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Jul 2015 · 1.3k
Amanda Jul 2015
Didn't you know I kept a few smiles in my pockets?
Lined against tissues with lipstick prints on them.
Sigh. It will get better. It will.
It's so cold here in Melbourne. The blustery wind at night scares me.
How's the weather like where you live?
Jul 2015 · 629
Amanda Jul 2015
(Thank you)
For giving people the strange,
seemingly entitled right to hurt me.
Truth is, the difference between you and I is that:
Yes, I hurt you.
At least I can be the only one to blame.
And it is only me that can stitch sorry
into wounds if needed.
But you let them say all the ***** words for my ears.
And that's the one of the saddest realizations.
You let them, with ease & sweet sympathy.
I should not be scared, I should be braver.
Jul 2015 · 670
Amanda Jul 2015
Giving up:

It is when you look at the chef's knife at a strange hour wondering if it is sharp enough to draw blood. You already know it is, but the white lies beg to stay within your skin.

Don't you dare say I gave up, or I am giving up.

1. Especially when I cry with anger glassing over my eyes.
Bleeding out all the bad truths & rusty faults, for a better day.
I have not given up if I look for truth over sweet fiction.

2. How ferociously warm and red my cheeks are. The kind of red reminicent of berry stains in tumbled laundry. Truth is they were slapped by a ghost's hands.

Or when I found out that hot tears and hot showers feel the same.

Do not say I lack the strength to stay here, when my veins dance to a heartbeat; loud & defiant.

Don't ever say to someone: 'You gave up easily' unless you know the exact & imperfectly precise way their thoughts align into dizzy constellations.
Like the way you know the back of your hand.

Trivializing one's decision/feelings is not always the best thing to do.
Jul 2015 · 1.5k
Chef's Special
Amanda Jul 2015
A stomach full of disappointment.

Price: Lips stiched by all words I wished to say.
*Discount: If you have the kind of bitterness found in burnt toast.
It's just a bad day.
Not a 'bad everything.'
Jul 2015 · 864
Daisy Chains
Amanda Jul 2015
I'll burst into a slow bloom
the tongues & flickers

For I have cut through spidery wisps of white lies.
We have both lived through pin-****** of pain
see, I told you there would be smudges of sunshine again.
I have taken a liking to flowers these days.
Good night you, you & you!
Jul 2015 · 784
Amanda Jul 2015
Once I saw an x-ray of a heart and I was alarmed by its smallness, its translucence.
A thing we ask entirely too much of.
Quote from Laura van den Berg.
I see the dye, the feelings of my thoughts written in ink. Everything I suppress surfaces, up & up.
You will be okay. You will.
I will.
I will.
Jun 2015 · 1.3k
Amanda Jun 2015
Blame is a highly, highly strange thing.
Latching onto anything, it sews itself into the weak, the strong, the inbetweeners.

{Like fire-flies to light. Vice-versa. }

Simply because the world needs a bad guy.

In the same way, we need good hearts.
Hihi you, you & you!
I began a new journal for stories & such, and it feels beyond invigorating. Eeeek.
Jun 2015 · 745
Rough Draft
Amanda Jun 2015
There was a time I hadn't met eyes with you.

Starry it was before and simply galaxies after.

You begin to realize love is a home, no longer a word or two syllables.

The shy kiss, the blurting of I love you.

Being the voice when the other cannot speak.

Tears & sobs catching at the hinges of swollen throats when you both know it is time to let go.

And let go as we may, but I'll hold on to what we have made.
I cannot quite articulate my thoughts after watching The Theory Of Everything. It's stunning, raw, truthful and. and. whatever I say will not do this cinematic masterpiece justice.
One lasting thought I have however is that love needs to be love.
Night night everyone!
Jun 2015 · 1.3k
Wooden Spoon
Amanda Jun 2015
Remember, we are the grand-daughters of the witches they couldn't *burn.

Hihi you! x
May 2015 · 1.0k
Amanda May 2015
What if flowers bloom in fire & glass-jars?

Perhaps, in muted sunshine, melding with peaks of incandescence & fire-flies, something indestructible will be left.
Hello you, you & you!
May 2015 · 611
Give me your hand
Amanda May 2015
I write to breathe a l i t t le easier.

Black ink adorns the nook and cranny of my fingertips, hugging even harder upon once-blank pages.

I try to exhale out the thoughts of meaness, madness and spice from this warm body.

To keep a smidgin, a flutter of innocence from a different time & place.

Most importantly, those 10:51pm, 3:22am thoughts written onto paper is a nudge of a reminder: Sleep. Sleep better.
Hey you, aren't you looking lovely?
May 2015 · 1.3k
Desert blooms
Amanda May 2015
You forgot to pull out the blunt knife you put in her left shoulder-blade.

She's not all sharp edges, rusted metal & stale blood that you hoped for.
She's all more than that.
She is *alive.
Pick yourself up, that's it, you're doing well.
Hihi everyone!
May 2015 · 1.4k
Amanda May 2015
You absolutely do not get the honor of burning a numerical value on her self-worth.

You certainly do not get to measure that assumption from the hem-line tailored on her thighs. Or the daring dresses she wore because it made her feel a different kind of beautiful.

She is not asking for it. What she will demand for is neither your attention nor stares. She wants respect.
Can you do that?

Oh, and when you are emboldened by your 'witty' validation that she  is a ‘****’ or of promiscuous nature, all down to the clothes she wears on her back.


Cotton stitches against warm skin. (She was enjoying a walk.)

Silk swathes on slightly chilled bones. (She forgot her jacket on a Wednesday night out with friends.)

Thick knits adorn even more layers of cotton. (It was a winter night.)

Their cold lips pursed by the late hour, scream silence.

With that validation, you normalise and excuse the acts of ****, soul-destructing ****** offences.
For you have blamed the victim.

You excuse a depraved psychological state.

The veins that choked from ice and no’s. You have forgotten.

Rapists and ****** offenders do not get the luxury of being excused.

Neither do you, ****.
The anger and frustration I feel at victim-shaming or '****'-shaming.
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Amanda Apr 2015
And his kisses on her skin felt like wisps of butterfly wings,
then to a slow inferno.
Hello you,  you & you!
I miss doing ceramics with my two chickadees. Ahaha, I feel like every single day, I learn something new. Whether it is about myself or my friends, or the kind of world we live in.
You get the good, you get the bad, the things you wish to hear and the ones you don't. Everything in between.
Apr 2015 · 1.7k
Amanda Apr 2015
One of the bitter-as-burnt-toast kind of things in the world is when a writer's (1) book remains empty for a time where even their clock ceased

{She used to write in the way flowers needed a cold snap before they could bloom.}
Footnote (1) The kind of writer that wrote to give her lungs a break.
Hello you, you & you! I have missed writing on friday nights.
I hope you are all well.
Apr 2015 · 552
Amanda Apr 2015
Thing is, given the chance,
you will destroy me.

{With or without a cold breath of hesitation.}
And I will not let that happen.
Apr 2015 · 568
Amanda Apr 2015
We cry, in hope and in vain, that
all the inky blues, fiery reds, deep bruises of purples will weep out.
Found this one in the previous pages of my notebook.
Hey.. hey. Chin up, okay?
Apr 2015 · 818
Fairy Dust
Amanda Apr 2015
What is gold cannot stay.

Not fully or whole-heartedly anyway.
Some things are very transient, they pass by too quickly.
Hihi, you, you & you!
How have you been?
I turned 17 a few days ago, it's one of my favourite numbers. Eek. I don't feel any older. AHHA. :")
Mar 2015 · 2.2k
Pins & Needles
Amanda Mar 2015
On some days, the sky is greyier as if it is shaded in by a 6B pencil.

Black as charcoal with a very shaky weak wrist.

Everything that passes through chapped & soured bitten-back lips tastes like weak tea.

(I think sugar cubes were all eaten.)

Oh, your head hurts, aches, like bad bruises from hitting the sharp edge of the table.
Cotton bandages and one light kiss above the left eyebrow helps.

And your chest is too tight, the kind of feeling from shoelaces knotted hard against your ankles.

*Use safety scissors.
Sometimes, you will not hear the things you wish to hear, but rather what you need to hear.
School stress is insane, but it's okay, it's nearly friday and easter break.
Hope you are all really really well!
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
Amanda Mar 2015
And so, they ran as far as 7 year old muscles would let.

Cutting across the softened hues of green and pinks on the end of a day.

Where skinned knees were kissed with the warm promise that the smarting pain would be gone.

Pinkys said shy hellos under bed-sheet tents,
their hair haloed by the sunshine
Eyes brighter, and cheeks crimson and freckled,

all ready to take on the
great big world.
I realised, love comes in different forms, through different mediums, through people, time, I could go on, really.
Night night!
Mar 2015 · 672
Pants On Fire
Amanda Mar 2015
In these writings, we lie.

A smidgen of red, black, navy-blue ink over truth.  

Cross outs over uglier words, dotted full stops to string the infinite memories.

To make broken glass and porcelein cups whole again.

The kind of facts we did not wish to know, the kind that numbed your veins even in the summer.
We paint them white.

We are liars.
But you were my first *truth.
The last line, I am positive that I quoted from another writer here.
If it is you, please message me, so I can credit it!
Mar 2015 · 976
Amanda Mar 2015
My words fall out

bolder {bigger and bubbled as if bee-stung},

then I meant.

Perhaps, that is why promises get broken.

Pinky finger bones crinkle and crumble like egg tarts and raw sugar.

The words, the lies, the truth are all bigger than my hands, heart can give you.
Chin up and smile.

You look lovely.
Good night y'all!
Mar 2015 · 673
Amanda Mar 2015
She's not the kind of girl your irises flits through in books.

*I hope you know that.
Hey hey you!
It's been a while, school has been insanely busy and stressful.
Hope all of you are well!
Feb 2015 · 2.6k
Boxer Shorts
Amanda Feb 2015
You make me feel pretty,

delicate as fairies, a bit cheekier than usual

in an old faded grey -stretched by the tumbles of the washing machine and dulled by the sunshine- t-shirt and old boxer shorts.
There is a beauty in being at home, laughing on the carpet, not giving a **** about how you look.
Hihihihi lovelys!
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Amanda Feb 2015
The scary, bold whisper of a truth is that pinning blame is careless.

You feel the slow *****; a smart of pain.

A sweet sting.

Just enough to draw blood to the surface, but not enough for a bandage.
Hey you, you & you!
How have you all been??
I have a blocked nose and a sore throat. :')
Swimming in 20 degree weather and no towel to dry off is not a good idea.
Feb 2015 · 983
Amanda Feb 2015
Hold on a little longer.

Your veins need a pinch of time + a few more starry nights to become a little more impervious.

Oh, you are still fragile, but the kind of soft and all raw edges.

A bruise of a reminder that you have waltzed on broken fractures & bones of wishes hollowed out too soon.

And you are still here,

blood burnt out into alchemy.

You are quite like magic.

*We all are.
Just in case you didn't know.
Feb 2015 · 813
Amanda Feb 2015
Slowly but surely, you crept into my dreams by the dusty backdoor.

(Situated 10 fingersteps down my left collarbone + blush of shyness, your lips pressed against flesh, blood & heartbeat.)
Hey hey hey you!
Aren't you looking utterly gorgeous?
To him: Thanks for making me feel safe.
Feb 2015 · 706
Pockets Holds Hands
Amanda Feb 2015
The husky catch in his words sinks, dapples and brushes your skin.

(And his hands are still in his pockets.)

Without any more words, I liked my body; the skin, the rusted edges, the ribboned ends of veins and blood more than I ever did in that moment.
Hey you, you & you!
Aren't y'all looking beautiful today?
Keep your chin up.
Sending Hugs, A'manda
Typed up to: Sink or Swim- Lewis Watson
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
10 Fingers
Amanda Feb 2015
And he held her hand so tight, she could feel how hard bones are. Even against flesh and blood.

She thought her bones may crack.

But it never quite occurred to her, he had been broken and is still *breaking.
It will be all buttery yellow sunshine very soon.
I pinky promise.
Feb 2015 · 801
I'll be okay
Amanda Feb 2015
When everything became straight, dead lines, your heartbeat (the sound I call home) for example, I began to wonder.

I wonder about all the words you were going to say.

What other thoughts did and would you have had. Were they dyed a pretty hue, a blush of pink or inky blue?

Now, does your voice pretend not exist in your voicebox.

Because, your throw your back laughter is still in the wink of the smile, I will crinkle someday.
The dips and curves of your voice snuggle close against the ragged and rough edges of my mind.
It will do, it will have to do.
Beneath my closed eyelids, my heartbeat flutters and hiccups for, I still remember the night your lips lightly pressed on the the left rib of my ribcage.

As much as it is hard to admit, a sliver of my being lives for you.
And perhaps, that is the greatest love anyone could imagine.
Jan 2015 · 8.2k
Amanda Jan 2015
Waiting at the airport is bittersweet.
For you watch the planes sit lonely on the tarmac, and with the knowing feeling that in half an hour, 5 hours; in a handful of time, it will be gone.

All the space, matter, whispers, hushes will be swept up before your goodbye felt like it even existed in the very first place.
Jan 2015 · 501
Amanda Jan 2015
Mirrors hold both truth and lies.

*Which one do you believe in?
Been having terrible writer's block.
I hope you, you and you are doing well!
Jan 2015 · 689
Amanda Jan 2015
There is something so dangerously evocative about photographs.
You would press your palm, tickle with your fingertips just to try to find the way the water would have felt.

Your lungs would gasp for a little more air, just to imagine the crispness of it in some other place. Places you promised yourself that you would go.

It's magic to say the least.

For whatever is in the borders of the photograph, they are still alive, somewhere.
Hello lovely!
Jan 2015 · 10.3k
Amanda Jan 2015
Dust flits gently on its arm; slowly & lazily.

As if not to cut, tear the patiently sewed seams.

Cotton against yellowing white thread.

*The sanctuary for reminiscing about mesmerising scenes

The throne for Kings and Queens without crowns to be seen

I'm overwhelm by ecstasy as I bask in this endless elation of delectation.
Hello there you, you and you!
TAH-dah!! First ever ever collaboration with a brilliant writer, Jamie King.
I am so eeek. happy, at how two different writing styles can meld together! :')

Thanks Jamie, again!
Italics (Amanda)
Bold (Jamie)
Jan 2015 · 741
Tug of War
Amanda Jan 2015
Sentimental tugs of the sunshine plays on my bare skin and white sheets,

wake up.

Today, the next and the very next will be richer than dreams.
When you unwittingly embarrass yourself in front of a person you just said Hello too.
I want to faint.
Hey you, you and you!
Jan 2015 · 2.5k
Silver Cutlery
Amanda Jan 2015
I remember how sweet your lips,
your cupid's bow,
the very corner of your mouth was
after we made a mess in the kitchen.

(Flour dotted cheeks and noses, the great big wooden spoon sitting dully in the sink, egg-shells laying lonely in the pastel pink ceramic bowl I insisted on buying.)

We made lemon tarts?
If only I could do this. AHHAHHAHAH. :")
Daydreamer here
How are you today, lovely?
typed to: Love me like you do- Ellie Goulding
Jan 2015 · 795
Amanda Jan 2015
I wonder how we look to the universe, small and defiant?

Earthly and naive?
Angry but not as hot and bright as the stars.

The handfuls, dots & sprinkles of constellations we stitch the impossible and giddy wishes upon.
Writer's block is somewhat frustrating. :') Help?
Good morning/Good Afternnon/ Good night sunshines!
Jan 2015 · 535
Stomach Tied In Knots
Amanda Jan 2015
The way your voice curled around my name,
as if those letters were not alone and bare.
Instead, they were ribboned, edged with memories and something more than love.
Thanks for letting know, sweets.
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Sugar Cubes
Amanda Jan 2015
"Stay a little longer," he said.

The wink of urge, the want she felt in her chest was sharp and careful.

Mirroring the tendency to stir up the settled sugar at the bottom of a stained coffee mugs and tea-cups.
Hey you, you & you!
I think I have a huge liking to soft (marshmellow soft), plain white shirts.
Maybe, it's because they represent something laziness and hot summer nights. :')
Jan 2015 · 840
Amanda Jan 2015
Your sweetness is the kind that stays even after coffee has gone cold,
like still bedsheets that have not been knotted by sleep.

Even after dust gathers, you're still here.

Little bites and notes of sweetness on my eyelashes, tops of my cheeks.
Hello you, you and you!
Jan 2015 · 693
Careful, sharp
Amanda Jan 2015
I imagined the cutting words that escaped from my lips, multiplied it by 1,
(I remembered the first time I smiled because of you.)
it stung very sweetly.

Then, x2, guilt heavy and dense pillowing under the guise of comfort.

x3 I still remember how my voice sounded when I said Yes,
it's still the truth.

Another time, just for good measure.
I'm so sorry
Jan 2015 · 501
Amanda Jan 2015
On New Year's day, I kept writing the date wrong. My pen inked the year before. It bled through the next page.

The feeling was so very similar to how I used to wake, my lips immediately finding the your name.

Only to be replied by cold, flat sheets.
I bought 11 pens today. Oh dear.
I hope you, you and you are having a brilliant day.
If you're feeling a little blue, do something you geniunely love. Call up your friend. Write, sing, read, watch a movie! eek
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
Close the doors.
Amanda Jan 2015
A single eyelash, one orchird petal and a flannel shirt button.

She kept them in an old shoebox sandwiched against old sneakers with laces knotted like lovers, old yellowing papers and letters. All of which had dated back 5, seven, 11, twenty-1, 29 years ago.

All of them incongruous objects, but they all belong in the past.
I outgrew them, my mind memorized all the words on those pages.
Once from a person I knew.

I don't love him.

I loved him.
past tense

I had loved him.
still past-tense

I love him.
*Present tense. It's now.
Happy New Year to you, you and you!
I am excited, nervous and eeek about what this year will bring.
P.S The phrase "Knotted like lovers" is a quote from Jodi Picoult's Handle With Care.
P.P.S It is a beautiful novel.
Dec 2014 · 3.9k
Sweet nothings
Amanda Dec 2014
We cannot only think of the pretty things in life,
then where would we find ourselves?
Hello there gorgeous soul!
Merry Christmas to you, you and you!
*love heart*
On a personal note, we all celebrate Christmas each to our own reasons, but at the end of the day, it's not quite about the presents.
It's the people and family by your side with possibly over-cooked turkey that makes it special.
Dec 2014 · 945
Amanda Dec 2014
The slight, vague outline of your lips still
sting like nettles- short & sweet- on mine.

You taught me different kinds of hurt.
And it's the most valuable lesson of all.
Hello there, lovely!!
I really missed posting here..
I hope you, you and you are having a fabulous day!
Dec 2014 · 835
Mapping Home
Amanda Dec 2014
I write
to create a creased parchment of a map that I only can read.

Co-ordinates of where my fingertips, inner skin of my right wrist and ink have traced upon paper pages.

My first thoughts, a sweet whisper snuggled into blank edges of words amongst one dangerous idea- a f l i c k e r of a flame, soon to become an inferno.

Word strung together more carelessly than a six year making a beaded necklace. Yet they could not be more meticulously choreographed to spell out answers.
Only then I can remember the kind of places I go to when my sight is dimmed by something my chest and knees cannot quite take.
Hello there lovely!
My mind feels far too relaxed and a little numb.
Hope you, you and you are all well!
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Amanda Dec 2014
Should there ever be a backward twirling of the clock gears, a paisley maze of metal and magic to occur,

every tear will trace back to its watery scars.
Even the ropes shackling hearts will fray,
shackles broken.
Bits and crumbs of dim memories become whole again.
Just as sweet.
And perhaps, the bad will seep back in.
The dead will open their eyes again.
Roughly stiched in wounds so long ago, where even the owner has forgotten to hem back up the stiches to the surface.
The white cotton thread would have never met the needle's eye.
A baby's nursery room may gather more dust than expected.
Hello there you lovely soul!
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
Amanda Dec 2014
Can we live without leap seconds?
{Leap Seconds are added to our clocks to compensate for the earth's
s l    o w.    I n   g rotation.}

I'll hate to see black and blank dim excuses of memories- instead of a full dinner table, silverware ready for the hands and faces I like too much.
Your skin on my skin on sleepless autumn, winter, summer nights.
The very first time I saw your front teeth peeking from the very middle inside of your pale cherry-bitten lips.

The kind of hug where I feel the steady, brave heartbeat of dad, the delicateness only mothers can muster ; women who love us unconditionally even if there is nothing. She seeps this delicate ness between homemade sandwiches of jam and whatever you would lick off your fingertips.

If this is all the time we get, please don't ever take it away.
Happy birthday Ray.
Thank you for all the memories, and here's to one more.
& another, oh! There's more. x
Dec 2014 · 912
Amanda Dec 2014
Fine, thin & wisps of baby hair.

Hair that ran the bathwater blue, red or some indescribable puddle of colour.

Then finally greys & whites criss-cross the now-yellowing tiles.
I am not sure what happened here.
I hope you, you and you had a wonderful day.
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
Amanda Dec 2014
On some days, I write bolder, thicker & harder, just to prove not everything is empty and blank.

And that my words are just as heavy and all raw edges like *yours.
I tried very hard not to breath in the permanent marker fumes whilst I penned that nonsensicaly writing into my book.
How have you been doing?
I've been reading Noah Barlerywater Runs Away by John Boyne.
It's quite brilliant.
ft. Leona Lewis's Spirit album
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