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preservationman Jul 2017
Well Mack being a Bus manufacturer had an idea for a new design highway bus
Yet the world wondered what was all the fuss
The MV-620-D was a new prototype bus
It all engineering that would be a plus
So Mack MV-620-D was given to Greyhound to test
It was going to be an observation better or for less
So Greyhound put the bus into regular schedule service
Reaction from the traveling public was certainly obvious
Greyhound tested the bus in 1957 being the year of my birth
The Mack bus traveled on the West Coast
So there was reason for everyone to boost
There was admiration by most
Greyhound put the Mack MV-620-D through the highway paces
However thought the bus was in a race
But throughout the test, optimistic with plenty of uncertainty
It was drive into the ride
Research in what would arrive
Yet test after test, Greyhound concluded that the MACK MV-620-D wouldn’t fit in with it’s fleet
But imagine, Greyhound would have a bus and they could compete
But it turned into defeat
Yet now it becomes a retreat
But Greyhound chose not to have the MV-620-D as a prize
But what Greyhound didn’t realize
A new design for the Greyhound enterprise
The MV-620-D could have truly been a success because of the engineering structure from front to back
But Greyhound felt the bus had a lack
The front looking like a highway bus, but the back having a auto look being the track
Yet Greyhound had the global name and could have encouraged other bus companies to purchase the MV-620-D to their fleet
Now this would have been neat
However, Greyhound being the beast
The MV-620-D was a release
Your writer has seen the MV-620-D up close and personal
A friend of mine actually owned it, but sold it overseas
What’s in a bus name?
Mack history in what will remain
The MV-620-D had potential
But Greyhound would have had the first original.
Adasyev Aug 2018
Z iniciativy české státní správy byly na stránky hellopoetry uměle přidány reklamy. Ty se nejprve začaly zobrazovat na stránkách mých textů s cílem je zakrýt a odradit moje čtenáře. Návštěvnost textů byla také bloknuta. Poté, co jsem do profilu přidal info o tom, že se zobrazují jen před mými texty, se začaly zobrazovat už všude. Státní správa se rozhodla kvůli mně ničit i texty druhých. Pro srovnání se můžete na hellopoetry připojit ze zahraničí, zda se zobrazí nějaké reklamy. Cílem je mě donutit k tomu, abych smazal tento účet a svou tvorbu, jako pomsta za mou (možná přehnaně) satirickou tvorbu proti pražské státní správě nebo poslancům. Pokud jsem někoho urazil, tak se mu omlouvám, ale útočné texty pokládám za užitečné a dobré, jak uvádím dál. Nikdo si na ně přímo nestěžoval a pokud ano, tak by bylo nejlepší, kdyby to řekl přímo autorovi, tedy mně. Moje adresa: Mezi Domky 255, 251 68 Kamenice. Cenzuru pomocí reklamy bez dalšího vysvětlení považuju za zbabělou.

V reakci na cenzuru a reklamy jsem smazal několik textů, které zasahovaly do osobnostních práv lidí, kteří se jich žádným způsobem po mně nedomáhali anebo neměli odvahu to udělat. Likvidaci nebo poškození zla považuju za dobrou věc. Agresi proti úřední nebo institucionální (firemní) nadřazenosti, která někoho druhého považuje za nekompetentního a ne sobě rovného považuju za dobro, které přináší změnu v myšlení. Rozhodne lepší a lepší ovlivní víc lidí. Můj text v angličtině ("A message from me") platí dál, po smazaní špiclovského účtu (můžou si založit nový) smažu i ten.

Zpráva zaslaná uživateli
Predchozi upravou jsem tady skoncil. Navzdy. Muzete pracovat az do dalsiho ministra vnitra nebo reditele BIS nebo deseti dalsich, az do konce veku.

Ještě chci dodat, že "likvidací" myslím hlavně literární zesměšnění, které mělo v této zemi vždycky tradici. Původní inspirací napsat krátkou prózu "Bezdomovci z kolonie Bubenské nábřeží založili kurýrní společnost" bylo dokázat si, že dokážu napsat něco satirického, tak jak to udělal třeba Jaroslav Hašek. Moje texty vadí právě proto, že jsou dobře napsané a jsou úspěšné. Kdyby dobré nebyly, nikdo by se jimi nezabýval a nemusel je cenzurovat. Pokud mě chcete posuzovat, věřte při čtení hlavně sami sobě, ne informacím někoho druhého, a už vůbec ne státem placeným trollům na sociálních sítích. Žijeme v době druhé normalizace. Pokud nemáte odvahu a vlastní názor, tak v ní žijte dál. Uznávám, že v textu "Orangutani z pavilonu Indonéská džungle založili Poslaneckou sněmovnu ČR" jsem to přehnal a bezdůvodně pourážel hodně lidí. I těch slabších a citlivějších, kteří se nemůžou bránit. Hlavním podnětem k jeho napsání byly ale agresivní reklamy (bannery) ODS, které se mi neustále zobrazovaly na mých vlastních stránkách a ve kterých se autoři snažili rýmovat, stejně jako já.

Zkusím vysvětlit některé rýmy:
"Vlez na úřad a všechno sněz, Praha volí ODS".
Narážka na člena ODS JUDr. Luboše Záveského, vedoucího inspektora OIP Praha. Jeho činnost spočívá v tom, že u práce, kde nedostanete ani minimální hodinovou mzdu, dal takovým podnikatelům ještě lepší smlouvy než před kontrolou. Z pokuty, kterou inspektoři vyinkasují od podnikatele za nelegální práci, si sami sjednali odměny (vedle státního platu). Touto námezdnickou prací jsem si prošel.

"Kdo nedává na žrádlo, sponzoruje divadlo."
Narážka na pražskou podnikatelku Ing. Hanu Černochovou, majitelku superúspěšného švarcsystémového podvodu s názvem eKuryr, s.r.o. Paní majitelka se svým manželem byla nebo je mecenáškou Národního divadla v Praze. Na to, že podnikání této firmy je v podstatě sofistikovaný podvod, jsem přišel já, ne státní úředníci, a to ve stížnosti dostupné na Po odečtení nákladů na provoz si kurýr s osobním autem v podstatě nic nevydělá a díky tomuto podvodu firma docilovala nejnižších cen na trhu.

Rovněž třeba parodie "Prague Connection" byla inspirována jiným autorem, který zase parodoval některé verše z mojí tvorby. Nic není bez příčiny... Ani já.

A tak dál
a tak dál
nic jsem tady nenapsal
jen tak

pro nic za nic.

Svoje básně přesunu na nové místo, protože je o ně zájem. Nemůžu už tady zveřejňovat žádné další nové příspěvky. Když to udělám, jsou na veřejném profilu smazány (pro ČR). Takže tento text je jediným způsobem komunikace se čtenáři. Upozorňujte na cenzuru a sdílejte moji tvorbu. Díky, L.

POZNÁMKA: Počet zhlédnutí tohoto textu, tak jak je dole, je ZFALŠOVÁN, s cílem vytvořit dojem, že ** už vlastně nikdo nečte. Aktuální zamrzlá hodnota je 34 (5. 8. 2018). Vyzkoušejte sdílení tohoto textu a uvidíte, zda číslo stoupá nebo ne. Číslům u ostatních básní se teď už také nedá věřit.

AKTUALIZACE: Hodnota zfalšována (snížena) na 45, opět bloknuta. Jako nové číslo se může objevit cokoliv a bude opět bloknuté.

AKTUALIZACE: Místo reklam se může zobrazit rádobyvěrohodný inzerát na sponzorování tohoto serveru. Server Hellopoetry je ale dobrovolně financován členy komunity bez zobrazování jakýchkoliv poutačů nebo reklam. Díky tomu je zachována grafická čistota textů básní. Srovnejte při připojení ze zahraničí.

AKTUALIZACE 22. 4. 2021: Co se tady na Hello Poetry vlastně stalo, doteď nevím. Moje nové příspěvky se nezobrazí na mojí profilové stránce. Při aktualizaci anglického textu A Message From Me byl po přihlášení k mému účtu na zadávací stránce vložen škodlivý HTML kód, který periodicky útočil na operační paměť a shazoval prohlížeč. Došlo k prohození napsaných odstavců v mém textu A Message From Me, kdy verze, která se zobrazovala veřejnosti po odhlášení z účtu, se lišila od originální uložené verze se správným pořadím odstavců. Tento samotný český text byl zpočátku (srpen 2018) zcela překryt nesmyslným obřím černobílým bannerem s nápisem Sudoku, který se prodlužoval na výšku této stránky jak rostla návštěvnost mojí výzvy. Samotné počty zhlédnutí/přečtení tohoto a jiných mých textů jsou skutečně zamrzlé, tj. nerostou pro různé unikátní IP adresy i identity (testoval jsem s prohlížečem Tor). Soudě podle publikovaných textů ostatních uživatelů z Hello Poetry, jejich zkušenosti s tímto webem jsou rovněž podivné, např. někdo uvedl, že nemůže psát vůbec komentáře (to by vysvětlovalo, proč můj text A Message From Me se současnou návštěvností téměř 22 tisíc přečtení nemá ani jeden komentář; to je to, co vidím po přihlášení ke svému účtu). Při mé snaze logicky vytěsnit překrývající reklamy, kdy jsem se domníval, že jsou dílem inteligentního útočníka, jsem paralelně napsal anglický text A Message From Me a toto české Sdělení. K odkazům pro veřejnost jsem použil krátké odkazy služby Při jejím opětovném využívání během zdejšího zápasu s reklamou se mně najednou reklamním bannerem zcela překrylo i zadávací políčko pro adresu na stránce, tak, že služba bez blokovače reklam nešla vůbec použít. Celá věc na mě působila tak, že si ze mě dělá nebo dělají srandu nějací počítačoví šachisté s plošným přístupem k serverům a alespoň částečnou možností modifikace přenášených dat. K účtu se pojí rovněž fiktivní jméno "Sarai Hladká" a další podivný účet (podle jména a roku narození amerického masového vraha). Tento instagramový účet měl před pár lety v popisku text právě jen "Sarai Hladká", tedy stejná "sara" aneb retardnnn, který mě měl mezi sledovanými zde na Hello Poetry v červenci 2018 (a který nebo která má účet taky na Pokud náhodou víte nebo tušíte, čí je to účet, anebo máte nějaké nápady a připomínky k výše uvedenému, uvítám vaše e-maily na adrese Kontaktujte mě také prosím, i pokud narazíte na nějaký "můj" profil na Facebooku. Děkuju, L.

AKTUALIZACE 25. 5. 2021: Profil byl zrušen.

AKTUALIZACE 14. 6. 2021: Dostal jsem e-mailem reakci k původu účtu a dalších. Má jít o účet pubertálního dítěte, pisatel mě ujistil, že rozhodně nejde o účet založený MV ČR nebo BIS.

AKTUALIZACE 6. 10. 2023: Moje zkušenosti (nejenom) s tímto webem jsou nově shrnuty na adrese

Krátký odkaz na tuto stránku:
Warning: Writing slightly explicit
These hoes ain't loyal....Hmmmmm!
My thoughts:

Now I love this song,
but something must be said
These hoes ain't loyal
But she was in your bed
Talking all this ****
Bout a purse
And 9
But you weren't thinking this
Working your 5
Licking her spine
Telling her you love her
And this *** is mine
Acting like a saint
Yet you da one who knew
Huggin in your bed
Calling her your Boo
Oh, she da ***?
***** what the **** is you?
Yet she da one texting
Thinking on you
Maybe you don't understand
Words got you confused
Looking for a man
One without abuse
No games no lies
Tired of being used
You calling her a ***
But she the one you choose
Over and over
Your familiar chick
You trust, you lust
You lick her ****
Yea fine
Spit it ... ***
But every single time
It takes two you know
Even from behind....

And if she is that
Own up to it too
You ain't the only one
******* with a ***
Rotate, Flipped....
You's a *** too....

Ronald J Chapman Dec 2014
I was asked, “Have I ever met someone with super powers?”

Yes. I have.

She has super powers;

She helps people whenever she can,
Without expecting anything in return,
She never says, "No." when someone asks for help,
Even at to the risk of her life and health,

She can make you smile with a single word,
She brings the sunshine on stormy days,
She sings songs with many languages,
To make the world a happier place,
She brings a party wherever she goes,

She is compassionate,
She has changed the world with her song.
She saves the lives of children with her love and music,
She takes away your pain with a wink and a smile,

I've even seen her fly above the ocean's waves.

Yes!  I have met a Super Hero.

How about you?

© 2014 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.

YT link to MV of 'Super Powers 'being read with music.
Words written for the Romania Singer and hero who helps children everyday. 'Evelyne Cojocar!'
Yes I have really seen her fly above the ocean waves.
Not in a dream.
Mariah Carey - Hero
Twenty till two
I was his
And he knew
As did I
With every raw
Slow kiss
With every still
Slow ******
That with every beat
Every breath
Every bite
And every gasp
We were so much more
Than lovers
Than souls
Than words

Than poetry .....

We were an eternity....
A four lettered catastrophe....
We were love
We were lust
We were ever...

Every lifetime....
Till the next time...

I was his
He was mine
We were

Now is forever
Was never a faith for me
When you're free,  if ever
We are free
And if I appeal to you
In some broad way
Then we will prove
That something gold can stay

Glimmering simply
Glimmering? Nay
If free we are ever
Then gold cannot stay
Cause staying is forever
And faith is by day
But by night
It is light and
Flame that we crave
So stay if by candle
For shadows remain

Are the shadows as important as the light,
In the future that we don't mention outright?

Shadows are the memories
The ones we've yet to make
Shadows are the forever
In the faith you claim to hate
No, not hate but
Never pray
Shadows are the moments of ever
When candle by breath met death
And took my breath away
So yes
Think not of light
But what is left
In darkness and your lingering

We do cling to this breath
But why I cannot say
Being neither the mind's heaven or hell
I know little of shadows
I only live by them
And once over then forever over?
Then while we live, we'll live in clover
For when we die we die all over

To wake again by candle's flame
For that's the nature of this game
To love and lust
And linger here
In shadow's breath
And tangled hair
In clover fields and bales of hay
Lovers always, never stray
Ever always
Though they go
Back together
It's all they know
And so my love of little faith
Of never forever
And doubting place
Gold though it glimmers
Dulls with age
But broad
Your appealing memory
My heart and my mind
My soul does so claim
This glorious reason for angels
Hell and its fire
Your mouth is my rain
Kiss me
And ever

A collaboration with the lovely
                Joseph Paris
© (stanza 2,4,6)MV
© (stanza 1,3,5)JP
I'll describe it to you
Scrolled comforter
Warm sheets
His skin
Silk against my own
Caramel, sweet on the tongue
Licking my lips as I write
I can still taste him
We were in it
Lost in our own little world
Thrusts and moans
Scented candlelight
No words
And then, it began to explode
From black, to Red, to blur
His face never far from my own
Hand on my throat
And then
A kiss
Different and slow
Hard yet tender
A bite, a lick
Lost in that kiss
The rhythm changed
He pressed his forehead to mine
Eye to eye
Nose grazing nose
Every second slow
Every moment connecting
He said it all
Without saying a word
Every motion
Screamed out
Every swirl
A letter of his name
Etched with every sigh
Deeper and deeper
Embedded in my heart
And there I lay
Trying not to cry
Realizing why
The old saying goes
Love hurts
It's true you know
It destroys you
In the most beautiful way
And so there I lay
In Love

And so I can write....
I Lived ..... Once...
One day....One midnight...
Before I died.....
His ❤

I feel the need
To type hello
To ask if you want company
I feel the need
To keep it short
To slightly tease
To arouse your curiosity
I feel the need
To shave my legs
To cutely dress
To match my bra to my *******
I feel the need
To ready myself
For an answer
I've yet to receive
I feel the need
To hope
That you'll finally
See me
I feel the need
To sleep
Because you never reply
Why can't I be the guy?
Why can't I just ignore...
Not feeling the need
To adore
To miss or to love
Why can't I just feel the need
To give up?
Why can't I give less of me?
Why can't I feel the need for more?
Alas, I'm bound to this heart....
I feel the need
To rip it out of my chest
To allow myself rest
To fall apart......

It's not about who you think of at 2pm when you're busy....
or 3am when you're lonely....
it's about the one who never leaves your thoughts...
the one who has you biting your lip
and blushing,
even though he isn't around....
The one that has you wishing for
A pause button,
Just so you can live on his lips,
A tad bit longer...
The one who awakens the female in you...
Who makes you feel powerful,
Breathing, Alive...
It's about the one that quickens your breath...
That looks at you and just like that,
You'll willingly do whatever he says,
If only for a kiss or a spank....
It's about the one that has you thinking
You might be insane, slightly obsessed,
And yet you can't, or rather won't
Give him up....
Because no-one has ever made you feel
The way you feel,
When you're with him...
A crazed, passionate, starfucked love
A love of only poetry.....
A love of only Him....

©MV (cause I'm tired of that meme that reads its about the one at 2pm when you're busy not 3am when you're lonely, *******)
Before they seal the coffin shut
Let me memorize his face
Touch his skin just one last time
Trace his silk, navy tie
Let me my memory
Leave behind
That I never
Said goodbye
Nor I love you
Just one more time
Wait a moment
A little more time

The stuffed TY (beside your head)
A duck from me
I'll always remember
It was ET
Duffus, Wrestling and **** Thead
How can I forget?
Mike Myers, Freddy and the 13th
Gremlins, trolls and in between
A Weird Al song
And gasoline
We set the world on fire

We skated ice
And ran in rain
In underwear
One in the same
And Choo choo trains
You were a liar

My brother
Peeing in apple juice bottles
Talking to rice krispies
Milk in hair
My best friend
Sling shots
Even apart
Not far behind
Wait a moment longer
I can't leave him
He's mine

I'm crying
Holding on
Like those moments
On the red carpet stairs
Chubby cheeks
Wet eyes
Mohawks and double dares
Pretending we didn't care
But we cried
At each goodbye
Why? Why?
I don't want to let go...
Don't shut it yet
It's too dark inside...
Please please
Open your eyes
I have to be dreaming
Come back to life

Shattered and screaming
The coffin is closed
They're holding me
Spinning out of control
Too young, too soon
The good always go
But I wasn't ready
It just can't be so...

A blurred ride and rain
As they lower you
What's goodbye?
I want hello
I'll never forget
12 years or so
I swear it was yesterday
Still can't finish...
Still won't.....No!!

I blame my fingers
More than my heart
It speaks silently
While fingers
Loudly shout
On pages and on smartphone screens
Typing out
What my heart has tried
To keep
Under secrecy
Tearing me apart
Ripped sheets
As I push upon their mercy
No writing
No typing
But once it settles
Heart at steady
Stab and jab
And so
They write
They question
They put into play
And braces itself
For the come what mays
The consequences
Of heart betrayed
By finger stains.....

He was a fire
A brilliant,
Burning lure
A devil

And I
Demon Wind
Feeding into him
Stroking his desire
To consume

Every bit of me
My sin
My choice,

I never needed heaven.....

Ashes when we met
Ashes and torment
A chaos of bliss
Every kiss.......

Brilliant collisions
Sapphire skies
Everytime I'm with him
The world stills
And yet
And soar
Comets through galaxies
Begging for more
And visions of light
Destruction breeds love,

When demons unite.....

The truth and compassion is barely hidden behind the glint in his eyes..
The kindness is concealed in the strength of his embrace..
The love multiplies with the simple caress of his hand on the body..

And yet I'm drawn back to his face
The emotion saw raw
I want to reach out to him
Letting him know
It's ok to let me in
To drown in the hollow
Of my breast
To allow me his tender rest
His hair carressed upon
My pounding heart
He plays the role of in control
But I'd have him fall apart
To let me in through crevices
Where once was stone
His heart ......

A collaboration with Tara Cook

©TC (1)
Was asked to finish off a poem for a very dear friend.....
I write too much
Because You,
Don't write at all...

You will be
The death of me
And yet
I beg of thee

**** Me

Upon thy hand
Upon thy lip
Beat upon
Hip to hip
Grant me death
Sweet fantasy
Allow me die
For misery
Would be
To live
Without your touch
So grant me death
Upon your lust
To die
Cheek to cheek
Blood from lip
****** and heap
Of clothing
Upon the floor
Grant me death
To die once more

La Petite Mort......

I'm not pro specific races...
White, black, red
Means nothing to me
I'm pro love, life, peace
I'm done with the negativity
Standing up
Only to be what you claim
Your against
Coming off the same
And simply
Adding more fuel
To hate
And giving more power
To minority
And poverty
Enough of this stupudity
Humanity is the majority
Embrace individuality
Fight positively
And bring up
Your enemies
Blood drips red
On every color concrete
Don't feed into
Sheep, you claim not
To ever be
But look at you
Following the crowd
You against me
Same opportunity
Same hood
Same class
Same bowl
We used to eat
I was the minority
And yet cloaked eyes
You speak
Come further than where
Your expected to be
Take another look
And free
Your mind from the evils
Of a hyped up personality
We are all one
One religion
One race
One humanity....

I'm done ....

©MV (drops mic)
And so I put my heart to rest...
Nay, not softly upon his chest...
Nay, not lightly with smile or sigh..
Nay, in darkness, I here lie...
Eyes swollen, salted, red with tears...
Silent screams and muffled fears..
Sweet sisters,
Dying, darkness drenched...
Wishing, praying, but where is rest?
Lost upon new lover's thighs...
That is where my dear love lies..
That is where my heart does wander...
Lost within this treacherous ponder,
What did I do? Was it me?
Did he love me? Can it be?
Thought won't leave me, free me, Nay!
And so I sit waiting for day...
For bluelit sky and golden Sun...
For exhaustion to hit and
Sandman to come!

I came across my reflection....

The marks you left
Had faded
And no matter how hard I stared,
Or how much I blinked,
I could not make the stain
Of your lips

And so,
I touched myself
Just there,
But didn't flinch,
Could not feel the ache of your bite,
Your kiss....
Nothing but a ghost
Haunting my skin...
Teasing me with chills,
Reminiscent of your tongue.....

You were missing...

I was missing you....

mvvenkataraman May 2013
A kind heart does a beauty
Not done even by the Divinity
It will preserve World's sanity
Achieving among humanity unity

Confidence, it will surely supply
Healing remedies, it will apply
At the right time, it will reply
Its support, it will kindly imply

Love and affection, it will promote
In favor of peace, it will ever vote
Angelic words, it will always quote
To God, life, it will favorably devote

It will show adequate mercy
By including it in its policy
By exhibiting real courtesy
It wil make living nicely rosy

Deepest wounds, it will nurse
By canceling every curse
By removing fully bad stress
Like a mother it will caress.

mv venkataraman
Kindness is the best action, As it will give protection, Implying true affection, Removing every infection, Be kind and considerate, All will call you great, Do it now without being late, Open your heart-gate.
How I loved those harbour lights,
as shipwrights, we worked through those long and lonely nights and laid keels for Queens that rode the sea.

She was one,
The S.S mv Lexicon, a giant of a lady she. would leave her lipstick marks upon the sea and we just loved her, built her dream in funnels square and clean and launched her late one Monday Eve and when steam had scorched the boilers, we've seen our Queen go sailing far away.

That day has gone now, steam no more, a passing fancy but I adored the smoke and grit, the wit of Bosuns as they spat at this and that and harried cabin boys who touched their caps out of respect, I expect it's for the best.
And tomorrow what will be is a lack of joi de vivre and the sea will look so flat.
Kiss me, that tonight might pause....
And this moment, frozen,
shall be alive, only by us...
That it may be eternal between two lovers
Till sweet blue lit dawn
And then, again at dusk....
Kiss me once again...
Another frozen time...
Allow with me these forevers...
These standstills......
your soul lost without mine....

Enough of it
I refuse to write
All I ever get us in
Trouble and sin
Noone understands
Brain takes up hand
Foolishly ruled by heart
I end
I start
I write my heart
But for reasons
I write to fill the void
And temperamental
None the less
I give of me
My heart and yet
I give it up
No more ink
I rather sleep, to this
Able and yet
not one more word
I rather unread
They never listen
Just prayer
Washing me away
They don't understand
From where I came
A mile in shoes
Up in flames
They only
With their evil stares
Judge me
For my being
Made by their Creator

I'm feared
The Devil

I'm livid with you Sandman...
You tease and taunt too much...
You let me rest upon his heart
Then wake me with a ******...
Never enough dreaming
You only sprinkle sand...
An hour is mere seconds
You surely understand
And yet you show no sympathy
No slowing down with sleep
And so I'm meant to be satisfied
With blurred, fast forwards,
Of his heat....
No, no Sandman
It's not enough
I'm happy there, you see
I'd rather be in dreamland
Idealistic reality
Lost within his arms
Twisted in his sheets
Sighs, our only language
Never a need to sleep
Never a need to stifle
Emotions, wants, needs
Never a need to question
To watch the clock
To leave
And yet it always ends
And I wake to chirping birds
Never knowing such a hate
Hate, not a strong enough word
For I try so hard, with haste
To fall back into your world
But I'm lost without direction
Wrong turns and insecure
Sandman, I do loathe you..
Your work is 10%
Never am I impressed
I'm always longing for your best
Awake, awake
I'm done with you....
You bring me back to him!!!
Awake, my heart's without him
Weeks before I'm his...
Pray, take me there, I beg you...
I'll settle on blurred heat
Just lay me in his arms
His kiss and tongue, so sweet...
Pray take me there and leave me
A moment longer, please this time
Enough to wake and make it through
Till the next time he is mine.....
Till the next time in reality
I can trail chest with fingertips....
And lose myself upon the edge of dream
Wait Sandman, I apologize
I only saw it now
Reality is dreaming
Dreaming is the how....
For am I not dreaming
When in his arms I'm found,
drifting into sleep....
Softly snoring on his chest...
Oh my, my sweet sweet Sandman
You simply are the best....
Not only do you allow me dreams
You grant them whilst I'm awake
You let me relive memory
And that is why I wake
So that I may feel them really
So I may of them taste
So I may sleep most peacefully
I'm sorry I used hate...
Drift, I'm dowsing Sandman
Rambling through this weight
Of heavy lids and eyelashes
This sleep that calls,
He waits.......
And so I'm off because of you
Sweet sand envelope me
I realized, I thank you
Sweet slumber
All for me......

I'll tell you what it's like....
You'll smile at the thought of him
His whisper will convince you
That fire is pleasurable
Your heart will pound for him
And his, will calm your spiraling soul
You'll fight and try to hide your love
But it will flow out of you like water
Every wall, crumbled
He will control you
He will bend your neck to suit him
Tug at your hair
Control your breathing
Limit your air
You'll beg for death
Upon his lips
Only so that his
Could be your final kiss
You'll miss and ache
The moment you part
The soreness, the sweetest
And your heart?!
Will never again be
Even slightly yours
And you will long
To stay forever heartless
As long as it meant
You belonged to him
Though it may just be
For a moment
A second

©MV (drafting)
Pounding like thunder

      Every beat of my heart

      You read you ignore

      You tear me apart

      Yet I'm sitting here

      Foolish, lashing out on myself

      Knowing I shouldn't

      But I need spell

      My hope, and my lust

      My falling in love

      Like an itch

      From a needle

      A snort of your drug

      Cause I'm spinning

      I'm drowning

      I'm lost in heart beats

      Hearing your voice

      As I'm falling asleep

      Wishing for darkness

      Grim reaper for peace

      Living ain't worth it

      I got it on lease

      Now I'm up for a trade in

      New model, New me

      But you know how it goes

      It's just a pricier fee

      So I'm walking around

      like you don't phase me

      Knowing you own me

      My heart and my head, see

      Even these lyrics ain't making sense

      How do I say what I mean

      At best

      A simple I love you

      No much more


      Pounding my head on the floor

      Needing your arms your love

      And your lips

      The grind and the swivel

      The pounding of hips

      **** it I'm over

      Out and without

      **** up these lyrics

      **** them with doubt

      Think of me never

      Add it to song

      You knew I was falling

      That's it

      **** this song.......

     © MV
It was all in her head
The way he kissed her
Held her
That feeling
   Still burning
      In her chest
The ******* I love yous
Taken back
  She cried

He slept
And she sat on the edge
The same one
She fell from
Holding on
Trying not to turn to dust

On the same page
Of a false memory
A stuttered heart beat

Can we pretend it was all a dream,
And you never said you didn't
You hadn't?
It was so much more
Than done......

His lips were ice
No long goodbye
He couldn't say

She left her heart
A reminder
In a red cap
Angel's halo
Her scent
And the soft
Pounding sound
Of her feet
On each creaky step

She didn't turn around.....

No more writing....
No more ink....

Just endless sleep
Atleast in dreams
He still loved her....
Or rather he actually did.....

She still thought
It was real
How could he love you?

© MV
Let me write
Trail your spine
With ink tonight

Ink of lust,
Tongue as pen
Let me write
Until the end

Let me dot
Commas, indent
Let me chapters
Me with print
And script
To write
Let me so
I just might

Fall asleep
In fairytale
There upon
A wishing well
There in curve
Upon your back
That I, your heartbeat
Ticker tack
Dreaming, lulled
By every beat
Let me write
So I may sleep

To Awaken
Within your arms
A story of
A lover's charm
And so a kiss
A silent stare
Let me write
So I may care
So I may softly
Linger there
High upon your every kiss

Please just let me write
So I May
Sweet good nights
Till dawn
Till Sun
Sweet rain doth fall
And fog
Does tease
No thoughts, no more
Let me write

The end.....

His mouth touched mine
and I was lost!
My mind went blank,
my body....limp!
I became his puppet!
Moving only as he bid me to..
only what he willed me to!
Lost ...
Upon his skillfull hand....
Pray I be lost forever!

I need a moment with my muse....
I need shadows in candlelight...
I need a "You're so ******* beautiful"...
To feel it, for a night.....
I need the pain as he bites me...
The taste of blood within my lips...
Only to be soothed by the gentle way
He slows his every kiss...
I need his searching fingers
And his lip stains on my skin
I need his cross upon my tongue
I need to relish in his sin....
I need a moment with my muse...
I'm dying fast inside
It seems without his smirk
I'm more dead than I'm alive
Just a few slow
Long hours
I swear,
I can't think
To even write.....

Unless it is about him
Then that's all there is
All night
Writing of my longing
Writing of this want
Writing to forget him
Though with writing
Not forgot
I swear
A tiny moment
So I can shut my eyes
Paralyzed upon his heart
Warm against his thighs
I just want to inhale him
A little piece of him
So that I may live a tad bit longer
To write of him again....
Though, I'm tired of writing missings
I rather write of memories
Newer and not old ones
They're fading
Don't you see....
I'm starting to diminish
My luster,
Getting dull
I need a moment with my muse
I need a moment to feel whole

Within his arms
To taste him
I'm a ranting
Moons and mainly midnights
Do drive me to be sick
Without him I am aching
A moment only
Not an issue
I'm happy on my knees
Praying for his pleasure
Pleasing to be his
All I really need
Is a moment
That never ends.......

©MV (scribbling)
Some days just feel like
They aren't worth the breath........
Constantly praying,
hoping for strength
Super cape on
Doing my best
But I'm called to the window
Lost in the stress
Thinking I'll fly
Finally at rest
Cause the thought of the darkness
Has me obsessed
Numb on the concrete
Cold to the rest
Flashbacks and spiraling
One last test
Hold on for the sirens
Give in to the light

Someone says mommy
And my head gets right
No flying from windows
Who would I be?
The mother who jumped?
They wouldn't understand me...
And I'd be the one
Who lost in the end
Every moment
They'd have to pretend
They'd have to light candles
In memory of me
But then what kind of mother
What kind
Would I be

So I hit my tea like some hit *******
I crochet anger away
And the pain
I take off the cape
And just give them plain me
Knowing I'm faulted and bruised
Like the sea
Calm but a force
Destructive but life
I give them their mommy
In spite of my strife.....

Loving them

And I can't sleep
And I shouldn't write
But my heart's all wrong
And my head ain't right

And I struggle with
With did you ?
And can'ts

I struggle with
To be more
Than I am

To give you less of my heart
And just
Try to lie
Through telling eyes
That this isn't
More to me

But you already know
And it's hypocrisy
Being real
While trying to hide
The caught up
Part of me

So I drown tonight
Listening to the echo
Of a moment
Taken back
And the darkness
That screams
Piercing in waves
Through the silence
Of night

Breaking I cry
But I'll be alright
You took it back
Trying to breathe
But it's hard cause I'm aching
And chest pains
Got me believing
I'll die
So I'll swallow this pill
**** it
Get high
Fall asleep thinking
Under blankets
Of that moment
That realness
Not in my head
But real
Such an *******
You can't take it away
I ******* love you
You gave it away
And so it'll always be mine
Pretend What you will
But I won't lose my mind
I'll just sleep
Ever knowing
I was a beat
Of your heart
And you loved me
Falling Asleep.....

Can't sleep
My mind echoes
And giggles

Can't rest
My heart races
Nights on the couch
A hand full of aces

Twisting and turning
Should I let you go?
My brain says yes
My heart

So I'm caught up
Cause I feel drawn
Moth to a flame
Like the Janet Jackson song
Blind to the fact that you're MIA
No reason
No contact
These games you play

Twisting me
And yet
I close my eyes
Just like before
And your smirk
Those "*******" words
I swear I'm possessed
Better yet

I feel you
You whisper to me
Deny it
Hide it
You call out to me
Your heart to mine

I try not to write
But the mighty Divine
Takes hold of my fingers
And bids me take ink
So I draw up your lashes
Lips in pink
Caramel skin
And a beating heart
Praying that page
From art to my heart
Comes to life in my hand
So I'm not alone

Cause I'm desperately missing
The way that you moan
The way that you bit me
And left behind
Your signature
Signed with bruising
My spine
Licked with fire
Of passionate sin

What was the point of this
Poem again?

Oh yes, I remember
To just let you know
I'm wanting you ever
And needing you so
Missing you desperate
Like a chronic hit
Of a pill that releases the pain
Of this pit
Blackness within me
That you seem to calm
Guess in the end it's all like a song

A tattered old record on constant repeat
Skipping in scratches
Yet we long for it's beat
Needing to hear it
To sing along
Wanting to dance
Like smoke from ****
Illusions seared into memory
What the **** is wrong with me?

If you wanted to
You would most likely call
Maybe a sticker
A text
But nah
And yet
Here I am still

Green light
I type
You're off
And a chill
Races throughout
My body, so cold
Done with this poem
It's getting old
Who am I kidding?
I'll be back at it
At 3
I demand the fates
Bring you to me
But starfucked
I'm stupid
Cause I know in the end
I can't help but thinking
This was all just pretend.....

Hard enough to let you go
To quiet your whisper in my head
To drown out the echo of what was
but wasn't said

Hard enough to sleep each night
To dream about your kiss
Of angels dressed in red
Of spines and twisted sheets

Hard enough to wake alone
To slow my every breath
Racing heart and skipped heartbeats
Yearning throbs
And wet

Tears upon my cheeks
As I ache for ever rest

Hard enough to smile through pain
And give the world my best

And yet not as hard as what's to come
To think of you
Less and less
To slowly forget the sound of your voice
The taste of your tongue
And less
The way you kissed and stopped this life
For a moment
And less
Under covers laying against your chest
That smile that I swore was just for me
And less
Wind and snow and bluelit dawns
And less
The love of you
The love of me
The us that never was
except within those moments
Of stars and fog and sun
Of laughs and chips
And cake batter lips
Less and less
Losing memories

Hard enough to remember
Hard more to let memory die peacefully.....

The job of a muse isn't easy
He has to keep me alive
Heart beating
Yet **** me
So I can feel both
Love and misery
So I can write
In darkness
Of its beauty
To live with a broken heart
To die of love
So truly
To breathe death
Within my lungs
And know fragments
Are purely


Are you happy?
When I'm on his lips....

Do you love him?
More, with every kiss.....

Has he hurt you?
When he's away....

Would you leave him?
I'd beg to stay.....

Do you miss him?
Every day....

He sounds perfect!?
Far from, I'd say....

Does he love you?
Don't really "*******" know....

Are you his?
Whenever he says so.....

Is he yours?
Every time....

His best feature?
His dragon, upper spine....

How does he ******?
Lipstains and blood...

How shall you survive him?
I won't, starfucked love.....

I miss you
You ******* know I do
But what good is missing
When you're not missing me too

You weren't mine
I knew that much
But you told me you loved me
And I connected your touch
To emotions
And realness
But it was all lies
Now you're caught up
In krystals
And milky white thighs
She's not even pretty
She doesn't love you
But it's all about *****
And I ******* knew it too

I'm ranting forgive me
But I'm missing you so
The fact that it's over
And I've let go
I won't be returning
This time I'm done
I can't be up at night
While you're out having fun
My need for you
My hoping for some
Of your attention
Your kisses
But I'm not the one....

******* all *******
Lover, you see
Was a ******* pretend word
That meant down to **** me
To feed me your false words
To make me believe
I was exclusive
You were a thief
Stealing my heart, the very essence of me
Leaving me dead
In an ocean of see
See you with her
See you without me
See you enjoying
See you ******* free
See you forgetting
Every curve every shape
Every moonlight
Every midnight and hate
Hate that it's easy
That it was pretend
Hate that I'm writing
It doesn't seem to want
To end

Type type
Finger to screen
Wanting only to scream
**** it
A sigh
Putting it down
All that's left
The tears of this clown...........

© MV
Once upon a Midnight
The one before Mischief
I met an Angel
Dressed in Crimson

A perfect halo on his head
Dragon wings
On either side
Of his spine
Offered me wine
Beer, A drink
He mixed a potion

Tv, talked
As if is his intent
Was purely and strictly
But oh,  what eyes
The bedroom kind
A smirk , A smile
His lips
Holy heavens
I did crave
Just his lips
And my name
He whispered
Holy water
I was drenched
In sin and pain
Aching for his
Touch of skin
But more importantly
To feel his golden cross
Against my teeth
Wings and silk
And heated sheets

Love and lust
Falling slowly
Fast asleep
In the arms of the
Now that song's on repeat
Caramel candy
And I'm craving him

I met him that night
Right before Halloween
Candy and pumpkins
Just Do it
They screamed
Masks to the floor
And I'm dreaming the scene
I knew I'd get burnt
But his lips spoke of dreams

Red Angel
Hell's fire
I loved every taste
Scorched Ashes
What a love
I could never replace
The night
I fell for his charms
And his grace

In love......

With the Devil......

Only God can judge me........

I want that night
To shut him up
No need for
Don't say it
Though I said that before
If you don't mean it
Not a single word

He fought me that night
Said he knew he didn't have to
That this was what he felt
And when I dismissed it
Even repeated himself....

He kissed me
Under blankets
Without ***

Lies and pretending
The actor in his best
In a drama
I'm crying tears
From rom com
To broken
I'm shattered
And feel
In all of my agony
It was real
Wanting his arms
Though he
Loves me not


— The End —