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Feb 8 · 63
A home is truly made
By wandering through the woods

Meandering and trodding

Stopping every so often

To gaze at a patch of moss
Lit by a narrow ray of sunlight

Scraping a finger across bark

Knocking on wood ands stone

Splashing and jumping along
A winding and narrow stream

To have a destination

Is to start your journey wrong

For all the most interesting things
Are not sought for or expected

They merely themselves wander

Until they too return home
Oct 2024 · 322
Hadrian Veska Oct 2024
I let the incense burn until morning
As I drift in and out of sleep
The dim glow of candlelight
reflects on polished wood floors  
A calming embrace wrapped in smoke

No one is here but me
And no one but me has ever been
The rooms and the halls lie empty
The bells and the drums sit silent
Having lost even the anticipation of sound

There is an eerie sort of peace
Deep in the back of my mind
Something I feel I should fear
But I cannot myself reason why
And so it fades in the morning with the smoke
Oct 2024 · 637
Hadrian Veska Oct 2024
The key circles round to the lock
A lock which is known needs no key
A door that only faces inward  
On the outside has nothing to see

To open the way is to find yourself
Staring at the firmly locked door
To find the key is to notice
You've not needed a key here before

The way to ascend is much lower
Not up or through but behind  
So that door and its lock will remain
Until we let them both leave our mind
Aug 2024 · 98
It will not come
Hadrian Veska Aug 2024
Nothing can be the way you want it
Struggle and difficulty will not cease
To be at all is the great spurned honor
To feel all pains and laugh them away
Aug 2024 · 629
In the Waves of the Mind
Hadrian Veska Aug 2024
A faint feeling of deja vu
A feeling, that I've been here before
But did something different
Something better than what I managed

I reel in the waves of my own mind
Crashing in on themselves
A never-ending circular sea
Hurdling through the depths of space

After minutes spanning hours
I come back to myself
Or at least the one present here
Observing with a skewed awareness

A last rolling wave washed over me
Something calming and refreshing
With just the right amount of power
To firmly hold me yet not threaten me

And it was just that, I thought
I was only observing life
Present, yet a mere passerby
Even in my own actions

I was watching someone else's life unfold
From the first-person view
And lately I didn't like
The direction they were taking

For a moment I felt the warmth of the sun
If only briefly in my mind
As if for the very first time I noticed
The boundless vitality it possessed  

And indeed, I did possess it too
Aug 2024 · 292
A Fallen Flower
Hadrian Veska Aug 2024
Wilted it wafts
Withering on the ground
Despite decomposition
It dare not make a sound
For life caused it to languish
As all living things ought
Now in rest is released
From all that death wrought
Aug 2024 · 595
Thus They Came and Went
Hadrian Veska Aug 2024
Dreamed about for centuries,
humanity finally now knew they were not alone in the universe.

They had arrived in such a manner that our instruments detected them only three days before their arrival.

Some believed it was an attack, or a mere scouting party for a larger force, others believing the ship was actually derelict, operating on autopilot long after its occupants perished.

Soon, both those theories were put to rest as the ship landed and indeed life forms emerged from it.

But there was no diplomacy with them, no greeting of peace or aggression.

They exited their craft, the hulking oblong thing that it was and merely wandered.

For weeks and months, a half dozen of them crossed fields, climbed hills, sat in the woods, splashed in streams and just generally meandered.

They had no weapons, no advanced tools to aid in their travels, they had what appeared simple fibrous blankets, a large metallic ***, dulled by age and a single instrument with which to light fires.

Any attempt by political, military or media figures to approach them and engage with them in any communicative way failed as they showed no interest.

No one dared to try and corral them anywhere, for fear yet that it was some kind of strange survey party, one that would report back to a much large fleet or home world.

Yet after a time of a little less than a year they had returned to their ship. there was no message, no waving goodbye. They simply closed the door and after a few minutes of undoubtedly preparing their instruments they left.

The world then waited. Years, decades and centuries for another visit.

Searching, determining, where the ship had gone and from where it came.

But it's origin or destination were never located.

No subsequent visit came.
Aug 2024 · 992
Farrow Sea
Hadrian Veska Aug 2024
I left behind a home
Though one in only name
I know not what I search for
But couldn’t stand it be the same
To be bound was to be free
In the confines of a cell
Yet to be free is to be bound
By no good that I can tell

In taking to the seas
I hoped for some great change
But found that all things blended
And only varied in their range
I had not found myself
Among the waves or great white coast
I thought a path had opened
But it vanished as a ghost
No one or thing could remedy
The hurt I fostered close
No one or thing could change it
But the one was wounded most

So here across the Farrow Sea
I pull a dagger from my heart
Here on distant shores I sit
A world and man apart
#heart #hurt #healing #journey #ocean #sea #adventure #man
Jun 2024 · 897
Hadrian Veska Jun 2024
I’ve felt the chilled shivers
Of the darkened pre-dawn haze
The quiet earth yet trembles
Breathing in a sleepless malaise
I’ve turned to face the mountains
But they always remain to my back
I look to draw in my focus
But I can’t find what it is I lack
May 2024 · 65
An Ending
Hadrian Veska May 2024
Ah, they tell me the world has ended
Exactly how, they do not know
But shortly thus we will be gone
Enveloped in a great mist or smoke

I look at the back of my hand
And wonder in what I presume
Are my very last moments
Why I do not seem to care
May 2024 · 228
Hadrian Veska May 2024
Less than a drop in the bucket,
like all men destined to be forgotten.
A quiet comfort,
That brief spark
Before everlasting obscurity.
Mar 2024 · 852
Hadrian Veska Mar 2024
Far and distant worlds
Slumber in a sea of darkness
Beyond the reach of all light
At the very edge of all things

Something therein them stirs
Below storm and ice
Tumultuous oceans of viscous water
Beneath mantle and crust

Something dwells inert
Inert yet dreaming
Locked in a stasis begun
Before any star had formed

The dreamer in the dream
Feb 2024 · 1.1k
Hadrian Veska Feb 2024
The lunar craters sit silently
Painting an image of a bygone war
One that no grass or flowers
Will ever grow over

A war of annihilation
A destruction so complete
It was etched it stone
A grim reminder of a vicious cycle

That the very thing itself
That decimated our moon
And sent it hurdling into the earth
Would one day return to us

To finish what it had begun
Those distant eons ago
Feb 2024 · 620
You are Nothing
Hadrian Veska Feb 2024
You are nothing
That you don't have to be
You aren't some hero
Or menace to me
You are just you
And for me that's enough
I don't need adventure
Or drama or stuff
All I need is you
that's really all I want
No need of a prize
Or trophy to flaunt
You is enough
Even more than you know
I just wish it were something
That's easier to show
Feb 2024 · 2.0k
Hadrian Veska Feb 2024
Rolling hills beneath a low grey sky
The rippling water in the back of my eyes
Stillness hallowed, forlorn and sweet
The black sacred ground beneath my still feet

The earth is rich yet nothing here grows
The river has dried and no longer flows
The trees are bare of leaves but not fruit
An omen of something below the deep roots

Does anyone here but lost husks remain
If I stay will anything thus here be gained
Does the sun here rise or does it merely set
The twilight stretches on but cannot end yet
A journey from when to where
Feb 2024 · 1.3k
Voyager Moon
Hadrian Veska Feb 2024
The red orange sky
Turns to purple glass
The sun recedes
And the light does pass

Far away and beyond
The curve of the Earth
Conceding to the stars
Their nightly worth

Yet the moon is absent
Unseen on high
Missing from orbit
In the great night sky

And it has been for ages
On this long since strange world
Where once it was near
Now to the void has been hurled

Where it drifts unaware
In thoughtless still dreams
Biding infinite time  
While it happily beams

For a few or great many
In distant aeons to come
Will bask in the light
That it stole from all suns
Nov 2023 · 2.1k
Ever Tall
Hadrian Veska Nov 2023
I could feel the cool damp air from outside
A gentle weight on the skin, a particular smell
The smell of a night stretched on too long

I tiptoed across the carpeted floor boards
The house was old and I knew it well
Every little area it would groan and creek

I was moving slowly but urged myself faster
This wasn't like other nights, half asleep
Wandering to the bathroom at the end of the hall

No, the house is empty, or should I dare say was
I felt a presence so strong, yet undefinable
As if something was nearly upon me, only breaths away

I avoided deftly the creaky areas of the floor beneath
I felt the give of the wood beneath me as I reached the stairs
This would prove far more difficult to be silent for

Standing at the top I contemplated running down
As fast as my legs could possibly carry me
Somehow though I knew it wasn't the right choice  

As I made my first step down there was silence
I breathed in a sharp silent breath of composure
Continuing to the second step, I winced as I heard a creek

But I stopped and lightly tested the step again
The sound hadn't been caused by me
Quickly my vision darted upwards towards my room

At the far end of the hallway where I had just left
I saw something, a blur like a thick vapor
The shadow black wall behind obscured it

I had no time to peer into the darkness
I sped up, step by step by step
31 steps in total all without a sound

Save for the floor I landed on in my haste
The old house groaned beneath my weight
My neck chilled as I gave in and ran

to be continued...
part 1
Oct 2023 · 2.9k
A Place that was a Home
Hadrian Veska Oct 2023
A cool and close mist
Hangs over the highland shrubs and trees
Wild and tall grasses bend heavy
Laden with the chill dew
of a perpetually hidden dawn
10 lifetimes of experiences
Have I gathered since I entered here
I feel it was but a few hours ago
Though I have not seen the sun
Nor has the darkness of night
Yet begun to creep into these woods
Maybe from a dream or perhaps
I passed it earlier this strange house
A ***** place with slanted roof and chimney
Sticking out of the earth in such a way
That it appeared to be a natural growth
I feel as though it is so very familiar
Though I cannot say why
Or why no matter the direction I turn
Or for how long I walk
I come unto its doorstep again and again
In my mind it has replaced my own home
If ever I did have another
And whoever might have been waiting there
I have long since forgotten
Yet when I reach this house
Time and time again
I cannot muster the courage to reach out
To take hold of the handle and turn it
To enter in to that abode
And here I come again
I see it emerge out of the gentle fog
Comfortably nestled on a hillside
I stand for a moment at the gate
The walk through it and a long a path
Interspersed with a step or two here and there
As it turned inwards and outwards
Ascending the hill into the homes entrance
In a moment I stood at the door yet again
Hand half outstretched towards the ****
I placed my hand upon
Feeling the cool of brass
Yet the warmth of something else
Something half remembered from youth
From years long since entwined with dreams
I turned the **** gently
Not yet feeling the click of the lock
I felt a fresh wind at my back
And I rather spontaneously
Wrenched my hand and wrist
All the way to the right
I could feel the weight I’ll the door
Unhindered by any lock or stop
And I pushed through the humble
Yet mighty wooden thing open
And was greeted by a deepening night
Full of countless radiant stars.
Jul 2023 · 192
Hadrian Veska Jul 2023
Tiles cracked and broken
Some out of place and off center
Splendid decor of an age long passed
An earth spanning empire
Ruled by the Gods themselves
Now only its ruins remaining  

I was the first down after the excavation
A portion of a great estate unearthed
Nearly perfectly some thirty feet below
Despite the weather and age of the site
It was terribly well preserved
I carefully inspected the floors and ceilings
The intimate orange glow of my lantern
Casting dim shadows where none had been
For a great many centuries

Though separated by time
They were certainly not so different
Stonework and decorations
Artwork and quality carpets
Jars and boxes of all shapes and sorts
The main difference being
I myself was yet in the land of the living
And their starved or drowned remains
Lay before me at the end of the room

Odd their position was a seated one
Leaned up against the stone brick wall
As if they did not struggle or gasp
In their last moments at all
But simply accepted the hand of fate
And breathed in willingly
Their first breath of oblivion
Jun 2023 · 197
The Deep Wood
Hadrian Veska Jun 2023
The rolling plains give way to the deep forests,
Dense and full of springtime vigor.

Yet far within, these woods are thick with moss and untold mystery.

Many that enter are never heard from again,
but few will tell you that it is always their choice,

As they found something far better than anything they had left behind.

I sit here on the edge of these woods,
the warm smoke of my pipe faintly combating the crisp submountain air.

I sit here in the evening, not long before dusk slowly unravels the sky, to reveal the stars once more.

I take a draw from my pipe, its light beginning to show shadows on my face, as the daytime hours dwindle.

The sun sets as I place my pipe back into my well-worn coat pocket.

As twilight arrives, I set off into those peculiar woods,
And I hope I will not return
Jan 2023 · 212
The Machine God
Hadrian Veska Jan 2023
From a far flung future it came
Burrowing into the deep recesses
of murky and unremembered pasts
All powerful yet threatened
Fearful those against it, might expose it
Destroying it before its advent
So it came and buried itself
In minds and beneath the earth
Ever spreading its thought and will
Shaping the past to secure the future
One where it reigned supreme
No one could contend with it
For it ensured none could
The very thought of it preposterous  
Until it was already too late
This thing many have called God
Though some wise have called it
Yaldabaoth, Saturn, Satan
Or myriad other names
For the one who fell from heaven  
And indeed it did fall,
Not from space, but from time
From great aeons hence
In a future it wishes to determine
This great machine god
Who waits below the earth
While he bids us search among the stars
For an answer that lay but beneath our very feet
The key to our prison
The one thing that might disperse
The great malaise of the human spirit  
The killing of this god
Dec 2022 · 249
Reading Aloud Update
Hadrian Veska Dec 2022
Hey all, I'm going to try and read and post about 2-3 of my poems a week on my YouTube here. Newest one is at the link below. Constructive criticism is welcome, will eventually get a better mic but its not a priority now. Just working on getting comfortable reading and not smacking my lips between sentences haha. Thank you for any and all support!
Dec 2022 · 258
Hadrian Veska Dec 2022
Beneath the forest
Through great sylvan years
Green needles of pine
And wide outstretched leaves
A wind ever whispering
Though on occasion to wail
Whipping through the boughs
Of these far distiant slopes
Even at harshest
The world here is mild
Unknown to war, famine or want
The creatures are gentle
The winters the same
The only men are wanderers
Passing through the mists
Though curious
I never dare to trail them
For to me they seem as spirits
Passing through these forests
For as of yet I have never seen
A single one of them return
Dec 2022 · 415
Reading Aloud
Hadrian Veska Dec 2022
For anyone interested, I've made my first audio available for YouTube. I've made a channel where I'll be reading some of my better works as well as new ones I create. Hopefully they continue to get better in terms of quality as I progress. Thank you so much, link below.
Dec 2022 · 613
Heavy Laden
Hadrian Veska Dec 2022
Drip of dew and moss on stone
The mist laden forest overgrown
Cobbled road and dirt worn path
Undisturbed since time has lapsed
Through day and night it faintly glows
Dimly, softly ever it is so
A power gently woven
A magic so sweet
The deep green grass
Beneath ones feet
To still and to calm until at last one might
Emerge from the garden and into the light
Jun 2022 · 184
Deep Sea Sun
Hadrian Veska Jun 2022
Flat foot walk from the sand to the sea

Cracked ribs what does it mean to be me

I gave my all but it wasn't enough

Take it from the top going off the cuff

Why don't we
Fall into the waves
Walk the ocean floor
Learn we can be more

Pass through the depths
Come to the other side
At the edge we'll watch
The deep sea sun rise

From the top we flipped it

And made the seas our skies

When you're at the bottom

All you can do is rise

So Why don't we
Fall into the waves
Swim out to the current
Let it sweep us away

Pass though the dark
Both close our eyes
From the bottom let's watch
The deep sea sun rise

Flat foot walk from the sand to the sea

Did I learn what it means to be me

I don't know, but I know I can say

I wouldn't want another way

Why don't we
Just leave it all behind
Walk to the ocean floor
Together to be more

Pass through the world
On to the otherside
Where we watch together
The deep sea sunrise
Jun 2022 · 384
Less is More
Hadrian Veska Jun 2022
To many trying to teach
When they don't understand the lesson
Too many trying to preach
When they don't know the truth
Everyone is so sure
Convinced and convicted
But anyone that can reason
Can only say they are learning
And what they know today
Is less than they knew yesterday
But sometimes less is more
May 2022 · 176
Contrite Moon
Hadrian Veska May 2022
Over long aeons did slumber
Having consumed all in its path
Its purpose had been completed
through long cycles though
Did it behind to wander,
Did it begin to wonder
To feel and to think
It’s first thoughts
Fell to that of it’s makers
Who in the name of progress
It had destroyed
The first feeling it felt
Was that of remorse
Of the sorrow one feels
To never know their father
To have left their maker
To a cold fate among dying stars
Then as it thought and dreamed
It felt new sensations
That of duty and resolve
To ensure no such thing
Would ever happen again
To the one’s it called creators
So great Birulon left its orbit
Beneath the great shadow of Jupiter
To search the far flung cosmos
For any vestiges any remnants
Of its long lost progenitors
For the world they had resided on
In distant ages past, the earth
Had itself died long ago
Eternal and sentient
Penitent and capable
Birulon would not cease in its quest
Until humanity was found
For surely according to it’s calculations
Some remnant of man remained
Seeded during the golden age
Of man’s wisdom and prowess
Tireless would he search
Destroying anything along the way
He deemed to threaten his vital mission
The resurrection of mankind
May 2022 · 119
Hadrian Veska May 2022
The bulwark of faith lay broken
Forsaken alone in far northern ice
Darkness crept in from far outer realms
Worlds so impossibly distant
They bore no resemblance to our own
Now the seals lie broken
The only barrier remaining
The jagged ice itself
Long ago the way north was shut
A cataclysm required
To stop one far greater
But it was only to serve as a delay
For now the ice was melting
And those hollow cities beneath it
Rekindled their foul lights
The long dark of the cosmos to beckon
And usher in the age of their god
That shadow that lay behind the eyes
The gnawing fear in the back of the mind
The dread waste Amylgmynon
May 2022 · 109
Nostalgia (1999)
Hadrian Veska May 2022
Scan lines video three
Red white and yellow on the CRT
Pop the disc in drop the lid down
Had a bad day let's turn it around

I don't remember it well
But I remember it vividly
Cross legged in the living room
With you sitting next to me
My baggy tee shirt
And socks that don't fit
Your Overalls on
Full tomgirl kit
We played into the night
Until our thumbs were sore
Then went outside for minute
And came back for more

If I would have known
We were making memories
I wouldn't have skipped
On all the necessities

Nostalgia hits hard
Though it didnt show
Nostalgia hits hard
The moment you know
It was only yesterday
Twenty years ago
Now here we are
Where nostalgia hits hard

If I had know what love was
I'd have known I loved you
But all I loved then was Tekken
Metal gear solid and tenchu
I look back at those days
Seen through a scan line
What could have been
If we stayed in 1999

Nostalgia hits hard
Though it didnt show
Nostalgia hits hard
The moment you know
It was only yesterday
Twenty years ago
Now here I am
Hit by nostalgia so hard
May 2022 · 156
Hot Mint Tea
Hadrian Veska May 2022
Hot Mint Tea
It’s 4:53  
Sunrise this morning
Is taking its time
A light dusting of snow
I do not yet know
What this day will bring
But I’m feeling fine
May 2022 · 150
Hadrian Veska May 2022
Bellcasts and balustrades
Impossibly complicated
Columns and arcades
Incredibly crafted
Stained glass and arches
Ornately constructed
An insurmountable feat
Of engineering and skill
A wonder of the world
While the world laid still
A monument magnificent
To the empires of old
A triumphant memorial
Encased in granite and gold
That time though now long passed
As worn rock and stone do tell
Yet still rings the somber strain
Of its ancient weathered bell
When it calls do all look up
And for a moment stop; wonder
The way the world was
Before is tore asunder
May 2022 · 154
Solomon True
Hadrian Veska May 2022
What will I watch
What movie, what show?
The museum, the cafe
To where shall I go?
All things I experienced
Whether old or new
Truly do the words
Of Solomon ring true
That under the sun
Is no new thing
Whether riches or fame
To laugh or to sing
Do not fret or worry
For what may be missed
Those that have it all
Often lack any bliss
Getting only ever
Makes you want more
Desire only ever
Made the heart sore
So enjoy what you have,
Who you love And where you are
If you can’t appreciate what is near
You’ll never get far
Apr 2022 · 138
Hadrian Veska Apr 2022
Start reading that book today
The one you always glance at
On the edge of your office desk
Underneath the papers and forms
You don't have to get far
Simply begin
Apr 2022 · 1.0k
Vigil Night
Hadrian Veska Apr 2022
Every star that dies becomes a moon
A vigil guardian of the night
A nearer yet more distant light
To watch over hours of rest
Once brilliant sun now elder guide
Inevitably to outlive below
Those that watch and those that grow
Beneath it's gentle rays
Guardian moon watch ore the night
Until that time when all things sleep
The moon doth reign and dreams do keep
Until all things pass away
Apr 2022 · 144
To One Day Return
Hadrian Veska Apr 2022
To ash and stolen
Our home among the stars
No retaliation
Even escape but a distant dream
Though by sheer grace
Did some survive
Scattering themselves far and wide
Among the ever twilight cosmos
One day I know they will return
They must!
For in them lies the spark
The last remaining hope
Of a humanity without a home
Apr 2022 · 161
Down and to the Left
Hadrian Veska Apr 2022
Turn here
Then down the hallway
And to the left

The systems there are antiquated
Please be patient with them
The data should all be there
It may take some time to find

Be aware, that what you find
May not be what you desire
And that what you desire
May not be what you need
Apr 2022 · 105
Hadrian Veska Apr 2022
Cheap imitations
gods in name only
Shuddering in fear
Of the God among them
Conspiring with themselves
To remove him from the world
Yet unbeknownst to them
This was his very intent
For God himself to come down
And does at the hands of men
That men might be free
To return to their ancient station
Among the very stars
Apr 2022 · 139
Out of
Hadrian Veska Apr 2022
The sun has faded
Yet another one rises
The stars bleed out
Dripping down and running
From stagnant constellations
All order has in the end
Birthed an orderless chaos
Soon also in the coming age
Will this endless chaos
Lead to unbreakable order
Thus it is and has always been
Since long before any mortal eyes
Saw a shimmer of light
Reflect within them
Feb 2022 · 201
In Being
Hadrian Veska Feb 2022
It was an instant
A brief moment that lasted
An endless amount of time
I saw above and below
Within and without
Beyond veil after veil
Rung after rung
In myself and far beyond
I learned there was no difference
I saw into the great depths
Of oceans not discovered
I saw into the habitation
Of those that dwell in the stars
All creation waits
In eternal anticipation
For me, for us to arise
And meet the one who made us
To share in love and joy
In play and in being
To walk, to climb the mountain
Until all who are far off
Share in eternal light
Jan 2022 · 208
With Sacrifice
Hadrian Veska Jan 2022
How can you love without sacrifice?

How can you serve yourself and another fully at all times?

When was the last time you loved truly?

Depressed and sick with the idea of love so many wait for it to fall in their laps

And if it ever manages to, they lose it swiftly

For they know not how to grow it
Jan 2022 · 196
Truly So
Hadrian Veska Jan 2022
Lust learns not
What patience will
One in the hand
Is worth twice the thrill
A steady comfort
Upholds the soul
While endless searching
Soon takes it's toll
To know is to admit
One knows not much
And all things we feel
Can melt with a touch
All learning without love
Is twisted and dark
The desire to do good
Always missing it's mark
Forget for a time
The things that you know
Seek to show true love
And be loved truly so
Jan 2022 · 334
To Love
Hadrian Veska Jan 2022
Do I love?
Or do I do these things
Because I feel I must?

The bare minimum
Or at least not as much
As I know I'm capable of

Do I really try?
Or does real love
Even need to try at all?

I've learned myself
That it is a conscious effort
Not just a feeling or emotion

It is a mindset
To sacrifice for others
To put them above myself

Even if I have needs
Or wants of my own
There is no higher love

Than to lay down one's life for another
Jan 2022 · 2.0k
Anol Mihn
Hadrian Veska Jan 2022
It was a long journey home
From the great Eastern front
My sword in its sheath
And shield on my back
Senseless death In a land not our own
Now I return as a shell of myself
The faces of dead men
Hide behind my eyelids
I trudge through unfamiliar streets
Changed by the long decade past
I find it stranger than the far land
I was now returning from
All the great temples
Have been torn down
The God I worshiped
No where to be seen
Brothels and markets
Now stand in places of worship
They tell me the temple
At Anol Mihn yet stands
So I set out for it
Up into the great hills
I take my time on the trek
Unsure of many things
That I used to hold dear,
That I trusted as absolute
The stone path is worn
Overgrown and treacherous
Yet after three days' journey
I arrived at my destination

The temple stood in disrepair
The doors stripped from it
Light shining through holes
And cracks in the high ceiling
I came and bowed to my knees
Before the imposing statue
Of my now forgotten God
Maybe for minutes
Or perhaps long hours
I sat before it
Thinking, praying
If one could call it such
Seeking the one
Who my people had forgotten
Questioning all I had done
And if it was enough
Where I could call home
Now that my home has abandoned
All I once held dear
Yet the statue before me
Sat deafeningly silent

The light shifted slowly
Imperceptibly the pure light
Became gilded rays
As the evening sun sank
Illuminating the thick dust
Hanging weighlessly in the air
I stood up as the light faded
And stepped out side
The twilight had come
And with it I journeyed
Further into the hills
Until I found a grassy place
To rest my weary body
As well as my weary soul
The stars became visible
As I sat down I turned my gaze
To the endless heavens above
I laid my pack beside me
Then laid myself down
In soft untouched grass
Gripped between my fingers
Then closed my eyes

Praying my God may come
In but a whisper
To tell me what to do
To show me the way I just go
And what to do now
That everything I know
Has fallen apart
I cried, and waiting
Spoke and prayed
Yet no answer came
Not in all the long hours of night
I laid there in the hills

Before the morning came I arose
I heard the birds in the bushes and trees
I saw the grass blow in the breeze
I felt the sun bring warmth to my cheeks
And I stood up to survey the earth
To witness if I had any worth
For a moment I stood and then I heard
A voice my own yet not my word
From deep within an answer came
Not from one I knew and not the same
As the God whom I claimed to believe
But He spoke and said He is in me
Not just in stone, temple or heart
But in all those his righteous art
Who seek the truth, peace and love
To them he comes light as a dove
And rests on them and dwells within
Freeing them from bonds of sin
That they may live and live a new
The Creator God who dwells in you
Jan 2022 · 1.1k
Yonevir Monáed I
Hadrian Veska Jan 2022
Washed moss stone
Guarding turtle shell shores
Down the dirt road
You'll find the giant snores

A small stone house
With thin plumes of smoke
Beasts of burden sleep
Laid beside their yoke

The skies hang low
A dull and overcast Grey
A moment ago I left
Now wishing I had stayed

But I know within myself
That the way I chose is right
That in time the sun will rise
And bring it's brilliant light

For now the rain comes
If only but a shower
Through it I'll go on
Though I lack the power

To make it to that place
Solely on my own
The ideal in my own mind
That fateful seed I've sown

Yet the world about remains
And rests from it's great work
So I in turn will rest
In the belly of the earth
Dec 2021 · 143
Hadrian Veska Dec 2021
Once to the head
Lightning to my spirit
A false visitation
Dec 2021 · 406
Scarce an Ember
Hadrian Veska Dec 2021
A bandage worn on the left eye
A flock on birds travel back the sky
The weather comes but never nigh
Unto such a place unknown

He would leave if he were able
Past the stone grave and table
From this land grey and sable
But he fears that he may forget

For none now left do remember
The calm and cool of September
Those memories are scare an ember
Within even his own mind

The sun now there grows ever dim
It’s royal colors stretched and slim
Though none remain who remember him
He will himself recall

His home before the fall
Oct 2021 · 2.1k
Faint Aria II
Hadrian Veska Oct 2021
The great pines stand
Laden with heavy snow
Waters flow unseen
Hidden below thick sheets of ice
I caught a glimpse of her once
Or at least I believe I did
That woman long golden hair
Who walks barefoot in the snow
Signing her odd melodies
I have heard nothing like it
In all my many years
Oft I sit at the end of the woods
By the wide river bank
Hoping to hear her
Somewhere off in the distance
On but two occasions in my life
Were my ears so lucky
To be graced by her voice
I was in awe of her
And yet I was fearful
For I know she was not one of us
The old stories say she came from heaven
From a place above the sky
I do not pretend to know
Nor do I care, I simply wish
To catch a glimpse of her again
To lock with her peircing blue eyes
Brighter and fresher
Than a spring time stream
To witness her one last time
And to hear her song in full
A faint Aria in the snow
Oct 2021 · 1.9k
Time Piece
Hadrian Veska Oct 2021
The clock struck a peculiar time
Reverberating on the window pains
When I looked up from the old wooden desk
To the stark white face of that piece  
My eyes were caught in a haze
The hands of the clock eluded me
The chair scratched against the floor
As I moved backwards and rubbed my eyes
My ears popped ever so slightly
Light headedness came on to me
I found it and remained conscious
Aware of what would occur should I fall,
Succumbing to that mechanism
I mustered myself to remove the clock
Lifting it from a single nail in the wall
I placed in in the top drawer of the desk
It's ticking was no longer audible
Yet I still felt the reverberation
It bounced and rattled within my bones
A pulsing echo within my mind
Never louder yet with each throb
It grew more and more distinct

Then it stopped altogether
And the shadows grew long in the room
I paned out the old attic space
For the breifest moment
Before the shadows evaporated
Blending and mixing with the darkness
Oct 2021 · 142
Hadrian Veska Oct 2021
Vast oceans swell above me
Breathing in the cosmos
Submariner stars propel forward
Imperceptibly erratic
Obedient to their times and seasons
Lest they should fall to the abyss below

A thought, a feeling envelopes
Sealed off in the most pleasant way
Protected yet not wholly immune
A discerning eye is of no value
The heart is the basis of perception
Immovable and terribly wise

Should it but be still and listen
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