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Raghu Menon Jul 2015
Patiently he untangles the net
Standing calmly
Brazing the breeze
On the dancing boat
With an oar on its side
Which is cooled by the
Waters of the river..

The sun will set in an hour or so
And he has to finish his catch
Before the dusk
And back to his hut
Where his wife will
Waiting eagerly
To make the dinner
With the fresh catch

Another day
Another catch
The river but
Remains the same
Greeting the fishermen
Who roam the river
With their boats
luv Aug 2021
if i could have back
everything you took from me
i wouldn't want it.

childhood wounds
the little boy
who loves
the little girl.
the silly child
within me
who thought
you could
revive her-
willing to

you did all
you could to
sink your teeth
into my
rotting skull,
to brand your
on my skin.

you are poisonous
to all you touch,
your hands rough
with abuse,
tongue laced
with venom-
every word
another lie.

i would rather die than carry your child.

there are now
no living ties
to my old life.
i am not alone-
i am free.

my new love
holds my heart
with utmost
hands as delicate
as rain.
he untangles
strokes my hair
cooks me breakfast
wipes my tears

the little girl
who you spit on
lied to
she dances in the kitchen
jumps on the bed
paints a picture
of a life
Mellow Ds Feb 2011
Anxiously awaiting atomic assimilation
Basing me on belligerent and boorish bastardization
Capsizing cargo with careful consideration as to
Deciding which day is decay's destination
Everyone embrace the elevated expiration
Forget my face and follow fabrication
Go to the gallows with grace and gravitation
He will hold you and hinder alienation

I, however, hold insignificance in interest
Justifiable jackhammers jacking fighter jets
Killing Californians who are kissing canvases
Lying without laughing and lighting cigarettes
My master makes me move my mundane mind
Never knowing next to nothing with nothing else inside
Overly offering operating override
Practicing patiently pulling peoples' pride

Quickly questioning quizzical quietness
Rationalizing raging reinventions ridiculous
Stapling this summer to my (still) sick subconscious
Traveling tunnelers trading tides for tiredness
Under the umbrella my undertow untangles
Violently vibrating like varying violin angles
Waiting with wandering whispers under the table
Xylophonist x-rays, excruciating fables

You yellow youngling, you who screams in my dreams
Zebras zoom by every single night, it seems
Let's chant my enchantments, the alliteration song!
And untie your tongue
So you don't take it wrong.
(c) Ryan Bowdish 2010-2011
I get edgy sometimes-
When I see knots-
I freeze up.

I get upset when I try to untangles them-
Like earphones and other audio cords-
Auxiliaries, usbs and inputs.

I get frustrated-
Easily with entanglement-
I hate knots but.

Our bodies could be a knot, that I wouldn't want to untangle.
Seán Mac Falls Jun 2012
When she touches me, I feel her touching
Herself, though she circles my shape into
Oneness, I sometimes feel— detached
Within those arms.  
                                   In her startled-fall
To sleep, imperceptibly, she gathers
The room from her haunting childhood.  
Drawing the air and curling in waves—
Her hair, as if she were weaving some kind
Of shelter.

When I touch her, it is with desire.
My reach untangles the very dream
Which took thirty five years of dull
Existence to unmuddle— to imagine,
My soul's other.

                         Ten fingers envelop her body
Like splits of lightning— rippling skyward
From wholly, bone-dun-desert, floor and there,
In that rose-journey of unbridled touch,
The shock of thunder makes a mother
Of the sky.  
                     When she breaks her water
The blighted earth that was sung— given
My name, becomes her light, awakening
David Naumann May 2021
Go where the road untangles and unfurls
by those cliff side views over those blue curls
lit only by those high beams off those white pearls.

Only sense of direction is the road ahead
no going back just only forwards instead
as going prevents drifting to the sea bed.

The white sea foam crashes amongst the shore
those high beams persist only for Salvadore
the light bends around the corner then no more.
The seaside below and its ebb and flow.
Seán Mac Falls Jul 2013
When she touches me, I feel her touching
Herself, though she circles my shape into
Oneness, I sometimes feel— detached
Within those arms.  
                                   In her startled-fall
To sleep, imperceptibly, she gathers
The room from her vexing childhood.  
Drawing the air and curling in waves—
My hair, as if she were weaving some kind
Of shelter.

When I touch her, it is with desire.
My reach untangles the very dream
Which took thirty five years of dull
Existence to unmuddle— to imagine,
My soul's other.

                         Ten fingers envelop her body
Like splits of lightning— rippling skyward
From wholly, bone-dun-desert, floor and there,
In that rose-journey of unbridled touch,
The shock of thunder makes a mother
Of the sky.  
                     When she breaks her water
The blighted earth that was sung— given
My name, becomes her light, awakening
blushing prince Feb 2016
I've seem to have lost my youth, I fear it was never there to begin with.
All the fuel that was riddled on my tongue as an adolescent is rubbing off with time, like a word I don't know anymore.
I keep darting to women on bus stops looking at their knees and wondering if all the lines there are like the rings in a tree, like the creases in flowers rich men buy for their honeys.
All these bodies piled in a room full of smoke, in recollections of other times they were in smoky rooms with strangers but all I taste, remember, is the sun on my forehead while Spanish guitars play nearby and there's a million voices, curling into chatter, into banter I can reconcile.
The night is young, this is the way to die if you're ever going to but the days are permeated under my shoes; I walk into 99 cent bargain stores and don't see plastic like she does, do not see the degradation of objects that never dissipate but easily break. The ***** floors of feet that live in small apartments, that dry-heave for the cheap cigarettes and low cost security cameras for their victim-less crimes. The resilience of things that grow in the only place they know where.
No I see a 25 year old girl stocking the shelves and watching the soul in her hair run for the door, for the foreign on her skin evaporating into the electrical fans, her golden years on the ankles that will one day twist in slippery showers, in greasy paved roads, in the heels she never learned to wear.
I see my generation through glass windows, through transparent doors, in between every beer I sip I don't find myself losing my worries into the inside of my bra for later inspection, under my wallet for when the party goes into the graveyard hours and I'm frozen in an unknown couch. I don't think about the time she left or the time he lied. Not about the knots everyone you meet leaves, or the heartbreak residue in drawers you don't open anymore. No time.
Standing in front of cold deli aisles, there is no resurrection of when my friends would call me by my first name, no remorse for the chances I didn't take when my shyness didn't burn on my face. A father that had a heart attack at the beach and I wasn't sure if the tears were because mortality was there holding my hand or because there was sand in my eyes and would it matter?
The neglect in my stature, the depth that is lost every time my head falls on a new pillow once again. When they talk about the jokes they wrote down on napkins, on fast food places at midnight, when the leather jacket they smooth down but all I see is the thread that is unwinding below their waist, the condiment stain on their napkin and how so very easily beef reminds me of the hospital.
I want to say that yes I am young, I have always been. That nothing has changed since when I was 12, that when everyone picked up their addiction I chose mine as well. That being alone is like a rock you take off the ground and you hold it for so long you start forgetting it's there until your hand untangles, until your jaw unclenches. You look around and you notice everyone is laughing and you try to as well but the second is gone, eyes are blinking, the sun has turned slightly and there is nothing else to do but grab another rock. I'm afraid I've exhausted myself too quickly.
I imagine the exasperated nostalgia of childhood is because there was no past, no better memories to cling to, you can't look back when there isn't anything there. But you begin hanging out in dim places, where the people are grittier than the seats in bars, in subway cars. The gods in your desk start to lose meaning, and the love, all that love, stops defying gravity like the bags under your eyes. The guys with caramel complexions treat you like the rosary on their chest, with reverence only when it's Sunday. The way the sweat glistens in yellow lights.
and if I didn't exist in all of that, then I wouldn't want to.

I don't want pity, no ****** white room, no Judas kiss; just a simpler truth that you wouldn't understand and I wouldn't expect you to.
a commentary on feeling
Heather Wilkins Nov 2014
The rushing wind
grabs her hair

untangles the braids
ribbons whirl away

free to wander

jerks at the leaves
branches unclothed

trees shiver
left to face the

rushing wind alone.
C A Mar 2012
Pay attention
Hear the voices reconnect?
The traffic dies down simultaneously
The summer entwines and untangles
The skies reach out
The dandelions bloom
Feel the subtle changes
Purity is raining
Jessica Lange Dec 2015
Unhinge your jaw and shut your eyes
because the best things in life are simply felt,
and you’ll feel it everywhere if you’re doing it right.
A spark of electricity will ignite where your tongues dance
and it will sizzle through your teeth and down your throat,
lighting fires where you didn’t think could burn.
Curl your toes and knot your fingers into her hair like it is your lifeline.
Weld yourselves together, crawl into each other.
Run your tongue along hers until everything tastes like ‘we’.
Don’t forget to breathe; share the air until it’s gone
and all you have left to survive on is each other’s souls.
And whatever you do, don’t stop kissing her.
If you do, your lips will lose all meaning
because their only purpose now is to taste hers.
Your eyes will open and the world will seem a little grayer
As your soul untangles itself from hers.
Your tongue will become a defibrillator,
trying to revive the moment,
trying to recreate the electricity only you two can make.
SE Reimer Jan 2017
(... she plays with words)


like wind she plays with words,
shaped sand upon the beach;
building castles to the sky,
where tide her walls can't breach.

the combinations countless,
she untangles any stumbling lines;
in tapestry-flowing fountains,
her words to us, our sip of wine.

with nary but her hands she crafts,
poetry 'neath the noonday sun;
ceasing not except to watch,
a seabird as it tends its song.

in subtleties she stirs,
her adjectives like riffs;
nuanced dance in every verb,
a song that rises 'cross the drifts.

words that rivet every reader.
lines that wile a way with rhymes;
stanzas frame a photograph,
her free verse plays along in time.

combers rendered speechless,
marvel her poetic ways;
high as terns can fly she reaches,
as with every term she plays.

her muse in song delights
in ev'ry crashing wave she's heard;
her phrasing light takes winged flight,
like wind she plays with words.

on sands that ripple 'long the shore,
like conductor's arms at final score;
crescendo builds... she stands *****,
then fades to black when sun has set.


post script.

today she was my morning muse... a delightfully brilliant poet who knows how to play with words in a most riveting way!  i only just found her  please allow me to introduce you to Chelsea Rae in these lines:
SCK Mar 2016
the roaring wind whistles a polar me,
opposing freely,
a hushful respite,
inside today,
silent me.

sitting in dreams,
stuck in sleeping bags,
the night before,
before the morning snagged,
my lucid want,
my lucid haunt.

outside, the wind and sun,
blow fiercely through,
the dead dried leaves,
the dusty dung,
brown, unsung,
chaos flying,
above the roof,
around the fence,
at pasture’s hooves,
one last breath spent.

again here lie,
the dreams that drift,
the dreams that die,
sounding out February's cry,
singing her last goodbye.

while the trance settles,
and untangles,
and I, sitting quiet,
witnessing the bendy brambles.

~Lana Maree Haas
Seán Mac Falls Dec 2013
When she touches me, I feel her touching
Herself, though she circles my shape into
Oneness, I sometimes feel— detached
Within those arms.  
                                   In her startled-fall
To sleep, imperceptibly, she gathers
The room from her vexing childhood.  
Drawing the air and curling in waves—
My hair, as if she were weaving some kind
Of shelter.

When I touch her, it is with desire.
My reach untangles the very dream
Which took thirty five years of dull
Existence to unmuddle— to imagine,
My soul's other.

                         Ten fingers envelop her body
Like splits of lightning— rippling skyward
From wholly, bone-dun-desert, floor and there,
In that rose-journey of unbridled touch,
The shock of thunder makes a mother
Of the sky.  
                     When she breaks her water
The blighted earth that was sung— given
My name, becomes her light, awakening
Ceryn Dec 2018
You were once that someone
Who always puts a different color to my days,
Who paints a smile on my weary face,
Who revives my soul with your warm touch,
And untangles me from my own knots.

You were once that someone
Who always pulls me for a dance when I just wanted to stare,
Who blossoms in winter when no one would even dare,
Who hums to a sad melody and makes it just right,
And fights my monsters when I would just resort to a flight.

You were once that someone.
Yes, you were once that only one.
But where in the world are you now?
Are you still in my world somehow?
When the only one that saves you
Leaves you battling alone and unarmed,
Will you still try to fight with just a cold bare hand,
Or just let go of it all, up to the very last strand?

You were once that someone.
How I wish you're still that only one.
But what a healing heart could only do now
Is to finally let go of what has come and gone.
The very thought of finally letting go and moving on always pains me a whole lot inside. A part of me tells me to still hang on to that tiny thread that spells hope, but a voice in my head tells me to love myself a little bit more. I have to choose.
Seán Mac Falls Sep 2014
When she touches me, I feel her touching
Herself, though she circles my shape into
Oneness, I sometimes feel— detached
Within those arms.  
                                   In her startled-fall
To sleep, imperceptibly, she gathers
The room from her vexing childhood.  
Drawing the air and curling in waves—
My hair, as if she were weaving some kind
Of shelter.

When I touch her, it is with desire.
My reach untangles the very dream
Which took thirty five years of dull
Existence to unmuddle— to imagine,
My soul's other.

                         Ten fingers envelop her body
Like splits of lightning— rippling skyward
From wholly, bone-dun-desert, floor and there,
In that rose-journey of unbridled touch,
The shock of thunder makes a mother
Of the sky.  
                     When she breaks her water
The blighted earth that was sung— given
My name, becomes her light, awakening
Niki Elizabeth Sep 2017
The patter of an early evening rainstorm awakens her
and she untangles her sweaty limbs from those of her lover.
The sun has begun to set;
the thrill of adventure calls to her once more.
He begins to stir, awoken by her chaotic movements;
And lazily admires her beauty as she sifts through mounds of overdue laundry,
still smelling of suntan lotion and chlorine,
in search of the perfect shirt.
She’s late, as always,
She can hear her friends are outside in the car -
blasting throwbacks and spilling drinks
as the laugh and scream for her to hurry.
They fly through the night -
windows open letting the cool breeze filter the air thick of smoke and jubilance
All too eager to reach their destination;
moon children growing restless under the stars.
The ocean calls her home and its salty air clears her mind
as flames shoot out of the fire,
crackling and popping in the midnight sky.
Cheers are heard as bottles are passed;
pulling her head back out of the clouds.
Champagne to welcome the sunrise,
whiskey to bid summer adieu.
Daylight begins to break -
she takes one last drag of her cigarette and turns to go.
He’s still sleeping when she arrives,
this time she’s more careful not to wake him when she leaves.
The morning dew on bare feet remind her it’s time to move on -
the mountains are calling her name and to them she would roam;
it was always temporary,
changing with the seasons.
But to him -  
she tasted like skittles,
and she smelled like summer;
one he would never forget.
blxzd Feb 2014
they clutch and roll,
ignoring the sand creeping into their clothes,
they kiss,
full of fire,
and he reaches for her pants,
tugs at the waistband.

envisions of a capsized ship,
artefacts sinking to the bottom of the ocean,
trailing an SOS of bubbles
that never make it to the surface.
an anchor settling into a bed of mud,
tangled in seaweed.

she untangles herself from him,
and walks away.
japheth Sep 2018
i’ve tangled with a lot of bodies
after we ended.

i’ve knotted myself with different hearts
pretentiously knowing that this pain i’ve felt could be mended.

i’ve scrambled those ties in my hands and how easy it was for me to un-knot them.

one knot comes in, after a few days, weeks, or sometimes but not often, months, slowly it detangles itself and i leave untangled, unbroken, as if nothing went past these lines on my heart, my body, my lips, like it didn’t happen at all.

i thought those messy tangles i put myself into would be as hard as when we had to untangle ourselves — or just me, i guess — from the oh so short but very sweet time we’ve had together.

but, i was wrong.

i wasn’t left untangled,
i wasn’t unbroken.

i still had a little not, tied in between my heart, body, and lips, which i try so hard not to notice by putting myself out there, messing my own lines up till i catch someone who ends up letting go afterwards.

to you,

we’ve already part ways,

to me,

you barely left.

i wish you could untangle this knot you left.
i wish you could mess with mine again, and probably leave a bigger knot — so obvious that i’d give up trying to fix it.
i wish to see how your soft hands would carefully untie, over then under then pull and stretch, this knot and maybe i could finally figure out that it was so easy that i didn’t even need your help.

but you’re gone.

and i have to accept that.

it’ll take time before this untangles by itself so i’ll just let it be for awhile.

and when someone does come not only to tie their heart with mine,
but also untangle what you had left behind,
then i’ll be fine,
and know that now’s my time.
to the guy who i loved for two short weeks, thank you. i still love you and i’m happy you have found someone who’ll love you just the way you like it.
Seán Mac Falls Feb 2015
When she touches me, I feel her touching
Herself, though she circles my shape into
Oneness, I sometimes feel— detached
Within those arms.  
                                   In her startled-fall
To sleep, imperceptibly, she gathers
The room from her vexing childhood.  
Drawing the air and curling in waves—
My hair, as if she were weaving some kind
Of shelter.

When I touch her, it is with desire.
My reach untangles the very dream
Which took thirty five years of dull
Existence to unmuddle— to imagine,
My soul's other.

                         Ten fingers envelop her body
Like splits of lightning— rippling skyward
From wholly, bone-dun-desert, floor and there,
In that rose-journey of unbridled touch,
The shock of thunder makes a mother
Of the sky.  
                     When she breaks her water
The blighted earth that was sung— given
My name, becomes her light, awakening
zumee Oct 2018
we have a thing
a living thing
we don’t know what else to call it
it’s unlike any living thing
that life did ever posit

it surfaced on a liquid night
our heads were swimming in the stars
and once back down on solid ground
the thing was sleeping
at our feet

now it tails us everywhere
hides inside a gaze
feeds on time,
heaving hips,
musings on a page

it grows; glows
with each ******* sigh
untangles every simple thought
a human could desimplify

we're told the thing is ours to keep
can’t be robbed or gifted
can’t be sheltered, nonetheless
from hungry eyes
from destiny

I woke up this morning.
the thing is nowhere
to be found
SP Blackwell Feb 2014
She wakes up every day with a telescopic
sweater person staring at her face.
The smoke filled room is foggy and
reminiscent of a dreary London afternoon,
Sunlight slowly filters through a screenless
glass pane that lies behind the dusty wooden
panels that protect her from the blinding light.
The dust dances effortlessly through the streaks
of filtered sun as if they were a couple which
have danced this dance many times before.
With a heavy thump the whimsy of dancing
dust is taken away as the reality of chaos sets in.
In a flurry of blond hair and the ever present
feeling of fleeting time she reluctantly untangles
herself from the rainbow colored cloak that
protects her from the scowling faces that
await beyond the fortress door.
"Five more minutes." she whispered
to herself in an effort to remain within silence.
Entangled in her rainbow she threw her head
back upon her misshapen pillow chasing
the dream she will never be able to finish.
The pleasant ones that whisk her away
from telescopic sweater people
and scowling faces.
She rather dream of dancing dust.
For my sister Valeria aka George. Stay dreamy my dear. The world needs it. I shall be Dreary enough for the both of us.
Danny Wolf Mar 2015
Morning rises over Philadelphia
and cracks the sky;
untangles legs once intertwined.
Sun beams pierce through the window,
Revealing two bodies withdrawn to distant sides
of the hotel bed,

The night spent chest to chest
will forever be kept in the dark.
Onoma Jan 2015
The Dream tangles
and untangles strands
of light...
to Waken fuller frames
of Once upon a time...
as the panoramic view
Once smiles wide.
Hayleigh Dec 2014
Lesson one: give your heart to someone who gives theirs back. And hell she'll give you her heart on her sleeve, with a magic that allows you to conceive, real love, the kind that others dream of, the kind you look above and wish upon a star for, everything you wanted, she'll give you more.
Lesson two: find eyes that embody a maze that you could get lost in for days. And as you gaze at each other, you are no longer dazed by anxieties and caution signs because she reads through the lines and untangles and unwinds knots others have left behind.
Lesson three: lust is not love but when you find both, grab them tight. Because for the first time in your life you'll feel as though you got something right and as you see her in sight and she sets you alight with just one look, take note of the tattered heart she willingly took, the time she gave up to read into and not judge by the cover of your book.
Lesson four: always hold the door but never hold back. Hold the door for opportunity and unity in a way you could never construe existed, because within moments she'll have your eyes misted, your vision twisted, into the future, you see yourselves sharing, and those walls that she's tearing down will form new foundations for you to find your own ground.
Lesson five: tell her everyday how beautiful you think she is. Because with every day that passes, through each lens of her glasses she'll develop a tainted view and this time it's up to you to offer her your eyes, to help her see and realise, her beauty inside. Inside the body you adore, the woman you'd do anything for.
Lesson six: love is meant to last. So run her a bath, fill up her glass, do the dishes, commend her wishes, lay her fears to rest as she curls into your chest, calm the wars in her mind, undo and unwind with the love that you find in a fountain overflowing with her name, show her your game, not now but for forever, that whatever the weather, you will be there, show her you care and if you tried you couldn't care any more, tell her every day what you're grateful for.
Lesson seven: draw a line under the faults your find for she is only human too, let her know you love her through and through.
Lesson eight: show her. Kiss her, hold her, brush your fingers through her hair and stare into her eyes, as they sparkle and shine as the milk and honey on her lips and yours become entwined. For her make time, all the time in the world, because only once, will you find this girl, this lady, the one that you'll say, made you into the person you always wanted to be, who gave you eyes to see, only once will you find this lady, who will set you free, allow you to be all that you can be, and you shall do the same for her too, only once do you find the other half of you.
First draft..
Seán Mac Falls Jun 2015
When she touches me, I feel her touching
Herself, though she circles my shape into
Oneness, I sometimes feel— detached
Within those arms.  
                                   In her startled-fall
To sleep, imperceptibly, she gathers
The room from her haunting childhood.  
Drawing the air and curling in waves—
Her hair, as if she were weaving some kind
Of shelter.

When I touch her, it is with desire.
My reach untangles the very dream
Which took thirty five years of dull
Existence to unmuddle— to imagine,
My soul's other.

                         Ten fingers envelop her body
Like splits of lightning— rippling skyward
From wholly, bone-dun-desert, floor and there,
In that rose-journey of unbridled touch,
The shock of thunder makes a mother
Of the sky.  
                     When she breaks her water
The blighted earth that was sung— given
My name, becomes her light, awakening
Caro Jun 2020
I used to write poems
Who knew how to rhyme
Easy words hung out together
Matching pace, keeping time

But now I like my proses
That don’t have to try so hard
I can write each phrase
Quick as it catches ablaze
No rhythm in it’s ways
Just minding its own business
As it swirls across my page

But I guess it’s not the words themselves
That put in the effort
That craft phrases so pristine
You’d think they’d been conceived by Robert Redford

It’s my latent mind
That no longer lives in the land of
Where AABB and ABA
Just aren’t my preoccupation
They don’t rise me to another station
Of talent and prowess
Of being the very best

I just want to write out how I feel
And not worry how it sounds
That is until I go back
And see how emotions lack
In words that don’t capture me
Don’t rapture me
With their romanceless apathy

I forgot that poetry is poetry because it is an art
That a lion is more a lion for his mane than for his heart.
Would a balding lion still best the other beasts?
But if so,
Wouldn’t you know
That a bald lion is a she
The one who hunts and bears new beasts
The one who bleeds and shares her meat
The one who mangles cub thieves
And I’m sure the one who untangles
Knots in the mane of the he

I digress from this feminist lioness
But I like this point of view
That sometimes beauty is better
And sometimes better is use
But I also already knew that
And if you’re still reading, so did you

My point is that though I am
Smarter now
More mature
With thoughts that vibrate higher
And far less victim overtures
My poetry has suffered
And I enjoy it less
And now to create
Swooning phrases capped in rhythm
I must confess
That I labor

In my old way of feeling I found it easier to create
But in my new way of thinking

There it is.
In my new way of being I think
I choose when to be swayed by an emotion
Rarely being overtaken
But also rarely feeling forsaken
Accepting calmly an occasion where my intentions are mistaken
No matter,
I remain unshaken

There we go
I’ve got it back
A little rhyme
Picking up the slack
And in the evening I’ll have a snack
Some carbs
Some sugar
And the extra poundage won’t give me anxiety attacks
Cellulite on my thigh
Doesn’t make me want to cry
I’m not so lonely
I am content
I am ambitious
I pay my rent
I don’t overeat
Or undereat
I just want to feel sated
I’m not frustrated
I don’t feel hated
And my gratefulness is never belated
I’m happy
I am not manic
An unanswered text won’t send me into a panic
I moisturize
I don’t have bags under my eyes
I don’t compromise
I won’t lie
And when I care I really try
I love my home
And love my skin
I love my bumpy shins
I don’t feel stressed about my age
Or the passing of time
So I suppose I won’t fret
That my words won’t always rhyme
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2018
Winter nights bring waves of memories
Alone with my thoughts
He said he is sorry and misses me bad
Words tie perception into confused knots

Truly wish I had nimble fingers
To untie them, see clear
Cursing as truth untangles
Weaves a portrait of all I fear

There is always a catch, a hamartia
A flaw in every human's design
As clique as this next line may be
Love can be cruel, so unfairly blind

I try to avoid reminiscing over the past
Though the memories were so precious before
Shaking hands with no control cling still
Just when I think my mind is free my heart offers more
Just when I think Im finally done a flood will come rushing over me and it begins all over again.
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2017
When she touches me, I feel her touching
Herself, though she circles my shape into
Oneness, I sometimes feel— detached
Within those arms.  
                                   In her startled-fall
To sleep, imperceptibly, she gathers
The room from her haunting childhood.  
Drawing the air and curling in waves—
Her hair, as if she were weaving some kind
Of shelter.

When I touch her, it is with desire.
My reach untangles the very dream
Which took thirty five years of dull
Existence to unmuddle— to imagine,
My soul's other.

                         Ten fingers envelop her body
Like splits of lightning— rippling skyward
From wholly, bone-dun-desert, floor and there,
In that rose-journey of unbridled touch,
The shock of thunder makes a mother
Of the sky.  
                     When she breaks her water
The blighted earth that was sung— given
My name, becomes her light, awakening
Nite Feb 2015
Here I am standing outside the door
I look around the sea of faces
Hoping to catch a glimpse of the one I adore
My heart's beating like it had ran a million races

Crossing the threshold with trepidation
I made my way to an empty seat
Scanned the crowd again and sighed with resignation
Maybe I was too late I thought to myself as I slumped with defeat

Raised my hand to signal the waiter
That I would like a pint or several
Maybe drop a few bombs by the name of jaeger
And my heart nearly stopped when I saw that someone special

I caught her eye and she cracks into a smile
A smile that I've sorely missed
A smile that made my trip worthwhile
A smile that I could never resist

With our eyes still locked she weaves through the crowd
My heart beats faster as I kept her in my gaze
Thirsting for her touch as if I've been through a drought
She stops right in front of me and enfolds me in her warm embrace

I inhaled the scent of her
A scent that no one could ever replicate
A scent that could never be dispelled by any zephyr
A scent that I've missed for a decade

The night passed by in a flash
I remember the fleeting touches I made
Telling myself that she is really here in the flesh
Hoping that this feeling will never fade

Then a fight broke me out of my reverie
A fight borne out of an inebriated mind
A fight that gave me a chance to hold you like in a memory
A fight that we tried to unwind

I looked into her eyes, eyes that were full of feelings
Eyes that I could fall forever into helpless
Eyes that never fails to tug at my heartstrings
Eyes that has kept me up sleepless

She apologised for the fight between her sister and her boyfriend
Promised me that we'll meet again
With a last kiss she untangles her fingers from my hand
As she got into the cab I prayed that this night wasn't in vain

I hailed a cab and told the driver my destination
When I suddenly realised that due to my hesitation
I've forgotten to tell you three words that I hope you'll value
Which are I Miss You
Sincerely Em Nov 2017
I'm a nomad
I travel
from one thought
to another

I don't stay there for long
Each thought passes me
along to the other
and so on 

A trace
of a thin line
is always left behind
as I'm being passed over
And a spider web
of entangled lines
starts to form
amongst all those thoughts

Then I end up strangled 

Feelings start turning
into thoughts
and thoughts turn
into words
and words become
and stronger

awareness arises

deep down the dungeons
of my head are
beginning to unlock themselves

I'm not fighting it
Not anymore

starts flowing within
Whilst the web
its innermost thoughts
Sincerely, Em
baubles that dangle,
a Babyliss
that untangles  the
knots in your hair

not a bible anywhere
(unless they're sold under the counter)

and the packaging they wrap things in
if they wrap things up at all
******* in another knot with
string from a giant ball.

I've seen a sight or two or three and
Woolworth's won't be seeing me

sad to say
it had its day
and has gone to that
great mall
in the sky

so I'll head ecumenical
being cynical
but practical
and shop at
nearest Temple.
taylor bush Oct 2014
she sighs; sleeping beside you.
your warm, tired, motionless body breathing, not a foot away, radiating heat.
your heart beating slower and slower as you inhale and exhale as the moon shines through your window, forever luminous, like your eyes, that are now tightly ****.
your eyelashes fluttering as she plans her morning escape, contradicting our midnight escapades.
the sun rises as she slowly slips away, just like her, your fingers left mine, once intertwined with me, she untangles herself from you.
her heart left untouched, and me covered in bruises.
your grip tight on her thigh, you break away from me more and more, but the chains get stronger.
you traded our laughs for her screams.
even though the stars smiled down on us when you did.
you twirled my hair as much as you did my tongue. now she just twirls with the door.
your strings still dangling from my eyes, because she runs with scissors and i only own tape that has lost it's hold, since you were out of my grasp.
and falling into her with the lift of a finger, as i fell for you.
still a work in progress, i keep constantly fixing/ making changes
Napolis Sep 2018
she untangles
from around

like a
ball of



then finds
her way
down our

upon reaching
the bottom

she throws
away a

in my

much like
a person
waiting on

a bench
for a bus

would do,

when they
see a

car go by

then realize,

there is
no one

in it that
they really
or care

it is just

a courtesy

"I think I

might know

you nod."

no need for

I love you's

this morning.

good-bye will


and this

when the
bus comes

to bring
her back..

It will
find me

like a


drugs store


at the

of the

eager to

meet her

every day

right on


it is not

so much
a game

we play,

as it

it has

a almost


existence a

scare crows

ritual we

biding time.
every morning
we awake.

sleep walking

love through

our day.


our future
had anywhere
to go

to begin

Adriana Cruz Aug 2018
He compliments me.
I'm unamused and so is he.
He pulls my hair and untangles it, but I want the mess.
He holds me close I'm not alone I should feel blessed.
He lets go I'm free.
I know he knows I know he feels, but its cold in here
"Its like you wanna be lost," he says.
"I do," I say as my heart drifts away.
“I won’t hold you back anymore,”
he said, as he slowly untangles the chains

She was the one he always adore,
but he had to let go of whatever that remains
He smiles down on his searching children,
laughing in wonder
as they tangle themselves
in the webs of society.

He takes a moment,
smiles and untangles us,
and tells us again,
"I love you. Follow me."

Sometimes we do,
sometimes we wander off.
He is ever patient
and loves us the same.

He pleads with us,
"My child, I wish to show you
the way. Teach you to speak kindness,
teach you to celebrate happiness."

Are you listening?
Or are you lost?
Take a moment to pause.
Let him guide you.

Life will never be the same.
Inspired by reading the words he wanted me to find. A God guided poem. As the writer Og Mandino points out through one of his characters, sometimes we write the words of God.

Disclaimer: I am not insane. I just believe that sometimes he guides our hand, and upon reading through this, I give him credit for this message because I believe it to be beyond my typical capabilities.
Ashly Kocher Dec 2017
When you awake from your dreams
                  And realize
       It’s actually your reality in plain sight
   Your dreamcatcher that’s hangs within your curtains
           Unravel and untangles your world of dreams you have while you sleep
            Bringing your dreams to life in the realistic reality
            Making your subconscious dreams crash together and come alive
      The minute that you open your eyes
When your dreams and reality of life

— The End —