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danny Aug 2017
Blonde hair, tight tanned body
Not usually my type but
You stir something in me down there.

You smile shyly,
Girl, you are going to get us into more trouble.
You don't seem to need much coaxing.

Down slides the red cocktail dress,
Your toned body freed.
Black lace ******* shielding heaven.

Soft lips on mine, feels so good
Supple ******* in the palm of my hand,
Pinching ***** *******, a specialty of mine.

Feeling you tremble underneath me
Floods my cup,
I cannot wait to taste you.

I feel your fingers slide
between my thighs,
As our tongues do ballet.

Going to gain our membership
to the sisterhood now.
Wet knuckle status.

We are top to toe,
Better access.
I am starving for you.

It wont take us long to reach Nirvana,
I get it now,
I would have burnt my bra if I ever wore one.

Your ****** and my mouth are a perfect match
I do not usually swing this way
but am honored to dip my toe in your pool.

Crying out you pull away.
That's not how I work,
You will leave complete or not at all
Lyla from my previous one night stand trilogy, my first one in a series of ****** poetry, I decided to continue doing more, Feed back is welcome
7.1k · Aug 2017
#2 Lyla digs deep (Adult)
danny Aug 2017
I feel my warmth,
slick and ready,
Wanton and soft
I love myself.

Trim and smooth,
Tempo slow to begin,
My nerve endings electric,
I love myself.

Eyes closed, I can picture your body,
feel your hands all over mine,
Wet now, dripping.
I love myself.

My kitty is purring now,
faster and steady,
With each caress and stroke.
I love myself.

******* now cupped,
Cocooned in bliss,
Rubbing my ******,
I love myself.

Eyes rolled, toes clenched,
Fireworks dancing, I BLAST OFF
Writhing, moaning, releasing
I love myself.

Weakened bliss flows down
Worries and cares removed,
Smile on face
I love myself.
Lyla takes care of her own business.
danny Aug 2017
It went in so easy,
meant to be.
Swollen and throbbing,
deep in me.

I slide up and smile,
slam down and gasp.
Filling me up
and stretching my ***.

I scrap my nails on your chest
and leave a mark.
You got this now
from light til dark.

Your motion makes me explode,
hard and fast as it gets.
We are not done,
I want to be ridden hard and put away wet.
My first venture into ****** poetry, seeing how it goes and what response I get
2.0k · Aug 2017
This Landscape, My Landscape
danny Aug 2017
Body so cold
But my heart is so warm,
This landscape, my landscape
Pushes my wings to keep beating.

If I feel now I would not be sad,
For I wish only to land up
the manicured lawns of Aristocrats.
I would have earned my sleep.

Raw is how I feel,
the brooks, the hollows, the trees
all seep into my mind and bones.
Utter joy and contempt, a mixture.

I should have flown away more often,
My nest in the turret was always a haven,
and natures prison,
I would have earned my hope.
1.7k · Aug 2018
To be so safe
danny Aug 2018
Never to have felt the wind of change upon your flesh,
to dazzle and dance on the precipice.
One jolt after another, character un-built..

Rarely to have left the bed unmade,
After nights of raw abandon, to gaze in a lover or a strangers eyes.
To let go and curse the parachute.

Teeth not brushed fail to bring forth the doom that was promised.
Un-cut grass does not shield waiting monsters.
Chipped paint and failing wallpaper tell a story.

A brush with the law wont quell the gossip mongers.
Alas, to be so safe quietens no mouth.
For they will talk anyhow and the sun will still rise, regardless.
danny Aug 2017
You pull my hair as I slurp on your shaft,
I can feel you relax under my touch,
My mouth is watering now
It is usually rude to talk with your mouth full
But I cant help myself.

All fours on the bed,
you devour me with your eyes,
You tickle my feet and I bite my lip
I can feel your finger touching my moist ****
your thumb rubbing my rosebud.

I **** my fingers to help it along.
No one can stop us now.
You move behind me and you enter
No one could save me now
Second part of the one night stand trilogy, again still finding out if I am good at ****** poetry so any feedback is welcome
1.3k · Aug 2018
What I did today.
danny Aug 2018
Woke up late
The issues of yesterday still intact,
Turned the pillow to the cool side,
And opened the window.

Tried to race my shadow down the stairs.
Bade family "Good day" and nestled on the couch.
Nothing narrates your day better than a
"Previously on..."

Took too long deciding what to do with my morning
that it became afternoon, time is sneaky like that.
Walked to the store with no intent,
I have a gift, I always end up in the feminine hygiene aisle or the ***.

Played some music louder than I should have,
my reasoning was if my bones don't vibrate then
the heavens won't be able to hear it either.
Was scared by a big dog even though it was muzzled.

Came back home, one armpit was sweatier than the other.
Lungs collapsing but I felt the doubts and ire abating.
Checked in with my people and cared about what they had to say.
It's dark now, the pillow is heating up for another long night.
848 · Oct 2017
Blame the heavens.
danny Oct 2017
Wanting to go but scared to fly,
closed eyes forever, one final sigh,
An escaped tear, a rattled breath,
A battle well fought, winner is death.

Blame the heavens and their greedy skies
Loved ones remember the fractured lies.
Legends cut down, myths created
Existence understanding but never abated.

Moss covers the forever bed,
offers and pleas, take me instead.
The final destination is one we all crave,
Dying is easy, you just lay in your grave.
danny Aug 2017
Poked my self in the eye
With the mascara brush.
Note to self: do better,
I wasn't even in a rush.

Glued my fingers together
Pressing on the nails,
I am not stupid
Its just foreign to former males.

Nearly broke my neck
Walking fast in these heels,
"Not easy girls am I right?"
I finally know how it feels.

Got greedy with the padding,
My **** grew and grew.
You will have to forgive me my mistakes
After all I am new.
This was my entry into a poem contest with the theme of "I am transgender" I took inspiration from the quote from the movie "Airplane/Flying High"
danny Aug 2017
Our eyes connect across the room,
people pass in front of us.
Eye contact not broken.
I raise a toast at the drink you sent,
Off you come to  approach me.
I leave with a backward glance.

In the room your hand sliding down my front,
your other busy squeezing my ***.
I dedicate my moans to you
as I grind against your pole.
Off come my clothes,
naked as sin.

You slap my cheek to make it come alive,
its pink now, to match my full lips.
I get some dedication of my own
as I slide you inside of my face.
Off comes your wedding ring,
My play thing for tonight.
Part one of a one night stand trilogy poem, I am still trying to figure out if I am any good at ****** poetry so any feed back would be greatly appreciated.
danny Aug 2017
No ******* just killer heels,
Raincoat covering my gifts.
You loosen your tie and slip off your shoes,
Anticipation all over your face.

Computer chair swiveled towards me,
Grind on you slow,
Your big soldier salutes.
Mounting your desk, swish my hair.

Jackets on the ground now,
My legs spread and in the air,
Your hungry for me Sir,
I will hold all your calls.

Tongue punching my lily,
Slick and ready,
Your starving for me now,
I will cancel your 3 o clock.

Door locked, you are naked bar
the tie and maroon dress socks.
Long day at the office dear,
Gonna have to work overtime.

Pounding me now, your Rolodex fallen
I take the minutes of my moans,
Been wanting this for ages,
CEO was always my favorite position.

Dripping, your package filling my ******,
Corporate stress meets carnal greed,
Desk and I taking a pounding,
I now know what goes on underneath your suit.

Braced against the filling cabinet,
"I will get right on that, Boss,"
Your hand on my ***, thumb in my mouth,
Always the best at securing raises.

The little secretary that could,
My name in the past,
I take minutes as you nut,
Dictated, but not signed, Lyla
Lyla as a secretary, ***** her boss.
danny Sep 2017
Waves crash against the shore,
Bronzed Goddess laid bare,
I know you're looking,
I never care.

I feel your shadow
on my skin,
"Yes you can oil my back"
Lean forward, begin.

Coarse hands at work
Warm hands for play,
Looking forward to the splash
You can swim in my bay.

Lying beside me
Tilt my shades to view,
Your buoy propping up,
'Bout time you grew.

Taken in your arms,
greasy protection from the rays,
Secluded beach,
Sand for days and days.

Storming my own sand castle,
no need for a bucket,
my merman on the towel,
"Here's my clam, now **** it."

Matching the motion of the ocean,
Sand angel underneath,
they can hear my moans,
from the lighthouse to the deep.

All over tan,
no visible line,
Claim your salty liquid
as mine all mine,

Nature the best place to ***
I think as I grown,
You're wet from your swim,
Could never get this wet playing on my own.
Lyla while sunbathing at the beach, ***** a stranger
647 · Sep 2017
Woe of tide
danny Sep 2017
Constantly bashed,
rinsed daily,
used as an artist's ashtray,
or a hippies necklace,
Enough contained inside
to suffice and survive.

Moods form the swirls
and my lattice artwork,
You held me once in
wonder and awe,
Now you sell me on your
wicker stand.

Friends have wept over the loss
of their inner pearl,
I held no such treasure.
Just possibilities of where I have been.
Patiently await the day you hold me to your ear again,
So I can hear your heartbeat
644 · Sep 2017
Mighty pen
danny Sep 2017
The pen is mightier than the sword
can create kingdoms or infamy.
If you choose the correct ink.
danny Aug 2017
You keep plugging away at my warmth,
Gliding on each others bodies
Slippery with sweat and weak,
Your breath smells of whisky, I like that.

My ******* are slapping back and forth
as your tempo increases,
You reach around and ***** my filth
I am close now, so gloriously close.

Your body shuddering against my back
Chest hair coarse as you empty into me  
I look into your brown eyes as you tremble under my touch
"Say my name" I whisper.

I pull your hair to focus you
All eyes have to be on me,
I see you take in my shining spent body
"Lyla" you utter, "You're name is Lyla"
Final part in the one night stand trilogy, I have enjoyed writing ****** poems so I think I will continue doing so with the character Lyla
582 · Apr 2018
Or not
danny Apr 2018
Can you live with the 'could of's'?
I will have to now,
Or not.

I could have kept you company when the world deserted,
The gift that kept on giving, per say.
Or not.

It's irrelevant how we came to be in each others space
I was there at the end
Or not.

We didn't ask for this
We both just received.
I hope the hands that were wiped clean
were fresher than the sheets.

I could have changed the world, yours for definite.
I could have scaled the charts, my star brightest among them all.
Or not.

Of course I could have brought shame to your last name.
Dragged you down and ruined opportunities
Doing what you did could be a new start, set you free.
Or not.

Did it make you wary of the world, every action and reaction?
every lingering glance curbed by memories in the stirrups.
You could add branches to your tree in the future
Or not.
A poem about abortion,
danny Feb 2018
I have hung up my relationship cap,
Muddled down with nonsense and all of your crap.

You say I went left but I was always right,
I just gave you the flowers so you couldn't pick a fight.

I was braver than I thought when I walked out the door.
Didn't really care that I littered the floor.

With fragments of photos and memories together.
You did him in our bed, who knew you were into leather!

I changed all the passwords, ate all the food.
Logged into your accounts and deleted all  your nudes.

Took the dog, Netflix account and the goldfish too.
Broke your Nicki Minaj Cd's but kept EryKah Badu.

I salted your garden, ****** in your pool.
I that angry so I broke every house rule.

I don't care about dignity, I may be alone,
But I am petty as F$@k and made you read this poem.
545 · Sep 2017
danny Sep 2017
Packed my bags
Flew the next week,
Ignoring the doubts,
I got fulfillment to seek.

Misunderstood accent,
Mispronounced name,
Ashes to ashes,
Foolish, its still the same.

Vague history,
Mistakes erased,
Broke and dream poor,
Resolve unfazed.

A new chapter,
closed door,
Figuring it out,
What I want and more.
I emigrated without giving it too much thought, and it has been very hard and tough but sort of freeing also
542 · Sep 2017
water swept
danny Sep 2017
She sees me, after I see her,
Aquatic blur.
Graceful, adept,
Hair, water swept.

Distorted features,
Adorned with creatures.
Observing my boat,
Master of float.

Moon beams dash,
Without a splash,
By my side
For one more tide
A poem about a mermaid
516 · May 2018
F*$k Wild (Adult)
danny May 2018
Heart is racing,
Been dying for weeks for this night,
Letting lose more necessity than requirement.

Gonna get ball deep tonight,
let the tatters remain where they lay,
Strip you bare and pump in your ****.

The first time,
Knuckles still wet from when it was my turn.

Look in the mirror,
I play my usual cards
Dash once I smash your ****.

Lone wolf,
What happens to me happens to me.
Words seldom fall from my money maker about you.

Secrets are safe with me,
no bro talk about what you were born with,
and things that you weren't

When it's time to get **** wild.
I do, do you too, and three's and four's
not happy until everything and one is spent.

Act all normal and demure
to get by.
When the bell goes I go and sow all the seeds.

We all meet to get **** wild.
Not for props or bravado.
Just to be.

Woman to man to man to them.
It courses like a river.
Flowing and merging, over lapping never ending.
483 · Aug 2017
I am the trouble
danny Aug 2017
Day to day,
that is all good,
forgive my interrupting
praise that I could.

The one you seek,
the one you fear,
I am the trouble
Sorry I am so near.

From hour to hour,
week to week,
I am the trouble,
The inner self you seek.

I forget me not,
and powder blue,
forgive yourself,
I hate me too.

To twist and turn,
so apricot hue,
The can of worms
Maybe the true you??

The sad and bitter
all alone among your heartbreak rubble,
Forgive them true,
I am the trouble
477 · Nov 2017
Is All
danny Nov 2017
You make me feel different.
No longer the odd man out
even when I am alone.

Around you its real,
I strut not slouch.
No longer wasting smiles.

I tried and tested the adage
'You cannot break your own heart'
I never thought I would be that focus group.

I guess I just love you Is All
Need you Is All

I didn't know I was waiting for someone like you.
You opened my eyes and cleared the clouds.
My heart beats so hard it hurts, if this is love then....

I guess I am just hoping Is All
Just thinking out loud Is All

You showed me the color of glass.
You only have to stay for a day, or 2 or 3, Forever max.
We will have a life that other are jealous off.

We deserve no better,
We deserve each other.
Each other is enough.

I'm just wanting Is All
I'm just craving Is All
468 · Jan 2018
The question apt.
danny Jan 2018
It was solitary,
Seemingly erected from nothing and nowhere,
At a time when It was unknowingly
Needed the most.

A purple haze enveloped the base,
Faint neon light buzzed,
Mimicking a heartbeat.
The car engine finally conked.

Desolate and enchanting,
A siren call if you will.
As it is in life, hesitation seeps
When you have a choice to push some buttons.

Purred to life underneath the initial caress
Inner motor jarring to action.
'Discover your fate.' The tinny voice announced.
On a dark and lonely road, the question apt.

"Could it be you have fought what you
Ultimately seek.
The courage that ebbed, introduced you to

"The passion that once burnt has
Tainted your soul.
A bigger picture unseen,
Left you unfilled yet whole."

"So turn around and be gone,
Live life like you do.
The car engine didn't die.
It was never about you."
459 · Apr 2018
Ode to the writers
danny Apr 2018
Creator of worlds,
Things I could never do
Words I would never speak.
With a swift stroke
I could save the planet or create
Long lasting misery.

I am mighty there.
My people may mock
As long as they fear.
Every changing landscapes,
Evolution even I am unaware of.
With each letter I change the game,
become what I want.
Until I know what I want
danny Dec 2017
We don't hold hands any more,
You don't say thanks when I hold the door.
We seem bogged down and too busy,
If I left tomorrow, would you miss me.

We used to dance so care free,
Light dimmed, bodies close... free
Music pounding, our lives out to sea.
Breath on skin, meant to be.

We don't ask how we are anymore.
It's toast in mouth, rushed coffee, out the door.
Basic texts, "We need toilet roll"
Bruises the core of my now solo soul.

We used to dance so true and spry,
Our body language couldn't lie.
Enraptured with each other, on the floor.
A dusty samba, alas no more.

There is no need for us to just fade away.
We let life and routine lead our way.
Brushing off our dancing shoes, prelude to prancing.
Life's too short, Kathy, why aren't we dancing?
a marriage/relationship that got stale for no reason
439 · Aug 2017
Vain in Vein
danny Aug 2017
Prodded skin,
Outwards, within
Hope courses like
Wild horses.

I will kick this stuff
Get back to the right rough,
Deservedly sore,
Fealty a'more.

Heavy lidded eyes,
Controlled by the lies,
Love is stronger,
Hold me a little longer.
Love story between drug addicts
435 · Sep 2017
Came for me
danny Sep 2017
If I knew what it was
I would know how to help it,
I could soothe its scars
Caress away the doubts.

Free it so it soared.
Defeat the shackle bearers
When they came for it
They came for me.
a poem about the soul
429 · Oct 2017
My Goal and only.
danny Oct 2017
Zoomed right out
Insignificance crept in,
Getaway tokens tucked,
Pent up angst, unfurled.

To flee the familiar
Not doing this to cause hurt
It just has to be this way,
Staying is not viable.

Need new air to breathe,
New faces to avoid eye contact with,
To make the unknown my known
It's my goal and only.

In search of enlightened souls,
to caress my core.
Been loved in the past,
Am willing to think about trying.

Looking for new stars to count,
New smells to turn my nose up at.
The frigid life is no longer happening,
Dying is better than meandering.

Confidence should find me,
On what ever page of the atlas I inhabit.
Former acquaintances should forget.
For it is whats best.
Running away to start afresh but finding it hard to shake the bad behavior and thoughts that made fleeing necessary in the first place.
419 · Sep 2017
Remnants of Potential
danny Sep 2017
Taste remains on lips,
Sweet scent on fingers,
Vivid memories scorched,
Internal desire still lingers.

Hair air blown and tossed,
Cheek lovingly stroked,
Burning pure passion
Vibrant embers now stoked.

Calmness ultimately present
Company offically confirmed
Heart currently divided
Life lesson learnt.
413 · Aug 2017
It just can't
danny Aug 2017
It cannot be love,
I only dream about you and shrink
when you look my way,
My heart may quicken
I don't put too much thought into it
My sweaty palms on the other hand
Maybe I should see a Doctor
It cannot be love,
You don't even know my name,
I know yours, but you came up on my feed
Get over it.

I don't get jealous when I see you smile at her
Just wanted to know where she bought them shoes,
Jeez, put me in jail why don't ya.
Never once did I imagine you in bed beside me,
I may have kissed the pillow and held it all night,
But I was cold,
It's not a crime so chill out.
The doodles where I took your last name
were just so I could test the pen still had ink.
No need to send out the invitations just yet,
But I always thought a July wedding would suit.
410 · Sep 2017
Fleeing to stay
danny Sep 2017
Suddenly time becomes like a living thing,
a crushing weight that you have to endure
Fight the fight to go on,
Voice croaking, song unpure.

A second is an hour,
A minute a day,
Soaring high to be grounded.
Fleeing to stay.

Broken back, weary limbs,
Coerced by this fractured web,
Days are short, nights too long
Heartbeat and time start to ebb.
409 · Aug 2017
Simpler Times
danny Aug 2017
So innocent then,
No predators or shaming,
No clamoring for likes or retweets,
Just outdoors and skinned knees,
Rarely stopped to disrupt the flow
with a self taken photo.
Imaginations abound,
Once a cowboy now a sailor,
tomorrow to be continued.
Friends for life not followers for a day,
Memories in mind
Not a timeline
400 · Jan 2018
The ring.
danny Jan 2018
With this ring I thee wed,
Never assumed those words would leave my lips
But they did.

Unsure of what the word vow actually meant or entailed.
All I knew for certain was that vows are fragile.
Broken and they can end worlds.

What comes next?
I do not know, with you by my side.
I do not need to know, or worry.

I just want a love like the ring I gave you.
Wrapped around you and shining,
Your body, heart and mind wrapped inside.
393 · Apr 2019
all along
danny Apr 2019
Looking for good in all the bad places,
searching and meandering,
forlorn for so long.

Hearing a song in a room of silence,
straining and deciphering
only to realize it only sounded like music.

Draining others for what I already had,
pilfering and pounding
when it was inside all along.
danny Aug 2017
You have brought me here, you can let go now,
I know its difficult but it needs to be done,
You have taught me well, believe that
Your job is done
386 · Jan 2020
WomanHood: A Self
danny Jan 2020
A warrior
Self tamed,
A goddess,
Self evaluated.

A soldier,
Self taught
A carer,
Self motivated.

A friend,
Self moved,
A leader,
Self less.
386 · Apr 2018
In your arms tonight
danny Apr 2018
A prison sentence
One could only dream about.
Encased with warmth and calm.
Let it be dark and stormy everywhere else.
I don't fear the rapture now.

Folded and marooned.
Heart beats forming a staccato theme tune.
Others may wish for peace and health.
I just pray for an endless night.

I think about the factors that led to this entwining.
It best not to know or overthink.
The fear would ******* my hope.
We stripped, made love and now the third act.
I mutter a mantra to balm any edges.

"Not everyone gets held back."
danny Aug 2017
I am sane, you be too,
sweep me off my feet
but not unless I am wearing socks.

Fill my heart with hope everyday
except for Wednesdays
that is when Survivor is on.

Only take up a quarter of the bed,
I need my space but only if I
have all the pillows.

Never make me worry,
Unless its about things I have no control over
You know I do be all over that ****.

Bless me with smiles and kisses,
After you have brushed your teeth
with your own toothbrush of course.

Always answer my texts,
Even if you have no time
from liking all my "Crazy Cat fail" statuses.

Do not cheat on me with someone better,
My two other bits on the side
will not take kindly to you hurting me.
373 · Aug 2017
Get a clue like mine
danny Aug 2017
A ceiling made of glass, why can't they let me be,
feast upon someone else's bones,
I do what they wished they could,
Their envy only frees me.

I act on natural instincts,
they are caged among gentlemen
Who are bigger freaks than I ever will be
they hide it well.

At least I am obvious
372 · Apr 2018
Crosses and Noughts
danny Apr 2018
You don't have to love me back,
Just say I see you, and we will let that be that,
You just have to know I am around,
Just a nod of your head, nothing too profound.

You don't to commit or anything,
Just know I listen to the words they sing.
Please don't block or ignore, I am not a creep
I won't as you to hold my hand, I won't ask you to leap.

You can live normally, free and true.
It's my cross to bear that I am not for you.
Please take care with my heart, it may not always beat your name.
One day I could be gone, for once not to blame.

So all I ask is that you let me adore.
I have conjured a fantasty life, we need not explore.
I took a big step revealing my thoughts
Distantly yours, crosses and noughts.
A poem about unrequited love where both parties know, I found the whole concept interesting to write about. I have been on both sides of the "love" I have let people have feelings for me and told them nothing would ever happen while if I have had feelings sometimes the same kindness wasn't returned
371 · Nov 2017
danny Nov 2017
If I let go,
Would you reach for me,
Buffet the wind so I could float.
Even if it was far away from you.
Could you.
367 · Feb 2018
Kisses and Sunsets
danny Feb 2018
Still waiting, but entertained.
A stolen kiss led to my patience.
Mind occupied with the taste of your lips.
Body emblazoned with the taste of things to come.

Sun finally sets.
An end to a day full of warmth.
Darkness soon to cast its shadow.
The best love happens in the dark.

Regret won't creep in,
If you retract on your promise.
Busy bones form my being.
There will be other kisses and other sunsets
I got a prompt to write a poem from a picture. In the picture its a man sitting in a swimming pool over looking the ocean with the sun setting.
335 · Aug 2017
My name is not hush
danny Aug 2017
If only we could buy numbness ,
It would make this all bearable
but then where would all the fun in life be?
I like to feel the sun on my skin occasionally.

All that gold never glittered,
I guess they were right, we will never know if they were wrong.

I breath in truth like air,
the shadows are different at night,
We were wise trapped in stupid.
How rock star of us.

The ice eventually thawed,
now we get to float on its current state of being.

Strength in numbers is hard when you fly solo,
ascending the mountain was difficult,
former friends cluttered the trail,
Alas it was them or us.

My name is not hush,
but I also answer to Who
334 · Jun 2018
Be worthy
danny Jun 2018
Please show me you understand,
You don't have to agree or allow.
Just nod and I will be exonerated.

Freed from this self imposed cage.
Your outstretched hand broke, bars, boundaries, walls and fences.
A feather kiss calmed the tsunami.

It could never be fifty fifty, with you and I,
ninety nine and one, for you always will be.
Just a strand of your essence would power my battery for life.

I live just to see you comfortable.
I cannot shield you from harm or hurt.
They wont come from my hand, heart or mouth.

But with my hand I will pick you up.
Will my heart I will love you back on your feet
My mouth will only sing lullaby's and praises.

Anything less would be cheap,
untrue and disposable.
Anything less than everything wouldn't be worthy.
333 · Aug 2017
Little do we know
danny Aug 2017
When I said that I was busy,
I just couldn't bare company,
When I said that my phone had died,
I just did not want to disappoint the  Angry Birds.

The dog did not eat my homework,
It was not done and we both know I do not have a dog,
When I took forty minutes to have a bath,
My muscles did not ache I just need my own time, relief.

When I was late for work,
I set my alarm but I was warm and like to snooze,
When I hugged you back,
I was lonely and nothing more.
333 · Aug 2017
Mating of the Soul
danny Aug 2017
Laugh in your face,
"This was only ever gonna end one way Darling."
Nothing that hurts this much could be fake.

We are soulmates you and I
I have accepted it
Its cute that you resist but have a devilish
gleam in your eye.

You held my hand and I believed you,
Just focus on that.
danny Aug 2017
As I walk down the damp street,
I take four moments to reflect,
I try to see the fog of my breath until it dies in the night air.

The bright Moon slants across the wet roof tiles,
The cold makes my fingers tingle,
My bare feet are pink,
But not red.

My nicotine fix is calming my foot fall,
I try to appreciate the coldness as it begins to snow,
I pull my coat tighter around my neck.
As it turns out I like Winter after all.
danny Aug 2017
The club is hopping and the drinks are slopping
and I am doing my very best.
The bodies are swaying and the music is playing
My dance move catalog is put to the test.

But with your eyes rolling, my interest lolling
can you expect me to keep a straight face,
With your constant hating amid the bodies gyrating
I can and will win this race

"Are you gay or just dance this way?"
Irks me, as if I have something to prove
I believe love is love
nothing to do with the way I move.

Cant we just be, keep the mood happy
Make our friendship constant and steady

But your constant taunts and your obvious flaunts
make me scream my checklist,
lips licked, shirt tucked in I'm ready, I'm ready, I am READY
325 · May 2018
Popular guardian Angel
danny May 2018
A cosmic explosion of lies and hope,
a whirlwind void of dreams and scorn,
futile drags and optimistic pulling
A wish fulfilled is a wish no more.

Burning bright like the stars
by the time it touched ground it was lost
Swept away like unwanted replies.
Hand on heart a bluff no more.

Twinkling like tears from giants,
Sorrowful in meaning but powerful in intent
To look at it full on is the same to ignore it in hindsight,
orbiting the entirety.
A solitary solider or popular guardian angel
320 · May 2018
Free and open
danny May 2018
Snow capped, secrets in the drifts,
Low light somehow made you stand out, blazing.
Cold chills meant to nestle harder.
You are the teacher, but we are not students.
Some needed to get away, others tortured by your depths.
A gentle bump can slay the unworthy,
No throne can match your majesty.
If we are good then you are good
You were here first.
We can never say we 'stood tall' again
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