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Art thou
Thy soul
Of souls
O to thee?

Or that
Tide thus
So, most
Beams o'er



O, Yes!
My Bride-to-be,
Spinning fiercely
Like a dervish in
This galaxy!



My flames! My core!
Held together by my
Own attractiveness, I
Assure, I need not thee
Tis myself I do adore!
Fantastic mysteries
I keep thus pure!

Woo me to Love?
You seem assured
Of your Self as well!
But you must make
Haste to hence take
This, my body, O!
Heretofore to meld.



My lust forsaken
Broken, taken!

See how hot
These fires
Thus burn,
All my Love
To you I turn!



Be gone!
Be gone!
My Love
Must be earned.



O what woe!
And melancholy!
Ease my malady,
Be my Lady!



Perhaps one day
I shall, but as of
Now, I turn
Thee away.



I shall do
My utmost
To burn
So close
So perhaps
It will be so.


Rigel silently

*Sigh, you
Persistent thing;
I wish to cradle
You, soon too.
This is a satire dialogue of love unrequited between two fiercely burning, vainglorious and  divine celestial stars Rigel and Sirius desperately falling in love, not admitting it.

Written and imagined by ~ Jamie L. Cantore & Impeccable Space Poetess ~ as a divinely sweet, hardworking, inspiring collaboration. Let there be light! Life! Humour! And our creation! All rights intimately reserved. ;):-)

Thank you so much, Jamie, your a dear poet to me<3 lmpeccable Space poetess.

Hope that You~fellow readers have
enjoyed our little celestial story.
Thank you for reading and commenting
"Thrilled Tokens of Desperate Love"
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I'm bathed, I'm ablazed, mine psyche is now unleashed, from the blood bath and the beast's. Expand of mine appendage's, flapping like pinion; as if a man who hath none care's none more. I shalt explore, the sites shalt stun me in awe, an empress shalt meeteth me under the mardi gras, festive, me and mine amour shalt be, as festive color's wilt be seen, silk and lace to unstring, as two structural beam's, tying the not with one ring....a wedding made for only those to be invited, as me and her....

Art the main guest's....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
For no woman lol don't have any... Sad I gotta even explain this lol just for those who think for someone. It's all hopes
theresa the tree Jun 2014
“you shall carry my bones up from here” (Genesis50:25)
yea Little nymph of numbers has six teeth each with ******-chic epiphanies
protrusion of epiphyses thirsty for a fresh bonejuice deathblast
stringy strung theoroized skelecoded out arieal fractal sonix
lix hits antigravity dreambeats chew on infra-red-infractures
to explosively burn constellations out into dust bowls all heavily cranio-******
up with a soul narrowed down to a skelleconex technoillogical prototype
a freshly teased nanoNymph_2.0 osteo-tissue paper thin prototype
designed to bemuse, amuse and be a muse to forgotten infinite epiphanies
endlessly download digitisternums, clavicles whatever desired by the cranio- ******-
enough to risk phantom organic pain in time to playback biofeedback turnt up to deathblast
It’s the artificial cardiaudio arteries show featuring manibrium marrow leakage from infra—red-infractures
and six skinny feminine femora to sing blackened covers of diva demeter love sonix
diamond data mapped thick with smokey persephone bloodkiss shadow sonix
peruse the meanderings of the nanoNymp2.0 a double(triple) pianissimo prototype
fragile: prone to falling (ie) misunderstanding sharp blades pulled from infra-red-infractures
***** bonebuzzed off nothingness nectar numb drunken epiphanies
triangulated ossification between 1st 2nd and 3rd eyes lead up to deathblast
fossilized iconoclastic forethought will achieve status of cranio-******
this poem has no need to lobotomize fetal craniotomies; it’s all cranio-******
betwixt BANG BANG banging is clatter clix scatter bone-dance sonix
electricity sings in the key of major deathblast
crack open a bone on a nanoNymph skelleconex system and a replacement will be sent of the latest prototype
well calculated little nanoNymph’s all programmed  to know as why approached one, X approached ∞ -of cracked open epiphanies
triangle shaped fire, ▲shaped heart, equilateral to a dead sea, sacred geometric infraRed-infractures
biowired endless visions of these infraRed-infractures
Anthrenusverbasci (carpet beetles) eat away at bleached bone clean cranio-******
vertebrae of the Ouroboros eating itself epiphanies
grinding jaws brittle scurvy romantic-suicide die sonix
son of nyx an erubus have mercy installation psychopomp prototype
bring on one more broken septum to end =sempiternal deathblast
“bone of my bones” (genesis2:23) indeed; bring on an ablazed deathblast
fragmented spiraled and inside out infraRed-infractures
every one ends up broken, every bone of every prototype
smashed open coronal suture in everyone cranio-******
thanatos shadow between eros supraorbital sonix
godless and wandering without but epiphanies
soulless nanoNymph burns into dusty nothingness of a prototype
and the emptiness of silence is the deathblast sonix
some exposed spine litter vallies of dry bone epiphanies
Burning away
Eating at the soul
Day by Day
We get wrinkled and old

Some get stronger
Some get Bolder
Some appreciate
Some start to hate

Far apart we all are
But drawn together we also are
Before disaster strikes we are apart
After disaster strikes we are together

The emptiness in some's soul
Can turn out so cold
But some' soul are open and gold
Ready to help the needy and the old
We try to prevent it
We try to stop it
But all we can do
Is stand there and watch it
watching the world blaze
copyright Randy Wiafe 2010
brandon nagley Jul 2015
An old angelic poet went flying
one drab and tempestuous night.

Upon the clouds he rested
as the fallen angels were in his sight.

Whence all angel's were together
Serving their mighty God.

Now separated by good and evil
By free will the hellion hadst lost.

Their spaceships were ablazed
And their crown's they wore as king's.

Their wing's we're ivory crystalline
And their thunderous aura like electricity didst ring...

A trace of cherub dust they left behind in the sky
Telepathically knowing, today their wing's shalt fly...

Chariot's roll
Chariot's play
Seraphim riders, in the sky.......

Their countenance unearhtly, their eye's lit
Their batas all drenched by unseen blood.
Their flying hard to get those hellion
But they've lost one of their ship's.

Because it's their duty, to protect the all powerful God
They sweep by force in by million's, with lightning bolts as Rod's.

As the chariot Master's swept by the ghouls
The ghoulies calleth out their names,
The serpahim said to the ghoulies
Go back to hell from whence thou came.

And hellion its to late to changeth thy ways, thou made a bad choice..... So the Hellion's retreated, back to their doom of fiery noise....

Chariot's roll
Chariot's play
Seraphim rider's in the sky,
Serpahim rider's in the sky
Serpahim rider's in the sky......
I have a song I love stuck in me head it has an old western sound to it as if one walking out into the desert and I love the desert. So free to me and who I am. And anyways did a remake of the song in poetry form and song form of ghost riders in the sky .... Sang by johnny cash and Willie Nelson.. Took me forever to do this but I love it... I'm not country music fan but johnny cash and Willie Nelson are exceptions to me. Their the weird ones of country really there their own genre of music not even country they have something about them everyone loves as do I... Enjoy... I use word batas in poem it means robes in Spanish (+:
H J St Oct 2012
Sí.  You do.

When You . . .

Pour me your 'cuppa'.
I taste your morning.

Text me your emoji.
I know your expression.

Spout out your wit.
I laugh out loud.

Show me what you see.
I behold your clear view.

Awash me in your color.
I'm ablazed by your vibrance.

Throw me your smile.
I throw one back.

Send me your music.
I feel your mood.

Choose your words deliberately.
I absorb your meaning.

Share your day.
I simply smile.

Take me with you.
I see your world.

Ask me to 'Please S'Plain.
I value your sweet inquiry.

Seek to understand.
I feel worth.

Kinda like our bubble.
I breathe more air.

Fall for the make-believe.
I fall for it too.

Just sayin the truth.
I admire your honesty.

Reply with warm understanding.
I adore your  sweetness.

Share your insight.
I de-code.... reflect.

Breathe with inspiration.
I feel alive.

Send me your portrait.
I stop and stare.

Unveil your expressions in Face Time.
I'm drawn to touch the screen.

Show your sweet vulnerability.
I admire your courage.

Speak your true voice.
I know your choice.

Respond with Yeah! & Yah!
I feel your shine.

Feel like falling.
I hold you.

Share your fear and pain.
I help you to regain.

Tip toe with ambivalence.
I hesitate and wait.

Say 'What are we doing here?'
I doubt. I wait... I wait...

Take 1 step in, 1 step out.
I ponder poetry to pull you in.

Shuffle in and out of the room.
My heart rises and falls each time.

Promote healthy boundaries.
I respect them.

Throw me your x.
I feel your affection.

x softly and slowly
I smile and blush.

Risk your heart.
I trust (again).

Reveal your pure humaneness.
I endear to you.

Touch me.
I dissolve.

Brush my cheek.
My breath slows.

Kiss my chin.
My self opens.

Breathe me in.
I take you in.

Reveal your true presence.
I understand your existence.

Adore my presence in your life.
I adore your presence in my life.


Our fleeting moments in this bubble shimmer.
These subliminal and true moments we share.
I see hints of your presence and scribble them on paper.
These words of your essence exists with me in here.
Cyril Blythe Aug 2012
Mother Nature is swaying in the breeze, her branches strong.

Her life full and alive she sings with flowers and dances with the bees,
But her mind is boorish to the oncoming threat of November.

The startling entrance of Fall is like fire to her leaves,
New electricity attacks her arm’s protectors; prepared with strong green shields.
Yellow, orange, then deep red bleed into a burnt, crackled brown and black ash.

As her melodic hum of green vanishes, a starling yellow spark leaps,
Ablazed chaos now runs on her twisted, knotted, and wise branch-arms.
Eruptions of heat and confusion Mother Nature is seen screaming,
Raptured coldly, her green peace is painfully and hollowly attacked.

Her first shiver yesterday revealed her weakness,
Her shade flees, no longer able to stand the icy-sharp stabbings of winter.
Her annual sigh of defeat inevitably followed, thus beginning her hibernation,
Her tired arms creak and break, letting down their burnt sheaths,
Slowly spiraling down, down, down to the hungry ground.

Closing down to mourn Mother Nature is unclothed and shamed.
Her once green body now dried, bare, and cracked.
Withering winter brings blue death and ice to her brown skin.
Naked she shivers and freezes for three months to come.
But Spring will bring her a new strength and humility.
Mother Nature’s momentary fall will only chill, not ****.
Debra A Baugh Jan 2013
supine, deeply do I ponder
of those times as if, I've
treaded upon coal ablazed
beds, of womb fetally
withdrawn; darkness embeds
itself, attempting to see
with clarity through murky
watered canvasses

I, analyze self, coping
with turmoil; glimpsing
the light at the end of
elongated tunnels, leaving
burdensome baggage
that isn't a *** of gold
at the end of a rainbow

giving way to self-awareness
as a glorified sunrise opens
to new horizons; long awaited
as if, eons have passed without
notice, finally, arriving at my
threshold of salvation by the
grace of God; sanity redeemed
Max Neumann Nov 2019
final option: exit in sight
shall i walk this way?

rachel, eva and samuel being in the room
my tribewords for what i consider family

final option: exit in sight
shall i walk this way?

while you are remaining in this room of memories
while samuel is crying
while eva is sobbing
rachel - dem kid's mother - being desperate

you know what rachel?
we are akin to each other
like characters in sentences:

unlike the undertones of
exclamation marks and exclamation points

samuel is crying
eva is sobbing
cause you guys are in another city
far away

you sent me a message:
"i have to protect the children"

tell me:

from whom?
from what?

estimate: how many fathers does a child have?
spell out how
man and woman
wife and husband

become able to defend and favor their
shadows lips and wishes

is there any meaning?
am i flaying my skin daily?
i am not a snake
i am darkness and light
like the rest of us
bizarre billions made of
languages moral values religions

do i have to skin myself daily?
does this have to mean even a bit?

i don't know bambina
but i am sensing that we are ONE:

blood boomerangs bound
boomerangs bound blood
blood bound and boomerangs

the devil cracked our bound
he grinned and said:
"my lost son i am
looking at you: a man full of doubts

ain't no thang though
i am confirming on oath:
i will be getting rid of your doubts
they will be gone

we just need a gimmick

hereby i am passing on the golden goblet to you
there is some stuff in it
to be found in lies and magic"

young jeezy (me ok)

harold hunter (kids, larry clark)

falco (rock me amadeus)

ali (mobster)

dmx (my ******)

fassbender (angst essen seele auf, in englisch: fear eats up your soul)

robin williams (comedian?)

benjamin von stuckrad-barre (writer and addict)

whitney houston (who was really crying?)

angelina jolie (in the land of milk and honey)

sigmund freud (will you lead me to the origins of golem?)

they daily drank from the goblet
the list of my friends is long and enduring

some of 'em died
some continued to live
some decayed with numb limbs
in musty chambers
closed curtains

glossing ghosts above the head of
west indian archie
once a powerful gangster now a broke burnout

but this is one of many countless chapters
my son
ain't we good together boy?

i am confirming on oath:
i will be getting rid of your doubts
they will be gone

successful people drink from the goblet;
they are in charge of their lifes
my son

the golden goblet is like heat in the coldness
the golden goblet is like cooling down in the heat of the desert

nature and leaves
chemistry and magic

my friends are global
my friends are cosmopolits
by the time some lose the "r" on their path:
they become fiends

but this is one of many countless chapters
my son
ain't we good together boy?

all cultures
all religions
all languages

all my friends love the golden goblet
more than themselves
cause the golden goblet procures them

dear deception

all my friends don't love themselves anymore
but the golden goblet
all my friends don't love themselves anymore
but the golden goblet

devils hang out beyond rehab centres
they listen to the
conversations of addicts
they want to figure out their weaknesses
analyze and exploit them

devil flapped his arms
high up in the skies
cheating god's position
between trees and snowwhite castles in bavaria a state of germany

while the devil was listening to the addicts he held
the golden goblet under the moon's reflections thereupon

the golden goblet was ablazed with light
like a constellation superior to the earthly ghosts of weakness
the golden goblet sparkled

the addicts perceived it
as children perceive candy
as teenagers perceive the defeatable supremacy of grown-ups

they perceived the sparkling
as if you were listening to your favourite song

addiction is emotional
addiction is the blind quest for meaning

the golden goblet twinkled over the roofs of the bavarian rehab centre
and one of the addicts a young woman
looked up into the blackness of heaven
frankly speaking it was sparkling everywhere

the woman suddenly thought:
i have twins
i worked as a *******
i am not permitted to see my kids

in deliverances she spoke:
"i was a *****"
"i have twins"
"i order 'em precious clothes"

a sheen coming from the devil's
as she expressed her fate

she sighed and said:
"nut doc give me prescription... first i
don't wanna take 'em ***** though
they called (...)
and (...)
and (...)
and (...)

after slinging though" she proceeded with a shivering voice
" my feeling like gold"

her mouth opened widely as if she was hungry
golden sheen

a darkred eyebrow
vibrating ******
bald head full of

holes scars blood

since the beginning of memorizing
devil has been breeding horror:

not to mention the death of g.t.
leaving parents in a daze

not to mention the death of a.k.
leaving siblings in a daze

not to mention when a mother passed away: t.z.
leaving children in a daze

since day one devil has been embroiled in torment
born from the fight of brightness and night
the creature awoke

only in darkness
hidden by the star's twilight
beyond distances
we recognize him

when he is far away from us
like glorified past
on earth though
he embodies the shape of human beings
to be between us
to expose our weaknesses
that's his guzzling his brew and his - blessing

our failing strenghtens him
he be muscle

our illness strenghtens him
he be tizzop
Today is a good day.
Its like I sit and watch the world go by cruisng to oldies,
feeling new inside, but outside is a face of a man who will attack if you dont know me.
gut instinct is below me homie, piece of mind,
dont change your words if you cant cash the truth but besides that...
See im not perfect I lost ties and made knots that made me fall from my own tension with no intentions to stand even if I can, I cant, im grounded by my mistakes that relvolve around me, reminding me what I did made me what I am.
AS I stay subsiding in a position thats clearily hiding,
binding my chest compressed against my last breath , to save what little life I have left in a world where title nor status mean nothing when your an ******* to those you called your best interest I do confess im that lowlife as i cruise still music speak to my esscense releiving me for those seconds im just a person again but after that im back at it again

..I dont write for pitty so let that be known, im just here to vent this steam that once stood ablazed passion for a love that is now a shack of memories in my head of your smile and gestures a feeling I onced called home now ruins from what i ruined, foolish I am.
Clueless more than anything to let many so many slip away im the worst fisherman of love.
because I use my soul as bait, and little by little i let the big ones escape an take chunks of me away to a place I can never retrieve it, so believe it im that space
im that vessle ive became the shell of a hermit , hollow and skirmish.
Tarnished, and used,
debri left as rubble to make roads,
but none to pave my own cause I have no resources
cause im that alone....****,
maybe I can just leave it for those who wish me back if I do something foolish like giveback the life Ive live, for a plaque and a name and a date?
or should I just lookback and keep cruisin passed the bruissin and showin scars of my mistakes as a human,
all I know is....nothing,
and thats why I stay cruissin, freedom of the road and music,
away from the world and my ruins.

-Deep Though aka
Linguist Musician
aka Emmanuel Hernandez
brandon nagley Sep 2015
O' Earl Jane nagley
For thee;
I shalt.

Be keelhauled
Tied to a rope;
With mine flesh torn off, for thee to be happy.

I shalt haveth mine head chopped off
By a two man blade saw;
Mine top flopping into the basket.

I shalt taketh the head crusher
Where mine eye's pop, mine teeth chatter;
As mine bone's caveth in on me.

Squeezed, I shalt be
Into the iron maiden;
Spike's pushing to mine *****'s, cruor to paint the town.

Mine rose, I shalt be staked for day's
Hot coal's to light the wood ablazed;
As the crowd's watching mine agony.

Mine angel, around the wheel
I shalt spin, joint's ripped, leg's to bend;
Humiliation to maketh me a mockery as I moan.

O' Earl Jane nagley
Seashore Scaphism wouldst erode me;
As the summer putrid shalt burn me, as insect's feast their table.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
©,Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Sep 2015

In the archaic agora
Stayed apothecaries, money changers, and tradesmen;
Governor's with grape stained sin's
Himation throw over's, as for women a chiton, white garb glint.


Betwixt the sea human being multitude
Were the many different Greek's, and the Grecian Jew's;
This locale was vibrant, a theatre nearby where the soldier's couldst escape from the war, whilst fighting made market new's.


A poet I was, listening to homer, and the philosopher Plato
Whilst Aristotle read marvelous novel's, whilst Aristophanes gaveth me a laugh; and Hippocrates showed me doctor's notes for the generation's to cometh and pass, Sophocles to giveth fun task.


Off in the distance was a lass not from around mine Greek land
Her skin a little darker, her eye's **** wick's, ablazed, her sheath Asiatic tan; she hadst no brand, she was not formed by any human creator, her tropical hair, swayed to the Mediterranean.


She was struggling, fighting for her life from the cyclops Polyphemus, I ran quickly to her rescue, pulling out mine xiphos;
She passed out from the trauma, her pupils rolled back timeful
As I woketh her with mine poetic Lip's, giving her life, greek kiss.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl jane nagley dedication
©Lonesome poets poetry
When I use all the names in this line

A poet I was, listening to homer, and the philosopher Plato
Whilst Aristotle read marvelous novel's, whilst Aristophanes gaveth me a laugh; and Hippocrates showed me doctor's notes for the generation's to cometh and pass, Sophocles to giveth fun task.

They were ancient Greek astrologers poets mathematicians, intellectuals. Stuff of that sort... Its amazing mine dads brother mine uncle went on and has mine Greek ancestry as well as mine English French swiss to all dating back on dad's side from years ago especially greek side mine family line on dads side comes from ancient Corinth place Paul preached in bible..., as well found out had FAM members came over on mayflower ship to Usa from all over england..  and have French side dating back to 1600s a.d..and swiss side dating back around same as French since France and swiss border another.., just amazing learning all this... As mother's side dont have whole history just know mums side is mostly Irish and Scottish and some Cherokee native American as well as French to and little bit German.., so yeah that's all me,lol,enjoy,,,
It can make one
Rich without gold.
Youthful inspite of
Being old.
Inspired despite
Having tired.
Ablazed without
Having been dazed.
It is a beautiful language,
Both expressive and intense.
It's warmth assuages,
Relieving palpable stress.
Spare no expense
When making known
Your desires,
For there will always be
A poem there to
Light your fire.
A Beautiful Artform
the torch of
a feeble reason lit.

a decision made, ablazed
in a haste passion,
cursory images
as fragile foam.

the ocean,
lulls and wilts

his lean vessel thrives
on magickal waves,
erupts, as a time
borrowed torch,

bold and beautiful.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
brandon nagley May 2015
Title-out of place- by meself.   A boor I am to peasantry's sultry disgrace, cargo to be tended, I subsist unamended, how childish I play these games. Liquer buds, saltine love crumbles beneathe day room lock-outs! Eyes stare ablazed, the hued sunset repeadily turns masterpiece of horrid honeymoons idealistic and realistic to discussions seeming strange. Partial bodies secrete the grassed out hills, morning calling awaits.,,,,,
raudha Jun 2013
i lost myself
when our eyes first met
hearts ablazed with desires
minds cluttered with questions

i lost myself
when we first talked
strings of conversations
stomach full of butterflies

i lost myself
when we went out
awed of your presence
two souls next to each other

i lost myself
when we first touch
a sting to my chest
a cure for loneliness

i lost myself
when we fell in love
gaps were filled
two souls as one

i lost myself
when we fell apart
for i knew
i wasn't going to be the same again
Debra A Baugh Jun 2012
Mind barren, left splayed
by tongue lashed thoughts,
soul stripped bare as eyes
raked skin; dragged across
hot coals; heart ablazed
as angry torment rips smile
from cherubic cheeks,
eyes once alive; hungry
for love beclouds as if, an
apparition appears...denuded
brandon nagley May 2015
Title-out of place- by meself.   A boor I am to peasantry's sultry disgrace, cargo to be tended, I subsist unamended, how childish I play these games.
Liquer buds, saltine love crumbles beneathe day room lock-outs! Eyes stare ablazed, the hued sunset repeadily turns masterpiece of horrid honeymoons idealistic and realistic to discussions seeming strange.
Partial bodies secrete the grassed out hills, morning calling awaits.,,,,,
Yang Abao Jul 2016
I thought
every word
every phrase
every thought
that got you amazed
set your heart ablazed

was written for me.

I guess
I should've read further on.
Nsg feels.
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
Stark, empty bullet shells scattered, by chance,
At her feet -- bedecking the ablazed brooks
Like young poppies glistening from the rain

Of the hellish hurricanes yet to come.
Man’s fear fans flames stronger than any wind --
Strength that ruins cities, yet keeps her sane

Like the arms of a mother now afflict’d --
Boiled black, bloodshot eyes. He is not her:
Take his hand, your pride has nothing to gain.

This darkness sated with dimly shining stars
Is not the end of your heavy heartbeat
Take his hand and see the red dawn again.
I felt like telling a story about new love and forgetting the destruction of the past. <3
I explored the two different views of red's symbolism: passion and love versus anger and destruction.
I still need a title, perhaps you have an idea?
Siyabulela Apr 2011
Why us?past years,days,weeks and month we never saw the signs but the sun was keen on enlighting showing us the bright side,dark clouds moving us from bad to carol songs by the melodius birds singing in the forest,we abet until our companionship ablazed like a toddler seeing its first sight of its mum,gods grace gave us glamour,we did not look behind until we saw the signs,when the summer comes,flowers blossom our hearts interact like a cable and a plastic,our feelings crushing,crashing and cracking up and down,but we ignored them,why us?as we cheerful as atmosphere,the twin butterflies lies on our bonds
Bashir Ali Najar Nov 2018
I sat along the golden leaves of chinars
Autumn working like a zinner....
The nest lay unlatched ,
The stars above uncatched..
The spectre of winter embezzle every Hope of spring...
The snow puffs primed to Hug the buttercups .....
The Heart ablazed with the thoughts of death,
When the spring accompanying Autumn !!!!
When I "ll be laid in the bottom ....
At the end we r going there
Ricia Nov 2015
Im lonely,
everyone else is better than me-
Staying true to myself isn't my cup of tea,
Oh Love help me see where i'm supposed to be.

My mood swings are occasional,
Feeling lonesome leaves me dysfunctional,
if im all alone, im a hypocritical radical.

Love? check.
Friends got my back,
Heart? black.
Exterior in check.

Pitch black blasphemy,
in my thoughts-its all me.
Smiles tears,
Occasional fears,
Hypocracy at its finest- Yes that's me!

Im a jack of all trades,
hands holding a thousand blades,
Brain filled with varying spades-
Putting emotions into compact crates.

My mind's a mess,
My thoughts ablazed.
Happiness is gone,
Hello my true self- begone.
james nordlund May 2018
Their Trumpler wags his finger, pounds his chest, does abhor and detest, yet,
Unlike the rest, I refuse to protest the pomposity of his demeanor, regress.
For, as I wrote three decades ago, they think with spooned nose, speak with
forked tongue, yet, '...we(e),...', will not be undone, only if you still will.
A nation's youth sacrificed to the dogs of war, and it's keep, plundered deep,
can give no more to ravenous avarice ******, the global oligarchy, seated,
then entrenched in our Gov't's executive branch, dismissing all who won't cower.
In 2016 you couldn't throw a rock without hitting a revolutionary or radical,
because 'Hillary wasn't pure, perfect', their excuse for helping install Trumpler
in the Kluckahouse, now where's their sound and fury, their installed feurher
states, African countries are 'shitholes', now, immigrants are 'animals',
our nations heroes 'aren't', ad infinitum, where's the 'Bernie or Bust 'Bots'
'revolution', declared in the beginning of 2016 by him, now. The dinos, sinos,
linos, ginos ainos declare their allegiance to the illusion of non-violence,
steadfastly, as it's evidently better than the delusion of violence, while their
invisible coup's installing the king kong sized terrible two as emperor, along
with the FBI, NSA, CIA, NSC, Assange, wikileaks, hackers globally, remocrat
Conspiracy, immoral minority, Putin's puppets All, is the most violent event
purposely unprevented since the levees in NOLA were let fail, the unnecessary
unending war in Iraq started, and king george and his ****, cheney purposely
didn't prevent the attacks on 9-11-01, with the republican conspiracy elite.
Cloven covens of their actual religion of materialism, which they all practice
behind masks of 'used' religions, worldviews, spiritualities, clustering in
their conclaves, meet, with unremarkable tidings, the time is neigh for all
to die from climate change, decimated environs, undrinkable water, unedible
food, unbreathable air, unarable land, their 'final solution', ending humanity,
is at hand. Still, the machinations of our technocracy's machinings of human
beings, succeed in their device's designs, bring us ever closer to their
extreme narcissism's lack of way, nihilism, their lifeless choices, hedonism,
and their self-possessed, la machine's, language of 0's and 1's, always tolling
for their bottom lines needs, exigency replacing humanity per force of self-
programming, tragically, no? Does the fiber of your being, the sinew of it's
meaning shout, as to forever echo on, no? Whilst words, symbols, also being
paths of study, can't lead to self-emancipation, for the intellect can't lead,
as the life does not follow, if one allows questions to be, until answers evolve,
they can inform perception's growth, to signs and meanings along the way, uplift
vision. The corporate structure's convolution, and it's devolutionary direction,
proffer otherwise. As his heart's being ripped from the heart in the heart
of the heartland, in his mind's eye, she still stands, hair as if ablazed by
the truest wind that e'r blowed, her hand ever unwavers, raised, with it's torch
yet unschorched, it's light still a beacon of hope and the liberty that birthed
it, to all entering our NY's harbor, if death needs be proud, then let it be, now.
As vernal, the melodies of nature evolve us, let's not forget, urgently separating
the real religion which all religions, etc., are a front for, avarice, from the
State, as dictated by our Constitution, must be done, if not humanity's extinction
will result, and almost all until then was just the premeditated mass-****** of
7 billion in ever more various and myriad forms. Viva la evolution.   reality
(Written while watching Loreena McKennitt's ineffable 'Nights from the Alhambra',
(for her " means mystery, eternity, and represents the human spirit") on
Netflix.  Especially apt, due to Pruitt's criminally insane administration of the
EPA, her ethereal, ephemeral, while Earthen, song, 'Bonny Portmore', imho. reality)

("To walk in seasons is to question, A flower is opening", Basho.  
"Let questions be questions, answers will come", Martha Graham.)
Mane Omsy Dec 2016
Thou must deny thy power
To enlighten hearts, they're pure
What thou should behold
Is thy help to stay that bold

Hath thou ever believed in chastity?
Then it hath been too late to be
When thou dissed grieves in levity
It is better not to forget history

Legions, armors, protections, sieges
War bugles, tear drops, bloodshed
Orphans, widows, maniacs, cages
Rapists, religions, trials, are been led

Until no white flags are raised
Immobile fingers and legs scatter
In the dirt by swords ablazed
Wish doves with mint leaves matter
Every war begins with silly rumors or greed of the ruler. We the people can spread peace if we stand together.
G A B R I E L A Jun 2018
All is forgotten when the rythm sounds
music drives you to a foreign wold of bliss
where everything that matters becomes light as a kiss
where everything ceases to reck down grounds

The peace that numbs all feeling of cold grief
takes me back to times when sorrows where gone
before our worthless fate was sealed and drawn
a tune that saves me from the mighty thief.

The destructive storm that is within me
whirling around like consuming dark haze
cease to exist at every melody

and when the final note has been ablazed
the shadows and demons come strolling free
where they'll remain till the end of the craze.
George Andres Jun 2018
hate and agony

you see, as i was stirring my iced coffee and felt it near my chest, i never thought the outside cold could keep me warm

the same way the fire ablazed could quench the numb, making me feel a different brew, late morning of 120th independence day.

hate. i took my first sip--
the long journey of the cold water down my throat to my grumbling stomach
i thought of yours,

for all the days i've met anew
dark and blank thoughts you've thrown aflew

for all the cold nights and misty mornings

for all the rush i felt was true,
your breeze will the hardest to take my mind off to


agony. i was halfway through---
the hazy surrounding clouds my mind
my body was calling for a trickle of water
while my rhyme has gone awry

i've been feeling your leaving
how it'll awaken my demons and long for--
the apologies and paradoxes,
your scent and your smile,
the voice that screams through my mind.

i never knew how
and now i feel like i am getting ready for something i should have been on feet for
i never knew how to start
when all this long i've been seeing the omega
i never knew how to end this and pack my bags
that in the morning i kiss you goodbye
i'd be awaken from a dream, an epic of mystery and sadness

and i will feel a hole in my heart for something missing i left from that dream--
my guide as i wandered through the tangled vines and flooded streams
my feet when i couldn't stand and my mouth when i couldn't speak
the armor who covered the darkness with light--


as i open my eyes,
let me find you.
and allow me as my eyes bleeds to the ground
searching for your tracks

that is why i am telling you
don't sleep tight
i won't let go of that light
Flames of Desire ,
Generate Turbulence
Ablazed in your Love !

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Contemporary#Haiku# 25.04.2019
Paghunda Zahid Nov 2024
I was a Moon in a dark abyss
Wandering alone in tormented solace
As aimlessly as a fish in bowl
Glumly glad within my alien abode

In a spur _ you appeared from Nowhere
A Blackhole pulling me towards its angelic snare
Rearranging the space time fabric

To a whole new world
mystifying yet aesthetic

And I couldn't resist, for that Benignity
set my heart ablazed _
filled its Valence shell
Entwined with you I will step in eternity soon
Hoping, your floral rugs bear stars and moons..!!
Joy Oct 2018
Should my body be a temple
I do not want it to be
a high cathedral in Rome.
I do not want its walls.
I do not want it to be
a protestant church.
I want my body
as a temple
hidden in the deep Amazon forests.
Because my body is... Wow.
My body is magic.
My body is tangled tree tops,
My body is waxy walls,
skin shining from jojoba oil.
My body is vines tangling,
limbs which swing freely from
any place.
My body is sacred
on my own terms.
Ink is not to touch the surface.
Ink is not to cover the walls.
I want them
and brown
and muddy
like reviving clay
mixed with rosewater and honey.
My temple is only to be marked by
and rains
and catastrophies.
Should my body be a temple
it will be honest and rough and brutal.
Like the rainforest it will be
with the dark ghosts
running freely.
I do not wish for my body immortality.
Let my temple fall apart
under uncaring skies,
set ablazed by the sun,
blown away by the wind.
Let it waste away under
the violence of nature
for should my body be a temple
let it be at peace with the earth and the cosmos.
That is the only way I know
my body would be effortless and wise.
Not behind stone and marble.
Not inhabited by a choir of angels.
Not decorated in gold and silver.
Should my body be a temple
let it be a wild animal scream
in the middle of the night.
Let it be texture,
then death.
Crystal Freda Dec 2019
burgundy braids braced
the back of her brass bed.
Raving ruby ringlets
ravaged royalty on her head.

autumn's aquired art
ablazed ambers of auburn.
crimison curls caressed
as carmine chromes churn.

vivifying vistas vibrate
vibrance with verbalized twirls.
Remembering rumbles of rage
rouged in her rancid curls.
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2018
The volcanoes of your conceit erupted
Although lava ablazed me
Adversity smitted me with frostbite
The magnets of your all- pervasive nature sharpened
I was a needle in a haystack
Although winds blew me off loose
Generosity smitted me to stay aloof
My visage shows nuances from the heart
And you're skilful artist enough
To show my countenances from your brain
You might now be a herd-robber
But I precisely must be a phantom..
Is it really inconsiderate to take a slight, miniscule bad stand against injustices sometimes in this devilish world?
Nylee Aug 2023
Everything you and me, a preplanned destiny's game,
It started slowly, what seemed like everglowing flame,
A shattered dream with pieces ablazed
The dark night sky, the stars scattered
Like us, light distances apart.
Esridersi Jun 2018
tired you must be
running, rolling - red, ablazed
all around my mind.
Javier Garza Apr 2018
Opened eyes that see so little
Cataracts of cynicism cloud your life
You preach about how you see reality
Yet you fall prey to your own illusion

Denied of a life of warmth and light
You bear the burden of your own grudge
Struggling with the pain
Baring your fangs to all who come near you

Pride that's shallow
It leads the way to solitude
Are your broken beliefs worth this much?
Has your anger tainted you beyond repair?

Strength that is a fraud
You stand tall with those blind eyes ablazed
That power of yours is nothing more than a lie to hide your pain
People tend to hide from reality and live a lie just to not hurt.
Dreamscapes clenched in winter’s frozen grip.
Through which, with futility
Yet faithfully,
We slip.
Down from the heavens —
A hopeless pair of snowflakes
Amongst a
Perching on a wind gust:
For union in uniqueness,
But becoming

Our masks are many —
The cold chases us between characters.
Dreaming that your selves and mine,
Draw a starkly striking caricature.

Is it hopeless yet to ask
Whether in us we will find felicity?
Is there hope left in the dream
Of a snowy synchronicity?

— The End —