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Mike Jewett Feb 2015
If there is a God,
my God
is a **** brunette.
Doe eyes,
stunning violet,
dark with eyeliner.

Star tattoos
twinkle on her face,
shooting across the skies

of her cheeks. A lower
lip piercing

the **** curve
of her pouty lips.
Her lithe body,

also inked,
golden from the sun.
She smokes Camels,

sunlit smoke glowing
as it pours from her lips.
She’d ask me to join her

every time
she went outside
to have one,

grinning when she exhales.
I believe already.
My God.
Meiyun Dec 2017
together we are a velvet dress
comfortable, warm, high-quality material
knee-length, not too fancy
rich, earthy-green in colour
one strap, a bit quirky?
accentuates the thin waist
smoothly caresses the full hip
effortlessly ****, soft and flirtatious
not a casual piece, although it is adaptable
the dress hangs heavily on your shoulders and is strapped to your soul
never collecting dust
sometimes worn around the house on a free evening, just for you
wear me here, wear me there
wear me everywhere, the velvet dress cries
but of course this cannot be done
opt for the denim today, the workwear tomorrow
life says it must be so
let's save ourselves for the serendipitous occasion
knowing that this is the greatest part of our beauty and charm
not sure about the ending hmmmm
Valentin Peric Dec 2015
For J.M.

If there is an Angel,
my Angel
is a **** brunette.
Doe eyes,
stunning brown,
dark with eyeliner.

Soft pieces of the sky
wet her skin
It is far too tight and thin.

Rose tattoo
twinkle on her face,
shooting across the skies
of her cheeks.

A lower
Lip bruise

The **** curve
Of her pouty lips.
Jade Aug 2019
volume i
A Portrait of My Sixth-Grade Self

Eleven-year-old fingers
swollen with baby fat
dig into the gaudy shimmer
of turquoise eyeshadow
encased in its shattered compact.

I apply the pigment,
erratic smudges extending
from my lash line
to just below my untamed brows.

The blue powder accentuates the swirls
of my fingerprints in dizzy figure eights.

But you can't quit your own skin
like you can quit ice skating lessons.

I am in the sixth grade
when the Popular Girls
in my class tell me that,
if I want to get a boy to like me,
I have to change the way I look.

I abide by the rules of the
Unofficial Mean Girl Doctrine:

{no. 1}

I mustn't wear sweat pants,
these sloppy Old Navy rags
that I have owned for three years.

denim is superior to cotton
even though it leaves
cavernous indentations
on my stomach.

Sweat pants forgive
the extra swell of your waist line.

Denim punishes you
for what you don't have,
more specifically
for what you have too much of.

I ask my mom for skinny jeans
because perhaps if I can
shrink all that I am
into this blue, unyielding fabric
I will feel thinner than I actually am.

We buy the skinny jeans from Old Navy.

{no. 2}

My signature high pony tail is

I should wear my hair down,
they profess.

I am not sure if this is
because of the tufts of frizz
that loom over my scalp
like wasted dandelion seeds

(I wish... I wish... I wish...)

or if this is just a necessary ritual
in the abandonment of my girlhood.  

After I unsheathe my curls
from their rubber-band Bastille,
their trial commences.

My ringlets slither
in hostile circulations,
executing frequent detours away
from anyone who might scoff
at their animalistic bedlam.

If only I could will
my spectators to stone.

Cuz no one ever dared
**** with Medusa
and her curls.

I settle for a flat iron.

{no. 3}

Do everything in your power to be
including, but not limited to,
the laws indicated above.

despite my grandest efforts,
it is never enough.

I am never enough.

I am the Walmart Edition
of what the Popular Girls
want me to be.

With my gaudy eyeshadow and the
cheap Dollar Store bracelets
that I wear around my wrists,
plastic flowers blooming
upon threaded stems
that nip at the hair on my arms.

One day on the bus ride home,
a boy from my class tells me
I am too hairy.

"Huh?" I ask,
pretending I haven't heard him.

"Nothing," he mumbles back to me.

little girls are supposed to play with
jump ropes and Barbie Dolls.

They are not supposed to
play with razors as they strip away
every misplaced hair on their body
or consult Teen Vogue
for the latest beauty hacks
like they are Gospel.

This year of 2011/2012
has been engraved  into
the historical road map
of my every insecurity.
The legend of this map,
depicted in smeared globules
of sugar cookie lipgloss,
deliver me to my destination:

self hatred.

Mascara stains the
topography of my flesh
in inky, dotted lines

I follow.

I plummet
like the eternal run
in my stockings.

One way plane ride
never to return
from this perception of ugliness
and then--


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SHE alone....
accentuates beauty,
her existence alone amplifies
why true perfection lies... in natural imperfection,
... and that.... the epitome of gorgeous,
A mysterious entity that makes me quiver at the nurturing womanhood...
. True divinity, divinity that speaks to my soul in a language with roots far deeper than Latin...

A supernatural being that cannot be restricted by definition,
for it would only be an affliction
of her capacity,
so im left with nothing in which her beauty can be compared to,
for it's strength is far greater than any other force
....the beauty of a woman...
The embrace of her warmth and grace...
The softness...the independence...
The "love me for who I am"
...and i will..because....
it will always be more than enough...
and anyone who perceives it as less
...has never known true beauty
in the essence of a real woman ...
Thank you,
Thank you for teaching me compassion...
And passion...
The bitter in bitter sweet, that is
arguably sweeter than the sweet...
A woman is much more than who she is,
but what she is...
and what she stands for...
It makes me strive to better myself as a man, so I do not let her down I have....before
Greg Obrecht Jan 2015
I don't have anything left to give.
My spirit left long ago.
Shine and paint my pretty shell;
until satisfaction reaches your lips.

Laughter hurts my tortured soul.
A smile knifes through my veins.
A hug crushes my fragile bones.
Your love accentuates the pain.

Inertia keeps moving me in linear time;
as my dull eyes search the clock.
Ticking away until the body gives;
and I reunite with the cosmic whole.

Laughter hurts my tortured soul.
A smile knifes through my veins.
A hug crushes my fragile bones.
Your love accentuates the pain.

Release into the infinite offers some relief.
A deep breath escapes my lips;
as the void swallows my earthly fears.
Now I float in pure amniotic bliss.

Laughter hurts my tortured soul.
A smile knifes through my veins.
A hug crushes my fragile bones.
Your love accentuates the pain.
Kara Jean May 2016
Toughness is my warm gooey love
Isolation is the only defense I've developed
I keep reminding myself this is it
My passion never existed
An urge deep frying my mind
My fingers tingling
My heart throbs
My throat suffocating
The words telling me to discontinue have melted into sweet nothings
I'm a *** drive with no destination
A complicated disastrous women
My feet turned to charcoal long ago
I haven't blink in a lifetime
My burnt sunglasses situated against my broken nose
My high waisted skirt accentuates my fate
Perfect, is a pretty ******* explicit world to create
Please no holding the insane
Back away slowly
She's always hoping to bite
Taking chunks of your pride
haiku namatata May 2010
I see cottage cheese.
Too bad your Granny *******
Accentuates it.
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2012

Beauty from the sultriest with even steady glow exquisite soft lines is perfected in the creature
Dreams are resonant the eyes smolder all tender entry viewed from lips of lushness
Crowned with hair beyond mortal texture it perfectly accentuates loving doll quality’s full mixture
The promise held forth borders crossed unable to envision your dumb all filled with doubt as she pouts

The soul engages as the eyes flame and burn with passion the heart beats with hard thumps
Heavenly body formed from flesh in its force you reel emotional exhilaration extends to enthrallment
Hands touch the visible world seems altered the blood seems to halt its flowing the mind *******
Reconsider the alignment of the stars surly you have passed them in the silver moons glowing stream

The exotic has burst forth on a common stage all has juxtaposed the delirium takes free course
The dance now begun the coupled whirl started here ends among the marveling distant clouds
Enchantment has found its boundless geography it not on any maps it’s truly the heart at it’s source
Governed never the reins to this wild and free spirit has never been made that would be injustice

Has loveliness limits are the galaxies measurable how can they when their ever growing and bestowing
Featureless flawless curvy arts greatest inspiration told through a form that’s made to love and hold
If genius is ever is to be expounded bring the beloved of all men set her in the midst her essence flowing
The world speaks of desirability its fount its ever coursing real ideal is found in timeless womanhood
Jerry Dec 2013
Your slim figure & stylish cloths,
complement your feminine & **** figure.

The white of your big brown eyes,
complement your pretty white smile.

The fullness of your shiny red lips,
complement your long black & silky hair.

Your long eye lashes & darkened thinned brows,
complement your beautiful skin.

Your soft & ***** voice,
complements your hypnotic .

My heart yearns to save you.
I worry for your very life.

Your perfectly manicured fingernails,
disfigured by the burning, smokey cigarette.

The order of  on your cloths & breath
distracts from your flowery perfume.

Your shortness of breath,
accentuates your asthmatic conditions.

Your strong & intermittent coughing.
worsens by your addictive habit.

Your persistent & consistent.
Slowly deteriorating your body from within.

Why can't you stop?
After many visits to the emergency room,
Why can't you stop?

It doesn't make sense!
Deathless laying - strewn -
your hand gripping the bone
in my shoulder.

Mixed are the decaying
shards of skin from

Everything almost touching
again reduced and
mixed in formation
and your hand
to me

What in blank skin covering
the eyes  - which twitter
and in their chaos -
accentuates our inhibition?

Ripe tears fall
the face catching

I swam across to the
heartinents in your chest
and my
mother would say not to
fall into grips that
free emotions like
port, port that enters into
worldsea and drifts across
faded hurricane winds to encapsulate
icewinds in
jars like
coffins closing off to
blind light and opening
peoples airways to scream
of fear in love

Free of sight
in wine-flooded dreams
you lay
and I rest as hands
knot over the
abyss that opens for
brooding thoughts
that drip
out of my mind
as I lay my insatiable
eyes to rest.
Velocity of the heart,
cannot be constant,
when you are near by.
Acceleration accentuates
every second spent staring
into the bright, glittering
galaxies called your eyes.
Your radiation excites
and magnetizes while
painting rainbows onto eyes.
A short poem inspired by S

Joe Hill Sep 2014
artists of flesh
wielding shades of exertion
splashing on canvas sheets
bright through closed eyes

I'm your thumbprint expressionist
mattress impressionist
bristles for taste buds  make
broad strokes the emphasis

aptly utensil
fills focal to edges
though tipping the easel
conception seems effortless

brilliantly tincture
accentuates fervor
while crescent depressions
raise apogee further
The way a woman sings can make my heart melt.
How she accentuates the consonants in "****" can turn me on.
What level of dressing she will let me see her in consoles me.
Her willingness to hold my arm when we walk together,
How easily she shakes my hand when I first meet her,
Can change everything.

Really though, just kiss me.
I'm easy.
Some Will Probably not understand nor like this.  
Due to the content.  
Those that get it know what it is per say.
I hope you enjoy.

Emotions and Rage

Suddenly pushing up from the furs
barefeet hit the floor
a flash of pale ivory skin moves before

the bewildered eyes...small hands pick up furs
as she goes throwing them askelter
red tresses fly wildly
as the rage that burns within her wells out

turning in circles trapped in the chaos of emotions
the drums beat wildly so she thinks
but truly it is only the slave heart racing

fingers slide up the bare torso
feeling the chain
that accentuates her pleasure spots
to any waiting Master tugging on it

pulling roughly
until a scream escapes her lips
blood pounding through her head
the eyes watching look at the slave girl

movements become more irratic
more tortured hips sway back and forth
as she searches for an outlet

for the pain that demands
to be set free the rage boiling inside
clawing at her precious heart

the sadness clenching the muscle tightly
she can't breathe
as her arms reach up offering herself
to the sky
hands lowering pulling at crimson hair

hearing the voices
please me well lil one
you are very beautiful ****
over and over the voices cloud her senses

then hearing I guess you please girl
you are not displeasing mine
frustration mounting
fingers search for more to damage

feeling lost confused
soul tortured as she spins round and round
feeling out of control

It isconsuming and taking her away
from the sanity
feeling the edges enveloping the soul
with each word of disappointment

fingers moving to the collar
that surrounds her delicate neck
pulling at it feeling the tight metal
claiming and trapping

the drums furious now
the tears begin to fall
aching heart begins to break
the knowledge she is not worthy
sinks in twirling spinning

feeling Their eyes upon bare flesh
body used repeatedly for pleasure
over and over again but never pleasing enough
only adequate

tears stain her cheeks
heavily now as the lithe form sinks to bent knees
sliding small hands down curved sides

across the ample *******
pulling against the instruments
that bring her pleasure, pain, and need
hating them for their betrayal

anger as the desire begins to burn within
emerald eyes dull with sadness yet burn with rage
suddenly begin to sparkle with heat

arms extending high above the fiery tresses
first left then right
head falling back
the silk fire brushes against the floor
behind the lithe figure

as she reaches for something
no One knows what

howling heard through the hall

tears slide down across pert *******
as the rage begins to let loose
reaching searching feeling

the fires begin to burn
her slave belly exploding
needing to know
she is not useless
not worthless

but something
a source of pride
desire, or beauty

the tears fall

hips sway against sandy heels
head falls forward
face covered from the watchers

torso moving left then right
dragging the silks
ringlets back and forth
body moving wildly

the drums continue
the rage released
the desire still rampant

her eyes meet His
knowing He watches
pleadingly they beg for His touch
care,  love,,,,

as the drums begin to subside
green pools meet the One
knowing what she will find there
feeling it as she looks

seeing nothing

but contempt,
and disappointment

her body lays forward
breathing coming in short pants
sadness moves to take over once again...

the rage laying silent
until the time it is awakened again
consuming, controlling  and torturing ..
heart begins to slow as  body calms

breathing relaxes
she lays in wait
~~~ then end

Written By:  Niyahlove all rights reserved
The handshake comes much quicker
Than it used to in the days
When he held his liquor better
Those times are far away
"Let me shake you by the hand"
he'd bellow in the bar
But, now his grip is weaker
Than it once had been, by far
He used to drink 'till closing
Now, two beers and he is done
He no longer knows his limit
He no longer drinks for fun
The drinks control his shaking
Keep him centered, full of hate
Once he shakes you by the hand
It means things aren't so great
He squeezes hard to make you hurt
Trying to show what he once was
But it only shows his smallness
It accentuates his flaws
Mr "Let me shake you by the hand"
Is in every bar we know
He's quiet when he gets there
But he's loud when time to go
He no longer rules the table
He's just an old drunk in the back
He used to be the favorite
He no longer has that knack
He'll always be a little man
He'll never look you in the eye
Mr. "Let me shake you by the hand"
Will be the same until he dies
In his mind he's full of power
But his body shows what's real
A strong wind would break this man in half
I can't guess how his wife feels
Two beers can change his being
From someone pleasant to an ***
"Mr. Let me shake you by the hand"
gets drunk and turns quite crass
If you ever go out drinking
And your evening is planned
Leave...and in a hurry
If you hear ...."shake your hand."
zebra Jan 2017
for some
their sexuality
is intimately tied
to curves and licks of pain
and their own
abject destruction
trussed, ornate
for a brutality
that accentuates
****** lucidity
in the dark caverns
of a perforceive mind
and o so willing body
like bruised piano keys
in a triumphant concerto
of ecstasy
to be played hard
like Rachmaninoff's
beaten ivories
finding immense pleasure
in constant crises
between the entwined
demand of desire
and the need
for a
a depraved ritual
of exquisite subservience
by an idyllic master

sweeten the world
my darling
honey machine
industrious slave
bend my beloved
like the weighted ridge pole
are you ready to break
oh princess
of cruel inflictions
that intoxicate
with onerous dark thrills
the sway of your writhe
where pleasure is piqued
by perfect suffering

blood glitter paradise

she beckons
from hells shadowed doorway
enter my love

Lunar Luvnotes Aug 2015
"..I will stand my ground, for I am no craven. Call out to me with your soft voice and breathe into me. I am overcome endorphins and am left no choice because in this moment I can say to you that I will rejoice.. Now back to a fluid. GLANCING OVER your hand gliding with concentration, determination sliding from your eyes through your fingertips and the glow of moonlight on your skin only accentuates your hips and where am I going thinking about your lips? We're so innocent. Bask with me in our tumultuous calm, we are a paradox that cannot be wrong because my eyes are wide open and you are the one inspiring me to be strong."
9/17/14 The author does not wish to lay claim to the past in its entirety, so I deem this piece property of the muse to savor as inspiration rather than lose it to a phone notepads abyss. Eating dinner in his truck everyday to keep him far from our dysfunction that was bound to do us in anyway. Riding flowstate in that truck under the moon, writing in tandem. Rolling around in the back of it cuz his flesh made me forget our circumstances. I never had more passion. It's just a pity it was next to never mutually acknowledged. Im done being sold short this life. It's time for everyone else to make way, my glory days are approaching.
Antony Padilla Oct 2012
Come in fresh with the smell of new rain
That brightens your shine and your immaculate design
man made
The perfect woman without mistakes
You don't hide your artificial parts
No shame
Or anything to be ashamed of
Soft white
That blends with the ambient light of my room
It compliments the straight lines of your firm jaw and Model-esque shoulders
And accentuates the curves of your customized parts
A neck that melts flawlessly into a collar bone
******* that swell and dip into a porcelain belly
Calves that ***** gracefully into delicate ankles
Round heels that walk into playful arches that dance away
From the ground
Lines and curves
Mixed perfectly
Coalesced effortlessly
Into the perfect union
Of man and machine
The result of nature and mechanics
Equally lovely

Large, innocent green eyes
Scan my wooden floors
My exotic art
My photographs
And all my accolades
Posted on the wall
But you won't look at me at all

"Look at me."
A long blink
As if you think the extra seconds will help prepare you
But once I have your eyes
I don't let go
Looking deep into your soul
Or whatever you have that's so **** similar
And you know I understand
And you know I understand
And everything else
Goes exactly to plan
noi Sep 2012
Her frame accentuates a state of grace without the idiosyncrasy of a modern day woman.

The curve of her hips reminds me of lazy summer days

spent watching the tides rolling in off Narragansett Bay.

She's beautiful in every essence of the word.
Julian Sep 2021
Coenesthesia replicates and assimilates the pataphysical constellations that constitute the bulk of the perceptible but, because of a strained echopraxia that adheres to aleatory mathesis, the subconscious imprint of permutations of an integrated reality differ by capacities of percolation of the corporeal through the lavaderos of limit and the strain of hypertrophy or atrophy. Consciousness is like a shattered mirror that is corrugated through spatiotemporal circumjacent boundaries that constitute the psychogony of complexion rather than reflection. It is a comprehensive if beleaguered sentience that caresses the subliminal and accentuates the caprice of esemplastic tentacles that span variable gamuts that are ultimately subordinated by a celation that borrows from girouettism to create a shared approximation that circumducts around the babeldom of conclamation that is a categorical mutualism which becomes the nomothetic girdle of differential gradients of idiosyncrasy meeting the normative constraints of algedonic psychogony that deviates greatly from geotechnic optimum and even greater from geotechnic pessimum (by the necessity of dampened Brownian Motion which is defied by the congenital syntax of learned organization). And because the sum of conscience results in ecclesiarchy hobbled by impetuous purpresture of habit we can similarly conclude that the sum of consciousness is the percolation of both intrinsic valor and inane echopraxia into a contempered emancipation of the compounded breadth of learned cathexis and the depth of innate gangues that embody a flash of literacy augmented by flexible subroutines of habit that are the motatory rebhibition of sociocracy flimsy but inveterate to success and forgetful of frustraneous debacles if never in enantiodromia.
The concatenation of idioglossia (instinctive childlike communication; gabble) for example reflects a shared orbit of personas that share different gradients of volatility as the ludic fouter of the quintessential protoplasm is an origami of perception magnified by an inherited caprice that is the mandate for a terpsichorean but sympatric sphere of contraplex vectors of category intersected with the mutiny of syntax to abridge and simultaneously expand the protensive durative process of cohesive bricolage prone to the intuitive tenacity to absorb and then manufacture a farrago that abides by evolved awareness and churns a consequent solidarity found in definition but beyond the surmised threshold of the callow retread. I conclude, therefore, that consciousness depends on the superorganism of the macrobian and lively interaction between shared experience which centuples only if by a cultural imprint that is either hobbled by uniformity to result in a reductive certainty or a blandished flummery of the hackneyed (when collectivism is imperious draconian conformity) or an expansive tug of idiosyncrasy to sublimate in divergent imagination that is the stew of redintegrated ingenuity. Therefore consciousness began as an insular nesiote that is the primitive primogeniture of the canvass of circular dynamism but evolved into a superlative and supernal field of variable constitution that embodies both self and other but neither in totality.
I believe, therefore, consciousness began with an insular awareness incapable of anything but instinct which became the primipara for an advenient conjuration of language hobbled by the nomadic sprites of the protensive fouter with aimless lunarist siderism and eventually into an ethereal medium hypostatizing a replication that with virulent force and vehement conviction motivated fractured piecemeal dirigismes that confound boundaries of raw uniformity and ideal ipseity of the individuation of seminal rather than frustraneous ideas that collapse on algedonic ritualization. Consciousness, therefore, is both the measure of the collective weight and gravity of contraplex ideas differing their orbits but remaining reconstituted as unitary forms that achieve both sprawl and speed and simultaneously the constrained sphere of self-aware reticulation that bowdlerizes (depending on the age and capacity of intellect) the axiomatic and outmoded procedures such that what remains requires is somewhere between the conversant and the ineffable. Consciousness is more unitary than dualistic but it requires the projection of the known and the communication of the obvious to form the bulwark of the arcane and the degrees of the metemperical are actually an apagoge of academicism and acatalepsy because in good fortune we find that the reach of culture is the replication of stratified and replete originality contempered by the necessary politics of skeletonized frameworks of vulcanized but inflexible models to become the mainsail paragons of traction. Therefore consciousness is replicable and idiosyncrasy is unmistakable but the divergent imagination is intractable but rarely ever untethered to the humanity of culture rather than the mechanics of dehumanization.
(a quid pro quo plug for zaftig women)

women that tip weigh ling needle to spin vicious circle
     akin to puppy chasing her/his tail
     or require digital scale,
at the extreme alt right registering heavy
     ba Jill 'en Jack knifed pail loads  
     whether young or old ought to be appreciated

     not waifer thin self starved as a rail,
instead they suffer unfair injustice
     like a trapped quivering quail
thus this fatalistic, generic,
     and holistic landlubber
     wanted to point head lee
     hammer home one secure
     heterosexual ******* stronger than

     omnipotent Marcy's Playground
     weather beaten pail
     Trent Reznor's sixty 9 inch rust free steel nail
into the coffin of bias
     against bevy of beautiful babes
     within the mind of this male,
who inherited genetic predisposition
     for being average, hearty and hale

yet feel compassion for those engaged
     in an ongoing with battle of the bulge,
     hmm... perhaps hiding ample *****
     akin to milky sopping wet grail
or accepted unequivocally themselves
     without envy of lithesome women,
     who seem to possess flair with nary a flail
     yet possess much love to avail,

and tis wise to love oneself unconditionally
     despite premium aesthetics considered svelte
which mass media accentuates de facto spelt
definition of femininity aka runway models
     donned in faux animal pelt
whose deliberate self exhibition
     prompts madding crowd of man

     to waggle tongue with slack jaws  
     as if ready to melt
or at instantaneous signal telepathically felt
drop drawers upon removing blackbelt.
nitelite Nov 2018
by his betrayal to the dormant blood flow of life
in moonlight who preaches insanity, anarchy,
who taunts the wicked mind in its present neutrality
where the provocation is of being blank and yet overbearing,
such accentuates the interim shadows etched into a dirtied slate,
thus that light that kills makes his mind primitive, soul, sedate,
and apart from all, his body who became its own ruler

spectral projections in his image surfaced
as the fingertips ripped through its own ribcage
and dethroned His Hapless Majesty in repressed rage
and an animated husk continued forth
even though the hostless spirit was delicate in its wake,
so free from each others' demands, the two had liberties to take.
and so thus they spent decades in total alienation

but in time, like a king with no subjects, the Mind wavered so,
and the Frame, like a guardian with no duty, faltered the same,
and like clockwork, fate had cursed the two that one became,
and by the moon's blinding and blank light a revelation held
that craving ensued for the beings to become whole again,
as the Mind haunted folklore, the Frame men,
as a means of searching, to reunite and rest as an ultimatum.

and they keep searching
a mindless body, and a bodiless mind
perhaps never to reunite
in punishment of denouncing their being
it was a truth he sought,
though never foreseeing the truth he forgot.
it was a race to command insanity and misery.
happy late Halloween! (very late)
this was my take at storytelling and a little bit more of an ominous, more folklore-y kind of tone, which i felt was decently timed with Halloween.
this kind of storytelling im not super used to, so any suggestions/feedback (public or private) would be super appreciated!
Emma Sep 2013
I hide so well behind this face full of cake
they don't even realize this smile is painted on, being held in place by my blood red lipstick

the blush on my skin is perfectly placed, it is as fake as my laughter
something dead cannot react

this precisely drawn liner that accentuates my wide-eyed innocence is similar to the fresh scars that line my wrist and thighs

the foundation i use every day is starting to crack
and girls,
we all know how much
we hate cheap
b for short Mar 2015
I am an instrument with proud, inexcusable curves,
finished in a deep stain that shows my wear,
how I was loved—
the hands that have touched me.
It accentuates my grooves, my nicks.
It implies the things I've seen
and the music I've created.

I hang on the wall in the far left corner.
One of many walls in this room of a thousand others like me,
made to perform the very same tasks.

It's quiet here.
Echoes in our hollowed bodies,
amplified from the smallest sounds.
All of us, hiding away until we're found,
recognized—and stroked and strummed.
Poor and pitted, waiting
for the completion of hands, and minds,
and unmatched understanding of how and when.

There is a hope, when the lights come up—
when the footsteps approach my wall.
Although he hasn't yet, the thought alone sustains me.
I can feel him
lift me off of my holds,
run his hands down my pronounced edges,
and tune me with precision
by his classically trained ear.
He twists and plucks,
as I contract and give and give again.

I only play beautifully for him.
I vibrate to hum
making notes that require
no accompaniment.
For a stretch of time, I have purpose.
My hollowness
becomes a haunt for untethered melodies.
He makes me something I cannot otherwise be.

The maestro,
the maestro and me.
© Bitsy Sanders, March 2015
evildum Apr 2015
when every morning
the things that used to sooth
exhausted heart  
and hands become unwelcome
stalkers that assault
the mind like smog
and fumes bathing Manila;

when the obnoxious cycle
of age-old lies and greed
grows stronger every minute,
where can one find deliverance?

or is there such thing as deliverance
anymore? refuge of pen from pain?  
but it only accentuates the misery;

the faster the words
populate the page, the deeper
the memory stabs the heart;
yet, is there any other way
than this catharsis?
seamlesslyrics Jun 2017
he is...
he is as close
to me as my skin
my pores he 
untouched places
marking me thoroughly with his distinctive scent

so I'd
breathe only him

smile my
silver lining for
grey skies bursting clouds
into golden sunshine

glows on me
like the moon and stars
does midnight

he accentuates
my life

spiritually moving me
souldeep into him

and end
with his existence

I endlessly 

Thoroughly in love
Keith W Fletcher Jan 2016
I would sell myself a bill of goods
Before I would ever inveigh
The babble
That some-have the chutz-puh
To accept as some obscure
Personal quest
That they must compel
Themselves to fulfill
As the Tower Of Babel was
To the intrangient zealots
As they go about
Invoking invidiousness
Binging on the intoxicating inversion
Of partisan  opinionativeness
Quoting as they go
"Do unto me not as I do unto you"
When... In a chronometric second
Any possible bipartisan thoughts
That they may truly possess
Has passed through their cinderblock brain
Like the ray of light
On a birefringent trajectory
Unable to acknowledge or accept either one
As the refracting action
Accentuates the intolerance
Invalidating  them for
The total lack
Of introspection
Resulting from the
Total absence
Of any biological binder
That on any level would ever
Allow even the slightest sprig
Of libertarian thought
To escape deracination
Slamming the lid tightly
In hopes that noone  would see
The dividends that grow from
The derivation as a desideratum

People who can't see it
Personally.... I don't need em.
Eryri Nov 2018
As I stand,
With Pimms in hand,
Your perfume I do sense,
(It was always pretty intense).
I fall into a trance,
As you make your entrance,
And I stare in awe,
At your fascinator.
Such exquisite taste
- surely not bought in haste -
It certainly fascinates,
And is sure to spark debates:
"Too much", "just seeking attention",
"She thinks she's Kim Kardashian".
But I think it's ace:
It accentuates your face,
Really brings out your ears.
So ignore all the sneers
Have a good night
Under the disco's light,
And I'll see you later,
For a closer look at that fascinator.
Yes, I'm my wife's traitor,
As I hope later
To be unfastening the
fascinator's fascinating fascinator.
I just like the word 'fascinator'
Wisteria perfumes the morning vale as piedmont sunshine accentuates oak grove dales                                                            ­                                         The knell of dawn church bells travel while azalea , hibiscus an begonia color a town square guarded by black granite warriors*...
Copyright April 26 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
****** I'm kinda drunk
And i don't drink
Mostly because it accentuates
My disconnection
Makes me feel even less like the norm
Even more hopeless
Reminding me every time
Why i don't drink
The technocracy gathers the museum pieces categorizing ideally to undermine and de-emphasizing objective understanding for the sub-categorized priest-craft, drafting a temporal framework for God. In bargaining as it accentuates its void for evangelism.

This classification, this legal ordinance, this academic dissertation and that context of its time.

Then Mary...

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
sayona Dec 2014
1.) don't ever confuse my kindness and generosity for weakness because trust me, i will choke you with the hand that i fed you with.

2.) every single thought of you accentuates my internal flame and let me tell you, i'm ******* burning, but i don't mind.

3.) i try to make people's arms walls even though they never will be stable enough and i've attempted so many times to make someone's chest a pillow and i try to make homes out of people when i know that it'll never work

4.) i had to be my own hero

5.)  my mind is a galaxy but you refuse to stargaze

6.) i found my reason and now it all makes sense

7.) i should have loved myself with the love i gave him

8.) i wrote about you so often that every time my ink pen scraped a piece of paper, the ink pen bled your name

9.) i think i'm gonna be forever homesick for arms that don't want to hold me

10.) my thoughts are always all over the place and i think that's okay. a girl's brain is like spaghetti right? spaghetti is messy, but it's good.

11.) i'm not a difficult person to make happy

12.) so sometimes i try to jumble letters together to create beautiful words but they don't always make sense. whoops.

13.) my self-image and the way i perceive myself is very demented and distorted but i'm working on it.

14.) i think the best present that i've ever given myself was self-acceptance

15.) my body aches to intertwine with yours

16.) my stomach has cobwebs where butterflies are supposed to be

17.) you always whispered to me, "come in" but the more you let the words roll off of your tongue the more it sounded like get out.

18.) i loathe sympathy because sympathy is one of the worst forms of kindness

19.) i want to fall in love with myself before i fall in love with anyone

20.) no amount of carefully picked metaphors and beautiful run on sentences will ever be able to depict the beauty that is you

21.) sometimes i'm just a really sad poem with feet

22.) i'm the most optimistic pessimist you'll ever meet

23.) they say that if you fall in love with a writer, you can never die. wanna become immortal?

24.) this doesn't make sense and it won't.
i've realized that these get messier, more goofy, and short as you go down. and most of these are just snippets of things that were never finished.
Jonny Angel Dec 2013
The low hum
accentuates the pain,
needling vibrancy,
grafting stories
& inked impressions,
etched onto
your sweet-skin.

Such memories
& hurtful reminders
are told in cracked
bright dermis-murals
of your broken dreams
screaming for release,
remembering the beauty
of your heart,
now made warm
with skin-art.
allison Jul 2014
Some associate a tickled pink
with either her favorite
ink-stained pencil case
that is torn at the edges
from overuse
or her favorite undergarments
adorned with lace,
but not enough fabric
that perfectly accentuates her curves
and casts out any thoughts
of innocence.
Personally, I recall my flushed face
that holds a shy smile
that just barely escapes  
when he compliments the equally shaded
but excessively swollen lips
and the way that they travel his skin,
as if begging for more.
We shared a moment on those
fluorescent white sheets
on our wild spring break getaway,
wishing that certain forces
of nature had not come early
and we could be doing more
than taking trips exploring
the contours of each other’s
collarbones with our tongues.

*April 16, 2014 9:58:17 AM
Ty Mann Jul 2017
I want less hollow nights
And a loneliness that dissipates
I want the moon to shine from my chest
A glow that pulses with the rhythm of my heartbeat and accentuates the craters from every asteroid that'***** the surface.
I want stars in my eyes when I look at you.
I want love in my moon heart when I hug you ... hold you.  
I want time to be blissful and inaccurate. A mess of seconds, minutes and hours sped up and slowed down no longer indicating or defining any one experience.
And in the mess, I want to ponder that loss of structure with you.  
I want to feel whole and complete
In my brain and body
I want hope and unconditional respect for my genderless siblings and their conflicts.
I want patience for my own weaknesses
And forgiveness for my failures.
I want the strength to wake up
The courage to feed myself
And the confidence to keep moving
Reliving, reflecting
Prospecting, believing
Time ticks forward and backward, up and down.
I want calmness and leniency for my emotional process
Gentle touch from my friends and lovers
I want healing and self-love.
I want to sleep next to you
To learn to trust
To feel
To connect frayed threads from split ends of past wounds
Reconnecting emotions that only spark and never light
A gas stove that poisons the air awaiting ignition.
I've spent my spoons on people who have only learned to take.
I want to never forget how to give
Even to those who don't deserve it.
I want to forgive those who have hurt me and rejected me.
And I want to forgive myself for those I have hurt and rejected.
I want to find closure for pain that numbly aches in my cratered moon heart.
I want to make plans for the future
With hope in my mouth
As words tumble out
I want to see the sun rise and set in all its cliched glory.
I want to feel satisfied by simplicity
And welcome difficulty with determination emanating from my pores.
I want to be humbled by all the things I will never know and accepting of never knowing.
I want to sit with my sadness and console it with thoughtful kindness. I want to find the energy to walk through the fires of depression with strength and understanding.
I want to believe in my worth and that I am worthy.
I am worthy.
I want to surround myself with those who make me feel wanted and cared for.
Loved and understood.
I want to help others feel their worth and have patience with their process of understanding their own worth.
I want to be present for those I love.
And make sacrifices to maintain my own self-care.
I want to look at my craters
Truly see them
Even the deepest darkest ones
Accepting and acknowledging their presence and recognizing the change they have created in me, positively or negatively.
I want to breathe life into the air
And stay alive for another thirty years and another thirty after that.
I want to see the value in my life.
I want to live openly and thoughtfully.
Holding myself as well as others
Softly guiding ones who are lost through their sorrows
And accepting that some do not desire guidance nor are they in place to accept it.
I want to permeate positivity.
And not underestimate negativity.
I want to accept the light of the sun
Shining bright on my full moon heart
Bearing witness to all that there is and appreciating the wonder and beauty of the universe in all its vastness.
"because writing is a soft and hard place all at once" - Yrsa Daley Ward
ballard midyette Mar 2010
the low light accentuates the turns and curvatures
and the deepest mahogany hue
contrasts most nicely against your porcelain features
and the double bass which you pursue
it's hard to discern when the instrument ends
and your delicate figure begins
as you rise with the music and your bow descends
a symphony for the ears and for the eyes nearly sin
your beauty flows through the tips of your fingers
and out of the rich body with a sound so true
as it dances through the hall with a color that lingers
you both become one in a moment anew
the way that you shine as your instrument speaks
can mute the outspoken and turn the vicious meek
copyright 2010
Shane Aug 2013
As she sat beneath olive green willows, the shade and shadows complimented the melancholy in her eyes. The breeze whispered about the phantoms of her past, stimulating soft sighs composed with morose intent. The summer daze neglected the heat, and the excess air waves distorted her vision. Gentle kisses between low hung tree branches and the still pond in front of her added romantic tones to a sorrow filled afternoon. Song birds preened and sang together in the trees above. They cannot fathom my heart, the way it weeps in the breeze. There was a time when she still smiled, but it seemed like a distant memory, slowly fading into the mists of her mind. Now the recollection is marred. It accentuates that crescent shaped wound on her neck. This one will scar as well. She was not a stranger to the marks of heresy, to the testaments of sacrilege that were strewn across her slender remains…
L C May 2010
My Shirts

My favorite shirt

The green with the black that made a pilot swoon.

The black one with a low cut v that broadcasts shame at a graduation.

The yellow with tiny straps that cuts my shoulders and accentuates the wrong curve.

The red with the lace that takes on the shape of hips for dancing.

The purple with the messy sleeves and the jagged hem.

The pink that I wore to our wedding.

The orange that brings out my not hazel eyes.

The white that I spilled on every time.

The best shirts were made to be worn and thrown on the floor till the pizza comes.

Even the best shirts couldn't make you stay.
Dennis Go Jul 2010
He packed his things as he go
Towards a decaying silence.
In tune to the cricket's cry
He ascended into acres
Only desolation has seen.
"A glistening of thoughts." He told himself.
Living couldn't pry the wastelands of life.
"To remote lands where I'll be wandering
The dusk and dawns of time."
The voice in his mind is still.
Too bitter - his conscience.
"Receive me in thy death-bed!"
The last words of a heavy heart
Accentuates in darkness.

— The End —