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Aug 2016 · 535
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
Musí to přeci jít
Musí to jít
Žít bez citů

Vždyť svět o sobě
Neví, že je má
Tak, jako neví,
Že vnímám

Musí to přeci jít
Musí to jít
Dívat se bez slz

Vždyť dokud v naší zemi
Nebylo lidí,
Nikdo nebyl s to
Slzu utratit nad ní
A je ticho,
tak, jako bylo
tak, jako bude
Aug 2016 · 419
Zastav se
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
Zastav se srdce
pokud mám jen díky tobě jít
a na vlastní rakev tak klinem přispět
prestaň bít
protože nemohu za tebou dál
a nemohu víc na smrt myslet.
Rovně za tebou a pak zas pozpátku.
Aug 2016 · 654
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
Před nedávnem byl nalezen kámen
na tom kameni vepsáno slavné slovo
nebylo to 'svědectví' ani 'kletba'
ale něco mezi tím
něco mezi tím mi vnutilo vzpomínku
na ten dávný čas kdy zrodil se kámen
a s kamenem slovo
a se slovem výpověď
a s výpovědí déšť
jenž by ** smyl
a výpověď tak nechal čistou.

Ne všechno se dá vepsat,
ne, zbytek obrazu je třeba dokreslit myslí ~
Aug 2016 · 439
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
Vesmír sedmi dnů v týdnu byl už daleko
Daleko v nedohlednu

Dalekohled večerů do jiter
Zůstal stát nepozorovaně u postele

Jejíž plán v středě vesmíru sedmi dnů
Způsobil ono těžké uzavření srdce

­*Daleko v nedohlednu
Vesmír sedmi dnů v týdnu byl už daleko

Zůstal stát nepozorovaně u postele
Dalekohled večerů do jiter

Způsobil ono těžké uzavření srdce
Přes jeho plán v středě vesmíru sedmi dnů
- Jako noření a vynáření z vody
Aug 2016 · 528
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
Padněme k zemi před tím velkým světem
Protože nikdo z nás ať řekne cokoliv
Nebude silnější

My všichni tady jsme mrtví
I ty jsi mrtev
Pohřben ve vlastních verších
Které tě přerůstají
A smrtí se pak navrátíme životu -

Padněme k zemi před tím velkým světem
Protože nikdo z nás ať se stane čímkoliv
Nebude větší
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
The vast sea knows what it knows,
As the man with a shadow knows it too

And it's the same with the soul
That I found there
In the dark of the ineffable
Which is ahead of you -
Aug 2016 · 372
On a dead friend of mine
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
'I haven't heard about you
Since we were young
And I wanted you to know,
Even though it's half-a-life ago
Once in a lifetime we were of same blood
Standing hand in hand in the same row'

*- Now that's long time gone
But she was a friend of mine
And I cannot help myself -
For what's been left
Is only love so humble
Made to help me mourn
Cause she's dead now for a day
And I missed a time with her to say
She was a friend of mine.
Rest In Paradise TB
Aug 2016 · 297
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
Tyhle básně se tak staly po čase vskutku božstvím -
Patřily do mimolidského světa, ale do lidského světa zasahovaly,
Zauzlovaly jeho příběhy, intrikovaly a prozrazovaly utajované.
Aug 2016 · 1.0k
Too late
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
Our doubts are already forming a library
with thousands of books rising high above the wall
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
Even though
Your tiny heart's been broken
I remember you
We were one
Like the other
& lost in two

These visions
That remain
Are those which I pass through
Things I will recall
Are melting slowly a-way
& **returning to you
Aug 2016 · 330
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
I'm just catching pieces
Quite soon I'll be gone enough
Not visible
In any way
I know you asked me yesterday -
And I lied,
I'm not okay
Aug 2016 · 550
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
He may have been labelled 'God'
But in our most secret hollow
He's not much more than a whisper

I have to say
I'm afraid that
You may have been returned to God
So you remain silent at the break of the day
Whereas here, your echo lingers on
Aug 2016 · 1.4k
Teď zrovna (Odpovědi)
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
I když nemám co bych ti řekla
A sice rána ještě pobolívají,
Přesto ti posílám
Odpověď zpět
Že teď zrovna
Dobíjíš můj svět

A i když není co by mělo
Jenomže tak to asi u nás bývá,
Že to málo pro tebe nestačilo
Skrývá v sobě
Taky další odpověď
Prý teď zrovna
Dobíjím tvůj svět
Jo, jsou lidi, kteří jsou
Jako stvoření k tomu
Aby se o nich psaly básně

                               .. A to je vše.
Aug 2016 · 694
A tak se vzdávám
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
Usedla jsem a chtěla jsem
Napsat něco silného a velkého
Ale jak jsem se zaposlouchala
Do bolestné hudby venku
To silné ve mně vyhaslo
A stalo se vším, co dokáže rozplakat -
Ztraceným úsměvem včera
Zábleskem vzpomínky dnes
A tak se vzdávám
A smutnější slova
Jsem jakživ nenapsala
Natož abych se je odhodlala vyslovit.

Nepřeju si nic než
Poslouchat tuhle hudbu
Přestože je hudbou bolesti
Nemůžu si pomoct,
Připomíná mi domov
A tak moc bych chtěla říci
Že to je naposled
Jenže to už jsem si mockrát slíbila
A tak se vzdávám
A smutnější slova
Jsem jakživ neřekla
Natož aby je někdo slyšel.
Jul 2016 · 423
I should have known
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
I fell in the river
Of your tears
As I wasn't looking
Just for a little while
As I'm standing here,
I should have known.
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
"Can you feel
My beat in your temper?"

-Please let her
stay quiet
I could not stand
any answer-

"But why you seem
So sad every time
Something beautiful happens"

-He knows the reason
So well
And I know it too-

"For the dizzy height
We're becoming part of
I feel so bad"

-It should be that some things
Wouldn't ever be allowed
To be said aloud-

-And longest silence-

"Yesterday I heard
The most cozy song
That I'm sure you'd love"

-And I still
feel it-

"Sing it to me
How did it sound?"*

-I know every word's got
its true meaning
when spoken for a second time-

And this is why
These dialogues
Cannot be read twice
For they'd get too emotional.
Jul 2016 · 445
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
You could always tell me everything
And I could always tell you everything as well

But still
My everything didn't hurt that much
As yours.
Jul 2016 · 347
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
I never knew I loved someone
Until he'd be gone
And I could never call it by its right name
Until I woke up one day
And something was wrong
Jul 2016 · 208
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
There in the city they were even shadows bright
And among them one over your house and the land,
I can't hear what's that you said long ago,
But when you speak love I understand.

There in the valley they were always men who's right
And among them one - bird in hand
I can't hear what's that he sang this morn
*But when you speak silence I understand.
Jul 2016 · 1.6k
Black dew
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
Black dew into the black night
When falling,
Sadness to my dreams is crawlin'

After the last secret
falls out of me

I laugh at this night
coming out of what was she

And after we wake up the other day
the sun's gonna caress thee
I can hardly breathe now
I can write no more
Jul 2016 · 607
And then Life
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
We both knew what it can bring
We knew only sorrow and shame

You said it seemed lousy
But years it's been since you last came

We've had enough time to shout out loud
We've never once spoken at the same end

She's got her tiny world
inside yours for couple of times
and then Life happened -
Jul 2016 · 262
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
Tell me does your memory
Still cling to when we were
Old and wise
For once in the end
We find ourselves
Small and dumb again
Jul 2016 · 299
Do we
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
Do we still hope
In these confused days
That we could forget the dissapointed wish
Of our childhood?
Jul 2016 · 616
Dead Monk
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
"Death's for the Saint" - 's been said long ago
Time when his sins have all vanished
Been took back from a corner of the soul
Where Monk's life was held and punished

"Lead me, oh the Way, to where I long to be" -
As from the Golden Ones I am now banished
Wash away the country where I was once set free
Where Monk's life was reached and tarnished.
Jul 2016 · 910
I've never once felt loved
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
I've never once felt loved
But I've been fortuned just enough
To belong among those few ones
Who've never once felt loved

I've never once captured a smile
But those many houses I've walked through
Thumbing mile after mile
They've never once captured anyone's smile
Next time you see a storm on the horizon please don’t fear 
Its just heaven doing me the favor of taking you my kiss
Walk outside and kiss the rain whenever you need me
Jul 2016 · 271
What if
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
What if the rain stops falling
What if it never really fell
What if your wishes all came true
And my words replaced your spell

What if a soul is nothing but a trick
What if it's made to make us blind
What if my part is not enough
To make you never feel apart

What a love does to your spirit
What a pulse means to your heart
What if that never had no end
And it's been all the way the start
Jul 2016 · 1.1k
Down In The Pines
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
We live to cease
To cease existing
As the way from
The birth back
To the past

We die to crumble
To Crumble - to fall apart
So that we're not
That easily given
For the last time

We walk to scent
To scent the cold wind
Down in the pines
For we cannot maintain
Our urge to pass
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
There's a rain on the inside
It falls,
It falls,
In tears,
Vanishes from the memory.
I know
The past beats inside you
Like a second heart.
Jul 2016 · 303
Those Ones
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
Those who sleep with angels
Could never reach the depth of you,
'cause when you've got nothing to care about,
You've got no one to talk to

Those who stand alone straight
Can't never stand behind
'cause the shadows would spread over
Blinding the stars above that shine
And those lights spread widely into the air
Of the moaning stars,
Moaning stars of tomorrow's night.
Jul 2016 · 428
Unnamed page
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
You said you ain't got nothing
Just to put your hands on
No rhyme, no song to sing,
Nor place to hide or hut to build,
Have no sacrifice nor strength to feel,
And though you tried so bad
I know It's been so hard to tell
That you're almost gone
That you're hardly standing straight.

You said you surely don't need
Any more time for yourself to bleed
And I heard you spent hours
Sittin' on the shore,
You stood back up with words
That the last book you wrote
Is almost done.
Jul 2016 · 342
I go again
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
Lord kept all those thoughts
For you to remain
Opened up all minds
But threw the time back then.

Do you mind the darkness?
Lord said 'Leave your friend',
Shattered glass memories
And so I go again.
Jul 2016 · 324
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
I'd rather set you free
to see you in the street
one day happily
but these chains've been
kept just too long
close to the heart of thee
How guilty am I
not to set you free?

I should have let you know
this world's never again
going to be so quiet,
even though
standing on the mountain top
I'd do anything
just to deny it
and the fact that the rivers flow
How guilty am I
not to let you know?

One day I might feel you grow
you, but an innocent dream
led by a sinful soul
How guilty am I
not to grow cold?
Jul 2016 · 687
To Fall In Love With You
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
For what on Earth
You remain in what you do
May you still have
Blood in your eyes for me
What kind of sin that is
To fall in love with you

What kind of sin that is
To become one with you
Jul 2016 · 552
Consciousness & Reality
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
I play, I sing
Deep in the night
Sometimes I write
But out of your sight

I draw, I paint
Gloriously silent
Sometimes I listen
Well that's my only talent
Jun 2016 · 254
Woken up
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
I need to be woken up
Before I die
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
Through all these times
There's a lot I've done and
A lot I've learned
But for sure I know
You did nothing wrong
If you let somebody be happy
Right where he's able to,
Right where he belongs.

Now through all these songs
In here, there's a lot I've loved
A lot I've owed
But for sure I know
You should have built a wall
The songs they are
Like a mirror themselves
*Like a mirror of their own.
Jun 2016 · 282
All them changed
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
And then one day
You asked me what happened with
All the poems of mine
And I said they're all gone
With those so many reasons
For writing them

They're gone with myself

But I grabbed a sheet and
Wrote down the new ones
Instead of them poems
But something inside of them
Has been rapidly changed
With those so many reasons
For writing them

They've been changed.
Jun 2016 · 249
One more
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
We need just
One more sun to shine
On us.
Jun 2016 · 715
Inside the troubled mind
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
Invisible amount of lightning
Measured by things we need
*But I really owed them something
The same part as Life owes me
Jun 2016 · 693
The Strongest Part
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
I've never thought I might hear you
Without a thing being told
Well and I've never thought you're not about to
Write again a single word
Jun 2016 · 582
God's march
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
That life as we heard of
For those who live it
There's a kind of sad happiness
I enjoy differently,

Incurable is this weight
Descending with the smoke
Rainy landscape is the only
Attitude worthy.

During three straight days
Cruel fate of the dead and punished
Love wearies or disappoints
On the God's march,

No inner dimension
O tarnished happiness
Wondrous lands sheltered me
Left in peace so cold and large.
Jun 2016 · 435
External worlds
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
Our dreams hunt us like we were their own threats
The internal and external worlds blur together
One's mind becomes slow and sensitive to every change
For we became the betrayed ones for now and ever.
Jun 2016 · 832
Saxophones of the world
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
The muted state of this world
Keeps disturbing
The shivering noise of my thoughts

..Then I close my eyes..


I heard them saxophones
In the air

I heard the only saxophone
In this whole world
With its tunes

I once heard the song of a saxophonist
Who died in the gutter,

Something about painting the open seas
is so refreshing.
Jun 2016 · 2.0k
Words words words
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
These words that fill my mouth
Have nothing to do with what I
Wanted to say  ~

Can we listen to the wind of the past?
Jun 2016 · 754
Shivering life's poetry
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
It got me into pieces but
I shall not be here
In pain anymore

Shivering life
& I love its poetry
But I must go.
Jun 2016 · 2.3k
Necessary calmness
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
In that particular moment
I wished for nothing but
To abandon my existence as a human
And become one with the tones
Of the Lord's strings

We'll never be good enough for
Some of the people

Is it worth?
All in all is all we are.
Jun 2016 · 1.2k
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
The shape itself
Captures this
poem well

Love is
The place
we all
Jun 2016 · 607
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
Gently, so gently, as she breathes
And oh, what a vacuum she leaves
Jun 2016 · 818
A Brief look inside
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
So take a look inside
For there I left my smile
A note I had to write
That I've found my velvet mine
And I'm gonna sit here till I die
That my eyes are tryin' a-hide
Yet inside my ever-shifting cry
And I guess it's just tonight
And I'm gonna sit here till I die

Take one last look
Strengthen your word
For every mood
The soil's being ripped out off the root
And I'm gonna stand here for good
Blurring the truth underfoot
And the voice is soft and mute
Echoes in the misunderstood
*And I'm gonna stand here for good
Jun 2016 · 323
Last Night
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
Last night
I saw a star fallin' down
But I ain't sure if I've seen it at all

Last night
I was walking down beneath the trees
But I ain't sure if I was walking at all

Last night
I saw the reflection of my most secret dream
But I ain't too sure if it was my dream at all

Last night
I sat in the park, people passin' by
But I ain't sure if they were people at all.
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