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Kim Essary Nov 2018
As her words grab my heart with each and every message or poem I read,
It truly saddens me to be so far in distance, I can't offer her what she may need.
Never have I layed my eyes upon her, I can only Invision her beauty by her poems and words of wisdom.
Her soul sweet as the blooming flowers and heart as pure as gold.
It's as if her soul is that no less than angelic as she has touched many on this site and more.
What saddens me is soon she will no longer be with us as her illness is growing worse day by day,
My Dearest Kim Johanna Baker, there will be a sadness and void on this site and in my heart the day the Lord takes you away.
I hope that she may see this before it's her time to go, for when the other angels come for her I want for her to know.
The impact her sweet soul has left for all of us here on HP, some more than others , some of you like me.
So if you would or care to join me in my dedication to a very loving soul that makes this site so pleasurable, feel free to leave a comment below.
We love you our dear friend , our dear friend Kim!
Please feel free to repost this for the ones I don't know
Never met this wonderful lady but she has touched me and my life so dearly. Kim Johanna Baker
Ricardo Jul 2023
Magical ain't it
I'm running with a crown
Wasn't born into it this way
Nope, didn't steal it
But I ain't no Saint either
Just worked it up from the bottom
Looking up to a ceiling
Then putting my head down, I told y'all
I told y'all I wasn't gonna be the same
No not after all that I've been through
Not after I dropped all the pride for y'all
Not after I walked off with my head up strong
Oops now I am seeing a flock
Throwing bread crubs look at em follow
Yah I'm a beast with it
Guess growing up wasn't so easy
Maybe that's the story you can't hear it
Many dark moments have me remenising
Painkillers just isn't cutting it now is it
Had to break off this vision
Had to look beyond anything I could invision
Nothing new dark roads will tell you
This one has some light
Must be the flashlight I'm holding

Magical ain't it
I'm running with a crown
Wasn't born into it this way
Nope, didn't steal it
But I ain't no Saint either
Just worked it up from the bottom
Looking up to a ceiling
Even when they left me
Even when they doubt me
Even when they smiled at me
It didn't mean anything
Saw it for what it was to me
Headed up a mountain no strings
Never looked down I forgot it
Quiet up here ain't it
Hearing echoes all around me
Maybe all those heavy feelings
Finally lifted me

Magical ain't it
I'm running with a crown
Wasn't born into it this way
Nope, didn't steal it
But I ain't no Saint either
Just worked it up from the bottom
Looking up to a ceiling
Skies in reach clouds are now beside me
Every lasting freedom that I seeked
Sweated off calories for years
Didn't even notice it was for me
Go and buy it I don't need to see
Like it, I take it now it's free
Everything in my hands or just in reach
Chose to walk away you see
Lost it all for me
What's the point with no depth
Felt like I was reaching blindly
Creative soul burning deep with hopes
Uneducated goals reached them all
Presidented stance welcoming everyone
Come in come in with a soft tone

Magical ain't it
I'm running with a crown
Wasn't born into it this way
Nope didn't steal it
But I ain't no Saint either
Just worked it up from the bottom
Looking up to a ceiling
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
You need a spark inside the mind,
That makes you stop and take the time
To read the signs in between the lines.
You need a spark inside the mind.

You need a spark to lead a team,
To chase a common goal or dream,
Invision things never before seen,
You need that spark to get a ring.

You need a spark to have chemistry,
Or the relationship may be history.
Though the future is a mystery,
You need the spark for chemistry.

You need a spark for love to be kind,
The meaning of life is underlined,
You want that spark that ignited the first fire of mankind,
But that's a treasure hard to find.
I wish it was a little more interesting than it was. sorry
Tamera Brown Apr 2014
Sometimes my memories sneak out of my eyes
and roll down my cheeks  
These prisoners always find a way to escape,
When tension reaches its peak
Off into the night
Where everything I invision becomes bleak
Sometimes my mind doesn't follow my footsteps
and leaves my heart hollow
These prisoners derive themselves out of feelings that were ever so potent
But now..
I realize what chances are overlooked when words remain unspoken .

-Tamera Brown
For those who lie restless at night thinking of the missed oppurtunities
Tolani Agoro May 2016
Too many people are too quick to wish 'forever' with a person. I'm not saying planning a future with someone is a bad thing, all I'm saying is know the person, really know the person, know who they actually are on the inside, when all the doors are closed and all the weight of the world is gone, know who they are at that moment. Don't plan a future with someone you don't know because if it doesn't work out then you set yourself up for heartbreak. If it ends, not only did you lose the person you love but you also lost your future, your plans, who you thought you'd be and you become lost. Again, I'm not saying don't plan a future with someone you love because it's a beautiful thing and you really should, all I'm saying is don't plan a future with someone who you don't know their views of life, their intentions (especially towards you), their beliefs, what they'd die for, who they'd cry for, who they want to be and how they invision their life. Everyone is wishing for fairytales and happily ever after but you are not Cinderella and one night and a glass slipper won't guarantee forever (or happiness). Happily ever after is earned, you know the person and you love the person and you have gone through **** with the person and you would pick them on their bad days and their good. You would pick them on cheerful days and on days where they're curled up in a ball, crying and feeling like their whole life is falling apart. If you aren't willing to go through hell for a person, no questions asked then save yourself the heartbreak and don't plan anything. Some people are meant to be in your life short term, they're only there to help you learn and grow into the person you're meant to become, they're there to help mold your heart into the perfect shape so it fits just right into your happily ever after's. Not everyone should and would be in your life forever. Learn the difference and prioritise appropriately.
Just my 2 cents
Keith W Fletcher Apr 2016
Do they know
While in the foggy depths of
Or the level to which they rise
As they hurl stones at the hapless dove
In absolute retribution
Spewing lies
Denial.... set to rile
The now lost and soon to be tossed
Back into the reality prescription
Overdosed on the rhetoric
Left in the vacuum
Of the imploding star of incredulity
Launched by nothing nearing reality
Into the frenzied - hyperactive atmosphere
Deflated and overrated
As masses of mud frames somehow sated
By hate built absolution
Humanity lost as demonstrated
By evil personified
Non-- inclusion
As helpless friends stand by disillusioned
As if the loss they now invision
Confounded by the lack of any solution
Were they drowning - hope would exist
For rescue would be welcome
Not something those sinking would resist
The Living Dead will soon be discarded
By the furor and the faithless pretense

Pushed out the gate
Fired.... from the crumbling tower
By the big cannon in retreat
They stand- dazed and amazed
At what they know they've lost
By paying homage
With the only valuable thing that they ever owned
Trust - Love and Understanding
Who couldn't save them
From drowning among the throng
Into which they were sunk by simply standing among
And refusing to see the reality
Of what it takes to watch the rise  
Of an evil soul - out of control

Being fed on unbelievable lies
When the gate slams shut
And the dogs are let loose
The street will be full
Of those whose faith was sadly abused
As their mud forms were simply being used
Can they ever return? IDK.
Daisy C May 2014
Take a hit
blow it out
***** up time.
Take a hit
fall out of your head,
invision things
that aren't even there.
Ruin your life
just for a feeling.
So many truths do embrace a gentle teasing lie.
Im far worse than you may invision a monster of rampage and gentle nightmares poetic reprize.
Do you ever wonder fact from fiction or simply never care just as long as it so does entertain.

Bleed the well to starve the creative fire will it ever make sense again?
She 's always a muse but seldom a creative force my words my own share the glory and you'll
lose sight of the shore.

To many drink's and lost night's lets cast them aside once more in a one night stand passion
Let us never cross paths again.
You'll only see me in shadow so take the best and try to never recall what was left befor sunset called it a night.

Broken dreams gather to make a soul bitter and this **** I just cant stop.
Please understand it's never been a choice dear heart.
A hotshot  taken in vice and a final fix.

We never cast the stones we belive will be returned.
A dance will cost you more than you could ever understand.
And once to I saw the forrest for it's tree's now I simply cast blind regards to
thoose I cant truely recall.

They pass me by as so should you.
Sweetheart will a moment cast a delusion I cant be?
Old times were the hell are you now?

So gather your thoughts call me the fool for refusing to care.
Soon I will erase it just the same final round join me toast nothing and old friends
no longer here.

Soon I will carve that place eternal as a nights velvet harsh as dreams that once
I belived were mine.
Sunsets always hold the pain as nights hold my heart.

Forever doesnt seem all that long to me.

Take from it what you will.
Louise Ruen May 2016
I know what you think, and that you think you  know what you see.
You know everything better than me.
You might be right, but I know that you’re wrong.
I feel the pull, but the pain is small
And all you have to say is: “You’ve changed” - and I hope you’re right
Now flowers are growing rampant in my mind.
Extending my horizon, making me realize that this life is beautiful
That this life is mine and mine alone
That eventhough I’m completely ordinary with crooked teeth and dull brown hair, I’m not hindred from doing  extraordinary things.
That’s what life’s really about.
I don’t need  future plans - which is great, because I have none -  but that doesn’t mean I don’t know what I want from life.
Call me liberal, if that means you allow me to live life the way I invision
See what’s beyond the flowerbed in my mind.
See the moon from South Africa, Brazil or maybe Tibet.
You should have known that I wouldn’t come back the same that I left
But all you say is: “You’ve changed”
All I can say is: “Good”
A couple of months ago I came across a picture through the social media that spoke to me. It illustrated two unknown identities (you could only see their frame). One had a few flowers coming out of her head. Her little speaking-bubble said: "You've changed". The other person replied "I Hope So". She had the double amount of flowers growing from her. Thinking about this picture today inspired this poem.
Don't be afraid to spread love, kindness and live up to your full potential. Extend your horizons and imbibe life. When it comes down to it, it's afterall pretty good.
Josh Vasquez May 2018
I can dance with you my amour.
And live a life under the rainbow.
So brilliant is my blind sight.
It is clear I don't want to let you go.
Angela Sep 2010
Today is a new day
A chance to start again
A dream can become a wish
A wish to become A vision
A vision to become reality

We must take the step
off the cliff of mistakes
to find out if we can fly
to heavenly happiness
or plummit into the hell
of our own existance...

Today I will dream,wish,and invision happiness...
1,2,3 deep breathe and.....step!
Tamurray Apr 2014
I am but a shell
What's inside you cannot tell
I am simply ordinary
Inner beauty quite contrary
To the previous remark
You view me as quote "stark"
In my mind you're bleak and dreary
Still I believe within you deary
Is an acute flicker of light
Just waiting to ignite
A thousand possibilities
Across the endless seven seas
If only you could invision
A world outside the television
A place within yourself
Imagination on the shelf
Dust it off and change perspectives
See how another being lives
Not in your head but in theirs
Though you'll grow tired climbing stairs
Reaching for the tip top of perfection
Praying for some form of protection
Against the vibrance within the soul
Colored red, orange, blue, pink, gold
But see no one out there knows
That inside us all it glows
We want our true colors out
Yet withold them with such doubt
Yes, I am but a shell.
But, tell me...aren't you as well?
Blake Jul 2018
My fire cracks and sizzles,
The wind growls and hisses,
Sounds of her naive frenzied movements coat my sticks in liquid.

I crackle warning signs,
The spitting of banishment,
One day like a switch i will flick
leaving only black and blue behind.

Fire burns only for so long,
You dread and prolong my end,
But I invision peace in the hearts ice age of surrendering to the breeze.

Be gone mother,
This is my war and I choose to fight or retreat so please...move
Let the wind take me.

Mum please go back inside with the rest,
Don't let them find you among my ashes,
Don’t stay around to choke on my smoke and please don’t make this your bed.

Listen to their words,
Dont double the price of one life,
You need to say your goodbyes.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2011
Yesterday I kew my name/I had a schemes/To get my way.
But things changed/That I did not plan/Still, I didn't complain.

I accepted my defeat/Not because I was weak.
But because my decision would affect me.

I invision the consequences, of my action/And my conclusion satified my soul.

When I thought I was lost and distressed.
I realized just ,Who I Am?

I'm someone in the wildnerness just talking to God.
He touched me inside down to the bottom, of my heart.

He build me up/When I was lost he guided me to a better place.
And looked me directly in my face to see the real me.

And said, I am. Who I am?
And you,  are. Who you are?
Simply, a lovely child of God.

That's, who I be?
That's who I am?
All rights belongs to Jeffrey T. Conyers
Tam Robbie Nov 2010
From your body
Seeps forth that ancient sorrow
a melancholy radiance
carrying a mystic prescence

I reach out, my fingers seek to meet
The rock, which has been met
by so many, for great eons
Since you were braught here

Standing stone, you have seen
So many ages pass, since those misty days
in the sepia of time
and you shall see so many more

I cannot invision your lifespan
it is distilled in my head
into the slow beating of a drum
and chorus of eternal voices

I hear your song.
Joe Fitz Jul 2013
Gorillas in the mist, soldiers in the deep
Push the iron fist, stroll straight through your street
Killers with a list, stomping with there feet
InVision this, a heart without a beat

They listen to there orders, mercy is the weak
They have no compassion, they leave the blood to leek
Fighting is there passion, there push straight to there peak
They destroy all around them, for the enemy they do seek

Take away people stories, leave them just for dead
Forcing a famine so, people cant be feed
The pictures they have painted inside the victims head
If you dare to disobey, they pump you full of lead

What is it good for?
To take away the poor
To break down the door
At the call of final straw

What is it good for?
To invade you native shore
To take the oil they may store
To put the weaker on the floor
So they door not ask for more
They leave us so unsure

What is it good for?
Kim Essary Oct 2018
Your presence is volcanic, your body glowing from the heat within.
As you come closer the seductive scent of your cologne intrigues my senses.
My eyes close to Invision your body with steam of your breath against my skin ,
Our bodies come together, I feel your insides roar.
Anticipating your next move as I lay beneath you, your steamy beads of hot lava flowing down your body on to mine..
The burning feel of pure satisfaction waiting to erupt,
Feeling the chills of pleasure cover my skin as my body bears it's sweet realease, like an eruption of the volcano as it prepared to unleash.
The hot lava throbs inside of me from your volcanic eruption and leaves us limp like the smouldering Ash that lay beneath us.
Caroline Lee Feb 2016
This is the church of the crooked and fractured teeth
These are the hours slowed by lack of sleep
There is nothing underneath this breath
There is nothing but the body you left lying cold on the concrete
Isn't leaving sweet?
And I'm pouring out at 12am all the words I never said
Painting bottled affection to fog up your head
Hours without sleep lying in your bed
I loved this even then
Into the lazy hours
The nights when you picked flowers growing out from in between my ribs
Little light we sit and swig as I wash your feet
Intoxicated by the pleasant relief of you letting me down
I escape the room without sound only to write of nothing but you for weeks on end
And these nothings float up into the rafters and I wonder what comes after this absence of you
What I wouldn't do to tear back into you
Into the gaps of your teeth
I don't get the release anymore
I watch the moon move along my floor
As I Invision all the knots in my spine you whispered into
The black and the blue and the bruised
I'm not broken just used
But I still dream of you and how I would have abused the touch of your hands
I never belonged to another man but you
What's a girl to ******* do
But pour it back out again
And maybe you will
Maybe you will too
Maybe you will stay this time in my skin
Wonder what we might have been
If you would only descend again
The wanting never ends
And I am bruised cold over you
And for the way that we moved
And I can't hold up for much longer
The waves come back only stronger
And maybe for a little while
I'd let you come back around
And we'd tangle again a union of unholy sound
For this is the church of the crooked and fractured teeth
These are the hours slowed by lack of sleep
I don't get no release without my tongue in your cheek
I dunno it's just been one of those weeks
Just one of those weeks.
King Krule inspired. Lack of sleep helped too.
Not down with all traditions
Man or woman
Who i should be kissing
Whats on television.
Trans feminine
drugs in retrovision
what did we invision.
Listen crystal clear
ntentions realistic.
Misogynistic ******
Lets get with it
women  talk....  you gotta listen.
Its funny to st in rehash this
How these women had me
Bitter sadly.
They watch me change
Too trans queen...
Hard for saturated trans fat in ******* black jeans.
With my **** fleek. *** cheeks..
last week
Rolled through black clouds.
Prominently rap sound
Dark brown black pound
******* him up in the back ground
Tell me what the ******* think of that

Listen to the Christians
*** they know the promise we
Yet somehow
Some astonish me
Hate the pride scene...
Just like God decreed
somehow there's no God for me
They'll call em ******* man
Acknowledge me
The actually bothering
Treatment of
those in
With out apology

Here's an idea
To start a following
Start a performing trip
Lead with Vietnam War vets
Get the Porsche chipped....
And divorce yourself from
Forcing it
Klue Klux **** with groupies
You the goof performing ****
No klue in who be
Taking this **** before I force it in
*** hatreds ******
I ain't supporting it...
Lily Karter Feb 2013
The last
Seems to hold the whole
Of the

Once was a
But over times my
Cause it to

Oh, How I depend on that
To keep this
Stitched together in
That this all will

I invision it all to
And unfortunately
MOTV Dec 2015
As I Lay Awake, Thinking Thoughts Of Thunderous Motives
Hover Above My Boulder Like Cranium
A Spectre Chanting Noises
Oh, ******* Spectre, What Do You Want?
Oh But A Moment But A Time But A Beat
So I Start BeatBoxing As I Lay Awake
GirlFriend Laying Next To Me
Oh But A Magical Line From The Head
Oh But A Spirit I Can Take Into, Go Forth Into The Head
Oh But A Thought I Can Construct In The Robotic Like Construct
Oh But A Mass I Can Sway With Just Talking Whispering Screaming
As I Cut The Beat For The Time Felt Right
I Sit, Think
Looking For Wisdom In The Minds Insight
Thoughts Linger Like An Aroma
Plots Kick In
With My Mouth Bringing Sythe Like Noises
Spectre Leaps Into Existence
As An Eye Sees Persistence
Lapse In A Moon Time Has
Healing Powers, So Do Tunes
Actions Only Speak Truth
Motion Speaks Louder
Clouds Of Thought Can Be Captured Used To Plot
Next Thing To Do
Is Grove When You Move Leap On Homie
Silence Arisen
A Spectre
I wake up before dawn to put my makeup on. Comb all the knots out of my hair, place it in a  perfect bun. Breakfast will be waiting with oj. I'm invision  that engagement ring anyday. When we go to the hardware store ,I'm in heels . When I tell my friend's they ask me, are you for real! Dress to the nine, when were at the grocery store,my clothes are so tight, please don't let this be sample night. I don't have room to spare. If I do get my man , it will be a year before I show my real hand. Lol
How I read your words and invision the taste of the lips that spoke them into a page scented with your essence.
I travel on road and gravel,
pavement im enslaved and it hurts,
the distance is far
like life under earth,
reachin for light and air
but cursed and trapped wanderin
and wondering, pondering
while sombering,
alive yets death is the sight far from your touch,
Whom I seek is the love not rushed but hushed soft like plush  that write rights with a right that was never left hangin wen pledging their soul infront of christ, is that too much? Im crushed..
A kiss for an eternity thatll leave the waves crashin the rocks on the spot we saw the sun set, a memory distant like mines from you, i rot.
Darken my thoughts seem but the intent to remain the same as the same I was wen we split, I am.
but change came in the appearance,
because im looking more for you than what I left behind.
Because I want a piece of you for me, and not what used to be mine.
You see im just here waiting the scene to take place,
where the rain will tickle my face,
trickle down in my past tears place and trace,
only to see you look back once and tell me I wasnt your mistake,
I made you better , something! Like sometimes It hard to leave when you still have alot to give , but time wasnt in the place to have those gifts be presented,
Now the presence is a wishlist of things thatll never live up too.
Like finding a love like you...

By Emmanuel  jv Hernandez
Damaged Apr 2013
Blue sky.
It's where you watch over us from above.
I can just imagine you on your horse;
riding around in lushous green pastures.
I can invision you swimming around in the endless blue sky;
a vast ocean.
I see you bouncing from cloud to cloud;
dancing endlessly.
It was one of your favorite things to do.

The sun is shining down on me,
a reflection of your bright youthful smile.
I smile a little,
because I know you are guiding every move I make.
Every word I say.
Each and every day.
Kim Essary Nov 2018
Blame is merely a person's way of.  placing fault of their own amongst someone else to keep them from admitting any wrong.
Fault, a widely described word in which is a cause and or effect of a purpose.
Putting blame upon another is telling them they are at fault of making the wrong decision or choice of action.
Not much intellect goes into either word as I see it.
An action , so to speak, is bound to get a reaction.
So mind boggling these words, maybe it is that your actions caused another to make a decision you may Invision to be wrong when in respect it was only a reaction to your action, so whom shall be to blame or at fault now?
When in the act of pointing the finger or making such accusations of blame or fault ask yourself , was it an act you did that caused them to react in such a manner that it could be wrong?
Just a jumble of thoughts crossing my mind .
Toni D'Leangelo Jun 2019
Haven’t written in a while.
Haven’t listened in while.
I’ve been missing,
you’ve been missing,
we’ve been missing for a while....
Trek, trek, trek.
Swim and sink, eat and drink
think and think...
another drink, drink, drink.

I feel every part of this. Resistance is futile. I embrace it now as it changes my many faces. I feel the old fade with the oxygen that leaves my tomb. Beauty is a thing of the stars now; a bunch of pretty lights I’ll never be able to seems. My world has shrunken but is now far more complexed...since I have grown into a smaller being. My life is beyond pleasure and pain now....

How is it that my mind expands more
and I understand less?
I no longer imagine life
but I clearly invision death.
Worst feels like my best.
Bliss feels like my stress.

“That’s only The Devil” they say,
but  I know I’m apart of the blame.
“Pray about it. Ask God for guidance”
I have yet to call His name.
I fall asleep in the dark
and awake in the same.
There’s a man in the mirror
my reflection feels estrange.

I write because it’s apart of my fight. It’s when I feel the strongest. It’s been quite some time since I’ve done this. I died. I’m still dead....I’m just alive this time.

Juniper Deel Jun 2014
I want to live simply;
And enjoy the small things in nature.

-When I invision my idea of a perfect life...
I see us; running through wheat fields hand in hand.
For no reason other than to feel the tickle of grain
As it brushes against our sun kissed calves.

I see dark, rolling clouds dominate the sky
And they weep for the tragic reality we live in.
But as you look at me
With raindrops sliding down your eyelashes
I know that we can be detached from actuality
Kim Essary May 2018
DREAMS are illusions made up in our mind.
We usually spend a lifetime chasing but rarely ever find.
Fabrications of the way we want to be.
Just to wake to a harsh reality.
We Invision all these things we long to find.
Dreaming of this fantasy we make with our mind.
Why must we dream all this false illusion in our brain ?.
We wake again to reality just to realize we only self inflicted our heart more pain.
Dreams are merely a fabrication of an illusion of things that we will never do.
The make believe of a Happily Ever After, that never comes true.!
Dreams will pick you up and watch you fall back down.
William Stoddard Apr 2014
You didn't give me a job you gave me a skill you didn't teach me lessons you gave me knowledge you didn't give me words of advice you gave me a mindset you didn't lecture me you taught me a craft:
   To the man that said sugar over vinegar and blood over water pride over ego and lessons are in disguise-

My ego blinded me from the life lessons I so desperatel needed
Now my ego has depleated and my eyes are open more than a 24/7 gas station - clarity finally; t
But Its clear to me that the clarity  I so longed for was impairing my morality and that aint fair to me
So I recoup regroup revision  all my decisions  and invision a day I actually listen
Kim Essary Apr 2018
Through my entire life a mirror was my best friend, although I held faith in my vanity , and layed visions of humbleness to never show conceit, extra pounds or a flaw of imperfection never crossed my mind,
I was always an athlete without a failed attempt, as I knew no other way, , somehow somewhere my health took a turn for the worst, my once beautiful body, is no longer beautiful today.
Without casting a shadow or a reflection of me , inside my heart I'm still alive and Invision myself as I use to be, it rains horror over me trying to comprehend what happened to my existence why did the one thing I was so proud of have to go away. If I had one wish for myself I would wish to return my body so when I look in the mirror again I will see me. I long to walk proud again so my outside will match  my insides and make me complete.

Bad health came from nowhere and consumed me taking the one thing I was proud of all I want is to get it back to be proud again of me
Joshua Oct 2018
War is such a beautiful thought to the insane
A large scale asylum with all of us inside
Crazy, we sit quietly as they talk about war
World war lll is said to be upon us
Yet we normalize it, nothing is awkward
As if the toxic gas will recognize the nostrils of the good;
As if the nuclear bombs only burn the guilty and dodge the innocent
Black, white, yellow, red skin
Doesn't matter
All will be affected by the terror
Terror that was put into effect by few
Three score and ten years was promised to us
Yet the idea of some people in countries making it out their adolescenses is foreign
God save us all

War is such beautiful music to the greedy
They love the sound of the drumline
Whistling sweet beats into their ears
Snare and bass drums booming
Pap! pap! pap! Boom!
Can you invision it?
We are all now a part of a 'jumper' church
We can't help but dance to the sound of the music
The choir of the innocent
Sing to the sound of their demise
Hands lifted above head as they shout and run
Giving praise to the heavens
As God's children fall to the dirt
As the dirt rises to the heavens
God save us all

Why are the good going out to **** and be killed?
In the name of their country
While the bad cloak their deep desires with a vision of peace
All for personal gains
Not for the people
If it were for the people every life would matter
No one would be sent to die
And no bombs would be delivered
Because peace would be the only option
To save all lives and not just some at the expense of others
God save us all
jeffrey conyers Sep 2012
From the moment I saw you.
I knew you were the one.
Even those completing in my mind against you.
Didn't affect me the way that you do.

Sure, I could have been the player's trying to score.
But upon seeing you.
I invision more.

And this is all happening.
When I yet to meet you personally.
You just have this dire effect upon me.

It must be real.
Because I'm avoiding my friend.
It must be true.
Cause all I do is think about you.

I once heard a sermon.
That's what true love always do.
Contraducción Nov 2018
Words are just that... Words.
Its the worlds you invision
from those modest revelations
that awake sincere feelings.
Feelings your fingers
aren't willing to manifest.
Feelings your heart
is eager to recite.
IPM Nov 2018

My gut spirals swiftly
downwards the twilight zone
a throne of skin and bone
"Thine sin you must atone."
Sat down, below red skies
above my head, familiars
reflection shines in eyes
of thousand flies perched atop rotten meat.
I rip my heart out and eat
it too.
Ignites a fuel deep inside
the hollow depths of this mind.
A darkness rose, roamed long ago
speaks to me now:
"Fear not what is to come,
sacrifice the living,
**** the young, burn their lungs,
eat their tongues an-"
"What madness is this?"
aksed my image
the ghastly apparition
"This plane is not unnatural,
tis' only a future you invision..."


— The End —