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406 · Aug 2019
muteD Aug 2019
I am wandering.
A home does not have me.
I wish I wasn’t homeless.
Which means,
I wish I had a place that I could reside.
For more than a night.
A place that feels right
for me.
or at least without worry of
where I’ll be staying next week.
Or even the next day.
It is pure misery.
The waiting and
the not knowing.
Because if we’re speaking honestly,
Being a refugee
is killing me.

I wish my mom cared about me.
I wish she truly understood me.
But alas it is me
Who cares for her being,
Who cares if she eats
and how she’s feeling.
Whether she’s weeping
or screeching
my love comes plenty
or it did until she took and took
and left me empty.

and no one cares about me.

what’s stopping me from disappearing?
I should just grab the sharpest object
closest to me
and get to slashing
and slitting  
and cutting.
I should obliquely
forge my arm
while having a conversation with myself
“Heat the blade”
I would say
“Maybe it won’t sting.”
Yeah and maybe it’ll leave a pretty little line
that’ll remind me that my perception
has always been undoubtedly clogged.
Written: April 23rd, 2019
401 · Mar 2019
muteD Mar 2019
**** me .
Just end it all .
Use those words you threw like daggers .
and aim for my heart
Finish it all.
Grab a stake
and nail me to the wall .
I’d rather feel nothing at all ,
Than to feel lost .
Short poems arent my specialty or my style but quality over quantity any day.
378 · Jun 2020
bang !
muteD Jun 2020
not a flicker, nor a flame.‬
‪always invisible, unknown by name.‬
‪so now it is up to me‬
‪to leave a mark,‬
‪to go out with a bang‬
‪and leave my art.‬

There was this tweet that told us to write based on the picture that had attached .. it was my first time ever doing something like that and I only did it to see if I could.

Honestly I wish you guys could see the picture. Nonetheless, I’m really proud of this especially since I haven’t written any poetry all month.
375 · Mar 2019
Sincerely X-Wifey
muteD Mar 2019
“Don’t touch me”.
That’s what I think in my head every time
you come near me.
“Don’t touch me”.
Keep your fat fingers away from me.
You ***** me
with your eyes and your mind,
you kidnapped me.
Took me on a rollercoaster of a emotions
only to drop me from the top.
You dropped me from the top
and expected me to land on top
of you.
I wouldn’t touch you even if you paid me to.
Even if you wanted me to.
I would rather choose to lose
than to be caressed by you.

I married you.
Decided to spend my life with you.
That was before the betrayal.
Before the kid.
Before you did what you did
and said what you said.
Before sleeping next to you meant
sexually being touched
and before you stopped trusting me.
So I sleep away
from the stress of being awaken.
It’s nice.
Being able to think and hear my own thoughts
instead of hearing your snores
that rock me almost as much as your words do.
As much as your words did.

This is goodbye
and saying I’m sorry would be a lie.
Since you are unable to recognize
what was blatantly in front of your eyes.
I must leave.
I must flee.
I must retreat
and the next time you see me,
make sure you ignore me.
Pretend you ain’t see me.
It’s over.

Your Ex-Wifey
This was written from my mother’s perspective. My first time really adventuring out and trying a new style. Just gonna thank my bestito @freshito (check him out on all platforms)
367 · Mar 2019
12/2/18 "muted"
muteD Mar 2019
you don't talk to me .
you talk at me .
you talk just so you'll have someone who'll listen .
and I always listen to you .
I listen to you
before you listen to me
and you never listen
to me .
It's like
I'm tuned into your channel
and you're tuned into yourself .
every single one of you
only care about yourselves
and it does not make any sense to me .
how can someone constantly pay attention to
you yet ,
you can only see details about yourself ?
selfish ,
rapacious ,
parsimonious .
different word ,
same meaning .
different people ,
same reaction .

how come some of us are destined to be
the ones who care
while others are the ones who get cared for ?
why am I forced to feel like when I'm talking
but not a soul is listening ?
in one ear and out the other
or maybe it goes right over your head ?
is it possible that every word I've spoken
has been ignored because of lack of interest ?
why is it that I'm always the one who fades
into the background ?
I'm the one who starts the story
but never gets to finish .
the one with so much to tell
but no one to tell it to .
the one who just wants to be heard
but has already been muted .

I am
mute .
This is something that been weighing heavily on my mind.
364 · Dec 2015
muteD Dec 2015
Sometimes I Feel Like I ******* Up.
And Most Days I Know I Have.
I Miss My Old Life,
The Life I Used To Have
Just 4 Short Weeks Ago.
For The First Time In My Life,
I Trully Regret The Decisions I've Made.
I Regret Burning The Bridges I've Burned.
And I Regret Hurting The People I've Hurt.
For The First Time In My Life
I Realize How Horrible Of A Person I Trully Am.
And I Don't Know If I Can Change That.
Today's just one of those days..
344 · May 2019
3/3/19 muteD pt 2
muteD May 2019
Sometimes I wish I would’ve stayed mute.
Which means I wish I didn’t talk
or converse.
I wish words didn’t fall from my lips
like a waterfall of
meaningless nothings.
Falling with swift abandon
and landing recklessly.
I just wish I would’ve stayed mute.
Being mute appears to be made for me.
My first poetry book is coming out next month!!
343 · Jun 2017
Just why?
muteD Jun 2017
Tell me.
So, is this how it’s going to be?
How it will always be?
Me busting my back trying to make you proud,
And you not even noticing or caring to notice?
Is this how I will always feel?
Like I’m not good enough
Like I’ll never be good enough.
No matter how hard I try?
Please open my eyes to your understanding of how I should be treated.
Let me into your mind.
Share your daily thoughts.
Whatever goes through your head when you see me.
What am I doing so wrong?
Why won’t you love me?
Or treat me like your own?
339 · Dec 2017
muteD Dec 2017
This feeling.
Like a million butterflies circling around one
A rose of love.
Or is it death?
I could never tell.
It doesn't matter,
I suppose.
As long as what's meant to happen,
Before anything prevents that from happening.

What is going to happen?
Will he forget me like a song forgotten?
Slowly starts as one forgets a verse here
And there.
And the next thing you know the melody is all you know
Until you don't even know that anymore.

Or will he remember me and return?
Like one would come back to their
Ol Home Sweet Home.
Where the heart resides.
As they say,
If you truly love someone,
Set them free.
If he returns,
He cares for me as much as I love all of him.
Even if he's never going to say that
4 letter word.
At least I'll know and have my peace.
A peace in this seemingly un-win-able war.
If he doesn't,
I guess it was not meant to be.
I wonder if ones heart could take that without seizing up
And ripping it's own self apart.
That pain would be unbearable.
Unbearably painful enough to
Stop Death in his tracks
And make him question his own life.

What if he's different when he returns home?
Cold and calculated because
The Rules
Are all he knows and now he's forced to
Try to mold himself back into a world
He willingly left behind.
"Don't think like that."
I try to tell myself,
But it isn't working
Because it true
And that's a pain I know all too well.
He's leaving this world behind.
The world I belong too.
So, if he leaving this world
Wouldn't that men he's leaving me
Yes? Yes.
No? No.
Maybe? Maybe not.
I guess we'll have to wait and see.

To be continued..
My baby left me to go to basic training for the Air Force and my heart hasn't been the same..
338 · Mar 2019
muteD Mar 2019
Roses are red,
violets are blue.
If you truly love me as much as you say you do,
then how come you no longer treat me like you used to?
A short poem just to get your mind thinking..
314 · Jan 2020
WANTED: a mother
muteD Jan 2020
A mother’s touch is
suppose to be tender,
one you would lean into.
But, instead
I would flinch.
Not for fear of any physical pain
she could cause me
but only because
she never touches me.

“you are really damaged”
21 years of searching for
a mother’s love
will do that to you.
Searching for that missing piece
and hoping that if you do everything
she wants and everything
you can possibly do to help her
that maybe,
just maybe,
you’ll finish the puzzle and
she’ll love you.
Which is absurd because
she won’t
and she can’t.
How can a mother love her children
when she knows of no love herself?

Cat and mouse..
A game I’ve always hated
but a game I know all too well.
because she always flaunts
what she knows I want
right in my face.
She knows what I crave
and how to make me weak.
My one true weakness,
Well, the idea of one
because I have never had one before.
A family to call mine?
One that would love me unconditionally
and honestly?
The universe has
a sense of humor after all
and it’s Me.
My whole life I’ve been looking for the love only a mother can provide.. needless to say, that search is over and I have turned up empty handed.
313 · Dec 2019
muteD Dec 2019
I can’t get comfortable.
I keep twisting and turning,
turning and twisting.
I hate this time of day.
It’s too quiet.
It’s too dark.
It’s too cold
and it’s too lonely.
My body wants to sleep
but my mind is too awake.
It’s awake and it’s screaming
in agony.
Wanting to be heard
but needing to rest.
Wrote this at like 3 am today..
310 · Mar 2019
muteD Mar 2019
and my chest keeps constricting.
and my eyes keep watering.
and my head keeps hurting.
I was in the middle of if having an anxiety attack.
306 · Apr 2019
chā and ra’id
muteD Apr 2019
a house
of uncertainties
has been lifted off of my shoulders.
my chest can finally breathe.
they say the truth shall set you free
and that is true
because my truths

that’s how I felt at first.
like nothing.
a stretch of time.
an endless sky.
with a dash of uncertainty..
different enough to capture your eye,
the first time.
“I’m probably tweaking,
he really
doesn’t like me.”
“he did before.”
“but that was before,
we are here and now.
so what is in store?”

sometimes my heart hurts.
it feels like it is
and expanding.
almost like it is making
for you.
for your heart to settle next to mine.
which is why
I don’t mind.
because that pain
gets blown away,
every time
I look in your eyes.
a sense of ease
washes over me.
surreal and complete.
no disguise,
or trickery.
just chā
and ra’id.
The title is pretty self explanatory. This is about me and my bestfriend, now boo. This is how I felt after being able to tell him how I felt and my emotions.
305 · Nov 2015
Light Of The World
muteD Nov 2015
Is The
Light Of
*The World.
300 · Jan 2016
The Cycle Of Life
muteD Jan 2016
The World Is Filled With Chaos.
Or Rather People Who Create It.
Filling The World With Their Lies,
And Pointless Sayings.
Breaking Hearts,
And Starting Wars.
On And Off The Battlefield
Until Our Body Is Broken,
And Our Soul Is Bruised.
When Will We Realize That All Wars Are Not Worth Fighting?
Sometimes It Is Better To Give Up
When The Person You're Trying To Save
Doesn't Want To Be Saved.
So Instead You Try To Save Yourself
From The World Of Dark Thoughts
But That Places You Right At The Beginning.
And No Matter How Much You Try To Change It,
You Are Stuck In The Cycle Of Life.
This is for what my best friend/fill-in mom are going through
292 · Nov 2015
muteD Nov 2015
The Girl
I See
In The Mirror,
Makes Me

I Swear I
Don't Even
Recognize Her
That Girl.

I Feel Wise.

And Sometimes
I Don't.

I'm Actually
To Be Who
I Am.

I Feel
And Disgusted
With Myself.

I Love Every
Detail About

I Pick Apart Myself.
I Look At All
My Flaws,
And I Think
About The Ways
I'd Like To Change.

I Actually
Love Myself.*

Most Times
I Don't.
287 · Sep 2019
muteD Sep 2019
I wish I wasn’t me.
years ago when my sister passed,
I wished it was me.
young and ignorant to the ways of the world.
young yet already wishing to be dead.
I wonder if wanting these thoughts to escape my head
is selfish..
If I believe ‘everything happens for a reason’,
then there has to be a reason.
but the truth is
I really don’t know what I believe in.
if I were to die
I don’t know if my soul would
Sink or Swim
even though
I can’t Swim
and with the world on my shoulders
I’m liable to Sink.

Always moving,
always trying to find
the perfect place.
My Utopia..
Does that that make sense?
Does it exist
in somewhere other than my head?
Is there a world out there
where I don’t end up dead?
A reality where these thoughts
don’t eat away at me like
moths at cloths.
I have ten years worth of holes in me.
Everything I hold in just eats away at me
and I let it.

My Utopia.
What would it be like?
because that’s where I prefer to be
and quiet
because silence never hurt anybody.
it never hurt me.
a place for me is a place
where I don’t have to hide.
my thoughts
my feelings
my pain.
a place where there’s
always an ear to truly listen.
One that understands without me needing to explain.
If only there was a way I could talk
without my words being swatted down like flies.
I want to not feel alone
for once.
I want to be alone
and not feel alone.
I want to be okay with my own presence.
My own company.
I want My Candle of Loneliness
to be put out before
I am engulfed in the flames.
My Utopia is a place,
a place with no pain.
Written: August 28th, 2019
269 · Sep 2019
How am I!
muteD Sep 2019
my mind is so chaotic.
a mess.
a hurricane of emotions
wreck me
again and again.
time after time.

I feel like I’m losing my mind
and the want to know the time
and the day.
each day bleeds into the next sore.
every night blends into the next color.

how can I miss something I never had?
I miss the one called my ‘mother’
but I’d rather slit my own throat than talk to her.

‘do you got..?’
‘can you..?’
It’s always about what I can do,
It’s never how are you.

there’s this box around me.
as time passes,
it becomes smaller and smaller.
It’s purpose being to confine me
to loneliness.
oh how it feels to be the loneliest.

nothing makes me feel anything anymore.
anything different.
It’s just the same.
the same followed by the same,
every waking second I’m reminded of the pain
in my chest.

I hate dreaming.
those dreams just remind me of a different time.
a time where having people who love you
was as easy as telling the time
or finding a rhyme.
now I’m left to wallow
and swallow all I have to say
because no one really understands anyways.
It’s always ‘you could’ve..’ ‘you should’ve..’
It’s never
“I understand.”
Written: September 5th, 2019
263 · May 2020
wish me.
muteD May 2020
I wish you loved me as much as you hate my depression
and if we’re confessing
I wish for your words
to caress me.
Touch me,
I wish for your actions to translate into symbols
my half blind eyes will see coming from miles away.
even when
I leave my glasses at home.
I wish wishes equaled more than just a wish.
I wish a wish would wish for me.
Written Feb. 21st
263 · Jan 2020
muteD Jan 2020
The darker the darkness,
the crazier the thoughts.
That little piece of meat,
a sectioned off part of my brain breeds pain.
It specializes in it
and in reminders.
Like a calendar
but this one ties you in
your own personal electric chair.
Each reminder,
Each charge,
Each word
reverberates throughout your entire body.
It brings pain.
Brain pain,
the only thing I truly know.
The only thing I was force to learn.
I wish I could unlearn the things in my brain,
remove the whole thing
and start from scratch.
Must find a way out,
Need to find my way out
of this inescapable maze of my mind.
Even if all that is left to remember me by
is a splatter on a wall.
These are 2am thoughts. Starting to realize I have a love/hate relationship with what lies in the dark and darkness itself.
263 · Dec 2018
12/3 "trapped"
muteD Dec 2018
12/3 trapped

Do you know how it feels to be a prisoner
of your own mind ?
To feel trapped inside your own head .
Confined to a room w four walls
of nothing .
Almost like you were just dropped into this void .
An empty space filled with gloominess and
so much shade .
Feels as though I started off as a being with a
soul ,
A spirit if you may .
but slowly I've turned into a nonentity .
someone you don't notice is gone
until you need something .
until you need to release those feelings you hold
inside ,
you wouldn't notice me even if I died .
And I would cry ,
If I had any tears left .

Oh and do you know how it feels to want to
hide from yourself ?
Hide from the guilt
Hide from the shame
Hide from who you really are
whoever that is .
I am tired of this mask I am forced to wear .
Cloaking myself in the scent of happiness ,
Just so I can trick my thoughts into
Disappearing .
If only for a little while .
Oh how I wish for lucidity .
I just want to be heard
to be truly figured out .
I want someone to put together my mess
of a puzzle .
save me from myself
because she's a tricky one .
save me from this life filled with nothing
but endless pain .
every day is filled with the want to disappear
into thin air .
Evaporate into the heavens above
Or melt into the fires below

All I want is to not feel a thing .
But instead I feel every jab of words .
Like a stab wound to my chest
with a twist .
The twist being me holding that knife
To  my own throat .
Do you know how it feels to hold the dagger of
death ?
One incision ,
One puncture and it's all over .
"That ****ts deep as hell my dude. You got a way with words for sure... The cloaking line and [the] disappearing thoughts [line] is hard facts."-LS
262 · Apr 2020
muteD Apr 2020
I’m feeling like giving up.
As I sit and gaze into nothin’
I hear my heart thumpin
through the music that’s crumpin
in my ears.
and I’m wishin
for it to all slow down
and stop.
I’m wishing I could
replace my blood with molasses
and then slit my wrist and watch.
Watch as the life drains from my eyes.
Would you believe me if I told you, that wasn’t a lie?
Not an exaggeration
or a tale?
Of course you wouldn’t
because you aren’t me
you don’t have my mind
or the thoughts that creep in.
and with a mouth
that is permanently disconnected
from my mind,
how will I ever get you
to understand
why I am the way I am?
written: 4/1/20
259 · Nov 2015
For Her.
muteD Nov 2015
When you feel like
Talking let me know.
Would I sound cliché
If I Said
"I'll be here if
You need me?"

Let me tell you this:
I've been through what
You're going through.
It's not easy,
But you will get through it.
Sometimes it feels like
It's better to not
Then to hope,
Because you don't want
To get hurt.

Well, that's wrong.

But here's my advice:
*Some Things Are Worth The Risk.
She hates when I put her name, so I won't.
258 · Sep 2018
muteD Sep 2018
“trust me”
but trust me,
trust stings.

trust has to be earned.
or so they say
but for some reason
i hand my trust out
like Halloween candy
right at 7 o’clock.
every word that you tell me,
i believe.
but trusting you scares me.
cause every person i trusted?
abandoned me.
stole from me.
left me wondering,
if I’m as pathetic as i feel
or if i only look it.
i wonder what makes me different from others.
what makes you stop and think
“i wonder how bad i have to hurt her to drop her to my feet.”
you wound me.
not with your words
but your actions are screaming
and i can’t stop listening.
like the sound of my heartbreaking
is on repeat.

(“I wanna put this song on replay. so i can listen to it all day.”
oh Zendaya how i wish i could relate.)
256 · May 2020
a pest
muteD May 2020
what a mess
in the flesh.
and i contest
you to confess
that i am in fact
a pest.
Written Feb. 15
256 · Dec 2015
Forever Alone
muteD Dec 2015
Is This How
Its Going To Be?
253 · Jan 2018
1/7 "Personal"
muteD Jan 2018
Sometimes I wish I didn't exist.
Who would want to exist in this world anyways?
Living a life of hurt and loneliness
Because no matter what you do, no one will ever stick around to see you make it out of this disastrous and heartless cold world or not.

Oh how I hate the word
Because that's what I've been feeling lately.
"You aren't alone."
"I'm here for you."
"There are others going through this too."
Yada, yada, yada.
Those are just words that spill like a fallen drink on the kitchen counter.
Emptying its' contents like you would your stomach after hearing that your brother faces up to 25 years for something you wish he didn't do.

Is that too personal for you?
Oh, I can get much more personal.

How about uprooting your life for the second time?
Second time? Second time.
For a parental figure who doesn't even act like you were once in her.
Your heartbeat mixing with hers in this entrancing dance of rhythm.
Picking favorites and avoiding communicating with you because who needs to communicate with her own flesh and blood anyways?
Forcing you to look for tender and warm maternal affection and direction elsewhere because how could she possible show love if she's more lost than you are?

Not personal enough?
I'm just warming up.

I've been so independent for so long.
I never knew I could learn to depend on someone so much.
But, I did.
And I'm sorry if this starts to slowly turn into one of those lovey dovey yucky yucky poems.
But, I've finally met my match.
Someone who laughs at the same things as me.
Someone who takes care of me and sends me those cute
"Did you eat?"
"Did you make it home?"
"I miss you."
Someone who has seen me broken and beaten down and instead of running away at full speed,
He cupped my face with his hands and forced me to look at him,
Through the snot and tears,
And told me
"Do you see me? I will not leave you. I am here."

And that my friends,
Gave me back my will.
My will to live.
My will to survive.
The will I lost so long ago.
The will I never knew I had.
But, don't let that "will" fool you.
I'm still learning how to depend on myself.
I'm still learning how to love my life.
I'm still learning how to want to live.

If that wasn't personal enough for you,
Then nothing ever will be.
I just wanted to take a moment and get a little personal.
muteD Aug 2017
My head hurts.
A product of overthinking, I would imagine.
And anxiety.
I can never be happy.
Not fully anyways.
Everything has its expiration date.
Even happiness.
Especially happiness.
But, I just don't understand what makes me different.
Why must I go through these things?
Why must I feel this pain?
This headache?
This feeling?
What did I do?
I lived.
I lived and my sister died and that's the honest truth.
But, why?
Why have I been chosen to live a...
Not "chosen". But, forced.
Why have I been forced to live a life I do not want?
A life I do not deserve?
And that's the million dollar question.
today is an off day , like most.
251 · Feb 2020
\ losing my mind /
muteD Feb 2020
I wish I could just make myself into the person you want me to be.
Even though for some reason you keep telling me to be myself.
What if you don’t like her?
What if I don’t like her?
Because the person I’ve known to be me,
I don’t like.
I don’t like how she looks.
I don’t like how she talks.
But, no one hears that.
It’s all in my mind.
If I want change, why don’t I change?
These days it really feels as though I am truly going insane.
Late night poem.. Probably will end up changing the title since I’m not a 100% on it. Any ideas? Comment.
249 · Nov 2015
Broken You
muteD Nov 2015
If I am you
and you are me
but, I’m not you
and you’re not me
who are we?
Could it be, that
we are simply trying to be something,
that is not a possibility
in this wayward world of wickedness?

We try and try and try,
yet all the truthful things
they tell us are lies.
Soon the lies outrun the truth.
All we’re left with, is a
broken you.

If it is true
and you are me
and I am you,
wouldn’t that make me broken, too?
But if it is also true
that you’re not me
and I’m not you,
all that leaves me
or us
is broken and confused.

One broken line mutates into
millions, billions, trillions
of cracks.
Until we finally understand
pure, undisguised, unvarnished Truth.
That you are me
and I am you.
So you and I, are a
Broken Two.

-Chá White.
248 · Nov 2015
If I died.
muteD Nov 2015
If I died,
Would you notice?
Would you even care?
Or would it be like I'm still there
Locked up in my prison,
Doing you slave work?
Not having a life,
Not having a soul.

If I died,
Would I be swallowed up in shadows?
Never to see the light of day again?
Would the darkness
Consume me alive,
Trapping me in its
Tendrils of death and hopelessness?
Until all I am is less than
A figure of your imagination?

If I died,
Would Heaven pull me up,
Or would Hell yank me down?
Would I be happy in the clouds,
Or tormented in the lake of fire?
Would I feel sweet relief
From a life filled with pain and hate?
Or would I regret
Having left the world to soon?

If I died,
Would anyone miss me?
Would they realize I'm gone?
Or would it be like a song forgotten?
Would I occasionally cross your mind,
Like lyrics?
Would you have trouble remembering me,
Like a name of a song?

If I died,
What would I become?
NO, I am NOT thinking what your thinking. NOPE. NO WAY!
247 · Apr 2019
4/23/19 to wither,
muteD Apr 2019
and to wilt
parallel a flower.
I sag,
I flap
and I flop.
but never flip.
in truth!
I am decaying.
because they starved me
and corrupted my seed.
before i knew it
the fusarium wilt
was my disease.
someone could’ve cured me,
watered me.
but instead of
dried me
into crumbs of
nothing but dust
that decided to fly away
with the breeze.
to wilt is to wither away into nothing.

and to go faint
as in, to become dull.
that whimsical light is
erratically the same
yet never enough.
it is distorting and
it contorts
my colors.
my ambience is
by the Eclipse of-
how can I grow
when no (sun)light is
raining unto my path?
witness as I go
from this vibrant color
to a washed out gray.
I stood in the mirror
with the girl who wears my face
and I watched it drain.
with death looming over
her shoulder
and no angel in sight..
to go faint would be to wither and drown in my own cries.

and to rot.
all day, around the clock.
I am that sad flower
hiding in your *** .
unable to be set ablaze
by the radiant light,
called love.
so I sit
and I wait.
I rest my leaves
in defeat.
it seems as though
I might be granted this reprieve.
and the truth is I was murdered
long before I decided to **** me.
I used to be
I was fresh
untouched by filth.
but now I am
with mold
like bread and milk.
so beware of the signs
for this infectious malady,
it might be contagious.
and in truth,
a remedy
could be made for me
or so they tell me.
what they don’t understand
is I already tried.
I tried to comply
and I tried to rest my eyes.
yet the only thing prescribed
are these drugs
with the death of my mind
being the main effect,
on the side.
to rot would be to not only wither away but also to die.
245 · Jan 2016
muteD Jan 2016
The things we know do not surprise,
Because the things we know we’ve felt.
All the things we’ve saw with our eyes,
Were frozen ice truths about to melt.
But truths can make you go insane
When all you know is sanity.

You start to feel like an unmarked train
Or someone blind, who can not see.
But don’t believe, these are false hopes
Because the things you know are fake.
They confuse you more than you know you know
And breaks you just like an earthquake.
Just know sometimes in life you lose,
Because your battles you cannot pick and choose.
242 · Nov 2015
They Say
muteD Nov 2015
They say they "understand".
But, what is that?
They say they "know me".
But, who am I?
They say they "want to help me".
But, how could they?
How can they help me,
when I can't even help myself?
241 · Mar 2019
muteD Mar 2019
dear home,

i miss you.
whoever you are.
i miss your warmth.
from you,
i’d look to the stars.
it feels like i
am missing
a limb.
there is a hole
in me,
that i cannot fill.
why won’t you come back
and fill this void.
i wonder who you are.
i wonder where you are
and how i can possibly
get back to you.

you could say
i am
witnessing a thunderstorm.
in front of my eyes
a sunflower field,
for miles and miles
and right in the middle
is my home in disguised.
a tornado between
her and i.
you and him
as close as can be,
yet you and me?
there is miles ‘tween.

you were mine
and i was yours.
you were my home,
residing my heart.
you were my light,
my shining guiding star.
you were my safety,
my protector,
my guard.
but now you are missing,
please tell me,
are you happy
where you are ?

the one and only,
muteD and homeless
“I have been homeless for years.
They say home is where the heart is,
What if your heart is dead?”
238 · Apr 2019
4/25/19 Leave them be
muteD Apr 2019
Leave them be and take me.
Why take them away from their family?
Why not take me?
Those affected would be
maybe two or three.
Dedicated to: Shawn Starr..
237 · Apr 2019
4/25/19 Suicide Never Waits
muteD Apr 2019
Suicide never waits,
it just takes.
It takes and it rapes
and those closest to you?
they break.

It’s on a 2 week streak.
Go ahead and mark twice
on suicides line.
One survived and
the other...
and me?
It’s just a matter of time
and all I want to know is why.
Why didn’t he get to finish his life?
Why was it his time?

I’d trade my life
for him to live a second time.
only because I know he tried.
He tried to mollify
that pain inside.
Yet I could still see that hurt
in his eyes.
and what did I do?
I stopped talking to him for some time.
I didn’t know his sadness would be his demise.
Maybe then I would’ve stayed and rode the ride.
Oh how I wish it was all a lie.
I just wish he’d pop up and make a status like

I really wish it was all a lie.
Dedicated to: Shawn Starr
237 · Oct 2016
Depression Put In Words
muteD Oct 2016
Shattered. Broken. Crushed.
no. please no, not again.
Asphyxiate. Strangle. Smother.
the pain.. please just make it stop. please.
Pierce. Penetrate. Plunge.
why aren't you listening to me? why won't you help me? WHY DON'T YOU CARE?!
Agony. Affliction. Torture.
**** me. just **** me. end it all please.
Silence. Paradise. Sleep.
I'm not afraid of *death
. but is death afraid of me?
To me, this is how depression feels when it gets stronger and harder to handle and harder pretend as if it isn't there.
235 · Apr 2019
muteD Apr 2019
Suicide is murdering my kind.
Those who are just trying to live their lives
and survive
are being tried.
‘Death by suicide’
doesn’t even sound right.
Like they used to be kids with light
in their eyes.
A light that used to be bright.
Yet, now that light resembles the night.
Empty with echoes of cries.
Depression is taking our right
to live our life
and the drugs they prescribe at the time
do nothing but eat away at our mind.
and suicide?
it isn’t a lie.
My generation is losing time
best friends
and boyfriends
are losing their lives.
Parents are burying their child
all while
suicide continues to feast
on our sanity.
even if suicide doesn’t **** us,
it’ll wreck our society.
Dedicated to: Shawn Starr
233 · Jan 2017
muteD Jan 2017
He's gone.
I lost my reason.
233 · Aug 2019
A Silent Massacre
muteD Aug 2019
They say silence does something to a person
and it does.
I’ve been drowning in silence for years now
and you know what it looks like?

it’s dark.
almost like a black hole
because it swallows the light,
is never ending
and it burns
deep into your soul.

this silence
is never ending
and it hurts my ears.
and makes me sad.

I remember a time
when this silence
used to be filled with
But, I also remember a time
when all I knew was silence.
So why does this bother me?
Why does this silence
feel like it’s clawing away
at my heart
and my skin?
I feel like it’s ripping me
into shreds
and I can do nothing but
standby and be
a bystander to my own
Written: August 8, 2019
232 · Aug 2019
to relapse;
muteD Aug 2019
one more line added
to my collection.
one more line added
to the sketchbook
I call my body.
231 · Nov 2015
So What?
muteD Nov 2015
I'm Bi.*
So What?
There I'm out!!
230 · Feb 2020
muteD Feb 2020
I used to think nothing was stronger than love.
As long as we had love, nothing could come between us.
As long as I knew love I would never be heartless.
And as long as you knew I loved you, we would be fine.
Who knew I’d be wrong?
Maybe I love too hard.
That has to be it.
There has to be a reason why I feel so drained instead of feeling loved.
There has to be a reason why the feeling of judgement surrounds me like a suffocating blanket!
Oh! how to be able to breathe would feel..
Maybe I would be able to if I loved less.

Slowly but surely, love is becoming an unknown and foreign object to me.
Something that certainly can’t be attained.
How could I know love after all the pain I’ve sludged through?
It seems as out of reach as receiving any sort of maternal affection.
How could something so positive as Love impact me so negatively?
Maybe love isn’t as cracked out as it were made to seem
and maybe things will become better if I become Love-less.
Love is a strange thing, isn’t it?
220 · Sep 2016
What is life?
muteD Sep 2016
What is life?
And what makes us alive?
The way we talk? The way we say our ABC's? The way we take insults with a closed mouth? The way we cry when we're hurt, and scream when we're upset? The way we eat, and then cleanse ourselves of the weight, the *solidness
? The way we turn to our razors for companionship? Or how about the way we lie in our mommas bed (for those of us who have one) and tell her all about our problems?
Is it the way we spend thousands of hours worrying about that guy who's not even thinking about us? The way we pretend to smile when we'd rather cry? The way we trust with no doubt the people who call themselves our "
parents"? The way our blood dances through our body? The way our heart beats when we wish it'd just st-st-stop? The way we blink back our tears? The way the words get stuck in our throats when we get nervous? The way we breathe *in and out, in and out, in and out?
Who has the ability to decide whether we are truly alive or not?
**What is life?
And what makes us alive?
Finally finished revising this today☺ I can honestly say that I've never been more proud. I have never written anything quite like this.
212 · Aug 2019
Sadness: part two
muteD Aug 2019
and regret is
overwhelming me.
left me down bad.
deserted me as a child.
and depression?
it never left me.

but my mother did.

and I wonder why.

could it have been me?
maybe it has always been me.
stuck in a cycle of negativity,
I bring the clouds
and the thunderstorm follows.
When it rains,
it truly pours
and when I cry
my body begs for more.

I am addicted to the pain
that lives in my chest.
The one that has padded
And patted around.
Kneaded and kneaded,
this pain has made itself at home
and has become deaf to my pleading.
So as silence consumes me,
I wonder..
How long will life toy with me?
and when will death take its turn?

and will the people around me ever learn?
I doubt it.
How could they?
How could they learn
when I am the teacher
and I’m tired of teaching?
This subject,
I keep repeating,
is depression and how it’s eating

How could you be so oblivious
to my screams?
My screams have been screaming screams
so much
my throat is starting to bleed.
Instead of a voice,
blood trickles out
and down my mou-
oh how I miss the feeling of blood tickling my arm
as gravity pulls it down,
as I would pull those scissors down.
That pain is the only thing that makes sense
and because of that,
it has me on the fence.
should I wait for my happiness to return?

or should I slit my wrists and wait for my body to burn?
211 · Nov 2015
muteD Nov 2015
I have a secret.
A Secret that is me.
Something my "Mother"
Wouldn't approve of.
She'd say:
"You're a disgrace!"
"You make me sick!
And all I'll know is:
"I deserve this."
211 · Sep 2018
muteD Sep 2018
Sometimes I get sad.
Like sad sad.
To the point where it feels like a blanket of darkness is surrounding me.
Like a black hole of sadness
and happiness can’t get in.
And a life without happiness?
It’s suicide.
It’s almost like my own hands are strangling me.
Do you know how it feels to be suffocated?
To feel your soul slowly ooze out of your pores?
To have your life force ripped piece by piece from your heart?
Dear God or whoever you believe in,
I hope you never do.

Sometimes I get down.
Like down in the dumps.
To the point where it feels like happiness is a foreign concept.
Like the idea of physics.
Difficult and hard to understand
Especially when you’re your own teacher.
Teaching myself something you never knew to begin w.
So , HOW will I catch on?
I just can’t.
I can’t grasp the idea euphoria, happiness or physics.
No matter how hard I try.
And maybe that’s what I get.
Call it bad karma or bad luck ,
Whatever shoe fits just make someone else wears it
And not me.
Or maybe it’s because I was never taught how to be happy
and how to love myself.

Sometimes I get depressed.
Like depressed all of the time actually.
There’s never a ‘happy’ moment.
Not for long.
Not ever .
I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t depressed.
Maybe when I was a kid.
Back when life was a walk in the park
And all I had to worry about was..
Whatever kids worry about I guess.
I can’t remember what that would be.
All I know is that kids have this innocence,
This happiness,
This light.
But, I never had that.
Not even for a minute.
Like a 24 hour clock of depression
I’m always clocked in.
sometimes i just think.
210 · Apr 2016
One Day
muteD Apr 2016
What is this life?
Please, tell me what it is.
They tell me to believe,
but I don't know how.
How do I believe?
In what, shall I believe?
In myself?
What a joke.
Because to be honest,
I am a failure, who can't do anything right.
Which is what they say, anyway.
But, it's okay.
Because I'll get myself right one day.
*One day soon.
Sooner than you think.
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