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Dec 2023 · 285
[ Dad cheerfully asks ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Dad cheerfully asks

about my boyfriend and soon --

he nags for details.
"Grote acht" ("Big Eight" - route of two circles in dressage, 2005, Vrouwkje Tuinman), chapter Eleven (years old) #2

Collection "Truder"
Dec 2023 · 498
[ I was well prepared ]
Zywa Dec 2023
I was well prepared,

but when you came, it melted --

in my happiness.
Poem "I thought the Train would never come" (1878, Emily Dickinson)

Collection "Love Mind and Death"
Dec 2023 · 206
[ I've a busy head ]
Zywa Dec 2023
I've a busy head,

it's full and so much bigger --

than the rest of me.
"Grote acht" ("Big Eight" - route of two circles in dressage, 2005, Vrouwkje Tuinman), chapter Twenty-three (years old)

Collection "Within the walls"
Dec 2023 · 871
[ There is something, It ]
Zywa Dec 2023
There is something, It

is earthly, I sense it, shreds --

of a mystery.
"Ietsism" (the belief that there is Something that transcends everything) - Composition #108 "aardhand" ("groundhand", 2022, Piet-Jan van Rossum) for ensemble Orkest De Ereprijs, performed by Orkest De Ereprijs in the Organpark on December 9th, 2023

Collection "org anp ark" #336
Dec 2023 · 583
[ I really need to ]
Zywa Dec 2023
I really need to

go outside and get some air --

I need the silence.
Family hustle and bustle - Column "Je veter zit misschien los" ("Your lace may be loose", 2023, Marcel van Roosmalen)

Collection "Within the walls"
Dec 2023 · 516
[ Love does prove itself ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Love does prove itself

in attentively hearing --

of what is not said.
Novel "De gebeurtenis" ("The event", 2022, Peter Terrin), chapter Juliette (3) #1

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 20s"
Dec 2023 · 218
[ These are caring days ]
Zywa Dec 2023
These are caring days.

We eat, we work and we bath --

These are perfect days.
Film "Perfect days" (2023, direction Wim Wenders, screenplay with Takuma Takasaki)
Song "Perfect Day" (1972, Lou Reed, album "Transformer"), but without ******

Collection "Summer birds"
Dec 2023 · 586
[ Barefoot, my mother ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Barefoot, my mother

squats next to me in the grass --

very intimate.
Novel "Perfecte stilte" ("Perfect silence", 2011, Thomas Verbogt), chapter Summertime

Collection "The sweet curve"
Dec 2023 · 110
[ The tension is gone ]
Zywa Dec 2023
The tension is gone:

it's important, or it's not --

and now it comes out.
Novel "Perfecte stilte" ("Perfect silence", 2011, Thomas Verbogt), chapter A contrived thought

Collection "Thinkles Lusionless"
Dec 2023 · 806
[ The dear family ]
Zywa Dec 2023
The dear family

photo, with a golden edge --

of melancholy.
Poem "Foto" ("Photo", 1980, Herman de Coninck)

Collection "Em Brace"
Dec 2023 · 333
[ The pointing finger ]
Zywa Dec 2023
The pointing finger.

Does it point to my finger?

To my path in life?
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-1 "The fisherman's pointing finger"

Painting "The Creation" on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome (1508-1512, Michelangelo Buonarroti)

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Dec 2023 · 124
Blue butterflies
Zywa Dec 2023
The blue butterflies live
on honey from the magic world
of changes -

the rain and shine
and the wing beats
of all the bodies

with more or less happiness
suffered injuries and tears
for unwelcome outcomes

I massage my aching belly
full of vampire moths
As long as I live

blue butterflies will
fly up from the womb
of my affection
"Butterfly effect" (enlarged reaction)
Vampire moth (Calyptra thalictri)
For Maria Godschalk

Collection "On living on [1]"
Dec 2023 · 107
[ Butterflies around ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Butterflies around

us, you and me, laughing we --

pamper each other.
For Maria Godschalk

Collection "On living on [1]"
Dec 2023 · 164
Life forgets
Zywa Dec 2023
Only noticed in a small circle
and even so
not quite for who you are
and what you are able to, almost unneeded
unfortunately that is common
Time keeps going by
and later, life forgets
everyone and everything that was known
and then there is no difference anymore

Celebrity is a lie
pinned on a beacon
It does not matter
but sometimes you sit around doing nothing
and you feel that it is a pity
for your children, your friends and society
that you're not of more importance
or leave behind more
Time keeps going by
and life forgets what has been
Collection "Summer birds"
Dec 2023 · 174
[ Be generous, give ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Be generous, give

a like for a like, force it --

through the bad gateway.
S-zaynab-kamoonpury (Nigeria - Swaziland - Tanzania) publishes poems on HelloPoetry, in December 2022 "NOT A POEM THIS ONE": "If I read your poem and give it a thumb/heart then plz also read mine poem below and comment and click thumb too if you wish"

HTTP status code "502 Bad Gateway" (broken connection between two discrete networks)
Dec 2023 · 198
Who I am
Zywa Dec 2023
I peek at my classmates
who I am, and I try it
out on them, because
they don't know me yet

Not as well as Mum
who already knows who I am
and comments on it
which often stops me

from being myself, from doing
as I please, Mum says
rather take example
by your brother or by us

I find it quite a hassle
to find out how
I am, I think I am
constantly changing
Collection "I am"
Dec 2023 · 127
[ I learn every day ]
Zywa Dec 2023
I learn every day,

from my fellow students, that --

I am different.
For Claudia Artz (December 19th, 2011)

Being the un-"important other" of your partner (INSEAD in Singapore)

Collection "I am"
Dec 2023 · 66
Thin curtains
Zywa Dec 2023
It is windless
Plastic water in the canal
I'm having dinner with my mother

Then I linger at the crossroads
on the way home
My rooms are so empty

and you live nearby
I can go to you
and yet I can't

Behind the thin curtains
is the street, the city, alive
Nobody sees me

I'd like to read love letters
from you, confessions
that you never wrote to me

I keep thinking about that -
waiting for sleep, lying still
like a doll
Collection "Slow circles"
Dec 2023 · 193
[ That old age problem ]
Zywa Dec 2023
That old age problem,

of course you know, I have it --

anyway, type 3!
Collection "Slow circles"
Dec 2023 · 323
Silent Dark House
Zywa Dec 2023
Silent. Dark. House
All the time I'm thinking
of you, your silent steps

in my memories of
your steps in this house
blindly in the dark

from my confusion to
the love under my fear

a void now, no voice
to shout, no tears
no longer a body, lost

if I were to leave here
or live a different life
if I would like to
Collection "Slow circles"
Dec 2023 · 300
[ Landscape in the door ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Landscape in the door

of the shanty, autumn leaves --

being blown around.
Collection "Slow circles"
Zywa Dec 2023
I'm sitting at the table, maybe
sleeping, I think for a second
at the blare of a siren
that takes along the smell
of puffed chestnuts from my nose
to an emergency

In the kitchen I see
the cat looking expectantly
and the clouds pass swiftly
past the drowsy sun
We're going to play soon
first I make coffee

High and low the boiling
water and the traffic rustle
my eyes shut, I feel
the cold under the arid air
of autumn, it will take long
before spring comes
Following a chat with Maria Godschalk on October 18th, 2017

Collection "Slow circles"
Dec 2023 · 259
[ Only slept little ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Only slept little:

you were looking for something --

and then time crawled on.
In bed together
Collection "Slow circles"
Dec 2023 · 114
[ It's never about ]
Zywa Dec 2023
It's never about

first this and then that, a truth --

is a coherence.
Novel "De gebeurtenis" ("The event", 2022, Peter Terrin), chapter Juliette (2) #!

Collection "Thinkles Lusionless"
Dec 2023 · 495
[ My nose in the cat ]
Zywa Dec 2023
My nose in the cat,

the fur smells lovely, like a --

freshly steamed blanket.
Novel "De gebeurtenis" ("The event", 2022, Peter Terrin), chapter Anna #5

Collection "Skin-contact"
Dec 2023 · 285
[ The wind blows, nothing ]
Zywa Dec 2023
The wind blows, nothing

happens, maybe unless you --

look to see something.
Novel "De gebeurtenis" ("The event", 2022, Peter Terrin), chapter Frederik (2) #1 - "The 'looking' was the event"

Collection "Held/True"
Dec 2023 · 175
[ Something different ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Something different:

a story of a search what --

crime was committed.
Novel "De gebeurtenis" ("The event", 2022, Peter Terrin), chapter Frederik (2) #1

Collection "Glimpsed"
Dec 2023 · 148
[ Joys are flying up ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Joys are flying up,

flapping like white doves, filling --

the corners with life.
Composition "White birds" (2022-2023, Ivan Božičević) for recorder, panflute and viola (2022), tonight also with accordion, percussion and hyperorgan (2023), inspired by the poet Saigyō; performed by Jorge Isaac, Matthijs Koene, Esra Pehlivanli, Marko Kassl, Enric Monfort and Ivan Božičević in the Organpark on November 29th, 2023

Collection "org anp ark" #334
Dec 2023 · 244
[ You are here with me ]
Zywa Dec 2023
You are here with me

and the world is everywhere --

You can talk through it.
Composition "Say only a word" (2023, Annija Zarina) for large ensemble, performed by Orkest De Ereprijs in the Organpark on December 9th, 2023

Collection "org anp ark" #335
Dec 2023 · 660
[ Look for a long time ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Look for a long time -

you'll merge into the colour:

into It, Something.
"Ietsism" (the belief that there is Something that transcends everything) - Composition "Rothko" (2007, Andries van Rossem) for ***** and alto saxophone, performed by Ko Zwanenburg and Ties Mellema in the Organpark on December 4th, 2007, and by Francesca Ajossa and Erik-Jan de With in the Organpark on December 9th, 2023

Mark Rothko (1903-1970)

Collection "org anp ark" #338
Dec 2023 · 157
[ A storm is rising ]
Zywa Dec 2023
A storm is rising,

my peace is disturbed, I have --

to get on with life.
Poem "Le Cimetière marin" ("The Cemetery By the Sea", 1922, Paul Valéry), last verse
(Le vent se lève!. . . Il faut tenter de vivre!)

Collection "On the fly"
Dec 2023 · 465
[ We pile up power ]
Zywa Dec 2023
We pile up power

and build the tallest tower --

Then it collapses.
Song "Slow Train" (1979, Bob Dylan)

Collection "Great Flow"
Dec 2023 · 91
[ My big brother is ]
Zywa Dec 2023
My big brother is

a regular straight guy, well --

nothing you can do.
Novel "De gebeurtenis" ("The event",2022, Peter Terrin), chapter Frederik (1)

Collection "Specialities"
Dec 2023 · 148
[ The Sex Ed booklet ]
Zywa Dec 2023
The *** Ed booklet:

man and woman hand in hand --

keeping their distance.
Poem "At the River" (2009, Louise Glück)

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s"
Dec 2023 · 224
[ Dad drinks Mama's wine ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Dad drinks Mama's wine,

thinking of the old days, when --

they drank together.
(Last stanza of the) poem "At the River" (2009, Louise Glück)

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s"
Dec 2023 · 675
[ I do as I like ]
Zywa Dec 2023
I do as I like,

Mum stays calm, I don't know if --

I even exist.
Poem "Telemachus' Guilt" (1996, Louise Glück)

Collection "Unseen"
Dec 2023 · 132
[ The ecstatic heart- ]
Zywa Dec 2023
The ecstatic heart-

brake in that opera song --

while we're having ***.
Poem "The Balcony" (2000, Louise Glück)

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s"
Dec 2023 · 373
[ When we say goodbye ]
Zywa Dec 2023
When we say goodbye,

my waving hand trembles, but --

father doesn't notice.
Poem "Terminal Resemblance" (1990, Louise Glück)

Collection "Em Brace"
Dec 2023 · 391
[ They can be loving ]
Zywa Dec 2023
They can be loving:

father talks to the dog and --

my son lures the cat.
Poem "Children Coming Home From School" - 2 (1990, Louise Glück)

Collection "Em Brace"
Zywa Dec 2023
Upon your death, friends

unanimously agree --

on your character.
Poem "Lament" (1990, Louise Glück)

Collection "Over"
Dec 2023 · 124
[ Love me, so leave me ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Love me, so leave me

alone, there is no place here --

but for me, you see.
Poem "Animals" (1990, Louise Glück)

Collection "Wean Di"
Dec 2023 · 229
[ I wasn't there, but my ]
Zywa Dec 2023
I wasn't there, but my

imagination sees it --

happening again.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 1-1 "The perforated sheet"

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Dec 2023 · 291
[ If I ever find ]
Zywa Dec 2023
If I ever find

you here whatsitcalled, you will --

whatsitcalled feel it!
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 1-3 "Hit-the-spittoon"

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Dec 2023 · 247
[ I just see fragments ]
Zywa Dec 2023
I just see fragments

of my life, only too late --

I understand them.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 1-8 "Tick, tock"

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Dec 2023 · 156
[ Teaching religion ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Teaching religion.

First lesson: unbelievers --

do not belong here.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 1-3 "Hit-the-spittoon"

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Dec 2023 · 447
[ He eats well, just look ]
Zywa Dec 2023
He eats well, just look,

my phalanx fits easily --

in his navel hole.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 1-6 "Many-headed monsters"

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Dec 2023 · 214
[ The eerie room is ]
Zywa Dec 2023
The eerie room is

frightening me with shadows  --

of scary monsters.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 1-6 "Many-headed monsters"

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Zywa Dec 2023
The questions, the doubts,

the suspicion, that monster --

with too many heads.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 1-6 "Many-headed monsters"

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Dec 2023 · 193
[ Look at the people ]
Zywa Dec 2023
Look at the people

around me to understand --

the course of my life.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 1-8 "Tick, tock"

Collection "Low gear [2]"
Dec 2023 · 812
[ The moon shines sorrow ]
Zywa Dec 2023
The moon shines sorrow

into me, yet I'm looking --

through a haze of tears.
Poem by the monk ("Hoshi") Saigyo (1118-1190):
Nageke tote / Tsuki ya wa mono o / Omowasuru / Kakochi gao naru / Waga namida kana

Collection "Moist glow"
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