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Zywa 17h
True love! After all,

the love potion was a fraud --

but who believes that?
Opera "L'elisir d'amore" ("The Love Potion", 1832, Gaetano Donizetti, libretto Felice Romani, based on Eugène Scribe's libretto of the opera "Le philtre" [The magic potion] from 1831), second act, final scene, Finale 2

Collection "Love Mind and Death"
Zywa 17h
They all sympathise

and write their best intentions --

to put in the urn.
Poem "Als enige kennisgeving" ("As the only announcement", 2023, Jana Arns)

Collection "Em Brace"
Zywa 1d
The day starts okay,

normal, like yesterday, just --

slightly different.
Science fiction novel "Grimus" (1975, Salman Rushdie - A Simurg(h) ['Thirty birds'] is a Persian legendary creature, an omniscient bird, symbol for someone's world of thought), part 1 Times Present, chapter 2

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa 1d
Some people live on

in a book, thanks to bottles --

of eternal ink.
Science fiction novel "Grimus" (1975, Salman Rushdie - A Simurg(h) ['Thirty birds'] is a Persian legendary creature, an omniscient bird, symbol for someone's world of thought) -
Characters can live for many generations -
The eternity potion is sun-yellow

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa 2d
He who doesn't see what

he expects, doesn't see what's there --

is disappointed.
Story "Hypnerotomachia Poliphili" ("Poliphilo's Strife of Love in a Dream" / "The Dream of Poliphilus", 1499, Francesco Colonna), first book, chapter 10

Collection "Unseen"
Zywa 2d
God remains unseen,

He disguises himself to --

do the things He does.
Story "Hypnerotomachia Poliphili" ("Poliphilo's Strife of Love in a Dream" / "The Dream of Poliphilus", 1499, Francesco Colonna), first book, chapter 10 - About queen/goddess Telosia

Collection "Unseen"
Zywa 3d
I'm homeless without

your hands, roaming through the fields --

There is snow coming.
Poem "Huset og hendene" ("House and hands", 1985, Rolf Jacobsen)

Collection "VacantVoid"
Zywa 3d
I almost stumble

over the tangles of web --

of loose thoughts I spun.
Play "Peer Gynt" (1867, Henrik Ibsen; music Edvard Grieg, 1876), fifth act, "Nattscene" ("Night scene") - The dying Peer Gynt looks back on his life

Collection "VacantVoid"
Zywa 4d
How then could I say

where the shoe is pinching if --

I'm not wearing it?
Play "Peer Gynt" (1867, Henrik Ibsen), fifth act, "Nattscene" ("Night scene") - The dying Peer Gynt looks back on his life

Collection "VacantVoid"
Zywa 4d
Am I in hell now?

I don't think it is heaven! --

There is no one here!
Play "Peer Gynt" (1867, Henrik Ibsen), fifth act, "Nattscene" ("Night scene") - The dying Peer Gynt looks back on his life

Collection "VacantVoid"
Zywa 5d
Beware, he kisses

beside my cheek nowadays --

as if I am air.
Autobiographical account "De harde kern" - 1 ("The *******" - 1, 1992, Frida Vogels), and "Diary 1966-1967" (2009) - July 2ND, 1967 in Bologna

Collection "Trench Walking"
Zywa 5d
I'm searching the book

you gave: you are everywhere --

you're so deceptive!
Autobiographical account "De harde kern" - 1 ("The *******" - 1, 1992, Frida Vogels) - Summer 1968 in Cupra Marittima (below Ascona)

Collection "Trench Walking"
Zywa 6d
By chance found again:

the butterfly box, the pins --

in circles of dust.
"Dagboek 1954-1957" ("Diary 1954-1957", 2005, Frida Vogels) - January 19th, 1955 in Milan

Collection "Trench Walking"
Zywa 6d
There is no escape:

the whole world is entangled --

in the snares of love.
"Dagboek 1954-1957" ("Diary 1954-1957", 2005, Frida Vogels), based on an old Chinese poem - March 25th, 1955 in Luxemburg

Collection "Trench Walking"
Zywa 7d
They keep arguing

in my presence, obviously --

I need to know this.
Autobiographical account "De harde kern" - 1 ("The *******" - 1, 1992, Frida Vogels) and "Diary 1966-1967" (2009) - April 1st, 1967 in Amsterdam

Collection "Trench Walking"
Zywa 7d
Resiliently hanged:

the instrument is restless --

In search of balance.
Autobiographical account "De harde kern" - 1 ("The *******" - 1, 1992, Frida Vogels) and "Diary 1966-1967" (2009) - April 4th, 1967 in Amsterdam

Collection "Trench Walking"
Jul 18 · 61
[ A tree uprooted ]
Zywa Jul 18
A tree uprooted,

mud, a crack in the rock-ledge –

and clear spring water!
Autobiographical account "De harde kern" - 1 ("The *******" - 1, 1992, Frida Vogels) - Summer 1966 in Bologna

Collection "Trench Walking"
Jul 18 · 50
[ In music you sense ]
Zywa Jul 18
In music you sense

Order, wow, it just happens –

A perfect world now!
Autobiographical account "De harde kern" - 1 ("The *******" - 1, 1992, Frida Vogels) - Summer 1966 in Bologna

Collection "Trench Walking"
Jul 17 · 50
[ Trying to find an ]
Zywa Jul 17
Trying to find an

attitude, as attitude --

staying on the side.
Autobiographical account "De harde kern" - 1 ("The *******" - 1, 1992, Frida Vogels) en "Diary 1966-1967" (2009) - April 24th, 1966 in Amsterdam

Collection "Trench Walking"
Zywa Jul 17
I try words, watch them

fall and caress them until --

they become solid.
Poem "mijn mond is al open" ("my mouth is already open", 2013, Erik Jan Harmens)

Collection "WriteWiser signage"
Jul 16 · 43
[ Even gentlemen ]
Zywa Jul 16
Even gentlemen

wish to live with dignity --

well, common, sometimes.
Comic strip "Tom Poes en de klonters" ("Tom **** and the lumps", 1955, Marten Toonder), strip 2654
Jul 16 · 65
[ Requesting poet's ]
Zywa Jul 16
Requesting poet's

muse with good references --

Generous respect.
Comic strip "Heer Bommel en de muzenis" ("Sir Bumble and the muse-web", 1955-1956, Marten Toonder), strip 2693
Zywa Jul 15
In the room, silence

rustles, as if creation --

is now beginning.
Poem "The big inner room is as dark" (1985, Zelda Schneurson)

Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Jul 15 · 42
[ It's quiet inside ]
Zywa Jul 15
It's quiet inside,

mother is in the palace --

of her devotions.
Poem "The big inner room is as dark" (1985, Zelda Schneurson)

Collection "SoulSenseSun"
Jul 14 · 43
[ Not the way it is ]
Zywa Jul 14
Not the way it is,

only the way it happens –

my life is okay.
Autobiographical account "De harde kern" - 1 ("The *******" - 1, 1966, Frida Vogels) and "Diary 1966-1967" (2009) - May 15th, 1966 in Blaricum

Collection "Trench Walking"
Jul 14 · 46
[ Read my family ]
Zywa Jul 14
Read my family

story, it is a portrait --

how I see myself.
Autobiographical account "De harde kern" - 1 ("The *******" - 1, 1992, Frida Vogels) - April-May 1966 in Amsterdam

Collection "Trench Walking"
Jul 13 · 143
[ The clouds heavily ]
Zywa Jul 13
The clouds heavily

sail through the lake of my eyes --

Swans are flying up.
Poem "Léda plus vive possédée que la nature" ("Leda, more lively posessed than nature" (1949, Paul Éluard)

Collection "Break"
Zywa Jul 13
I'm getting so cold

without you, because it snows --

It snows white despair.
Song "Tombe la neige" ("Snow is falling", 1964, Salvatore Adamo)

Collection "Blankets of snow"
Zywa Jul 12
Remembered, the facts

are not sharp, fallen apart --

into a vague mood.
Diary (2005, Frida Vogels) - August 23rd, 1957 in Rome

Collection "Trench Walking"
Jul 12 · 55
[ Only now am I ]
Zywa Jul 12
Only now am I

wearing the yellow blouse, that --

belonged to mother.
Diary (2005, Frida Vogels) - July 29th, 1957 in Amsterdam

Collection "Trench Walking"
Zywa Jul 11
Wild waves, the shore comes

close, it narrows more and more --

Then, calm, the strait.
Poem "Het naderen van een beslissing" ("Approaching a decision", 1957, Frida Vogels)

Collection "Trench Walking"
Zywa Jul 11
My feelings, I write

poems about them, although --

that does not help me.
Diary (2005, Frida Vogels) - December 9th, 1956

Collection "Trench Walking"
Jul 10 · 103
[ A passer-by asks ]
Zywa Jul 10
A passer-by asks:

Where from? Where to? I walk on --

with him, in silence.
Poem "Langs 't pad liepen veel vreemden" ("Many strangers walked along the path", 1955, Frida Vogels)

Collection "Trench Walking"
Jul 10 · 128
[ I'm happy and look ]
Zywa Jul 10
I'm happy and look

around with astonishment --

Is there any hold?
Poem "Gelukkig zijn; en niet weten waarom" ("To be happy; and not knowing why", 1954, Frida Vogels)

Collection "Trench Walking"
Jul 9 · 127
[ I cannot hear you ]
Zywa Jul 9
I cannot hear you,

only the waves, wind sometimes --

but nowhere your voice.
Documentary "Louder! So I can hear you" (2022, Laura Bokhoven)

Collection "Stall"
Jul 9 · 48
[ Before I can take ]
Zywa Jul 9
Before I can take

off my hat, I have to wait --

for a good moment.
Play "Happy Days" (1961, Samuel Beckett), played by Antoinette Jelgersma on April 18th, 2023, in Frascati (director Erik Whien)

Collection "Stall"
Zywa Jul 8
The past heroes rest

in the dilapidated --

inn that the world is.
Collection "Rubáiyat" ("Quatrains", 1100, Omar Khayyam), quatrain "This worn caravanserai", in the 1898 version by Edward  Heron-Allen

Collection "Stream"
Zywa Jul 8
My tears cannot wash

away what has happened, and --

everything goes on.
Collection "Rubáiyat" ("Quatrains", 1100, Omar Khayyam), quatrain "The Moving Finger writes", in the 1859 version by Edward FitzGerald

Collection "Stream"
Zywa Jul 7
She just watches it

with indifference, smiling --

Novel "De stille kracht" ("The Hidden Force", 1900, Louis Couperus), chapter 3, § 2

Collection "Thinkles Lusionless"
Jul 7 · 82
[ Do pretend it is ]
Zywa Jul 7
Do pretend it is

normal, yes, very normal --

it ís, all of it.
Poem "De mensen" ("People", 2019, Pieter de Bruijn Kops)

Collection "Thinkles Lusionless"
Jul 6 · 62
[ Submissive people ]
Zywa Jul 6
Submissive people

often hide a hidden force --

An underground fire.
Novel "De stille kracht" ("The Hidden Force", 1900, Louis Couperus), chapter 4, § 2

Collection "Thinkles Lusionless"
Zywa Jul 6
There is a chance to

establish untruths, but truth --

is unprovable.
Treatise "De docta ignorantia" ("On learned ignorance", 1440, Nicholas of Cusa)

Study "Logik der Forschung" ("Logic of research", 1935, Karl Popper >>  "The logic of scientific discovery", 1959), about falsifiability

Collection "Thinkles Lusionless"
Jul 5 · 208
[ Disillusionment ]
Zywa Jul 5

seeing the ridiculous --

ignoring beauty.
Novel "De stille kracht" ("The Hidden Force", 1900, Louis Couperus), chapter 2, § 1

Collection "Thinkles Lusionless"
Zywa Jul 5
You don't talk about

a patient, at most you say:

it is a headache.
Novel "De stille kracht" ("The Hidden Force", 1900, Louis Couperus), chapter 2, § 3

Collection "Thinkles Lusionless"
Jul 4 · 60
[ Faith is guidable ]
Zywa Jul 4
Faith is guidable,

while superstition hardly --

can be influenced.
Novel "The Enchantress of Florence" (2008, Salman Rushdie), part 3, chapter 19

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Jul 4
Please help him, holy

woman we don't see, help us --

You are one of us.
Novel "The Enchantress of Florence" (2008, Salman Rushdie), part 3, chapter 19

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Jul 3
The woods are chopped down,

too bad, I'm going to save --

the tree in the square.
Column "Boeren zijn de baas" ("Farmers are boss", 2024, Marcel van Roosmalen), in the NRC of July 1st, 2024

Collection "Actively Passive"
Zywa Jul 3
He's unconsciously

incompetent, but he's nice --

when he has a beer.
Column "Boeren zijn de baas" ("Farmers are boss", 2024, Marcel van Roosmalen), in the NRC of July 1st, 2024 (about local politicians)

Collections "Specialities"
Jul 2 · 119
[ Two people travel ]
Zywa Jul 2
Two people travel

and they discover the world --

A journey called Love.
Novel "The Enchantress of Florence" (2008, Salman Rushdie), part 3, chapter 19

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Jul 2
The jinns: a man looks

in the mirror and he sees --

the back of his head.
Novel "Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights" (which is 1001 nights, 2015, Salman Rushdie), chapter 4 "The Strangenessses"

Painting "La réproduction interdite" ("Not to be reproduced", 1937, René Magritte)

Collection "Low gear"
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