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Nov 2020 · 2.3k
And if I Cry
if I cry
The tears will
cleanse my eyes
wash my face  
Glide along my neck.

My hair will be blessed
with the water of You.
Flowing down my sacred *******,
That nourished.

Waterfall of the Angels,
Down my back.
My body
feeling the coolness.

the sadness of it all.
I am Drenched
in all my thoughts and love
indued with you.

The tears will pool at my feet
forming the trickle,
That will meet the rain drops.
Find the flow-away..
will bring the parts of
you and me together...
down to the river.

through that river
we will join.
Enter the ocean.
My tears will spread
far and wide... 

A perfect moment,
they will rise up
One with the clouds that have formed
the rain and the mist

And if I cry these
will be my tears
Once again
My daughter Mariah Belle Flaherty passed at age 24 on September 23, 2020
R.I.P my youngest Love
Sep 2019 · 833
Christi Michaels MoonFlower May 2018

There are no
Monsters here...

this, the
soft, fertile soil,
that was
to feed the
Family Gardens.

No evil creatures, lurking behind
these timid
hurting hearts.

a painful place...
this invasive, pervasive,
of Us .

Here lay
The raw,
The ragged
mashed up
An onslaught
of hurts,
that float and fester
in our cauldron
of tears.

'Canvas of Colors'
tells Our story...
Melding together
The frozen and
unthawed moments of
all the

There are no Monsters here

We are the tender
beings that continue
to breathe ragged
after the forest fire,
tripping  through
Crumbling Ashes
turned wet black.
Dank and slippery.

Yearning to find
strong footing
amongst these
ruins of our
own doing

No evil creatures, lurking behind
these timid
hurting hearts

There are no Monsters here
Addiction uprootes and infects
The most loving of familiesamily#addiction #familyunits #hurtandpain
Sep 2019 · 1.3k
These wounds are mine
I claim them.
I am the one that allowed
them to happen.
Opened myself up.
Engaged in the rage
and Drama.

50 years of my 60,
have only thought
how I could do no harm to others.
I was my children’s protector,
The worlds advocate.
Yet, I have allowed so much
harm to come to me.

These wounds are mine.
I push them back into
The darkness through
which they came.
That is how I smile and love
through each moment.

These wounds are my own
They are mine
They belong to me
Aug 2019 · 3.3k
I Save...
Pieces of
our past.
Wondering how we will
them back
in the days
of the weeks,
the months
of the years ahead...

as you disguise
on benches,
in corners, alleys.
Hidden in woods,
of freeways.
Tents, cars
of strangers.
Filthy trap houses.
You disappear,
to find
comfort in
the only place
left to heal.

The Deep Depths of Sleep.

Oh how I
worry about
you my love.
You suffer so
for this journey  
you have embarked on...

Oh, how I
hurt for you,
yearn for you,
love for you
and cry for you.

Your pain
so deep
keeps you away,
to dwell in the
terrifying place that
the need to
Self implode..
Obliterate all ability to feel.

Even the
true sense of Belonging
Of being
Missing my precious daughter so...
Jul 2019 · 414
She say's

Write a Poem...
"One, where the Heavens
Are clear,
New Beginnings.

"a different
Path opening ahead of me, Filled
with a Strength
I can hold onto."
"A strength with the
conviction of not
letting me go"

I need this story.
A Poem Story,
That sees My future of hope and love,
so precious.
To be held dearly.
On this
conscious walk,
Filled with Grace
The Divine."

"Holding me tight
and steady
Never wavering,
To help me through."

"Reminding me of
all that
I truly am and...
Not of
what has become."

"To cast a light
upon the
opportunities of
that lay
before me.
My bright heart
That has always been
with me"

"Mamma, I need a Poem,
That remembers...
Reminds me
As I truly am.
'Filled with Grace.'

"A precious gift,
Eyes all abright
Heart open to love.
Without fear of
Being hurt
Jun 2019 · 679
Rainbows of Light
She does not lose well...

She will not forget.
It will haunt her,
the favorite pencil..
tip softened perfectly,
A paw, pushed it
somewhere to a secret spot.
Out of her vision...her reach.  

A peice of paper elusive, yet there...
lodged deep amidst
A stack
of most important things.

She does not lose well...

Not in terms of Games or Competition..
but the things in
her life
that Envelop
her world.

Tough, Scrappy,
and Oh-So Tender.
Holding all
things dear and
close to her heart

Loss is a place of  
deepest contemplation
for her.
The memories she has stored
through her life
stay alive,
stay vibrant,
stay with her

The immense
joy shared.
Her deepests sadness;
A cachet of stories
reverberate within her heart,
expanding outward
like ripples in a pond.

She does not lose well.

The Creatures
and People
that live within the wholeness of her being...

Even One pulled
out leaves,
like a building block,
a gap, a tear,
a hole in her life.

She does not forget,
Or minimize the Pertinance of Love,
A moment that has touched her heart.

Forever an imprint upon her consciousness.
She is permeated with knowledge... the essence of all things.

When it is time for The Loss,
The breakng of her heart can be felt through all time
and space

Being filled with divine wisdom and insight, She is able
to see all aspects
at once.

The Purpose.
The moment becomes filled with rainbows of light.
She will bathe in that guide Them Home
She knows how.

Knows intuitively what course will
be taken.
She trusts in the Divine. Her piece of solice, amidst the flutterings of her most  tender,
broken heart.

The history, the moments.  Living memories, are paramount  in the connection she has with All.

She does not lose well.

Her grief shrouds her, a mystical shawl.
A veil that will hold her dearly
till the pain is at least bearable..

Then she will
To tell her stories
once again.
A friend Losing her Mother to Alzheimer's
Jun 2019 · 850
Christi Michaels MoonFlower
Jul 2016/ repost


I came upon
a parade of
Zinnias today...
lined along the
wild and wily.
An infinite variety
of colorful heads
popping up and out,
like eyes of
wary prairie dogs,
on the lookout
for action.

Thought of you...
the flower pods
you gave me,
filled with
seeds aplenty
to plant in the spring.
Knew just where
they would go.
Imagined my
hands in the
welcoming earth,
sowing them at
just the right depth.

They would grow,
reaching with their
long thin frames.
Vigorously tall
and full of
Summers' brightness.
Symmetrical flowers
filled with attitude
towards the sun.

Flourishing in cracks along  
and driveways.
Finding comfort, feeling free
in the most limited
of spaces.

Yet...I did not
plant them.
Aware that I am
not able, just now,
to make such a commitment.
To water and ****.
Ensuring that they
would reach their full potential.
A simple promise of one season.
To nourish a delicate,
perfect Zinnia.
May 2019 · 2.5k
No way to breathe
No way to find myself
Out of this sorrow
of you

I hear rumors
Sleeping In laundry mats
Dumpsers next
to the river
At night
Under freeway passes

The **** owns you
Knowing you
are so vulnerable
Breaks my heart
Even more

I am isolated
in your aloneness
I am lost in
your lost-ness
I miss you deeply
Yet am afraid
Of all you
come with

How do I find solace
When there is none
When the
silver lining has
become tarnished

My Sparkle Girl
Gone Girl Gone
Even if I found you
You would deny me
You would deny
me because
I am the voice
of reason
That you run from

I am so very alone
in your aloneness
Methamphetamine addiction. Heartbreaking
May 2019 · 2.8k
You are gone,
yet everywhere
that I touch,
see, with my sensitive eyes
and heart.

You are gone,
Yet we never stop looking.
We know you're out there.
Each morning we call the
the jails.

You are gone.
Day after day
we hear nothing.
We wonder,
we hope,
we pray that you
are alive.
That no one has hurt you too badly through the night.
That you've not hurt yourself too much to come back from.

You are gone.
Yet the shadow of you is here.
It is everywhere.
Your shadow floats down from the
moon light,
and at night
covers such deep sadness
we know then that we miss you beyond the stars.

The You
that was You..
Losing an adult child to drugs is devastating beyond words. It hurts so bad.
Mar 2019 · 624
ever so gently.
in this room,
Not mine
filled with
morning light..

Though not seperated
by many miles,
I am
far away from
my home.

I keep telling myself
I can live there..
and I want to...

connections are deep and have been my focus..
Almost half of my years

Unconditional commitment
My life partner,
Once complete.
My love.. my precious one.
My dearest friend, my finest lover.

Created just for me.
Able to play my body
To a comfort unknown.

My Heart to rest
at last.

I dreamt of us
Left one man
Then two

To follow his scent
and found him.
Knew I would bear his daughters,

Knew without question ...
this Definition of Soul Mate

That once belonged to us.

Feb 2019 · 1.9k
Mama Bear
I hurt by the
loss of you.
That you have
lost yourself.
That you can't seem to get away
from the depths
and nightmare
of your addiction.

I am hurting like a Mama Bear.
Lost my cub
and I can't find her.
I look endlessly.
Feel an avalanche  
of painful emptiness.

I am lost myself,
in losing you.
May 2018 · 9.3k
There are no Monsters

There are no
Monsters here...

this, the
soft, fertile soil,
that was
to feed the
Family Gardens.

No evil creatures, lurking behind
these timid
hurting hearts.

a painful place...
this invasive, pervasive,
of Us .

Here lay
The raw,
The ragged
mashed up
An onslaught
of hurts,
that float and fester
in our cauldron
of tears.

'Canvas of Colors'
tells Our story...
Melding together
The frozen and
unthawed moments of
all the

There are no Monsters here

We are the tender
beings that continue
to breathe ragged
after the forest fire,
tripping through
Crumbling Ashes
turned wet black.
Dank and slippery.

Yearning to find
strong footing
amongst these
ruins of our
own doing

No evil creatures, lurking behind
these timid
hurting hearts

There are no Monters here
Addiction uprootes and infects
The most loving of families
Jul 2017 · 939
Big Bass Boom
Surround Sound.
Big Bass Boom in my heart,
Brings home.
Self evident,
this hollow space
still waiting for your Love.

Years upon years
our cavern deepens.
Rough cut by rivers of tears.
Torrents actually.
They change nothing,
to quell fears and aloneness
Oh, the loneliness

This vantage has grown old.
Void of intimacy or tenderness.
No craggy wall to latch onto.
Retreat not an option,
nor a reachable rock in sight
to secure a safe escape.

Time to wave arms high!
Burn the SOS fire,
bright to the sky!
Let out a mighty Scream!

An empty echo
settles the truth.
Big Bass Boom in my Heart


Copyright © 2017.
Christi Michaels.
MoonFlower-Fluer de Luna
All Rights Reserved.
Jul 2017 · 1.2k
Coming home
▪◇▪ ▪◇▪

her cough
is a song

her silence
is that of healing

i hope
i hope

she is here
near enough
for me to hear

the sighs
i welcome her sighs
tired bones

i send hugs
to the next room
blow sweet kisses

there will be
no acknowledgement
it matters not

her cough
is a song
to me


Copyright © 2017.
Christi Michaels.
MoonFlower-Fluer de Luna
All Rights Reserved.
Jul 2017 · 59
the calm
There is space
between the moments.
No catch in my breath.
I harbor no fear this eve
of loved ones lost,
or unexpected anger.

The pups are content.
Tired from barking
at fireworks.
Colors blazed in the sky.
Bonfire set to coals.
To cool till morn

I am calm tonight
No quiver in my belly
anticipating a tremor.
A fresh breeze
finds me.
My mind floats
on the cool dry air.

And so...
I am calm tonight
and this is good.

Copyright © 2017.
Christi Michaels.
MoonFlower-Fluer de Luna
All Rights Reserved.
Jul 2017 · 796
the calm
There is space
between the moments.
No catch in my breath.
I harbor no fear this eve
of loved ones lost,
or unexpected anger.

The pups are content.
Tired from barking.
Fireworks, colors
blazed in the sky.
Bonfire set to coals,
to cool till morn.

I am calm tonight.
No quiver in my belly
anticipating a tremor.
A fresh breeze
finds me.
My thoughts
float on the cool dry air.

And so...
I am calm
and this is good.

Copyright © 2017.
Christi Michaels.
MoonFlower-Fluer de Luna
All Rights Reserved.
Jun 2017 · 865
Shutting Down
Tips of pine
Curves of birch curls
Against the crimson scarlet
slight of eve
I rest my eyes

Gently, I wipe the soft oak table
Cotton and lace draped
Fruit ń avocados
nestled in a bowl
A sweet for the morning

The day dissolves
My weary mind
My weary bones
My heart...weary

I turn from the world
Tuning into only the
simplest, base sounds
Hues of gentle reflection

The angst that
has gripped
too many moments
of too many hours
of too many days
Just now begins to ebb
Just now able
to breathe
at a gentle gait

Three down comforters and
feather pillows fluffed into a nest
My shoulders can rest
Lights down low,
I find my warmth
within this
divine softness

Shutting down...
The sounds,
the warmth
my breath
Let the dreams take me away

Copyright © 2017.
Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Dec 2016 · 8.2k
A kiss of breath

A kiss of breath
This delight,
To inhale twilight.
Ride the nightlight to the stars.

To kiss the breath within
each moment
Free from introspection,
doubt and regrets.
It is here, I yearn to dwell.

No fear of neglect.
No fear of offense.
No fear of fear.

Yet, ever vigil,
to a slight variance of mood.
Of circumstance.
Of changes that determine
outcomes and future.

Fear of loss.
Fear of rejection.
Fear of fear.

I succomb to this perception.
Live in accordance
within the rules and structure
that appear to maintain order  
to each of my days

Yet I await, with anticipation...
To kiss the breath within
each moment

This delight.
To inhale twilight.
Ride the nightlight to the stars


Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels. All Rights Reserved.
❣ An honor, ThankYou ❣
Nov 2016 · 1.3k
magic wands

trees wrapped in
glimmering lights  
shine and sparkle
under moons night
open land so bright
to run
to slide
snow so white and
soft like clouds
absorbs our bodies fall

pines and firs
a canopy
casting gaze on all below
branch tips wrapped in
delicate ice
magic wands
hovering o're our heads
this eve of moonlit glow


Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels. All Rights Reserved.

Winter Everywhere!!!!:-)
Oct 2016 · 1.3k
a glimmer of hope
you stepped
into my room
last night
quietly watching me dream
the warmth of
your breath
floating towards me

as emotions fluctuated
a kaliedescope
all the possibilities,
ever changing

I almost felt
then not...
a moment
when we may have
your seperation
from me palpable

eyes shut
my hypervigilance
protecting my being
that by opening
myself to you
I may feel
my heart
once again*

Copyright © October, 2016.
Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Jul 2016 · 2.3k
Forever Young
Forever Young**
Written and arranged and recorded by:
Bob Dylan

May God bless and keep you always
May your wishes all come true
May you always do for others
And let others do for you
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young.

May you grow up to be righteous
May you grow up to be true
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young.

May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift
May your heart always be joyful
And may your song always be sung
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young.
**Forever Young**
Written and arranged by:
Bob Dylan
Jul 2016 · 1.4k
I came upon a parade of
Zinnias today...
lined along the pave-way,
wild and wily.
An infinite variety
of colorful heads
popping up and out,
like eyes of
wary prairie dogs,
on the lookout for action.

Thought of you...
the flower heads you gave me,
filled with seeds aplenty
to plant in the spring.
Knew just where they would go.
Imagined my hands in the
welcoming earth, sowing
them at just the right depth.

They would grow,
reaching with their
long thin frames.
Vigorously tall and full of
Summers' brightness.
Symmetrical flowers
filled with attitude
towards the sun.

Flourishing in cracks along  
sidewalks and driveways.
Finding comfort and feeling free
in the most limited of spaces.

Yet...I did not plant them.
Aware that I am
not able, just now, 
to make such a commitment.
To water and ****.
Ensuring that they
would reach their full potential.
A simple promise of one season.
To nourish a delicate,
perfect Zinnia.

~Christi Michaels~July 2015~

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
for Scott, my "Walking Man"
Jul 2016 · 884
Ancestral Beings
Head tilted
Lips to Sky
Silhouette of Strength
Ancient Truths
Resonate within

Shoulders wide
Stance solid~ strong and wise
A Knowing of what
has come before

Heart open
Deep of vision
Seeing forward~back
Layers of time

Fully present
Embracing all
Your being, Your soul
Beating a rhythm that trancends
this earth~this universe
Weaving us together as One*

Copyright © 7/15/2015
Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Ancestral Beings
Jun 2016 · 975
****** against the cliff,
caught in a vortex.  
Whirlpool of relentless force,
pulling me down, down, down.
Obliterating all sense of direction.

I succomb to the waves.
****** out, pulled in.
Riptide determined to
carry me under.
Spared by the mercy
of an upper current that
carries me weightless out and
over the break.

Impelled by Grace
greater than the Power at hand,
My body finds the sand.
I lie upon the beach,
all fight left behind.
The Ocean claims my strength
No question who has won...**

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
Jun 2016 · 1.2k
soft, deep down deep
I remember Love
a melding complete and fine
intimacy both ******
a union fulfilling~Divine

defining my forever
understood magic shared
held each day with tenderness
knowing how much We cared

I remember being satisfied
feeling soft, deep down deep
believing You and Me
described the meaning complete

knew what defined forever
understood magic shared
held each day with tenderness
knowing how much We cared

yes I remember Love
feeling soft, deep down deep
A melding perfect and fine
defining my forever
a union, fulfilling ~Divine


Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Soft Deep Down Deep
May 2016 · 1.3k
Revelation of Delight
Beneath my covers in the
dark of night,
I felt pulled tight.  
My pajamas and
underthings finding all
the wrong places.

At my time of change,
I was gifted a bed.
I felt freedom.
A space of my own, finally alone.
The eldest, released from the pack.

Revelation of delight,
naked under soft sheets.
I felt the coolness.
My skin alive, fresh from a
warm bath. Feet wrapped safe,
deep within layers.

The Dreams came then...
I felt their calling.
Whispers beckoning me
into flight,
to float above,
observe my simple beauty

Gently slipping towards the galaxy,
I felt no weight.
Nebula's Helix, Saturn and Orion,
their colors became the
pallet of My mind.

Able to soar with the eagles,
into the depths of the oceans.
The whales called for me to follow.

Walking within the beam of
light, I felt warmth.
Crystalline aquifers quenched
my thirst. Grounding  me to the
center of our Earth.

Of an age now,
that comfort has settled in,
I feel whole within.
Naked with my soul.

The sheets still cool
after a long warm bath.


Copyright © May 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
Revelation of Delight
Remembering to Remember #2
Apr 2016 · 9.7k
Sacred Locket
♡° ⊙ • ⊙ °♡
This place in my heart
intimately aware
     Deep tenderness
Imbued with
opening in the fullness
of the Moon's light
wrapped tight
threads of fear
Mama Pain
too great to fight
     A ragged slice
with hurt by
unkind words
thrown my way
Self inflicted pain
when I doubt my inherent
Knowledge and Strength
     I know this part
of my heart
that holds
the wounded
collections of me
Keeping at bay
the ache that
lives within
     The Blessing is
that Love
Wraps around
with Healing light
Shining within
to Hold The Power
     Allowing me respite
from the Sacred Locket
held in this place of
My Heart
♡° ⊙ • ⊙ °♡

Copyright © 2016. Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved

related poems...
ThankYou for reading...
Heartbreak finds us all.
Mine is in response to my
daughter's ****** addiction.
Having overdosed unknown times in
2 1/2 years, no matter
the heartache, each day
she is with us is precious.
A unique beautiful creature
She is 20 years old.

Currently in her 8th recovery program. Today, she is alive and either succumbs or battles through each day.
Apr 2016 · 670
Our Deepest Fear
by Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we
are inadequate. Our deepest
fear is that we are powerful
beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I
to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does
not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened
about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure
around you. We are all meant
to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us;
it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other
people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from
our own fear, our presence
automatically liberates others.
Our Deepest Fear
by Marianne Williamson
from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles
Mar 2016 · 2.7k
Little Bottles

A rare thing, my Mother's touch.
Though it was she I desired,
her babies I lovingly embraced.

Letting us make messes.
Be boisterous.
Expected independence.
“You do it, you learn it”
Helped us raise each other,
myself in the lead.

Our imaginary
world, rarely interrupted,
allowed us the freedom
to entertain ourselves.
Mom was not one to coddle,
but to patiently teach.
Cooking, gardening,
care giving.
To plant a tree,
and properly prune.
Create a thriving home
for salamanders.
Names of plants and trees.
Cloud formations.
how to patch up bloodied
knees and noses.

My Mother knew how to
transport a station wagon
filled to the brim with kids.
Provided us with masking
tape to square off our own
territory, creating safe
havens from point A to B.

She was fearless during
that overwhelming time.
Chaotic household of
youngins’ needs.
Teens tempers, mixed
with yearnings and desires
She taught us perseverance.
Eyes forward
No matter... calm or storm.

Her demeanor,
devoted and gentle.
Yet, fierce in determination.
An educated “No bones about it”
woman. A nurse.
Cute in a clean,
crisp natural way.
A woman of extraordinary
capabilities, rarely
comfortable with a compliment.

Not one to linger in a
moment of luxury.
To be soft and silly.
Or settle in for a deep cuddle.
The way she was raised
amongst her kin of many,
being the youngest.
from a different time.

Regardless of my perspective,
She loved enough to
make 5 children.
Provided food.
and kept us clean.
Encouraged the decoration of
our bedrooms to our
personal delight.
Allowed dogs and bunnies
to share our lives.
Insisted on the five food groups
at each evening's family meal.

These days, I cherish the hand
picked cards always mailed on
time for occasions and
holidays. ThankYou notes for
every kindness shown her way.
With her gardens beautifully
tended, herbs carefully harvested
and patiently dried, at Christmas
she labeled recycled spice bottles
collected from here and there.

Yesterday I gathered them,
Small glass vessels in hand.
My name and the date,
meticulously written by
her hand on white labels.
Over time, I have
saved them all.
Ingredients left intact.

My Mother's language of
love lined up in front of me,
these Little Bottles,
a culmination of the years.
Aromatic herbs
tenderly tucked inside.
I understood then,
I had been
Held in Mother's
arms all along...
I just never knew how to
fully accept her embrace.


Copyright © 2016.
Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
My Mother and Father are both 83.
It is our honor
to care for them now,
as they did for us then
Jan 2016 · 2.1k
Verbiage and Visions
Swirls of verbiage
begin to settle.
My wish..
that they land
to connect a thought.
Overflowing as
grapes cascading atop
sides of vessel
butter cup yellow.
Fruit of the
darkest purple persuasion.

I have visions.
Ribbons of colour.
Movements of flutter
Wet paint on pallette,
waiting for a
canvas to present itself. 

Shambolic as to how to
put it all together.
Can almost sense
the fit,
yet unable to develop
the arrangement.
The words, 
the vision
the pigments are there,
on the tip of my mind.

I wonder if, in the event
it all came spilling out,
I would be brave
enough to reveal.
Begin to heal.
If my canvas of words and
colors could describe.

Maybe then, it would all melt
together, becoming the
black of all colors, the no color...
allowing me
to begin anew.


Copyright © 2016. Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
This poem addresses issues
while recovering from
Traumatic Brain Injury.
Jan 2016 · 7.9k
this touch
~  ♢  ~

this touch
of your hair
brings me
a glimpse a
the recipe
of you
this taste~
your dna
threads of

the essence
of you~
forever to
into my
of memory
and dreams...

  ~  ♢  ~

Copyright © 2016. Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
Jan 2016 · 1.6k
My #HPFriend
I have a Friend
And he has Me
We met right here on HP
He is noble and strong
A good man, through and through
Humble, insightful and gentle too

Complex stories he does tell
From experience and diaries
kept so well
Extraordinary accounts, he shares
Creating poetic stories
that shows he cares
He's witty and charming
He is oh so brave
Many a life has he saved

He came to Hp
wondering if this
was a place for him
Safe to share his heart
and tender skin
At first, shy and tenuous
to learn his skill
Now he commands his work,
Weaving words at will
Our fascination he does hold
With gritty stories so well told
Epic adventures, first hand accounts
Alway a moral, insight abounds

Yes, I chose him
And he chose Me
Mark Cleavenger,
My Poetic Friend here on HP

        In resonse to Elliot's #HPfriend Challenge
                        (please read his latest Blog)
Mark Cleavenger was my very first friend here at HP.
Hello Poetry has opened my world to many fascinating
Poets, from all around the Globe. (How cool is that?)
I appreciate all of my Friends here at HP. I love being
a member of this amazing, supportive community.
                    ThankYou  to all my HP friends
Elliott's #HP friend challenge
ThankYou Mark for caring for me.
My life is blessed by you, you see...

☆ I chose him and he chose me ☆
Jan 2016 · 1.6k
Rita of the Saints
Atop the emerald earth,
a bush of crimson ablaze.
Blush of sunrise.
Bruised rouge of sunset.

Kaleidescope colors of
complex designs complete.
Ahh..but for the lingering questions.
Questions that continue with the
fresh of each day...

Rita...We call to Rita!
Our ethereal selves.
She calls, We come
Into her night of dreams
Woven within her dreams of day.
We come in Our
Saintly stance.

Rita hears.
Knows Our hearts.
And so to her,
We present ourselves.

Rita feels
the plush nuance
of Our ancient wisdom.
A melding of truths

Rita knows
She is a conduit
through which the
breath of message
and knowledge exchange.

'Sine timore'
Without timidity or fear.
Imbued deep within
her Irish blood.
Gift passed from the elders.

Yet, this Lass of yore,
stands away from the podium.
Has chosen not to grandstand,
or grasp boldness too tightly.

Goodness of power is embraced
laced with enchantment.
Able to transcend The Veil,
She walks Her path.
Our winsome
Saint of Impossible Causes.
Dec 2015 · 1.3k
Out Here Waiting
The Evening Sky
Opens to a Canopy of Stars
A cooling breeze
Swirls a gentle Push
Against my Legs

I am waiting Again
To have you acknowlege
My words
Knowing it would
be simpler
To stay Quite
To Just Listen

Swallow my Thoughts
When you Speak
Knowing it best to
My Reactions
My Opinions

I have become Numb
Now to it all
fills my throat
when I am moved to Speak.

So much easier to look
To the Stars and Moon
for a Comfortable
Sharing of thoughts*

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Dec 2015 · 3.4k
Drop your Grudge Rants
by the door
We Will Not Tolarate
This Anymore

Edit and toss Distasteful Rhymes
Ugly Poems with Vain designs

Haughty thoughts and
bitter words
Childish petty accusing verbs

Who did What to Who and When
Will this Clusterfuck never end?

Selfish actions, Spoiled Children
We Refuse to be your Minions

Like CNN
And Drone Fox news

We've had enough of
Self Serving views

Hurting hearts, far and wide
tender Poets with
tenuous pride

Yet, Strutting and Indignant
for who I ask?
All those involved,
A Donkeys ***

Not a home for
Egotistical Zealots
Nor a place for
flinging pellets

We come in Peace, HP to share
Not get caught in ugly snares

And to the few that
have the gaul.

"If you have nothing decent to say,
say nothing at all"



Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
Many of us feel so cheated when we
have a moment to come onto HP
and our time is wasted by ugly
degrading Rant Writes
against other Poets.
SERIOUSLY. . Come on.. REALLY???????
Dec 2015 · 853
Crazy Makin'
There is no understandin' for Crazy Makin'
                It just is, what it is, what it is...
There is no formula to fix things so broke
                It just is, what it is, what it is...

There are no words to express,
when the shootin' starts and your the target.
All you can do is take cover and hope your
ear drums don't pop.
When you become the focus of all
disappointment and anger...
No way to rest in that.
No way to heal there.  
No way to breath comfortably any more...

Where do we find the strength to escape.
Put our blown up parts back together again.
What if we are too ****** and damaged
to connect the pieces.
How do you mend a heart ripped to shreads

I ask this....
What then,
What then... Cuz,
               It just is what it is what it is....

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
a kiss of breath
This delight,
To inhale twilight.
Ride the nightlight to the stars.

To kiss a breath within
each moment
Free from introspection,
doubt and regrets.
It is here, I yearn to dwell.

No fear of neglect.
No fear of offense.
No fear of fear.

Yet, ever vigil,
to a slight variance of mood.
Of circumstance.
Of changes that determine
outcomes and future.

Fear of loss.
Fear of rejection.
Fear of fear.

I succomb to this perception.
Live in accordance
within the rules and structure
that appear to maintain order  
to each of my days

Yet I await, with anticipation...
To kiss a breath within
each moment

This delight.
To inhale twilight.
Ride the nightlight to the stars
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Indian Summer
I watched as Fall fell today.
From the rain.
It washed the Earth.
Cleansed the trees as well.
The bright golds,
crimson reds of yesterday...
Yesterday, a day of sun that
warmed my skin. Blessed me
of Autumn beauty.

The Indian Summer
long awaited.
A secret time
'tween the
Fall and Winter.
When all things feel precious, sacred.
Comfortable and soft in the
prelude before the trees darken
for the deep slumber of winter.

It is this moment I love best.
The breath the Earth exhales,
Her Warmth, to keep us entranced,
until Spring greats us once again.

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Oct 2015 · 706
My Loving Arms re-post
Felt my heart tonight...
Been trying to tuck it away.
Not the part that loves others,
but the part that desires be loved.

Heard my heart tonight...
It called out for your tenderness.
Not the part that hurts and aches,
but the part that wants to
feel your embrace.

Held my heart tonight...
Held it firm within my
expanding and contracting chest.
Till there was calm and I felt safe
in my own loving arms

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Oct 2015 · 1.8k
everlasting slumber
~Christi Michaels~March 2015~
«¤» «⊙» «¤»

I watch over
your embrace of
everlasting slumber
fear has left
spirit released to wander
strength surrounds  
your labyrinth unfolds
Illusion of quiet
amongst memories retold

suspended breath
sacred moments left
translucent skin
muscles soft and flesh
artistry of your journey
open to hearts that see
place of tender remembrance
sacred and loved eternally

«~⊙~» «ω⊙ω» «~⊙~»

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
I am often with my clients to the
end of their time being here,
after living and/or suffering for
so long. The Passing is a Blessing
as it should be. I feel
honored to be by their side,
bringing all Love to surround
them, on their Journey.
Oct 2015 · 9.6k
Heartbreak Chasm
If only your arms
Held me true again
Our lips and
bodies entwined~
If we could remember
language once shared.
Find our rhythm divine

Yet we have climbed
these ravaged cliffs
Heartbreak Chasm
A fragile bridge
of diminished connect
Crossed only in my dreams

Older now
in this state of suspense
To watch our love fall away~
A tender time for both of us
This loss of each
Precious day

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
ThankYou all so much for reading
The Daily. I appreciate your
stopping by to say Hello!!!

This is about the loss of a long term,
once intimate, emotionally
committed and "forever"  relationship.
Oct 2015 · 757
Ice Pick
I breathe this crisp
clean Fall air
I sensed the calm
surround Me
Envelop Me in it's
colorful embrace

Thought I was loved here
Safe in Heart
Safe in Home

Now the colors are blurred...
Not because of the
magic of a season is because I
Was not prepared
for the changes to come

An ice storm hit when
I was not looking.
Shards of sharpness,
embedded deep
An Ice Pick, uninvited...**

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserve
Oct 2015 · 1.9k
Senryu {#18}

My brain is scrambled
A puzzle, missing pieces...
Oh look! I found one

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
Dear HP Family (Not a Poem)
I was in a car accident in September.
I suffered a severe concussion.
Though my body is rattled and
bruised, I believe will heal fine.
I am getting extensive therapy
and treatment.
My brain on the other hand is having
a bit more difficulty pulling it together.
Words don't line up, thoughts are
confused jumbles of messy patterns
that don't make sense sometimes.
This is very scary to me.
As I write everything on my tablet
or my android phone, looking at the
screen hurts my eyes and my brain.
I am very sad as of late. Have been
crying (more than usual). Head
hurts all the time. Getting lost a lot,
like when I drive etc etc etc. Writing
backwards. Everything written,
looks like it is at a slant (yuck).
And I have developed a Very significant,  
interesting stutter. Fascinating really...
All I want to do is sleep...
(which I have become very good at)
and to be held...
(just isn't in the mix right now).

I may try reposting some of my
old work at this time, until I'm better.
I will do my best to check in on the Dailies. 
I need to stay away from reading and
commenting. : ((  : ((  : ((   At least for now.
I am Sure, I Will Get Better!!!

I need you all to know how much
I've come to Love and Appreciate my HP Family.
One of the best gifts I have given
Myself. Also, I am trying to join
Kalypso and Gang with Our collection
of Poems on Sound Cloud.
If I can ever figure it out
♡ Peace and Love ♡
Christi~ MoonFlower~ Fluer de Luna
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
Existential awareness
surrounds her being.
Emanating light in
the most magical of ways.

Lythe and lissome,
filled with the essence of Love.
Her smile settles in as a
wave into sand.

The embrace is filled with
compassion and mercy,
touching and dear...
One is blessed by energy received.

Our "I dream of" joyously present.
"Your wish is my pleasure" Genie,
reveals wisdom of
the Ancient ones.

A divine vessel of Being
Words of clarity, knowledge and
understanding, eminating
from a place of otherworld divinity

Her voice is an instrument of
Celestial Beings. A mistress to the
Heavens, She blesses us
with each communication shared.

Grateful for her miracle of
Manna (Mana) We are gifted by
the gentleness with
which she shows the way...

☆Jeannie is a Channeler☆

(CHANNELER. : a person who
conveys thoughts or energy from
a source believed to be outside the
person's body or conscious mind;
specifically: one who speaks
for nonphysical beings or spirits.)
(MANNA: the power of the
elemental forces of nature
embodied in an object or person).

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
This piece is not to be viewed as
anti-faith of any Religion. Rather a
celebration of all spirtuality
that represents Love.
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
come into
come into my open arms
filled with love
a home of gentle knowing
strong to see you through

come into my arms so I may
wrap you in my warmth
touching tender recesses
of your heart

no need to stand guard
against hurt or judgement
come into my arms
filled with love

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels. 
All Rights Reserved
A 're-write of Come In...
Extending love and support to all
those we touch with our presence.
Leaving hurts and judgments behind.
Sep 2015 · 664
Come In...
Come into my arms
Open wide, filled with love
For you

For you
a home of gentle knowing
Strong to see you through

Come into my arms
So I may wrap you in
My warmth

My warmth
Touches tender recesses of
Your heart

Your heart
Need not hurt or stand guard
Against judgement

Come into my arms
Open wide, filled with love
For you

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels. 
All Rights Reserved
Revision above 'come into'
Much better after editing, yes?
Sep 2015 · 931
My Heart
My heart pumps out Love.
I cannot stop giving into it.
Motherhood is my Veil.

My heart pumps out Love.
It lands like pollen.
Sticks to everything.

I thought, that was as it should be,
that my love would leave it's mark.
Not easy to brush away.

But it's not that way.
My love, though beautiful,
need not latch on to be potent.

My heart pumps out Love.
Better as a gentle breeze.
To rise up as a cooling wave. 

Invisible and unconditional.*

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Sep 2015 · 1.3k
♡ Ode to Joe ♡
In Loving Memory
Joseph Wulf

Tonight my friend could not
breathe. Lungs ravaged from
long ago. Served our country as a
young man. Shoulders, hip n' leg
bones broke by the jungles below.

A Harley Man through
and through.
JFD's became his Corps.
Never wavered in his allegiance
to his country or his force.

One of the smartest men
I have ever known.
Could recite passages from
long ago. Abreast of topics
from far and wide
a history buff so knowlegable.

A brother to many, a father to one.
Devoted to all he loved.
A truer friend could not be had
So very popular he was!!

Joe was my protector,
as I was a wild young thing.
Was my confidant and
chaperone starting at just 17.

Accompanied first date with
my husband 30 years ago.
Gave his blessings that first night~
To my children he was Uncle Joe.

The older brother I never had.
Blessed to love him 40 years.
My whole being trembles at the
thought of losing him.
I weave Love between these tears.

~Christi Michaels~April 2015~
Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.

☆●♡●☆  Ode to Joe  ☆●♡●☆
This poem was written upon Joe
entering Hospice in April 2015.
His sisters provided
Constant Vigil and Loving Care.
Joe passed on 8-15-2015
This was read at Joes Military Burial
Fort Snelling National Cemetery
Fort Snelling, Minnesota
Poem for My Joe
I hover above as
you write and ponder.
Visit your buffaloes
and assorted natural wonders.
Array of rocks 'n shells
Feathers, Eagle, Hawk.
Turkey and Peacock.
Your collection of critters,
they all welcome me.
Savion is busy and so, not
bothered in the least by my presence, 
though it would be such a lovely
moment to meet her...
My memories gleefully
take a hitch on the back of yours.
I playfully wonder if I shall be noticed..
as you are yet unaware of my decision,
upon invitation, to join you.

I love to travel...any way I can.
Today, this is the trip for me!
Memory at will. To visit with a
color, a scent, a touch, a hurt, a joy.
To explore a
memory yet unopened.

Woodlands, Wetlands and Deserts
Descending deep into the
Canyons, down to the river.
While here, venture the rapids.
Then, on to the Dead Sea and the Rose
colored Himalayan Salt Caves.
Dolphins to visit and sing
in chorus, beneath the ocean waters.
Oh, how I have missed them.

As is the luxury of Memory travel,
We are weightless and soundless. 
Have no odor, can swim and fly.
We are able at will, to tap into
Ancient Knowledge. The memories
that have come before us,
our gift as a shared consciousness.

We visit our happiest of times.
A delight to have and to hold.
Often, we become immersed in the
our most troubled experiances.
Reliving them over and over.
We are able to reroute a memory
at will,for our pleasure or to
indulge in pain, or a blame.

Our minds are a rich labyrinth of
hopes, dreams and remembrances.
Join in the fun. You can at will.
Thanks for taking this
little trip with me.

Posting of 'Memory' by W L Winter.
It is  posted below "Hitchin' a Ride"
Or find with link
Or just take a visit on over to
W.L.Winter's site
and luxuriate in the
Bountiful Beauty of his Poetry.
My response to W L Winter's Poem 'Memory'
♡ An invitation worth taking ♡
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