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LannaEvolved Jan 2021
In some sense is our identity at stake?
Is friendship a relationship of knowledge, self knowledge, or has it to do with the imaginary, meaning in some sense who we are is imaginary, and we just construct ourselves through other people..? are we knowing the other, or producing ourselves in that relation through our continuous phases of knowing ? 'Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly.' Maybe friendship is an imaginative task that has to then meet reality in some way- as a child hallucinates first what they might be, we have to own who we are first, own ourselves, and then meet reality so we can land somewhere- so that it becomes real, in order to own it, so that we can take part in life.
    FRIENDSHIP – fragility of friendship
    Is any friendship real?
What is real friendship?
    Sincerity, genuine concern, legit interest

Friendship is
everything and fleeting at the same time
1.3k · Dec 2020
Mirror of the Looking Glass
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
The Other Side

Look through me so that I can see you
Surprise me
Do not hinder your reveal

I appreciate your humanness

The blood that sings when you think of me in golden evenings

I know.

That you can hear me learning
I feel your brain’s creativity on my spine

That is beauty speaking to the core
Growing one breath at a time
before we meet again
A first true love is undoubtedly the most powerful and wonderful
1.2k · Dec 2020
Jade and Blue Eyed: Part 3
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
By a guarded vision strangling my common sense forgetting the essence of who I am at my core

Lying around in the petals of your embedded promises weeping within

Only a virtue has false power if applied
Yes I said it. For a virtue is the Truth
And I carve the word. I own it
You never wore them

What does it all mean?
You should start listening to how you examine your past
For you are your demons and not yourself believed to be held in the Glory of God Light is your darkness cloaked in
a dead man plagued by another‘s
mental illness, sickness, unrest
On a bed of poor
Tattooed in your own blood

His name sake runs deeper than the blood on your hands forever
Because he saw me clearly
In my experience through you
There is no You.
We must learn to see people for who they truly are the first time we speak or meet them and not what we think they could be. If we don’t this is doing ourselves unjust harm and we are not here to live this life in fear or harm. We are here to feel protected in a safe way away from those who may try to cause us harm or distress. So I’m asking you through this piece to throw their ***** socks away and live your best with those who show you they are truly truly lovingly and appreciatively yours. For eternity. You can do this.
1.1k · Dec 2020
Jade and Blue Eyed: Part 4
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
I continued to ask myself:
How do I trust a word?
I’m going out of my mind
This can’t be right

As you spoke in snake tongues gone rogue
There was nothing for you here except my sterile wit and huge imagination

Leading, draining, careful precision like
the stairway to heaven
I was consciously moving choosing creating my future
Playing chess with my emotions
Were yours even human?
Stale bread is the answer

I loved and so I became the greatest to build
I am. Because I trusted Him. When I chose to become an understanding of those learned moments of momentary promise
Severed bliss; Nothingness (emptied)
I Never lost reflection

So just leave me the pail
Water dripping over my skin
I am gratified
There is no longing for longevity anymore
There is only me now
Lacquered with the Spirit of enlightened authenticity

Infused with a Spirit that has woken me up!

For what is spiritual peace but a moment in time that feels so ripe and right with goodness and a kind of high (ness) Power to become One with
The threshold runs deep you see

And so does the knowledge
of limitless humility
with a gratuity of acute consciousness  
Awareness is Power
And I am free
To finally live. I am alive and well
I am.
Consciousness was the biggest lesson I’ve learned throughout this year and a half long experience. I also learned to expand the love I had kept inside for myself which is the most important thing I could have done, and a bit of humor of course. In all brutal honesty, as a woman, when you go through these challenges in any relationship especially with men who have been harmed either physically or emotionally abused which if not most if not always present itself to you in the form of a deeply hurt and neglected individual with a trauma background, you want to identity that immediately through using your intuition and reaching out to a loved one, a mentor, someone you trust, a coach, a therapist, or a good friend who supports your wellness and mental health. Writing this piece and thinking back to who I once projected myself to be as I was going through this challenging time, enabled me to bring out my courage and my self love and respect and even my faith and gratitude in a deeper more meaningful way. Through writing I develop my faith in those who I do want to surround myself with and who want to enhance my life rather than unintentionally or intentionally entangle it in their pain. We all have a story to tell. We must believe we are greater for it. I am greater for it. Say it to yourself. I am. I am one with love. I am powerful beyond measure. I am amazing. I am grateful. I am the best for myself and for who believes the same in me and shows it. Remember that. One must speak to it as they show you the worth that you show yourself each day in all you do.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you or worse create a war within or between you and your life- they come to help you realize your hidden potential, your abilities, your capacity for great things; they come to meet you as prompts to connect you with yourself and begin to move deeply into the growth phase you are inherently and subconsciously needing.
When your heart and mind are calling out for you to find the support and the truth you need to free yourself from manipulative or toxic behaviors and people themselves, and they feel stuck and do not know what to do to get there or to move into that space to do so, it might often feel like nobody hears you calling, like your mind does not hear what your inner thoughts are saying to you or your heart is so insistently yearning for on the inside. The surface of this true and honest desire that you want for yourself is being projected as if you have it, but it inwardly and quietly feels desensitized or at times even indifferent on the inside and you must wake it up. Nobody talks to it, but it speaks to you, in whispers to get your attention, musing you but you ignore the signs each time it tries to nudge you in another direction for your best, it urges you to make a new choice, but you choose not to listen to the words and just keep going keeping on with your self-projected ideals as if everything is perfect. Crying combined with frustration and unfavorable self-esteem inside knowing this is not the case.  
Well, I would like to share with you this learned wisdom, and this comes from my own journey of transformational and personal change.
Change can only occur once you turn inward and look into your own mirror, your own light, and appreciate it without listening to the voices of others who attempt to persuade you of what and who they are.

Let no one puppeteer you, you control your world.
You reach out to it and speak to it because you want to. And trust, it will respond.
You’ll never have to ever worry about the Universe giving you an answer in return.
That is what it there for and it always will.
This is the voice.

You’ll then begin to allow yourself to listen
and hear it’s thoughts like you hear your own, you may even visualize it and speak back, but do so calmly and appreciatively in a kind and confident manner when you’re ready and this image, this voice will listen to you too.
It always does.

For all the artists, the creators, the lovers, the shifters that need healing for themselves and others or for anyone who simply needs to hear this- I’ve been there and I’m here for you now.

There is always hope even without knowing it.

Why? Because there is always faith in who you are and the knowing that all the love you put into the wrong will work itself out by transforming  into right ministering as it should
in the end.
983 · Mar 2021
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
A Masterpiece of God's creation
Becomes the paragon of human beauty
812 · Dec 2020
I Must Dream: for I AM
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
I must dream a long
time in order to act
with grandeur
creates my faith

The dreaming of anything better
first must be nursed in darkness
Transforming into light
Is to know that such a form of love is
borne out of being our own witness..
To the truth of ourselves
of what we are held so capable of
In a sky that shines for a real love unknown at the time it was inside stirring
Waiting to accept its reward
To know someone who takes another’s form; embraces it
For everything they are
Is not afraid to lose it
Because they know...
They’re meant to keep it

The highest form of love there is
Is the highest form of light
I can be and belong.

And I love you for showing me.

God: that I am.
726 · Dec 2020
Jade and Blue Eyed: Part 2
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
I thought I knew your words
It was like knowing anybody out there  
A blank page in the book of Proverbs

Bait and switch without the wisdom
But you didn’t know what you brought
Soulless protection to fear
You called
me a scared little girl
Little did you know
I was my own savior

What is it you said I needed?
A so-called enlightenment?
But who knew your darkness wrapped *** magik
Could save vulnerability and attempt to destroy the authentic luxury of me
No. Only fake love in lust can do that
For lust is loss and I’m not gone

Then there was you and me again
That night unveiled me
The unevolved me
Still I knew
I was going to make it out alive

I am here.
Sometimes we truly must experience the strange,  the unhealthy, the unwanted, the unnecessary, the potential threats to our emotional safety and well-being if we are to understand the essence of resilience and healing. We don’t always know how or why or even expect ourselves to fall into those situations with others, but when we break free of them, truly break free mentally and physically, with the support and inner strength we all have within, our outer world will dramatically change to reflect the new being we have become through it and for ourselves. You can do this. Believe and break free of anyone who may be chaining you to a false reality not meant for you. That is the only way that you will begin to change yours and the one you wish to see. You deserve the best. Do it for yourself as the creator you are.
654 · Dec 2020
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
I was in a two world collision  
on a twofold page
enclosed by the book of politically correct

I don’t go by a hedonistic phrase
but by the future of a humanity gone unsaved
Showed me the way in every choice
I made
Swift decisions
into future visions

By the agency of existence for the barriers standing as truth
What is integrity? Perception
In the eyes of you and me  

The crackling sparkles of glass clinking
when we say cheers

This journey is only a conversation in tangled forms  

And the beauty of it; misinterpreted  

There is a path of misunderstanding between the selves  
Bold and timid
Harmed yet relentless  
Precise in its impact
Churning substance into form

The reality of what we believe in a single word  
The silence of motion  
Doing the best we can to discover who we are
Gains a lifetime in the moment  

of confronting the new and answering time
I’ve learned from the ghosts of my past errors
The presence of the now is the acceptance of revelation
An exchange of meaning is not only of ideas  
but of the freedom one allows oneself to feel from a life made into meaning
579 · Mar 2021
An Endowment of Hope
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Ingmar Bergman scenes and Jewel’s poetic dreams figurative memes spilled like ashes across the page to be holy, unheavy, and alive is a granted feeling of being on high

Like God, he told me, only words get washed away if not kept sacred

Inside the blood and the host
irrevocably so
Whatever blindness calls itself
There was nothing left to be said
And so I dropped that filthy knife

Hot with the stain erased spilling on its face cooled by a star

I am not in the creator’s mind
I found the him within me

The ageism and the orientation of today’s world is met with chaos from the stories of so many...
How do we move on from such loss?

I don’t need new age *** or dates with the illusion of a soulmate that follow what the tarot’s say I need to make me happy today

I lost someone, I lost something, and that is enough to feel it.
We are not here to deny another’s pain

Death’s foreshadowing pretenses could never prepare for a dream
Filled with the hollowness of holiness and shallow breath
Makes a night of manipulation evaporate

A year later, I sang as I carried myself away
I went the mile
I walked to the depths
3 years later to the date
April 20th

The day I released all of the hurt I chained
To my self worth as a bad dream
As an epiphany of the love I wanted
Like a little girl
Lost and waiting on the front porch looking out towards the sky wondering when the truth of my own love would come
To lose hope in intervals treading for reciprocity was the garden gate I needed to find myself anew

What I once feared was in me, was never in me and I yet the idea was at the same time

Strong diligence makes the heart grow that much more aligned to what creates your will, your beautiful will; a peaceful manifesto of a great new world
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
In the Moonlit Rain

Fear overtakes her courage caged

Forests sing Freedom


Wings wide open


LannaEvolved Jan 2021
A powerful peaceful mind keeps the heart of an enlightened sacred soul.

The right people will always find you at the right time. Timing is always perfect with the Universe guiding you it is never off and can not steer you in the wrong way. It will always guide you to the correct fitting path for you on the journey that is your life. Trust that. Know that.
Keep that knowing safe in your heart, so that  your intuition can work it’s peak and create the miracle that will give you the strength, the happiness, and the healing to move forward with what is yours and is truly meant to be.
Allow this intuition and awareness to help you create the best life for yourself because it is truly for you and only you. It is for your benefit and only yours alone. And you deserve that to create in order to live the best possible. ❤️
549 · Dec 2020
The Script of Temple Talk
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Take time to know yourself
Find out about your life

Sit in the den and stay silent

You do not know
Who I am.

I am a Prophet he would say
And you’re mine

I'm all yours
But not whenever you want me
I'd reply

Taking dark selfies in a temple
Creepy rituals with the cult of the Tempili Orientis
Studying Bible names
His social script became mine
When I felt like I was losing my mind
a scripture
That repeats itself in mystic fables
Façades of King Solomon
persecuted by his existence

The script:

I take orders from pastors, aliens, angels, bible thumpers, avengers, excuses from sickness, while he spoke of the devil, talking for hours about ******* to thelema, bouts of depression
He was nowhere to be found.

Behind closed screen doors and
phone calls gone raw

The Elimination of Alive
Took over
Spoke of necrophilia
Casting spells by saying
‘that's hot’
“I miss you” but only ever saw me 1x3

To risk my need and call it yours
When you’re out $125, starving for a hit, no love or affection, beaten to a pulp, and emotionally marred
‘It’s hard to heal’

When his real fam goes by
A man named Sam
He would go with him everywhere
A false son
Playing the part

A spitting image of the dark
Left in a pool
of hypocrisy

This was nowhere.

Off the grid
Forever lost inside a universe
that fails so many.
Not everything can be saved.

He was born into modern day slavery
An absent mother and father
Trying so hard to make it
Money is all he wanted to make
And lost it with his words

Tunnel vision
The drug is the delusion
that craves and prayers
Can’t afford

And yet how peculiar that I looked at everybody like they have 3 eyes blind
Feeling like I wanted to leave my body sometimes...

The lost souls out there
That got suckled in

She must know he said.

His script continued:

I am already gone
I had love somewhere  
but impossible to keep
I'm so expired

You're a clown
I told her

But when I look in the mirror
All I see is the loneliness of a dead man buying and selling a dream that can only be found
In a man who is not me.

Begging for bread
The last drop of
pink moscato burns the roof of my mouth

Hot chocolate
Ice cold
And my emotions
Buried in mould
for over a decade
I’m Schizotypal
When I speak to her

I say I miss her but these suicidal thoughts
of death still tempt me
That's why I need Angels to protect me

Projecting who I believe I am
A rich one Flaming
A Rosicrucian Cross on my chest
Throbbing panting for salvation

“I am in the middle of nowhere losing everything that could have ever made me”.  

He was other people.
And that is it’s own Hell
Learning from other people’s pain gives us the perspective to learn about ourselves and nothing can ever make up for that. Not everyone you meet will be for you, but that’s alright because the experience is not a sacrifice. It’s a lesson and it’s part of your journey towards a higher evolution of greatness and the vision you have for yourself and your people.

Do not put yourself down or dwell in guilt or shame for what you’ve been through or the not so good choices that you’ve made when it comes to your relationships with other people. Your growth is more significant and you’re better for it.

Keep striving and live the essence of who you truly are. Never deny it to anyone who tells you what they want you to hear. Words can only mean so much, but they are not enough. Your insides know what makes you come alive. Your mental health and your sanity come before anyone or anything and let no one take advantage of that. There are so many people affected by mental illness that aren’t even aware they have something that makes them behave in distorted ways. You are not at fault for their harm done. You are not at fault for their pain nor are you responsible for their words or behavior. Whether they can help it or not. Mental illness is a difficult phenomenon to pin down. Some know what they are doing and are conscious of their behavior while there are others who are not and believe that what they do or say especially tactics like manipulation and suffering are normal acts that don’t affect people negatively. Staying away from that is not something you should ever feel ashamed of or uncomfortable with because you don’t want to hurt the person and because you are naturally a compassionate empathetic human being. Do what you have to do for your own health and respect for your own life.
You are only responsible for your empathy and your own wellbeing.

Protect that. And the right people will surround you fluidly in the circle of your own magnetic faith. Your being, your health in all ways, and your self-love is the highest form of psychology you can gain. Never forget it. You’re worth it!

You want to use your experiences as a source of power rather than a source of shame.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
When the bottle collapses the smoke stares back
It sees me better
Than a glass eye

Smirking creepily

I’m patiently waiting for it to change

Like the moments taken away

Helpnessness is an emptiness
That blocks out empowerment

It takes courage to reconfigure the empowered
To put your power in its place
And to recognize
That the mask must come down
507 · Jan 2021
Body on Body, Heart on Soul
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Sparks never go unnoticed by
2 distinctive souls

Their idiosyncrasies are irreplaceable forms of matter that continue to live on
no matter the distance imposed

We finally have
what we’ve known
And it’s all we
When we laid next to our souls

Do you ever wonder how it knows?

Body on body
Heart on soul
Soul on soul

It flows.
Lie your body down
to rest
on the pillow that is our

You and me bleed the same life

There’s no way to know
But we feel how it knows
To be the jewel in the stone
Hugging the dream
Even in its throes

It’s called touching souls

Body on body
Heart on soul
Soul on soul
It took me decades to find my soul and my soulmate, even though I’ve always known that it  was possible to find such a thing, it wasn’t expressed until now.
Grateful it all turned out the way it has.
501 · Feb 2021
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Contributing to a conversation about what I call: balancing the emotion with a perceived reality, which can also be claimed as an illlusion. #Traumahealing #lovingwhoyouare #mentalhealth #buildingrelationship #managingperceptions #consensualrealities
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Marbled in my decisions
I was still
I found my way around the corner
as the road steered me to a new dimension. Reality wasn’t real before.

It was just my hologram
Standing before me.
I mastered you.
I needed what was so unlike me to change me to become the best version of who I can possibly be. I have used the power I have gained to understand myself and all the amazing things I can do and create to make my life what I had been hoping it could be. If we persist enough we find our way through the difficulties that appear to stop us from having what we could only wish for. We create our own changes and that helps to create an even more evolved version of ourselves and in the end a more fulfilled gratitude for life. The people we meet after we change our mental patterns lift us away from lost and guide us on  the way to health and wellbeing. That’s where we want to stay.
473 · Jan 2021
Opening Page
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
A resilient connected soul is the vein of a wildly creative heart
447 · Feb 2021
Artist 🦋 Affirmation 38
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Learn from what you live in relationship to others.
Every person brings a unique gifted value to your life even when you can’t see it.
442 · Dec 2020
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Have you ever thought about the qualities

that silence shares?

I haven’t, but I’d like to someday.

It reminds me of

Earth’s luxuries

How everything was created to show us

the signs of becoming

when Light runs its deepest course

Sitting with the pit of a fruit in my stomach

Looking to the space between

Knowing someday that you and I will be

under the same sky


To imagine the day when a soul finds itself  

in another

Merging into an embrace of Silk Silhouettes

Hands held tightly around their bodies

They just know.

Nothing ever comes to us without

accepting the space exactly the way it is

Loving it and all the beauty it allows


an ever growing thing

Grateful for such moments

Infinite patience

A tiny ladybug

painted peacefully

on its stem

A higher power

believing it has you

to rely on..
435 · Jan 2021
All is Love
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
All of the love you have given to the wrong people-
will find its way back to you with the right person.
Stay inspired.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Love is the feeling of what it feels like to know
without a glimmer of anything but certainty.
That Love is faith in what still exists
In the sliver of a piece of the life
you always knew lives and breathes deep inside you
A new life where the moon overlooks
the shadow of doubt and dust from a past one
It is to form the new horizon of truth happiness inner peace in silent deserved action. This truth you know.
Believe in that love.
A lovely heartfelt message delivered by butterfly that has found her wings again over the past 4 years; learning to understand the love that resides within herself and always has.
Cheers to the day all my amazing Shifters, to this day, and to the happiest and beautiful of Valentines to you all. Love is here for you now.
424 · Dec 2020
Jade and Blue Eyed: Part 1
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
I see the pieces in you that keep you away

Reflecting off your silent speech
The color jade in blue green

Glass stripping innocence

Produces a passion flower flavor dripping  
In my mouth
Taste buds gone raw

I tried to protect a mask
with a sharred imagination

A wild sunspun refraction strips me down in light strips
Light strips
laser electric prisms
Turn me inside out

That’s when the light comes on

So let me
Take them off already
Where are you sun?
I want you to know me

I wanted to know you so bad
But the real me saved who you knew

Who you thought you knew when we first met that night

Dark and still
Inside the insides of your filthy car
stark leather streaked
Unfiltered cuts
I was keyed in
My intuition pure  

The front seat
Headlights falsified
F your own self and *******
Until you sink into sinner’s sleep
That’s a lot of hidden pain
to carry inside a heart burning body
Unconscious to the crisp
I dealt with you and you never knew how well.  
You thought you had me manipulated or mistaken, so no amount of gaslighting or emotional brain washing, yes, that’s what it is called, could disable me from my own perseverance to evolve and make it out stronger and more invigorated to live every dream and vision more acutely then I ever had in my life. And I did. I am. Your false puppetry could not keep up or dissuade me from my purpose and my intuition to remake the evolution of my life. Cheers to being happier than ever imagined. Because I made the unhealthy a part of the journey to bring out what I needed to grow and love that much more compassionately at a time when I thought I knew what love was.
Love is loving yourself through it all and believing in the faith to transcend that wholly onto another; into your right one.
The best has come.
Resilience taught me that.
And that everyone must surely be my teacher.
393 · Dec 2020
Appreciate: Acceptance
LannaEvolved Dec 2020

Surrounded in silence

Earth’s luxuries

Knowing that everything was created
to show

The signs of becoming

when prism lights run the deepest

Sitting with the pit of a fruit in my stomach

Looking to the space between

Someday I will find my person under the same sky

To imagine the day when a soul finds itself  
In another

Merging into the embrace of Silk Silhouettes

Hands held tightly around their bodies

We just know.

Nothing ever comes to us without accepting the space exactly as it is

Loving it and all the beauty it allows

For Eternity is an everything

Grateful for the moments

Infinite patience

Is knowing a higher Power
And believing it has you
Support finds us in many different rays;
A butterfly’s wings are always filled in color no matter how blind we may feel. When things go wrong or a way we may not anticipate or accept for ourselves internally, we must become our own savior and rise above them to find a solution without giving up. This means continuing to do what’s best for us while staying with your assumption at the same time. :)
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Undoing every punch
Lock my voice inside a dial tone of conflicting passions
Is it ok to cry?
or should I call?

It’s a curious thing when you let these buried phantoms master you

They reappear and sweep you up
into uncharted territories unknown

As you sit and stare at their ghost of a memory
Reflecting the dimensions of yourself
Smiling happily
knowing you have worked on yourself

Dissecting the luminosity of your youth
Naive innocence
Still there
No faded imagery or idea
too far away to be..
All is possible
in the mirror
of another world
or so it seems…
384 · Dec 2020
Paradise mine
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Everybody tells me to forget
But when I hear the song in your voice
I just can't get away from you
The feeling begins anew
That's how it was when we first met

Lovin' your skin was more important
Felt the tip of your tongue
When you had me all wrong
Even in your death
I've got life in my palm
But I just can’t get away from all these memories  

Every time I close my eyes
I wake up in a Paradise
Wishing someone else was here tonight
To push my desires
And carve out my dreams
To match the life  
I've been waiting for

There is no medicine for this kind of treatment  
Your face is one big memory
Your brain is like a eulogy split
All the things you've done
And it won't leave my mind

Your ghost is haunting me
But now it’s telling me that all we had
is dead

I wish for everything
To go insane
So I can rest my brain
Stay in bed
What you made me do
Was too much for you

I was too good to you
But it's not over yet

As this dream scene makes me
see all the things you've done
Once haunted by your darkened melody
All over again

I'm not here to stay in your waking mess
Not mesmerized by your burning soul
Your eyes so cold and alone
Even when I get to heaven
I know

Gratitude defines the truth
in My soul

I got out of that void a long time ago
Now waiting on the other side

Maybe one day I'll find him
People ask me how you live on
I tell em when you find true love
It lives within your blood
It lives it does not move on

Everytime I close my eyes
I wake up in a Paradise
Wishing someone else was here tonight
To help my desires come to life  
I've waited for so long

And all I can do
Is be true
Knowing you once made me feel

My heart has mended the wall  
And I won't stay to try to convince it to feel something else
That is inauthentic

As this dream scene makes me
See all the things you've done
Once haunted by your darkened melody
All over again
My standards have become all the more honest  
And I just can't wait to get away tonight
The past is only significant in that it provides the important opportunity to help make us stronger and resilient as well as to prevail in times of struggle and distress both emotionally, physically, and mentally to overcome what we go through as human beings
372 · Dec 2020
Eyes on the Moon
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Those ravenous pupils
Eyes like scones looking through
a night of soft porcelain
On the moon
Did you use today?

Eyes glazed astray
After looking at me for so long
Hard and tender

I remember the crystal stars in you shine
within that fermenting distant heart of yours

Feeling their misunderstanding intertwined
so defined; yet hidden from me still  

Bright lights under the cleavage of Paradise
grinning at the idea of one day
changing our lives
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Persistence is your creative power.
Acceptance is your power’s creator.
What you accept is what you will live.
That is the integration of self-care.  

It is from your inner strength that becomes the affect of God: the Universe’s will.

An intimate vulnerable heart-to-soul relationship with another is always worth the patience of yours.
Keep it safe. Keep it sacred.
Always ❤️✨🦋
359 · Dec 2020
The Plastic Space Inside
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Maintain your peace as if it were an unmasked blessing shaking you alive

Live in the protection of your
worth duly noted

Promote the promise of your vigour
The power of your vision

To provoke and shift your insides
Caged in unfamiliar plastic

Unravel the savage
Excel with the newness
Find the goodness in what you love  
Do not rest until it seamlessly
sends you
to your destiny

Greatness grows through the changes we make from within the stars we call ourselves

Change is upon you for the better and
for all
322 · Dec 2020
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Am I nothing more than a feature

Crying out for help

Risking the intangible

Justifying the undeniable

Facts are imagined and created simultaneously

Stretched into new parts  

This is the journey.
316 · Jan 2021
Living in Phases
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Dreaming in Moonshine  
Soaking into songs heard only through  
The vibrations of insect wings  

Breathing in their scented infusions within a double scene inside another unfolding painted image of what appears to be
A still depleting life  

Casting shadows over my restless thoughts of both promise and deceit which constitutes the inner fold of what is love…  
the counterfeit of existence
that lends itself to real
What is real (in my world)?

Coming forth to me
in moments in phases from
the possible  
That lingers until the end of pond’s length  containing the infinite drops that continue to fill it up  by the immaculate hand of heaven’s reach  
entrapping the limits   that give shape to such incongruity  

(There  are always limits in the future even though there are so many possible ones in life- even if there are so many possibilities for us to see, to understand, to believe in, and to experience)

Traipsing into waters unknown  
I learn the diligence of the dragonfly who hinges  
on existential wings  

On this journey of trial and error  
I discover freedom wholly through the mystification of my own will and the emancipation of choice
only to be surrounded by the empty court of judgment  

Seeing through buzz eyes  dripping in nectar  
an opalescent tune raises its brow  
to trigger  
The wind, which blows against the tenderness of heart yet calm and  
(flowing) as if through a wand  

swaying in the glory  
that fate whispers in between the spaces of anorexic branches meeting  

How can the iridescence of a sound, of a single word

Press with such kindness and bathe in such grandeur  

I am amazed by the purity; by the simple beauty of this world  

I recall someone telling me that just once in your life do you meet

the one who gives you the belief you never could find

The deep  



of your spate  

running inside  

the cord of your spine

How is that I am free today?

I wish for immortal meaning :

(self- reproach)  

does not lead to fill me  

Questioning …

but simply knowing  

the stars  

As they look to me  

and choosing not to shine  

on skin  

not even  

into eyes of gold

they look down on me

mocking insecurity  

This is my reality at its core  

As they move  further  
in between their departing  

within a space  

of sky  

do they laugh  


behind  the falsity

of a perfect smile  


while the moon just sits up straight  

and smirks beside  

with faint and covered faces

squinting eyes  

Never  hinting

that this could all be just a dream  

Unjust Inside these walls

But I know like a dream they will return  

to keep me company in the mist (of shadows)  

of a nightmare inside  

I’m now in battle
to avoid                                                            ­                                                                 ­                                 

At times I feel slighted  

yet wholly redeemed  

I feel respected  yet abused beyond all things

and sometimes it feels like I’m standing in front of the altar alone

(on the edge of the dock)  

peering down at everybody I’ve ever known  

about to dive in  
to land on slippery greens floating swiftly in between (the ripples)

I feel chosen
I feel unseen  

Dispraised for the things I’ve done

feeling no pain

do I fade...


into the lambent (lucent)mist of efficacy:  

into the Elysian fields of transcendent virtue  

And there do I become everything I’ve ever loved, everyone I’ve ever known  

Only knowing that Love's darkest form is that of deceit in the illusion of each day, I am still. But more than that, I am still alive.
Thank you for saving my life.
Sometimes we have already died, but that is mere loneliness. We can prevent our own suicide.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
I never questioned you and the crazy things you have done because I accept you as you are.

That’s love. That’s connection.
That’s also trust and belief in yourself to become what you were not yet.

I would rather see you differently then talk about the past, as it has no bearing on now.

It made you (name) and it could never break you down.

If anything it has propelled you (name) forward to become everything you are today and what you will continue to become tomorrow.
301 · Feb 2021
Artist 🦋 Affirmation 29
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Numbers are second to the creativity
it takes to reach them.
Keep focusing on your vision.
292 · Dec 2020
Constellation Dynamics
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Life and Death

Energy and Peace

Solar Dial

The impossible Find

Fading glory…

               Brings the feat

                 Of triumph
                 Of remorse

                 Of solitude
                 Of all virtues


                 Yet still yearning for my affection

                As Adoration adores

                Love bestows
                In its own time
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
A broken record
spinning replays

Captions of the
past 6 years
in silence
leaves no stains

It clears the mind
when it flashes
without your permission

To an old face or time
When things were not as they seemed


The grooming lasted
for months
He called it courting
then disappeared
He must have known I liked the words
When time felt blank
He didn’t seem to care

I would leave to boost
the ego
Find what I thought I’d been looking for
But that was the wrong door

I heard my own words
They stuck with me
When I pushed through
the piano to land on the keys

I am my own conviction
I was secretly
for what is the now
It is many doors

When you need self-esteem that much
It’s like a drug you can’t misuse anymore
You need it even more
After there aren’t enough leftovers
After the last drop of water in the canteen
But know that time can’t last forever

It took about a year
I did an interview
at the radio station

She made sure I was safe
She said there is so
much out there

“Find someone who is like you
from your background
who aligns with the level of your life
You deserve to be happy”

And I never forgot that day
The guides were there

And the broken record made its last replay appearance
I rewrote the lyrics

To this day
Refining the script
Pruning the shears of revision

What a beautiful life
Is a grateful play

on words
on beliefs
on your intuitive feelings
That could never take you away
from your destiny

You can turn it around
Any time you wish
Keep revising

You deserve the best
Because you are that
For yourself

Remember that

Imagine and Believe
Life is a fluid chain of situations and progressive mental improvements that can change at any time. Your ability to adapt to new thoughts and powerful awareness of what is happening to you and how it’s affecting your life can significantly take it to new heights and raise the bar levels and levels ahead of where it might be now.
Take that next step bring it to the next level.
It is never too late. Change your life because it is best for your growth and your own evolution.
You can have that new life. Believe something better for yourself, and empower yourself to shift into new; a kinder more loving relationship with who you wish to be for yourself.
And you’ll find that in the world. Try it.
It is only an imaginative thought away.
I love you.
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
I am where I can take it in  

Relaxing my senses into ease

Our eyes see far greater than what our minds command

Listen to the scent of roots uplifting from their bodies

And you will understand

Your fate

Caressing fresh mint leaf and lavender
Growth together is so much of everything. You cannot drift apart if you are consistently in sync with love and your lover of course :)
277 · May 2021
LannaEvolved May 2021
Careful with courage...

Deeply rooted truths
twisted breaths into
my life

the loneliness took navigating through

the loss that came to me in baskets of highlighted mystery

the past achievers who didn’t survive

I made a promise to my ancestors
between my golden coins
lipstick buried in red dangling

Chair and purse
off it’s arch

Sit me back down on the groundedness
Bring me back to please

Freeze me
but why after you dismiss me?

To the dream awakening
don’t hurt me
protect my mind
whispers in my ear

I swear to my ceremony

I am careful with courage...
273 · Mar 2021
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
What are the dynamics to success?  

What is a wounded healer?

We tend to bury our weaknesses and our struggles we wish weren’t a part of our lives... to land on a mountain’s peak

We all deal with health differently.

What does it take to push forward and stay resilient?

How do we deal with isolation effectively?

The power at work through our stories and our struggles is fundamental to wellbeing.

Find the great people on your journey.

Be the best at your craft.
One of a kind.
Take in The Personal and the Witnessed
272 · Dec 2020
A Cosmic Dance
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
How do you know?

Two bodies


from their silos

taking the shape of
two creatures
different accelerations

Destined to dance

Made to fit inside a block of ice
Holding a best kept secret
Together apart
From all the universe to find

A bumblebee
attuned to her
final harvest
Searching for nectar
on planets nearby
There is time enough
to repollennate

Saturn rings of ice
and Jupiter

Swinging towards each other
He passes her by
catching up
After years of

Time akin to sleep
Fiberglass insulation

Looking back
Thinking about the next time
They are going to meet
It already happened

Ahead of their destiny
The past that becomes the future
Are they not thinking at all while moving?

A frozen moment alive

Moves so slowly
Nondescript fragments of time
as they are

Racing ahead on a predestined path
that cannot be changed

There is no going back

Destined infinity
Perfected collision  

As the sun watches

Another cycle

Hopeful to witness
the last
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
What is Vision but the depth of a Dream in night's eye landing in broad daylight:

The inner holy that has not yet come forth.

Another layer of the mask that must come off; until it’s found.

-Book of Mormon Holy Scriptures and LannaEvolved
Patience and persistence enable us to connect to our vision and our dream when things feel difficult or do not seem to be moving in the direction of our goals and where we want to be. Taking a time sensitive perspective and Focusing on the end result on the wish already done is guaranteed success of meeting your dream and bringing it forth. Continue to persist and see it in your mind each day. Once you see it you can’t resist putting action on it. And it has no choice but to happen.
254 · Jan 2021
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
The human being is a madman lost in his/her adventure.
Blood in the veins
People with masks on:
Further dims the confinement
of this human cage
We’re all accustomed to..
Take a breath
An act of faith
Will 2021 change our lifetime with
the cross of illusion that 2020 gave us?

My ghost is a blade
Stone by stone
I pervade

Sitting in a loft of treason
Transmuting a spinning cycle of pain
I see through the translucency of all of it

These shaky frames with their eyes dangling
Raise your spirit to me
Fire beams perforate the lost

distill the wineries of seasons passed
over into the space
between death and the living

'I am the Empire at the end of the decadence’.
Written by LannaEvolved
and French poet Paul Verlaine
254 · Mar 2021
A clear vision
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
If you never expand by using the value of every situation to teach you as you would learn from a project you will only see undefined visions of a futuristic hell
once awoken.

Life is not a dream
It is every moment living
So live it greatly  :)
240 · Mar 2021
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Part of work as actors and as artists is a calling to be: Beings of empathy with a strong fascination with the deepest parts of human experience.

You can always tap into the unconscious and that is both yin and yang. You can't hope to be in touch, your mind's subconscious will naturally make it a part of your living. Negativity is just a result of lack and lower awareness and that is also low power or no power.
You can avoid conflict I believe, but not people's emotional reactions towards you, which may indeed exude less than positive energy.
239 · Dec 2020
Words have a heartbeat
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Blurry figures
Settle into the puddles
of fools

Every word has a beat
And every rhythm has a purpose

I used to fall into the depths of
Pretending to be real

Real is a hallucination
But still irrefutable
238 · Feb 2021
Artist 🦋 Affirmation 32
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Think of the word unify for a moment.
It is the unification of fusing both emotion and belief that brings forth self-selected power.

You are consistently revealing this in all you share and do.

However, Faith and Inaction is the essence of result.
237 · Mar 2021
Truly living is loving
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
When we face emotions that ease
We shift into newness
We are consciously breaking off the patterns, healing our lives, and reaping the rewards of truly living
237 · Mar 2021
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
A beautiful painting in existence.
Is the artist in his or her reality
In as many moments as you need to get it right.  
To be in order to create the destiny of where your work needs to be for you and you only.
Listen to your intuition. It knows.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
What was once the dark hours of my being...

I had these thoughts
Without words to go with them

My mind deepened
Into cylindrical vases
Colorless dye

There I could mourn like old messages
To a friend who no longer knows my essence
Nor measures up
to keep it holy

Not knowing what to do with all the
I've missed them

Reacting to what was
Least imperative

In virtue or in fate

Future moments unwind in my mind
Like clockwork moving
In clockwork speed  
Spinning time
Fortune cries

Just to get rid of it all
To please the psyche of my soul
When words aren’t enough
I am felt

When the knowing comes to know
That haunts the darkness of those years

As it creeps up
onto shoulders
Landing on its victory  

Opening up
to new living

Immense and soothing

Breathes in timeless pools of
Creation peaks
and so I am.
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
What are we?

There is so much confusion
Even when one stares
Into a field
But yet that much clarity
As what is seen above us
Performs a dance
And clouds move as holograms
That curate themselves
Colored icing emerges from mixed figures

They are the hope
In a faith that is not always visible
The breadth in my heart without words to brace
Or images to pray to
Kneels behind shadows of ineffable affliction
These feelings are not to be explored
But they must be observed
They must be heard in the midst of pain and horror for what we go through as human beings...

It emerges in my mind
And hits my body in bursts
As I dream past my days
And try to breathe… that is justified
When I interact with others
It doesn’t always hurt
But it causes the unknown to bring
With it an
Ease when I hear what they say
If they mean it
Less anxious.. That is.. and I believe them
I want to trust in people
I want to love, want to understand
But often don't know
The avenue that leads to
The desire to connect
Is but a passage in time
That only the images above can be content with
The color of cells
On a body of skin
Akin to a body of water
Melts over  
Me like a flaming candlestick in the dim

The flame uplifts with a strength stronger than the desire to know how.. or why...
230 · Mar 2021
Your loving truth is yours
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
As you have allowed me to see:

"Don't be overwhelmed by it all, be catapulted, capitulated!
By the greatness that it brings, that it gives and that you give to it.
Be pulled by it, not through it.
A lesson for us all, artist or any one else.

Keep traveling the journey of life as your truth revealing itself to itself through your own growth and learning.

With love
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