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192 · Apr 2019
woods of my life
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
in the woods of my life,
darkness is the only thing that prevails,
the trees of grief stands tall,
like devils wearing black veils,
behind the trees of grief,
hide and seek,my sadness plays,
like thorns it injures my feet,
the grass that grows on its land,
no apple,no almonds,no pear,
pain is only fruit the trees bear,
neither does any bird chirp,
nor does a traveler passes by,
no one bother to peep into forest,
to see what these enchanting woods hide........
192 · Mar 2019
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i want to laugh with you until my face turn red like a tomato and my eyes start watering.......
memoona kazmi
191 · Mar 2019
my hero my dad
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i never dream of any super hero,
i have my dad standing behind my back......
188 · Mar 2019
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i want to take your cold hands in mine
and rub them until they get warm.......
memoona kazmi
188 · Mar 2019
i'll show you
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
and if i ever get a chance,
to let you see from my eyes,
i'll show you,
how that smile of yours is,
i'll show you ,
how perfect you look in your own skin,
i'll show you,
that you don't need anything else,
to make yourself pretty,
coz you in real means,
are a masterpiece......
-memoona kazmi
179 · Jan 2019
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i am alone tonight,
go tell her,
i am all ears,
tell her to whisper in my ears,
to pour the bitter truth in my ears,
the truth i had been hiding from all,
tell her to come with,
her tongue so sharp,
with her eyes,
so vicious and dark,
with her speed so fast,,
tell her i am all ears,
tell her to
pop off the poison,
into my ears,into heart,
let me listen,
to the words,
dancing in the dark,
go tell my sadness,
i am alone tonight,
go tell her,
i am all ears........
178 · Mar 2019
who cares
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i know the pieces of broken glass will hurt,
but who cares?

i know this road leads to destruction,
but who cares?

i know jumping from this cliff will break my bones,
but who cares?

i know you will hurt me in every possible way,
but who cares?
177 · Mar 2019
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i want you to look at me,
the way augustus looks at hazel grace...
memoona kazmi
177 · Feb 2019
all she could do
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
she could feel the time,
passing like grain of sand,
and all she could do,
was to wait ,
for all those grains,
to stuff,
all the cracks,
that he had left.
174 · Mar 2019
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
to my wandering soul,
you are the only asylum....
-memoona kazmi
174 · Jan 2019
time to think
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
And when you
start needing words
to explain your sadness,
that is the time you should
start thinking about
your relation……….
172 · Mar 2019
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
you are both ,
my wound and my band aid........
from one of my friend....i just loved his words........
172 · Mar 2019
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
you are like coffee to me,
bitter yet addictive.............
-memoona kazmi
165 · Feb 2019
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
what did you say honey,
you want to be immortal,
come,fall in love with me,
and live in my poetry forever.....
164 · Feb 2019
i curse
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
it's getting dark again,
the place which once was so glimmering,
everything is being veiled,
by the menacing darkness,
i can see the shadows,
getting darker,
and i curse,
i curse that moment,
when i thought,
it's always going to be the same,
it will always be,
a bright shiny day,
i curse that time,
when i made myself,
believe that,
sun will never set,
now that it is drenched in blood,
and now that i see my room,
that was once so happy,
lying dead in the silence,
i curse myself,
for being alone now,
and being with you then.....
160 · Feb 2019
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
struggling childhood,
infinite smiles,
dashing youth,
amazing life,
the wrinkled eyes had,
treasure of memories to share,
but none in the old house had ears to hear,
so the treasure was buried,
deep under the soil,
with the wrinkled eyes....
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
not all those who have wings are fairies,
some of them are bats too.....
158 · Mar 2019
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
and whenever i get sad,i want you to,
take me in your arms and hug all my sadness away....
157 · Mar 2019
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
you came out of nowhere,
took me somewhere,
and now you are everywhere......
156 · Feb 2019
that's who you were
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
hey stranger,where are you now?
i thought we shared something,
or maybe something else,
maybe it was love,
but stupid me,
didn't realize,
you were just a strangers.........
156 · Jan 2019
my man
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i don't want you to be my superman,
and sweep me off my feet,
i don't want you to be my batman,
and save me from bane,
don't want you to be my king of hearts,
and save me from masked jokers,
and i don't want you to be my romeo,
and drink poison for me,
just be my man and live for me,
with me
155 · Feb 2019
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
in the book of her past,
she had pages,
she once wished to be tore down,
but now she knows,
without those dark days,
she couldn't have been,
what she is today.......
155 · Mar 2019
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i love loneliness,
because when i am alone i can completely focus on you....
memoona kazmi
154 · Jan 2019
our house
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
let's build a house,
a house for two,
let's build it's walls together,
you bring love,
i'll bring affection,
you bring honesty,
i'll bring loyalty,
you bring trustability,
i'll bring reliability,
let's roof the house with fidelity,
we will decorate it with feality,
let's build a house,
a house for two,
a house for us.........
151 · Feb 2019
take a stand
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
if they throw rocks at you,
it's time,
you pick those rocks up,
and make walls out of those rocks,
to keep such people out.......
149 · Feb 2019
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
i asked her,
aren't you afraid of being alone,
she whispered in my ears,
i am afraid of being part of crowd,
having infinite eyes staring at you,
having thousands of tongues sharpened,
to slit your pride into million little pieces,
having thousands of fingers pointing toward you,
having others taking decisions,
that you were supposed to take,
and since that day,
i have fear of being in crowd,
running through my veins,
so i am wandering,
in this sweet,
soothing dark,
149 · Jan 2019
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
I like to take,
Showers more than usual,
Not because I am too tidy,
But because,
I like my tears to stay hidden,
I don’t want them to be seen ,
By people who will judge them,
Not understand them,
I like them to be washed away,
With shower,
I stand still,
Until I see every little,
Drop of my tear,
Roll down my cheek,
Get absorbed in
The guise of water,
And I love how
I come out so nicely,
Like everything is
145 · Jan 2019
beam of light
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i see darkness prevailing,
darkness eating every bit of things i love,
darkness veiling happiness,
darkness hiding every lamp of light,
but that's not all i see,
i see a small beam,
beam of light,
coming through the window of heaven,
i see it reaching out to me,
i will not give up,
i will not surrender,
i will run after the beam of light,
for i know,
it'll lead me back to life....
144 · Feb 2019
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
you left space in me,
which i cannot fill,
that ephemeral relation with you,
was enough to destroy everything of mine,
while sitting alone in my room,
i hear you calling my name,
how stupid of me,
still expecting from you,
didn't know,
you were the puzzle,
i didn't have the complete pieces of,
never really knew,
it was only a game,
and i was amazing at losing in it.....
140 · Jan 2019
i am afraid
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i am afraid,
afraid of fire,
oh no, not that one,
not the one that burns outside,
that feed on woods,
i am afraid of fire,
that burns within,
one that feeds on hearts,
that is brought up by hatred,
turning the red lovely hearts,
to thick black ash,
i am afraid of fire,
that burns the love,
whose flames rise from heart,
touch the mouth,
and shred us all apart,
i am afraid of fire,
i am afraid that one day,
we'll be mourning,
not over burning houses,
but burning hearts.....
139 · Feb 2019
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
and when she realized,
he didn't deserve her,
not even she,
could stop herself,
from walking away,
for she knew,
he was just a spark,
and she was the whole **** fire
137 · Jan 2019
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
demons not only lie under your bed,
they not only hide behind your curtains,
or in the doll,
placed inside your cupboard,
or in the old house,
captivated by ghosts,
the real demon,
are hidden inside us
136 · Jan 2019
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i remember her,
remember her twirling,
in that white frock,
with the waves of sea,
as the sea waves kissed her feet,
such a lovely apparition,
my eyes still wander,
wander in search,
of those hazel green eyes,
dancing by the tides........
136 · Feb 2019
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
When my minds,
Spins a web of thoughts,
I try to save myself,
To get myself out,
The harder I try,
The more tangled I get,
And when I leave myself,
To the flow,
All my thoughts,
My illusions,
Lead me toward you
135 · Jan 2019
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
As the teeny tiny
droplets fall from
the window of heavens,
purifying every soul,
showering its blessing,
providing water to the,
thirsty cracked land,
wetting my cheeks,
oh how lucky are those clouds,
to throw away their burden,
to make it rain,
and oh how hard it is,
for me,
to keep all,
the blistering tears
inside my eyes………………
134 · Feb 2019
where i am
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
and when you no longer,
see me,
just close the blinds,
of those mesmerizing eyes,
shut all the noises out,
breathe the revitalizing air,
inside your lungs,
and dwell in yourself,
that's where my paradise is,
that's where i'll always be,
you will always find me,
in your thoughts,
in your mind,
in your heart...
134 · Feb 2019
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
Most people see me,
As the oh-so-happy girl,
As I smile a lot,
As I laugh on even silly things a lot,
As I have a super funny sense of humour,
But behind the curtains,
Only I know,
What it feels like,
To be buried alive,
In the grave of your own words,
Grave of your own unexpressed feelings,
Of unsaid truths,
Only I know,
How hard it is,
For me,
To hold onto my sails,
In the sea of whirlpools,
Storms,strong winds,and destruction everywhere,
Only I have seen,
The dark wicked faces,
Of the demons,
I battle everyday,
How I hear them,
Laughing t me,
Teasing me,
Only I know,
How it feels like,
When you can feel,
The sharp,
Knife like words,
Piercing your heart,
Poisoning your ears,
And when I get tired of hiding it all,
I put on a smile,
On my face,
Just to make them,
Focus more on my lips,
And less on my wet eyes…………
132 · Feb 2019
love to write
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
i love to write,
well maybe because,
when i see everyone judging me,
by my past,
i feel my pen,
writing all my mistakes,
as a burning phoenix,
when i see the world,
laughing on my pain,
my pages accept my sadness,
when i feel alone and empty,
my writing hold me close,
kiss me on my head,
wipe my tears off,
and stays there for me.....
127 · Jan 2019
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
An epmty park,
Sky full of stars,
Crickets were chirping,
Fireflies were blinking,
Fog was dense,
The weather was tense,
I had so much to say,
No one to share,
So I chose silence,
It proved to be the best peer,
I told her my worries,
Asked my queries,
neither did it deny,
Nor did it reply,
No matter what I say,
It always stay,
Hidden in my heart,
Playing it's friendship part........
127 · Mar 2019
i am afraid,
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i am afraid,
that when i'll open my eyes,
i will be alone again,
you will be nowhere,
near me,
i'll be be left alone,
in the menacing darkness,
to fight all my demons,
on my own,
allowing all the stars,
and the moons to laugh on me,
i am afraid,
that you will leave me ,
shivering in the cold nights,
i am afraid,
that you will blow,
the flower of my love,
as the dried up dandelion fuzz,
i am afraid,
that you will leave the candle,
burning in my room,
die in the wax coffin of it's own,
you will leave every question in my head,
i am afraid,
afraid of loosing you...........
126 · Mar 2019
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
just when my wounds started healing,
he started visiting me,
to see if the wounds are okay,
so he could honor me with the new one
124 · Feb 2019
letting go
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
i am letting go of myself,
hold me close,
at this time,
i need nothing else,
just pull me closer,
let the whistling wind,
carry the sound of you promises,
to my ears,
let them echo in eternity,
tell me all your dreams,
tell me you are here,
i am letting go of myself,
just hold me close
124 · Feb 2019
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
i have heard my elders say,
when someone innocent dies,
the earth quivers,
when something unfair happens,
the sky weeps,
a thousand tears,
the graves tremble,
it rain stones,
on the land of earth,
the hell burst fire,
the heaven shed tears,
the birds stop taking flight,
when an innocent dies,
so i am waiting,
standing on the dead bodies,
of my loved ones,
i am waiting for,
the sky to weep,
i am watching,
the men of my nation,
being massacred mercilessly,
i am waiting for,
earth to quiver,
i am hearing,
the screams of my women,
being torn apart by the,
men masked wolves,
i am waiting,
for the graves to tremble,
coz it's all i can do,
waiting is all i can do............
122 · Jan 2019
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
your memories aren't just memories,
they are the slow poison for me,
which i keep in a crystal flask,
and every night,
before i go to sleep,
i open it up,
and drink a little,
for every poison has an ecstasy,
and in your memories,
i found mine.....
122 · Jan 2019
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
Take me back to that time,
Epoch of love,
When I used to stand
near your window
Just to hear your
Mellifluous voice,
To hear that silence,
Whisper your name in my ears,
To watch that silver,
Polka dotted brush,
Flow through your
Lush black hairs,
Oh take me back  to that time,
Epoch of love
121 · Jan 2019
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
and when the night falls,
she pulls out a flask,
from the pocket of her thoughts,
add a few drops,
to the cup of her heart,
stir with the spoon of sighs,
sweeten it with sugar of her memories,
and every sip of it, reminds her,
the taste of your lies......
114 · Jan 2019
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
in every letter,
i receive,
i search
for the one,
with your
108 · Jan 2019
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
his love was senescence,
he once lied to me,
the bud of my flower expand,
he didn't notice,
he then lied to me,
my flower's vibrant colors faded,
he overlooked that,
he again lied to me,
and the petals begin to drop,
and the flower of my love,
which once bloomed red,
is now lying on the floor,
it's dead....
107 · Jan 2019
my mistake
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
while walking through an impassable path,,
i met a traveller,
in red cloak,
with his skin so soft,
with his voice so nice,
with his eyes glittering,
he offered me his hand,
and i in my impulsiveness,
grabbed onto that,
i walked and walked,
miles and miles we travelled,
by the time,
i felt his scarlet cloak,
was turned into dark,
and the glint in his eyes,
oh it was lost,
and the road that was once so smooth,
now it was rough ,
can't believe that,
the wrinkled skin,
was once so soft,
and the one i mistaken
as my saviour,
was only my demon,
oh i'd made a mistake,
i'd made a wrong decision,
for choosing love as my companion..
107 · Jan 2019
hide and seek
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i hear cracks in my bones,
i hear my blood dripping,
drop after drop,
oh it's so heavy,
so heavy for me to bear,
i want to spit it out,
want to tell them the truth,
say it out aloud to the world,
but i can't,
i have my demons,
sitting on my lungs,
telling me to hush,
with brutal eyes,
and their crooked smile,
they won't let me,
they are trying to crush me,
they want me to keep the burden ,
on my shoulders,
pushing me down
stopping me from screaming aloud,
so everyday,
i walk among the people,
who claim to love me more than anyone else,
unable to recognize the red lines,
my empty eyes,
unable to figure out meaning,
from my quivering voice,
so it goes on and on like this,
we keep on playing hide and seek,
they behind places,
i behind my smiles......
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