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Justin S Wampler Mar 2015
he's pacing under there, cant you hear?
Justin S Wampler May 2023
Annoyed and whiny little fools.
All led astray with their keen writing tools.
Moan and ***** enough and you'll see
that my poetry isn't for you, it's for me.

So *******, **** your talent and charm.
Go write your feelings out and drown
amidst this ocean of mediocrity.

******* all.
Worthless people.
Spew your trite.
I'll spew mine.
Let's ignore each other
for the rest of time.
Justin S Wampler Jun 2015
I'm laughing
but it's not really funny how
the ones who make you the happiest
can also make you the saddest.

Exploitation of vulnerability,
just never get too comfortable
because the day will come when
it'll be time to move on.

And if you chose to linger
in that never-world of lost love,
then getting used to broken springs
is the key to dreaming again.
Justin S Wampler May 2014
I have no...
...means of changing.

It's not my fault, I...
(place blame)
...didn't mean to lie.

Why should I try, I will...
(believe in nothing)
...eventually die.

All the underground people...
(your ancestors and mine)

...Do they remember
Being alive?
Justin S Wampler Aug 2014
The only pain worth my time
is broken-heart kind
Justin S Wampler Oct 2016
I just want to sing

about everything

and smile and smile.
Justin S Wampler Dec 2021
We were a trio.
Gone together,
mentally alone.

90's alternative had been playing for maybe
three-quarters of an hour, and at this point
we were all mostly toasted.
A shot of beer a minute.

Talking ****, shuffling the deck.

Nick laughed, Luke mocked.
I cheered them both on.
In that moment we all lived in the golden light
of youthful ignorance and concrete friendship
that can only be fully grasped by a drunken trio of guys
in their mid-twenties at 2:00 AM on an idle Thursday night.

We all cracked fresh cold ones and lit up fresh cigs,
and I raised the burning tobacco in a toast:
"To friendship!"

Luke matched my pose, left arm outstretched.
We caught each other's eyes, and without missing a beat
his right hand plunged the cherry into his left forearm.
I looked down and saw myself doing the same,
yet felt no pain. We stayed that way until our embers died,
and relit the remaining smoke off of a shared flame.
Nick never matched our level of commitment,
I doubt he even bears a scar these days.
My scar still itches from time to time.
I wonder if Lukes does, too.

I started seeing tunnels
and soon, gravity took me.
Horizontality was my fate.
I was the first to fall,
the first to succumb to gratuitous consumption.


Birds chirping, deafening in the late morning.
The angry sun cast slotted beams
through the still-lingering twines
of cigarette smoke from the night before.
I watched it slowly twirl and stir through slitted eyelids.
My eyes hurt, and my neck creaked as I looked around.
Nick passed out beside me, I figured Luke got the top bunk.
In the daylight I could always see the apartment for what
it really was.
An escape.
One room, bunk beds, and abject emotional destitution.
I rolled over on to the floor and steadied myself with
closed eyes and a palm planted on the ***** carpets.
My phone was on the desk in the corner, I grabbed it
and headed towards the bathroom.

**** cascaded, and through the open bathroom window
I could hear it echo off of the buildings lining New Street.
My hand floated up to the back of my head
and picked at something. Something hardened.
There was a thick layer of something
on the back of my scalp,
down the back of my neck.
It felt like wax.
We were burning a candle last night.
They must've dumped it on me
since I was the first to fall asleep.
I quit picking when I was struck by a sharp pain in my arm,
my left forearm.
A bit of my hair had probed an open wound,
a round burn mark.
I sat down on the floor and remembered for a bit.

My phone turned on with a melodic series of beeps,
it had been awhile since I turned it on.

One new voicemail.

I dialed the number 1 while picking wax from my hair,
put my passcode in,
and listened.

Mom called me last night, she was crying.
I was used to that sound at this point.
"Otis wont get up, I think he's dying Justin."
A brief pause.
"Please come home."

I'm sorry Otis. I loved you.
More than a dog, you were a canine brother.
Raised alongside me.
Raised by the same parents.

I didn't come home,
at least,
not then.
Seven years.

I still think about that night,
That morning.
That mourning.

My scar itches.
Justin S Wampler Sep 2014
I wish to burn
I live to die
I yearn to drown
in flooded light

I see the end
I hear a cry
The taste of copper
blood that's mine
Justin S Wampler Jul 2022
What if?

Plague of thought,
those words are.

Love is everything,
the only thing
that's ever mattered.

Yet I'm still fascinated
on whether
love's ever been
real or
Justin S Wampler Mar 2015
Suddenly, violently, nothing changes and we
lock eyes in acknowledgement.
Justin S Wampler Jan 2021
The sharpened edge of light
Cuts through lofty clouds,
Like a bite taken out of cotton candy,
And shines with a boding, ochre imminence
Of the day that's to come.

Breath comes out
In puffs of coiling steam,
Is this reality
Or is this just a dream?

Reach for a hand
Passing by in a stream,
Do they need help
Or are they at peace?

The blunted darkness of night
Bludgeons the solemn crowds,
Like a buffeting storm of sand,
And it washes away all innocence
To expose what's been done.
Justin S Wampler May 2021
Buy as much paint as you want.
Everyone will don a coat of rust.
It ends up stylish, dark,
red and robust.
buy as much paint as you want.
Justin S Wampler May 2023
Hey Candy and Chris
can't you see that this
ain't no way to spend the day?
The slots' bright lighting
make the light inside her
fade, fade away.

J-J-J-Jenny and the bets.

Hey! Don't waste it away
the years come and don't stay
when you're spinning that roulette.
Still she sits down beside them
filling up on the tidal
feelings that she gets.




Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny

Jenny and the bets.
Justin S Wampler May 2015
"When first I opened this book, I felt the pain of it's spine beginning
to break. Although this may be my initial entry, I dread the day that
the binding gives way & spills the golden-edged pages unto my lap.
What a curse to envision death before we've yet to even begin living,
what a tragedy to squander and waste this time that I've been given."
Justin S Wampler May 2015
Glass betrays my eyes,
for I do not see what lies
beyond the window.

I gaze solely upon
my own faint reflection.
Justin S Wampler Feb 2021
O, mem'ries.
'Member when?
This again.

Morning's mourning,
when death arrives:
I'll be ready.
I've imagined it already,
a thousand times.

They, they're, still alive
but for what?
Like he's just waiting to die.

My father, grand father,
I'm a busy guy.
Is it selfish?
Am I?
Justin S Wampler Aug 2014
Strobe-lights flashing rhythmic patterns;
alternating red and blue.

Searchlights arcing across the earth;
they will find you.
Justin S Wampler Jun 2022
If you ditch your kid,
every day is father's day!

Or maybe none of them are.

Happy father's day Dad,
you schizophrenic loner.
I want to be just like you!
Look at how I've spent the last ten years of my life!
Squandering opportunities,
drinking myself stupid,
and going out of my way
to be alone.

I know you'd be proud, because honestly
I'm just jealous of your freedom.
Do you sleep well?
Are you still

Mom's dead, by the way.
I guess you kinda are
Justin S Wampler May 2014
The sunlight you radiate
burns off bits of dense fog
that seems to coat the memories I have
of all the time we spent in love
then I see the pain in your eyes
and the scars that I've left behind
all over your heart
and in your mind
that's when I realized
that it was I
who wrapped the memories up in mist
to mask the sensation of warmth
and pretend that you weren't even missed
because you deserve to be happy
and I deserve to be in this twist
where another boy's lips
are the ones that you kiss.
Justin S Wampler Jul 2016
There's a thunderstorm in the sunlight
beneath the sky we share.
Yet it just doesn't seem quite right
without having you here.

So I'll make do just killing time
waiting for the rain to quit,
because once I can call you mine
I'll be happy that I did.

Then we can scour the earth
in search of those bright grey days
that made the wait worth
spending it alone in the rain.
Justin S Wampler Jul 2015
now this website
is just like reality,

whomever has the
most expendable income
becomes the most known
Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
Kneeling before me
she played with her ****
while leaning her head back,
running her tongue out
and closing her eyelids.

Thus I covered her
with the essence of
my meager manhood.
Justin S Wampler Feb 2017
Each and every word
that flows from
her mind to her mouth,
washes over me
like the waves of
an electric ocean,
the current undeniable
in it's ability to move
my body and soul
to unknown places.

I smile my teeth out
and squint my eyes
as her electric love
beats down upon me
like a radiating sun.
Justin S Wampler Aug 2016
Only two more hours of work
on this rainy Thursday afternoon,
and with each step I take
I check the clock
and between my heavy breathing
I mutter to myself with a smile:
"today can't escape tomorrow."


Sunday morning and we eat like royalty,
I'm all smiles and her eyes are all over me
and with these empty plates between us
I tell her I don't want this day to end,
and as a longing grin shows on her lips
she so eloquently says
"but today can't escape tomorrow."
Justin S Wampler Mar 2015
A generation force-fed beautiful lies
more desirable than their own lives.

Touchscreen dreams and virtual societies
keep the mass' minds dry and occupied.

Their bodies malnourished and deprived
from all of those
delicious GMOs

Wake up, humanity, and
smell the final rose.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
I walked in with my **** swinging
and it got caught in the doorjamb.

I know that ***** stole my lighter,
so I tell her:
"Empty your pouch, you ******* kangaroo *****."

But all she had was a japanese napkin,
and pounds and pounds of makeup.
Justin S Wampler Mar 2016
It's so easy to be kind to people,
the hard part is actually meaning it.

Is it better to be revered,
or just left alone?

I don't know.
I am the singularity,
a golden omniscience
granted unwavering clarity
over all that passes
through my eyes.

I am God of my life.
I blink,
and everything is gone.

I sleep,
and everything is gone.

I'm right,
and everyone else is wrong.

It's exhausting.
It never ends.
I merely humor you all,
that's why I'm always laughing.
Justin S Wampler Sep 2014
Rhythm is a paperweight for my soul.
Timing is another part to the whole
of my being and existence.

Buoyant troubles are lifted by bottles,
floating atop the suds and bubbles
that I've been consuming.

Feathers fall from wings long spent
flapping, trying to pay for rent
seventeen days late.

Memory-foam-flesh coated bones
recalls touch even while alone,
and then it's gone.

Like clockwork, I'm habitually inclined
to turn up time and **** my mind.

But they're all just paltry substitutes
for the you that I'm spitefully addicted to.
Justin S Wampler Mar 2015
oh my beautiful,
so cramped up inside.
please don't cry.
Justin S Wampler Dec 2021
I am not my words.

I am my behavior,
I am my actions.
My decisions.

I am not these words.
The person I appear to be
to you, dear reader,
would be a complete stranger
to my family.

The me that is seen by a lover
would be an unknown to my friends.

I am not these words,
for there is no true me.
There are only the different shapes I take
to more effectively make
my way through life.

I change in the blink
of your eye.
Don't you recognize me?
Look again.
How about now?
Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
When I was sure she was asleep I
slithered my way out of the sheets
like the snake I am.
I stood and gazed upon her
as she dozed apparently
safe and sound.

When I was dressed I stepped
into the hall and flicked the
light switch.

Gathering my toothbrush and
things, I turned and went back
to the bedroom, where she
was sitting up straight and
just staring at me as I

I hesitated when I met her
eyes, seeing the questions
she was unable to hide.

But she didn't say a word,
just arched her brows and
watched me.
I felt her vision track my
movements as I went and
packed undergarments.

When I was wearing my
bags and ready to leave
I hesitated in the doorway.
She hadn't moved, but when
I looked back she said to me:
Turn the lights out before you go.

Meeting her sight was
like being alight with
emotional fire.

So I hit the switch as
I tromped down the
and ventured out onto
the front porch and into
the dark.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
I was sound asleep and
lost inside of a particularly
lovely dream when a rustling
noise stirred me from my
repose. I rolled over in bed
and reached for her head
as the lights in the hallway
flicked on.

Her pillow was empty but
still warm, and when my eyes
adjusted to the dim I could
see her shadow stretching
from the bathroom.

I sat up in bed and felt my
heart sinking somewhere
down by my navel when
she walked back in the room,
stopping when she saw
me sitting up.
I didn't say anything.
I knew what was going on,
and I told her that I knew
by raising my eyebrows and
looking deeply into her eyes.

She teared up, and wiped
it away. Then broke our
silent conversation off by
looking away and packing
her clothes into bags. I
still said nothing, but just
watched her pace back and
forth about the room,
gathering random possessions.

She turned at the doorway
and started to say something
but I wasn't listening. She was
already gone in my mind,
so I just got up and turned
the lights off.

I layed back down when
I heard the car start outside,
and closed my eyes to the
dwindling headlights.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
I got in late and she was there in the foyer waiting.
So I said Hey.


Listen, I've been wanting to talk...
But that's when she cut me off.
So you're leaving me again, aren't you?

It was like she took the words right out of my mouth
and shoved them straight down my throat.

So I just turned back around
and left her standing there,
hoping she wouldn't
have to be alone
for too long.

Because I knew she hated being alone.
Justin S Wampler May 2015
she sighed,
"trust is just a product of
your horrendous lies."

I never could find a way
to make her see that
the lies I tell
tell so much about me.

So I kept quiet
and agreed with her
in one last lie.
Justin S Wampler Aug 2024
Saccharine and sanguine
the allure of a pink tummy
I reach out to rub and squish
but then I'm halted.
Daggers for hands,
I'll be bleeding again,
but the brief soft touch
may just be worth it.
Justin S Wampler Dec 2023
Try as you might,
one can't capture the light.

More megapixels,
4k OLED monitors,
all the money in the world
can't buy you the sunrise.

Just wake up
a little earlier.

Just wake up
and fill your eyes
with ochre skies
instead of with
upvotes and likes.

The faux phones lie,
truth is only a step outside.
An amalgam of everything
always seems black
and white,
but a meer peer
through the window
will tell you otherwise.

Revel in the greyness,
the gray,
the greatness of
our hombre lives.

Wake up
a little earlier.
Put your phone aside.

Wake up
and fill your eyes
with simple truth lingering
right outside.
Justin S Wampler Dec 2021
You can sprint at the sun
for as long as you want,
but you'll never outrun
your shadows.
Justin S Wampler Aug 2015
I don't love you,
Justin S Wampler Jun 2015
Daisies, tulips, petunias,
orchids, and roses.

The flowers all speak to me.

I perk up my ears
to better hear them
when they whisper
in hushed undertones:

"she loves you not."
Justin S Wampler May 2015
She nods and sighs
amongst the conifers.

Evergreen sap coats the
rug of needles beneath, and
the wind covers her skin
with rippling gooseflesh.

A little black balloon lies
beside a bindle of rigs.

The moon robs and blinds
her of sight, shining so
very brightly into her dilated
pupils and hidden irises.

A single rusted spoon glows and
A stolen church candle smoulders.

Her golden locks encircle
the crown of her cranium
in a halo worthy of stained-
glass windows.

Rubber tubing is tied off
above her collapsing veins.

The fallen leaves under her
protruding shoulder blades
stretch out for miles in a
pair of clipped wings.

With a final rattling cough
the light leaves her eyes,

and dissipates into
the punctured skies
as she quietly fades,
and dies.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2022
When I'm done and
thoroughly drunk,
I always fill the bottle
back up with my ****.
That way,
when tomorrow graces me,
I'll be able to see
exactly what I spent my
hard earned
money on.

the bathroom is all the way over there
and I gotta ****
right now.

It's a win-win.
Justin S Wampler Dec 2016
Bugged out,
awake all night
and the ocean
is seeping through cracks in my lips.

Now, don't get lost my darling,
Williamsport's forgotten,
don't you lie my darling,
your love is the ocean.
Drown me in it.
Justin S Wampler Sep 2014
But get your ******* god
out of my ****** face.
Hell is inviting.
Justin S Wampler Dec 2021
A hushed "ouch,"
reddened cheeks.
Blindfolds, safe words,
and bound wrists.
I like my love on a leash.
I love watching you breathe.
I adore the way you beg "please."
I covet this visage,
I could keep you like this
for weeks.
I slip inside,
I dip my pride
into your calm waters
and relish in your warm creek.
I love the way you weep.

I love the way

you weep.

Rivulets of salt
and I don't hear a peep.
No struggle,
no fight left indeed.
Have I gone too far,
my clasp
your gasps?

still feels good

to me.
Justin S Wampler Jun 2021
My friends all talk to each other,
sometimes they address me.
Only every now and then though,
and usually to try and sell something.
My friends are voices, voices in the car.
Voices in my apartment,
voices coming from afar.
My friends are always there,
always willing to talk.
My friends don't really know me,
but I know all of them.
I know them well,
they share everything.
My friends are the voices,
I listen to them so that
I don't have to listen
to myself.
Justin S Wampler Jul 2015
I'd break all of my fingers
before ever quitting
writing about you.
Justin S Wampler Dec 2021
Dear reader,
beloved consumer of my words.
I want you to hate me.
Justin S Wampler Jun 2015
With each word written
I'm ripping out the stitches
so that I may never heal.
Justin S Wampler Jan 2015
Yeah, I only really see the home screen
when I'm desperate for views and likes..

..I've since concluded that this is defined by "Irony"...
Irony is hard whilst masked in sarcasm conveyed via 'Times New Roman'.
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