Heart wallows,
wears, to the bone,
sagged lungs
and my soul no longer stirs
no "stillness" in peace,
but in numbness
and the bottom tastes like nothing,
it's all a great nothing.
yet I know,
weary arm can hold
can raise itself to the end of the tunnel
I know I'll be okay.
Your promise waits.
heart, air balloon,
the warmth of your presence,
fills me, raises me.
I am not defined
by the "i love yous" I never got.
or the ones that were taken away,
or the ones that were never meant.
I am not these mistakes,
not these storms,
I'm not the bent palm tree
the debris
of the hurricane.
But I am what I am,
a daughter, a child,
broken, bruised, beaten,
but not defeated,
I am here.
I am okay.
I am with You.
I will rise, I will not fall,
not any further.
And if I do,
your hands, Father,
my wallowing heart,
my weariness.
I am not defeated,
though I am beaten.
You will raise me still,
your hands will hold,
this I trust, Lord.
Your hands will hold.
God has me, even in my lowest (and hey, I think I've got a new record). But in Him there is hope, always.