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Cerasium May 2020
For the past few months
My life has been hell
But then someone walked in
And brought a light

A light shining so bright
I was able to see hope
For the first time in years
Someone I love being around

But things don’t always work
They way you wish them to
So now in order to keep sane
Feelings that developed need to be drowned

I don’t want this person
To end up walking out of my life
Cause of a mistake that I
Or my alters make

I must be strong
But that’s always a problem
For I have no idea
How to be strong

I’ve never been good at it
It’s always eluded me
Especially since I tend
To develop feelings fast

And that’s always been an issue
I like him so ******* much
But at the same time
I fear that I scared him

Maybe I did something wrong
Maybe I pushed too much
Was I doing something wrong
I don’t know anymore

All I know is that
I need to go back
To being numb
Until the time is right

Who knows when that will actually be
Or if that will actually happen
But at the same time
My alters and I are accepting fate

The Gods and Goddesses
Like to toy with us
So I feel that I’m destined to be alone
Lost in the waves of torment

Being battered by the rocks
Shoved down by the current
Made to be abused by fate
Until I’m a perfect play toy
Cerasium Apr 2020
My love
My heart
My one and only
My soulmate

I have loved you since first sight
Love your laugh
Loved your smile
Loved your warm heart

With you by my side
I was able to fight the darkness
I was able to see light growing inside
I was able to breathe freely

But with you gone
I feel like I’m suffocating
My heart aches so badly
That I can’t take it anymore

I was able to see you again
One last time
And all I felt was pain
And guilt

I did this
I caused you to leave
I pushed you away so far
That you ran to the arms of another

And for that I can never forgive myself
The guilt hurts so much
I can’t breath
My body is attacking itself

My head is so full of thoughts
That I can’t make go away
I can’t live like this
With you no longer by my side

I love you so much
And I tried to be strong
But the longer I fight
The more pain I’m in

You wish me a good life
Thinking that I’m strong enough
But I hide my true intentions
So I don’t hurt you

I’m sorry
I should have fought my head harder
I should have shown you how much I cared
How much I loved you

But it’s too late
And I have lost
In both battles
Of the heart

I no longer have you
Who I loved so much I wanted to live
And I no longer have my will
To fight my never ending thoughts

So I forfeit the match
I have fought for as long as I could
This is the end for me
And the beginning for you
I will always love you...
Cerasium Feb 2020
You call me childish
You call me selfish
You call me all these things
Just because I relapse and hurt myself

Don’t you see that I am sick
Don’t you get that I need help
Not criticism from my love
I need understanding

These thoughts that keep racing
Thoughts that everyone
Would be better off
If I was no longer around

Thoughts of self hate
Thoughts of suicide
Thoughts that bring so much pain
That it’s hard to breathe

I need help
So badly
Before I end up
Doing something permanent

That is something
I don’t wish to do
I want so badly
To feel better

But every time you leave
Every time you berate me
I feel so much worse
Than I already did

It makes me feel
Like you hate me
That you despise my existence
That I should no longer exist

And that brings me even more pain
So much suffering it is unbearable
I cry myself to sleep every night
Hoping things will change for the better

But they always seem to get worse
They say it gets better with time
But I’ve been fighting this sickness
For so many years now

The only solace I had
Was in the love that you showed me
But now that that is gone
I have nothing left

The thoughts have been
Getting louder and louder
Threatening to snap my mind
Making it harder to see the good

I ask you this one thing
Do you actually hate me
Or do you just not understand
That I’m fighting with my own mind

Fighting these negative thoughts
Fighting to breathe
Fighting to love
Fighting for just one more day

One more day of being alive
One more day of feigning happiness
Hoping it turns into true happiness
I am fighting everyday

It is an ongoing battle
One that is a struggle
Cause this is one battle
That lasts a lifetime
Cerasium Jun 2017
My heart and soul
The beating within each
The love once lost
Now found anew

With you in my life
There is nothing that can fail
I know that this is true
And forever it will be

The love between us
Is all that is
Set in stone for
All of time to bestow

We seek comfort in each other
The caring passion
We long to show
The tender embrace
We thrive to give

The sweet kiss of everlasting love
Though miles apart we stand tall and ready
To say we are never apart
For our hearts are with the other
Cerasium Sep 2021
My mind has been tormenting me
Constant thoughts of self doubt
Such ill contempt for myself
And it seems to only get worse

I’m trying desperately to push back
But with each day it grows stronger
Pushing me back into a corner
Making me feel small and weak

There are times where I’d win
There are times when it’s a draw
But times like these hurt so bad
Because I’m losing a battle with myself

Sometimes it goes so far
As to make me cry in misery
Begging for my thoughts to be wrong
Hoping and praying that I’ll be okay

Other times it causes me to go numb
To not be able to feel at all
Those are the times I fear the most
It’s when I become the most self sabotaging

I don’t want my brain to win
I can’t let these thoughts cloud my mind
But the harder I fight
The stronger they seem to become

And what hurts the most
Is my past traumas
Becoming worse and worse
Making me lose my ability to trust again

Over the last few years
I have found out that even actions
Are not to be trusted
Much like someone’s word

I’m trying to hard to correct that mindset
To learn to trust again
But the more I try
The harder it gets

I met someone new a few months ago
Someone I really care for and love
But because of my past
My head is evil

Making me question everything I do
Making me question the faith I have for him
All these sabotaging thoughts
And I fight them off everyday

I wish someone told me that dating
After serious trauma is inflicted
Would be harder than anything
Especially with how bad mine was

Maybe I could have prepared myself better
Or tried harder to correct my issue with trust
Maybe I could have healed my pain
So my mind wouldn’t push me away

Because this pain is so much worse
Than the trauma I endured
So much worse than the suffering
I dealt with afterwards

Far worse than the death of a loved one
I feel alone in my suffering
Surrounded by mockery
Silently crying to myself

I don’t know if I’ll be able to win this battle
Not by myself at least
But who do you turn to
When you can’t even trust yourself
Cerasium Feb 2020
Though darkness tempts at my door
I dare not open
I dare not breath
I dare not give up the love I have

My heart may ache
My chest may burn
But what keeps me going
Is the love I have for you

You may not have the same for me
But I can’t stop loving you
The way that I do
I love you so

So deeply my mind is destroying itself
So deeply is my depression
That I can’t even eat without feeling sick
So deeply that I can barely breath

So deeply that just being alone
Has caused me to have night terrors again
The PTSD I have has gotten worse
My anxiety spiraling out of control

I’m paranoid of everything
If only you could see
How much my love for you
Is slowly killing me inside and out

My body goes numb
My mind races wild
My heart feels like it’s dying
Maybe it is my time

Maybe it’s time for me to pass
Give in to the pain that I feel
Feel that burning around my heart
As I curl up in agony

Maybe it’s a stroke
Maybe my heart is dying
I mean you can actually die
From a broken heart

Slowly I am starting to get weaker
I can feel my soul slipping over
I feel the cold embrace creeping towards me
As I sit here hiding it all from you

I don’t wish for you to see
How much pain this is for me
I don’t want you to hate yourself
I just want you to love me again

So I beg you
Look into your heart
Listen to what it cries out
And mend my dying heart
Cerasium Sep 2016
We are all beings of self destruction
May it be small
Or may it be big
There is no difference

War is coming
Prepare youself
For when it comes
We are all doomed

Death and dismay
Suffering and damnation
All these things
To come in time

The world dying
We do not see
The life is fleeting
Yet we do not care

Open your eyes
See what really is
Gaze upon the destruction
We have created

The deaths we've caused
The lives we ruined
The hell that is to come
And the grace we long forgotten

Though it may seem abysmal
We gaze through the debris
To see the glory
We use to be
Cerasium Oct 2023
Belief systems are fundamental
There are many faiths around the world
With none that are superior or less
For belief is through the heart

Forcing another to denounce their faith
Is like forcing someone to remove themselves
Faith is as unique as the soul itself
Built through trust and adoration

We are all set on different paths
It's not a competition
It's not about supremacy
It's all about the heart's desire

Seeing is believing
That's what I was always taught
Yet there are things in this world
That the eyes can't see

The thoughts inside someone's head
The air we breathe
The love that links us all
As we are but one in the great scheme

We build and adapt
Growing stronger still
For the youth inherit the world
So why destroy it with a vicious blast

You may wish for your God or Goddess
You may believe in nothing
And that is your faith
Not to be forced but to be cherished
Cerasium Jul 2017
The dark beckons
Whispering its sweet silence
Drawing me closer
Hoping I fall into its embrace

Sadness and misery
They seem so peaceful
Pushing me over the edge
Just to watch me fall

Spiraling downward
Head over heels
No end in sight
For this eternal descent
Cerasium Feb 2020
I can no longer feel emotion
No more pain
No more sorrow
No happiness or love

My heart has gone cold
I no longer feel anything
Though I wish I did
It’s barren in my heart

For how long this time
I have no clue
But at this present moment
It might be for the best

Cold as stone
Free from anguish
From temptation and sorrow
Life is funny this way

I still have my caring nature
But no one new will get my love
My happiness is completely gone
So I’m now a shell

A shell with nothing inside
Death no longer concerns me
Heartache and misery have no hold
For this stone cold heart
Cerasium Jun 2017
This life is dark
Bleak at best
We scour the world
For the one being we crave

The other half to the dying soul
In which is inside us all
Some may never find the other
Some have already given up
The other half for a fake

This soul can say the fakes are now over
The true test of time
Has shown its beautiful face
The other half in which this soul
Has longed for so hast finally shown

By a stretch of luck
a sliver in time
These two souls have found one another
And soon will be one again
Cerasium Mar 2021
Heard some news today
Kinda of a shock to my ears
You fell for another again
While I stand here heart broken

Now don’t get me wrong
I’m happy for you
You are looking happier again
And maybe I’m just wrong

But I was hoping it would have been me
But now I see that that thinking was false
I was never even on your mind
No matter how many times I truly tried

Now I stand here with a broken heart
Wishing you good luck as the bleeding starts
Putting on a fake smile and hiding away the pain
As you sit there all giddy and childlike

I know what true love feels like
But I know it will never be in my cards
I had it once but lost it hard
And all because it was ripped apart

I so badly want to be your friend
The one you run to when things get hard
But deep inside me know I can’t
Cause I’ll never have a platonic heart

My love for you is far to strong
For something as simple as friends
You are my best friend
And the only one to hold my heart

Yeah we once use to date
Hell we were even engaged
But with one simple act
You ripped out my heart

Caused me so much unbearable pain
Yet I still loved you
I still wanted to marry you
What does that say about me

I’m too loyal
Or that I’m delusional
Or maybe I just love you

I want to be close to you
I want to be there for you
Through everything you do
To help you succeed and fail alike

But to see you holding someone else
Kissing them and loving them
Like you use to do with me
Causes too much pain

I know I’ll never be with you again
And it kills me to know this
So instead today I vow
You will be the last to have my heart

I’m sealing it away
For good this time
No more pain will I be in
Once my heart and soul are stone
Cerasium Aug 2018
River of salt
Flowing endlessly
Down a rocky shore
To an endless black

The heart clenches
Pain sets in
For the moment
It relieves the pain

For when the river
Stops it’s flow
The pain revives
Only this time stronger

Stronger and stronger
The pain does grow
Until unbearable
The source lie still

Unbroken pain
Chest tightening
The loss of a love
The torture of mistakes

Hidden away in pasts vault
Lost to us as passage of time
Memories vanish
But the pain remains

The feelings we once had
The pain we once felt
Rushes to us
Like an endless stream

Losing our way
We focus on this
Torturing ourselves
In order to feel

Rip the heart out
Cast it aside
Nothing works
Cause the feelings don’t hide

Yanking and gnawing
Ripping out your soul
Pain pain pain
Is all that’s left behind

Silence feels safest
Until the thoughts arise
The gentle voices calling
From which they can not die

Anger and frustration
Easy to mask the pain
Hiding behind a twisted smile
Or a demented sense of humour

Yet deep inside
One thing holds true
That slowly but surely
They are rotting inside
Cerasium Jun 2017
To those who look beyond my pain
They see a light
A light of simmering hope
Hope symbolizing the rebirth of love

But not one dared to touch it
Yet one day a man
With pain in his heart came upon me
He ****** his heart to mine

The pain in his heart vanished
As the pain in mine touched his
We looked at each other
The sparkles in our eyes glistened as we stared
Unable to break away

He told me his troubles
I told him mine
That instance the pain and sorrow we both felt
vanished like mist in the heat of the sun
He leaned to me as I wondered
what would it be like if he were mine

He told me that he loved me
Then a tear rolled down my face
For I knew he was saying the truth
For all to hear his heart

My heart stopped
I looked to him and smiled
I love you too spilled out of my mouth
We are the perfect two
And that is no lie but true
Cerasium May 2021
What’s the point of love?
You only get hurt in the end
Traumatized and broken
Left to feel unwanted

Begging to understand
What exactly happened
Why you are left alone
Why they chose to hurt you

You fear the loneliness
Yet you also accept it
For it’s the only thing
That won’t leave you

The sorrow and emptiness
Is almost comforting
It surrounds you
Holding onto you tight

Yet at the same time
You feel a urning
A urning of love
But too afraid to grasp

Tossed in an endless torrent
Of back and forth emotions
Wishing with all your heart
Things would have been different

Darkness clouds your heart
You turn away from love
Knowing that in the end
It’s only going to hurt

No matter how much you beg
No matter how much you wish
No matter how much you cry
They don’t see how bad you hurt

They don’t see how much you love
They don’t see how much you want them
How badly you need them to be there
How badly you crave their touch

You dream of the past
Wishing the love was still there
Then remember the pain
And begin to cry again
Cerasium Apr 2017
Why must I always mourn on this day
Is it not a joyous day of remembrance
A day to rejoice and celebrate
So then why does thy soul weep

Why must it bear such misery
Hardening into a dark hobble
Of which it once was

Swollen eyes and puffy cheeks
Trails of salt staining the skin
Or so it would be if one was able
To bare their emotions true

Hiding by smiles and laughter outside
Breaking into pieces inside
Pain that shows no bound
Always hiding beneath the surface

No one has found this truth before
And soon I fear it will overtake

Casting away that lovely face
Breaking the smile that everyone sees

Lifeless eyes take over
As body goes limp with grace
Cerasium Apr 2020
I feel like I’m going crazy
My head is spiraling out of control
These thoughts that come flooding
Making me go insane

Pushing me to my limits
Causing me great pain
Pushing me so far
That I am unable to breath

Thoughts that push me so far
That my mind slowly cracks
And my demons threaten to escape
I’m so scared now

I feel like these thoughts
Are running out of control
Pushing me away from sanity
And closer to my doom

I’m so lost now
I wish things could get better
But I’m not sure if that’s possible
My heart and mind are no longer in sync

I just want this pain to end
I want to find the one I’m to be with
I want to stop the screaming voices
I need my life to turn around

I want to be free of the anguish
Free of this never ending battle
Between these vicious voices
And my ever breaking heart

So many issues
So little time
So much I need to get done
Yet there might not be any way to do it

So instead of doing the things I need to do
I’ve been battling with my thoughts
Pushing them away one by one
Until I am even able to move
Cerasium Apr 2020
When will this end
When will I stop being in pain
When will I be okay
When will I find my happiness

I stand here
With my heart bleeding
Tears of blood
Running down my face

I ask you
Do I even deserve love
Or am I destined to be hated
For all my life

I ask you this
Because deep within my heart
I feel like I don’t
Deserve anything but hate

Just rip me open
Take my bleeding heart
Into your callused hands
And squeeze it hard

Crush it so I don’t have to feel
This horrible pain
I’m begging you
Just end it

Because if I can’t have love
Then just give me death
I’d rather be dead
Than hated by you

You say you forgive me
But I don’t feel that’s true
I forgave you instantly
And my actions shown true

I may not be able
To control my alters
But my heart will always remain
Right by your side

I just wish you realized that
Before shutting me out
Like I should have realized
My alters ****** up

My alters are not me
Yet you jumble us up as one
I have no control
When I’m not the host

I’ve gotten so much better
At keeping them at bay
I just wish I learned to do it
Before it was too late

Cause now I stand here
All alone and bleeding
My heart split in two
Forever waiting for you
Cerasium Jun 2017
To the wandering souls
Who lay in the valley of death
they to have seen my torture

To those lucky few
Who fall with the morning dew
Thy wishes you can see
The suffering we endure

To the souls of mankind
To each us own but together alike
We wander this land
In search of refugee

From the pain
The misery
And most of all ourselves

For we are the ones
Who can heal ourselves
We just have to choose

Do we lay down with the rest?
Or do we fall
With the beautiful grace of snow
Cerasium Nov 2019
We'll be okay, he says
But does he really know that?
We will make it through this, he says
But how can he be certain?

He says these things
Thinking that it will make it alright
But he doesn't realize that the damage
Has already destroyed my heart.

I plead and I beg
Asking what is going on
All he says is he needs to find himself
And he has to be alone

He pushes me away
Blocking out my emotions
My love and need
I just want to help

But pushing me away
Will just cause agony
Pushing towards anger
And eventually hatred

He doesn't understand
He doesn't have to be alone
He doesn't have to face this by himself
He can have help to aid his search

But still he pushes
Pushes so hard that I break
I begin to crack
And dark thoughts pour into my head

Thoughts of pain
Sorrow and aggression
Suspicion and worry
Thoughts that I shouldn't have

Like what if he's cheating
What if I'm better of dead
What if I caused this
What if he hates me

What if he was just using me
And I finally had no more use..
What if..
What if I disappeared..

Would he even care?
Would it be enough
To snap him back
From his fantasy

And yet
I can't bring myself to leave
I can't be apart from him
He is a part of me

My other half
My missing piece
My polar opposite
My soul..
Cerasium Aug 2016
What is love?
Like the snow flake falling to the ground
A gentle yet subtle movement straight to the heart
Echoing within the valley of the soul

Christening the wings of the fragile butterfly
Love is the gentle caress of a new borns grip
The sound of the waves flowing slowly to the shore

The gentleness of the breeze as it slides across your face
What is love?
Love is gentle
Pure and divine
Cerasium Dec 2018
Sleep is a great mystery for no one really knows what it truly is.
Is it our mind being teleported to another realm?
Or maybe we are waking from the dream and going back to reality.
Doubt time will give us the answer.
For people have been studying dreams for eons.
And have yet to find such an answer.

Oh Java thou art truly my only friend.
Against the impending doom which is burning bright.
So bright it dares to engulf nations at a time.
For that burning light is sleep.
The enemy of the working man.
And the dawn of an awakened youth.
Cerasium Dec 2019
You say you love me
Yet you want another
You tell me there's a chance
Yet you want to be with her

You tell me it's going to be okay
Yet all I can see is you next to her
You say you haven't done anything
Yet I feel that's a lie

You tell me she tried
And that you pushed her aside
But is that really true
When you refuse to tell me whats true

I go on a suicidal rampage
Trying to end the pain
But everytime you stop me
I die a little more inside

I want to be with you
But how can that happen
How can we be together
When you want to be with her

You say you love me
But is that really true
Cause when I look in your eyes
All I see is your love for her
Cerasium Feb 2020
With each passing day
The light inside me dies
Surrounding me in eternal darkness
And snuffing out any form of happiness

I beg and I plead for relief
But it never comes
It only gets worse
And I can’t take it anymore

I love him with every fiber of my being
Yet nothing I say or do matters
It’s like he doesn’t care anymore
And I’m tired of this pain

I try and I try
To hide all of it
From his gaze
But I can’t hide forever

He says he still cares for me a lot
But honestly with his actions
It speaks the opposite
I just wish he would speak the truth

Speak from your heart
Don’t hide anything
Let it all out
Just like I have done

Lay your very soul
Upon the table bare
So we can finally understand
One another’s feelings

I fear that I don’t have much left
My will is slowly fading
I’ve already reverted back to self harm
Soon it will start to get worse

My heart will start to decay
Turning off all care for life
I will constantly be fighting
My darkest of thoughts

Thoughts that I haven’t had
Since I was a teenager
Thoughts that I could suppress
Just by looking at him

Seeing his dorky grin
The smell of his skin
The gentleness of his touch
The love in his eyes

These things made me so happy
That I couldn’t think like that
I didn’t want to think like that
All I cared about was being with him

Now I have mixed feelings
Feelings of betrayal and fear
Of longing and anger
Of love and regret

I know he won’t talk
Cause every time we try
It just makes it works
Cause he won’t say anything

I ask if things will be okay
I ask if I will ever be with him again
But all he says is give it time
And I see no love in his eyes

I see no more longing
No more want
No more pleading
Just vacant eyes staring back

I start to ponder
If I was ever good enough
If I will ever make it through this
Will I ever be happy again

But with how things are going
I doubt I will ever be happy
My heart is in so much pain
I feel like I’m dying

And it’s only getting worse
With each passing day
So I beg of you
Just talk to me one last time

Let everything out
Don’t hold back
There is so much to say
That you try and hide
Cerasium Jan 2020
Seal thy heart
Let it rot
Bleed it dry
Watch it wither

Feel the thorns
Entwine thy corpse
Sprinkle the salt
Feel the sting

Shrivel up tight
Feel the contractions
As thy eyes
Dry up inside

Love is gone
Wilted away forever
The pain gone
Lost forever more

You ask beggingly
For utter forgiveness
Only silence comes
To thy ears

Blood turned ash
The love dies
Scream and shout
To no avail

I am gone
You lost me
Never to regain
Cerasium Jan 2020
Ripping and tearing
The heart strings cry
Feeling it's soul
Cast aside

Agony grips tight
As darkness closes in
The light that was once there
Now fades to black

Fear takes hold
As the soul begins to fade
Am I dying?
Or am I just going numb

I wish I knew the answer
Of this simple question
Was it all for nothing
Or will you come back
Cerasium Apr 2020
There's this feeling inside my heart
And it's telling me that you love me
But sometimes you seem so cruel
I look in your eyes
And wish you didn't have to go

Then it all came to an end
But it's not a matter of what you do
My heart will always be with you
And I'll remember the times we had

And when I call out your name
It brings me to tears
I want to know how I can stay with you
I want to know how I can stay with you
I'm begging you with all my soul
You already have my heart
So take me with you

I just wish you could feel this pain
Deep inside my chest
Oh how I want to stay with you
Yet you walk away
Leaving me this way
All broken inside

And when I call out your name
It brings me to tears
I want to know how I can stay with you
I want to know how I can stay with you
I'm begging you with all my soul
You already have my heart
So take me with you

I'm all alone
I need you to know I love you
Oh god take me with you
Don't leave me here like this
How am I to survive like this
Without you
Without you
Cerasium Dec 2017
I like you
Words so hard to speak
Hiding in plain sight
Yet so easy to flee

I want you
Such a nice ring
The heart is fluttering
But the mind is afraid

I need you
Such simple embrace
The want of passion
In such pleasant grace

Fear of rejection
Tightens our bonds
The words we wish to say
Never finding it's way there

Words we find so simple
But hiding they do like
For when we try to speak
Our mind says no way

These words wont do

The mind is a safe place
Words get lost
Wanting to reach out
But the fear is oh so real
Cerasium Jul 2017
My words fill you with emotions
The very depth of your soul aches for understanding
Yet no one sees the shallow waters we make
Never get to taste the salt we live in

To see the sky turn red
And fade into a glorious purple
We seek not the future of salvation
But the relief of our present

My heart is breaking
That is why I'm letting my words ensnare
No one can heal this ache
No presence can fill the void

Ask us not for our sovereign grace
The shallow pools help so much
Feeling something rather than nothing
The only way for us to feel alive

Yet we crave for something deeper
A purpose in life
A place of grandeur
To end all of our suffering

We crave a love unconditional
To have our voices heard
To end the darkness
That ensnares our soul

To bask in the light of true want
To be free and accepted
To walk without fear
To love without hate

Peace and love
Are all we seek
To be ourselves
Without judgement or chains
Cerasium Jan 2020
They say you need to let things go
Forgive and forget
But that’s really hard to do
With you care for someone so deeply

You can always forgive
But deep down you know
The trust that was once there
Is gone forevermore

Try as you might
You can’t escape the thoughts
Thoughts of jealousy
Betrayal and mistrust

You hammer them shut
Deep in your subconscious
But somehow they keep surfacing
Like a shark who smells blood

You try to numb yourself
Hide the emotion in the thoughts
But that only last so long
Before eventually you snap

No matter how many times you talk
It always seems to be the same
One doesn’t care
While the other cares too much

These things can break you
Shatter your soul into pieces
Rip your heart right out of your chest
In fear of day to day events

Tread lightly with your next move
For every thought that comes up
There’s always a reason
Why they weasel on in

It could be despair
It could be happiness
Just focus on what’s around
And never assume it goes away
Cerasium Oct 2023
Such fragileness
The youth take hold
Showcasing bliss in unity
For themselves and all

Such bravery
In the grasp of tyranny
Always fighting
For love of all

Such compassion
For those in pain
Lending a helping hand
To those who need it most

Such honor
To fight for the meek
Raging war on oppression
In all it's many forms

Such kinship
For all forms of life
Finding beauty
Where others fail to see

Life can be a roller coaster
But just gaze at the marvel
Of these passionate youths
Fighting for sovereignty of all
Cerasium May 2019
Is there anyone around me?
Can you hear it in my voice?
I am calling
Calling for a lasting heart

Is it you?
Are you my hope?
Are you the one who'll set me free?
Or are you here to lock me up?

Inner self:
What are you?
Can you answer me?
My vision has gone so dark
I can't see who you are

Where am I now?
Can you see this shining light?
Can you hear me now?
I am shouting on high!

See the colours flow
The ocean waves
Hear the trees breath
And the animals play

See the sunlight shine
The moonlight glow
The wind blow
And the river flow

Who am I?
In the darkest night
Flying high
til the morning light

Inner Self:
Who am I?
In the light of day
Eager to bask
In the yonder bay

Who are we?
In the days to come
Holy and complete
We bless all unique

See the sound
Hear this call
We call to all
The beauty abound

I walk in the shadows
Seeing which others hide
Feeling the darkness
That you all run from

Inner Self:
I walk in the light
I see the fakeness
The plays people put on
The webs of lies people speak

We see truth
We see lies
We see all
We see divine

We see the laughter
We see the torment
We see beauty
We see destruction

Longing for the one
Who has been caged
Begging for it to come
Back to grace on high
Song I'm working on. Already got the melody just coming up with the words right now. It is a duet with your inner self.

— The End —