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3.5k · Apr 2017
A Moth Among Butterflies
Isabella Soledad Apr 2017
One brisk spring afternoon, a boy found himself adventuring down a local forested path. The sun beamed down through the trees, creating golden stips of light that fought their way through the newly grown greenery. The crunch of the earth beneath his feet could be heard from a distance as unimportant thoughts drifted through his mind.
He paused and set himself down on a large rock by a bubbling stream. The water created an ambiance that made a rush of calm flow over his mind. His eyes drifted around a bit, taking in his surroundings when suddenly a butterfly flittered down and flew around his face. A smile spread wide across his features as he lifted up his hand to try to catch it.
The butterfly grazed his hand, but then flew away as fast as it could, as it was afraid of the boy. He frowned in disappointment, wanting nothing more than the butterfly itself to flutter down onto his hand so he could admire it once more; But he was left in despair.
Two more butterflies of the same pattern found themselves drifting along the face of the boy, and he tried to catch them as well, for maybe they would fill in the gap that the first had left. He caught them both, but only briefly, as all butterflies were beautiful, but fleeting.
The boy tilted his head in disappointment, and sat there alone for some time, an array of butterflies coming and going, none of them filling the void left by the first.
Suddenly, a pure white moth came into view.
The boy scowled, unsure of what to make of the moth as it was nothing like the other butterflies that he had encountered before. The moth flittered around his face, and he raised his hands slightly, prepared to swipe the creature away.
The moth found itself landing softly on the nose of the boy, its fuzzy little wings tickling his skin upon contact.
He couldn’t help but smile, but felt a little uneasy, as he was only used to butterflies.
The boy lifted the moth gently from his nose, and perched it on a nearby branch. It’s little wings lifted its body from the perch, and tried to fly back toward the boy, but he gently shood the creature away. Finally, it gave up and landed itself back onto the branch in which the boy had placed it. There the moth stayed, watching the boy chase butterflies endlessly until he could chase no more.
2.5k · Aug 2017
The Girl with Brown Hair
Isabella Soledad Aug 2017
It was a hot summer morning in late August. The brick building in front of her was daunting. This was it. Her first day of high school. Her long brown hair swayed behind her. It brushed gently against the small of her back. Her heart pounded excitedly in her chest. A new adventure awaits her. An adventure filled with many smiles, and many hardships. This is the story of a girl in high school, with long brown hair.


Freshman year was fun for her. She made new friends, along with keeping a few of the old.  She met 3 people in her life who had a strange impact on her life, both good and bad.

One of these 3 was a girl. She was *****, and had different style, which enticed the girl with long brown hair. They were put in the same group, and began to talk. Soon after they became close friends, and had their first sleepover. It was the first sleepover of her high school year which wasn't with a friend from her previous school. She enjoyed it very much, and truly valued her new friend.

The two would often be seen together, and even made friends with two others who were like them. The two others were boys. One boy was a bit of a nerd with floofy hair and glasses. The other boy was a punk guy with long hair and darkened taste. The four would go to the mall together, and became inseparable.

The girl with long brown hair really liked these new friends. They were so much like her in so many ways, yet she also had others whom she enjoyed just as much. Freshman year went well for her. She was happy.

Sophomore year rolled around. Her confidence was high, and her relationships with her friends strong. She had made new valuable friends, and loved to do choir and theater.  She continued to make friends through her extra activities, along with keeping close to the ones from freshman year.

The ***** girl in her little friend group had met someone. A girl. They were in love, but the girl with long hair didn’t mind. They were still best friends throughout it- although the ***** girl drifted away as she was occupied with her partner. The boy with long hair and darkened taste told the girl with long hair that he loved her. She was scared, and told him she didn’t feel the same. He accepted it, but became depressed. Time passed by. He was always sad. The girl with long hair became closer to the boy with darkened taste. She wanted to fix him. She wanted to help him. He told her he loved her. He asked her to be with him. She hesitated out of fear. A little time went by. He asked again. She said yes.


They were happy. She made him happy for the first time in a while. He made her happy too. One night, the punk girl invited the girl with long hair and the boy with darkened taste to sleep over her house with her and her partner. They agreed. The four went to the beach. The night was foggy. The air was warm; the breeze cold. The boy with darkened taste and the girl with long hair fell in love.

Time passed. They were happy together. One night the girl with long hair had a terrible feeling. She had a panic attack. The boy with darkened taste was busy with a class he was taking. The girl called her best friend to panic. She calmed down.

The boy with the darkened taste called the girl with long hair. He yelled at her. “Why didn’t you come to me first?”.  He exclaimed. “You were busy. I didn’t want to interrupt you. I was panicking.” He scorned her. She cried the whole night. The next day, she didn’t eat. The school hosted a mass. The girl with long hair heard murmurings throughout the choir. Her best friend had gotten in a severe accident. Her car rolled over. She panicked. The boy with darkened taste apologized to her for fighting. He promised to not do it again. She believed him. He asked for forgiveness. A little time went by. He asked again. She said yes.

Junior year began. The girl had one friend left. The summer was fun for her, but not in a way that was healthy. She had stayed with the boy with darkened taste. She thought she loved him. She thought he loved her. She was wrong. The beginning of the year was rough. He yelled at her a lot. He didn’t trust her. He would often take her phone to read her messages. She wasn’t allowed to talk to other boys. He made her delete her social media. She wasn't allowed to talk to other friends. She threatened to leave him. He threatened to **** himself. She was stuck. She was scared. She was sad. They fought. He grabbed her. He wouldn’t let her go. She tried to yank her arm. He held tight. She wanted to leave. He wanted her to stay. He asked for her forgiveness. A little time went by. She said yes. This happened continuously. A short while later, they fought. She was used to him grabbing her. She was used to him forcing her. She tried to get away nonetheless. Then he hit her.


The girl with long brown hair was sick. She did not eat. Her friends whom she  cut off were worried. Her weight dipped to an unhealthy level. She thought the worst. She thought she couldn’t escape. She was wrong.

The end of junior year was her time. She escaped finally. She was not unscathed. The girl with long brown hair cut it all off. She needed a fresh start. It was symbolic to her. It helped her.

    The beginning of Senior year rolled around. The girl had healed a good amount, but not entirely. She had cut off communications with the boy with darkened taste.

He saw her in school. He spoke to her. He asked for forgiveness. The girl forgave him, although the wound was still fresh. He asked her to be with him again. A little time went by. He asked again. She said No.

Now the girl is a different person. She was wisened by her experience, and was able to forge some of her friendships with the friends she loves. Some relationships cannot be forged. She tries still. Nothing will be the same. She realizes that. She moves on. She is happy. Her weight is back to normal. She is healthy. She was no longer the same girl, with the long brown hair. She is a different girl. A more happy girl. Only now, She is the girl with short brown hair.
This is a Piece I wrote a while back. I figured why not post it on here.
2.0k · Oct 2017
Long Distance Love
Isabella Soledad Oct 2017
The hardest goodbyes are looking into your eyes
and telling you that I have to go

When I'm this far away its so hard to say
what I truly need you to know

I love you so much and it hurts me to leave
because I'm the happiest when I am with you

But because I'm so far, on my heart, there's a scar
That was caused from abandoning you

This isn't farewell but If you can't tell
It hurts me to leave you alone

When I'm lost and away and I want you to stay
I can only reach you by phone

I hate to see you suffer, I hate to see you sad
I want you to feel everything but bad

I am your love, and I swear you are mine
So lets try to take it one step at a time.

I know that this hurts. every week, every day
But with feelings strong like ours, we will find our way

You've helped me find things, new passions, new love
and have lifted me closer, to the stars up above

So when you feel weak, or feel you can't fight
Please go outside and look up in the night

At the stars in which you've brought me closer to
Because I will be also looking at them with you.
1.2k · Feb 2018
Isabella Soledad Feb 2018
I hate feeling love
But I love loving you
The distance hurts so much
But it helps us both pull through
Through being apart we grow
Even though it pains us
And being so distant and far away
Will only just train us
For when we will be together, side by side
When fate will accept us into her stride
1.2k · May 2017
A wolf among dogs
Isabella Soledad May 2017
You submit to your master
As I fight to become alpha
836 · Aug 2017
That Old Green Truck
Isabella Soledad Aug 2017
A few things I like
About that old green truck

A new chrome coat with a few rusty parts
That makes the truck look tough, when in reality, it requires a gentle, caring touch.

the way it struggles to start, but eventually prevails with a successful roar, even with a few mishaps to begin with.

the unique growl it makes, when the car shifts, and moves forward.
A noise which is so recognizable, it causes a grin whenever It is heard.

The mighty roar it gives which is thundering and distinct, but brings genuine joy to the soul.

The way it makes you feel like you're home, even when you're not.

The way it can't take you everywhere, but can make you happy anywhere.

a few things I like
about that old green truck.
835 · Nov 2017
Drifting to sleep
Isabella Soledad Nov 2017
My eyes begin to close
And my mind begins to drift
I can’t control it
The thoughts race through my head

I think about you.
Your passion.
Your touch.
The way you place your hands on my hips
The way you trace the curvature of my spine
The way your hands glide softly over mine

A warmth begins to pool in my stomach
butterflies begin to stir from their slumber
I can feel the heat rising to my face as a smile begins to drift across my cheeks

Anticipation wells up in my heart as my mind drifts away
I allow it to drift , with a smile on my face
802 · Apr 2017
Fragile Toys
Isabella Soledad Apr 2017
Is it odd that I tend to forget that humans are not objects?
Toys to be exact?
So malleable, yet so fragile at the same time?
It's almost like a little game.
One that I need to stop playing.
Because if you play with your toys too much,
They can become damaged,
or even break.
725 · Nov 2017
To fall asleep
Isabella Soledad Nov 2017
I would **** to fall asleep on your chest
To feel your heart beat under my ear
To wrap my leg around yours
To softly caress your face
To hold you close
To kiss you
To sleep
Isabella Soledad Feb 2018
I remember that warm summer night
Before we were what we are now.
It was just you and I, laying on two separate hammocks.
We were talking, and looking up at the stars. You were sweet, and so gentle.
I wanted so desperately to leave my hammock and join you on yours.
Just so I could relax with you and lay my head to rest.
This was an instinct that was so strong, yet I kept it to myself.
It’s so sweet looking back at those memories and thinking about where we are now. I didn’t think I would fall in love with you as much as I have.
And now here I lay, alone and dreaming of the night I could have laid in the hammock with you. Because right now, it is all I desire.
Being so far away is something I’ll never get used to.
Long distance love is so difficult, so tiresome.
But because we feel so strongly, I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
And here I lay, alone at night. Thinking about those sweet sweet memories. Thinking about you.
610 · Aug 2017
Isabella Soledad Aug 2017
there is something special
about the curvature of your lips
when you genuinely smile.
You may seem gruff on the outside
maybe even intimidating at first
but when you flash that smile,
my heart melts in the best way.
594 · Apr 2017
Bath Tub
Isabella Soledad Apr 2017
The water surrounding me stings like a million Pinpricks as I get plunged back into a time that I remember as Us.

Memories flow in like a clear pool of what once was as I sit back in emotional Paralysis, wanting nothing but to crawl out the damaged abyss of my once beautiful mind, now crooked, and corrupt

I still remember the day you left me. The feelings and the fears that engulfed the entirety of my soul.

I sat there for hours trapped inside my own mind scratching violently at the walls of my very being, drawing my own blood as the weak attempts to escape my mind proved futile.

My blood curdling screams could be heard by nobody except myself as my jagged claws slashed ferociously through the flesh of my consciousness, wanting desperately to escape myself with no avail.
Devastating defeat washed over me as the warm waters of the bathtub in which I am now trapped, leaving me with nothing but a sense of loneliness and fear.

My head sinks slowly into the warm water, allowing the sweet blur of darkness to crowd my eyes, forcing them shut. My crimson locks crawl about my face, staining the water around my features a ****** hue that simulates my deepest desire.

Now having tasted the deceiving flavor of defeat my body lays alone under water, wanting no longer to crawl away from my mind,
For it is all I have left in the dark world in which I have peacefully Succumb to.
This was written a while ago when I was still suffering from a recent break. It was a hard time.
586 · Apr 2017
Gentle Love
Isabella Soledad Apr 2017
It truly is the sweetest thing
A soft Caress
A light brush of skin
A Tender kiss that melts into a smile
Such a firm Desire I have
For that of Gentle Love
559 · Aug 2017
Moon and Stars
Isabella Soledad Aug 2017
I'm going to miss the times
When you lift me up closer
To the moon and stars
Just by the tight embrace of your arms
Perks of tall men
555 · Aug 2017
Isabella Soledad Aug 2017
Your sweatshirt makes me happy
Your sweatshirt keeps me warm
It reminds me that you're there
Just not in physical form.
yet even from far away
You are able to protect me from the cold
And when I am alone in the dark
I have something of yours to hold
Yes, the sweatshirt keeps me warm, but that isn't my favorite part
What truly makes it special to me
Is that it it was yours from the start.
530 · Sep 2017
The Freedom of Binds
Isabella Soledad Sep 2017
Bind me up in ropes and ties
Then look deep into my eyes
See the fire see my style
See my smirk and see my smile
Don't you dare think that I'm scared
Trust me, I am just prepared.
525 · Oct 2017
Bricks Break Bones
Isabella Soledad Oct 2017
It all crashes down at once
Like a million bricks
Falling individually
One after the other
After the other
After the other
Crashing down
Breaking a different bone each time
Hurting in different ways
Making you feel helpless
Breaking each bone that you need
If you want to succeed.
514 · Feb 2018
Wild ride
Isabella Soledad Feb 2018
Your wild ride had sent my flying
Your wild ride had made me soar
When your hands felt their way around me
I realized that I want nothing more.
Your lips traced rivers on my skin
They lead your path through thick and thin
From one sweet kiss on to another
I had crowned you as my lover.
501 · Apr 2017
Isabella Soledad Apr 2017
At the worst times, it happens.
The sudden pang of hurt.
Of Loneliness.
Of Nostalgia.
It’s almost as if I miss you.
But then I remember what happened.
The times I was thrown to the wall.
The times the air got caught in my chest,
Unable to escape due to the tight grasp of your hand around my throat.
The tight grasp
That once held my hand in protection.
That once grappled so tightly around my waist never wanting to let loose,
Because the second our skin lost contact,
Was the second that reality hit again.
Hit Again.
Like the strikes that you lay upon my fragile skin when I did something wrong,
Like I always did.
Wrong all the time over everything
Wrong like the feelings that crept up my spine when you pretended to make love to me.
When you dominated my body. Dominated my heart. Dominated my mind
Like every aspect of my life as if you owned me.
As if no matter what, you could do anything you please to me.
Anything you Please
Like use my body when I begged for you not to.
Held me down as the tears fell down my face.
Fell Down
Like my limp body when you were done Dominating  me.
When you were done Using  me.
When you were done Gripping tightly onto me.
When you were done,
with me.
This is when I realize that I almost miss you.
Like the life I could have lost, if I had chosen to stay with you.
488 · May 2017
Isabella Soledad May 2017
The first feeling I get
When I look at you now
is that of Simple Indifference
This time last year I was so Sick. It is amazing what a year difference can make.
484 · Oct 2017
Like a Cloud
Isabella Soledad Oct 2017
Why Do I feel like a cloud?
Sometimes I feel like I am there.
Full, Soft, and Beautiful.
Sometimes I feel like I am fading
Slowly blending into the sky
as if I were nothing to begin with,
traces of me forgotten.
480 · Sep 2017
Isabella Soledad Sep 2017
I miss you more
Than Icarus missed his feathers
Because without you here with me
I feel as though I am falling
Down toward the sea
475 · Apr 2017
Isabella Soledad Apr 2017
She was a feisty little kitten that always ran free
Playing out with all the others
careless as could be
You were an evil hungry wolf
looking for prey
So you scooped her all up
and called it a day.
You lured her to your den with promises and treats
Making her think, that you had nothing but sweets
So she let you collar her, her trust you had gained
But she was soon to find out
You were evil, and fanged.
She would try to escape, and play with the others
But in your den she was kept, trapped, and smothered.  
It took a lot of time for her to break free
Out of your grasp, she escaped, and ran to flee
Finally off and away, Your collar, she shed
Hoping someone better, would take her instead.
A poem a day keeps the doctor away
(Also excuse the ****** rhythm it was a super fast poem)
469 · Nov 2017
Feet peeking through
Isabella Soledad Nov 2017
The night slows to a halt and I turn off my lights. My sheets are untucked from the foot of my bed, which really bothers me. I frown slightly and attempt to tuck them in until I remember you. How you sleep with your sheets untucked because you are too tall, and your feet dangle off the bed. How you never sleep with them constricting you. I stop what I’m doing and think. Maybe I can try to sleep without my sheets tucked in. It’s worth a try, because if I’m ever going to sleep in the same bed with you, I’ll have to get used to it. I lay back down with a slight smile on my face and drift to sleep, dreaming you were here, my toes peaking out from beneath my blankets.
440 · Jan 2018
Isabella Soledad Jan 2018
my head lays on his chest,
his heart beats in a rhythm.
a slight sigh he emits
I'm the happiest with him.
A smile spreads across my face
I know this is where I belong
in his arms every night I lay
feeling everything but wrong.
429 · Jun 2018
Happy place
Isabella Soledad Jun 2018
From the sweetness in your laugh
To the thunder in your step
From the beauty of your eyes
To the cuteness of your pep

From your hair that flows like rivers
To the sincerity of your eyes
From our love that thrives so purely
To a love that never dies

From the gentleness of your smile
To the orange stars on your face
These features are some reasons
Why you are my happy place.
427 · Sep 2017
To my love
Isabella Soledad Sep 2017
I breathe in your scent for the first time in weeks
A heated red blush then runs to my cheeks
It feels like forever since I've held you close
You are like a drug, and I need a dose.
You have the softest red hair
I can run my hands through
You are the most gentle person,
I truly love you.
426 · Jan 2018
Isabella Soledad Jan 2018
I lay alone in my bed,
and think of nothing but you.
my heart leaps in excitement,
but this is something so new.

I have loved you for time,
but something has changed.
the passion in my heart
has leaped far above range.

with eyes closed I can feel,
the soft caress of your hand.
my toes curl in excitement,
The thoughts of you are so grand.

The way you gently kiss my forehead,
or run your fingers through my hair.
its through these things I know,
We are the perfect pair.
424 · Oct 2018
Feathers part one
Isabella Soledad Oct 2018
My wings were once gold and full
Until my feathers they started to pull.
I’d give them away too,
But mostly just give them to you.
My feathers were priceless.
They helped me to fly.
Now I’m stuck on the ground,
With everyone wondering why.
418 · May 2017
Isabella Soledad May 2017
I pretend not to notice.
as your eyes pierce holes through my soul.
I pretend you aren't there.
but your voice reverberates through the room.
Somebody approaches me.
They mention your name.
I shake it off as if you were nothing.
But then-
They mention what you say.
About me.
I freeze.
A lie.
A terrible, terrible lie.
the tears well up.
I try to not let them know what I feel
My heart begins to pound.
I search for an escape
Someone sees me.
Can they tell?
Do they know?
My hands shake violently
I try to hide.
Is this instinct?
Is this what I have been trained to do?
have you won?
I am terrified.
379 · Nov 2017
Isabella Soledad Nov 2017
My eyes are as wide as I am awake
Sleep being one thing my body won't take

To drift into darkness, where you aren't here
Wishing the loneliness would just disappear
376 · Sep 2017
Isabella Soledad Sep 2017
You're always with me here
In my thoughts and in my mind
And even when I'm not there
More love for you I find
375 · Mar 2018
You are my sunshine
Isabella Soledad Mar 2018
When I wake up dear,
And see you sleeping,
I will just sit there,
And smile big.
Because I know dear,
That you still love me,
When you pull,
Me close,
In your dreams.

When we are sitting,
Just us together,
I often see you,
And then I grin.
Because I know dear,
When we’re together,
It always feels,
As though,
We win.

You make me happy,
From dusk till morning,
And then everything,
That’s in between.
You never know dear,
How much I love you,
You have treat ,
Me like,
A queen.
Sing it to you are my sunshine, it helps
374 · Sep 2017
Isabella Soledad Sep 2017
What an amazing feeling it is
To be excited to see someone
After you thought it impossible
To ever be excited again
373 · Nov 2017
When the sun rises
Isabella Soledad Nov 2017
I want there to be a day
When I can bring you up, when you're down.
Calm you, when you're frustrated
Kiss you, when you're smiling.
I want there to be a day
Where I can fall asleep in your arms
Wipe the bad dreams from your head
Forget being alone, and have you instead
I want there to be a day
369 · May 2018
Isabella Soledad May 2018
The time has come
The bird must jump from the nest
it's wings fully capable
yet it still hits the ground
363 · Aug 2017
This time of night
Isabella Soledad Aug 2017
I'm so used to going out around this time of night,
But usually it is with you.
I lay in my bed, heart pounding as distant chatter is heard across my apartment.
The beckon of young teenage bafoonery knocks at my door,
yet I choose to ignore it.
I miss you more than I thought I would.
I miss your smile and laugh.
They were the fuel that got me through the day.
Now I lay here, clothed in your shirt to help me remember you're still there.
Just not with me.
Dude *** I miss yoi
362 · Sep 2017
Isabella Soledad Sep 2017
Take a step back, and look into my eyes.
Maybe then you'll see what I see in you.
353 · Jun 2018
Art in love
Isabella Soledad Jun 2018
As my feelings are expressed through words and rhythm your poetry is written through the intention of your touch

From the graze of your fingers to the flick of your tongue our arts seem to gather so simply as one
343 · Aug 2017
Isabella Soledad Aug 2017
In another dimension
There is a drug that pulls you down
It stops you from seeing the trees breathe
It hinders your ability to watch the life-force flow through the veins of nature
It lets things stop
And allows for quiet stillness
340 · Apr 2018
One month
Isabella Soledad Apr 2018
A few weeks stand between us
Until I can be in your arms again
This time for more than just a night.
Yet when the time comes I will still yearn
To fall asleep in your arms every evening
And wake up to your face every morning
335 · Sep 2018
Isabella Soledad Sep 2018
my heart is too heavy, but flutters so fast.
Anxiety is crippling, and threatens to last.
I've already lost too much, but feel I will lose more.
I constantly feel like all I do is bore.
I just want to be loved. To feel like I matter.
but I feel so alone, and my soul seems to shatter.
I'm so drained and so tired of only helping others.
I'm surrounded by a world of problems, a world that smothers.
I feel like a child, that was raised without love
Hoping that somebody is looking down from above
To console me, to tell me that everything is okay
to tell me not to be sad, from day onto day
But I'm just here alone, left to deal with my loss
Hoping that someone will take me down from my cross
And save me, and show me the world is alright
Hoping maybe, they'll help me see the light.
323 · Sep 2017
Rabbit In a World of Foxes
Isabella Soledad Sep 2017
My heart thumps in my chest like a rabbit
Trying desperately to run away
From the predator known as anxiety
that prevents me From falling asleep
as I so desperately need.
There is no reason for me to feel this way. To feel as if I am a rotting fruit on a tree that was supposed to be green and flourishing.
I know I am moving forward
I know I am doing better
But why do I feel like I'm drowning, even when I know how to swim?
Anxiety sleepless tired drowning sleepy predator
320 · Aug 2017
My Last Summer Night
Isabella Soledad Aug 2017
Street lights shone down on the curvy silhouette of a black corvette. The reflection of the road side glistens off of the flawless Chrome coat of the vehicle. The engine roars at the slightest touch of the gas petal as my father turns to me from across the table.
"It sounds amazing doesn't it."
I nod my head in agreement as another beauty of a vehicle passes by us. A porche convertable glides smoothly across the pavement with a purr slightly different than the corvette that had passed before hand.
"I like that one better though, don't you?"
I shrug my shoulders. The cars were undoubtably impressive and incredibly expensive. They were beautifully tailored without flaw, but for some reason I felt nothing toward them.
A strange smile spread across my face and my father looked at me confused.
"Why are you smiling?"
I looked down at my hands and thought for a moment to myself, not allowing much to slip out as I thought of one specific car that I really loved.
"I don't know...I like the sound of trucks better"  
I say looking down at my hands, remembering.
True story that happened tonight. I found it quite funny how symbolism can apply to every day things.
318 · Sep 2018
Cuddle buddy
Isabella Soledad Sep 2018
The one I need to hold me tight
The one I need to sleep at night
The one who calms me when I’m sad
The one who helps me beat the bad
The one who’s there just by my side
The one who I don’t want to hide
He’s so much more than just a toy
He is my special fluffy orange boy
310 · Apr 2017
I See It
Isabella Soledad Apr 2017
I see it.
           See through it.
              See far beyond it.
                   I see it.
          The mask in which you wear when you are around them
                         The people who pretend to be there for you
The ones you can “Talk to”
            But when you try you can’t.
You Can’t talk
          You Can’t Confide
        You Can’t let Go.
       I see it.
                           The mask you secretly desire to remove
                       The mask you have been wearing for so long,
                           you can’t tell if it even is a mask anymore
                          You can’t tell if it is the real you or not.
                You Can’t tell.
                   You Don’t Know
                       You Still Care
                          I see it.
                          There are people around who are like you.
People who pretend and live behind masks they create for themselves    
                                               so others don’t see
        People who can help
    People you can trust in
                  People who want to speak
            These people are numbered in few
I see it.
I see it.
      Why Don’t You?
309 · Nov 2017
Quell the attack
Isabella Soledad Nov 2017
You're okay
You are safe
123 breathe
Don't let it overtake you
Get under the covers
123 breathe
Calm your body
Stop the shaking
123 breathe
Don't let it hurt you
Don't be afraid
123 breathe
Relax your muscles
It's not the same
123 breathe
You're not there now
You're here
123 breathe
A different place
A different time
123 breathe
304 · Feb 2018
I’ll be
Isabella Soledad Feb 2018
To my dear, though you seem so very far away
I still feel love growing, from day onto day
So when you feel lonely, sad, or unwell
Just Know there’s a reason, for you that I fell
I’ll be here through always until you’ll have me
I promise no matter how far, your love, I will be.
303 · Feb 2018
Isabella Soledad Feb 2018
Like a cloud of magic
Lives can be changed in an instant.

Once the bottle is grasped
Your past can disappear in seconds.

Ones head seems to buzz
Reality masked by a shield of smoke.

A father, lifting his child
Smiles and laughs, holding him close.

His first day of school
New and different, a milestone in life.

The child giggles then winces,
Smelling the cloud of poison on his fathers breath.

His mother cries,
Wondering who it was she knew as her husband

Did he like me sober?
Or only when he had his walls of smoke protecting him.

Time will pass,
Years turn to months turn to minutes turn to seconds

The last fluctuation on the line
The red movements go still
Just like that he’s gone.

A boy walks down the path to his diploma.

His mother waves in the distance, proud, yet alone.

The boy giggles, for the first time in a while, he is happy.

A familiar smell wafts into the room.
A young man fidgets with his emptying pack of cigarettes.

The boy stops dead in his tracks.
He winces.
300 · Dec 2017
My hearth is you
Isabella Soledad Dec 2017
I graze my hand over my chest
my heart is so cold.
the room is dark around me
I search for something to help bring the warmth back
I lay alone in the dark, cold and unforgiving.
my eyes become heavy
I drift off to sleep.

In my sleep I dream of you
my whole world slowly begins to brighten
I graze my hand over your chest
your heart is so warm
I smile in my sleep
Now so is mine
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