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107 · Feb 2019
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
I once had a flower,
Whose lovely scent,
Used to freshen my mind,
Whose fresh petals
Were a bliss to my life,
And now,
that flower haunts me,
Its dead petals remind
Me of my love days,
It’s dead smell
Reminds me of you
99 · Jan 2019
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i walked through deserts,
sieved every grain of sand,
i walked through thick forest,
i walked where darkness reigned,
i was brought near to light,
but it was nowhere to be found,
i turned the pages of history,
tried to solve the mystery,
i searched in silence,
searched it in solitude,
but it was nowhere to be found,
the moment i held my pen,
i found it,
i found peace,
i found peace in words,
and from that day,
i bleed in words,
i cry in words,
i scream in words,
at last i can say,
i found it,
i found peace.......
85 · Mar 2019
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
As the teeny tiny
droplets fall from
the window of heavens,
purifying every soul,
showering its blessing,
providing water to the,
thirsty cracked land,
wetting my cheeks,
oh how lucky are those clouds,
to throw away their burden,
to make it rain,
and oh how hard it is,
for me,
to keep all,
the blistering tears
inside my eyes………………
83 · Jan 2019
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
happiness is
dancing in rain and,
in sun getting tanned,
happiness is
playing in snow and
watching the hot sun glow,
happiness is
falling for purety, and
loving even abnormality,
happiness is
walking at night and
waiting for dawn,
happiness is
not where you seek it,
but where you create it..........
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, close-up
81 · Jan 2019
replay you
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
when the sun starts to set,
when the birds take their flight,
on way back to home,
when the stars start
peeping from the curtain of sky,
i replay memories,
your yes and nos,
your do and don't,
you laughter and tears,
your love and loathe,
the only truth is,
i replay you
i replay your memories........

— The End —