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209 · Dec 2018
muteD Dec 2018
Nothing seems worth it anymore .
Dreaming seems pointless .
Wishing seems senseless .
And living ?
It just seems ridiculous ..
I am hopelessly lost in despair .
In need of just a lil guidance
Yet I'm too far gone to help
And it's far too late to notice.

that I am

stuck ,
In the Land of the Unliving .
Feelings that aren't even feelings .
Thinking things that shouldn't be thoughts .
Remembering things that couldn't be memories .
Everything is
Mixing and mixing
And matching and mixing
And matching and matching
Until it's well passed
And everything has been
And I have been drained .

Something is
and I can't find it .
Whether it's my heart or my head ,
I can't quite confess
or recognize
under the scrutiny
I am under ,

Attack that is .

Each flashback
Rapes my mind
Over and over again .
Each ******
In and out , in and out
Leaves a piece of
'nothing' behind .
Like a dried up grape ,
What makes me ME
has been ****** out of me .
Just call me a raisin ,
I am nothing
but a dried up piece of something
that used to be
a being .
202 · Nov 2015
muteD Nov 2015
A Deer In Headlights,
And A Fish Out of Water.
201 · Dec 2016
Untitled for now
muteD Dec 2016
We are only as good as we claim to be.
So, what happens
When what we claim to be
Is a lie that even we know isn’t a possibility?
What happens when
The mask we are wearing
Breaks into a million pieces
Leaving us open and vulnerable,
Scared and helpless,
Alone and powerless?

We used to have the light in our eyes.
Used to believe in happy endings.
In dreams.
What happened
To us?
Where’s our innocence?
Where’s our humanity?
Where is our soul?

We live in a world of
Pretending and faking.
A world where the worst enemy
Is the person looking back in the mirror.
The one you call yourself.

In this world no one really knows
Who they are.
“Who am I?”
“Why am I?”
“What am I?”

Dreams abandoned.
Tears shed.
Hearts broken.
Yet we still have the nerve
To believe in a better ending
Than the picture we’ve painted.

We are only as good as we claim to be.
So, what happens
When what we claim to be
Is a lie that even we know isn’t a possibility?
It's about humanity. I hope it makes you think.
197 · Dec 2019
muteD Dec 2019
‘I don’t know’.
That isn’t an excuse. That’s not the easy way out.
I genuinely do not know the answer to the question you’re asking.
Oh you’re frustrated?
Imagine how I feel!!
You just asked that question.
I have been asking that question my entire life.
“Why can’t you just..?”
                                   KNOW !
I want to scream,
to cry,
to be heard in some way !!
and not because I need the attention but because I genuinely have something to say..
Something worth hearing..
I’m scared of what’s in my mind.
I’m scared that I’m running out of time.
I’m scared to be alone because I don’t trust myself.
Not around scissors.
Not around pills.
Not around myself.
Do you know how that feels?
Do you know how it feels
to not trust yourself
around yourself?
I am at war.
   My mind
with my heart as a witness,
my soul as the prize
and my body, the battlefield.
I wonder..
Will I be a causality?
It felt nice to write this.. even if it was at 4 in the morning. I haven’t really been writing much, lost in my own head I suppose. Trapped, to be honest. Trapped in my own mind with only thoughts to think to help pass time.
194 · Mar 2019
2/8/19 “anxiety”
muteD Mar 2019
feels like theres a hand clamped around my heart .
and tightening .
tighter and tighter .
until I can’t breathe .
like I’m trapped in my own head ,
nailed to my own
coffin .
almost like I dug the hole ,
so now I have to lay in it .
a bed of nails ,
to be my home for all eternity .
granted my own void .
a black hole filled with nothing but misery .
a place where you’re
married to the mistress of death .
a sneaky snake who slithers into the darkest parts of your mind
then brings them out .
no ‘out of sight out of mind’ ,
it’s always on your mind
all of the time .
it’s anxiety.
this is my anxiety put into words.
191 · Nov 2015
muteD Nov 2015
Out Of The Smoke Comes You.
Not Covered In Lies, But Truth.
Not Afraid To Be Real.
No Matter How You Feel.
Then Life Becomes Too Hard,
And You Think: "Where To Start?!"
So You Realize, Life *****
And There's No Such Thing As Luck.
This is for my poetry class. Is there a hidden message in here? Cause its suppose to have one but I'm not sure if I succeeded in that.
188 · Apr 2019
4/9/19 gray o’ grays
muteD Apr 2019
she makes me feel
like when she never knows what to say.
she tries to send love
but it’s noticeably fake.
like a cotton gray.
a gray that’s barely gray
it’s just white with a bit of shade.
she unintentionally makes
me feel like
a silver blade.
a tinge of gray
and on the tip
is her face.
only here to relay
that no matter what you do
“you’ll never be my fave.”
she just reminds you of
an owl gray.
yes, you get to watch her all day
watching the droop of her face
as soon as you turn her way
she ignores what you say.
almost like you have to pay
just to be heard
because that’s all the craze.
being heard as soon as I start to say
anything that could potentially change

I wish she noticed when I turned charcoal gray.
the day my pain decided it would stay.
the day my heart turned to ash gray
and got blown away.
she ripped my heart from my chest and set it aflame.
then, she stood and watched
as I went from a vivid color
to a sea of gray.
she stood by and watched me
continue to break.
as each tidal wave of pain
wrecked havoc
like a hurricane.
it left me a dusty
those flakes
she could easily see shake
each time I would hyperventilate
like an earthquake.
she spied as I mutated
into a gray I hated.
she saw life put me in an oven
and she turned it to bake.

and those burnt little pieces?
she smoked em away.
187 · Aug 2016
muteD Aug 2016
Locked in a room.
No windows,
No doors,
No lights,
No escape.

Just darknees. Black EVERYWHERE.
Why are there so many walls?!
Of words.
In a language I don't recognize.
I'm stuck in a room..
Stuck in a language I do not know.
180 · May 2020
an absence
muteD May 2020
Who knew it would be the silence that would get to me?
Seeping all into my skin
and slithering its way through my veins.
Pulling built up pain along the way
and bringing
A cold blanket that stole my warmth,
Darkness was what I was used to.
Then, he brought the light.
heartbreaks bring pain and my pain manifests into poetry.
175 · May 2019
I should.. I wish..
muteD May 2019
I should break every single finger of mine.
Starting with my pinky
and ending with my thumbs.
I should snap them like carrots
at every ******* knuckle.

why not?,
would be the simpler answer.

but in reality,
simplicity is really
to me.

I wish to feel a different pain.
Even if that means,
grabbing my scissors
and slicing each vein.

I should lay in the street.
Right in the middle.
and wait.
Maybe if I wear all black
I’d be unnoticed.
or I could be myself
cause she seems to be invisible anyway..
either way,
I wish this rain would stay.
that way if i was seen
laying in the middle of the street,
slowing and braking
wouldn’t even save me.
This is the first thing I’ve written in about a month. My depression won’t let me be happy, it just won’t let me feel anything worth feeling. I only feel anger.. and sadness.
171 · Dec 2019
Untitled (for now)
muteD Dec 2019
Tic, tic, tic
I am a ticking time bomb
and I’ve been doused in gasoline.
I feel like I’ve been snagged
on a fishing line
and I’m being reeled in.
A fish hook in my heart?
My heart is liable to drain.
Have you seen a drained heart?
It looks empty
about as empty as I feel.
This is all over the place.
I guess it is true what they say,
you lose your mind before you lose
your life..
which would mean
Death should be honored.
I am close to Death and
Death is close to me.
What do you think the title should be?
170 · May 2019
my alone
muteD May 2019
my alone
feels so

like i am a leaf
and I’m just floating.
unable to grasp onto anything.
unable to hold on.
without an anchor,
I just continue to rise
like bread does if you leave it out
for some time.
but what’s different this time
is my mind.
I keep on rising
and a little part of me keeps on dying.

and all I keep thinking is

it’s lonely up here.
Someone asked me to write a poem about loneliness.. with no guidelines,  I tried to write something that she could relate to. But, I realize that the loneliness I’m feeling is different from what I’ve ever felt..  so writing about it, was actually kind of difficult
166 · Mar 2019
muteD Mar 2019
Everything I’m writing is a waste of time .
Tell me ,
What will this change ?
How will this eliminate that pain in my chest ?
Explain how writing my thoughts out can possibly help me .
Because these words feel useless .
Half filled water balloons
but instead of water
it’s fire .
Throwing fire balloons
Yet I live in a wooden shed .
None of this makes any sense .

These words feel like they’re burning a hole
In this poem
And not one you’re likely to remember .
Something insignificant .
Something only a grain of sand could fall through .
Tell me ,
How can someone as unimportant as me
Truly be heard ?
I speak when spoken to
And sometimes I speak just because .
But instead of a voice , all you hear are squeaks.
Unused to truly vocalizing what’s important to me
Because every time I used to try to speak my piece ,
They muted me .
How can I speak
If my problems don’t mean
A **** thing .
I talk about me to me
So much yet I don’t care about me .
So , my problems ?
They mean less to me than me .
Sometimes I just get in these moods where even my own words don’t help me.
159 · Sep 2018
muteD Sep 2018
I hate this feeling .
This feeling of not knowing
This from that
Up from down
Right from left
Happiness from
Oh but I know anger .
I know anger better than I know me.
Anger knows me better than my own mother .
Anger conceived me , it birthed me .
It fed me the darkness
Clothed me in hate.
When no one else would stay,
Anger was the one who showed me the way.
Even if that way led me into the deepest, darkest hole imaginable.

Death isn’t the monster it is made out to be .
It isn’t the noise under your bed,
The shadow in your closet,
Or the one who “stole” my sister.
Death is a savior .
A protecter.
A liberator.
Death is a guardian angel
Disguised as the devil .
Oh , how could it be Satan ?
If it releases you from a life of pain
And envelopes you into a hug of shadows ?
Soft and overwhelmingly complete.
Death is the mother I always wanted my own mother to be .
muteD Dec 2018
Crazy .
That's what I must be .
I must be losing my mind .
My head hurts so much ,
A self inflicted pain on accident ,
I swear .
What is happenening to me ?
Water falling from my eyes .
Mental pain turning physical ,
Why does my heart hurt ?
I feel like my mind is attacking itself .
World War One
all over
in my head
Bullets flying
Memories being killed
Can't be right ,
Trust me the pain is left
Left as in wrong this pain is wrong
I'm rambling .
Crazy ,
I'm going crazy .
Mentally unstable .
Imagine being mentally unstable .
You can't , can you ?
Why would you want to imagine losing your
mind ?
Could you even imagine losing something that
was never yours ?
I feel like a wrecked ship
Lost at sea .
I'm lost in my head
Thinking so much
My head is pounding.
Started left only to consume everything right .

Wicked .
What a wicked curve
In this race of sanity .
Giving me the blueprints of a wild mind
One that can't possibly be mine
my mind
Can't possibly be breaking
Shattering .
I'm shattering .
Into a million pieces .
It is me , I know that
But it's like I'm watching me
Fall apart ,
Feeling every single emotion
Almost as if I wrote this screenplay
A movie of my own downfall
Written by me .
Starring me .
But , it isn't me
It is me
But it isn't me
A broken me .
Beaten down and bloodied up ,
I wish I would have known
A broken mind continues to break
Until it's fully broken .
"This explains a mental breakdown really well for people that don't have them and I think that's really important."-TNB
"To me is explaining every woman and how we are called crazy but we are still strong enough to hold **** in."-L
157 · Nov 2015
muteD Nov 2015
I'm not sure
If I can start again.
I'm not sure
I feel like livin.
I'm not sure
About this feeling
But I am sure
Of being sure
157 · Oct 2018
muteD Oct 2018
Time .
One of the slowest ,
yet fastest things I know .
Having the ability to pass in a second
while also having the strength to stop and drag along .
I hate time .
Especially when all my
time is spent
waiting on others .
It’s like time is just idling ,
lagging ,
falling farther and farther behind .
until it becomes nothing ,
nothing but a clock with no hands ,
all because of a decision .

I decided to spend all of my time just waiting,
standing by without cause because
time was on hold .
but if I only knew what pausing time would do.
Leaving me w the feeling of being lost and confused .
Maybe then I would have just pressed play
even if that meant I had to play by myself
at least time would have been pressed
to move along .
instead of yearning for
company .
Imagine passing through infinity ..
How lonely that would be .
To never have anyone to tell my dreams ?
That would not be an ideal fantasy .
Yet time is forced ,
with me in the passenger seat ,
to break itself down .
Demanded to spend half of itself alone.
Completely cloaked
Half in radiant light
Half in soul ******* darkness
But always
ALL alone .
What would this world be without time ?
The world would be me .
Alone yet free .
Alone but free .
But being alone and free
is for eternity
not for me .
What do you think this poem is really about ? Writing this made me realize how abstract my poetry is and I love that . I love understanding what I do .
155 · Nov 2015
To Me
muteD Nov 2015
Happy Birthday.
To me.
I'm 17 Today!!
145 · Mar 2019
muteD Mar 2019
I am a home.
I welcome you home.
When you are sad,
to I you come.
I wish I was someone’s home and I wish they were mine.
139 · Aug 2019
a penny for my thoughts
muteD Aug 2019
It seems as though everything
is falling apart
and to pieces.
life is giving me reason after reason
after reason
why this should be my last season

every day is a constant battle
of life and death
my mind trembles after each blow.
years have passed and the consequences
have turned my heart cold
but only to myself.
for some reason I cannot care what happens to me.
but honestly,
I feel like dying would set my soul free
because all it knows is torment.

but I mustn’t crack,
I cannot break.
Not for any other reason
than the fact
that if I falter
no one will understand.

No one will ever understand.
Pain isn’t just existence
when you day dream about death
and the ways one could inflict it on oneself.
The way I think
is sick.
horrid and morbid.
and yet I’m trying to change.
constantly looking for that light.
the one that I can never seem to grasp.
almost like it’s a figure of my imagination,
a mirage in the mind.

what awaits a darkened soul,
like mine?
will this life get better with time
or am I forced to suffer
until I’m nothing more than
slashed wrists
and a stomach full of pills
laying in my coffin bed?

I mean,
if I’m lucky to get one.
133 · Dec 2018
12/2 "Nostalgia"
muteD Dec 2018
"a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life."

i miss my memories .
the ones i can remember so vividly .
back when she was my best friend ,
he was my end ,
and she was my cousin.
i miss my feelings .
not the ones that remind me
of a time not worth living .
engrossed in my sisters drowning
nightmares plagued me
because i blamed me .

i miss when everything was so effortless .
being me was a manifest
error , something that was luminous .
lighting up my world with darkness .
back when i wasn't weak .
felt indestructible, nothing could destroy me .
except maybe a heartbreak ..
or three .

i miss when i did not miss .
back when remembering "this
and that " ,
didn't mean a panic attack .
back when being happy
was a state of mind
instead of something
i wanted to be mine .
back when i wasn't afraid to connect .
before you and everyone left
and i was  like our govenment .
a little off balanced ,
without being checked .

i miss who i used to be
because i am not sure
how to be
this "after" me .
129 · Aug 2019
Sadness: part one
muteD Aug 2019
and regret is
overwhelming me.
left me down bad.
deserted me as a child.
and depression?
it never left me.

but my mother did.

and I wonder why.

could it have been me?
maybe it has always been me.
stuck in a cycle of negativity,
I bring the clouds
and the thunderstorm follows.
When it rains,
it truly pours
and when I cry
my body begs for more.

I am addicted to the pain
that lives in my chest.
The one that has padded
And patted around.
Kneaded and kneaded,
this pain has made itself at home
and has become deaf to my pleading.
So as silence consumes me,
I wonder..
How long will life toy with me?
and when will death take its turn?

will the people around me ever learn?
128 · Aug 2019
muteD Aug 2019
These voices keep asking me
“Will you repent?”

and yes,
but only if I am gifted with death.
127 · Aug 2019
muteD Aug 2019
I secluded me.
Bolted the lock
and then tossed the key.
and then I looked at myself and asked
‘Why am I so lonely?’
I keep asking why.
wasn’t it my own doing?
why did I cut ties?
why did I disappear from peoples lives..?
and the truth is:
I was preparing to die.
but now
I am alive..
Alive and alone
living a life I’d rather disown.
who would want this life filled w dread?
I wish was dead.
So I wouldn’t have to suffer
from things in my head
and the things in my chest.
I confess
that maybe
I am a mess
and maybe
someone should throw me away.

‘Who can you count on?’
My shadow.
It never leaves me
without a doubt
It follows me.
When I die,
It dies with me.
it’s just me and my shadow,
124 · Sep 2018
muteD Sep 2018
and just like that
i became your diary.
you being the pen
and i being your paper.
like i was your shaker .
salt or pepper ,
it didn’t matter .
you needed flavor
and i needed ...

in a blink of an eye
you turned to me
searching for something
to hold on to
and like a lifeguard
i dived into your ocean of tears .
(or was it fears?)
i should’ve tested your waters first
i didn’t know how
to swim
in a place so deep.

— The End —