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4.1k · Jun 2014
Katy Owens Jun 2014
for my independent self feeding off lies and trying to live on my own
to pull me back to the throne

because I say what I'm doing is divine,
but the reality is
those plans are all mine

For my glory, for my fame,
but instead He gave up His name
Came to earth and
bore a cross for my shame

because I know I don't deserve it
I'm still trying to earn it

Living as an orphan
instead of a child
No longer lost, because for me
He was meek and mild

Lamb of God, slain
On Him all wrath was lain
So I could be free,
grace covers my iniquity

because I say I am strong
But really, it's His grace
that carries me along

because all that's left to see
is the cross as I cry,
have mercy on me

Grace because it's free,
and the beauty is I can never earn or deserve it
Grace that has set me free
Grace that says I'm redeemed
3.3k · May 2014
Katy Owens May 2014
I dip a piece of broken bread
into grape juice
in a cheap styrofoam cup

My mind races
clips from movies,
scripture read so many times

Your body
hanging from
a bloodied cross

The King of Kings,
by nail, thorn and spear

A phrase whispers through
my mind,
changes everything"

for our sins
for our iniquities

The Lord of Lords,
Son of God,
battered, bruised and hanging
from a bloodied tree

Beaten and torn,
"This is My body"

Poured out,
"This is my blood"

Broken for me broken
for you

this changes everything

And I dip a piece of broken bread
into grape juice
in a cheap styrofoam cup
3.2k · Sep 2013
Katy Owens Sep 2013
Always a question
Something oft inquired
Wondering and whying in those
Get-to-know-you games
Any superpower, yours to have
What would you be?
Seems a simple query
But just as the Titanic learned
Icebergs seem much
Smaller from above
Answering to “what
Superpower would you want?”
Speaks so much more,
Runs so much deeper
It's a fight or flight response
Invisibility, teleportation
What are you hiding from?
Super strength, unlimited power
Why, do you feel weak? Unworthy? Small?
My response to such
An inquiry
Wings or none, I don't care
Simply put, I long to be
What are you? Who do you wish to be?
2.2k · Oct 2011
White Dislike
Katy Owens Oct 2011
Snow, I hate, No,
Snow’s dislike originates,
Snow indicates-
The air becomes cold enough,
Pour down
White-feathered drops
Upon our heads
Snow, I dislike
If cold is cold,
It has to be
I’d prefer
It pretty
So snow's cold I dislike,
But snow appearance
I like
2.2k · Jun 2014
Katy Owens Jun 2014
I am
     the only wall you will ever need

                                                    Stop hiding
                                                   Stop fighting
                             against the wrongs you have committed
                               things you wish could remain hidden

Shame is just a mask
Guilt a hidden dagger
         stabbing you again and again
                   never letting you get better

The beauty of grace
is you don't have to be afraid
Mercy new every morning
I've taken your cloak of shame

                                        You can hide behind me
                                    because grace is an ocean and
                                   I've already stopped the storm

When everyone says,
                               "be perfect"
My outstretched arms say,
                               "I already am"

When you hide behind a wall
a construct of your own two hands
You limit a grace that is greater

           Shut everyone out
                           box yourself in

It's not about what you can do
                                         It's about what I've done  

I'm tearing down your walls
because I'm the only one
you need
grace, walls, perfection, ocean, storm, life, shame, mercy, morning
1.8k · Sep 2014
Cigarette Smoke
Katy Owens Sep 2014
Pass a stranger
Nod a polite hello
Choke on the smell of
Cigarette smoke
Blooming all around
Hold breath till
It's passed
Release and gasp
Fresh new air
But he wasn't the only smoker
Around here
You can get cancer from
Second-hand smoke, you know?
I'm convince we'll all
Die of cancer anyways
Cancer of the body or
Cancer of the heart
Something eating away
All of us and we can't
Self-diagnose the chaos
Looking for something
In all the wrong places
Surface level satisfactions
Nicotine and addictions
Rotting away the soul
And we're all dying of
Some cancer
Cancer of the soul
Looking for answers
Failing to look past ourselves
For Something
To ease the pain
Satisfy the ache of soul
Clean up a world where
No one smokes
Their souls into
1.6k · Oct 2013
A Feather
Katy Owens Oct 2013
Whipping in the wind.

Floating along.
Free as a song.
Carrying along.

No longer just surviving.
Now carefree and thriving.

Gently curving around each bend.

Don't worry,
just be

1.6k · Nov 2013
To Heal Asphyxiation
Katy Owens Nov 2013
A cloud surrounds me.
The lies, they feel so real they must be I can't see anything else anymore so
Clearly, so they must be
Everything I've forgotten, every scar that I had gotten, and the words, the stares, new knife-marks in my skin

I know the Truth, but I can't always discern the lies.

It only takes one, to get in, penetrating my skin. And downward, I spin.
Into the darkness, the abyss. I can't
get out
The words and I think I'm the end of everyone's stares. It only takes one thing, to hear, and my mind runs wild. An inescapable spiraling of words and thoughts of self-loathing.
It's a tangled web of heart-broken conditions, misintentions, these afflictions, did you know heartbreak is a diagnosable thing? It is. I decided.
My heart was breaking.
My heart is break

Tangled misintentions, a wave of self-doubting afflictions, all conditions of this mess
we've woven.
A web we've spun from our brokenness, and in the madness my minds screams,

This is all your fault
Never good enough
Too much, or
Too little
You'll never be whole
Broken beyond repair or care
This is all your fault
Time to leave
Always say never
Because you aren't fit for any
It's better if you leave
You aren't good enough to believe
Just go
good enough

The lies are so thick I can barely breathe
Scars aren't really healed if you're still bleeding from the slashes. Cut hearts and, broken wrists.

And none of it's true and part of me knows it, inside but the lies keep on coming and sometimes
self-deprecation, feels good
self-imposed asphyxiation, fills you up more than air in your lungs could
Because pain is an addiction when we won't believe who we are.
When I don't believe.
I'm just creating more scars.

And the lies wrap me up, suffocating in this web of misintention, but a moment of clarity reveals all these afflictions, I sense the darkness creeping in surrounding and
impounding my heart.
Drowning out the Truth, masking the lies, telling me I should believe I'm worthless.
And the lies
make sense
suffocating inside
I cry out, inside my heart and my mind

Tell me the Truth, I can't discern the lies.

infiltrate my soul, I've heard them so many thousands of times
But the scars haven't healed and I'm still bleeding from the slashes
I need a reason to sing, I need someone to bring me out before the swirling darkness settles in and poison takes over my veins. **** out the venom
Or I'll die here alone

And I cry to hear the Truth that overpowers the lies.

I was alone in a claustrophobic cloud of hateful invention.
And two hands reached in, grasped my shoulders, turned me round.
Looked past my eyes and straight into my soul.
Gentle and loving, I hear,
I will fight past the lies to tell you the Truth.
You're Mine
1.5k · Dec 2014
The Prophecy of Protests
Katy Owens Dec 2014
Love hung on a tree
Bruised body
blood flowed
Love died for my shame

Love didn't look at skin or color
Love didn't look at nationality,
Love look at souls
and said we're brothers
Blood flowed
for every nation,
tribe and

But we've forgotten.

And now
the prophets of the streets
crying like Pentecostal priests
Beating chests and
stomping feet
those choosing blindness
to see

See our pain
Feel our fury
Our righteous anger
against injustices you pretend can
remain unseen

You were born with this freedom
to close your eyes
We were born into a world
stabbing us from behind

So don't
bring your Bibles,
shove your tracts
drag us down aisles
You weren't here from the beginning
Fighting to break chains and
set captives free

"We have nothing to lose but our chains"

Our battle cry is freedom
equality for all
Jew and Gentile
Slave and free
Now the verses can read
Black and white
Upper class and lower
College educated, GED

You know, He's crying with us
shouting, marching
Beating chest and
stomping feet

Don't think you're bringing Jesus to us
He's already here,
on the streets
Prophecy of protests
Righteous rage against
Jesus, the revolutionary

God with us
On the ground with us

Love doesn't look at
skin or color
And love hung from
a tree

It is our duty to fight for our freedom
Love has already won the day

And we have nothing to lose but our chains
We will fight to lose our chains
1.5k · Sep 2014
Cardboard Sign
Katy Owens Sep 2014
Cardboard doubles
as shredded sheets
"Spare a little change,
trying to make ends meet
Just seeking refuge
from the cold and sleet"

Well, the Savior didn't have a place
to lay His head
So maybe they're closer to Him
than I am

But people see the signs
All they do is stare
Wonder, what's he done
and where's she been?
I couldn't cast the stone
cuz my record ain't clean

No one gave me
the judgement rod
And you, sir, don't look like God
Driving by
rolling up your windows and
down your nose
"Probably for drugs,"
your judgments say
"Lazy *** will
squander it away"

As if you and I
never fail, please don't forget
we've just been given
a better circumstance,
missed some unfortunate
Do you squander love?
Waste your privilege?

We're all the same
Skin bones and blood
And I know I'm
begging for change
on the streets of human love
Forgetting I've been given grace
from the Divine
Covered by love that looks like
water blood and wine

Maybe my friend
the "homeless ***"
is really a bit closer
to the One
1.4k · Nov 2013
Q-R, and S
Katy Owens Nov 2013
Restless. The journey to and from and around my own mind. It's surprising, I'm supervising, this life of mine. I sprint up the stairs of my solitary mind, the castle cascading down a mountainside. Around, around, through trenches, around towers, upward I climb. Stairs grow smaller, closer together, near the top. Rails gone, I look down and shudder for it never stops. It seems I could run forever in this endless masquerade. This masquerade, mask, mask, masquerade. At the top, now. The peak, the pinnacle. Looking down I can see it all, my mind, through my mind's eyes. Everything I've beaten, everything I've broken. Moments, Memories, Scars, Stories, Relics, Relationships, Sounds, Strings, Pictures, Places. Chaotic world, jumbled together, with some surprising and inspired chance forming my fortress. I can see it all. So real. I'm so, tired. Of this masquerade. Mask, mask, masquerade. I recall, all the moments. But I will not fall, as, I look down and through and over and about the past problems, relics of remembrance, sweet sorrows, gentle joys, hope and happiness, helps and highs and glimpses of Heaven. It's my story. My messy mask. As I look down and take in what surrounds, I change. Restlessness grows still. See my world, embrace the masks I've made. But, the masquerade no longer defines. It won't fill, me.
1.3k · Dec 2014
You Title This
Katy Owens Dec 2014
no butterflies in my stomach
I have hands in my chest
grabbing my heart
squeezing it without rest
Crushing me
I'm helpless at best
Tears welling up
salty pieces of soul
filling my eyes
down they roll
You can't ever fully escape
my broken self spilling out
seeping through my skin
Can't hold it all together
Maybe I'm grateful for
those hands crushing my chest
Don't have to feel all the pain
desperately trying to find rest
But my soul won't stop crying
heart bleeding salty tears down my cheeks
This heartbreak doesn't heal
you just learn to live with the pain
1.3k · Oct 2013
words fall
Katy Owens Oct 2013
walk on eggshells. Don't make the wrong move. words are more powerful than you know. vanquished by them, yet again. Woulds never heal when written by a blade of sound.
walk away.
hopeless, forlorn. dejected and rejected. failure cuts a knife so deep. why. Never should make a person feel, this way. rejected. a state of being denied, shunned, dropped, jilted or abandoned. Drop-kicked is more accurate. through thoughts and feelings and walls of un-intention. Unintentional doesn't mean, unafflicting. It's not unconditional.
Up, down, turn around. Hide and seek, but words will always find you. Ominous. Noxious. Apocalyptic. Impending and inauspicious, never pending doom. Don't drown. words surround. Overpower and oppress, get in touch with loneliness. Inescapable. Better to surrender. words.
Immobilize. Can't even hear. Things being said, here. take out. shut off. take over. can't control. it's overtaking. seize power. let go. it'll never stop. Beaten. Buried. Conquered. No respite here. Weariness, none do care. Defeated, run-over. a dump truck of cruelty crushing, running over your heart. The soul is next. **** the heart, now defeat the senses. can't, survive. stressed and, suppressed.
The power of a consonant hath never been matched.
Rip apart, tear down from the start. People don't matter when reduced to mere words and petty emotion. Remove humanity. Steal personality. Nothing matters. Anymore. Disheartened and, Decomposed. Striped bare. unaware. doesn't matter, anymore.
forebodingly frightful. frustrating, feeble, failing, falling, faintheartedly framed. Fuddled. Flustered. No solution to this mess. no respite from such unbearable distress. The fright won't subside.
What a great terror, to be left outside. Alone. In the dark. words. tear, destroy. Shut out in the cold, still scared and alone. Abandoned and deserted. Desolate in a land of cruel misintentions. Uneager comprehensions.
Falling, no stopping. Fear suffocating any chance for hope. Fall.
1.3k · Sep 2013
Katy Owens Sep 2013
Blood poured from head, hands, lacerated skin
Water flowed from stabbed side
Love filled eyes instead of tears
1.2k · Oct 2013
wings free
Katy Owens Oct 2013
forever and always.
a very long time.
Flying along with the feeling of freedom. elation. sprouting wings, they shoot out from shoulderblades. Time to sour. Unrestrained, liberty and life in the breath of the clouds. Whole and Complete. Joy unending.
these things can't be written, only felt and forgiven. Unbidden, so, welcome still. Freedom of the soul can't be lost of sold. the way the music plays, crescendos and dances. Notes the most beautiful melody of joyous abandon.
Release. Fly.
Freedom in the waves, wings glide along glistening waters.
Millions of diamonds dancing atop waters, delighting in the laughter of joy and, innocence. Wings unfurl, plummet through sky. no stopping no turning no end to this flight. Can't open or close, define or control. this freedom brings so, much, more. Words can't describe, minds can't imagine. Poets left wordless, musicians without notes.
Purity, not a definable thing. This love, that they sing. it isn't a definable thing.
release, be free. That's the song to be sung, nothing can come, near. Sweeping and swirling, with no worries simply twirling. unimaginable. uncontainable. the beauty of this freedom song. A dance, sweet flight, all things beautiful. Release and relinquish and be free inside. arms open wide, wings spread so free. on top of a cliff, overlooking the sea. Breaking. Free.
Forever and always, the love of which we sing. freedom comes at a price, I'm growing new wings. break. free. New and completed, ever appreciated. Perfection in imperfection, every bit accepted and, unabbreviated. No need to say no, to change or to bend. Just spread those wings and sour through the breath of the wind. Undivided and unqualified, yet utterly complete. Perfected in the sight of love consummate.
Flawless, fearless, freely flying, forever and always. such a very long time.
Perfectly broken and unintentionally flawed. Beautiful in the chaos of a world still in snow. Beautifully broken, all the battles have been won. sweet wings open wide, feathers glisten and gleam.
fly. fly.
fly free.
1.2k · Sep 2014
Katy Owens Sep 2014
I wonder
am I more saint
or sinner
Is it
self-preservation or
selfish and me-centered?

And how,
how can I know
when Your voice feels
so far off?

Am I saint
or sinner
self-preserving or

Your voice isn't sounding
all I hear is silence
And I beg,
I plead,
am I a saint
or a sinner?

Sometimes I can't breathe
my soul
suffocating in
questions without answers

do you see, in me?
or a sinner?

Do I delight or
You and others with
this life I'm trying to live?

begging answers
can't rest until
they're found

or sinner,
self-preserving or

"God creates out of nothing. Wonderful you say. Yes, to be sure, but he does what is still more wonderful: He makes saints out of sinners."
― The Journals of Soren Kierkegaard
Katy Owens Sep 2013
O Kypris and Nereids, undamaged I pray you
grant my brother to arrive here.
And all that in his heart he wants to be,
make it be.

And all the wrongs he did before, loose it.
Make him a joy to his friends,
a pain to his enemies and let there exist for us
not one single further sorrow.

May he willingly give his sister
her portion of honor, but sad pain
[ always an astounding action ]grieving for the past
[ breakneck, breath-taking ]
[ calling, crying. Can't. A ] millet seed
[ Disheartening downpour drenches. ] Once again no
[ Enclosed eyes evident, ears extended ]
[ Fatally flawed ]
[ Groaning ground grows grey ]but you Kypris
[ Hell-bent, heavy, hopelessly hurricaning ] setting aside evil [Insubordinately incoherent]
[ Just jolly ]
Katy Owens Jul 2014
I have been so self-centered
focused on me all day long
as if I'm God
as if my ways are right and just
Or, at least,
more important than anyone else's

As if,
I matter more
or my little world even
matters at all
You know, the one where
I'm on the throne and
You give me glory
That world doesn't exist,
but I pretend it does
I live like it does
so often,
too often

Live for my comfort,
live for my fame,
ruled by my "right" to
"my rights"
as if they existed, when really
I surrendered my rights
the moment I
surrendered to You

I'm trying to take them back
as if my will mattered
or my ways were
right and true
is from You alone
Self-righteousness, the burden
on my back, take
this burden away
The sin I carry

I need you now
Direct my thoughts away
from me and my selfish ways
where I care more for
my comfort than
the people around me
Turn my face to You
Only there do I find rest
my peace is in You

And when my eyes are fixed
on the throne
Yours, not the one I
try to construct
Then justice rolls down
mercy will I see
love, an outpouring
of the Love that's been shown
to me
Grace will I give, for
You gave it to me

And my world will shrink
never more to be seen
consumed by your
all-consuming, gracious sea

help me
help me be
like You
I've been reading through the book of Psalms in the Bible recently and realized, I'm essentially reading someone's journal. David's poems were the prayers, praises and petitions to the Lord he wrote down, now there for us to see. They are powerful because they are raw and real, deeply honest and vulnerable. They speak to where David was at in moments of doubt, hope, desire, joy, heartbreak, failure, brokenness. They speak to us because we can identify with them. We understand his words of peace, lying down in green pastures and beside quiet waters, finding refuge in a God who is ever-present in times of trouble. We can identify with the moments when David cries, "Lord, where are you? Why are you silent?" We all have moments of doubt. Moments when (if we are really honest) we wonder if God is even there, or if He is, if He actually cares. The trouble is, we often aren't willing to vocalize those fears and questions because we aren't comfortable with the vulnerability, or not always having it all together. This is why David's words resonate with so many people in different stages of life and places of faith. Because it's David speaking to God exactly what is on his heart. With all of that in mind, I want to share a prayer/poem I wrote down recently as I sought the Lord in my brokenness and wrongdoing.
1.2k · Nov 2013
(Now) Home
Katy Owens Nov 2013
Blurred boundaries whisper,
"Welcome home, son."

Been gone so long, forgot
What words felt like
Softly spoken with tongue so
Gentle and sweet

"Welcome home, son, you
Been gone so long, forgot
What it felt like to
Wrap you up in my arms."

Path was so long,
With each step grew more afraid
Walking up, covered
In muddied shame

Been gone so long, forgot
What your beard felt like against
My tearful face
Arms wrapped around me so strong

No boundaries,
Wrongs are righted
Regrets replaced by a robe
Fully forgiven, now forget

"You've been gone so long,
Welcome home, son."
1.2k · Oct 2013
Katy Owens Oct 2013
Just joking
the jankiest of jaunts
Juxtaposing justice
Jails and
A jingling jackpot
Jawboned jewels
Katy Owens Oct 2011
Something old
Something new
Something borrowed
Something blue
Your grandmother
My shoe
Your donkey
My flu
Such things to bring
On your wedding day
To bring luck to you
And your household
Have the time
Of your life
Good luck
1.1k · Apr 2014
Katy Owens Apr 2014
               for a world made right

               the truth that restores



           in brokenness and disrepair


              for the world to be pure white.
1.1k · Dec 2012
My Narrow Road
Katy Owens Dec 2012
I chose the narrow path
less trod and
not well-worn
Entangled in briars and brambles
I knew my skin would be torn

As I ran along
voices whispered
taunting, jeering, mocking
my decision to take
the narrow road

But another voice penetrated the darkness
a blanket of hope
laying over all my fears
Gently reminding
this path leads home

As I ran I oft stumbled
was quick to falter and fall
Soon I understood
why this path seemed empty
and unworn

For in the moments
when I could
no longer even crawl
strong arms reached out
to carry me to the throne

by Katy Owens, December 2012
Katy Owens Apr 2015
Brake lights reflect off streets damp with spring snow
Brake lights and street lights and street signs reflect a myriad of colors
A beautiful array off streets too terrifyingly wet to properly see
Danger in the brake lights
Shining street signs
Of roads too wet to see
And sometimes there's beauty in the danger
Dangerous is beautiful
And before there was light the world was in darkness
And before light there was darkness
And before light there was God
In the darkness
So if we spend so much time driving away from the darkness
Do we miss God in the beauty
Of street lights reflected on dark, shiny roads
Do we miss the beauty only found
In the darkest of nights
Are we straining to see with eyes not truly looking
Maybe in darkness our hearts
Learn to hear
Our souls begin to seek
Our ears see
And eyes feel
and bodies hear
And souls find
that peace comes from
Being WITH God, not from sight
And in the danger
There is beauty
Of a soul at peace
Seeing God without eyes
And soft brake lights
970 · Mar 2012
Katy Owens Mar 2012
Open window, light shines in
Patch of gold
Shimmer on floor
Take a chance
On me
951 · Nov 2013
Katy Owens Nov 2013
Water, drips
Escaping from cold pipes
Claustrophobic caverns of mildew and moisture
Collecting in pools at the mouth of the faucet, forming and fusing until it's big enough
To fall

Plummets down, an endless journey, toward the white expanse of a sink and the impending drain that crowns it
Flowing down the smooth porcelain sides, nearer to that terrifying drain
Lingering on the edges until the water once more collects
And down the drain the drip falls
Back to the claustrophobic pipes
Time to go again
940 · Feb 2014
Restored by the Sea
Katy Owens Feb 2014
Broken pieces
wash away into the sea
All the ugly parts
of me
I'm free?

Sand should be washed white
Flawless and perfected

Or so I thought
it'd be

Like I'd blink my eyes
a flash of light -
It'd all go away,
But in
wounds heal, and
scars are there to stay

Broken pieces do
wash into the sea
Those ugly pieces pulled
by curling crests and forceful waters
Salty with tears of sins and sorrows

But there are divots and dents
Fragments of shell crushed into the sand
The ugly washed clean
Not perfected, but

But you can't forget the stories
If scars fade there's nothing to tell

Because I'm sanctified by blood and bruises
Cleansed by grace for my depravity

I can't forget that I'm unworthy
Power of wind and waves remind me
I'm not needed, but,
still held in high esteem

Wind grabs ahold and pulls me
dragging broken pieces down
Washed into the sea

And the stormy waves
They wreck me

It was never a quick fix
Not one simple storm
to wash it all away

Because those broken pieces run deeper
I'm not perfected, but

And the stormy waves are pleading
Come with Me
Katy Owens Oct 2011
Step outside
Runs cold gentle breeze, ‘cross face and fist
Walk downstairs, ball to play
Meet a dog
Scramble up hill; chilly park
Swing on swings,
Dangle from trees.
Kneel down, slacken knot secure
Climb over fence
Traipse across portrait, painted, ‘pon ground
Dawdle back to ‘home sweet home’
Freedom over
Playtime done
892 · May 2012
Ode to Bare Feet
Katy Owens May 2012
I want to skip
Bare footed
Through the soft, new grass
Gently tickling

I want to feel
Cool blades
Against eager soles of shoe-
Less feet

I want the damp
Of dew-
Filled earth whetting and caressing
Dry toes

I want this freedom
No cares
Frolicking dreamily through the grass
This day
882 · Sep 2013
Katy Owens Sep 2013
I am a small child, again -
wrapped in the arms of
Some One who loves.
Strong arms,
wrapped around
never release
never leave
865 · Mar 2012
And then.
Katy Owens Mar 2012
Bare branches
By whipping winds of winter
With cold air arrives
Sprinkling of snow
Dusting branches like
Powered sugar on
Mom's warm brownies
Reminiscent of
Warmth, welcome home
So far away now
Starkly beautiful
Lightly covered
Soft blanket of
Yet never truly
Gently dancing
With wind
Whispering through winter
"The sun will come out
857 · Apr 2015
Katy Owens Apr 2015
When the rain falls
and worries slide
like drops down a windshield
sprinkled in drops
And the fears don't
feel so
Falling clouds
help the fears
fall away
And maybe by tomorrow
even though the mud
hasn't dried
and sometimes my
hands still feel tied
I'll start to feel,
like clouds fading into day,
a little more
832 · Nov 2014
Seasons Change
Katy Owens Nov 2014

those bits of
crumbled color, crushed
                        the ground

hints of red
crimson and gold
the fragrance of a season

                                 so crisp
eyes nearly have to squint

leaves and color gently
drop from
their yearly coat

floating down
       or pushed

fall flurries
821 · Jul 2014
Katy Owens Jul 2014
Walls I'd
Carefully erected
Deconstructed in
A few moments of
Brutal honesty and
Embraced doubt
You'll run
You'll reject
Never forgive
Heaven forbid you forget

Those doubts, crushed
When the pressure couldn't
Be handled and
I combusted
Wall deconstructed
Those bricks held in place by
Mortar mixed with my lies
Set carefully by insecurity,
Crumbling in the explosion
Telling me
To just be

But now, not
Too long later,
I'm scrambling
To pick up the pieces
Gathering bricks and ashes
Remixing my mortar of lies
Trying to reconstruct
My walls

I know
That it isn't good, but
It sure as hell feels easier
Stack brick, on brick
Hide away,
All hide and no seek
I know it's no good
But it sure feels easier

I know
Out of ashes can
Come a beautiful new creation
Redeemed and restored
Lighting and sand make
Glass in a storm
Combine enough
Pressure and heat and
You get a diamond

I know beauty comes
From ashes and
I'm a rough cut diamond crafted
By Greater Hands

But I still want to
Scrape up the ashes
Mix my mortar,
Build my wall
Because it may not be good,
But it sure as hell feels easier

Help me believe
Your diamonds are
Better than
My bricks
Don't let me reconstruct
My walls of
Insecurity and
Deconstructing all
You've built in me

I have
To love You more
776 · Jul 2013
Girl Behind The Mask
Katy Owens Jul 2013
Crushing weight
Of a secret kept

Haunting fear
Someone may find out

Voice whispers
None ever can know

Always life
Hidden and veiled

Longing to
Be known but, fearing

To be seen
Girl behind the mask


Love descends
Breaking down the walls

Voice gently
Whispers, “I love you”

Cover ears
Blocking out the sound

Can't believe
Say, “I'm not worthy”

Louder the
Voice repeats, “you're mine”

Run away
Retreat to darkness

Return to
Familiar burdens

Secrets still
Hidden safe away

Still longing
To be known and free

Afraid of
What that would mean

Voice above
Again gently speaks

“I love you,
Girl behind the mask”


Eyes seeing
Tender love and care

Crack open
Doors of heart so closed

Light shined
On burdens long borne

Darkness dies
Light of life defeats

Truth is now
Believed, “I love you”

Secrets gone
Fears now wiped away

No longer
Girl behind the mask
754 · Apr 2014
Dust and Diamonds
Katy Owens Apr 2014
floating dust hits
the sun just right it
looks like flecks of diamonds floating
through the air reminding
me we're all
just dust and
beauty comes from
Floating diamonds
725 · Apr 2015
An Honest Moment
Katy Owens Apr 2015

I keep falling

If I could walk around
on my knees,
would You expect less of me?

Because the bar
seems too high
and I believe that
You've asked me to die

To myself
self-ish gain
to my ways
man's high-ways

And I think I've said
again and again
to the whims of my
fellow man

But it's never enough
it would seem
Fall flat off my feet once

Bar's too high
can't reach that high
How much more do You want me
to die?

When do I get to cry
"it's finished"
Have given enough to
once again feel
Your touch

When all I want
is to know You more
and this world around keeps
pushing me to the floor

Are my ways ever good
when only Your ways are God

Do I only reach higher
when I find myself lower
Cuz every **** day
I fall even shorter

I'm seeking perfection seated
on a throne
and today feels like I'm battling alone

Do I only find perfection
when I'm sitting on the ground
where heaven and earth meet
In a glorious dance
this miraculous romance
to find truth in the dichotomy
of dirt and divine

To stop reaching for a
kingdom in the sky
find eternity in my heart
this Kingdom is nigh

I'm still falling
flat on my face
growing use to dirt in my mouth's
gritty taste

Maybe in moments of
my greatest failure
are where I meet
my relentless Savior
721 · Jun 2013
A Dance, A Song
Katy Owens Jun 2013
waves whisper

fluttering down

soft white feathers
of innocent doves

peace, life, love

wings of eagles

hearts open

to beat
with true life

ears straining

to hear
the song of true love

feet longing

to dance
with the One who made them

lapping against shores

of a world
longing to be free

a million
grains of sand
are precious pearls
717 · Aug 2014
Tea Mug
Katy Owens Aug 2014
and Thoughts
centered on the table
Tea is gone
but Thoughts
are brimming full
716 · Oct 2011
Katy Owens Oct 2011
I am a small child, again -
wrapped in the arms of
Some One who loves.
Strong arms,
wrapped around
never release
never leave
695 · Nov 2013
Katy Owens Nov 2013
Sharp shape
Not as dangerous
As it looks

Something silver
Nothing is
Always as it seems

Surreptitiously silent
All they want
Is to simply be

Staunchly stoic
Don't judge those
Books by their covers

Soft sentience
Your judgement could take
A light away

Surrendered self
Drown out the scoffers
Just be
682 · Jun 2013
Now I See
Katy Owens Jun 2013
Looking up I see
the cross

Bloodstained wood
Nine-inch nails

Reminder of
the greatest sacrifice

Closing my tired eyes
I see

A Savior staring
back at me

Through tears of pain
sweating bullets of blood

His loving eyes say,
"you are more than enough"

I open my eyes
See clearly

All weariness now
wiped away

His grace is enough
for all of me

Looking up I see
the cross

My mind transformed
My life renewed

Heart breaking
for what breaks His

Freedom for captive
Hope for orphan

My desires are His
for love, justice, mercy, and peace

Looking up I see
the cross

And I see myself
through my opened eyes

Lost and broken
Weak and weary

Adopted and loved
Restored and healed

Precious in the eyes
of my loving Jesus

I see the cross
And now I can truly see
Katy Owens Sep 2013
lustrous colors drip.
mixing, melting, marbling.
go down the drain. paint.
Katy Owens Oct 2011
You fill

Safe and Smile

friend me


you’re Beautiful
and Love


Happiness and Kindness
My heart to you

a friend, share I

help give, how? with


Together. Home. Us.

love (is) my feeling
My feeling is Love



663 · Oct 2011
Summer Storms
Katy Owens Oct 2011
Summer storm clouds
Rolling in
Flash of light
Shrill whistles blow,
Long and Clears
Out crowded waters
Smiles dance on
Restless faces
Summer Storms
Favorite part of
A lifeguard’s day.
657 · Sep 2013
Hole Reinforcements
Katy Owens Sep 2013
I had a few of
those notebook paper fixers
Hole Reinforcements
five-hundred and
forty-four in count
if only hearts were
so easy to mend
but beneath that self-adhesive white hole reinforcement
still a tear
642 · Oct 2011
Katy Owens Oct 2011
Catching dreams
like paper planes.
falling, all about.
Blowing in the wind,
like grains of sand.
And suddenly
there's nothing holding you together
641 · May 2014
Outcast Fear
Katy Owens May 2014
You say
There is no fear
I always feel it here

Draped about me
A cloak suffocating me

Burden on my soul

Heavy weighing down,
My heart, nearly broke

You say  
Perfect love casts out fear
Always I am afraid

Always permeating
In my soul harsh words

"You're not quite right"
"You could always be better"

What if I fall
What if I fail

To be short of the mark
Of this
I am so afraid

He says
I care not for judgments of man
Of God's mighty hand

But the feeling
Can't shake
Eyes always watching
For a mistake

Whisper, "You're not good enough"

There is no fear in love
Yet I'm always afraid
Eyes always watching
And the judgments of man

When will love be enough?
I can't remember if I've shared this here it is, possibly again!
609 · Jan 2012
A Day
Katy Owens Jan 2012
Frost covered everything. Cracked and rough on the windows and door, a hard shell of cold whiteness on the grass and plants.

The rising sun glinted off the frozen dew, making it sparkle and glint in the sun. Nature's morning diamonds.

Slowly the bright warmth of the new sun spread, gently melting the fragile layers of ice. A drop lightly ran down the window, like a tear sliding down a sad face.

In the distance were the mountains. A great, purple silhouette against the sun gently inching up in the sky. Only the dark tops were visible, the base shrouded in a cloak of fog.

A small pond, the dark camouflage of fall trees, the dark greens and browns, reflecting in the rippling surface of the water. An image slightly distorted by the steam rising from the surface of the warm water into the frigid morning air.

Frost and fog, blanketing the early morning, giving it an eerie, mystical glow. Only there for those up early enough, a sight seen by few and appreciated by even fewer.

Dark, powerful mountain tops. Sparkling diamonds of frost on the foliage.

A rising sun.

Hours later, evening falls.

The setting sun a brilliant orange, brightly filling the evening sky. It's orange glow lighting the tops of bare trees as though they were tipped in crimson paint and set aglow.

Huge stripes of purple and pink swept like paint-strokes across the sky.

The hues of orange and pink melting into the deep purples and blues of twilight, slowly fading into darkness.

Katy Owens Oct 2013
It's what keeps
your world to
Stops you from
falling a
Ray of hope
on a rain
y day
The ship
of friends
never broken
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