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  Jul 7 Bowedbranches
Ignorance quashed the feline,
Rashness foiled the canine,
Cowardice cost the equine,
Greed consumes each swine,
Slothfulness traps the bovine,
But me? I'm doin' just fine!
Bowedbranches Jun 27
Waiting to combust
With the rowdiest
Sons a *******
So Solipsistic

How are all of you
Steering this ship
From a sole conscious
What does the abyss say?

Honestly I am fed up
With their kind!

Trying to rewrite
The psalms of witches
All I got's my word
So that's all you'll be given

You gonna burn me?
Go 'head
Unburden me
Of these "impurities"

Energy's eternal
Watch as it's transfered
From my fingers
Back into the earth

The final embers were flickering
For what felt like forever


They'll never learn from this
Bowedbranches Jun 26
Here it is,
The moment
Where you know
That your soul-mate
Is absolutely full
Of it

Daily routine disappointment
You refuse to see the point
And your sick of me saying
That These crazy,
"captain save a **" ways are
impeding our dreams

How the **** cant you see
past it?
You got life on fast-forward
Ignore anything important
Where you at young warrior?

I need you to reach the door,
Along with
fauna and flora
For your info. I have always resented the term captain save a ** but its dif perspectives
Bowedbranches Jun 22
Sweat attack
I'm Solo Dolo
On re-lax mode
Who's asking?
Lack of plastic evidence
Let that hot modern medicine
Do the rest
No where to go
No hope in tact
Blabbing til I couldn't
hardly  move my mouth
If it was allowed
I'm sure
That this tongue could
Move mountains
Bowedbranches Jun 18
Channel 2

Nightly News

Who even knows anymore?

The clink of dishes


Discussions a-bout dynamite

Likely to tear my hair out

It's fair to say I'd scare

my younger self

Wouldn't recognize,

or even know how to reply

to the sight of things

Paranoia creepin' in

Might have to do with,

all that research I been readin'

Either tricks are being played

Or something is amiss
in the way you treat me...
Bowedbranches May 14
So you finally
Got the guts
To migrate...

To give a guy
A chance
When you know it
Ends the same..
As the song before

Told you to knock
Down these walls
And build a door
Instead ya didn't
do a **** thing

But diss
And disappointment me
Did I expect
It to explode

With all your
Odes and empty promises
Love bombing
Cuz you wanted me

Now it's
"Our views are just too different"
You're "confused" and your too distant
To the point where I'm


On You
Yet again
Bowedbranches May 10
Static tension
Drain the senses
Self sedation

There's no pride
In losing patience

But if petty revelation
Comes to
Claim my head
I'll be elated

The whole things
Too constricting
To even paint it
Paint it
Paint it out

Right above these storm clouds
And if the chips fall
Let em fall
Where they may...
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