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A Force
Night uncertain
Feeling Helpless
Trapped with an episode
No sudden behold
Doubt enters
Stormy feeling like the enemy
Hope fades
Tomorrow’s wonder
Yonder dreams
Forbidden thoughts
Night of Never
Twist and turns
Night bound
Emphasize of Faith
Praising voices every length
The Hope
The Desire
The moment
Encouragement felt throughout
Direct to Heaven
Open Up and Cry out
The help
Need to conquer
The overcome
Break the Devil’s interference
Total turnaround
The break through
Heaven’s answer
The Blessing
The Lurk
The Watch
Careful observation
Reaction on precision
It doesn’t matter where
It’s not about who
The spotlight
The stage
Words beyond what world sees and hears
Words uncertain
Tomorrow unseen
Words through suggestions
Cushion of no comfort
Amid the storms of doubt and circumstances
Words of wonder and delight
Precision in direct light
Words gather like no other
Statement and appeal
Words strike out for real
No longer concealed
Words surround
They found you
The gathering
Word out
Up the hill
Every effort Climb
Total endurance
Confidence in assurance
The Climb being its own encouragement
Desire through strength
Fire of determination
The Climb, the Climb
The look from ground to look up top
The Climb, the Climb
The movement
The aim
The reach
Success top
Fire Act
Flames of conviction
A trick
Didn’t stick
Stuck behind the trap door
A Soul Soar
Where there is a way, there is also a getaway
No Burn
Hot, but no urn
The Devil wanted one to be trapped
One escaped
No fire for one
Devil’s loss desire
Spiritual strong
Laughter for Evil
Surprises upon surprises
A smile with a plan
Sinister demand
What to expect
Evil revenge
Lies through the smile
No trustworthy
Honesty questioned
Wonders of the Joker’s box
Joker’s card foolery
Like it or not
Win or lose
Being confused
No heart of gold
You have been told
Joker’s wild
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