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Nigel Finn Dec 2015
The darker side of my mind is where
Abstractions of fragmented poetry breeds;
A baby lies dead in a Hong Kong gutter,
And my lines fall into place.

Broken hearts sing lullabies to me,
Two savage beatings spare me a verse,
New Orleans lends me four at low interest,
And throws in a haiku for free.

The old veteran quotes me three lines
And gets buried with the last.
The rhyme festers with his body;
Both soldier
                      and verse

I can't explain the beauty I see
In the dying faces of the abandoned ones,
Nor tell you why, if the bomb were dropped tomorrow
I should weep in both anguish and delight.

I can only tell you, should it all end,
Should all modern horrors dissapear,
The future will weep for the joys of the present
And smiles will dissapear forever
illuminate Nov 2014
When I'm with you, I feel safe and carefree. Nothing in the world matters apart from you and I. I could lay in your arms all day, whilst you admire me from above. Your laughter is music to my ears. To hear your happiness, makes all my sadness dissapear . Your smile luminates my day.
J J Jan 2020
I pose high my chest of ragged ribbons
And unravel a fist to stretch out fingers in search
Of a hand glimmering pale like a lantern
throughout this grey
        empty space. Once a pavement, now as good as

Cloud. Frozen lake. Dust. Boiling ashes. Skeletons.

I am walking on the slashed frames of waves
As jesus once must have. Propelled to a miracle unwitnessned
To anyone but myself. I am impelled to corrode
Into a statue; to remain a rigamortic rotting jade jewel in the sun
Until I no longer can.
Until they found me...

Perhaps they'd dust me off, thaw the ice from my shoulders,
Rehydrate me and gorge me,
Restart the blinking light in my brain
And refrain me evermore from having to seek.

But seek I must, for the lonliness weighs me down
Further by the day. I take half as many steps now as when I began my voyage.
My memories are like ghosts of flames that play
Snakes and ladders and hide and seek.
I am the lighthouse man and I sail drunken--
A rubicund mishape of bone and scuffed thoughts,
I can feel every soul which once embodied and huddled this place.

It's like they are trying so hard to posses me but even
Their souls have been smouldered to whispers
So thin they ring as mutely as the surrounding mist,
So soft they vibrate akin to an infant’s pulse
Throughout these walls, these scrapyards, these crumbling arcades, this sandbox grey that begs for a scream.
The spirit of a tarantula trembles along my back and grazes it teeth against my shoulderblade,
Praying that I turn to confirm it's being –but it's a game I’ve long grown sick of–

I am the lighthouse man and I ceased having a face long ago.
What I recall of my reflection was a child so young and so sure
Of a different life that

I cannot be sure it's even me.

I am the lighthouse man; a puckered bulb balancing on too-big shoulders, that walked
  through barren flat closes and exited empty handed, the lonely poltergeist,
a bitter flab of skin.

I am the lighthouse man and I am the final Aspen leaf in the pond of the universe,
I see myself reflected in a sole star twirling underfoot and overhead
rowing my ears so thick with disfigured silence so that I wished I was born deaf.
I am the lighthouse man and my mind is a spinning fragment
    my eyes can merely follow and my floating steps merely trail.

It never changes tone here, I can only vaguely trace the time
By the occasional moon. Tonight it shines half chewed,
  Befitting the levelled star a sideways crown.
It is beautiful but I mustn't stop to admire, lest a survivor
Scavenger loses patience withholding the last of their scran.

I am the lighthouse man and I haven't eaten in years.

I am the lighthouse man and I bled for the first time yestardy.
I am the lighthouse man and my bulb ricocheted off the base of my skull
In a telling fairy tale dream. I felt static in my head
And my light's ink spilled across my hands and for a minute I thought
My light had gone out. I tasted blood,
Trickled down from my stinging nose and I had never been so scared.

I am the lighthouse man and I never knew I could die.

I am the lighthouse man. Once the world danced with magic and I was
A walking satellite that grew to want to dissapear.
I am the lighthouse man and my decrepitude is casted in my hands:
Black as the night from the dirt collected over the years.
The few slashes of skin clear enough to see look rust-like and obtrusive, outdone only by
My veins like wonky bruises that vine across the silhouetted bone;
Bridging gear to gear, clinking shivering knuckles
         That want nothing more than to surrender.

But I am only frostbit, not frozen.
Life was and thus must still be.
I am a raindrop, not the whole ocean.

I am a walking lighthouse inspecting and guiding empty seas,
A form without virtue
That ceased feeling it's metallic steps too long ago to recall.
A cubist teardrop falling down a grey giant's cheek,
Waiting to be captured and swallowed.

Or perhaps I am climbing uphill, slowly along the circumference of his forehead.
So slowly I cannot notice the rise. Perhaps I was destined to amble in hypnosis,
En route on this colourless limboid curve until I forget the concept of
             a destination, a soul, a matryr jester to rouse me awake...
             and perhaps it is then that I will be blessed with the heavenly bulb

Of the weeping giant on whom's flesh I disturb.
I am the lighthouse man and I dream of purpose.

I am the the lighthouse man with a penchant to levitate
I am the lighthouse man and I am a God without tool or reason.
I am the lighthouse man and I'll walk this limbo until my feet dissapear.

I am the lighthouse man and I am cursed.
I am the lighthouse man transitioning between lives and never knowing
Causality nor the answer. There are no questions to have;

I am the lighthouse man and I must have been a murderer in my past life.
I am the lighthouse man and I can feel my inner fuses twist,
Falling fainter and fainter by the second.
I am the lighthouse man and I will not make it another night.
I am the lighthouse man and I am a memory-bank full of nothing remarkable.
If I felt this months ago then perhaps I would make do with the my sojourn of an empty house, atop a parked car, and perhaps I would be content with rotting.

But now the moon shines so luminously bright and full and close! So very close!
I am the lighthouse man and I chase the moon.
I am the lighthouse man and I vaguely recall my mother saying 'do not eat the moon,
It will give you nightmares!’ and it all suddenly makes sense now.

The stars are all out tonight and they await my company. I am the lighthouse man and now I run.
I run run run run for the sky in ode to the rest of the bodies that abandoned this place.
Shadows must and will obey
my thoughts to sink and prayers stray,
for soon they’ll stay.
They rest upon my heavy head
they lie with me upon my bed,
for soul’s decay.
Shadows must and will confuse
this love i know i’ll never loose,
and never say,
that all is bright behind these eyes
that mind is free and all these lies
are far away.
Confuse and use they must, they must
through power, greed, and lies and lust
until i’m lost.
Before they go and try their best
i’m gonna steal a little rest
from love’s old nest.
They’ll come again, this much i know,
so i put on a great big show
that I have learned long time ago.
But now my soul, she has her voice
and given any other choice
i trust the one
that shows rejoice.
She speaks and shadows dissapear
she shows the way which comes so clear.
I know the voice i hold so dear
it speaks of love, the moment  “now”
it whispers to me when and how
i can be free, and to allow
my spirit to retain the vow
it took before this life’s refinement
that some life I’ll reach enlightement
be out of body’s false confinement
And into Tao.
The Judge Dec 2015
The darkness envelopes the night,
the stars in the sky dissapear.
Leaving a stranded knight,
with nothing to fear.

He's all alone in this world,
with nothing but a sword.
His hopes are curled,
for he thinks there is no lord.

But right as he is about to give up,
a lightness embraces him.
It fills his almighty cup,
it takes away all his sin.

He feels like a god reborn.
He throws his sword to the ground.
His world has been torn,
never to be found.

He is the only ruler now,
Only he can judge you now.

The knight in the sky,
the one who learned how to fly.
Vladimir s Krebs Aug 2016
Ever step I take will set in motion innovative ideas. It will be easy to dissapear from what scares me the most. What words would you even considering saying when every door room or fallen millitary bunker.  No threat only walking into a wear house discovering pools of blood with hacked up dead some decapitated so luster choking on there blood.
Why walk when you could run the miles to stop the master of desciz.

Nothing seems to be a possible when you you use urban mind as a deadly weapon.

We aren't machines we are human not a Droid.

No we dont weapons we just have to create havik. No blood she'd only mental ideas that will pull the plug of the demons eyes
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I think I needeth to be alone
Wherein I canst be Invisible to others....
Just dissapear..
Lexi Aug 2018
Looking in the mirror is like a death wish
A glimor of hope before the horrid thoughts cime floading in
Screaming at the top of their lungs.
And the tears rush to the surface as I pinch my skin
Grabbing it tight
Pulling at it with all my might
Wanting for it all to dissapear just like myself
As i slowly turn and turn that small glimor of hope gone
Flushed away by the rotton words that captivate my body
Screamimg for me to

                     "STOP EATING"

I walk away woth a heavy heart sinking down to the lowest part of me
Hiding away frim anyone
Ignoring every word spoken to me.

My mind
My body
My whole being has been captured by those fithly words and throughts which are tormenting me and eating me alive
Without a word
A thought i move on frim the plate of fruit and the bowl of chocolates
Swinging with a heart heavy,
Yet filled with nothing

I act like it has no effect on me
Like it doesnt hurt at all
Everyday every glance at the hated mirror that only lies
OneCorn Dec 2012
You see me
I know you do
you act like you can see through me
Yet I know you can't
I wish I knew why you act like this
Will you ever tell me why
Is it my fault?
Do I make it hard?
Could I make it be simple?
I try to understand
but I just can't seem too
I want to be your friend
You want to be mine
Or atleast thats what you say
Yet you go mute
when I walk into a room
Like your words are too good for my ears
Yet I don't think that's it
It could be
But for a second
When I see your eyes
Fear flickers through
you may deny but I know what I see
and I see it only too often
I wonder who else notices
Who knows to look for it
Maybe just me
But trust me its there
Maybe its the same when you see me
Is it?
Do we fear each other?
Can anyone tell?
Will it always be secret?
It began wrong
But its not that way anymore
Atleast that's what you promised
So why can't they know
Or maybe its just easier to dissapear that way
Though if you just want to dissapear again
Just do it
You know waiting just hurts me
And I'm tired of hurting
So I hope you don't run
But I hope you will help me
to Understand
If your not ashamed of me
Why am I a secret?
Styles May 2020
Whisper some ***** **** in her ear, watching wet spot in her ******* appear, sticking my hand down there,
where my fingers dissapear underneath your underwear,
deep beneath
my fingers disappear
last I wanna see or hear
is you cried.
cause the pain I get from that hurts inside.
I feel your sorrow,I feel how hollow.
But remember,If i'm in your heart then move on to tomorrow.
Cant you see? Baby?
The love I have is truly,  eternally,And specifically yours?
The only women in my life that I adore.
That I respect and cherish each sec,when you take away my breath.
with you I live for.
Do or don't tell me more,
If you wanna keep to yourself I understand,and I respect that.
But baby when you cry,its my job,my priority to prevent that.
Make sure that,each tear is less dense and not emotionally filled.
its not your fault,it never will.
So please don't regret any choice you made babe,cause my love will ill.
I know you cry to get it out and,It will never happen when my heart is in.
Each tear will dissapear,and any fear,we'll overcome.
As long as I can heal it,With God's help Love will always be sung.
With each breath from my lungs,not asthma can prevent me,to stop running with those tears.
I catch each one,kiss each one,and let the pain dissapear...
Not one will slip,from my hand,
As long as your heart has grip on me,
I help you stand.
YOU'LL never need another hand.
Cause my heart,my love,MY trust,I will be the only man.


Each day,
each week,
each kiss we give,
every time we speak,
I fall hard with love for you so strong it leaves me weak,but I still give.
MY BOO! I mean,your my one,and only!.
DONT ever forget,I'm here,you never are lonely.
My pookie,
My joy.
my sweet cookie,
Lovey dovey chipsahoy.
sweet kissy kiss smoochy smoochy.
EACH moment with you is filled with bliss,
romance,and butterflies make heart and stomach lift.
Yeah! -.-
→You now you always win.
In any love fight we have,
but I always win if we both end up cuddlin.
And snugglin,with alotta smoochy! smoochy!
Cmon admit it ;)
(its a tie),
Don't cha think mi pookie?
Haha I love everytime we hold hands,and its like there's no limmit to our convos.
No matter where we stand
You light my side up with one smile,a blessing to witness and have,your time and attention,
I can go on for miles.
I CAN say the things that makes your day,And remind you of my support and love for you,Like I did last nite.
Before you went to bed,
You gotta a text from me,and you read,all the sweet comforting.Words that I wrote,
you can almost hear me sing.
Even if my voice is bad,
I'm glad that your nite was made, And I can rest myself.
Knowing our love safe,
And your tears are saved.

BY: Emmanuel JV Hernandez
i'm sick to death of this stinking routine
perpetual day time TV,
petty bickering
afternoon pub binges
hopeless job hunting morons everywhere,
i return to my hometown
to the place i was made, molded
and it suffocates me like never before
i think of the many reasons i left
they circle my thoughts for a long while
and then i'm left with one
one that overrides the lot
it takes a while to spit it out
because it's corny, it's stupid, it's not how we work
it's love
and the lack of it
the love here is in the mundane
the easy,
the norm.
it's not in the heart
the love around here lies in
television sets
and pirate DVDs
reduced chicken and new coffee machines
gambles on abused horses
saturday afternoons in the local
cheap holidays to Benidorm
a day trip to lidl
a weekday evening watching the soaps
a phonecall to a family member you don't care about
hours playing candy crush
the love has lost on us humans
the love here, it was lost on me too
it missed me out
they missed me out
it has instead transferred in this
reality tv, selfie indulgent zeitgeist
it has left our silly bodies
and i'm still clinging on
trying to dissapear from that
new century bubble
trying to pick up pieces
of that porcelain mosaic
that old style bric a brac
so long ago forgotten
pressure is everywhere
notifications beep
this tiny block of perspex
waiting to be touched
waiting to be in communication
with someone at the other side of the city
the other side of the world
oh what a sad existence
when all we love is through the inanimate
and not ourselves
but hey thats the way of the world
and we have to accept it
or hate it
because we can't do both
we have to accept our fast paced tumultuous society
always moving through space and time
at times, difficult
but consumerism, capitalism and cronyism
it all exists in this big society
this 'we're all in it together' society
and it cant be ignored.
Feeling a little sad about the way the world work sometimes. I felt it needed documented.
Katrina Mar 2020
Just because you are a good person, people will not treat you better.
They will treat you as they please
They will not consider your feelings, they will stomp on them
They will stomp on them every time.
You are a background character  in every one elses lives.
They will not notice if your gone, so you dissapear
And you will dissapear, cause if there is one thing you know
It is this: Loneliness has killed more people than cancer
And you are now awaiting your destiny.
You just hope that it will come soon
Then perhaps you wont become invisible before it arrives.
Then perhaps it will not only be you're mother there at you're funeral, then perhaps your name will appear in the papers, speaking of the tragedy that was your death.
But you sit still, knowing what is supposed to happen, knowing that there is no other way.
And you stand up, you look in the mirror, in hope that something has changed, that there is another way. You stare and stare, but you see nothing except the scars on your body and in your mind
Nothing but your crooked teeth and the failure that is reflected in your eyes.  
And at last, nothing. you stare and see yourself dissapear in the mirror until you are invisible and there is nothing but the noose around your neck.
Greg Oct 2018
You should not have made me
I will dissapear one day
And you will wonder why
But when you ask your friends
They won't know who I am
Because I never was
Emily Tyler Oct 2012
Don't be
A mole.

I hate moles.

They burrow
Live in the

Thats just
What you did
To my heart.

You burrowed
Down to the center.

You set up camp.
And I didn't know
You were a mole.
I thought maybe you were
To ****
Bad things
So I kept you warm
And waited calmly for the
Bad stuff to

But I realized
You were a
Magnifying glass,
To emphasise
My flaws

And you were
Pull the patches
From where
I had already healed,
To make the scabs

And I thought you were
And you were broken
So I could fix you
And put you

Like a

You left me.

Like a
Full of
Cav it ies.

My heart

No longer full.
And you
Didn't depend on me,
No longer a tapeworm.

I miss you.

But you were
Tia Henricks Jun 2015
I'm aching

The air should not escape the bones that are without you should I feel comfortable with the idea of me being just as empty as this dusty old train
I'm at complete odds
I'm scrambling, my hands shaking for the coldness to dissapear, to be safe.
Unfairness yelled at me from the lights above that made one squint
Hoping each blink id see you next to me.
With the strange sounding man announcing ones home
Your name isn't one
Why oh why
I must scream it my self
As my soul shares yours
my heart pumps your blood
Thriving on only the everything of you. I'm needing you really bad.
but my next stop isn't home
It's place a place of homeless surrounded by souls taken by thing a that do not succeed into the same idea of love.
They can keep trying
But all I need is you
Just you, your humble and sweet kisses and our love tangled together falling asleep with the warmth of home.
irinia Jul 2023
any two people  coming together can be a game/life changer
but without intimacy they are only like
a fish without water a bird without air
leaves without roots dreams without a dreamer
this dazzling carousel of constant stimuli
this attack of never-ending newness
that spins the world is the ******* of  void
I dissapear from thought I dissapear from heart
I am just a message an unresponded voice
a poor sign without the depth of symbol
an avoided truth an impossible commitment
there is no time there is no space for giving and receiving
the most precious substance, our deeply lonely selves
the tears are helpless, here it is, have some void
it evacuates itself in language, oh, language games
played with much innocence,  and eagerness
I contemplate the void in mesmerizing eyes voices words
taking responsibility for  illusions the hardest bit
the body knows first about the danger left behind
by a theoretical love
only by entering the void I can feel it, oh yes
the ******* of emptiness is inside me, too
Maia Vasconez May 2018
I keep having dreams that I'm in prison, whats the worst thing you've ever done?

I had a bowling ball in my stomach and everybody looked like pins! I wanted more limbs. I n3eded a labotomy! I needed a power outage. In all my reacurring nightmares I look like a natural disaster.
Which would you rather do: implode, erode, dissolve, evolve, disintegrate, collapse, or dissapear?
There is always so much false hope here
It feels like im going to rip like wet paper. Believing in something is like drawing angel wings on the back of a white tshirt.

Is he real? I want to know
I think I'll ask my magic 8ball...
mizznallely Jan 2011
I just wanna talk
until the world dissapear
until the air gets thin
until the figures and shapes that form men and women head off to another dimension
until the stars flee off to another galaxy
until the states split into islands
until the words dissolve by using them so much and by a kiss
until gravity pull us together and not our desires
until we both know is time to stop talking
just talk and talk and talk and talk

I lost the feeling of only talking without any attachments
of opening my soul without saying something embarrasing
without being weak

I just wanna talk
until my eyes close peacefully
by fatigue and by the struggle over the years, while you hold my hand.
keeping you close forever, with your warmness and peace of mind
even when I know you're crumbling inside
a helpless selfishness
Tianna Routley Nov 2014
Little drops of his favorite coffee stained his body, residing as freckles.

They show their quiet walks, with massive dogs and shattered mugs.

They show the bright stars that dissapear when the fog creeps up.

They show the times smoke perched against his smooth, spotted fingers.

She aligns his spots like costilations in the twilight sky

As the sun stays longer, and those mornings are chirp, those freckles apear like April rain showers

They show their stolen kisses when she pouts her warm lips like a new born baby

They show each time she's fallen in love with him, lost within his eyes

Quiet morning couch, he grins at her and sips at his coffee
She starts to count
This is a rough draft of some little free verse, but it makes me happy...
Vic Jan 2019
If I'm gone tomorrow,
Will you still be there?
Will you be the last person to stay?

If I leave tomorrow,
Will you make sure that I'm safe?
Will you make sure that I'm okay?

If I dissapear tomorrow,
Will you still love me?
Will you love me when I'm gone?

If I die tomorrow,
Will you promise you'll move on?
Will you promise you'll let me go even if we both don't want to?

Because I love you
brandon nagley Aug 2015
What art thou doing today friend?
Art thou living in pleasure's;
Or materials.

What art thou doing today friend?
Art thou wearing a mask;
Putting on a good smile, screaming inside.

What doth thou doeth in thine spare time?
Doth thou hurt other's;
Taketh to never giveth, getting rich off poor and blind?

What doth thou feeleth dear friend?
Doth thou not realize, wordly pleasure's only last a second;
Until thine end.

What doth thou heareth O man?
The music to loud on thine speaker's;
Blocking out God whilst thou canst?

What art thou drinking oh brother?
Alcohol to dilute thee;
A well from God floweth much better.

Wherein is thine wife O mate?
O thou art not at thine abode;
Cheating again, with a hot date.

Wherein doth thou investeth thine time?
Material's that dissapear, putting loot into stock's and shares;
Loosing thine wordly mind?

Wherein art thy children?
Left all by their self, thy wife not getting help;
Whilst thou hath put them on the dusty shelf.

Doth thou even knoweth where thou art going?
When thine heart's pulse stoppeth;
There's a heaven and hell, beast's in cell's, where thy skin fryeth.

Doth thou taketh thing's for granted?
Living today as if there's another;
Forgot thy sister and brother's, as art purpose here is love.

Didst thou knoweth?
Thine sin's canst be forgiven, with the last day's to thee given;
Wilt thou except the creator's grace? Or turneth away?

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Genuinely a human being
is suppose to listen to bees

Bees are little bumblebees
Dalai Lama is the
Cutest of them

Endure good~ness

With a mission
Working sweetly
Wonderfully unselfish

For a greater  cause
Forgetting about the fame and the flattery laurels
Achievements and Archibalds

Focusing on liveliness of a recent call n
Frivolous flattering sounds
Are gentle blessings

You'd recon that I adore your
Intense passion for
By the looks
By shut eyes  eager to be soon open for a glimpse of

The listeners are performing
With slightest ****** mimics
With crossed legs open
Changing a position
Scrathes on head
Inwardly borne self dialogues

Your soliloquy
Is the sea of
Love, life


By the memory
Bits of your heart beats

When the tin noise  
Of your crying
Tears tears

When you dream of the mortal coils descendant
As a halflings brought together through
Dissolving into the golden

You've seen two

I've seen one amongst many

Each a divine gift

Within wholeness


No peace
When you dissapear

And I yearn to visit a cultural event
In total darkness (if i shut my poetic eyelids and cover them with both palms) then maybe only the blood's tiniest brooks within my fingers may start the signal for the motion pictures inside the ideal world

The World's Spinning
In a  Absolutely Poetic

Let me embrace peacfulness
Within the secret garden

Let me taste of your
Nectary thoughts

Let me lead you through
Thundery waters

Silk veils and lyricism

Let me lead you through
Fire and ice n'all that is

Let me . . . oh . . . Let me

Ara Jan 2014
I used to be a zygote
A small little thing
Which known as cell

I used to be a zygote
Living in the host body
Which I never knew before

I used to be a zygote
Having a lot of friends
And yet to dissapear
In a blink of an eye

I used to be a zygote
And when I was an adolescence
I called myself

I used to be a zygote
As I grew older
I changed my identity
With the one called
This is just for fun. Since my friends and i were a bit bored during biology, one of my friend came out with this idea.. Lol

P.s mind my grammatical error or spelling error
Andra Aug 2018
i write you
tens of letters
i then break in
hundreds of pieces
i fill
thousands of pages with
your name and then
i press assertively the red button in the corner and

you dissapear
of the screen
of my mind
of my heart not really

and i don't know what to do
to get you out of here
i squeeze this soul out of any sentiment that could exist within
so then
i could squeeze you out as well

but **** you
you are still stubborn and you don't want to
and i try
and you won't
and in vain

i am tired
i don't want this anymore
i go to sleep at night
with hope
tomorrow i will be clean
of you
i wake up in the morning
one more bud
one more root
one more blade
is pushing through

is it fair?

tell me
what do i do?

but you are silent
more than ever
but you elongate you arms
more and more
and further and further
and you squeeze
more and more
and harder and harder

and it is
more and more
more and more
more and more

it's ****.
Emma Highlander Oct 2019
you said that i was dumb
that im not fooling anyone
my words are sweet but my intentions are sour
I should just go to sleep, wake up in about an hour.

When my party’s done everyone left, you’re still here.
Telling me that i should just dissapear
Why are you still here? please just leave, god I swear.
Deana Luna Jan 2013
You are so strong. You are so brave.
Yet you put on masks instead of your face.

You lie beneath them. You dissapear.
Thinking that you’re in the clear.

Seafoam lion, I see your soul.
You try to hide it-- it’s what you were told.

Your walk is not yet comfortable--
Your strides a little frail.
That roar is still hiding
Beneath your fear to fail.

My little cub, let me protect you.
I’m not much, but I’ll give you my all.
My king of the jungle, I feel your struggle,
And I will catch you if you fall.
Quentin House Feb 2015
So now I cut these
loveless wrists,
My head sure
hurts today.
I'll take another
twenty pills and
it'll All
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Peering off the albino wrap-a-round step's
When tis only us and noone is left,
I'll let her develop me until I mold into her tresse
As she swayeth her dress, mine arm's wilt go weak.

I won't be able to speak, as she bundle's me to her package
Mine toes shalt curl, as mine body she'll ravage.
In arcahic mode, she's fixed in mine passion
As we shalt dissapear in upward direction, vast confirmation.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication..
Makenzie Marie Mar 2015
I don't know.
I'm sad
and I'm mad
about being so sad.
Because I know life isn't so bad,
and I'm trying to add
more of the happiness I've previously had
and I'm so dang glad
I mean, I can see the blessings I have.
But no matter how bad
I want to not be sad
or how hard I try...
I still sit here with tears in my eyes
and I'll tell you "I'm fine."
And you know it's a lie;
I'm holding on for dear life.
I am tired
and the fire
in my eyes?
Along with my cloudy heart,
and the cloudy skies;
those flames
are dimming
going out with the city lights
in the middle of the night
Like if I just hide
and take some time
to get things right
The despair will somehow
dissapear from my mind.
Maybe if I try
being kind
to myself
...and my heart and my mind
I will be fine
Alveer Dec 2012
looking up and down
searching for someone somehow.
who's there to hold to my hand
cause' this empty land has began..
shadows are surrounding me
not any touch of reality
who's there to hold to my hand
cause' this empty land has began..
i am something not too scared,
i am something what could not dissapear,
i am something that has to overcome every fear..

i am a lonely spirit in this empty paradise,
hold me now,make me give you every light.
show me the way that i can and i gotta follow..
i am a lonely spirit in this empty paradise,
alone in darkness,still i am alive..
show me the way that i can and i gotta follow..

turning right and left
pulling myself towards to end
nothing seems to be going as planned
still i'm searching for that hill
in which life is something to live
confusions remain in every path of mine
i am something not too scared,
i am something what could not dissapear,
i am something that has to overcome every fear..

breathing never felt so difficult,
everywhere i go there's something typical
freedom's not available in this empty paradise
Dear Mr first name only somethings ya do dont really
make sense.
But even a drunk like me has to say it's enough.
Cause my drunk *** cant even stand let alone  strattle a fence.

Points was  the first straw  my invisable friend.
To make ten comments for a point.
Well i got far better things to do with my weekend.

And one night as from the bar i did crawl.
Thought i was just drunk off my ***.
But dam if ya didnt take down the wall.

But it's okay cause if ya wanna be on the list
you can always buy a place.
Ya know your dealing with poets right?
Hey some kid just took his parents credit card
and stole my place.

Mr Elliot  should i stay silent in fear.
It's hard to shut a good drunk up.
Was it you that put that horse head in my bed
and drank all my beer?

And while certin people gave us the name
they gave my foggy mind a idea to.
If ya keep us going at each other  then
that keeps us fom going after you.

Mr Elliot  please dont  read this and
make me dissapear.
For I'll take refuge  in my pub.
hide behind the women  and gaurd the rear.

Yes im the ressident ******* and clown.
The bartender to the masses.
Who preaches drink up and get down.

If it aint broke Mr Elliot lets **** with it till   it  is.
Let me hand ya a beer.
Shake it up good and watch it fizz.

Hello I hope this isnt goodbye.
Cause it just aint  much fun without Gonzo.
Im a drunk a *** a nut a pervert and a pretty nice guy.

Dear Mr Elliot sending me away wasnt  very nice.
When i think vacation  I think sun and sand.
Not the north pole  hey were the ***** santa?
Well  least for my drinks i got pleanty of ice.
Join the *******   if your not scared to have some fun
and if i dont dissapear after this
J J Oct 2019
A crow kissing skeleton skull
   And pecking dirt in the process.

Lace my ashes with flower seeds
   So that I may live a little longer.

I'd love to feel the rain
  Drip down my veins once again,
And make-believe the strid formed
    Will never dissapear. But

The dead don't get to decide that much
Crow bleeding sunny black eyes, sing a song
As we

         Cross into morning. Crow, that maps my skin
          In sanskrit, please go a little softer. It's not
          That I never expected to die, it's just that I
           Never pictured it so sudden; and it's still

So long to go until I'm found...
Crow, would you be so kind as
To keep me company until then?
Strying Mar 2021
it's not horrid
it's not terrible
it's everything
it's you and her
it's the tears that pour
it's the people laughing
it's everyone clapping
for the joyous occasion
the white dress
the suit
and the girl in tears watching her life dissapear.
POV: watching the love of your life get married to another girl and love someone else. you're never enough, you're never the one.
The mention of his name
Gives her goose bumps
The thought of him
Gives her butterflies

A touch
Makes her world dissapear
A kiss
Makes the whole world dissapear

Living without him
Is not living at all
For loving him
As like the light in her darkness

~Nicholas Jacob Sampson
Aka Zoë
Hiba Samad Aug 2014
They call it war of peace,
Yet the pebbles on the road shudder with violence,

They call it war of solutions,
Yet people are running out of options,

Less a neighbourhood everyday,
Less a family every hour,

The call it the war for second chances,
Yet the brushes of bruises never dissapear,

They call it a war of retribution,
Yet this is nothing but false accusation,

They call it a war of victory,
Yet time is drowning in misery,

They call it war of overcoming fears,
Yet dread thickens our atmosphere;
nightmare, now inevitable future,

They call it a war for another sunrise,
Yet the blood on lillies  seems to thicken,

They call it a war of success,
Oh please; tell that to the oppressed
Its been around a month. Whats happening in Gaza needs to stop. Innocent kid's throats being ripped out by Israeli soldiers? **** considered as war tactic?
Doni Marmer Nov 2013
Summer sun was gone into nothingness
Bitter orange, sour salt, and hummingbirds
All gone, dissapear into endless loop
My hand shiver after what I thought today is the end of the world

Mosquitos massacare season ended
Flies strikes into all of those dead memories
Cats having *** without blind folded
Dogs barking without any remedies

Sun, where the light goes?
Following the rights of moon to say darkness comes so fast
My seatbelt tucked on what's it called serenity, because
I need to mingle with the light, all of them mass

Lift me up so high
Watch me fly away
Choose me becaus I'm right
And throw me back away, because you don't want me to stay

Let's mingle with the summer light, grieving light, light with thousands of hope

— The End —