapse
The beams above crown the sun
As the twigs around you snap
A soar of pain as you hit the ground
Chest cavity cracked open
As you faint, you hear the sound
Of a language never spoken.
Gutted and gargling gore
Eaten by nature's nightmare
Convulsing on a forest floor
Indifference chokes the air
It's just another perfect day
Of tranquility in the trees
The rain has stopped, the leafs still sway
With the cooling, comfortable breeze
forestfaith Jul 2018
People of cotton minds.
Implanted with chips of different sizes.
Shaken and stirred is what makes their thoughts...our thoughts??
Floating around in defiance of truth.
Floating around with uncouth language.

"I Don't Care"
That's what you write of fountain pens of sugar-coated darkness.

Floating around in an abstract, broken glass world. A world of a glass maze.
You think that by closing your eyes you can see better.
Open up.
At least then you can see the pain the world.
At least then you can see the problems of the human heart.
At least you can see the shattered glass on the floor.
At least you can learn how to love.

A loveless life is such a loss.
Such a misery of a life.
Without love. There is no life.

Floating around in fluff and wool.
Obliviously in destructive symphony.
Floating around once in a while.
To avoid the problems of the soul...
To avoid the problems of the heart, the world. . .
You always rebelled
at the thought of obligation

Obliviously you would rather opt out
than be displayed
as a duty done in insignificance

A sailboat may be insignificant
. . . a tiny speck upon the ocean
But it sits high above the crests
Harsh Nov 2012
It all started with mixing Tequila and Sambuca last Friday night.
Then I noticed him, busting some classic moves on the dance floor.
Soon we are dancing, grinding, kissing, laughing, dancing, kissing,
he's even drinking out of my half finished cup of water, he's smiling.
"I'm a Royal Marine, not an Army boy!" he corrects. "A Commando."
We both even have the same phone! Coincidence? I don't think so.
Beads of sweat dripping from his hair onto his flawless face and neck,
yet, he smells oh so divine, "it's Gucci Guilty Intense", he explains.
I blurt out, "Hope this won't be a waste of your time, 'cause I'm not
going to sleep with you tonight!" He says, "All right", and smiles.
Mixed signals, cold bed phobia, pure drunkenness combined,
I offer him, "It's late. You can spend the night at mine, I don't mind."
"Just Scott, you won't remember the rest, it's long and complicated",
later he adds, "Good luck trying to find me without my name!"
"I'm Twenty One." "That's so young", I exclaim and he frowns.
He's cocky yet witty, and also very pretty, so I let my dignity drown.
Taking him in my mouth until he explodes like a loaded gun,
my duty to the nation's hunkiest hero was well and truly done.
"I joined two days after my eighteenth birthday", said he with pride.
"My vacation's over. I'm leaving on Sunday to Poole". I sighed.
I spent the entire night insomniac, with my head throbbing to the beat
of his obliviously, peacefuly sleeping exhaling and inhaling speed.
Close enough to feel the heat of his body, yet a million miles away,
him dreaming and I reminiscing, both awaiting the dawn of a new day.
Skipping the "thank you", "goodbye", hug or phone number, he says,
"See you around maybe", holding a rather deceitfully seductive gaze.
"Scott, we're never going to see each other again", I answer bluntly.
Mirroring my sad smile in reply, minus the sadness, he left promptly.
This poem is the sole property of me and cannot be copied or used without permission. [Copyright G.H. Rodrigo 24/11/2012]
christopher crow Oct 2010
High above and brave;
Taunting the waters below.
With this bridge we have conquered
Open spaces
And Time opens its wings
To let us pass without aging.
Who ages on the bridge?
No one.
Children are arrested in a state
Of wondrous apprehension.
The old forget gravity's pull
On their brittle bones.
It is a marvelous thing that connects
Our world to
Middle Earth and Rivendell; the great
Castle of Gormenghast, Narnia and
The fathomless depths of Cthulu; the
Temples of the Oracles; the lost rock
Walls of the Necropolis; the emerald
Towers of Oz; the Memorial to Krypton
In the Fortress of Solitude; the waters of
Lethe; the expanse of Midgard and the
Rainbow Bridge; Mount Olympus;
Daedelus' Labyrinth; the Inferno, the
Purgatorio and the Paridisio; the dark
Forest's of Pan; and the broad field's of
And the galaxy of stars, of worlds destroyed
And created by your Will, that shapeshifter
Of Prima Materia that stretches out in
The limitless space that is your mind.
This ancient construction of arched
Rock, mankind's greatest achievement
That draws the curious, the adventurous
Without verdict or punishment, and gives
Them the ability to walk on air, defeating
The current of death that rushes
Obliviously below.
Grace Spalding Jun 2013
Time’s ominous perpetual precipice looms,
Darkly beckoning with gilded motives.
The student’s curse worming insidiously throughout the best intentions
The enemy’s ticking fingers foreshadow their fate,
But like blinded deer, we frolic obliviously,
Blissfully remiss in our duty as the forgiven.
Twilight nears, but we are still frozen in the sun.
the dead bird Feb 2016
the star
makes her
of life
the black hole
pits of hell
if you get close,
but providing
and life
to her planets
that stay
far enough

born maybe
closer to the black
than others
notice it
out of the ordinary
than her life

movement she makes
she will
be closer
to her destination
to her destiny

took me
twenty years
of life
until I realized
the full force
of my depression

only when
she got close enough
did she realize
she was falling
the black
that this
was what
her energy
her mass
with more force
than anything
she had ever

the realization
that her
entire life
was spent
to be devoured
by this
all she knew
was a
never even
thought to wonder
she was circling
the glaring questions
the evidence
all of the signs
it was too late
to escape

event horizon

help me

i am trying
to gather
the momentum
to get myself
this point
of no
I won't stop
until I am devoured alive

I am the star
at an
event horizon

black hole
let me
half decent, half ****
Danya Apr 2014
not the dreams you see while asleep
the images, the voices you hope to be
i cant assume my own reality
for my reality that doesn't want me
sometimes i suspect my insanity
for my doubt kills me
how to distinguish dream from waking reality
maybe its lack of faith
but its my surrounding what makes me want to flee
oh the relief i feel
when  i only pick what to see, what to feel
living in ones own imagination
is living for real
i wish they let me alone
living this dream
yet they always interfere
and wake me from my sleep
Kaede Apr 2019
Thought you found home when you finally anchored your heart to his, but you only found wilderness inside an empty forest lost long time ago.

I met a man while I am moving on from my past. He was moving on also from his own little heartbreak. Whenever I am with him, I taught myself to never love a man's soul while his heart is aching for someone else's. But he taught me the other way, obliviously.

The ricochet comes. He can't love me back when he wants to. He can't take risks the way I do. He can't choose me when the universe give us the chance.

The ricochet hits me and I am supposed to be dead. But no, I was hit but was never putted into death. I was only shattered into pieces.

My little hopes and biggest fears will chase me to dreams and I have no escape. Nightmares will come every sleep and anxiety will attack me every waking up.

I will stare blankly in a dead air that used to give life to my existence before.

I am shredding tears for no certain reason and my heart is pulled down into the bottom of the sea.

I am loss. I am not found. If hope doesn't exist, then there is no chance I will be found deep down here.

I never had a heart, but when I found this empty long lost forest, when I took the risk when he can't, when I love him despite all his insecurities and incertitude, when I choose him when the universe gave me dozens of choices, I don't have a choice but to have one. For him and only for him.

Boy, I only have one heart but it is still hitched to yours and I don't have any plans to unhitch it.
I made this one when I joined the Feature Writing workshop of the trainees few weeks ago. I am not good in Feature Writing and it is really obvious base on what you have read above. HITCHED HEARTS is for people who choose to stay even if the person they hitched their hearts into already left. Aweee keleg tenge ke pele ehhhh
spacewtchhh Aug 2022
used to looking at the sky
rose-colored eyes,

Bills bills and more bills!!! Can I escape this liquidic abyss riddled with electrical flows that strangled my woes?

Californicating in high gas prices and rent that drives me deeper into saving my soul rather than my account...

These prices strike louder and brighter than Zeus' thunderbolt, like Greek gods can only be summoned at the shear sight of monetary value, leaving an impression greater than Mother Goose...

Sell my assets or sell my soul..? I struggle to comprehend what will consume the consumer only to pretend...

Tesla couldn't fight the good fight Edison tried to contend...

Yet I remain firm, like the Rock of Jabralter I stand proud between two islands...of insanity and genius, yet the two intertwine so elequently...

Am I oblivious to pretentiousness...? Or caught in the net of Poisiden...helpless, flapping so daintily....

The world eyes are green, yet I see blue...
Filled with innocence and bliss so true...

Bartender, allow me to take a dive in your shots filled with sympathy and obliviously pain triangles can't slew...

On a parallel of happiness and plains of joy, certain dimension can't destroy...

I continue to swim in debt like Phelps, no coy.
izi Jul 2020
Once upon a time,
A starry night,
A forgotten world.

Once upon a time,
Laughter heard,
Smiles traded.

Once upon a time,
Timeless reality,
Clock ticking obliviously.

Once upon a time,
Damsel in distress,
A fearsome dragon.

Once upon a time,
A Prince Charming,
All shining armor.

Once upon a time,
Timeless love,
Endless happiness.

Once upon a time,
A promise broken,
A clock rewound.

Once upon a time,
The spell of ages,
Heavily obscuring.

Once upon a time,
An open window,
Tendrils of smoke.

Once upon a time,
A fiery beauty,
A timid monstrosity.

Once upon a time,
Love forbidden,
Lives forsaken.

Once upon a time,
She fell in love with a dragon.
CH Gorrie May 2015
for Kenneth LaRosh*

"All are clear, I alone am clouded." -- Lao Tzu

Those definite days, when I still fooled
Myself into unnatural mind-states,
When I knew myself, but tricked
Others obliviously--
Those days be ******.
Now, my thoughts racked
With an equivocal polarity,
My heart uncertain to its very core,
I walk,
Reborn in ignorance,
Clouded, yet not unclear.
arubybluebird Sep 2013
She's the kind of girl who'd take a pregnancy test (after drinking two venti iced green teas) at a Starbucks restroom. She's the kind of girl who'd come close to overdosing on antioxidants and diet pills. She's the kind of girl who'd drink cheap velvet wine to the point of senselessness and obliviously karaoke to Radiohead's Jigsaw Falling Into Place at a distant city bar on an Autumn Tuesday night. She's the kind of girl who'd still be holding your wrong-doing hands underneath the sheets atop your bed at 4:03 AM.
She's the kind of girl I'd be if I had more of a heart and less of a mind.
JPF Goodman Apr 2013
Sometimes the noise of a plane passing overhead
Drowns all other sound and kills it dead
At others a quieter aircraft appears unexpectedly, surprisingly near
Narrowly, rapidly pursuing its descending trajectory
Dominating the view from my bedroom window
Igniting a tiny unwanted spark of fear
Will it crash? Will it crash?

None has crashed yet, not round here
Serene and mostly high above they pass and rapidly disappear
Obliviously delivering such highly valued freight
As human beings back from holiday
Or the latest "smart" bombs with their messages of death and hate.

Lovely, aren't they, and cleverly crafted
Designed so the lucky few may soar above
And feel superior to those far below
Like movie heroes just beating the inevitable wall of flame
Escaping the shocking weather to commandeer their favourite sunny getaway
Hoping that their hearty chuckles, industrial heat and noisy machines
Might be enough to wipe their unforeseen consequences clean

That beautiful desirable laboriously polished surfaces of metal
Will prove impossible to ignore, sweep or burn everything before
Enable them to tick their boxes, hit their targets, achieve their dreams
Demonstrate their righteous superiority
Finally banish any phantom thought remaining
Will it crash? Will it crash?

With a mighty effort we mount the air
Thrilled by the depth into which we might fall
Determined and ready to sacrifice everything to beat them all
So that we can exercise our right not to care
About the losers huddled beneath the clouds
Through which we cut such an unrelenting path
Leaving a trail of promises broken and wasted resources
Dedicated to the demands of economic forces
Flying away on a ride so thrilling
It's easy to ignore what we might be killing

And I with my feet on the ground too stolidly
Must pause and lift my eyes once more
To the rapid passing by of those who appear
To have passed the great test of life
While I tut and try to forgive the distraction
And may sometimes reflect that
One doesn't want to be remembered for having passed
But for having been present

And that any crashing done round here
Is solely into the pillow case
For the purpose of obtaining peaceful rest
And finding one's dreams the old fashioned way
Without the terrible need for jet propulsion
Or the nagging stressful sensation of having had to run away

It's ******* round here but I'm not going anywhere until it gets better
It's lovely round here and so are all the people
I live like a tourist so why go touring?

We have arrived at our destination
Trying to deny that would be silly and boring
So instead of flying off in search of escape and anecdotes
Why not dare to share the ultimate adventure
Of trying to have an honest and intelligent conversation?
Stone Fox Aug 2015
Sinking into you is something I find myself doing all too often.

If only you made this easier by being ignorant or oblivious.
Instead you wear the gentlmen well and I can never fault you for that.

But you started sinking into me first, it's as if you tricked me.
Slinking in the most subtle ways that I didnt even notice.

Or does this just in fact, signify exactly how predictable I am?
Am I really so easy to figure out?
But then, I cant be so simple.
After all, it did take you years with no sudden movements, no alarming sounds.
Looking back I am amazed at your diligence and unwavering patience.

Tell me, do I even know you at all? Or is it then that I am just so obliviously self absorbed that I really didnt notice our intimacy?
Our feelings that I wish I could flee from as they speak a truth not even I can say..

I'm out of my element here and falling short on how to best you or even compete.
I see you running the table in this game we have been playing.
I sink more, silenced in awe over your undeniable victory.
You, without a doubt hold the power and I can't even be a poor loser.
I guess all is fair in Love and War.
Bogle Sep 2013
I said I'll love you always,
my opinion is gonna remain the same.
   So if I have to hide away,
Its not cos I don't love you,
It's because I'll die.
   If I'm helpless,
and I have to watch you,
obliviously stray.
Jake Spacey Mar 2013
you know how fair this skin is
and still you concentrate your eyes
burning it like the sun, supposedly obliviously
staring at whats now a dark caste
made of leather, perplexed... but smitten
throw it over your shoulders like
your grandmother's hand knit scarves
and embark into the snow
Ava Ayo Mar 2015
I like looking at the narrow spaces
Between houses as the train passes by.

I like looking at the narrow spaces
Because they remind me of my childhood.
The empty narrow inches of space
Between two enormous brick houses
I'd obliviously pass by while playing tag,
Smiling from ear to ear,
Leaving only a narrow space for my teeth.
Running from dusk until dawn,
Leaving only a narrow space for bruised knees and tears.

And now the narrow spaces I pass every day
Between worn out houses in the city
Remind me of my heart.
So big, yet so full of others' pain
That all I have is narrow spaces
Reserved for my own joy.
And now the narrow spaces I pass every day
Between graffitied houses in the city
Remind me of my brain.
So tagged with useless information,
Yet so little space to paint true knowledge on.

And so I stare at the narrow spaces
Between houses as the train passes by
While I'm on my way
To waste the tiny chunks of time I have left
Hoping to widen the narrow spaces
Of my soul.
Em Draper Sep 2014
The water lies
and still on the highway,
glistens, then evaporates as
you draw near.

O’er the left,
windswept, dry
to a brittle chalk white,
that barren floor of
Just to the right,
subdued, honey-hued,
a flame that doesn't glow
as bright.

Clamped by the vice
of dread,
as the road before us spread,
farther than our own eyes
would bear to see.
Wisps of feelings had,
trapped hot against the
on the hills
rolling by, beside and beneath.

Misplaced words,
quipped obliviously,
snuffs, buries
the flame.

This soul sits
and still,
riding across the highway,
as dry as the ghost of that sea.

When you draw near......
You end me.
sanguine-souls Jul 2013
Have you ever woken up one morning
With an overwhelmingly existential anxiety
Surrounding the inevitability
Of loneliness and dissatisfaction
With love as society has made it out to be
And the reality of the meaning of the word?

Nearly every single one of us humans,
If not all,
Dub ourselves "alone"
While simultaneously and obliviously relating
To each and every man or woman
Who has and will ever exhale
Into the earth's atmosphere
Unaware of each other's potential and ability
To connect with one another.

Our breaths conjugate
As they are ejected from our mouths,
As our feelings should,
Yet it is not as simple
It is not as simple as an involuntary respiration
Though it should be
It should be!

Why should I,
Another breather on this planet,
Feel as though my emotions
Are much too obscure and unfathomable
For a breather much like myself to comprehend?
Meanwhile in the other room
A man is breathing in the same air I am
And he is feeling the same way I am
Ashish Gupta Jul 2013
A fire blazes beneath the waves.
That bright light, that once blinded,
gets dimmer as it slowly drowns
in the distant depths of yesterdays.

A squid and a whale motion ignorantly,
escorting the diminishing light down.
A school of barracuda look on obliviously.
Echoes of silence reply from the dark depths.

It begins on the Moon, bright and blue,
the ground has Spring and the light is new.
Until it comes crashing, splashing some brine,
sinking down to the bottomless heart of the ocean?
Copyright (c) 2013, Ashish Gupta
Katherine Laslie Nov 2015
There are things
Only a trained eye can see
While others
Go through life so obliviously

To see your loved ones
Die in a car crash
A thousand times
Dying over and over
Because the images just won't leave your mind

A body burning
In an oven
Begging for someone
To save him
The heat slowly eats
Away at his skin

An unknown person
Skinned alive
Lies in a meat cooler
Blending in with
the animals
Who shared the same fate

There are things
That only a trained eye can see
A pool of blood
With no visible source
The grim reaper
Has taken his hold on you
And you can't run
From these delusions
That plague
I do not care for what is to be.
And neither should you care for what will be .
Living obliviously are we.
One thing is for sure for you and me.
Deaths common hands are for sure to be.

Light of dawn. You shouldn't expect to see.
For it is night. Friend of the enemy, that brings he.
Sleep we call it,He the enemy
Living obliviously are we, to the enemy within he.

Dark of night. You shouldn't expect to see.
For it is light that spawns the enemy.
People we call them, they, the enemy.
Living obliviously are we ,To the vileness within they.

All this, forgotten from within me.
Calming my self with the truth within me, within us.
That deaths common hands are for sure to be.
More more mere words linger rather obviously...
obviously what could one possibly be so obliviously...
Observational objectivity detects: Lurkers lurking to linger probably cling to love's fragile edge?

An arousal of viciousness or visage of immense beauty art performance presence...more relationships steam a shore.
Balancing hearts on the in deep starburst sapphire blue floating more.
More to be revealed for shore.
Lucy Tonic Apr 2015
Your cold dead red eyes
And your skin as white as snow
Is all a pigment disguise
This much I know

Cause I refuse to believe
That your heart's made of stone
But you never give relief
For the boulder in my bones

I know for me it's an uphill climb
And well, for you, you've got plenty of time
You have the power to heal my scars and gashes
But you just sit there obliviously batting your lashes

I know your world consists of black and white
But please stay in the grey middle with me tonight
Cause a wise man once said, as his words took flight
That there's more to the picture than meets the eye

And I'm barely holding on
Like a leaf that turns to ash when winter comes
You're the virus and I'm the host
I'm the static on your A.M. radio

So I let you take over my immune system
And destroy me from within
While you ignore my heart's satellite
And change the station so you can sleep at night
Rhiannon Mar 2016
I would like to buy a house,
A house built up on Mars.
So you and I could laze about,
Just looking up at the stars.

And we'd talk about stupid things,
We'd just ramble and ramble on.
Until our voices get hoarse,
And we can see it's almost dawn.

We'd make friends with the Martians,
And play football in the sky.
We'd live our life's obliviously happy,
With no humans to ask "why?"

My love we've found a place of home.
A home where we can be,
Ourselves and ourselves alone,
Smiling Infinitely.
G J O'Brien Jun 2019
Do you know yourself? Between the love and the hate, do you know your strength between the stress and the calm? Do you know your limits between the vice and the abundance? Do you know the purity of your soul and what makes it glow? To know is one thing but to actually understand yourself as a soul, to fully acknowledge your conscience, is the goal. Do you even want to exploit such depth of feelings or do you just ride the wave, obliviously? Running with time and playing with the space that's given to you as it were free, life comes with a price called death. Hoping that the gold you've been so neglectively avoiding, would just turn up, without struggle and ambition, like undriven rewards. Do we learn or do we teach? Can you actually tell one feeling from the other, learning each one to its perfection or do you try and teach what you think we should feel, as opposed to knowing how you should feel? You can't teach feeling. Are we really lost in this suffocating society, slowly losing who we are with what we create. I cant help but think that we're so unaware of our greatness and history until it becomes just that, legend and myth. Why must life be such ways? Why do we fly blind on the horse of time? If we only understood the changes we set in motion, if we only knew our greatness, then to be honest with you we wouldnt make much a change. For we would know the out come, therefore contradicting our very actions. To not know is the very greatness of our own existence. To not know of our self greatness but with learning and experience, and patience to do so, well find out that the pieces that are missing, can be found just as easy as knowing from the begin with. Dont only learn from others, learn who you are also, dont only teach others teach who you are also. Using selflessness and patience. Through justice we will compulse into new beginnings and tranquillity will endure through to your very soul balancing all within, only then will we see true progression in oneself and also others. Because energy is connected, and forever bounded with faith.
دema flutter Oct 2019
i’ve taught myself
to be silent when
i shouldn’t,
and now i’m not
when i should,

there i go,
obliviously, relentlessly
and uncontrollably making
my voice worthless and worth less.
Sophie Hartl Mar 2015
sluggishly whispering hints
hoping you would notice
instead obliviously ignoring the obvious

a vial with a drop of truth
an ocean with a spill of lies
but blaming you for being blind

watching you watch her
feathers in your eyes welcomed me
truthfully really allured her

instead i blamed you for my mistakes
but knew i was suppressing a bittersweet reality
truthfully only wanting all i couldnt
Through a split lip
red foam,
froghopper froth
fizzing, haemoglobin, half-life
sitting thickly-thick,
on a paving stone.
Looking like Clinton’s cards
think human hearts
are shaped like.

But mine’s an artichoke
a watery phloem thistle core
folded in fronds and furs,
bristles of cowlick baleen,
sailing, ship-lapped bark,
darkness and birdcages.

Mine’s a rigour-mortis pill bug
potato fly, oddball, ***** slug
an ammonite, a butterfly tongue,
a bending toe curled in ecstasy.
Exponential shell chambers and septums
ending alongside everything.

And the guts of my heart
incessantly churn mechanically,
maniacally and obliviously rhythmically
Keeping me malleable
un-enveloped by beetle wings.

Just like the platelets
of my hardening spit-heart
are, blackening blood,
amber caught bugs,
clay in mud,

like we think it is.

Thoughts on how our hearts are nothing like their symbolic counterparts, or like anyone else's. They're ***** and alive, and, when drawn out, just feel dead.

— The End —