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9.2k · Mar 2017
Perfect Imperfections
Kenya83 Mar 2017
Oozing charm and fluency, over exuberantly, without vanity or pride or an arrogance of mind
remaining humble and kind
looking just fine
Not with the fittest physic or perfect teeth, manicured hands drenched in gold leaf
Or a sharp suit and tie which underneath emptiness lies
But a beauty that shines bright like a beacon
signalling hardship, success, failure, determination
Strong and truthful
Unapologetically flawed
Lost youth and adult gains
Ageing memories and hunger pains
slight wrinkles, cheeks with dimples
it's quite simple
perfection is meaningless
It lacks personality and taste
Humility, humour and good grace
The hard times you stared point-blank in the face
However, on the other hand
It's like you're from another land
Im lost
In your perfect imperfections
Filters and airbrush aren't a true reflection
Of the life you've lived of the story you've told
When you've been weak when you've been bold
what made you happy or caused you stress
How you like to chill and rest
Or put your mind and body to the test
I want to see what makes you, you
I long to see it all
For its what makes you beautiful
4.3k · Aug 2018
Kenya83 Aug 2018
With the most beautiful sincere brown eyes that reveal more than they realise.
Touching. Underneath clothes...
Warm oil drips on skin, glistening Candlelight, delicate, sensual...
Hands, bodies. Lips, skin...
It was all a dream
3.4k · Oct 2017
If Only (Dreams of Love)
Kenya83 Oct 2017
Craving more than what we've got
A desire burns and it burns a lot

I'm not speaking monetary
I know the answer is in me
How can I affect humanity

Save the children from the horror of war
Stop the bullets that take animals to the floor
Feed the homeless and the poor
End our planets suffering core

I'm a dreamer,
But they are dreams of love
If only peace would fly
Like the dove
If only our priority was kindness
And life was priceless

If only we took what we need
Instead of being governed by greed
Take, take, take, and when it comes to giving back
Generosity seriously lacks

It's not my problem
We have nothing in common
It doesn't affect me
So just let it be

It's not my family,
Nor my community
It's not my country,
it doesn't bother me
It's not my ocean
So continue to fill it full of poisonous potion

They're not my animals,
Who cares if they go extinct
I'll breath in toxic air
So long as it doesn't stink

Be complacent
And you're complicit to all these things
Take responsibility
For the outcome that it WILL bring
2.9k · Aug 2017
Sensual sunsets
Kenya83 Aug 2017
You took me to beautiful places
sensual sunsets warmed my bones
My toes curled as you made me moan
Waters lapped the shore
I arched my back and pleaded, more
Skies a midnight blue, scattered with tiny stars
They glistened in my eyes and reflected back in yours
2.6k · Mar 2017
By Candle Light
Kenya83 Mar 2017
Warm candle light
Back drop of dark night
Sweet soft music
Arouses senses
I can taste the atmosphere
Oil I pour
To touch is to explore
But not just skin on skin
Details deep within
Are you just like me, getting high on joys of Spring
The Suns Ray's, the daffodils gaze
The cherry blossoms haze
Or are you a little darker
Like a warning tribal haka
A performance for they eye
Deep inside you cry, till tears run dry
You no longer know why

Is your coffee strong and black
Or sickly sweet of bitterness lack
A limited edition book
Hardback, rigid spine
Securing tight the story inside
I won't hesitate to turn your page
Of autobiographical love and rage
I'm not interested in what you show on stage
Your brutal truth is what I crave
2.3k · Jun 2018
Dangerous Daydreams
Kenya83 Jun 2018
Thoughts are drenched in raw feeling
I’m daydreaming
My mind ponders, wanders
...I want to fly a kite with you
I want my head on your lap as you sit crossed legged against a tree, reading me poetry
I want you to hold the book with one hand while the other rests on my chest, occasionally stroking my head
Or I take it in mine, fluidly palm to palm till fingers entwine
Thumb stroking thumb, feeling textures on fingertips
The smoothness of your nail against my skin
I want to see reflection in your lambent eyes at sunset and sunrise
Against powerful rays and calm of night  
I want to know what those eyes see  
I want familiarity, of your kiss
How gentleness craves the plumpness of your lips
Where confidence grows, connection is slowed...
I want to fly a kite with you.
2.2k · Feb 2017
Seduce My Senses
Kenya83 Feb 2017
****** my eyes
They are the windows to my soul
Share with me your beauty
All the things that make you grow
****** me with your eyes
My eyes like what they see
Share with me your weakness
And I'll see you're just like me

****** me with your scent
A heady fragrance reaches far
Etch a trigger in my brain that
Reaches memories when we part
****** me with your scent
The sweetness is divine
Like cherry blossom blooming
Or a coastal sunset night

****** my ears with what I hear
As the gentle whispers of a warm breeze
Speaks to the grass
As cheerful song is heard from the sky larks laugh
****** my ears with what I hear
With your soft voice speak of fond childhood memories ambition and dreams
Telling me lovely stories of what you believe

****** my touch
With the electricity of your body
Strong and broad like the most beautiful landscape I long to explore
Walking every path eager to learn more
****** my touch
Hold my hand in yours
We'll climb the highest mountain
Reaching breathtaking views
Guide my hands from toe to tip
Running my hands over your every inch not missing one bit

****** me with your taste
I may have saved the best till last
One taste of your lips my mouth be yearning fast
One sip does not quite quench my thirst
Im greedy I want more
Like a vino rosso you've let my tastebuds soar
Sweet fruit notes and smooth caramel
I sip you seductively and savour each delicate drop
Grounded by your earthy tones just like my fine wine
I taste your many layers which are perfectly sublime
****** me
1.8k · Aug 2018
Dream #2
Kenya83 Aug 2018
You passed me at the station
We caught each other’s eye
Hugged and said hi

I was returning and you were heading home
There was damp in the air, autumn well and truly here

I asked how it went, I was leaving you a note
We walked up the street where darkness glares at street lamps as they shimmer on the ground

You told me of bad news as tears interrupted your words

I held you tight and pecked your cheek
Against a fence under the cover of an oak tree
It felt so right

You held me as your lips met mine
Delicate almost slow motion
Lips parted, reunited

You kissed a deeper kiss
Moving to a floor of green
Holding you as lips connect
In unison we lowered to the grass

Kisses came with want  
I pulled you in and felt your skin
Under your clothes
Rubbing my hands over your back
1.8k · Feb 2017
Dream Catcher
Kenya83 Feb 2017
You barged right in with not a care in the world
Of how deeply I'd fall and hit the ground
I knew I'd fell, for I hurt inside
But I could still be falling, there's no end in sight
Like Alice in a wonderland nothing seems quite right
Still I drink your potion readily and prepare to hold on tight
I catch you in my dream hoping you'll stay the entire night
My subconscious has a knowing, I'll be alone by morning light
Every time I get back up and dust myself down
You just steamroll right back through me, knocking me out
My palms left sweaty my mouth left dry
As I wonder if my feelings can lie
For here things aren't what they always appear
The pain of unknowing is my only fear
So, for now, your seas have calmed
And your storm has settled down
Left me cold and windswept
With droplets on my brow
I'll do what I must to do for now
For when night time falls again
I'll be back in my beautiful nightmare
Where you think of me now and then
1.7k · Aug 2017
For One Night
Kenya83 Aug 2017
For one night, let's not be coy nor shy
Together we'll sing the sweetest lullaby
For one night, let my dreams come alive
My muse, in you, where fantasies thrive

For one night, give me your mouth, your tongue
Keep me wanting more till morning comes
For one night, I'll give myself to you
By sunrise you'll want me badly too
1.7k · Feb 2017
A Dogs Love
Kenya83 Feb 2017
You'll never have known a love so true
than the love of a dog when he loves you
The wag of his tail that wags just for you regardless if your happy or blue
He'll greet you every morning and stick to you like glue
He'll follow you around as though you are brand new
He'll never tire or get bored of his lot
For in his mind he'***** the jackpot
Cuddles on the sofa or walkies in the park
Curled up by the fire after a scrub in the bath
He doesn't care for material gain
He'll forgive you quick and he'll ease your pain
He'll look at you with love
best mates you'll forever remain
If he sleeps on his back with his legs sprawled in the air
You know he feels safe and loves his place
He doesn't feel vulnerable or insecure with you
He knows you're always there picking up his poo
He may be cheeky and he may be rude
But when it comes to the important stuff he's the coolest dude
For Teddy
1.5k · Oct 2017
Kenya83 Oct 2017
When I close my eyes
and think of you
I think of your lips

Thoughts of your lips
between my lips

A feeling I can compare
only to silk
stroking my naked body

I bite mine
at the thought of touching yours
1.5k · Aug 2018
Daydreams of nighttime
Kenya83 Aug 2018
I pull the covers of tonight across our skin
A blanket of stars upstaged by your eyes
Every hair follicle awakened with the movement of your lips
Tenderness in gentle dream
The smell of the midsummer nights breeze
The palm of my hand to the warmth of your chest, I press
And leave the shooting-star for another
Who needs the hope of its wish
1.4k · Apr 2017
Kenya83 Apr 2017
Excited for the gifts
This planet kindly gives
The wonders of the world are generously rife
It really is a magical life
If we are wise, we'll open our hearts, eyes and minds

I long to see Japan's elegant cherry blossom land
Geisha girls, eerily still they stand
Cooling faces with fan in hand

Walk for hundreds of miles, along the river Nile
Meeting friendly souls with weathered faces
love as their principle basis

Whiteness the overcrowded Mumbai station
Then rush to see a tea plantation
Where on your way your heart longs to stay
Here, forever you could lay
There's a calling from the hills, the wildlife thrills
But why stay still
There's plenty more to feel

The vast African plains a plenty
Where it may appear, but it's far from empty
This is the magnificent Serengeti
Here I'm in my element
Let me enjoy admiring the elephant
A powerful earth rumbling migration
Sees a whole new destination

Tysfjord with its breathtaking views
Norway is an artists muse
A landscape so still and stunning
To be offered more is a second coming
When night arrives with it northern lights
You'll be mesmerised by the natural sight
You'll stay up all night long
As morning is blessed by orca's song

Rumi was a wise old soul
His words are timeless
His advice is free
I take his writings literally

"Why stay in prison when the door is so wide open" ~ Rumi
1.4k · Feb 2019
I Remember
Kenya83 Feb 2019
I remember you as you were in the heatwave
Cool and light with intrigue
Wide eyed and open soul
And words, words of a man, trials of a man but spirit of a boy
A fire child who found joy in the simplicity of the sun
A softens to your frame, and wave in your hair, like even numbers
The faintest grey lavender fields surround us as the city falls at your feet
I notice your eyes, every time, I notice your eyes
1.3k · Jan 2018
Favourite Notification
Kenya83 Jan 2018
Blue flash, your name in bold black
I’m drawn back
Back to where what I’ve got doesn’t seem enough
Where butterflies rush to the open skies
Where freedom explodes on their coloured wings
For what seems like eternity lifted on white noise
A contradiction of oblivion and intensity
Paused time unaware of anything
Submersed in focused feelings aware of everything
Aware of the rush of heat steam rolling through my body
Prickly heady sensations of arrogant adrenaline
Taking out my feet from under me and my head from any responsibility
But still I smile
My favourite notification drives me wild
1.2k · Jan 2019
My Shadow
Kenya83 Jan 2019
Your breath stinks
You drop hair on my sheets

You roll in mud
It’s never enough

Your claws are strong
You bruise my skin


Your love is deep
Your heart is free

When we’re together
You only see me

Your eyes are intense
Your cuddles are true

I could’ve called you Shadow
But my Ted will do
1.2k · Mar 2017
Fake News
Kenya83 Mar 2017
I've decided to stop reading the news
It's full of contradiction and misinterpreted views,
Bending of truths like a novelists muse
Inciting inspiration, stimulation, radicalisation but, never the truth of the situation
Just a public announcement of the wrong account, a miscommunication or fake revelation
Is it an attempt at entertainment?
Lacking empathy, a cold report with no sympathy
Of death, disaster and misery
Attacking humanity
As they relish at the world flying in to abyss
I can't be alone wishing we would all hug and kiss
So, instead I've turned to poetry, where theres no need to encourage, provoke or lie
For words of poem can reach the sky, you cant deny
My interpretation is all I need to see
Where thoughts can wander, minds can ponder
I never need to wonder, if what's written is fact or fiction
As a poet spilling his heart on paper, writing fast, creating friction
He goes to war with every etching
Of love and emotion of pain of gain
It's truer than the mirror in which you see your face
It reads like silk and flows like lace
Spilling over with generosity, leaving a genuine taste
Whether of love or hate, faith or sin
It's come from within where only truth can win
1.2k · Oct 2017
I Burn
Kenya83 Oct 2017
You must understand
I'm feeling this way
And struggling to translate
Through my head, and on paper

My body is more alive than it's ever known
Or being slowly tortured
I don't know

I burn from the inside out
Like a raging forest fire
I will burn until I destroy myself
1.2k · Nov 2017
Piano Heart
Kenya83 Nov 2017
Please play me your piano heart
Till you’re free
Till your fingers bleed and you weep
Till lovers make love after dark
And angels sing

Till night says goodbye and dawn arrives
And everything day promises is smothered in music notes
Till minor cords become major
And destiny is destroyed

Please play me your piano heart
Make the notes scream
All the words you couldn’t say
Carve your melodies in their brain
Till they see
Your piano heart and me was always meant to be
1.1k · Apr 2017
'white privilege'
Kenya83 Apr 2017
White privilege' a phrase I didn't understand
I accepted every man
And I assumed the rest of the world did too
Sure, a racist joke is fine, whether crossing a black or white line
It's just comedy after all, no malice is meant for a fall
Together we'll still stand tall
But then I looked outside of my world
Where the conscious stereotype in abundance sprawled
From another's point of view, it's a completely different view
Even in this time and day,
If your skin isn't 'white' you're likely to pay
A price, of some sort,
As professional worlds are warped
Why can't a black actor play James instead of Jamal
And what if you let the brown guy play the lead role
We are a multi culture,
Our screens should reflect the present and future
Who cares for the colour of your skin
Ability in your craft is how you should win
So, looking through some casting calls I see instantly,
The affect white privilege has on this community
1.0k · Apr 2017
A Rose
Kenya83 Apr 2017
Delicate and pretty
You are
A stunning creation
An intricate rose
Developed to perfection by Mother nature
A beauty for the eye to capture
Bold, in full bloom you rapture
Petals silky soft like gentle kisses
Colours of pink sunset skies
A perfume so lovely and devine
Angels sing as I breathe you in
Shakespeare wisely noted,
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"
This is true, you'd still be a treat
You never defeat
Your confidence brims
As you grin a knowing grin
Your looks may entice them in
But camouflaged armour protects you within
969 · Jan 2021
Lessons from a Leaf
Kenya83 Jan 2021
As the sun sets
The leaf sits up
Asking boldly
For the last light
This vulnerable leaf
Opens its heart
Instinctively surrendering
To love
924 · Jul 2018
Destiny Maybe
Kenya83 Jul 2018
Sometimes, if you are really lucky, you’ll meet someone so generously truthful that their energy makes you a better person and conversation flows on and on... everyone’s left the restaurant, staff are closing around you, but you didn’t notice. And neither of you looked at your phone all evening. That’s a friend for life.
836 · Mar 2017
Head & Heart
Kenya83 Mar 2017
There's a fight between my head and heart
My head is yelling get up and start
Frustrated by your idle ways
You can't just stay in bed all day
Seize the day! Don't daydream it all away

I want to, honestly I do
But my hearts so heavy it's because of you
You give me these pains
You paint the images in my brain
That make me want to stay here and think
I'm afraid what I might miss if I blink

But you won't miss a thing, these thoughts aren't even true
If you get up and try, you might find something new
Something that makes you forget the pain
That makes you feel like you again

I'm being stupid I know
I think I'm enjoying feeling so low
I'm not being lazy, although it may seem
It's exhausting running your thoughts on my screen
And I know you're well aware of that
Your making my heart beat fast
Deep down you also want these images to last
If you let go, I could let go to
But it isn't really what you want to do
You say it's all me, but we work as a team
You paint the pictures I bring the steam
Without my fuel your paint would dry
Without your paint I just might die
732 · Nov 2017
Dopamine Pathways
Kenya83 Nov 2017
I see you not, but completely
Your eyes twinkle
You and my thoughts smother me in goose pimples
Pores, blemishes, weathered wrinkles
Delicious Pigment, salt and pepper sprinkles
Your imperfections are my weak spot
Aesthetic flaws a turn on
Dark lashes
Dreamy brown eyes
How your eyelids crinkle when you squint in the light
An impulse to run my hands through your ebony hair
behind your ear, let me linger here
And down to the sides
Of your neck
Your skin reacts with my breath
To touch with mine, that bottom lip
That thought's enough to make my tummy flip
The desire to explore your face
Is impossible to articulate
I don’t possess the vocabulary
To do you justice poetically
But can we get back to your neck
For just a sec
You know, that part just below your ear
Has me longing to place my mouth there
And I’ve not yet mentioned your hands
How I yearn for them to explore my lands
Entwine them in mine, till the thickness of your fingers and the Slenderness of mine, in time, demand change
I’ll open my palms inviting your embrace
Aroused by the pressure and the weight and pace
Your fingers trace my face
And brush my lips, I turn my head, closing my eyes
Savouring the skin on skin collide
In encouragement and moorish praise
Wondering if our thoughts are the same
Speaking words I would never have usually found
Or said out loud
But how can I rephrase
I'm high on dopamine pathways
My mind a maze, my body ablaze
You are a drug
I can't overdose enough
My brain rewards with desire and lust
An addictive thrill, a heightened rush

Daydreams end and drugs wear off
Realities crush
Until the next time I get high on you and us
719 · Jul 2018
Kenya83 Jul 2018
Yes, I’m scared. Scared that endings will come too soon or changes will prevent this path to you. That I’ll waste more time, more years never having touched your skin under your clothes, or cupped the palms of my hands around your face, stroking your cheeks with my thumb. Never swept your hair back from your eyes and pushed my fingers through the length, down to your neck where I feel the connect of our skin and breathe you in with deep inhalation and heightened senses, savouring the preciousness of that moment. I fear never getting close enough to feel the energy pull us closer, where breaths get slightly deeper with attractions magnetic draw as I look slightly to the floor, thoughts of that I want you more. Desire bubbles in my chest as I return my view back to you, we seem to have floated a little closer. I hear the thuds in my chest echo through my head. Your face so close to mine, our eyes meet again. I see your lips and my internal voice seems to speak out loud. It feels like slow motion now, as are lips meet, you kiss me. Not feeling this doesn’t feel like an option.
711 · Oct 2018
Questions Without Answers
Kenya83 Oct 2018
Eternal tug of war will come what may
Non-religious, I pray, for the comfort of day
Then hope for night to take the pain away
Fear holds me paralysed
Stuck in the mud of yesterday, today
Weight of the worlds contradictions fall
What if it’s my own heart I betray?
711 · Mar 2021
It's all sdrawkcab
Kenya83 Mar 2021
Look nowhere but within, for your spiritual highs, forgiveness and sin.
The saddest truth there is, your a commodity.
You're a consumer to the holy man who put a price on his wisdom.
And the teachings of the earth are so lost
That we pay for courses in the innate.
To know what we thought we never needed. And become who we thought we'd never be.
Isn't that ironic?
We're lost.
This human being.
687 · Mar 2017
Natures Gift
Kenya83 Mar 2017
Poetic grace angelic flow
Nurturing arms forever grow
Beauty so stunning an aura so unknowingly cunning
Divided by deep eternal love and untamed frustration
Her passion extreme and strong
Her eyes fierce and feral
Her heart pours an everlasting hope that the next day will be better than the last
Make no mistake, once under her spell there's no undoing
You wouldn't leave if you could
The hold isn't by shackles or ties
But by the purist air you could ever breathe
The crystal waterfall that caressed your lips
Wild lush meadows of floral bloom
Darkness of the sky and warmth of the moon
666 · Aug 2019
Kenya83 Aug 2019
Theres a heart that beats my rhythrm

And a glow that warms my blood

I’ve chosen you a thousand times

It’s like I’ve never seen you before

And like I know your soul profoundly

Are we walking each other home?
660 · Jun 2019
Kenya83 Jun 2019
I feel numb
I feel lonely
I feel heavy
656 · Jan 2019
Mary’s Trees
Kenya83 Jan 2019
Time floats away but there’s no regret
I’ve read verses of trees, of hope, of contentment
I shed a tear, or more, words can have that effect
I am blessed with your gift of words
You were granted death
My thoughts are sad but light, you lived a full and grateful life
Your departing year matched my arrival
I hope for your future, spread on wings
And you feel light breeze among those beloved trees
For Mary Oliver
636 · Apr 2019
A Million Pebbles
Kenya83 Apr 2019
I was thinking about what you said.
Have you ever walked along a beach surrounded by millions of shells and pebbles and out of all of them one catches your eye and stands out above all the rest? You have to pick it up, feel it’s smoothness and edges.
No one else stands out like you do. I don’t see you as average.
Is it ok to send this to him??
631 · Mar 2017
The Ocean & The Wind
Kenya83 Mar 2017
She was the ocean
Humming enchanting song
Often wrong

He was the wind
Gentle but strong
Effortlessly Kissing her
As the day is long

She complained of her flaws and all that had gone
He told her he loved her all along
She dismissed his words
He didn't understand her rage
He was flawless on every new page
You don't have rips or breaks nor tone
You are the wind so strong and bold

My love you misread what you are told
I'm only strong when you are mad
I'm only bold when you're sad
My strength comes from you
I'll protect you from your storm
I'll hold you close and whisper your name
Until you feel safe in my arms once again
When you are calm and glistening bright
I'll tell you it's all going to be alright
I'll never tire of your changing moods
For I am the wind it's all I allude
I'll tell you I love you till the wind is no more
And the ocean has dried up revealing the floor
614 · Oct 2017
Kenya83 Oct 2017
I'm not going to search high and low for the right words and flow
I'm simply going to say, how I'm going to play
I can't be bothered with euphemism today

I'm looking at your body and face
Aroused in the right place
You get in to my body and head
It's how you take me off to bed
I close my eyes and bite my thumb
Thinking of the journey I'm on
My thighs tense, controlled
As my hips slowly roll
The vibration between my legs
More and more intense
Back and forth
Teases, increases
Intentional delays
Quickened pace
More accurate
More urgency
Heart pounds
Thoughts bounce
Body in battle
Of holding on
Or giving in
Pleasure mounts
No longer desire
A passionate fire
Creating energy
Offering defeat
But I chose to burn
Letting it all return
611 · Nov 2017
Kenya83 Nov 2017
I guess I’d say I’m lucky, it all comes down to luck,
Historically, I’m born to a time of not giving a ****

Geographically I’m free, in a nation filled with greed
But in the greater scheme of things,
I’ve never known hunger or planted a seed

Racially I’m privileged, or so that’s what they say,
Though my gripe with my lack of exotic is a vain and ignorant betray
I’ve never endured or felt insecure by the lack of melanin that came my way

Despite the socialistic statistics, I see realistic logistic
Surviving ballistics, Linguistically twisted,
Academically average, emotionally insecure, certainly unsure
What emotions are for

Yes my parents loved me and sure they also ******* up
However, I still had to make my choices
Of getting high in a garage block, or getting up
593 · Jul 2019
Kenya83 Jul 2019
I like
Seeing the trees
The greens change
In the sun
And the sky
Feeling nature
Being with you
572 · Nov 2019
Gods Dice
Kenya83 Nov 2019
Then... I only see you. I’m in love with the sparkle in your eyes. Every line of your body. Every broken bit. Every enlightened bit. And every bit you share with me

And even if equation exists, there’s no amount of quantifying a love like this
For now,
Whether in pain or bliss
I’ll roll gods dice, our souls will kiss
543 · Jul 2017
Kenya83 Jul 2017
The butterfly flutters,
Her wings,
She dances loud in my stomach,
The mere thought of you sets her a flutter

The stars,
They twinkle,  
Like finely cut diamonds absorbing all light,
And reflecting in your eyes

Your Smile,
So forever,
That when I observe,
Silently, I say to myself,
"oh my god"
That smile heats my entire body

A body,
So moorish,
In lust,
I bite my lip as I envision,
My palms against your skin,
Caressing the softness and the rough
543 · Feb 2019
Kenya83 Feb 2019
I never thought much of angels before today
Then I saw moon-light in the light of day
And the majesty on borrowed wings
Of piercing white
More than just the sense of sight
Bowed in prayer among the still
Is this to believe in the supernatural?
534 · Aug 2019
Soft Feet
Kenya83 Aug 2019
Your soft feet carry your soft heart and I watch you move
Just walking, moving, nothing out of the ordinary
All of nature’s beauty roars inside you
You are your charcoal drawings wrapped in pain
You are freedom caged
the universe, and stardust, and all the reasons against
We are here
In this moment
528 · Feb 2017
Kenya83 Feb 2017
I wasted my day reading poetry
Thinking of you while I read
It passed as I listened to love songs
Though the whole time you filled my head
Before I knew it darkness fell
I'd spent most of the day in bed
But sod it I thought
I adored every moment astray I was led
Beautiful daydream delicious and tasty
You certainly kept me well fed
526 · Jul 2017
I Admire
Kenya83 Jul 2017
I admire those lips, arched like Cupid's bow,
delicate pink like roses grow
Smooth delicate petals light but robust, yearning for the warmth of my touch

I adore your skins brown-golden hue, smooth as caramel,
exotic yet homely somehow
As infused morning tea with its gentle scents,
A regular ritual with a power intense
a comforting blend from a faraway friend

A washed up shell basking on the sea-shore,
you're beautifully unique, that's for sure,
for I've never felt this way before
Eyes alive, glistening bright,
share tales more eloquently than your mouth might
Two brilliant diamonds say more than words know,
intricate facets reflect
What only unassuming beauty shows

Floppy ebony hair, declares a youth untamed,
but the grey wispy edges proves there's been change
479 · Mar 2018
Kenya83 Mar 2018
Unravel my body
A petal sighs
Catching a raindrop
You hold me

Out of reach
Each vibration
A migration

Aching limbs
I’m seeing things
My mind explodes
My eyes close
473 · Apr 2019
Kenya83 Apr 2019
Words are my heartbeat to you
I close my eyes and follow the guide rope
Sharing music notes in the same place at the same time
How can you disregard what you cannot see
When love is our destiny
466 · Nov 2019
Grey Light
Kenya83 Nov 2019
I’m caught between
The universe in your eyes
And my love
For your touch
Dark turns
Slight pink
To grey light
A brown leaf clings
To its twig branch
Rooted by the skinny tree
It tackles the wind
Has death come?
Have I died in love?
Silence is my friend
But your voice sings
The beat of my heart
463 · Jun 2019
I Stop
Kenya83 Jun 2019
Swifts soar in the ancient sky above me
Flapping wings to calls of freedom
I stop
Take in the watercolour sky
Brushes of wispy white
The sun glows bright
I hug my dog
I appreciate you
I appreciate the trees
And I appreciate the sounds of this evening
460 · Jul 2017
Hijacked Dream
Kenya83 Jul 2017
Two months past and you didn't consume my mind
Despite the lust I kept hidden inside
Until once again you hijacked my dream
I wish I knew what it all means
Why is it impossible to read your vibes
You give me an inch but I want miles
Showing keenness has never been my style
But how you press your lips together and smile sends me wild
How the sides grey and the front strands stray
How your eyes say more than you intend them to say
Or maybe my thoughts leading me astray
Surely you're aware of your teasing way
455 · Feb 2017
My Truth
Kenya83 Feb 2017
Your lips are wine
I want to savour this taste
I'm dizzy
I'm drunk
Let your lips take control
Of my body
My mind
My imagination

Your eyes sparkle like the ocean
Captivating eternity
So soft yet wild
I want to dive in the depths
And not touch the bottom

Your smile
It's everything
It's passion
The arousal of butterflies
It's travel and language and food
Art and nature, words, and song
It's everything I love
The world would be better
If you smiled forever
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