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1.3k · Jul 2015
Detonating Love
Earl Jane Jul 2015

Our love,

                Are like the stars and moon,

                                   Colliding in love and romance,
But in the end,

                                                 They just explode,

Leaving shattered smithereens behind.

                           © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
1.3k · Feb 2016
My Daily Dosage
Earl Jane Feb 2016

My king's smiles and laughs,
Are my daily dosage of beatitude.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

i love you so much my king,, your happiness is my happiness, i can't lose you ever, i cherish you lot !! I only love you!!!!! I love you more than i can ever scream, shout, say, do, by all means of showing my love is never enough... coz i love you ssoooo ssooo much and i do see all you do for me !! I can't thank you enough for all you do, you are just amazinggg , genius, sweetest, most romantic, PERFECT for me !! I love you a lot !! I know we will meet soon. God is already preparing bigger plans for you and me, i am NEVER giving up on you!! You are my love, my peace, comfort, refuge, my happiness, my inspirer, motivator, the one that draw me closer to God , my king, my soulmate, my preordained one, MY ALL !!! You are my all and i am sooo overly attracted to you and i never get bored of you, that's so nuts !! Coz I am so NUTS of YOU!!! you have no idea !!! I love you sooo much!!!
1.3k · Sep 2015
Eternal Kiss
Earl Jane Sep 2015

If air will run out,
I will kiss you 'til eternity,
Take my air as yours,
And yours as mine,

And survive,
From each other's celestially dulcet lips.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

sorry for another ****** poem..
1.3k · Jul 2015
Illuminating Broken Pieces
Earl Jane Jul 2015

                    You've broken my heart into fragments,

And those pieces,

                               Became the stars that light my pitch-black moments,

It became an ornament of my life,

                Little gems that gleams my night,

Their abundance embellish the darkness,

                                    It makes my life marvelous and worth living for!

         'Cause stars are an exceptional beauty in the  dark sky,

                                    Like my brokenness has it's rare beauty,

             Everyone sees it, but few appreciates.

      'Cause only infrequent times,

                                      With individuals having chuffed personality,

              That people makes blissful atmosphere,

Out of wicked situations.

                           © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
1.3k · Aug 2015
Yellow Flowers
Earl Jane Aug 2015



                                            Bringing a bunch of yellow flowers,

                                                     Which I eminently love and adore,

Then, you were

                       ­               r
      ­                                      i
                         ­                      n

        ­w   o
     I           n

         w  h

And felt your tears

                    ­                    A
                                           ­ L
                        ­        N

                   ­                                      on me,

My heart was

                  C      R       U        S         H           E           D !

I don't want to see you in that way,

                                                        ­   I tried to hug and comfort you,

                           But I was locked in this box,

                                                  With a glass in front of my face...

                           © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
1.3k · Jan 2017
Earl Jane Jan 2017

I bathe you with my tears of love,
Hoping that it will overflow,
And that someday,
It will sail you next to me.

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon ❤
Earl Jane Jan 2016

The heaven open it's window,
An angel descended slowly with glory,
It's  luminescence struck me,
I could hardly see his visage for it's radiance shine in it's utmost state,
He landed upon me with his palms on my shoulder,
Then he enfold me tightly as my shoulders dampen,
His tears gush through his eyes,
As a sudden bright light shine extremely to his whole body,
It's too enormous that I fell on my knees with my eyes close,
The light gradually disappear after awhile,
I opened my eyes and there right in front of me,
The angel disappear but an ethereal being stood by,
He looks so perfect and as he start talking,
It mend my lacerations, it calms my soul,
He said God sends him, to be here for me, to protect me,
To make me happy and to forever love me,
As those words penetrated to my soul,
My tears fell down,
My elation extended widely throughout the universes,
I am beyond happy,
Days are brightest when he came,
All excruciation are easy to carry for he is there always, all the way,
He is my happiness, my best friend, my peace and comfort,
My all.
I lifted my thanks & praises daily to God,
For he had given me the one preordained for me

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
for Brandon <3 <3

Long time i have not written any poem, i was just busy with exams, also doing calligraphy and now i am doing zentangle and i really love it,,,,

sorry brandon not really that beautiful!! i love you a lot!! <3 <3
Earl Jane Sep 2015

I wake up each day,
Rainbows in front of my eyes,
I feel so sublime,
Your presence, I'm elated,
With you my king, I'm secured.

Your love is my paint,
That endlessly supply me,
Incandescent hue,
Limn my world with love divine,
You created paradise.

I'm always blissful,
Finally you're in my arms,
You are the heaven,
That God sent, I'm rapturous.
My king, my soulmate, my all.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

tanka again for you.

sorry i just love tanka a lot, also haiku but I love tanka sooo much.. heheeee, it might be annoying in counting for the 57577 syllable in each line but yessss i love it sooo much !!! Heeheeee, if I annoy you with my tanka, I am so sorry. :D
Earl Jane Aug 2015

Come here closer my king ooohhhhh so dear,
Let my tender lips touch you softly in the ear,
Then I'll whisper my love to you so clear,
With your heart leaping with mine in cheer.

Let my embrace speak my love with no fear,
Be with each others warmth in an endless year,
This love we'll make as an impregnable gear,
That no one will ever ever make this tear.

As I kiss you so passionately and sincere,
Our love carry us into the paradise we steer,
A sweet aroma fill our hearts, we cohere,
With an everlasting unfeigned love we celestially wear.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

I made the title CELESTIAL LOVE, and BRANDON translate it for me and just PERFECT!! <3 <3

I just have hard time searching and putting those words together. Like seriously have not written any poem with rhymes like that for so long..

Just want to write that just before i'll study.. I will have my electrical engineering and theory of structure exam tomorrow which is a major major big MATHS for me (well the theory one is like the BIG TIME MATH for now). Just really need to study lots for this... Engineering just stressed me a lot, yet am still happy someone is continually supporting me. <3
1.2k · Jan 2016
He Always Listens, ALWAYS :)
Earl Jane Jan 2016

When you feel empty and helpless,
Lay your burdens to God,
Weep and pray to Him,
He will help,
Just trust and believe Him,
'Cause you might doubt it or not,
He always help,
We are just blind to see and recognize them,
God is mighty,
He loves us unconditionally,
He will help, He always help,
For He always listens, ALWAYS.

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
1.2k · Aug 2015
Preordained Love (Tanka x5)
Earl Jane Aug 2015

It's true my life change,
Since the time you enfold me,
With your love I yearn,
You're the sun that gleam me up,
My ornament stars at night.

This love is so rare,
Rancor eliminated,
My silver lining,
Beatitude ascertain,
Into your tender warm arms.

Hundreds and thousands,
Butterflies in my stomach,
Just this direct look,
In your aesthetic eyes,
Sent me straight to paradise.

We gaily unleash,
Our long imprisoned echt love,
And our hearts so chuffed,
With this invincible love,
Binds us with peace and surety.

This soul dance in joy,
As I finally found you,
My cherished soulmate,
I am truly so convinced,
God preordained you and me.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

I did try my best in this one, long time I have not written my favorite TANKA, heheeee.... Hope you love this.. :) :)

A TANKA is a 57577 poem for those who don't know :)
1.2k · Jan 2017
Dark Pit of Solitude
Earl Jane Jan 2017

I seclude myself in the dark pit,
So that no one could hurt me and push me to hell for my demise,
And so I am here sitting and crouch in melancholy,
As the beating of my heart join the euphony of silence & darkness in unison,
I feel numb and yet happy with the tranquility,
But suddenly I felt the tears racing down my cheeks and then I start wailing,
I breakdown in fragments and pick it by myself,
I am gradually dying with no console,
Even my shadow left me in vain,
My soul scream for help,
But end up with nothingness,
I reach out my hand hoping for someone to lift me up,
But nobody is there for me,
I only got my will to keep me on my feet,
I only got my faith to stand up and move forward.

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
1.1k · Aug 2015
Forever's Not Enough
Earl Jane Aug 2015

How to prove my love for you?

Well, it's not that straightforward,

'Cause even FOREVER,

Is not sufficient for it.....

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3
Earl Jane Sep 2015


Let me kiss you passionately,
As we stitch our souls together,
And travel heavens through these lips.


O' amour', I canst feeleth thine wet juice
As we sew ourn spirit's as one;
Betwixt the moon and sun, ourn primal nature let's loose.


( Jane)
I will lock fingers with you,
With this amour as our armour,
The world we valiantly conquer.


Land's unknown to dominate
Incorporeal is ourn essence;
Sealing the firmament by blessing's and grace.


Let our love be the sunshine,
That lead and guide us abode,
Finally I found you, my Home.


Mine sweet earl Jane
Let ourn amare be the flame's;
And the kindle alway's be the same, as the light never dieth.

© Earl Jane - Brandon Collaborations
♥ Lovers Incorporated
second collab with my king  Brandon <3 <3

he is just sooo amazing!! soo much amazing!!! i love you most king, me me me!!! <3 <3 <3
1.1k · Jan 2017
Trail of Blood
Earl Jane Jan 2017

I left a trail of blood from my bleeding heart,
Praying that you will follow & mend me,
But the depth of my aching overflow & my river of tears erase it,
Now I am left with a track to my death,
A death of utmost throe, lonesomeness & dejection.

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
Earl Jane Oct 2015

You’ve unseal all chains that keep my windows shut,
Open it valorously,
And let the sunshine in,
You let illumination enter my soul and detonate light that vivify my slumbered happiness,

You came, my knight in shining armor!
Oh, how you save me from my pitch-black world!

You draw near and kneel in front of me,
As the light from the opened windows brush your countenance,
I saw your feet from below,
For you are heavenly armored,
Your left hand wrap around my neck,
And your right hand lift my chin,
Tears gush out from my eyes as your lips press against mine passionately,

Love spark between us,
I found my refuge in you from that very moment,
Assurance envelop and hope flourish within me.

You offered your hand to lead me the way,
You walk gaily with me while holding my hand tightly,
My eyes are affix to you, with only your visage I can see a glimpse of heaven,
You’ve welcome me in your paradise!
I was in such elation and you colored my eyes with lustrous hue.

You guide me through the rhythm of your genuine love,
I dance and sway with you as your love enter and penetrate me from within,

Our smiles stroke the skies with beauteous tints and limn rainbows from it.

You tour me to the garden of your love,
And yellow flowers fill the surroundings,
They bloom as we pass through them,
For our happiness spread seeds in the land,
And our love make them grow.

Then you carry me to the sea,
And storms start to rage out,
Winds blew to its extremity,
Demons are starting their travail to us,
To separate us through agonizing excruciation !

But we enfold each other tightly and lock fingers together,
We tread dauntlessly into the sea,
As God walk together with us,
Storms calm and the sun rise up and gleam in us,
For our love creates peace, and brings exhilaration and serenity.

We gleefully celebrate the victory of our love,
We stride to the mountains and soar high into the skies,
We lie down in the clouds and stare at the moon and the twinkling stars,

I lean my head into your chest and your arms wrap around me,
I stretch my arms, hug you firmly,
We delightfully cuddle,
And my legs lock against yours,
My hair together became our blanket,
With the euphonious sound of your heartbeat,
I fell asleep in your loving embrace,
And with the moonlight gleaming to us,

We dream,

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3
1.1k · Feb 2016
His Time is Perfect
Earl Jane Feb 2016

When your arms can't hug the one you love,
When your lips can't kiss the one you love,
When you aren't physically in contact with the one you love,
When you can't hang out with the one you love,
When you can't go dating with the one you love,
Just close your eyes,
You can shed a tear,
But do that while praying,
Extend your little patience,
Water daily your seed of hope,
Know that so soon things will happen according to God's plan,
God wants us to be persevering in praying and being patient in His answers,
His plans are amazing,
Your time will come don't worry,
His time is perfect..

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
Yes, God's time is perfect. Just be  patient. As i am being patient for my lover, we will meet soon ,, <3 <3
1.1k · Aug 2015
Dearest King (Not a Poem)
Earl Jane Aug 2015

Let me have an introduction to this long letter for you.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV) “4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

First of all, I wanna say that, “I REALLY LOVE YOU SO MUCH.” This is not some joke, Brandon. This is real thing! I truly know deep within me that you are my soulmate. Like what you said “IT IS REALLY AMAZING” that whenever we feel that something’s really wrong, we do feel that one oF us has troubles, problems and struggles going on, and YES! We really do have! God will wake us up, even midnight, early in the morning, and He will give us that strong feeling that I should check on you or you to me ‘cause something’s not right, and yes. There’s really wrong going on. And “OH MY!” as I remember never did I felt that. I was so AMAZED and so GLAD, like WOW, you are really the one. I never expected this kind of happiness I have never felt, seriously I am so much happy with you. Really happy with you a lot! So much! You should know that king! :)

Please, don’t ever say again that you don’t deserve me. Guess what, I DON’T DESERVE YOU! You are saying I am so perfect, NO, I AM NOT. I am no perfect person, I am just being me and doing things which I think is right and good. You know, I have never met anyone like you, you are not like those worldly man out there, your light shines brightly in me, in the darkest corners of my life, you became my light. If you read my poem, “MY FIREFLY” yes! You have been like that to me, that you have light up my darkest corner and you give me hope! You are my happiness king, my life, my everything, the excitement I always have when I wake up every morning, my soulmate, my best friend, just MY ALL! Can’t you see that king? I am so much happy with you, a lot!

We are humans king, we do commit mistake, and I 100% know and understand that! I don’t know why you are begging for my forgiveness when in fact, I ALREADY FORGIVE YOU! No reason to be sad king, ‘cause I am here for you. I am not going anywhere, I will NOT LEAVE YOU! You are the only man who made me this happy, who made me feel that “OH YEAH, I HAVE MY WORTH IN THIS WORLD, I AM NOT SOME TRASH.” Yes king, you made me feel my worth, you made me feel that I still have done good in this world, that I am worth more than anything. It’s only you king who made me feel my worth. Only you!

Brandon, I am waiting for you. Yes, true love means waiting, and I can wait even forever. I do believe you are worth waiting, worth sacrificing, worth caring, and worth loving for. Please, let’s overcome this demons that is trying to destroy us. We have each other and yes, WE HAVE GOD ABOVE ALL! We can overcome all of this. We will! OH YES WE WILL! Just remember no matter what happen, I WON’T GIVE UP, hear me?!! I WON’T GIVE UP! I love you much more than you think, ME MOOSSTT!! ME MOSSSTTT!!

Please don’t think that all you did was hurt me. WHAAATTT?!! Are you kidding me? LOL. You are kidding, I know! Oh my, Brandon! If you only knew how happy I am being with you, If only you knew how blessed I am to have you, If only you knew how thankful I am to have you.. URRRGGHHH! Please know that.

I am doing my very best for you king, I knew you know that. I am just here when you need me, when you have troubles and burdens, I am here. {Well, we feel there’s wrong going on, no need to call out our name ‘cause God will just push us to check on each of us.} Yes king. You deserve happiness, you deserve all good things! You do deserve all!
I just wanna thank you for everything you have done for me. I know words are not enough to express how happy I am, not enough seriously! But just wanna remind you I am happy with you. I am waiting for you my future husband. HAHAAAAAAAAA. I am really waiting for you. I really love you. You are the one I love, I don’t want any other, only you king. ONLY YOUUU!! Only you I longed to be with, only in your arms I wanna be, Only with you I wanna be with like forever! :) I am praying a lot for you king and your family. Just know I love you a lot. A LOOTTT!! ME MOST!!

~Earl Jane
For Brandon <3
1.1k · Nov 2015
Spaces, Drawing Nigh
Earl Jane Nov 2015

As time passed by,
And so the spaces between us are drawing nigh.

And in pulchritude, our love will illuminate exceedingly,
As we kiss our fears away so passionately.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

yes, my king,, time is running so fast,, and the spaces between us are drawing near,,, i am sooo excited to meet you so soon,, and we'll enfold tightly unto each other, as we'll eradicate those fears away and manifest love unto the world,,,i love you sooo much my king,,,i love you alone,,, i am waiting for you, i won't leave you,,, i love you soo much!!meeee most!! <3 <3 :*

sorry for this ****** one :(
1.1k · Jul 2015
Dreaming in my Dream
Earl Jane Jul 2015

I opened my eyes,

                                               And I saw you there,

                                                    ­ Smiled,

                                             Held my hands,

                         And carried me in utmost gladness,

We wandered in the seashore,

                      With our nonstop anecdotes,

                                        Your laugh,

                      Is like a wonderful orchestral euphony,

That always made my day so worth living for,

                         Then we stopped by and sit,

                         And observed the beauty of the sunset,


                                  ­                                                            Then­ with atonishment,

                                                   ­                       You gave me yellow flowers,

                                                      W­hich I truly love and adore,

                               Then I saw your eyes scintillating in gaiety,

           When you saw my smiles and teary eyes,

          I can't help but cry,

When you expatiated to me,

               For hours,

                                            About how much you loved me,

                                                            ­          And cared so dearly,  

                            Then promised to keep all that you've declared,

         That we will build future together,

                                  In the presence of our God,

And our future siblings,

I hugged you tight,

             You kissed my forehead,

                      And whispered love unto my ears,

We act lying together to gaze upon the stars,

But suddenly,

       You slap me hard,

                                       'Cause you said there's mosquito on my cheek,

And was awake!

                                                 ­        I realized,

That I am only dreaming,

In my dream.

                          © Earl Jane
                            ♥ E.J.C.S.
999 · Dec 2015
Where are you my love?
Earl Jane Dec 2015

Where are you my love?
This soul is looking for you,
My heart is crying,
I'm praying everything's fine,
God bless you, I miss you lots.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

It's been a day since we last talk,,, it's not normal anymore he didn't leave me any message,,, I don't know what to do... I am praying unceasingly hoping everything's fine.... I wanna cry hard, I miss him sssoooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i am ssooo worried,,,, But i lay all my worries to God, He will solve this for me... I know he will chat me soon... though it might take days, coz I don't know what happened, I will still wait..... I will wait Brandon!!! I love you ssooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Earl Jane Aug 2015

All the beauteous and delightful words in the world,
Being integrated all together,
Can never be in equilibrium,
Of how much happy I am,
Of how much you mean to me,
And of how much I love you.

Your words of love,
Are just like a firefly in my pitch-black times,
You’ve enlighten me with your luminescence,
Just that little wonderful light that you’ve showed me daily,
Being put all together,
Just made a delightful gleaming sun,
In a noontide,
That glows up my darkest corners,
That gives me warmth in my numbing days,
That gives me hope,
That gives me the strongest feeling to be the best I can be,
And that gives me a better vision for tomorrow.

You make my world an orchestral arena,
Just the most wonderful tunes are played,
The tunes of bona fide endearment, care and with hope,
You’ve surrounded me with your fervid love songs,
I have absorbed all of it,
That together circulates into my body,
As an energizer,
And as supplier of all good nutrients.

You’ve created a dance hall in my world,
That I uses,
To sway and undulate away,
All the love and happiness,
And let exuberance consume,
All deleterious hormones that is in me,
Into your phenomenal, auspicious dance steps,
Steps that keep our love healthy and in perfect shape,
And steps that carries me all the way to heaven.

You are indeed my serotonin,
My happiness hormone,
That keeps me smiling,
And keeping me away from depression.

My endorphin,
That always make me feel good,
The one that reduces my apprehension.

My dopamine,
That keeps me mentally alert,
That you,
The source of dopamine,
Just provide me,
All inspiration I need,
Keeps me concentrated on good stuff,
And that takes away all bad moods in me.

My ghrelin,
That takes away all my stress,
And replace it with peace of mind,
And relaxing state.

My phenylethamine,
That gives me such gaiety,
In this love that envelops me,
A love that always put spark in my countenance.

In my engineering life,
You are just the perfect solution,
In my engineering truss problems,
And the truss as our love,
You are the identification,
Whether our love,
Is statically determinate, or indeterminate,
Statically stable or unstable,
And finding the reactions of our love,
Taking all the summation of forces,
From the vertical to the horizontal axis,
And the summations of all moments needed,
In order to have strong and firm truss,
A truss that would last,
‘Till eternity.

You are the calculator in this path of mine,
I could just be staring in blank space,
Without any hope of solving any mathematical problems without you,
You are the calculator that we call,
An addition to our intestines,
Without you my life will not be successful,
And with your love as motivation and inspiration,
It made me more successful in my career in life.

And for the most important thing,
You are the answer,
To my earnest and lachrymose prayers,
Prayers that are dearly uttered,
During my detrimental moments,
And just up to this day,
I have understood,
How God,
Can allow throe to be planted into our lives,
How a devastating incident,
Will turn into propitious aurora,
I knew from this day on,
My life will completely change.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
okay, i just tried my super best to put that up seriously :3 i dig deeper a lot. hahaha, and even apply my engineering life there with my PAST DREAM which is to be a doctor, LOL, well, i search for that a lo. :D i poured all my heart to that. hahahahahahah,....

God indeed has a purpose to everything.... We wont understand it quickly, a time will come that we will just realize that we are blessed that those throe happen, well, Great is the Lord, Thank God a lot. <3
957 · Jul 2015
Earl Jane Jul 2015


                       People just disregard each others value,

                                      Throwing dirt at each other,

                                                 Pointing fingers to one another,

                           Bashing words that doesn't even exist,

They just don't understand,

                        That somebody are breaking inside,

But those shattered people,

                                                   They just don't show it,

                                          'Cause they want peace and harmony,

                                                      ­       But they are crushed,

                                                     More than you can imagine!


                        People are just so selfish,

Doing things that just benefit their own selves,

               Not even thinking of the consequences it may turn,

                              But for those people who are breaking inside,

Whom they have bombarded with pain and sorrow,

The coin seems to not favor to them,

         But time will come,

                 It will just flip to theirs.


                           People are just so watchful,

Of the mistakes of others,

           Even though they have not known them,

Like a dog barking on complete strangers,

                                          Then just like a blinking of an eye,

Overlook all the good side of those people,

                                  'Cause of their own "observing wrong" habits,

They just can't even observe,

      About how people sees them?

Are they pleasing or not?

But sadly,

They aren't admirable,

   'Cause what they are doing,

            Are never gratifying,


                    People just look into this worldly pleasure,

Wealth and FAME,

          And can sacrifice every dignity they have,

                  All the friends they have,

    And all of the good they have,

                                         Just to obtain this stuff,

The world devoured them,

But remember,

                                No matter how much WEALTH AND FAME,

       That we will possess in this world,

                             If we don't have a heart,

                That loves all humankind,

                         That loves appreciating people,

                 And that has God inside it,


All are just nothing.


                          Peop­le lack these words




                                  © Earl Jane
                                    ♥ E.J.C.S.
I know people are not perfect,.. i knew that there are just factors that contribute and that push them to do those to others...

Indeed, This is what I just observed, and I am not pointing to anyone,..

and note: when people start calling and talking about GOD, it doesn't mean that they are showing themselves as SELF RIGHTEOUS. It just mean that they are sinners, and they accepted the fact, that's why they draw near to God.

This just breaks my heart, as the first stanza, just happened to me..

Let's have harmony and peace people... start appreciating people no matter how we don't like them, or hate them... just being positive won't hurt... we need to consider others feelings, too... we are humans, i knew it, and we does feel HURT, TOO... :(
Earl Jane Sep 2015

The past drowned me deep,
Then you came to my rescue,
My valorous knight.

Oh, your touch mended,
All laceration I felt,
You remake me whole.

You walked beside me,
Hold me tightly all the way,
Oh how I feel safe!

You gleam immensely,
This pitch-black path I’m treading,
You lead me the way,

Sweet arms envelop,
Gives me warmth when I feel numb,
Your chest, my console.

Your words, my manual,
That keeps me in the right tract,
Accord assurance.

Your smiles uplift me,
Bring me to jubilation,
My joy provider.

Your laugh enliven,
Move my soul into elation,
You’re all I needed.

Then you give me glimpse,
Of how paradise looks like,
Your eyes sent me there.

Your love lifted me,
Took me to heavenly realms,
With you, I feel free.

We lie in the clouds,
Unleash this passion within,
In this bed so dear.

Me and you alone,
Leaving the world behind us,
And savor our love.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

Was suppose to write 20 haiku , last night just broke me, haha, i wrote many already and laptop unexpectedly shut down leaving no trace of my writing behind, lovely isn't it? HAHA!

I tried my best and wrote again, hope you love this, just so normal i know. LOL !
933 · Aug 2015
Crown of Love
Earl Jane Aug 2015

                                      He is the PERSON,

                                                      ­              That I crowned with my love,

And he is the ONE,

                                          Whom I've proclaimed to the world,

How much I love him,

                   And how much he mean to me,

                                                          ­                                 He is the MAN,
That I have enthroned in my kingdom,

And the MAN,

                             I ever called my king!

with love <3

                                                             © Earl Jane
                                                            ­   ♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3
890 · Aug 2015
My Love For You
Earl Jane Aug 2015

My love for you,

                  Is as unfathomable,
                                                  ­        As the MARIANAS TRENCH,

                                That even I myself,

               Have insufficient words,

                             To utter,

                                               Of how much I truly love and care for you.

My love for you,

                                Is as lofty as the SKY,

It's like if I could collect,

               All the helium gases in my world,

                                                 I'll let you soar high,

                                                          ­   And feel how skyscraping,

                      My love is, like the lofty sky above you.

My love for you,

                                    Is as wide the universe,


And indescribable.

with love <3

                                                    © Earl Jane
                                                      ♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3
880 · Aug 2015
Earl Jane Aug 2015

I look into my dreams,

And I see a successful future,

I look into your eyes,

And I see you with me in my future.

© Earl Jane
  ♥ E.J.C.S.
877 · Nov 2015
Embrace (Tanka x4)
Earl Jane Nov 2015

Your loving embrace,
Is the beatific sunshine,
That gleam blazingly,
After lachrymose dark times,
You've given me hope.

It is my refuge,
In moments of turbulence,
That gives me console,
When I tremble in great fear,
Your embrace provides safety.

It's a euphony,
A sweet calming resonance,
That wraps all over,
Caressing my soul with bliss,
Dressing me with perfect peace.

It's crème de la crème,
Lullaby for my slumber,
Warmth when I shiver,
A guidance to my lost trail,
Pure intimacy of love.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

I love you Brandon,,,, <3 longing for your embrace, HAAAA!! love you most!! :p :p
My favorite tanka again :v loolll..
776 · Jan 2016
Praise God for this Day!!!
Earl Jane Jan 2016

For this moment I still breath,
It is a precious gift from God,
Birthdays are not only the days to thank and praise Him,
But daily should be a birthday to bring Him back,
All the glory and honor He deserve,
A birthday of a new us for the past no longer exist,
There should be renewal of self each day,
A self so worthy in God's sight.

I could not really ask for more,
For when I look at the sky day and night,
It always shows me God's great love for me,
A love unfathomable to man's knowledge.

I already got my precious gift,
The treasure that I cherish a lot,
He is my king, my soulmate, my lover,
With him in my life,
I am already complete,
I could not ask for more,
For God already gave me,
The person that truly fill the spaces in my life,
The man I truly wanted and needed,
The one who is my all,
And for that this is the best Birthday ever,
Thank God, Praise God, Glory and Honor to Him!!!!

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
HAHAHA, this is not really that nice,, I just really wanna thank God for giving me another year.. a year to praise and thank Him.. seriously He is ssoo good to me,, He gave me Brandon and I could not ask for more.. I am just beyond ssooo blessed~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brandon, thank you for your gifts to me, though I told you no need to do lots of stuff to me for you are already my greatest treasure,, i love you so much and can't thank you enough,, Praise God for you my king,,, I am beyond happiest... love you most!!! <3 <3
771 · Aug 2015
Earl Jane Aug 2015

Distance does matter,

                        When it comes to worldly relationships.

                                    But it doesn't matter at all,

                                  When it is a God-centered one.

As long as you connect each other to God,

                                  Then He will concatenate and secure,

                    Your hearts and souls together,

And He will surely,

          Give you miracles,

                      That'll show and prove you,

                                                       ­                    How He will find a way,

That you both will be together.

                           © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
769 · Jul 2015
Just A Nobody
Earl Jane Jul 2015

Hold me closer to you,
     Until this throe is over,
          Wipe away this despairing tears,
              And build smile into my face,
          Take away all of this weights I'm lifting,
       And let me rest in your embrace,
   Whisper comfort into my ears,
With the warmth of your breath I feel.

                                You're all that I needed.

                                                    But­­ oh well, I won't expect too much,
                                          I know for a fact that it won't happen,

'Cause I'm just a NOBODY.

                             © Earl Jane
                               ♥ E.J.C.S.
First post
735 · Aug 2015
Would I? Would I?
Earl Jane Aug 2015

Would I matter to you,

If my feet are inches above the floor?

                  © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
just a thought, not bitter :D nyeheeee
682 · Dec 2015
Where's the Light??
Earl Jane Dec 2015

I don't understand,
Why people would say I am good,
I am not good,
I've been bad,
I am just trying to be good.

I don't understand,
Why people would say I am beautiful,
I am not beautiful!
When did I even become beautiful????
I never was,
And will never be!

I don't understand,
Why people would say I have a good voice,
Did they even hear me?
I sing only in my room,
My voice should only be heard by me,
'Cause never in my life did I have had a good voice.

I don't understand,
Why people would say I am smart,
I am never smart,
Never did it happen,
I am dull,
I always fail.

I don't understand,
Why people would say I am lucky,
You don't know my life,
You don't know what I have been dealing with,
I am not lucky,
I am dying and it's not lucky.

I cannot see the good in me,
'Cause I never have good in me,
All are bad with failures,
All are just trying,
But they never work,
All are not enough,
In all I do,
There's always people who look down on me,
And step me hard down to hell,
'Cause I don't do enough,
And never did I do enough.

Sometimes I always feel,
For many years,
That I just wanna hAng myself,
Or cut my throat,
Or overdose myself,
Drink toxic stuff,
Jump from a high building,
In any way I could **** myself,
Just to be free from pain,
It's ironic I am good giving advice to other people,
They said I helped them,
Never did they know,
That I never helped myself,
I guess it's better,
We can help other people,
Though honestly,
I am never good at advising,
Since I can't even hear my own words.

I don't understand,
Why life is just so unfair to me,
I can only see darkness,
Where's the light?

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
Just wanna save this... :) I am okay, I am just overacting.....
681 · Aug 2015
More Than....
Earl Jane Aug 2015

                            I love him more than my lips could say,

More than my mind could think,

                                                        ­       More than my body could act,

                             More than my heart could love,

              And more than my life could live..........

                                           ­     with love

                                                   © Earl Jane
                                                    ♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3
651 · Aug 2015
You came!....
Earl Jane Aug 2015

                                                               ­           I called out for a king,

    .........You came to me,

                                                 And rescued my heart.

                           © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
628 · Aug 2015
More Than Enough
Earl Jane Aug 2015

                                                I hold your hand tight,

    And let you soar with me,

                                    Into the lofty skies,

                                                         ­ Spending time together,

                                                      ­                           Under the illumination,

                            Of the romantic moon and stars,

          Throwing all worries and sighs of life,

                                                     And leaving the world behind,

'Cause just being there by your side,

                                           Is already my everything.

                                  We ascend higher,

Above the clouds and played into the paradise of our love,

                    Our laughs echoed into our world,

                A world were only you and me existed,

                           A world of peace and love,

                                 A world of our own,

                        A world with no distractions,

                                               ­                                   Just you and me,

                             A perfect world more than we can imagine.

                                                 ­                                            We dance along,

                                                         ­                 Into the rhythm of our love,

                                                          ­       We sing along,

                                                       The music of our hearts,

                                                        ­                                      We shout along,

                  The happiness that just freed it's cage,

                                 We just praise God,

                                                        ­                  That it's just you and me,


                        Those love and promises that we enunciate,

Gives us more strength,

      To keep a firmer grip,

                And hold unto each other,

                           But holding hands isn't just enough!

                                                 And so we enfold each other,

                                      Into the arms that assured the security of our love,

With the ablazing endearment,

         That gives us warmth,

                                                        ­  Gives us hope,

               That gives us life,

                                                          ­  And that lift us higher and higher,

                     Into the periphery of our bona fide love.

                                Having nothing in my life but you,

                                     Is already more than enough...

                                                  ­                                 © Earl Jane
                                                            ­                         ♥ E.J.C.S.
554 · Aug 2015
Born For You
Earl Jane Aug 2015

                                                               ­    I thought,

That I was born in this world,

Just to make all people know,

                                         That I just exist,

                      As simple as that.

                                                    ­                                 But I was wrong all along!

                                         'Cause I was born,

For you,

                      And to love you.

                           © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
531 · Jul 2015
TRUE STORY of karma
Earl Jane Jul 2015
note: i heard somebody said this and i will just re-share to you of how karma repays,.... it just made me teary coz i always ask myself if karma does really exist, and this time, i believed it really does exist.....

in a conference, (it is not mentioned what place) there was a very loyal and very good person, who is the treasurer in that specific conference. he is so good, kind and nice to everyone... everybody likes him and he is so good in keeping the money and he is such a very trustworthy treasurer...

then, one day a woman approached the president (who happened to be a part of the family) , and told him to excommunicate him in being the treasurer and let the woman take his place instead but the president refuses 'cause that man is such a good and trustworthy person...

then the woman had a bright idea

she went to the office of the man ahead of him and hide... the man went in his office and the woman wait for her turn to show off her idea to take away the man in the position.. then, when the man went out, after a minute she went out and declared,


the people were all shock to what they witness, a woman, with stripped clothing went out and pronounce


and the man being accused stood there, frozen in fear and doubt, confused of what to do,

then suddenly he explained himself hardly,... but the woman is just so good in acting, people believed in her, and she was successful with her plan...

the man wife's was so angry, and crying, she can't believe what just happened, she question her husband a lot for what reason why'd he do that, the man explained a lot but nobody believed in him,,,"

the man's family suffered a lot... he don't have work anymore to support their children,... his children went school as a working student in college, they studied hard 'cause nobody will support for them anymore....

on the other hand, the woman, happy with her big amount of salary, she was able to send her children without anything to worry about,.... she can just send money, send money, and send money to her children...


The woman got guilty a lot and this time * SHE SUFFERED.  her children got addicted to drugs, was not able to finish their studies and other made a girl pregnant... she said she never knew how hurting it is to suffer like that, she maybe had money to support her children but they just wasted it for other stuff..

while the man being accused, his children all finish in their studies and was able to earn money and repay back to their parents...* (he still has a happy ending)
note: i am just sharing this and i am not stabbing anyone... i heard this 2nd week of july, i was just so touched and gives me a lot of realization...

i heard this storyfrom a teacher, . . . this is true and the place and name was kept secret...

by the time i heard about this, it punch me hard... i then believe karma does really exist.... karma is really painful especially when you did painful stuff to people too... i always wonder, would the person who hurt me last february be able to get his karma? but by the time i heard about that story, i realize karma don't exist when you want them to , it exist in the future where everyone already forget the incident..... and it happened, not necessarily the same as what they've done but something similar and it is not directly to them but sometimes it is to the children and to the people around them,,,,

i knew my time will come, he will be realizing it in the future that, "this is what i did to her before", the consequence to every act..

realization: just be like the man, being silent and just continue life... just let the problem passed

lesson: karma, the horrendous revenge
446 · Aug 2015
Earl Jane Aug 2015
Note: Not a poem at all, just wanna share this like an fb status.. ahaha

Oh well, am here, in our library, sitting in front of this PC, really, like urrrggghh, i regret i did not bring my laptop, really!! i was just in a hurry this morning for my engineering surveying quiz and yeah, i forgot... huhu. now am making MPP for my engineering economy report, like all parts of my body so aching, head aches, back aches and sleepy eyes,... I hate it when things are getting serious, specially next week will be our exams, like oh my stressing me out a lot... engineering really kills me slowly, haaaha,... but i love it, challenging maths, busy life, .. i just love school... friends and classmates just made me happy a lot :D hahaha, so much about sharing,.... just wanna say hi to all :)
i was just amazed, when i open my hp account, many notifications just pop out like storm, haaha, thanks for the likes and comments.. appreciate it all..

and wanna say hi to "WATASHI NO AI" <3 <3 <3
427 · Aug 2015
Earl Jane Aug 2015


All You need is just shut your mouth,

To prevent yourself,

From hurting other people.

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
Am not perfect. I am dumb, too.
424 · May 2016
Earl Jane May 2016
Life is totally unfair. One second you are soooo happy, next minutes you are sad and crying. And has left alone again in the dark with nothing but your whimpering self, pitying self surrounded by the melancholic sound of silence. Even your shadows left you when you are in the darkness, so how can you expect someone to be there with you in that darkness?? you only got yourself to go on. come on, don't be stupid...
420 · Feb 2016
The Best Way
Earl Jane Feb 2016

The best way for me to die is DROWNING. So people won't see me cry, while I die.

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
408 · Aug 2015
Earl Jane Aug 2015

When I say I love you,

                                                        ­ I mean it all....

                           © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
397 · Aug 2015
Only In Dreams...
Earl Jane Aug 2015

                                                            I­ close my eyes and dream of you,

                                  'Cause only there you say things true....

                           © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
330 · Aug 2015
Unrequited Love
Earl Jane Aug 2015

                                      I give you  love and loyalty,

And you give yours  to others.

                          © Earl Jane
                             ♥ E.J.C.S.
What a beautiful give and take relationship, :D haha

— The End —