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Contraducción Apr 2020
I really mean no harm.
All I can give
To you,
My arm
Not my trust. I must not!
Well your trust, is all yours
  and its you, who to trust.
Who decides, who enacts.
With these words,
I detract. No I don't!
It's my trust, that just lacks
Speaking clean
About love
About Facts
I will get it one day
Oh I will!
Speak at last
Is my love what I give
And the least
You will have
Get ready for me
And hold me close up the sky
Happy Tuesday!!:):)
Contraducción Mar 2020
The love of my life,
The thrill to behave
The chills which with need
I feel to portray

Pouring down reckless rain
Which in vain lift these cheeks
And turn red when betrayed

Its the love of my life
The one i'l strive and survive

Till the time is consumed
And drift
Through the mist
Sewing rifts
I persued

I'm consumed by my love
By the truth
Fierce youth
All we have is right now
And right now, I love you.
Have a great day!:):)
Contraducción Jun 2019
The world will never be as you think if you think such,
Have a nice day
Contraducción May 2019
"I'm not a poet. I don't feel like one.
I like writting. That's all."
Have a nice day
Contraducción May 2019
You want to runaway?
-Yeah let's do it!

You want to?

Let's do it then...
Let's rock
Have a good day
Contraducción May 2019
You are,
This awesome person who really loves to laugh with anyone; to make friends and not enemies; who worries about who's infront of them righ then right now, at that moment.

Because, if not?
Why are you here then?
Have a nice day
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