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3.6k · Feb 2022
coming undone
Aspen S Feb 2022
i cannot seem to forget
the smallness i had become.
bruised thighs
and sunken eyes
were my reality;
my skin was devoid of
any nutrients,
fragile and delicate.
i could vanish
into nothingness
like quicksand.

my days bled into
one another,
fingers frozen,
heart barely beating,
lungs hardly breathing.
i stared down the
barrel of the gun,
wished to purge my urges,
sat in an endlessly deep
pool of misery until
drowning was all i could do.

i replaced food with air,
consuming empty calories
and dug knives into
my skin as a personal hobby.

i am an open would
that never heals,
and i am desperate
to move on.
a poem on my eating disorder. i thought i had come far only to relapse within a year. here's to starting over.
2.9k · Mar 2021
Aspen S Mar 2021
i have been swallowed by
my own reflection;
bones protrude through
pallid thin skin,
organs caving in
my stomach hoards a
swarm of bees,
buzzing through the
empty cavern that is
my translucent flesh.

i am a ravenous dog
teeth bearing,
devouring only water and air

i purge myself clean,
spill out empty calories
and irrational rumination,
skeleton hanging out of
a hollow casket,
appetite smaller than my waist.

i am freezing cold,
lanugo littering my body,
wanting to throw myself
in a fire,
to feel the warmth
that others feel.

i am a void -
this body is not my own.
on having an eating disorder.
1.4k · Feb 2018
Aspen S Feb 2018
i am a skeleton,
with crumbling bones
and an irregular beating heart
on the brink of collapsing.

i am an ice cold silhouette
of a girl with sunken eyes
and shriveled lungs
slowly shrinking inside
my concaved chest.

my hips protrude like shards of glass,
shattering onto the gaps between my thighs,
and my collarbones
are sharper than knives,
slicing and dicing
a year off my life everyday.

i am a rotten corpse,
with worn out ribs
and a cracked spine
disintegrating into nothing but
ash and dust.

this is what death looks like.

i am not my own.
an update on how i have felt for the past two months. my eating disorder is consuming me and no one is there to rescue me from death. in 2017, from march to may, i lost approximately 20 pounds because i couldn't control myself from restricting. this year i have managed to lose another 7 pounds and i am terrified that i will end up in a hospital on my death bed. it is definitely frightening thinking about the possibility of dying...
1.3k · Oct 2017
Aspen S Oct 2017
bone chilling moments
aren't what they seem to be.

my body resembles a corpse,
freezing to the tips of my toes,
with an ice cold heart
beating just enough to keep me alive.

i'm a dead girl walking,
littered in lanugo and
blue bruised, broken ribs,
and paper thin skin
caving in on itself
as if collapsing is inevitable.

bile inhabits my stomach,
yet hunger will always be
the second most important anyway.

pink, swollen cheeks are
replaced by hollow caverns
not even bears want to enter.

"i am an iceberg drifting to
the edge of the map,"
a girl who wants to be real-
but can't.

the blizzard winds in my head
have become too heavy to thaw out
and i can slowly feel my carcass of a body
cast away with the rest of my past.

i am gone.
                                    i am free.
i have struggled with an eating disorder for God only knows how long. it's been a challenge recently because i feel the need to restrict everything. i hate it so much yet at the same time it feels good to be in control for once. this poem is for those out there that have/had an eating disorder. you are so much stronger than your mental illness. you will get through this.


(reference to "Wintergirls," by Laurie Halse Anderson)
1.3k · May 2016
lover, lover
Aspen S May 2016
the menace that abandoned my house
eventually came back
it used the words God gave him to threaten
everything in its path
he came back
screaming, clawing, gnawing at his prey
until there was nothing to left
its teeth would clench if his food
wouldn’t cooperate,
then he’d hold them down
to keep them from struggling

the same thing happened to you
but this was different
your menace was a real man,
someone who never quite understood
what consent meant
no one understands the word, "consent"
1.2k · Jul 2017
brittle being
Aspen S Jul 2017
whiskey stained lips
and dull grey eyes
make up a wonderful disguise
for the quicksand you're drowning in.

a four week old baby girl
lies in the sea known as your lap;
she's smiling,
but only because the innocence
entwined in the long brown locks of her hair
have yet to be revealed.

red notebooks and pink lemonade
envelop the darkness surrounding
your frail being,
not entirely acknowledging how
brittle your bones actually are.

trapped in trepidation,
you plummet into desolation,
pondering on the thought that
this could bring utter elation
and it did;
but it was only in your head.
for anyone struggling with some sort of mental illness; this is for you. sometimes it can seem like your world is being ripped apart, but it's not. it's merely preparing you for a new start.
959 · Nov 2017
me too
Aspen S Nov 2017
at a young age,
i learned no one’s safe
when he pulled my tiny frame close,
tugging on my hair,
and not letting go;
i ripped away,
yet failed.

his tongue slithered down my throat,
his hands were cold and hard as stone
against my exterior,
endlessly taking and taking,
and in that moment,
i was numb,
toes frozen,
the screams held within
and arms sewn to the bed
beneath his feet.

my body is stolen and
tainted with his
poisonous sins
gripped within my skin;
i am unclean.

i still feel your eyes trailing along
my abdomen,
burning into my soul,
and your lips bruising my own
as you pressed down harder whilst
fondling every inch of my figure
to no avail.

twelve years later,
with red eyes and a foggy head,
i sleep alone,
fearing that ill drown
in my own sheets.

it was “me too” whom let the devil
consume my innocence
until i was light-headed and limp.

i’ve given up struggling and surviving
for i knew that after that night
i would never be free again,
why live when there’s
no more of me to own?
why fight when i can just die alone?

i’ve left and there’s no going back.
why do people have to be so disgusting? i have yet to completely wash his smell off of me.
957 · Oct 2017
i live my own life
Aspen S Oct 2017
i come from whispers of Venezuelan lullabies
y las stories que viene del corazon de mi mama.
the annual celebracion de Corpus Christi is a
constant reminder de la amarilla, azul, y sangre roja
coursing through my veins.
when i was younger,
yo baile durante horas con mi papa
and sung at the top of my lungs
until the last bit of oxygen
en mi pulmones deteriorated.
mi cultura is the incarnation of who i am,
it inhabits every cell en mi cuerpo,
and never will i ever consider
disintegrating the ashes on which mis ancestros
were founded upon.
it's the embodiment of my children, and their children;
it's mi vida y mi alma,
and no one could ever tear down the walls
of this Venezuelan throne.
to those who've experienced discrimination and segregation toward their ethnicity; to those who've always seemed encaged in their identity; to those who never thought they'd ever experience freedom - don't let anyone ever tell you to erase your culture. it is the blood running through your veins, it's the air in which you breathe - allow yourselves to be free in your own skin. embrace who you are because, in the end, it's all you have.
930 · Jan 2016
Your Almost Lover (Pantoum)
Aspen S Jan 2016
It's hard to love someone who can't low you
Even when their eyes outshine the sun's rays
And how the warmth of your skin likes to imbue
Through your skin upon those delicate veins

Even when their eyes outshine the sun's rays
My love for you was so contagious, it grew
Through your skin upon those delicate veins

My love for you was so contagious, it grew
We rose way above the mountain peaks, but it was far too overdue
No matter what, our love musn't go ablaze
I loved You like flowers love the pouring rain

We rose way above the mountain peaks, but it was far too overdue
And now, I have to deal with how you never knew
I loved you like flowers love the pouring rain
The way the ocean is greeted by the tides waves

And now I have to deal with how you never knew
How the warmth of your smile likes to imbue
The way the ocean is greeted by the tides waves
Its hard to love someone who can't love you
i am so sorry if this poem *****..... I didn't really like this one...
870 · Jan 2016
Your Almost Lover (Pantoum)
Aspen S Jan 2016
It's hard to love someone who can't low you
Even when their eyes outshine the sun's rays
And how the warmth of your skin likes to imbue
Through your skin upon those delicate veins

Even when their eyes outshine the sun's rays
My love for you was so contagious, it grew
Through your skin upon those delicate veins

My love for you was so contagious, it grew
We rose way above the mountain peaks, but it was far too overdue
No matter what, our love musn't go ablaze
I loved You like flowers love the pouring rain

We rose way above the mountain peaks, but it was far too overdue
And now, I have to deal with how you never knew
I loved you like flowers love the pouring rain
The way the ocean is greeted by the tides waves

And now I have to deal with how you never knew
How the warmth of your smile likes to imbue
The way the ocean is greeted by the tides waves
Its hard to love someone who can't love you
I am truly sorry if this poem *****. I am not very good at it...
Aspen S Apr 2017
tear stained pillow cases and dreary eyes replaced a smile wider than an ocean and a heart made of gold.

2. father pressed its hands on your back, signaling you wouldn't stay alive much longer.

3. beer bottles and hashish made its way into the empty caverns of your mouth, and i didn't stop you.

4. broken homes, no, broken houses, were no longer part of our safety, but rather taped cardboard boxes became the alternative.

5. self medication and bleeding bones transformed your flesh garden; scars and bruises were your best friends.

6. dreams of life were shattered, instead buying cans of green beans and carrots were the only goals you aspired to meet.

7. black and blue nail polish, broken toes, and mushy tobacco destroyed the walls of our make - shift shelter.

8. scapegoats blamed you for crashing the windows of their soul.

9. steel bars became an everyday ritual for father and there was no way to raise kids without a job.

10. your parental custody was revoked and the demons you gave life to moved to an orphanage, at least that's what it felt like.

11. water boiled in your brain; you couldn't stand the loneliness and the guilt of the inability to love.

12. your children moved once more, isolation had finally consumed your carcass of a body.

13. not one or two, but three of your baby ducklings turned against you.

14. 'mommy' rapidly turned to 'mom' and ultimately, 'mother.' realization punched your organs to pieces. they're was no longer any love in your cold heart.
for anybody who has a mother or father that was never there for you, that abused you, and that abandoned you. they do not define you. you are beautiful, lovely, and worthy of love. it'll be okay. things may be hard for you now, but eventually, everything will get better.
Aspen S Mar 2016
I can't contain the love I have for you
It devours me whole then throws me under
Creating a typhoon like no other
Its still not as big as the lies you threw

I am afraid tonset our love anew
Because it would be hard to recover
From the terrible effects of thunder
Now I have got nothing else to pursue

Yet, I stray away from you everyday
I am no longer in a fairy tale
My dreams with you are slowly degrading

My Nightingale is being blown away
And I'm starting to feel like I've failed
Too bad your spirit is starting to fade
i wrote this about someone I really liked and they never really liked me so i eventually grew out of that crush
Aspen S Dec 2015
Your brown eyes could glow an eternity
Setting entire galaxies into flames
Your phases of the moon changed perfectly
As an eclipse rushed through your pastel veins

And then, sadness would trickle down us face
All of a sudden, building a terror
Inside of me that I cannot erase
Who knew nebulas contain lavender

However, your constellations still shined
Even when the sky wreaked havoc upon earth
And your sanity was never aligned
You really are more than you think you're worth

If only I could see your ember soul
Once more, my fuschia heart would be more whole

~Amanda S.
this is a poem I wrote about someone i fell in love with. she never really realized how beautiful she truly is.
778 · Mar 2017
Under Pink Sheets
Aspen S Mar 2017
kisses turn into monsters my
mind can't conjure up
they leave an ocean of pinks, purples, and blues,
yet I say nothing

this sharp - teethed demon
comes after me as fast as
a bullet can go

in my head,
i run rapidly, to the edge of the world,
but physically,
i stay as still as the sea

if I move,
he will come after me at supersonic speed
and i'll drown deeper
under these pink sheets
*for all of those whos consent has been violated*
Aspen S Dec 2015
A mind wanders in the dead of night
With only its thoughts for company in the dark of night

A girl wears her heart on her sleeve
She is lonely, drinking away the memories of that night

A toddler screams until there is no longer any air left in his tiny lungs,
He had been smothered to the bots from that night

A boy injects love into his bloodstream
Crying out oceans to the silence of the night

An arrow stays stuck in a man's battered and bruised chest
Only because his life didn't matter that night

The bow is placed in the hands of a tattered and tainted woman
Because a man wouldn't give his soul away to the night

And Kathryn sits and smirks at how no one seems to know
That life is coming to and end, after tonight
i was a bit depressed when i wrote this poem last week. i still hope you'll enjoy it.
646 · Mar 2017
Aspen S Mar 2017
we all know them now as warriors;
they were brave and strong and instead of
weeping in the shadows, they
rose higher with the wings that heaven itself gave them.
it was one of the darkest periods in human history
and yet they still held themselves together
and never gave up no matter what
obstacle got stuck in their path
and although most may not be here today,
we are to bless them like the moon
blesses the sun when it sets into
the newly lit night sky
for they are the reason why the war
ended in the first place.
they are the ones who wouldn't allow
bullets to be thrown at them without a fight,
and for those reasons,
we shall forever be thankful.
this is for all of those who are lost and forgotten. for those who fought their damnedest to help others. for those who have to live the rest of their lives knowing ancestors of their own family were murdered by a beast.
                                                i love you.
612 · Jan 2019
you were the first.
Aspen S Jan 2019
you were the first-

the first kiss,
silky lips one with each other,
skin to skin,
bone to bone,
my fingers caressing the prized jewel
that is your body,
hands gliding along your waist,
sliding down every curvature and crevice
god gave you.

you were
the first 'i love you',
hair whipping in the wind,
heart beating a mile a minute,
your eyes interlaced w my soul,
gracing my own.

and though it is unholy
to crave the sun
when I am only a star,
I won't repent my sins,
for you are the reason
planets twirl
and I exist.

-i want you to be the last.
love is such a dangerous thing.
Aspen S Dec 2015
Your brown eyes could glow an eternity
Setting entire galaxies into flames
Your phases of the moon changed perfectly
As an eclipse ran through your pastel veins

And then, sadness would trickle down your face
All of a sudden, building a terror
Inside of me that I could not erase
Who knew nebulas contain lavender

However, your constellations still shined
Even when the sky wreaked havoc on Earth
And your sanity was never aligned
You really are more than you think you're worth

If only I could see your ember soul
Once more, my fuchsia heart would be more whole
this is a poem that I wrote about someone i fell in love with. she never realized how beautiful she really was.
549 · Feb 2018
what my parents see in me
Aspen S Feb 2018

i was ****** knuckles and
bruised wrists
hiding beneath broken tables
and a heart beating too fast
to keep up with.

she lived in lies
while i was busy building walls to
barricade the battle cries
haunting me at night.

he was beer bottles and
a brazen tongue twisting
words into bullets,
firing empty threats
at a child far too gone.

i didn’t ask for
reckless rages and
abuse that left me
struggling to stay alive
nor did i want to experience
the epitome of a nightmare.

i was afraid.
love was an unfamiliar concept,
spilling out of their skulls,
staining the tile floor
and there’s no way to pour
it all back,
so im left homeless
in a dark alley way,
begging for a miracle
i know won’t come.
what more can i say to express how i feel?
499 · Dec 2017
you can do this.
Aspen S Dec 2017
there are two more days until 2018. believe in yourself. this year may have been ******* you, but just know that you are worth so much more than what has happened to you. i love you all. happy new years. you guys got this!
you are awesome. you cano this!
497 · May 2017
a rambling on love
Aspen S May 2017
be sure to read this carefully.
you could be burned by your lightning beating heart.
the worst feeling is when you realize how deep in love you are with her. it consumes you and the only way to escape it is if you decide that it'll only make you feel more ****** than you already do.

what really hurts is the longing; that feeling or wanting to have her all to yourself, but knowing ****** well that's never going to happen.

there's so much pain involved in loving uer. for a split second you think, "i am the light of her life as she is mine," but you're all wrong.

being in love is a drug that can't be cured. you crave that urge to wraps your arms around her waist and say, "i love you much more than infinity." you enjoy gazing into the cosmos known as her alluring eyes and waking up to the smell of her hair. you love to love her.

slowly but surely, you called deeper in love with her; the addiction gets worse and surprisingly enough, you overdosed on her.

however, in the end, there's no longer any love to give and you're left stranded with a broken heart and an empty soul.
487 · Sep 2017
fleeting memories
Aspen S Sep 2017
tar sends tingle down my spine,
but the regrets race back up-
choking me.
dread spreads in my stomach,
twisting and churning,
expanding until all that's left are
the remains of my past.
the smoke sets in,
engulfing what's left of my
torn up body,
the fire blazing away the bygones.

evidently, it never happened.
i never saw him rip the dignity out of her heart.
she never dissected his tear stained soul-
i didn't swallow myself whole after
realizing i had nowhere to go.

i am an apparition not to be messed with,
an unconquerable phantom ready to
haunt your deepest dreams
and i will rise regardless of
who's standing in my way.

i am a force to be reckoned with,
and you will never see the end of me.
i feel empty right now, so the only way for me to get any better is to write.
475 · Oct 2018
an elegy to her.
Aspen S Oct 2018
you never feared death;
you embraced it.
you let the demons linger
in the background,
gnawing at faded photographs
and grey memories
of the years past-
when life was simple.
when recollection didn’t
fester up in open wounds,
and your darkest secrets
weren’t crawling in grungy corners
amongst the hidden truth.

you never feared death;
you welcomed it.
you allowed the beasts to creep
into the depths of your demise,
conjuring up nightmares within
the shadows of your subconscious,
screeching to be saved,
yet you can’t hear it.

you never feared death;
you accepted it.
you fell in love with
the anatomy of a gun,
how bullets gracefully leave
the barrel until
the entire magazine is gone-
and the glorious recoil.

but somehow,
there was no warning,
no bright yellow caution sign screaming,
“help me”
no “i love you’s,” and no “goodbyes”;
all we have left is
the ghost of you-
the blood-stained wall,
the haunting images
of your bloodshot eyes
and limp carcass-
on a bed i used to sleep in.
thirteen years ago, my maternal grandmother committed suicide. i was five at the time.

thinking now, it's hard to say that my family has recovered from it. it doesn't help that i've been diagnosed with a plethora of mental illnesses that coincide with my grandmother's.

the people whom i live with a constant fear that they'll come to my dead body lying on the bathroom floor. they believe that one day i will actually commit suicide, when i know deep down i won't.

it's hard knowing that my family feels this way because i'm the one who's causing their pain. i love them dearly and want them to know that i won't leave them the same way my grandmother did.

i love them way too much.
Aspen S Mar 2016
I can't contain the love I have for you
It devours me whole then throws me under
Creating a typhoon like no other
Its still not as big as the lies you threw

I am afraid tonset our love anew
Because it would be hard to recover
From the terrible effects of thunder
Now I have got nothing else to pursue

Yet, I stray away from you everyday
I am no longer in a fairy tale
My dreams with you are slowly degrading

My Nightingale is being blown away
And I'm starting to feel like I've failed
Too bad your spirit is starting to fade
i wrote this about someone i really liked and they never liked me so i eventually grew out of the crush
394 · Jul 2018
a goddess
Aspen S Jul 2018
honey suckle runs through my veins.

i am adrift,
she approaches me,
brightness glowing around her.

her arms reach out,
touching my brittle ***** body,
replenishing the strength i never had.

i cry tears of joy;
redemption is here.
the light has been restored.

i am renewed.
there are so many reasons as to why i wrote this poem - and there are several different meaning to it that i genuinely can't decide on. i am beginning to love myself after having dealt with mental illness for the better portion of my life. as all people do, i have slip ups, but that comes along with recovery.
to anyone battling mental illnesses, i would like to be the first to tell you that it is possible to recover. it may not seem like it right now, but trust me, the pain will subside. you will learn to love life again regardless of the (possible) dreadful life you've been living.

it is possible, and inevitable, as long as you try.


(if you need someone to talk to, i'm here. i will be that friend to lean on if you have none). <3
Aspen S Dec 2015
A mind wanders in the dead of night
With only its thoughts for company in the dark of night

A girl wears her heart on her sleeve
She is lonely, drinking away the memories of that night

A toddler screams until there is no longer any air left in his tiny lungs,
He had been smothered to the bots from that night

A boy injects love into his bloodstream
Crying out oceans to the silence of the night

An arrow stays stuck in a man's battered and bruised chest
Only because his life didn't matter that night

The bow is placed in the hands of a tattered and tainted woman
Because a man wouldn't give his soul away to the night

And Kathryn sits and smirks at how no one seems to know
That life is coming to and end, after tonight
i was a bit depressed when i wrote this poem last week. i still hope you'll enjoy it.
352 · Aug 2018
Aspen S Aug 2018
my soul is in another dimension
these thoughts are floating in space,
fingertips frozen in place,
and my heart is encased in a steel cage;
my key has been thrown away.

i can't reach my reality
it hovers in front of me,
pleading to be caught.

it's too far to grasp.

        i'm afraid i'll never reach it.
dissociation is not great.
330 · Nov 2020
[decomposed entities]
Aspen S Nov 2020
my heart throbs with every breath.
bodies hit the ground one by one,
and i am left with the smell of copper and sulfur
swimming in my nostrils.
fevered with fatigue,
and twisted with despair,
i run;
i run till my legs go weak,
till my lungs shriek,
till the tears in my eyes run dry,
and i am held captive on this road of brutal ******
and merciless destruction.

there is no refuge,
no safe haven -
just hollow spirits
combined with empty caverns
where organs used to reside.
gunshots echo in my ears,
am i really here?
why is the smoke swallowing me whole?

i have no home,
so i hide;
i trip over emaciated fragments
of my family,
hesitating to hold them.
where's the hope?
im back.

this poem is about the Rwandan Genocide. i wrote this a couple years back, when i was still in high school.

— The End —