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10.8k · Mar 2018
Bowedbranches Mar 2018
Trying to find solace in the suburbs
when everything seemed superb
like that cookie-cutter,
picket fence,
faux fur mentality
they instill at the start

Just an infant with scars
He reached for her baby bump,
Then slammed it hard
onto the stairwell
She fell, wept, and held
That lil princess
and prayed she'd never have the same hell

All grown up. Alive and well
shes got different demons
different intricate cells
It's been said
she is special      she is awake
But, in many ways
She is the same

As that ANGEL who carried her 23 years ago
That's debt I'll always owe
A gift I'll never own
Carefully Constructed
and Creatively Sewn
shoved a soul into that shell
That'll one day guide her back home

Shes got her mamas tough, yet gentle heart
her smile, brevity and love for art..
she can write her *** off
like her
the wrote and the writ

Yet she's plagued by guilt
every ******* minute
GUILT for the life that she'd been given
GUILT  for each exhale emitted
She prays that God will have the sense
to go back in time and hit OMIT
(on all chapters even close to the word 'human'
there's GUILT for feeling guilty even more for despising your own )
"I must've slipped through the gate, admit it!
Or recruit another for your mission
regretfully, I must solicit
that I'm not fit for this position

I'm no hero
I'm the villain
If ya look close you'll see
I spit venom"
Mama walks in
smiles and says
"Betta recognize and
quit your *******'
as of today, you are living..
You are loved
You are safe
You are ******* winning

We are strength & We are the faith
never to be broken
but we still stay brave

The Legend wont start
or end with you
Its a fight stretched out
through  time
You will understand soon
No matter how much you ask
It wont stop circumstance
wont stop lies
wont stop suffering
and will NEVER compromise

Your in the way of the wave, child
This.....  the secret to life
When in the way of the wave...
its only a matter of time
S0 if youre searching for solace
Will you promise
To memorize this line
Written for and dedicated to my mother.. we've always been at odds. This entire scenario I wrote is hypothetical, but for some reason it comforts me to make up pep talks from her and this is my favorite one Ive come up with so far. So wherever you are mom...thank you for everything..this one is just for you.
Bowedbranches Apr 2020
My sweet
His eyes look up at me with sorry sighs
Those sorry’s cry,
A puddle of gluttonous goodbyes
Poured into your sight
Expression crept upon a still face
Still facing your ‘just waits’
Your ‘too lates’
Take a leap of faith-
It might be worth it
4.2k · Jan 2018
Times' a ticking
Bowedbranches Jan 2018
Speak easy
Hit the peace pipe
Hate is fleeting

Don't make a peep
Hear the sounds
Draining around you
Feel my silk skin
And forget




Dear blood of my blood
Moon and my stars,
Do you really
Have what it takes
..To be wild
Truly and irrevocably wild
With me
And Leave everything behind
Sometimes I doubt if I do
But I need to be your hero
So there's no room for second guessing
All there is to do is just
Lately I've been booting with leaving society like I've always wanted, bit fear and anxiety get in the way. And starting a new relationship during all this is not the best idea .. But i know I've been given this prize for a reason and it's always easier and more fun with a partner. Hopefully I'll find out the know-how here shortly
2.5k · Jul 2018
Drop and bleed
Bowedbranches Jul 2018
Powdered skin,
Brush strokes,
Go coat
those desperate pokes
The shakey nature
Of made up favors
So playful
And able
We are
To Make the devil
Weak in the knees
As he does me,
So what if you suffer
You are but a drop
In an endless sea
No one will notice
When you drop
And you bleed
Just a mixture of rage and pain in threw up when I felt too much and thought my chest was gonna implode.
2.3k · Jan 2018
Bowedbranches Jan 2018
That desperate correspondence
Of a salty conscience
... falls two droplets
Leaky prophet
NO, I have lost it!
Touched too much hot
Of the water faucet
Red hands
They remain this way
'Til they know what they're for..
2.1k · Nov 2018
Libra Love part1
Bowedbranches Nov 2018
Let's be real...
Can a Libra love?
Oh ****, here she comes
Her essence is next to
the sweetest dove
I've found her innocent
Disposition's only a trick
Little games she creates
Then gets too bored to ****** finish

She said, "well what's the point of even fishing,
When I had caught the only fish who ever made me seem smitten.. The only time I spit
I LOVE YOU and actually meant it
To this day, I still wait
For it to say
A certain sentence
One so significant, so genuine

Deep down, I know it won't
So it mother ******' goes
I won't forget the time you told
Me that I didn't love you only loved the mold/ I sculpted
In my broken skull cap
As if you were just a ghost that
I didn't understand each tiny lil piece and couldn't read your atoms, just as easily, as I could breathe

You'll never fully believe this
I mean it's, awfully gd sad
So how bout ******* buddy
Truth is, I can't love  after that...
I Keep imagining the laughs
And All these flashes of magic
I never thought I had
I learned from you and yearned
For the few visits that I did get

Though most are
Mad moments I'll forever cherish

In all fairness I thought you
Should be taught a lesson too
Let you Stare off, sullen
not aware of what you do

He stomped my heart like a bug
Then proceeds to make an art
Of zapping my synapses
& harvesting my counterparts
(But Why though? You try and hide those /mighty ******
high hopes you have)
To build yourself a new start"
Sorry to all about the length I couldn't stop.. please enjoy and there is a part 2 I'll be releasing shortly.
1.7k · Dec 2021
Bowedbranches Dec 2021
The craving had been
More of a need
As of late

Energy taken
Energy generated
Or one could also say
One cultivated
One gave away
Every little thought
That you think

from the rest of you
With steel walls
And the tallest gates
Barricade myself
In a little
Me sized

Wouldn't be surprised
If I never
                Came Out!
1.6k · Nov 2015
Ambiguous rambling
Bowedbranches Nov 2015
Uncomfortable flutters
Couple inches in
How interesting..
A river in the pit of miscreant
Now it's forgotten,
its subdued
It's  getting drowned out until I know what the hell to do
These flutters
Dont comfort me
Only confuse
And it  pulls at my sensory glands
To look like an elaborate ruse
Bowedbranches Oct 2018
Mopin' in an overpriced motel
Trying to decide what items I can sell... Well, what's few and far between
Hardly any parts are even left of me

though THINGS do not define us
Take a peek in my chest cavity
You'll see I am righteous
High-strung Yet somehow Vibrant

Here it is, kids
'Tis the season of unrest
There's no sleep just tweakers
Screaming obscenities
In shadow corners
"****" "****" "****"  "godammit"
Im watching his sanity go
Right out the door

Is it the allure?
Perhaps its the warm bed?
That's keeping me from leaving right along with it
I bite my tongue til it becomes
Blood red
Before I know it my mouth
Begins mimicking my head

And I'm yelling ...

"****** I can't stand it, get your **** together man!"
A fun short story about 4 junkies sharing a room and one who's keeping every body up..
1.2k · Jul 2021
Bowedbranches Jul 2021
Haven't set up an alter
In I dont' how many moons
The few times I tried
I truly knew the futility of it
And understood
That security, for me, is fleeting

Just another thing
That seems so easy for the others
Oh no dont applaud
My  baby brain  for its
Whining,ll just make it worse
So the other day after
I snatched the sage you left
For me outside your window sill
(Thank you btw)

I instinctively started
Then broke down for the 5th time that day
"How could someone like you ever deserve a home"
Then I had remembered  
That Im not allowed to
Have a safe space

I'm a drifter
Pushing the limits
My health is at risk
Every minute
No one to care
Whether I die or live  

Sitting on my hands
In a thicket
Praying wishing waiting thanking
God that I woke still broken
Throwing up stuff
Everytime I tried to move

Stay low
on your toes
Please No
Please make it stop
Oh god here it comes again
My Sweat drips endlessly
Chiggers bit my skin
So it wont quit itchin'

Bites that bother until next week
All I want is a place to hang my hat
Or hopefully lay my head without trip wires surrounding
All I want is to oggle my alter and call on my angels and my God
Without being on constant alert
Watching my own six

Bc your own brother will turn on you
Don't get comfortable
Dont relax
Dont unpack
Dont believe
A ******* thing they tell you
Prove me wrong then

Haven't had a mfr not turn
Haven't seen anyone actually keep their word

And why cant i set up an alter without it being destroyed?
My week has been hectic sporadic challenging. This poem was written in bits throughout the course of this week i realize im all over the place and my head space is caving in
1.1k · Jan 2019
Bowedbranches Jan 2019
Bed littered
With spicits
Of a fast chick

Afraid to leave my thicket
It could be tragic
To a has-been
Or have you not
Even opened up the gift you got

Too bad
You trap
Your talents beneath baskets
Dark and drastic

The mystery
Of screaming words
At the ether
Either way,
I'd rather embrace
The ricochets

Let's face it no where's
'cause people are evil
They know we need hope
And that It too will fade
So the mother **** it goes

I spend endless minutes
Attempting to create
Bufferfly effect
Set a second too late
All theres left to do
Is wake
1.0k · Jan 2019
Handgrenade Necklace
Bowedbranches Jan 2019
Handgrenade Necklace
Fried brains for breakfast
Thank the universe
For making me reckless
To quote it he said
"This is a tangent
I can no longer manage"
Ripped the words
Straight from some shambles
I let mr. Psychobabble go and
Ramble til he's blue in the face
And logic is ripped from
His sensorys.
This is me
It seems I bleed
I'm a freak
I'm a poorly programmed robot
Shove me in little boxes
And watch me
I dunno .... Twackibg though train
Bowedbranches Jun 2024
Waiting to combust
With the rowdiest
Sons a *******
So Solipsistic

How are all of you
Steering this ship
From a sole conscious
What does the abyss say?

Honestly I am fed up
With their kind!

Trying to rewrite
The psalms of witches
All I got's my word
So that's all you'll be given

You gonna burn me?
Go 'head
Unburden me
Of these "impurities"

Energy's eternal
Watch as it's transfered
From my fingers
Back into the earth

The final embers were flickering
For what felt like forever


They'll never learn from this
903 · Apr 2019
mapping pathways
Bowedbranches Apr 2019
Each decision were given
every sentence we spit
has been mapping pathways
and to be honest...I'm afraid

I couldnt handle losing
Something so beautiful
behind our thot chakras
Pupils loosen to
Go all optical
project on screen

and how likely it could be
IT leaves me paranoid
I refuse to be the lepper led
to the poison pit
by somee lovely deceiving mirage

watch it bomb
get up and trek on
can't just let them watch
me rot
Cam, come on,
can't keep stopping

Wake up daily and thank god
I'll always pay homage
to the lot
that taught me this

perpetually in debt
to these lessons
I can't seem to get
cuz I guess Im thick headed

Not all is lost
I know it seems
****** off but there is still
plenty of pretty moments

closing in
freakin focus
or before you lose them
875 · Jun 2017
Still sick..
Bowedbranches Jun 2017
40 days in
and you think your cured
until you see a glimpse of your old life
in treatment they call it Euphoric Recall
thinking using comes with happy days
but you know its misery
when you have a random fit
a craving..
that pulls every atom in different directions
and it seems like nothing can stop it
this isn't a poem, this is truth
this is me crying out because I've forgotten how
no clever quips, no word play
just the here and now
what good is a sponsor when you cant be trusted with a phone
especially when a gut-wrenching void rears it's head
at 3.a.m
this has always been the hardest part of the day for me
the loneliness settles in ..
I start to miss people I shouldn't miss
My God, I am still sick
and I might always be this way
I shut my eyes and give up all my worries
eliminate desire from my heart
40 days in
and I was so close to giving up
Just for today
I will look my disease in the face
and say *******!
addiction, random thoughts
863 · Jan 2019
Bowedbranches Jan 2019
Shivers me timbers
**** up the guilt
She stays in the slums
With some ill killers

Seven ****** sirens
Submit to bleak conditioning
Routine rude awakening
Seek a beacon of hope
And hold it faithfully

Cake your mask in
Make-believes and maybes... still
they won't carry you to safety

I crave the ability
To shake the surface rabies, daily
Away we go bored & lazy
So, you say you hate me?
So what?!

Could ya focus on the love for once
The uncomfortable flutters/ in my stomach
Too close for comfort

Becoming one with underlings
**** them for functioning
I'm humbled but accustomed to the streets

Make that mouth
Match yo feet and
Go move your motion machine
One day; it quits breathing

Shivers seep through to the innards
Mister Mastermind
Have you earned the right
To learn what it means to be "your kind"

In crime we trust
And lust after lies
Mustered enough mayhem to tear up an afterlife
836 · Apr 2019
Gorgeous yet Grotesque
Bowedbranches Apr 2019
Gorgeous yet grotesque
way to be oblivious
can you please see us
as more than just meat

and try to meet my inner mess
one woman show, so it goes
expose the jester I kept
sheltered outta fear

they never let her feel accepted
been betrayed about a milli
but still somehow didn't seem to get it
it starts to set in something they said
super prevalent it convinced me

that we are hollow we are empty
always getting arrested by envy
guess you just jealous,
of my comedic intellect,
accidental elegance,
remind me to invest in it

Let me nest in positive intent
& sent messages.. Please,
It it the distance dimensions
I might be privy to?
Futile the difference.. between acceptable
and dare not ******* mention

Better get it how you live, For Real fix it
Forget to exist
Cuz I sense you inching toward
a world of archetypes, white lies, and dead wishes
while alone your beautiful
I vow to never fluff you up
because my love your finished

Fully flawed
favorite flavor
**** the flock
I love your layers

gorgeous yet grotesque
forever interestin'
always messy
couldn't accept a dimension
in which we haven't met

see i will bleed for you and **** all these sheep for you
these weak dudes, they can keep it up then ******* get bruised
and although I'm a loser, Its no lie. They can't even see you
and you deserve the moon

your void is loyal
I like the noises that it makes
and I think it harmonizes with mine
better than okay our combined magic made
Never felt plastic even for a second
better reset your clock cause if your not

thankful all them stomach flutters
will become hate
from butterflies to quick little make shift shivs
stay gold, for you are gorgeous
they will gorge on each every blemish
displayed on your skin

don't be afraid to live
because your insides are
just as grotesque as mine
theres something about
that squishy equipment
and how
soft and sacred
maybe it's
slightly contaminated
like satin in a coffin
781 · Oct 2021
Bring it..
Bowedbranches Oct 2021
And close calls
He can never seem
To quit cleaning..

Master of the matrix
May just be maintaining
I'd hate to malfunction

Once I understand
how it all works
It's my fault....

And now your hurt

Eventually convinced
I might be cursed
Because I can't
Hear the call..
No longer

Probably be hobblin'
And surviving rougher seas
Than I have ever seen

Nobody can wage
A War like me


Bring it!
776 · Oct 2018
Bowedbranches Oct 2018
Because I'm better at being all alone
Than living up to someones expectations
And that's not living at all
They will drown you in plastic
To cover your flaws
I'm sure thats a job that lasts all year long
And I've got lots of them
Time to conjure one last acceptance speech
I'd like to thank the industry
for teaching me how to sleep with sheep
I'd like to thank the machines
For making, able bodied apes think this laziness is okay
I'd like to thank the dawn of a new age
Where hope is holding on with bruised fingers
Though we cheer passionately from the sidelines we wouldn't dare go up there to help it
I yell until passion wells
In the eyes of the wealthy who couldnt imagine a life that wasnt paved and pre packaged for them
But a single moment washed over us ,and so we lowered our
Heads to let it
Sink to the bottom
Now to unlock our DNA strands
Standing in a perfect circle
A surge of energy immersed us in the ability to understand what we weren't certain of
Electricity fizzed from our finger tips and now we're seeing this
Is being amongst brothers, sisters, and friends
No longer strangers, haters, liars or saints. Saints who sin .just creatures each was cursed with consiousness; in constant connection, we met to
Shed the skin of society chip at the obsession with illusion of time so we can finally aquire the tribesman lifestyle, simple, yet well earned we listen to the wind and learn from the Earth
I accept it as perfection
And think that pain is a hurt stray waiting in windowsills
Praying that peace will fill
Some lonely girls chest
Though she too was begging
To rescue something other than herself
To love is to welcome the infedel
With open arms
To love is to become and see
from each soul, go and leave  
yo tremendous
Ego half dead at the last show  
Now we reaching deeply to all walks of life, argue bout the art of hard knock life, weather lazy fate will win or through some luck find the strength to fight
Keep on getting beat down
But I rise up Everytime

Oh come on come at me I needa scapegoat for my anger
You came to play huh?
Wait til i load these lungs
lets release a contagion of language
if it's a virus anyway let's get sick and stain the papyrus with inkblots and secrets lost under my mumbles so I'm bout bankrupt on selling my emtions
To get well..very unprepared
I know, but under the surface I'm working on a dwelling I can go
To escape the hell
Here she comes they call it
The inevitable farewell
I accept the plane is powering down
Thank you for the freedom to scream my thoughts loudly
Though the crowd might be lousy
At listening
This time we've tried Bonding
Instead Of repeating
To all of my survivors
Alive and well still wandering
Among the wreckage and can't quit bettering the new new
I accept you and respect you
So until our next hello my friend
Regretfully I bid you and the world farwell
Bowedbranches Apr 2024
I guess I should thank you
For the solitude
I definitely do
Deserve some me time
Bowedbranches Apr 2024
Is an illusion
Science shows us
Life is constantly
In flux

Cant keep waiting
On a certain moment, event,
Or epiphany
To button up our suffering
In a neat little package

We've hung on to this hope of
Only "AFTER" is when I'll be healed
Enduring days won't be devastating
And suddenly I'll be this beacon
Of strength, I'll be able to endure anything

In truth,
Grief's a heartache
That never really goes away
The brain starts to play
With what's "fact"and whats "fake"

If this is the way
Then where am I going?
707 · Apr 2019
The Wick
Bowedbranches Apr 2019
The pain gets
too much to handle
Too much flame
And not enough candle
689 · Oct 2015
Invitation only
Bowedbranches Oct 2015
By application only eh?
Another test of my proficiency
Why do they care?
To pick out the defected?
To nip at the disease?
To find some sort of control over the whole ****** thing?
I'm breathing,
Mad as a hatter in the skull cap
And I will not be put on bar graphs
I choose to be defective
Free-styling to my enlightenment
Laughing Like the Buddha
I think to myself "how precious it is to be this faulty machine"
681 · May 2024
On You yet again
Bowedbranches May 2024
So you finally
Got the guts
To migrate...

To give a guy
A chance
When you know it
Ends the same..
As the song before

Told you to knock
Down these walls
And build a door
Instead ya didn't
do a **** thing

But diss
And disappointment me
Did I expect
It to explode

With all your
Odes and empty promises
Love bombing
Cuz you wanted me

Now it's
"Our views are just too different"
You're "confused" and your too distant
To the point where I'm


On You
Yet again
617 · Jun 2016
Back to bed again...
Bowedbranches Jun 2016
Back to bed again
Ive paid my dues
Waited countless hours in this
Half state
To ascend to higher realms
Yet i remain wide eyed
And worried
Counter parts ive wished to cast out
But havent found out how
push defeatism aside
Horizons rise
And set in these moments
While i convince myself
Who's body
I belong to
Out of the distance
Whispers slither in
"Forget what you know"
607 · Jun 2024
Nightly News
Bowedbranches Jun 2024
Channel 2

Nightly News

Who even knows anymore?

The clink of dishes


Discussions a-bout dynamite

Likely to tear my hair out

It's fair to say I'd scare

my younger self

Wouldn't recognize,

or even know how to reply

to the sight of things

Paranoia creepin' in

Might have to do with,

all that research I been readin'

Either tricks are being played

Or something is amiss
in the way you treat me...
605 · Jul 2019
Grazing Deer
Bowedbranches Jul 2019
Here we go
here's my toast to you
toast to the wasn't
toast to the wish it was
cheers to cherished seconds
and subtle acts of love
scorch me if ya need to
and I shall do the same
the multiverse
is still jeering
in regard to our mistake
I'll be weeping
wondering why we ever were
why our hearts fused
and our heads got filled with magic
given years of laughter
I was reachin' for excuses
questioning why you
didnt care
about me in that moment
the one moment I wasnt there
I keep dreamin
til 'i break down piece by piece
my thymus gets confused
constantly convinved its
still apart of you
quit plucking heart strings
youre so ******* cruel
the weight is heavier than
that of the moon
604 · Nov 2015
Bowedbranches Nov 2015
July 30, 2011 at 6:25pm
There ya go  
slowly  starting to fade
in the concaves
the beam wanes
electro-magnetic waves radiate
straight through the skin
and to the veins
bleeding my own scarlet rays

Disguised as.....
an Indian eye
on my forehead
vines down
into a lava
sizzling bone tissue

Frying every fiber.........atom.......... and molecule
that piece me together

even still you scintillate
in an array of glistening grains
stirring in my bloodstream
static tension
aching flesh

I Rotated
the beam
and became
a reflector
scorching your innards
This is about a man I fell in love with..I thought by loving him enough and trusting it with everything I had that he would love me too. I just didn't know how true this poem would turn out to be 4 years later....scary
565 · Jul 2016
Bowedbranches Jul 2016
Micro manage
Call me standard
But i cant stand to stand
Cant stand to sit
Im overjoyed and poised
In all the wrong ways
Its constant disarray
These days were prone to fainting
And waiting around
For something that helps us feel "in place"
Guess it back to basics
560 · Apr 2024
Cinder blocks
Bowedbranches Apr 2024
like cinder blocks
The constant want
Never been so ex-haust-ed

Stay clenched
Careful what you wish
Could you be a bit more present?

beyond bitten
scratches, scrapes, and sores
I get a rush of destruction
Everytime I dig them

But now that theres a
A point,
A *** to ****,
I can't slink back into the upset
After meeting contentment
..even flashes of happiness

Found love with someone who is  just as ****** up
But worth the struggle
It takes to save them
557 · Jan 2019
Arrow head
Bowedbranches Jan 2019
Arrow head sticking outta my chest
Dont tell me who put it there
The blood & the dirt
The trash must be burned first ..
Left are the ashes
Of my illfitted words
Strike me
Or spare me
Slip me in with the heard..
I sit back and smirk
At the the decay..
Decaying EARTH
Can I get an applause for my brilliant work?
551 · Feb 2017
In a world..
Bowedbranches Feb 2017
That we never thought existed  
We're slipping in and out of dimensions
Quick, knock me back to 20-12
Before the universal concious shift When we had no idea...
it had been a simulation
ever since.
Bowedbranches Aug 2024
I love me
Then I   love  me not
One second I am thriving,
The next I an stirring the ***
Once again

Somewhat sensitive
I'll never know peace
No! **** that!
Don't be, just a subject
Of your conditioning

I'm here
To treat you
With decency
And teach you

How to see right through the *******
523 · Nov 2015
Psychic evaluation
Bowedbranches Nov 2015
Psychic evaluation
Plastic pent up devastation
Watch me from the outside
Shaking, facing corners like I should be faces
Growing thicker by pressure
Letters never mustered out
Quick short breaths
Soothe the skull cap
Bring light to a gray face
Scratched into the surface
lines of  insecurity, passion
Worry upon worry
New ones etched each morning
As I look upon the canvas
I wonder do they find me boring?
511 · Sep 2021
Where have you been?
Bowedbranches Sep 2021
Where have you been?
I'm always craving
Your response
Stop it
You stay
Stomping on
The friendship I want
For us
Why can't you just
Let me love
Family is few and
far between
What have we become?
500 · Nov 2018
The heretic
Bowedbranches Nov 2018
May you sleep in your final resting place
May it wash the tired from your face
May your eyes grow back their light, rid you of your wrongs overnight

And spare you
Spare you of that horrid sight

May you resist the urge to scratch
Shrug off the cringing as you look back
Back at the laughs you won't get back
And the trail of fabric you have yet to patch
Scars last
This I've learned from the things I lack
"One cannot run from their past"

You were,
And doomed to roam the Earth
With the horrid sight on repeat

Tortured souls
Placed gracefully
On tempered coals
"Don't sqeal, don't wimper, don't say a word"

They whisper
Because they can't stand the sound of their own indecency
..and ancient echoes ring through

"May you find freedom somewhere else
Fried through each and every cell
Into you , countless angels fell
But for now FOCUS...

Now, I know this place resembles hell
One day they too will perish
When that day comes
They will hear the screams of tortured souls
You my child, will see waving hands and windchimes

"So, for this glistening moment in human history
FOCUS .. on something bigger than yourself
Don't shrudder
Dont Shreik
Simply lay there lovely as ever
And burn."
Old poem written in 2011 about a.women being burned at the stake in the midst of her punishment and angel starts comforting her, reminding her.that this state is not permanent and that she is completely in the right for the things that got her there. a sacrafice that will never be forgotten and forever appreciated.
479 · Apr 2019
Four play & War paint
Bowedbranches Apr 2019
Four play & War paint
Absorbin horror shows
The noises that corner mse
So many foreign coodinates

Drip through my head
I am the messenger
A witch you will never burn
Surely they'll stop hurting me

I play dead
Stuck in fetal positions
Just a symptom
Of disease.....

I'm a parasite some might say
So excited when your dead
Last 8 minutes where the
Brain stem shares

The mountains
You fail to create
Download from your database the endless wishes
You facilitate

We arrange to make love
Oh,  but make haste
Flashes attack before they fade
I like the fact that you can hang

Background folk rap
I bet this my soundtrack
Where I conjure compassion
And scorch out all of my bad habits

Rig up the riot gear
Ready the weapons
Slow up my heart rate
I will no longer
let this anger take me

Four play and war paint
They have trained us
To crave what's dangerous..
478 · Jan 2019
Cold Sweat
Bowedbranches Jan 2019
Cold sweat
Soaking a little vest
Feel it caress
Each blemish
& bake up under the skin
Just...                     listen.....
I think that's the sound of my
Heart shiverin'
Though I can't really call it
One of the many....yes i seem to always   fall into this lawless state
469 · Sep 2017
Under Construction
Bowedbranches Sep 2017
They're bulldozing over your gravesite
To make more ******* apartments
Hey! Let's add more idiots to the mix
To forget you exist
This is where we'd go to hid our secret
No one will ever know the extent of it
So I throw your poetry in fire pits
To resurrect your presence
In the here and now my angel
I'm so elated you found peace
Though, I'm stuck under construction
Seeking ways to embrace the living
Were seperated by dimensions
Intention is key
I reach out for your hands everytime there's a breeze
You couldnt even give me a reason
Let alone write a letter
About what went down during your last fight to get better
Oh, i cried violently same as each false alarm
Each time you challenged death
He came back stronger than before
I want you to hammer away
On my puny brain
Take my memories
But leave their stain
Because not even I can embrace it's rich paint
463 · Jan 2017
Belated Christmas
Bowedbranches Jan 2017
I'm a junkyard dog,
who was scooped
from it's home
and taken
to the pound.

I'm a mother,
who doesn't show affection
because I don't know how.

I'm a raindrop,
soon to be converted
into a thousand tiny pieces
of a town's White Christmas.

I'm a house-cat,
easily amused by a pile
of dissected presents.

I am a child,
enthralled by the shimmer
and fantasy hoax.

I am a Grandfather,
because I let my spirit slip
years ago.

I am a pigeon,
sitting on a wire all alone..
I've watched all my brethren migrate
because this year..
I'd rather be at home.
448 · Jun 2024
Bowedbranches Jun 2024
Here it is,
The moment
Where you know
That your soul-mate
Is absolutely full
Of it

Daily routine disappointment
You refuse to see the point
And your sick of me saying
That These crazy,
"captain save a **" ways are
impeding our dreams

How the **** cant you see
past it?
You got life on fast-forward
Ignore anything important
Where you at young warrior?

I need you to reach the door,
Along with
fauna and flora
For your info. I have always resented the term captain save a ** but its dif perspectives
444 · Oct 2015
Bowedbranches Oct 2015
Its getting down to the bottom
Of a bottle
I couldn't even afford
I see your face sometimes
In reflections
Periphery tricks
You're somewhere far away now
I don't want to write cliche love poems
Until ******* flows out of my ears
But I want to tell you....
Waking up next to you
and caressing your prickly Irish beard,
Making you laugh,
Telling you to stop poking me in the **** leg
Are the most cherished memories I have
Thank you for sharing them
I know I'll never wake to that again
So I guess it's back to searching for you in the dream world
Where you embrace me
and I'll say it's okay my "Bebe"
We're just fine,
"I love you."
Bowedbranches Apr 2024
Oh Happy Day
What a very Happy  day
Now, how many laps do I have to take
And how many acts could I actually save
til I one day savor it
Here, take your HATE you can cradle it
Ive been an angel of patience
still stuck in prayer
Theyll say
she is so much safer
without the danger there
waiting to break
Pain is simply in her nature
433 · Nov 2018
With anxiety..
Bowedbranches Nov 2018
... it's freaking frightening
To feel the rope pull a little too tight in me
Turns out they had thought

Most likey they
Should lie to me
415 · Nov 2018
Brain bees
Bowedbranches Nov 2018
Here's my brain buzzing with bees
Hurry hush the need to want and want and want no matter the number
Or painful the colors
That accent your energy
Throw a fit to entertain
Those who are bleak
They fall asleep
satisfied members of the audience
And all the words that were meant to come out bold and interesting
Most times were to cure the mess within
Sweet peasant, your much more than passer-by stuck begging
My heart yearns for your pain
Also, your wisdom
Just look at the many spirits lifted
From the simple smile
That coats your existence
Sweet, Peasant
I regret to mention
The climb will be more tediuos
Than you could envision..
Bowedbranches Aug 2024
I can't handle
This web
You've got me tangled
Up in

Still feel
As if
My stomach's
getting pumped  

Oh, I wish you could win my
Fuggin' trust back
But  its  tragic
You say
You. dont. want. to
Win it back
Quit getting upset
Because I don't see that happening

You claim I come up
Come to find out
Your secrets are
gut wrenching

So I'd rather not unpack here
Or uncover anymore,
She can clean out
Your closet next time

I can take a hint

I'm trying to take the hint

But it's like I've  just been body slammed
404 · May 2024
Bowedbranches May 2024
398 · Jul 2021
The monster
Bowedbranches Jul 2021
Beat da basic ***** right outta dem. Vow to never let the light dim. **** it up or
suction cup it
cuz somethings stuck inside the succubus
it's not love or lust
Lot like utter disgust, yo ****** pass the bucket
That ***** leaking ****
Or black sludge
Lookin' for anotha sucka to lure in
Sure does **** for them.

gonna go
Gonna go
Gonna go beast mode
Or beat hoes with a flow
So positive
Lock it in or jot that down
Honor me wit honesty
Yo homonyms
Can't Steal my oxygen
Detoxin off all my prisons
In Paradise painted cage
Why bother with
Letting rage win
When man kept pushing
passed my limits
and time again
Ugly actions try to hack me
But I can't let that reality
Matter to me
Guess it matters to me
Wish it mattered to you
Zero dark thirty quotes
I hold up like a moral code
Keep all these inside jokes on the low low
Making it sacred only to  those who matter most.
Beat em til they sleepy
Aye I need to re-lease
The FIRE within in
Me (me) me (me) me (me)
The meanest of the mean
Make more make make more more
freaking beats
For me
To beat and bruise
395 · Sep 2017
Self Portrait
Bowedbranches Sep 2017
Personality is caustic, volatile, and drop dead goofy to a fault
I'll make you gasp
then **** your britches
Back to basics maven,
mayhem is what my DNA strands are made from..
I'm good at keeping you guessing
or in constant edge of your seat distress.
Let me learn you some lessons, take your spirit on a walk
Little by little
I'll undress it.
My personality in one shot
I'm a Cosmic freak
with a dash of silly antics.
393 · Sep 2017
We were Rome
Bowedbranches Sep 2017
Where do we go now
After forging empires
Just to tear them down?
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