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83 · Apr 2020
morning song
Kai Apr 2020
musical melodies
soft symphonies
they fill the air
from bird in trees
to the buzz of bees
the morning song
gently floats along
83 · Oct 2019
Time Will Tell
Kai Oct 2019
Only time will tell
how forests age
aching from the fires
and planting new seeds

Only time will tell
how the mountains
shall move and crumble
into the cities we see

Only time will tell
how the waters settle
slipping deep in streams
and wading through

Only time will tell
how we will break
away from one another
into another we know
83 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
I'm sitting in my room
lit by the blue screen
huddled in the shadows
under my blankets I curl

peacefully blissfully alone
away from the loud noise
of the harsh judging world
where I can be the loser
Can we only be ourselves
when we are alone
83 · Mar 2020
Song about you
Kai Mar 2020
Like a young boy in love
I wrote a song for you
something sweet and strong
to play on my guitar
but when I finally finish
when chords and melodies
have become what they will
I try to find the lyrics
but that is there now
is an empty space for you
because while you were waiting
I tried to find a way to move you
but you were already moving on
I wrote my heart into this song
but now that you're gone
and my lyrics are left unfinished
I sit down to write them anyway
because you not wanting me
doesn't mean that I wont feel again
so for the next lonely lover
I'll sit down in this moment
finish what was meant to be your song
I'll write these lyrics through my sobs
I think I'm actually going to go write some chords for this...
81 · May 2019
Vague Memories
Kai May 2019
I don't remember how our faces look like
but I know yours was so beautiful
I don't know what our names are
but I know yours brings comfort
I don't know who I am
but you are here
Have you ever had a relationship just fall apart slowly? So slowly you don't notice till it's gone, and you can hardly recall the times you had?
81 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
cold heavy hands
drag me down
into the deep sea

i'm dragged down
into this oblivion
where apathy settles
I hate those slumps when you feel weighted down and tied to your bed. Like you can't get up because you're chained down by a void of emotions. The days everything feels pointless and you just want to sleep eternally.
80 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
The never-living
like rejected gifts
a whisper unsaid
The never-dead
like heaped trash
a broken thing
They are only the beginning.
80 · Feb 2020
Night Time
Kai Feb 2020
There is a face in my window
cast in shadow and mirror
the street light flickers a bit
catching on the tree branches
making them seem much longer
as they scratch on my window
like nails tapping at the glass
my eyes glance away to my room
the corners seem to stretch now
figures and claws twist on the wall
my mind plays cruel visions out
as the night creeps on through
79 · Feb 2020
Waiting Room
Kai Feb 2020
the clock is ticking
so ominous and looming
minutes pass so slow

in the waiting room
picking at lips in terror
my heart pattering

scared to make a sound
quite as death and just as still
then the door opens
nothing is more nerve racking then waiting.

(It's five seven five like a haiku)
79 · Feb 2020
At Home
Kai Feb 2020
do you see the hurt
it has been so long
I thought I was numb
the hatred you harbor
it stains my skin again

was I not good enough
did I fall short somehow
what did I ever do but live
your temper is like fire
burning across my temples

was I ever even anything
you scream I’m ungrateful
what am I to be grateful for
that you birthed me on a whim
I did not consent to being alive
77 · Jun 2020
Kai Jun 2020
you will know me all though life
until one day I will change
do not be shocked that they are gone
for I was an inevitability
people change and I'm not sorry that I wouldn't stay the same.
76 · Apr 2020
Stranger Conversations
Kai Apr 2020
"how do you force feed an angry ferret?"
like trying to tame the seas it is difficult
or to do the reverse of someone as a parrot
but I'm glad to be here to try and consult
Stranger Conversations: Start the first line of your poem with a word or phrase from a recent passing conversation between you and someone you don’t know. This was hard due to social distancing, but here it is. Someone said this and I only heard a bit of the conversation.
66 · Aug 2019
Kai Aug 2019
The walls will whisper
of what they witnessed
during the darkest night
of the man murdered

The roof holds dear
the soft hushing
of the young mother
soothing her babe

The graves soak up
all our fragile tears
that hit the ground
in the grieving sorrow

The grass will tremble
in anticipation now
at the bouncing step
of a new adventure
Inanimate objects have no thought of their own but perhaps the hold the dearest intentions of what we left behind.
65 · Jul 2019
I Don't Know
Kai Jul 2019
I don't want to know
what you know
about me now

I don't want to know
what they're saying
behind the doors

I don't want to know
that you will
and never have

I don't want to know
how you know
what you know
64 · Aug 2019
Voiceless Witnesses
Kai Aug 2019
If trees could talk
what wisdom
would they impart

They'd have so much
to say and to show
if only ever object could

they'd speak of horrors
what they have witnessed
through these ages
64 · Jun 2019
Kai Jun 2019
I know you're trying to help
and it's sweet and nice
but I don't want your advice
62 · Jan 2020
Kai Jan 2020
Everyone says anxiety is heavy
that it will suffocate you
and drag you down
till all there is is panic

Maybe it’s cliche to say
but mine is a bit different
it’s like buzzing electricity
a senseless strike of lightning

I stutter and flutter about
not able to speak at all
without missteps and blanks
I’ll forget in the middle of

But the worst part is turning
the churning of my stomach
the constant feeling of *****
being alive makes me feel sick
The title is kind of a meme. I'm writing something stupid about my experience is "different", but I'm sure others have felt this way too. Honestly the day you wake up it might be a different kind. Anxiety is weird like that.
60 · Jun 2020
the future trip
Kai Jun 2020
down the road
driving away now
from the grey
the cloudy sky
in dark sun
an eye opens
and spills out
all the secrets
that we held
far away then
from the old
from the familiar
and be new
here with me
58 · Feb 2020
Kai Feb 2020
“Wow, you’re so polite!”
Thanks, I’m afraid you’ll **** me for any slight.
Rhyme Time. Don’t ask why, but this came up when I was talking with my brother. It rhymed so I had to post it.
55 · Feb 2020
Kai Feb 2020
death that leans
looming over us
kissing infant cheeks
and elderly feet
53 · Jan 2020
Cold Water
Kai Jan 2020
it burns on my skin
cold water from the faucet
rushing down on me
Do you ever stick your hands underneath the faucet till they feel like they are burning in the cold water? It's both wonderful and painful. It's clean and yet it's horrible. Like washing away mistakes and taking the penance.
52 · May 2019
The Hospital
Kai May 2019
The sad couple in the corner
The girl over there all alone
The crying babe being shushed

Their all so sad, it's eerie
I've been really into obscure vocabulary lately so the last one along with it's prompt was based of kenopsia. This one is based on the last poem "Hospital Cafeteria".
51 · Apr 2020
Meet me there
Kai Apr 2020
Meet me by the river
where the sweet grass grows

Meet me in the evening shade
where our bodies will lay

Meet me with smile and kiss
something gentle on your blood lips
Some scraped verses from a song I’m working on
44 · Feb 2020
Writer's Process
Kai Feb 2020
It starts with a spark
a flash of lightning
thoughts and ideas
you get in a moment
inspiration from above
scrambling for paper
as it slips like water
through your mind
you strain to catch
these drops of rain
so fleeting yet lovely
they pool below you
seeping into the page
I honestly write too much about water and rain. I think I have enough water-centric poems to write a book at this point.
19 · Jan 2020
Without You
Kai Jan 2020
It sounds dramatic
but without you
life is achromatic

It's empty and small
my life without you
is a never ending drawl

— The End —