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Oct 2018 · 391
my horizon
chloe fleming Oct 2018
i long for days with everlasting horizons
so blue, yellow, and pink
how the colors fold together
an eternal simplicity
these days i will hold back my head
look into the sun
and let my soul
Sep 2018 · 431
chloe fleming Sep 2018
the weight of ink is heavier than blood
for it carries the passion and intensity
of a heart set free through the mountains,
the seas,
the valleys
scribbling its way on to pages of our minds
leaving us wanting more,
begging our pens to flow endlessly,
for the pleasure of some and the decay of others.
Jul 2018 · 677
chloe fleming Jul 2018
hungry, i breathe into the veins of your neck
and with my tongue, i taste your flesh.
hot breath stains your skin,
as i run my hands over your porcelain body.
hungry, i tear into you.
as you moan for more,
i know that i have won.
you will be begging
and i will be leaving.
Jul 2018 · 732
chloe fleming Jul 2018
i’ve come to realize
i can only blame myself
for the madness i exude
there are creatures behind this face
and everyday,
they look a little more like
i’m so sorry
Jul 2018 · 537
up and up
chloe fleming Jul 2018
suddenly i feel as if the world is spinning
and i am no longer apart of the gravitational hold
i float,
they say this is paranoia
that i am apart of this universe
i am firmly planted on the ground
but my legs don’t move when i walk
and my head is starting to hurt from the altitude
i glide through the air, through life,
until they wrap their arms around me
bringing me further and further into their world
you need to be normal
you need to walk
you need to exist
but i feel my existence must be lie,
there are parts of me missing
i am not one with this earth
i am bound for the sky
for there must be something for me in the horizon ahead
Jul 2018 · 657
i’m not ready
chloe fleming Jul 2018
i torment myself for my inability to love,
my inability to sense the light after the storm.
i spend my days wondering when,
when will i give myself to another
when will the world be ready?
Jul 2018 · 489
your body
chloe fleming Jul 2018
i wonder what it feels like to touch the insides of your body,
are you as fragile as you seem?
or do your organs turn to stone at the touch of another?
May 2018 · 477
the end
chloe fleming May 2018
i have thought a lot about the end
and the unimaginable emptiness that awaits,
but i have come to realize,
there is an unimaginable emptiness here.
it is only ourselves that can fill the void
May 2018 · 316
chloe fleming May 2018
i’m in love with strangers i pass by
because ignorance is comforting
May 2018 · 409
picked apart
chloe fleming May 2018
i stopped writing about you not because i forgot about you,
but because the mere thought of you makes my hands explode, shake, gnaw,
pick at all the skin you whispered to me was
the mere thought of you sends my heart into a slow melt,
you make it feel like july on the inside
where you’re hot and sweaty and far too close to one another
i can’t write about you anymore because the fragile thoughts in my head
would be destroyed by the heavy weight of your influence
Apr 2018 · 1.0k
honeysuckle lips
chloe fleming Apr 2018
I've been breathing in everything I hate
Such as the smoke from fire that bellows beneath my feet,
It burns and it scalds and yet,
I do not learn my lesson.
My lungs have become airbags- deflated, charred
It hurts me to breathe but yet,
I do not learn my lesson.

I have been shown the sweet smells from the valley,
The honeysuckle kisses against my dried lips
But nectar is far more vicious than tar.
For it sticks to you like a bad memory
It will coat you in a sweet sickness,
A birth from a joyous hospital room
Honeysuckle kisses upon dry lips,
While they pump you full of the tar.

So while my lungs cannot heave anymore,
And my organs coated with depression
The nectar does nothing but upset my stomach
It causes it to wretch like a screaming baby
Lack of honeysuckle kisses fuels the fire.
I will continue to burn and scald my feet-
But I will not succumb to the iridescence
That will one day leave you sick,
And sticky sweet.
Apr 2018 · 292
yellow paint
chloe fleming Apr 2018
van gogh ate his yellow paint
because he even he wanted to coat his organs,
himself, in sunshine,
instead of feeling the darkness
Apr 2018 · 588
chloe fleming Apr 2018
I am a stalemate,
I will never be won,
But I will also never be lost
I could never be your checkmate.
Apr 2018 · 464
chloe fleming Apr 2018
the one thing i miss most about love
is having someone who loves the way you breathe
the simplest kind of love
where your air flows within me
the love that speaks volumes with a single glance
i miss love because i miss the way it feels to have hands through my hair
i miss the heartbeats you have
one for one another
Apr 2018 · 279
chloe fleming Apr 2018
i will share my pen only long enough for you to carve the words
into my skin, my paper
to remind me that even your own words
can betray you
Apr 2018 · 511
chloe fleming Apr 2018
there are flaws in our systems,
perpetual moving parts that do not yield the same results,
there are flaws in all of us
we are jumbled messes created out of flesh and blood.
from heartache to pain,
the only constant is the flaws we face
that is what comprises our identity.
Apr 2018 · 233
lil headaches
chloe fleming Apr 2018
i have more headaches than not
and whenever i look up,
there’s something holding me down
Mar 2018 · 350
my happiness
chloe fleming Mar 2018
i will never feel sorry
for caring so deeply
about others
but i will never deny myself
happiness in the face of a man
Mar 2018 · 270
house fires
chloe fleming Mar 2018
there is a deadened look in the eyes of all the men i’ve ever cared for,
is it from me?
i only want to plant life inside of you,
grow with you,
blossom with you.
but instead i am brushing off ashes
from something i once knew as home
house fires **** and the plants inside die with them
Mar 2018 · 240
the journey
chloe fleming Mar 2018
i have walked years in this body,
across mountains and up hills
but i have never stayed long enough
to enjoy my journey
chloe fleming Mar 2018
he wants to sing.
does he know he sings my restless heart to sleep every day?
furthermore, my heart it craves the ways he sings so peacefully and thoughtfully,
driving demons into shadows of existence
i pray his song never ceases
so my heart, callused and bruised, can hear his song
when i am feeling blue
Mar 2018 · 254
chloe fleming Mar 2018
i wish to be the muse
that one day becomes the artist
Mar 2018 · 283
chloe fleming Mar 2018
the thing that makes me feel most alive in this despicable world,
is spilling my guts to you
and you, painting with my mess
only to make such a beautiful portrait
depicting both the good and the bad
with an entire universe inbetween
Mar 2018 · 358
chloe fleming Mar 2018
Why do we take the time to build such a strong foundation,
For our roof to leak at the slightest hint of rain?
Mar 2018 · 271
chloe fleming Mar 2018
when i looked in his eyes,
the undeniable rhythm flowed through me.
our dance, was one with our hearts,
i grabbed his
and ****** it inside my chest
with this, his music melted into me
until all we were was a symphony
in perfect harmony
Mar 2018 · 260
chloe fleming Mar 2018
you are immortal
inside my words
living and breathing within every line
Feb 2018 · 299
u mine or nah
chloe fleming Feb 2018
Describing how I feel about you is like describing the sun.
Warm, powerful, full of light.
It's true, you are all those things but you are also so much more.
You are more than the warmth I feel against my chilled skin after your every touch,
You are more than the light that radiates out of your glimmering soul.
You are emotion, the tireless feeling of inexplicable admiration
And how your love permeates itself in my body.
It feeds me with your passion, so my taste for it has grown.
Your endless yearnings for me make me never go to bed hungry.
But I thirst for you and skin and your heartbeat to the rhythm of my own.
You are entirely fascinating, captivating me in every breath you breathe.
How I wish others could see how much more you are.
chloe fleming Feb 2018
i don’t fear the unexpected,
i fear the unconquered
for one day my time will run out,
and it will have conquered
Feb 2018 · 700
it’s all a scam
chloe fleming Feb 2018
the pointless prophets they point out to us will eventually become the demons we run from in our sleep.
all it is, is how you see.
Feb 2018 · 573
life / death
chloe fleming Feb 2018
i want life to grow from these very bones,
instead of death taking its final toll.
i dream of life, enveloping me, showing me the rivers that flow, seas that crash, and creeks that trickle downward.
death itself is the thought that life is too weak to handle, but i have seen death
and i have seen life.
i’ve wished and prayed that life could bury death,
give up its ceaseless game and go to sleep,
maybe then children could play outside without fear of another drive by,
i could take a rest, without fear of ending it.
but death is the inevitable part of life
but could we stop focusing on it?
our time is short, our time is now.
look life in its eyes before they close on you.
dance in sunlight, drape yourself warmth.
scream hallelujah every morning you wake up,
healthy and alive.
grow saplings in your collarbones, love in your heart, music in your feet, and knowledge in your head.
life is the essence of existence and death is just a familiar friend
Feb 2018 · 260
happy feb 14th
chloe fleming Feb 2018
How ignorant are humans to forgive a lifetime of indiscretion for 12 dollar roses and 5 dollar chocolates?
We demand adoration in the face of the world for 24 solid hours while the rest of the year we accept the misery our concept of love has brought.
Are we so blinded by sweet nothings to realize they are just nothings,
that 12 dollar roses and 5 dollar chocolates do not compare to the screaming match you had last week when you found out he lied.
If we accept so solemnly that our love will not always be happy,
are we closing ourselves off to the possibility that maybe our love doesn't have to be so empty?
Nothing is more empty than 12 dollar roses and 5 dollar chocolates because intensity and passion is not sparked from a single day.
It is grown over time, throughout the days.
Feb 2018 · 217
chloe fleming Feb 2018
There are colors in my Mind,
But They cannot see a rainbow
Through the Darkness
Until They pass through the Clouds.

You cannot pass through the Clouds,
Until you're willing to seek out the Darkness.
Too often, They find misery
Before They find Light.

Rise to My Challenge.
Feb 2018 · 573
tree trunk legs
chloe fleming Feb 2018
Though I am bore from the tree trunks of this Earth,
I am not steadiness you had hoped.
There is wind in my spirit,
Breaking branches, limb by limb.
And when facing flame,
I, too, will burn at the hand others have placed.
Feb 2018 · 474
lost within u
chloe fleming Feb 2018
I am sweet for him,
Not for the way his eyes shine when looking into mine,
But for the way he humbles me,
Bringing heaven down to a war-torn Earth.
His ceaseless caring shows me there is more than beauty between us,
There is kindness, and a passion few will ever encounter.
He is the hope that restores faith, and the faith that makes you believe
That there is compassion left in this universe,
And though his heart burns with the inevitable fire,
That brings weak men to their knees-
He beckons me to become,
Feb 2018 · 603
see you later
chloe fleming Feb 2018
I thought you leaving would be the hardest thing to go through,
But it was me, standing there
Walking away from you.
Like a moth to a flame, I am captured by your light.
The irrevocable longing I feel towards your essence,
Is what frightens me when I leave your side.
I fear not of losing you,
But of you losing me
To your greater journey into the light.
In fact, I even feel like you are superior to me
The way coffee is stronger, more bitter than tea.
Walking away on a cold winter's day,
Is more bone chilling than the snow that coats our bodies.
Kissing you goodbye, too soon for now
Your sweet embrace, embellished by sorrow,
Imprinted on my heart but stained with love.
Letting you leave,
I had to let you leave.
Feb 2018 · 416
heart ache or heart attack
chloe fleming Feb 2018
How easily we let ourselves believe we can put our faith into anyone, or anything, besides ourselves,
Without fear of falling into the demise we’ve created,
Even though the possibility of opening our hearts is the one thing that can break our walls.
We create barriers to shield ourselves, and our hearts, from crumbling and turning into our mothers, and that sad lady down the street.
The truth is, we are so ******* terrified of the weakness love brings,
That we'd rather suffer alone,
Stay empty, but stay unbroken.
In the solace of our own minds we become a butterfly,
Only we don't know how to fly,
Too scared to take the first leap.
Do we risk shattering everything?
So easily we make excuses and cower instead of fall,
Because our heart is our most guarded possession of all.
Jan 2018 · 328
coming undone
chloe fleming Jan 2018
Hark, my aching heart.
'Tis the last of its kind who beats fervently
Pounding at seams too rich and too thick
To expand to the beat of my longing
Stitched tight are the lines that divide,
You from me-
Jan 2018 · 271
haiku for the lost
chloe fleming Jan 2018
Recovering hope,
Lost in footsteps traveling.
Going no where soon
Jan 2018 · 425
wednesday afternoons
chloe fleming Jan 2018
There is a religion hiding behind every lustrous kiss
and in the electricity that sparks from your fingertips.
I am coming to believe that every proverb and hymn is inspired by the way you speak passionately about the music that moves you,
Like the way they describe Moses as moving the seas.
I am so astonished by the godly nature that your head holds when you tell me the things I wished I knew about myself.
There is an existential divide between the bliss I knew and the bliss I have found inside your soul that warms me to my core,
There is religion inside the foundations of your rhythm,
Detailed among the gaps in your words and holy prose.
While in your arms I fear not of the damnation waiting for me or the eternal death swooping me down ward,
In your arms all I fear is having to let you go.
Jan 2018 · 438
j'aime tu
chloe fleming Jan 2018
To love a ghost trapped behind a gated core-
Is to love a hollow shell and expect nothing more.

Framework narrowing, crumbling, and cracking
While loose leaf lullabies fable my lacking.

Tiresome symphony's play my heart's theme
While love is grown slow, curated behind sheen.

Endlessly flailing for something more sturdy,
But you can't expect grace when you haven't any glory.

We fall apart, yet again, in the light of the day,
But the nighttime is when our ghosts can play.

War-torn love taints our bruised flesh,
Love you can't feel behind the cloud of regret.

The blissful peace of being near you,
The agony of you leaving too soon.
Jan 2018 · 364
chloe fleming Jan 2018
Foolish fish flop farthest,
But foolish fish fry fastest.
Jan 2018 · 438
"god complex"
chloe fleming Jan 2018
"But the Lord called to Adam, where are you?"
Adam turned his back,
There is no one holier than me and the life I am.
My Lord, you are a man with complex much too far indulged by the only people who have ever loved you.
You were a peasant, a pauper, a campesino
Left behind family for the God that left you.
To answer you Lord,
I am tending to my cows, my chickens, my pigs
Waiting for the day you wake up and see,
I was born from nature itself, not the fists of a man
Too arrogant to both love and accept all the brothers and sisters,
You left behind, trying to reinvent yourself.
Jan 2018 · 622
death is inevitable
chloe fleming Jan 2018
Don't worry.
We all become famous when we die,
Because in death we find
We have something more to lose.
The humanity in which makes us gasp for air,
Suddenly is ripped from our lungs-
We realize.
We realize that one day we'll all be six feet down,
With nothing but thoughts on a page
That we were too scared to show.
chloe fleming Jan 2018
Seeking love in pain
Vultures prey on emptiness,
Fear no recourse here.
chloe fleming Jan 2018
He was youth-
Undeniably naive in the way he looked at me,
Like I could build skyscrapers with trailer park hands.
His smile was sweet,
Like frosted cupcakes and sugary lips that only spoke sticky words.

He was youth-
In the way he laughed, tossing his head back with ignorant bliss.
In his eyes that lit up with the sight of stars,
And him imagining me as one of those beautiful, perfect stars.
Ignorant in the way he loved so carelessly and so freely.

He was the youthful gust of air that blew straight into me.
So childlike in the way he told me sweet nothings like they were law,
And I was a citizen inside of his arms.
He was the youth I needed at a time when I was too old to fight it.
The youthful facade that only lasted while feeling it.
Jan 2018 · 810
dandelion boys
chloe fleming Jan 2018
Maybe we're growing up and I have yet to realize-
That peanut butter and jelly sandwiches won't be your favorite food forever and that sometimes whiskey tastes better than a lemonade.
But I will still love
As madly and as carelessly
As blowing dandelions into the summer breeze,
while exchanging kisses beneath the hot sun.
chloe fleming Jan 2018
How soon do the words escape your mouth that you realize-
It's far too late to share words that were communicated in a nod three weeks ago,
Or in a passing by kiss last year.
Now they are a hollow shell of everything you wanted to say but somehow feared.
Instead, they were written on your face of faces and spelled out the truth inside of you.
Your words are just words if they are empty and hollow,
Like bones on a corpse-
And when I finally listened to you speak,
I knew we’d never be.
You lack the necessary element that creates me-
Jan 2018 · 241
child's play
chloe fleming Jan 2018
The only thing I want to remember about my adolescence,
is how good it felt when it had finally ended.
Jan 2018 · 492
ghosted again
chloe fleming Jan 2018
Love is the greatest myth we tell each other
So that we don't worry about being miserable
chloe fleming Jan 2018
**** the past, the present, and the future
If we even have one.
I want to be strung up and tangled in your mighty grasp,
Gasping for air between wet mouth kisses and clasping your clammy skin.
I want to forget about the ****** up idea of the world and the form it's taken in society,
And instead take in you, between cigarette drags and Southern Comfort swigs.
I want to feel the pulse of your heart as you ignite with excitement underneath me as our hot skin touches and you yearn for me.
Remember my presence, because passion does not come calling when sought,
It finds its way to you.
And if this ****** up world has brought me to you,
Then here it is-
This is the passion stupid girls like me write ****** poetry about.
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