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2.3k · Jun 2016
Necessary calmness
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
In that particular moment
I wished for nothing but
To abandon my existence as a human
And become one with the tones
Of the Lord's strings

We'll never be good enough for
Some of the people

Is it worth?
All in all is all we are.
2.0k · Jun 2016
Words words words
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
These words that fill my mouth
Have nothing to do with what I
Wanted to say  ~

Can we listen to the wind of the past?
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
We lay there
I, the *******
Stranger towards immortality

In the confused depths
Of my fatal sensibility

One piece
Never understood
The other two
Crawl away for good

It all's been mentioned
Already in the written past
Of this world of mad kind

And we keep calling it
Different names,
Yet the same lines

Wasted words and
Buried sound

You saved me the day
You came around.
1.6k · Jul 2016
Black dew
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
Black dew into the black night
When falling,
Sadness to my dreams is crawlin'

After the last secret
falls out of me

I laugh at this night
coming out of what was she

And after we wake up the other day
the sun's gonna caress thee
I can hardly breathe now
I can write no more
Dana Skorvankova Sep 2016
To bridge over the empty waters
by the Great Movement of a Single Mind.
1.4k · Aug 2016
Teď zrovna (Odpovědi)
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
I když nemám co bych ti řekla
A sice rána ještě pobolívají,
Přesto ti posílám
Odpověď zpět
Že teď zrovna
Dobíjíš můj svět

A i když není co by mělo
Jenomže tak to asi u nás bývá,
Že to málo pro tebe nestačilo
Skrývá v sobě
Taky další odpověď
Prý teď zrovna
Dobíjím tvůj svět
Jo, jsou lidi, kteří jsou
Jako stvoření k tomu
Aby se o nich psaly básně

                               .. A to je vše.
1.4k · Feb 2017
Lehkost slova pravda
Dana Skorvankova Feb 2017
Ano, ty poslední tóny,
vždycky ty nejvíce vzad,
to ty si s náma pohrávají,
pro ně jsme lehký jak peříčka..

.. A na vše pozdě je,
přestože sotva padla tma.
Alespoň teď vím,
že už nic horšího, než pravda není.
Mé oči jsou odekryté
a horšího víc nespatří
(ruce se mi ještě třesou)
a všechno se opakuje
v kruzích přibližuje se a předtím vzdálí,
a všechno se opakuje
čím dál zajdeš,
tím míň.
1.3k · Sep 2016
Beautiful paradox
Dana Skorvankova Sep 2016
Only the bottle of liqueur knows
What I mean by these words

Only after someone saves you
You joke about life's overdose

Nick of time
Can send you back
From where the Gods all started back a-while

*Life's overdose sounds so funny after all.
1.2k · Jun 2016
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
The shape itself
Captures this
poem well

Love is
The place
we all
Dana Skorvankova Dec 2016
Nechtěná pravda
Se sama nabízí snad i těm,
Jenž za bílými slovy víry a strachu
Pomalu kradou

A tam kde nepsaná pravidla
Nás drží při životě
Já jednou svedu zapomenout

Na všechno z toho,
Za co před tak dávnou chvílí
Měli se mnozí zastydět

A vynést světlo pochopení
Pro všechny co chtějí
Zavřít oči a uvidět.
1.1k · Jul 2016
Down In The Pines
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
We live to cease
To cease existing
As the way from
The birth back
To the past

We die to crumble
To Crumble - to fall apart
So that we're not
That easily given
For the last time

We walk to scent
To scent the cold wind
Down in the pines
For we cannot maintain
Our urge to pass
1.1k · Feb 2017
A Single Fact
Dana Skorvankova Feb 2017
I see what you did
I see some people will never be
Even similar in a way,
And yes,
It took me this long
To finally see.

I realize what you feel
I realize some people will never have
A single thing in common,
And yes,
It took me this long
To realize.

I understand what you've thought
I understand some people will never think
The same way after all,
And yes,
It took me this long
To understand.

It took me this long
To understand the single fact.
1.0k · Aug 2016
Too late
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
Our doubts are already forming a library
with thousands of books rising high above the wall
Dana Skorvankova Jan 2017
How much do we respect others for what they're like
For the glimpse in one's eyes when watching
Maybe the only object of his or her interest
For how mysteriously they tangle new thoughts in that very moment
And for how mysteriously they're being tangled by the thoughts at the time,*

For when I see you looking through the streetlamps
It's everything
And if I've ever wanted to become one with infinity,
It's because I know I might meet you there.
936 · Sep 2016
Mighty creatures
Dana Skorvankova Sep 2016
Look for the reason
Not in the child born this mad,
This very existence
Is the best I've ever had
And somewhere there
All of my past I-s live on
They keep on giving substance
To what I was once made from
I've always tended to picture them
Feeding the loyalty to which I clung
Expressing the native creatures
Which I longed to appear among.
920 · Oct 2016
The boxer
Dana Skorvankova Oct 2016
I remember all of the
Shattered glass
Of every pain that put
Me here,

The unbearable sound of its
With its meaning long lost
In the wind
910 · Jul 2016
I've never once felt loved
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
I've never once felt loved
But I've been fortuned just enough
To belong among those few ones
Who've never once felt loved

I've never once captured a smile
But those many houses I've walked through
Thumbing mile after mile
They've never once captured anyone's smile
Next time you see a storm on the horizon please don’t fear 
Its just heaven doing me the favor of taking you my kiss
Walk outside and kiss the rain whenever you need me
896 · Dec 2016
Jedna na konec
Dana Skorvankova Dec 2016
..a tak pište přátelé,

- neboť nepřátel nemám -

pište dál,

snad je to to poslední,

co nám zbylo udělat.
887 · Dec 2016
Radši budu sám
Dana Skorvankova Dec 2016
Je to jak vystřižené z filmu
A scény jsou dlouhé jak rok
Ale ten režisér stojí támhle
Někde tak daleko
Jak by mohl vskutku rozumět
Příběhu těchhle dob

Když se poslední záběry točili
A že z tak mála vzniklo tolik ran
A to všechno odešlo, jak přišlo
Že nikdo toho nebyl svědkem
Tlačí mě to u srdce
Ale radši budu sám.
Dana Skorvankova Jan 2017
Doesn't matter where I am
If I am dead or awake,
For everywhere I'll go I'll be aware
Of all the places where I am not
Of all the air I'm not breathing in
Of all the moments of someone else's life

In-there it holds a hell of a mist

A mist so intense I cease to exist
865 · Sep 2016
Dana Skorvankova Sep 2016
Dnes v noci si povídám
S milou slečnou
S mou Samotou
A někde tam ve tmě
Cítím její přerušovaný dech

Říkám jí:
'Nikdo se ke mně nehodí
A já k nikomu nepatřím'

A ona mrká na znak souhlasu
Po chvíli odpovídá:
'Jo, tak jsem to pro tebe
vždycky chtěla.
Vždyť víš,
Že má víra je ta nejsilnější.'

Tiše si budem šeptat
Takhle až dlouho do noci
Až dlouho dokud jedna
Po druhé neusneme.
A kdo se probudí dříve?
834 · Nov 2016
Dana Skorvankova Nov 2016
Say it's true,
that life's worth all the dying
we do.
- M. P. J.
832 · Jun 2016
Saxophones of the world
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
The muted state of this world
Keeps disturbing
The shivering noise of my thoughts

..Then I close my eyes..


I heard them saxophones
In the air

I heard the only saxophone
In this whole world
With its tunes

I once heard the song of a saxophonist
Who died in the gutter,

Something about painting the open seas
is so refreshing.
818 · Jun 2016
A Brief look inside
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
So take a look inside
For there I left my smile
A note I had to write
That I've found my velvet mine
And I'm gonna sit here till I die
That my eyes are tryin' a-hide
Yet inside my ever-shifting cry
And I guess it's just tonight
And I'm gonna sit here till I die

Take one last look
Strengthen your word
For every mood
The soil's being ripped out off the root
And I'm gonna stand here for good
Blurring the truth underfoot
And the voice is soft and mute
Echoes in the misunderstood
*And I'm gonna stand here for good
816 · Jul 2017
Om namah shivaya
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2017
Night breeze
infinite breath
it's been nearly century

If I can't breathe this air in heaven
then I don't even want to go there


If I can't hear these words in heaven
then I don't even want to go there.
780 · Nov 2016
Dana Skorvankova Nov 2016
I love you* from the deck rail
as when two ships pass, and there's
a mysterious longing and regret
in their passing
Dana Skorvankova Sep 2016
Ticho uvnitř
A z vedlejší místnosti
Hlasitý smích

Málo stačilo
Ztratit jediný den
Z těch všech sečtených

Zůstal jsi
U zavřených očí -
Světu venku neuškodit

Nezbývalo mnohé
Než zpod váhy kouře
Dech vysvobodit

Brána uvnitř
A zpoza stěn - veselí,
Hlasitý zpěv

Málo stačilo
Rozevřít hruď, poznat srdce
A uvidět krev.
Lidé se mě občas ptají, co cítím
a já se na nich v duchu usmívám úsměvem ztracených
774 · Nov 2016
Too soon
Dana Skorvankova Nov 2016
You said you'd tell me

something about

how does it feel to

lose it all,

not all at once,

but just slowly watch it

crawling away one thing

after another,

that feeling when you

sit there watching,

knowing too well

there's not much

you could do about it.

Well, after all,

I tell you,

I tell you how does that feel

to know too much

about yourself

and yet too little about

anything else,

I tell you I cease

to understand,

but no, I understand very well

every feeling you've ever

told me about, because

someone else has already managed

to explain it to me

a few times, which was

half a life before you

but is still just a couple of pages back.

How can I ever stand up again?

Now go ahead,

you tell me.. :
spaces between the lines hold just about the right time to think about it
754 · Jun 2016
Shivering life's poetry
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
It got me into pieces but
I shall not be here
In pain anymore

Shivering life
& I love its poetry
But I must go.
736 · Mar 2018
Life parallelism
Dana Skorvankova Mar 2018
A failed life
and a cheek-pinch
are quite alike,
they both hurt.
715 · Jun 2016
Inside the troubled mind
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
Invisible amount of lightning
Measured by things we need
*But I really owed them something
The same part as Life owes me
706 · Oct 2016
- Čas
Dana Skorvankova Oct 2016
"O tom, co stalo se s námi doteď
Od té doby, nevypoví čas -
Čas někdy nejde měřit časem
Ale hloubkou změn v nás,"

To, že už si neklademe
Navzájem otázky tak složité -
Znamená jen tolik, že ty prosté
Stačí zodpovědět rozvitě,

"Z toho, čeho jsme litovali kdys,
Teď umřelo již víc než dost -
Vždyť dospěli jsme v průlom,
Jenž vše proměnil to na radost,"

To, na co vzpomínáme s úsměvy,
Že jednou bolelo za slzy prolité -
Dnes už jen těžko uvěřit,
Jak věci můžou vyznít dvojitě.
Pakliže se celý dav lidí otočil
Zády k oné veliké pravdě,
Já jsem se prostě musela podívat

A než jsem se stačila otočit zpátky
Stalo se, že přešel jeden život
A to jen chvilinku jsem se zadívala
Té pravdě do očí -
694 · Aug 2016
A tak se vzdávám
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
Usedla jsem a chtěla jsem
Napsat něco silného a velkého
Ale jak jsem se zaposlouchala
Do bolestné hudby venku
To silné ve mně vyhaslo
A stalo se vším, co dokáže rozplakat -
Ztraceným úsměvem včera
Zábleskem vzpomínky dnes
A tak se vzdávám
A smutnější slova
Jsem jakživ nenapsala
Natož abych se je odhodlala vyslovit.

Nepřeju si nic než
Poslouchat tuhle hudbu
Přestože je hudbou bolesti
Nemůžu si pomoct,
Připomíná mi domov
A tak moc bych chtěla říci
Že to je naposled
Jenže to už jsem si mockrát slíbila
A tak se vzdávám
A smutnější slova
Jsem jakživ neřekla
Natož aby je někdo slyšel.
693 · Jun 2016
The Strongest Part
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
I've never thought I might hear you
Without a thing being told
Well and I've never thought you're not about to
Write again a single word
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
There's a rain on the inside
It falls,
It falls,
In tears,
Vanishes from the memory.
I know
The past beats inside you
Like a second heart.
687 · Jul 2016
To Fall In Love With You
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
For what on Earth
You remain in what you do
May you still have
Blood in your eyes for me
What kind of sin that is
To fall in love with you

What kind of sin that is
To become one with you
683 · Nov 2017
Dana Skorvankova Nov 2017
I enjoy the breeze I'm given and the soul I was given to enjoy it with
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
The vast sea knows what it knows,
As the man with a shadow knows it too

And it's the same with the soul
That I found there
In the dark of the ineffable
Which is ahead of you -
654 · Aug 2016
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
Před nedávnem byl nalezen kámen
na tom kameni vepsáno slavné slovo
nebylo to 'svědectví' ani 'kletba'
ale něco mezi tím
něco mezi tím mi vnutilo vzpomínku
na ten dávný čas kdy zrodil se kámen
a s kamenem slovo
a se slovem výpověď
a s výpovědí déšť
jenž by ** smyl
a výpověď tak nechal čistou.

Ne všechno se dá vepsat,
ne, zbytek obrazu je třeba dokreslit myslí ~
648 · Dec 2016
Na věky věků
Dana Skorvankova Dec 2016
Ať už jsem, kdo jsem, co já vím,

Víš, že nikomu na světě
                 nepřála bych být tak sám
Přesto všichni jsme sami
                 a jsme tady spolu

A housle hrají nám
                 do rytmu kroků
A doprovázeny
                 vlastním bitím srdce

Zanikají tóny ve vlastní hloubce.
645 · Oct 2016
Dana Skorvankova Oct 2016
We all lose in this game
Dana Skorvankova Aug 2016
Even though
Your tiny heart's been broken
I remember you
We were one
Like the other
& lost in two

These visions
That remain
Are those which I pass through
Things I will recall
Are melting slowly a-way
& **returning to you
Dana Skorvankova Oct 2016
-Nutná perspektiva společnosti může přehlédnout
jenom to bližší a nejbližší- F. Nietzsche
628 · Sep 2016
Kratičké věty
Dana Skorvankova Sep 2016
Kratičké věty jenž v hlavě buší
Tajně strádám k večeru
Kde snář veků marně tuší
Kam se dnes v noci poberu

**Kratičké věty
A nad nimi kartičce bdět
Jsou spolu jeden
Kratičký svět.
624 · Nov 2017
The Allusions
Dana Skorvankova Nov 2017
Each night is good for reliving
the inside wrath over again
just as each day is good for
dying without pain

I'd look for it at all the same old places
but again, I've got stars in my sight.
FIRST words always come so fast and easy, but they're the last ones that make all the difference.
616 · Jul 2016
Dead Monk
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
"Death's for the Saint" - 's been said long ago
Time when his sins have all vanished
Been took back from a corner of the soul
Where Monk's life was held and punished

"Lead me, oh the Way, to where I long to be" -
As from the Golden Ones I am now banished
Wash away the country where I was once set free
Where Monk's life was reached and tarnished.
607 · Jun 2016
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
Gently, so gently, as she breathes
And oh, what a vacuum she leaves
607 · Jul 2016
And then Life
Dana Skorvankova Jul 2016
We both knew what it can bring
We knew only sorrow and shame

You said it seemed lousy
But years it's been since you last came

We've had enough time to shout out loud
We've never once spoken at the same end

She's got her tiny world
inside yours for couple of times
and then Life happened -
Dana Skorvankova Sep 2016
The moon was so majestic and delicate too
And oh I wished so much to bring it down for you
But the sun rose up and told me not to..

Yet the birds up in the clouds they slowly made a circle
Where they tangled up so perfectly, they sparkled
And then suddenly they melted away in a twinkle..

*..And I keep many more great memories of you.
582 · Jun 2016
God's march
Dana Skorvankova Jun 2016
That life as we heard of
For those who live it
There's a kind of sad happiness
I enjoy differently,

Incurable is this weight
Descending with the smoke
Rainy landscape is the only
Attitude worthy.

During three straight days
Cruel fate of the dead and punished
Love wearies or disappoints
On the God's march,

No inner dimension
O tarnished happiness
Wondrous lands sheltered me
Left in peace so cold and large.
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