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I hate marijuana.
It is a class A drug for a reason.
It destroys your brain and brings anarchy to the world.

Me looks both ways to see if anyone around
ok mon, now dat da feds are gone, lets get ta business.
Me inhales me blessed ******

**** is cool. It's actually really nice.
If ya t'ink otherwise, den ya better t'ink twice.
Me gonna tell you, why Reggae is my life.
Me love Reggae so much me wish it was me wife.
Marijane is me love. Spliffs and Reefers too.
Kush makes me so hot you'd t'ink I had da flu.
Why should ya smoke herb? Me gonna tell you why.
When ya smoke heaven's grass ya feel like ya gonna fly.
Away from all ya problems. Towards a purposeful end.
Makes ya feel, so nice. ****, you will soon befriend.

­Everything Cook and Curry (Reggae term for "Everything is Fine")

If you are 911, you do not have permission to read this and can't use it in court. Sorry piggy.
unwritten Aug 2014
i believe
that you can tell a lot about a person
by the number of email drafts in their inbox;

the number of times they had words to say but soon thought better of it
and retreated back into the silence;

the number of times their heart and soul were screaming,
begging to be heard,
but were soon vanquished with the click of one shiny "X"
or a backspace button;

the number of times they opened the closet
to pull out a skeleton,
only to come to their senses
and shut it back in again.

i believe that you can tell a lot about a person
by the number of email drafts in their inbox.

but maybe that's just me.

i tend to dwell on unsaid words.

i was logged into my email and saw that a lot of my drafts were new messages with nothing in them. i had thought of something to send, then thought better of it, and i began to wonder what i had wanted to say at those moments.
Kayla Lynn Dec 2010
T* hough I know the truth
H urt still lingers in my breath
E mptying out into the street

M other to none, sister to one, daughter to two
O nly one slight problem, I want to be alone with
N othing to bother me, no one to disrupt my
S leepless nightmares, taunting day dreams
T onight I shall not rest until I find a way to
E nd these thoughts, but I will never
R est easy, not until I learn the meaning of peace

W hat have I become anyway?
I s this liar, this thief, this ******,
T he person I've always wanted to
H onor with the title of my name?
I s this black hole swirling inside my chest
N othing more than a shell of a human being?

W hy do I always end up asking the same questions?
I  may never really know who I am
L ike most drifters and loners and
L osers, I may never learn to love myself

N othing is worse than not knowing
E verything there is to know about oneself, it's
V ery unsettling, earth shattering, words don't
E ven make sense, strung together in
R epetitious strings, dangling from the ceiling

S till, a part of me, a very small part
U nderstands that my life isn't really about
B ecoming who I'm meant to be
S ometimes, it's about just learning to
I dentify with the face in the mirror, ignoring the
D enial that seeps through my heart, I know that
E veryone thinks I've lost my head. Well, maybe I have..
© December 2010 Sarah Lynn
Mark Ipil Aug 2015
Just by looking at your smile,
Everything will be fine in a while,
In all the things we shared together,
Sweet moments, feels forever,
Every time I’m close to you,
Liking you will be impossible too,
May you continue to shine,
Aim high and ask for his divine,
You can do it, I swear you could.

Care to explain who is he in your life?
And joke, you don’t have to answer it,
Right now, I wish you’ll be successful,
Young-like, lovely, and beautiful,
Live life with your own choice.

And one thing that I wish,
Live your life and exist,
And in life not all is true,
May you find it out in blue,
A**nd lastly, Happy Birthday.
P.S. This is my message for that girl's birthday, Hey hope YOU like it, Happy Birthday <3
Alicia Strong Dec 2011
And here we go again.

We're searching for an end.
A* means to stop the madness,
Kicking and screaming in spite of
Everything society has to throw at us.


Calling all police officers,
Arrest us, if you can.
Let us go, if you will, but,
Let it be known, we will be back.

Fighting for freedom
Of opinion, speech, and looking for equality.
Rebelling against

The **** that the media throws at us.
How will we know where to go if
Everything around us is fake?

My friends, we must be critical.
Actions speak louder than words.
Send out a message across the
Seas, so that
Everyone can rise and
Say this with me...

Everyone is beautiful, everyone deserves to be free,
if I am true to myself, then I will be truly happy.
Y: YOU'RE forgetting one more thing...and that's because you're
(Read Note)
SELF LOVE: When you feel ugly, remember you're perfect in your own way.
Write down UGLY AND PERFECT and come up with things that you are feeling and what you really are instead of what your negative thoughts appear to say.
Nylee Nov 2021
Everything is a lie,
What I see as reality
is just my side of story
A pretty point of view
Live it, believe it,
illusion is beautiful
Nina McNally Mar 2011
"So tell me now, where was my fault/In loving you with my whole heart"
Tell me the truth -- and only the truth.
Right now that is what I need,
And I need a restart.
I'm sorry for all I've done, but I must say
Goodbye to this lonely cold
Heart, that once belong
To you. You had me at hello, you had me, you had

Everything, but you lost it in one not-so-smooth move.
Do you ever wish we were still together?        Well I do, sometimes, but
Goodbye to what we were, it was nice knowing you.
Even in these lonely days, I wouldn't change a thing.

                                                         ­        "A white blank page and a swelling rage
                                                         You did not think when sent me to the brink
                                            You desired my attention but denied my affections."
"And I will hold on hope
And I won't let you choke
On the noose around your neck
And I'll find strength in pain
And I will change my ways
I'll know my name as it's called again"
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Lyrics from the Mumford & Sons "The Cave" & "White Blank Page"
Olga Valerevna Oct 2016
"My skin is always crawling," said the body to the soul
"I've turned into an ant but there is nowhere left to go"
the world is being eaten by the people being served
but I won't come to dinner lest I'm cooked to be observed
there seems to be a fire burning everything in sight
consuming with a fury those who fair a different fight
I may have lost some footing but I'll never lose my legs
I will not play accomplice to what everybody says
so catch me if you can and do whatever you so choose
you may have burned my body but I crawled away from you
when my mother speaks, I listen.
Mel Little May 2015
(M)aybe this doesn't come easy to me
(Y)es, I know I've done this before

(M)aybe there is more to see
(I)n all, I can give you more
(R)ead into this what you will
(A)sk me for my heart
(C)alm it though, keep it still
(L)ay in wait for your part
(E)verything comes down to a kiss
This poem reads down and across in the style of Ellen Hopkins
Alicia Strong Aug 2011
Falling down
Again, it seems
Like no one
Listens anymore.
It feels like
No one's there, everyone's just...

Downward spiral leading me to an
Open vein in my life.
Wondering why I could
Never stop sooner.

At last, when all the smoke clears.
Night turns to

Good morning, is
Everything I needed
To hear.
I** start myself over again.
Not going to
Get beaten down so easily anymore, because...

Up there, I know you're watching me, and it's you, who
Pulls me back together when I fall apart.
Y Rada Nov 2015
So wonderfully and fearfully made…
And through you God’s beauty is displayed.
Only Him and none can make you feel satisfied…
In trying times on His word diligently abide.
Roses are red and waterfalls of tears are blue,
Sometimes life is filled with lies that seemed true,
Everything passes but the Lord will guide you through.

Never ever forsake your family and friends…
Inspire them with your essence until the end.
Kneel when you can’t carry the yoke any longer…
On your knees and folded hands Jesus will take over.
Learn things seriously and take rejection politely…
A** smile on your face every time you hurt terribly.

So wonderfully and fearfully molded don’t forget…
And you are made whole even if life’s not perfect.
Love, faith and joy are your simple treasures…
Take them with you in your every adventure.
In giving your all expect nothing in return,
Nurture the seeds of every blessing earned,
Go and make your heart’s fire brightly burn.
To my beautiful goddaughter.
Even though I have only seen you in pictures darling girl, and I'm so far away from you, be known that you have a place in my heart. My prayers are there for you :-)
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
L aughing is amazing
O ut of this world girl
V ery pretty as well
E verything I ever wanted
Micah Oct 2014
What is grace?

Grace is
Meaning that with Jesus' death on the cross, he purchased for us a right relationship with God that we could not have earned for ourselves because

Grace is
Cannot be

And once this
Gift is
Realised it
Meaning that every debt is paid, every single sin past, present and future is washed away.
So come expectantly because grace is a
Which means that as we leave the flesh behind and die more and more to ourselves, we are stepping into a movement that continues to change to world by
Communion to

God is
Because the
Gap has been
A bridge has been built, the battle has been won and
Christ is
Please no hate.
eliza t Jan 2015
H** eaven must be coming nearer, but
O h how small the little light is,
P laced so far above my head (still bruised from the free fall), when
E verything plunged earthward, along with my sweet dreams
AshMer Feb 2013
It seems that no matter what I do,
Nobody seems to see me through.
And yet I am still so far,
Far away from what I am trying to reach.
Fearing that I would lose everything,
Existing in my own eyes as not being worthy enough.
Can you not see that I hurt?
Too late for your sympathy...
I** thought I had grown weak.
Over and over I couldn't see,
Never realizing what happened to me.

I am a stronger person now!
Never give up!
Always do it your way.
Forget what they think,
For they were only try to bring you down!
Everything that you worked for,
Came from your diligence and determination.
Time will tell you once said,
It's finally time to shine!
Only you can make a difference.
Never look back at the past.... It's history now <3

Thank you for reading my 2 sided story.

Inaffection -
A word I made up. The definition of inaffection is the opposite of affection.

Definition: A feeling of disliking or hatred.
Synonyms: aversion, hate, loathing, abhorrence, pet hate, bete noir, displeasure, disinclination, distaste, disgust, repugnance, antipathy, animosity
Shannon Jeffery May 2014
Now listen here
Everything you need is easy to obtain, its
Very simple for me to explain
Ever thought you couldn't get it
Reach out and just grab it

Go your hardest at what ever you're after
Instead of curling and giving up
Vacate your mind and try again
Enter positive sight my friend

Understand this though, you will need to
P**repare for a journey, and it'll all come to you
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Moments of truth when
Everything starts to fall apart.

As I lay here,
Gazing up at the stars;
As I get ready to drift off to sleep;
I* wonder about life and love, in the darkest hour of the
Night. *Are we ever gonna have peace, in this world?

So as I lay here wondering, in
Time, we will have peace in the world, again, someday.

The time to sleep
Has come and gone; in
Each hour...

Week...and month, I stay up later and later.
Oh nostalgia, what are you doing to me?
Running from this
Lonely world--- Please
Don't give up on me.
Seasons of Change. <3

copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
most of my writes are words from my mind to the page.
I just write.
title from a Simple Plan song, and idea from Jon London.
Nina McNally Feb 2013
L** ight them up! That's what Fall Out Boy said
In their new song,
Getting a fresh start,
Holding no regrets, but "My Songs Know What You Did In
The Dark, so light em up on fire!"

Everything on fire, as Fall Out Boy is anew.
Memories are just memories,

Understanding that they are starting fresh.
People loving the new song!
Inspired by Fall Out Boy and their new song, new sound!
McNally, Inc.
Àŧùl Jul 2019
Here it goes... :-)
So, you descended from those skies,
The moment I saw those pink eyes,
I fell from grace believing those lies,
Bewildered I was seeing your eyes.

Of angels you're a priceless princess,
This is the most real fact in my life.

Unbelievable beauty met my eyes,
Of those herons you're ******,
You are my story's heroine.

Everything about you is so beautiful,
Very trustworthy & honest you are,
Often times you come to my dreams,
Loving this new journey I am to bits.

I am addicted and you are my drug.
My HP Poem #1752
©Atul Kaushal
Yen Apr 2017
S he will forget the
U nwelcomed pain and
I  nevitably welcome the
C omfort 
I  t offers
D ecline
E verything that hurts

A nd remember only the
N ice 
D reams she had before she

R ests
E ternally and
G ratefully in the comforts of her
R emains on
E arth.
T his day doesn't end without a good bye.
Tinker Bell Apr 2016
Cherish all good things, while you can,
Each and every woman, each and every man.
Little do you know, when your life will take a turn,
Everything you had, maybe lost in a short span.
Be free, don't confine your mind and soul,
Remember to be happy, atleast once a day,
All will be, as it should be, it's not under your control,
Try to appreciate yourself and throw your worries away.
E**ndings always hurt, but "make it a good one, eh?"

Haha :p
"How rare and beautiful it is, to even exist." - Sleeping At Last
Swords and Roses Jul 2015
Hidden in the darkness, in the shadows, crouching
Elfin, or is it skeletal, like paper, like a wisp of smoke?
Longing eyes, strands of saliva oozing down a tiny chin
Predatorial, sniffing, snarling, waiting, watching, pouncing

Heart racing, blood scented, ******* cry, frightened prey
Everything running, always running, running faster
R**un, run, run all you like, *the shadows always catch you, in the end
Sorry I haven't done a poem in a while
eliza t Jan 2015
L** iving like this is a nightmare; all ******* in you,

O ver the high and here comes the free fall, how

V ery loudly the wind chimes in my ears, while

E verything falls apart between my silent tears
Seema Jan 2018
I want you to:

Protect me always
Even if you are away
Always call me
Cause you are mine to be
Everything else doesn't matter, you see

I come with peace:
I just want you for me...

Nina McNally Jan 2011
In the middle of the

The darkness is
Even in my room,

My ferrets are sleeping and
I** probably should too.
Down, we go
Down underneath the roots,
Love comes from

On with this

This feeling of love,
Here we lay forever
Eternity; here in the

I lay awake, ready to sleep, so
Goodnight, as I lay
Here waiting for
Tomorrow to come so I can see you.
copyright; 2008
McNally; Inc.
James Arce Apr 2016
Never getting a full nights rest,
Imagining what if, had we tried our best.
Gathered thoughts come day and night,
Haunting me, with all their might.
Thinking back to the times we had,
Memories only, of your face so sad.
All the good times are never near,
Remembering the negative, is a constant fear.
Everything's a mess and no good thoughts keeping,
S*eeing you only; as my nightmares come creeping.

- James Arce
The title being spelled out by the first letter of each line. I love Acrostic forms of poetry!
Listen to the vents

They sound more staril than a plane cabin

And the scents

Of anti-bacterial attempts to provide comfort

I confess

Its not my primary choice

for a sabbath afternoon

The twist of a limb

And the slip of the heart



­melting ***

where cultures collide

into beautiful desperation

differences dissipate, because of one similarity

the threat

the wonder

and the anxiety

of the E.R.
Don't cry tender soul it's not your time
Ask me anything and you shall see
Nothing is as hard as it used to be
I've brought you strawberry milk, let me nom your feet
Everything is perfect, your kisses all over me
L**ove me like I do you, you are the start of everything
Charan P Jan 30
Woke up feeling kinda good today,
Actually got out of bed on the first try.
Not every day has to be a struggle, right?
Thinking maybe things are finally looking up.

Took a walk, breathed in the fresh air,
Oh man, even my coffee tasted better.

Don’t know why, but I laughed for no reason,
I guess this is what normal feels like.
Everything’s fine. Totally fine.
Everything’s great, really. Just a few letters here and there  spelling something else…telling a different story... but it’s fine. Nothing to see here.
//hint - maybe look up the first letters of each sentence
Haley G Jun 2015
Picture the life you want most, in the palm of your hand,
Everything you dreamed of and wished for,
Reaching out to you like a child, but then you
Fear the worst and start to ask questions,
Everything then starts to crumble,
Crumbling in the palm of your hand,
To much anxiety, to much OCD,

You just wanted everything to be **PERFECT
Nina McNally Jan 2011
When the time comes, will
Eternity mean forever? Will
Love be true? How
Can something so little, mean so much?
Only time will be the answer to the
Meaning of life.
Everything will play out in

The end.
Oh, time-What an interesting subject, and

My, oh, my how things have changed--
Yesteryear has come and gone. So

Let's dance and live like
It's the last night on Earth. So
For now, it's just you and I and
E**ternity is still forever!
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
--a poem that was just written just for the fun of it.
-a Simple Plan song-
Everything I've ever said, I meant with all I had,
This love isn't something that you get from just anyone.
Each day I fall in love with you over and over,
Relishing each moment in which I share with you.
No one could ever replace you my dear,
I am yours,
Till the very end and after.
Y*ours forever and after my love. Together for eternity.
As if a poem could get any cheesier or I could be anymore cliche we pull this from no where xD
Jelisa Jeffery Feb 2011
I** try not to tell you how I feel
No one should determine your choices but you
Farther from honesty I become
Lies aren’t told, but my thoughts aren’t portrayed
Unless you can dig them out of me
Every thought you have discourages you
No truth I could tell would save you from that
Cause the truth is, if you go
Everything would be hard for me, and you’d only feel worse
Jelisa Jeffery © 2011
Nina McNally Mar 2011
Down in the valley,
I* scream out to you.
And in an instant I ask
Myself why.                        *Why do I do this to myself?

Our time is long gone..Will I ever be able to "say goodbye to my weakness"? As
Now, I can say "so long to the regrets" I have had.                      And as I go
Down to this Wonderland; a place I found, a while back, where

Everything is simply and beautiful.                                    My place.
Yesterday's problems are long gone.                 When
Each new day comes, I greet the sun with a
Smile. And remember to keep a positive mind, and everything will be fine.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Stay Positive.
title and quotes from
Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay, Boom-Lay, BOOM!) by Shinedown
Olivia L Oct 2015
Please, please stop yelling. My head is too filled up with noise and darkness for me to even hear you
Every ******* day, I have to wake up and smile, pull on my mask and sprinkle the light into my eyes, and you expect me to
Recognize your ideas that push me further into the closet, hiding behind the dresses and scarves and makeup and shirts and shoes and tights and jackets and hats and
Fucking costumes that I use to fit your vision. To pretend that things are in the past, and that
Everything that is wrong has been fixed. That my broken soul is sewn back together, and I no longer have a gaping whole inside of me.
Come on, do you really think that what I'm saying are my true words?
T**hat this façade that I glide through life in is me? Because this person, this PERFECT persona that I place on myself is my shield, and one day, it's going to break
Slam poetry idea. I'm getting a head start on things this year, still have about six or seven months till the competition, so lots of time to churn out pieces.

— The End —