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Just Alex May 2021
Hot ****!
The Bluebird wants out again!
I am tough enough for it.
But only just.
He wants out, but can't.
Meanwhile, his beak tears a hole.

Sears into my flesh.
Bleeds a little, but thats OK.
It reminds me that I'm not.
It reminds me I gotta run.

Pump my legs out of this place!
To chase the dreams they sold me
"You'd be a leader, just you wait to get your degree.
Labs and companies will be groveling at your feet!"

What *******...
They spoon-fed me, like a child off the ****.
I swallowed the lies like a baby lamb
With a glint on my eye, wasting my time
I believed they'd make me a man
No need to go and try, they'll take charge on that.

But the world is a cold, brick, wall.
And you crash into it as soon as you cross the door.
You break your nose, bleed a touch.
Now it's time to crack it back into form!

Ouch! Ow! It hurts! It smarts!
But it's good for ya kid!
It'll do ya right!
You can't look forward with that crooked thing blocking your sight!
So yank it straight! Get off off your **!

Dreams ain't something you'll find on a market stall.
You can't buy them, they ain't sold.
But you can make them on a workshop.
A table, a shed, behind garage doors.
Behind a computer, even a phone!
They are made with sweat and blood.
And time...

Better spend that chasing them
Than to waste it
listening to someone pump them into head.
The poem Bluebird by Charles Bukowski may be one of my absolute favorite pieces of writing I've ever read, and it is all I want to achieve in my writing. A worm that burrows in your brain that won't leave you and inspires you to do something.
The title is an allusion to Bukowski and his work "Notes from a ***** Old Man" published in 1969
May 2021 · 563
Again I feel a yearning
Just Alex May 2021
Again I feel a yearning.
This fire in my gut.
Again I feel a yearning,
to free myself from this bog.

It burns, like a wildfire.
Sending upwards plumes of smoke.
It shines, like raining starfire.
Pouring from the sky amongst the oaks.

My feet are heavy.
Anchored by fear and regret.
Heresy against the dogma.
That I should love myself above all else.

My dreams are magnetic.
Seeking to rejoin eachtime they shatter.
They know nothing of defeat or sorrow.
Living to them, is all that matters.

Marching to an invisible rhythm.
Listening to a tune, all of their own.
My ambition and drive move forward.
Into the pitiless night beyond.

Maybe they seek redemption.
Or to end it all devoured by the beast that prowls the dark.
Maybe, they have no other choice;
but to march, and march, and march...
I´m publishing this poem here from my page on allpoetry as a way to re-ignite mine here
May 2021 · 627
All-encompassing shadow
Just Alex May 2021
Was I to turn to my side
Walking under moonlight
Would I see you there?
Matching my step?

For you are gone,
You left without a word
after saying too much.

Was I to turn to my back
Walking by the streetlights
Would you be following me?
As in days gone by you did?

For you have banished.
A body displaced, that casts
echoes in the depths of my brain.

And what would I see?
Heading into a tomorrow
punctured in waning sunlight
When I turn my step?
When I look ahead?

But shadows dancing
In your image, with your name
And cold stones as poles
of a merry-go-round.
Dec 2020 · 170
Just Alex Dec 2020
Brilla el sol intensamente
Debe estar celoso de tus ojos
Sopla el viento desenfrenado
Tus cabellos debe querer ver volando
Los pájaros cesan su canto
Deben querer escuchar tu reír
Y la luna se niega a salir
Sabe que contra el brillo de tu piel
no puede competir

Se paraliza la ciudad
Debe querer ver tu caminar
Se apagan los sonidos
Todos te quieren escuchar
Los fuegos arden desenfrenados
Queriendo tu sonrisa igualar
Las estatuas se quiebran
Si a tu belleza se quieren comparar

La distancia se acrecienta
Los minutos alargan su pasar
Se forman surcos en la tierra
Se agitan las olas del mar

El vivir con tu ausencia
Es  una agonía sin igual
Estar sin el roce de tus dedos
Frio como un tempano glaciar

Los planetas son como canicas
Y las estrellas destellos en la oscuridad
Todo pierde su sentido
Y la Tierra deja de girar

Pues desde que te fuiste
Se esfumo el orden natural
Ya nada es como antes
Ahora que no estas
Mar 2020 · 270
Me he enamorado tanto
Just Alex Mar 2020
Me he enamorado tanto
Que no significa nada para mi
La presión de un beso
Y del abrazo su calor
Son insignificantes, vacíos
Algo sin valor.

Es hielo lo que anida de mi dentro
Una gélida recamara es mi corazón
Nada siento, nada vale
Camino por las calles cual robot

Te quise
Tanto te quise de verdad
Trate de jugar bien mis cartas
Jugaba para ganar
Para ver la mesa vacía
Y a mis recuerdos
En amargo licor, ahogar.

Me rindo, no te pude conquistar
Soy un general sin victorias
Mis cañones no rugen ya
La munición esta exhausta
Mi estandarte desgarrado
Como mis ganas de luchar.

Me he enamorado tanto
Que ya no significa nada
Tu sonrisa, antes bella
Ahora, desvanecida
La suavidad de tus manos
Es como áspera madera
El espacio que en mi vida llenabas
Ahora las sombras llenan.
Tal vez  un día aprenderé
Just Alex Feb 2020
Rocks in the sea
Move as leaves on the breeze
Compared to trying
Changing someone´s beliefs
Feb 2020 · 151
Just Alex Feb 2020
Por eso te prefiero
pues nadie me hiere
bajas tu guardia
abres tu corazón
y al hacerlo, invitas las dagas.

Y por tan poco caigo
como los caen los imperios
por escuchar "te quiero"
se derrumban las torres
por un beso
y mueren los héroes
por el roce de tus dedos.

Creí que eras mía
que solo míos eran
tu corazón y tus besos
míos eran tus suspiros
en el oscuro éxtasis del deseo
y el aire caliente que me dabas
cuando tu labios a los míos apretabas.

Pero la vida no es un idilio
y los versos se escriben en sueños
la fantasía se desnuda
y revela a la realidad de su velo

Pues tus besos eran prestados
como lo eran el roce de tus dedos
tus suspiros estaban vacíos
y tu cariño por mi, agotado.

Y ahora que hago con mi corazón
frente a mi, hecho pedazos
de rodillas trato de pegarlo
entre amargas lagrimas, tiempo perdido
Y cansancio.

Nunca fuiste mía
Eso es claro
Y nunca fui tuyo
Mi cariño fue malgastado
Y me encuentro nuevamente
En la negrura, amurrungado
Me cobija, me abriga
Sella mi pecho acuchillado
El frió solitario, la noche sin luz
Aquí pertenezco
Aquí las dagas no me harán daño
Jan 2020 · 117
Just Alex Jan 2020
I wish to be free
To not be a slave but to live!
To feel the world again and the glow of the sun
To go to the sea
And listen it's mighty roar
The hot sand at my feet
And the blow of the breeze
I want to feel again what is real

I want to be loved as close as I can get
To kiss real lips and hold real hands
Feel the warmth of a hug, listen sweet words
Caress, touch, and make love
To eat real food, and not recicled slop
Baked beans, pork pies and steaks of mutton
For my fingers to get ***** as I make them
To have them burn in the oven, and ruined to hell

That is a mistake!
An error!
Oh wonderous joy!
I am a man who makes mistakes!
Who ***** it up!
For I am a man! And not a robot!

In the past chains were iron
Clamped to the ankle, locked and wrought
You felt the weight, with every step
As it wobbled and tugged
But much to cumbersome it is
For such modern times to carry
Times have changed, our chains...
They glow and speak!
And weight nothing at all
At a desk, at a lap
How convenient!
As they burn out our eyes
Dull our minds
And desensitise

Are chains we seek
Top dollar we pay to wear
But enslave us all the same

The masters have changed
Times have evolved
But we still are in the end
Nothing but...
The irony of writing and publishing this from a computer isn´t lost on me
Jul 2019 · 322
Just Alex Jul 2019
Como se plasma un momento
Un instante que el mundo ignoro
En un espacio tan pequeño
Un cuadro tan grande, claustrofóbico

Ni siquiera los vimos llegar
Ni advertir el suave sonido del motor,
Y con solo presionar un botón
Empieza la cacofonía de la destrucción

Desde tan alto se siente distante
Roba la distancia su intensidad
Que a los sentidos enmudece
Un llanto tan lastimoso
No hay garganta que lo ofrezca

¿Que hacer con la sangre que mancha el suelo?
Adorna la metralla que invade la carne
¿Que hacer con las lagrimas en mi pecho?
Cada gota cargada miedo

¿A quien pedidos salvamento?
¿Al cielo del que caen las bombas?
¿Que hacemos en este cuarto tan pequeño?
Donde cabe la infinidad y todas sus horas

Anclado al suelo por miedo
Morir aquí o afuera, no hace diferencia
Moriremos todos como perros
Sin misericordia, sin complacencia.

¿Es nuestra vida tan barata para la estabilidad?
Para un tirano que cambia de disfraz
¿Cree que nos protege? ¿Defiende la paz?
La paz no debería de explotar
Y nuestra carne rajar
Nuestros hijos matar
Mi sangre derramar
Mis animales desollar
Mi tierra reventar
Mi patria...

Ahora la muerte toma su lugar
Conquista el cuarto, en nombre de la paz
De los fantasmas, los espectros la paz
Susurran lastimosos este momento
Su gritos sigilosos entre la ruinas
Alaridos que se lleva el viento
Irónico de verdad, que en vida se lleven
Lo que me prometía la eternidad.
Mar 2019 · 374
True Hell
Just Alex Mar 2019
Is how different you are
From the best person you could be
Measured in laziness, hubris, or your sin of choice
To be so close from greatness
Only to fall short
That is true suffering
To endure
And forevermore
Mar 2019 · 756
The song made me a traitor
Just Alex Mar 2019
The music roused something in me
That was asleep for so long
Every note of the song made me a traitor
A cheater, a hateful turncoat
For I thought myself impervious
To such lowly tempations of men
But in my hubris, I forgot of my flesh
That makes as falliable as any of them.

And to remember the time my heart belonged to her
She of caramel eyes and flowing brown hair
Holding my heart in so tight a grip
The beating of drums ******* that of what she held
My mind filled the void the distance between us made
As my lips craved hers to kiss
But in a frenzy, kisses turn to passions unbound
To make every inch of her mine, in her body to drown
To her undrapped form, a moment lost in time
The symphony of our ****** filled the air of night.


And now, temperance has taken hold
And a new love, her place
And while I love her indeed, exciment in life
It seems to have... Faded away
The love I thought my beloved has
Isn´t wholly her own
So long as the music plays I fear
My desires bubble and tumble
To give in to my lust.
Jan 2019 · 310
This is my poem
Just Alex Jan 2019
This is my poem
There are many like it, but this one is mine
Into the madness inside my mind, a visage
In my splintering reality, something to hold on tight

This is my poem
There are many like it, yet this one is mine
Many poets there are
Who have talent in *****
Who craft masterpiece regularly
As I watch in their shade

I still hold on to my poem
There are many like it, but this one is mine
From the pain of sight. A relief
From existing's anguish. A vent
The reason for my heart to beat
And for my blood to flood my veins

This is my poem
My poem, only mine
You can't buy, or take it
You can't understand what it's like
For there to be a million of poems
And for this sad collection of words
To be mine
All... Mine...
Jan 2019 · 305
We all play a part
Just Alex Jan 2019
Poet is the weaver of words
With every verse, a thread
The pen a needle
To craft most beatiful attire a quest
Of songs, poems and hymns

Muscian brings poetry to life
The words dance to the beat of drums
Ears serenated by dulcet tones
That spring forth from a beatiful voice

Warrior is the bringer of war
Weapon in hand, death in his eyes
His foes defeated, the land crimson
His craft is to bring death, until death bites back.

Widow is the one who lost it all
To the neverending tones of wars
The blood shed paid in tears
And the space never to be filled.

Poets gain inspiration
The deeds of conquerors assured
If the lands don´t remember their names
Our poems will forevermore
The muscian take the poem
And turns into song
Their names celebrated in taverns
And cheered all night long
The warrior will follow to drums
The neverending beats of war
To fight for conquerors a endevour most noble
Relish the carnage, bathe in the blood
And widows will be on their knees
Not singing songs or reciting hymns
Tears on her eyes, cursed name on their lips
Wondering how will she feed herself until next spring
Just Alex Jan 2019
I was a soldier of Rome
and my thoat is now split open
Split it was by a Gaul
Fighting to destroy the Republic.
I hope the earth is nourished by my blood
And life grows from it
For so much has been lost
In this senseless slaughter.
Do they not see the light of Rome?
Civilizations luster?
We bring fire to the shadows of the world
To cast them aside, tear them asunder.
Our cause is just, our will cannnot be stopped
The world shall be roman
We bring justice and order!
My sword may decorate the ground
And my armour my lifeless body
Behind me marches the strength of legions
From it ten more will take my place
For victory! For glory!

I was a warrior from Gaul
Sixteen springs alive
Cut down in my prime
To defend my home
From Rome´s thrist for land
They come forth from beyond the mountains
A ravenous, barbarous horde
They loot, and ****, and pillage
Torching everything they touch
Can they not see our life is just?
And it is peace, not man, who governs this grooves?
We live, we love, we grow
They tend to their business and we to ours.
Yet they now come
And my body may give life to the forests
And from the forests forth shall spring my brothers
To ****! For victory and glory!

I am a crow

I shall feast on them both

Life shall indeed spring forth

The maggots

The flies

And many, many more of us.
I always wanted to try my hand at a poem with historical flavor
Dec 2018 · 526
Just Alex Dec 2018
Como todo lo que hicimos se vuelve insgnificante
Destruye tantos años en un solo instante
Un silencio que manda ecos a todas partes
Un vacio incuantificable
Un dolor intolerable
Una vida sin sentido
Pues lo vivido contigo
No lo replicara nadie
Nov 2018 · 496
I´m sorry
Just Alex Nov 2018
Maybe if I write a poem I can pour this out of me
Maybe I can find the answers as to why you left me
It was sudden, it came with no warning, yet came it did
As I write this, my hands shake and I am racking my head
Trying to find a mistake, where I went wrong
The echo of your voice fills the silence with noise
I want to listen, I want to hear it again... But it´s gone...
...You saw to that
...You cut that lifeline with a sword
...Dead and gone, with nothing but a touch
And my head tries to fill the void
Hallucinations, whispers and specters
Ghosts, mirages and flashes
Nothing but party tricks
Pale imitations of what was and could be
The promise of something beatiful
Now a corpse, killed not by your hand...
But the mistakes guided by mine...
Just Alex Nov 2018
How do they do it?
How in the hell do they do it?!
How do they become an obsession?
How do they make their wives long for their return?
How do they make them weep for their loss?
How do they carve a hole in their hearts?
A shape no one else can fill whole
How do they earn this devotion
This loyalty with no measure
Somebody tell me! I beg of someone to tell me!
All I get is to be ignored...
All I get is to be a bore...
All I get is... All I get is nothing at all...
When someone is interested in something it shows, when someone isn´t interested it shows even more.
Nov 2018 · 985
Como hace frio alla afuera
Just Alex Nov 2018
Hace frio allá afuera
La brisa trae consigo el invierno
Y todos sacan sus abrigos y chaquetas
Entonados a una sinfonía de cremalleras.

Son los gélidos vientos de Noviembre
Que sacuden vigorosamente la ciudad
Del Norte bajan fuertes ventoleras
Que rompen la cotidianidad.

La furia de Bóreas templa
Contraria a la ira de sus victimas
Retrasos por calles cerradas
Maldiciones por enfermedad
Dolores despiertan de sus camas
Aquellos a quienes el frio tormenta.

Mas debo decir que esto no me afecta
Desnudo por la calle puedo andar
Pues el frio de mi es el hilo
Que tejió mi vida y normalidad.

Frio es mi corazón diariamente
Un paramo helado sin sensación
Frio es la cámara de mi alma
No hay dulzura, no hay amor
Como frio es la vida de los otros
Calor no encuentro a mi alrededor
Tan frio es el desprecio
A un hombre en precaria condición
Y frio es el silencio
A las plegarias de un hombre en desesperación
Frio es el trato de la gente
Sonrisas mas duras que el hielo
Frio son los besos
Que marcan el hola y el adiós.

Y pienso yo en este frio
Y noto que es invierno ya
Y gélido es el viento
Pero mas frio es el tratar
¿Sera que llamamos este céfiro?
Con actos y palabras sin calor
Que ya el frio encontró hogar
Dentro de la gente, su corazón.
Nov 2018 · 759
Me distraje
Just Alex Nov 2018
Me distraje con tus ojos
Cuando me encataron tus pupilas de caramelo
Y seran tus pupilas caramelo
No son tan dulces como tus besos
Tus besos que me dieron tus labios
Que dibujan tu sonrisa hermosa
Con un tajo destruyen la sombra
Y me contagia de felicidad

Se me olvido mi corazon blindar
De tus dulces palabras y de tu mirar
Tu risa melodiosa no se puede superar
Pero lo lograste cuando dijiste que me querias
Y que si me fuera, me ibas a extrañar.

Y aqui estoy, lejos, triste y desvalido
Y aqui estoy ahogado en lagrimas y dolor
No siento que me extrañes o me quieras
Como extraño el calor de tus abrazos
Y sentir los latidos de tu corazon

Me engañste con dulzura
Bajaste mis defensas sin considerar
Que si las tenia era para evitar la tristeza
Que has traido asi nada mas
¿Y que hago ahora conmigo mismo?
¿Que hago ahora que te vas?
¿Reemplazar mi corazon molido?
Tal vez lo haria si me lo quisieras regresar
Porque es testarudo el amor, y estupido el querer
Que a quien tanto daño me hizo, estoy dispuesto a morir
Como muero cada dia sin ti
Mis lagrimas son rojas de brillante carmesi
Aferrado a un recuerdo que yo vi morir
Esperando que regrese a la vida, y tu por mi
Esperando tus sonrisas dulce y tu querer
Ya que sin tu amor, ya no se que hacer.
Just Alex Nov 2018
Es de locos amar sin locura, pero es de dementes dejarse caer en el amor sin una cuerda de emergencia
Just Alex Nov 2018
I miss our talks so much
Back in the days when we talked
For my days began with your "Good Morning!"
And a smile was drawn on my face with a "Hello!"

But now there is silence
That screams at my ears and pierces my heart
As I lose myself in sadness
And this neverending blackness
For my days ended with your "Good night!"

And to this day I don´t know why you left
Did I made a mistake?
Was I rude in anyway?
Or maybe something more sinister
That I just became boring...
Yet that... I couldn´t handle the pain
Because mistake have amends
And I could change my ways
But I can´t alter myself
What you see is what you get
I´m just a man
Who tried his best, to keep by his side
But my best didn´t cut it
Still you left...

And its strange kind of pain
It doesn´t hurt but it´s there
It´s a hole, a maw, a space
Filled with emptiness
That has your shape
I miss you
I don´t know what more to say
Please return or at least talk to me again
Any word would do for my will to revive
Any word, any word at all
Any word, except ...goodbye"
Oct 2018 · 3.3k
You are so pretty
Just Alex Oct 2018
You are so **** pretty
I just want to say
That you manage to charm me
Every single day
With your bronze skin
And caramel eyes
Your short hair
And irresistable smile
Your lips so plump
I want bite when I kiss
Your full *******
And thick hips
Every part of you could be a poem
And every word you say a verse
But I could never do it justice
Less so when you smile at me
and play with my hair
I feel fuzzy when I touch you
And my lips crack a smile
I want to stick to you forever
Your hugs are so **** warm
And lock our hands together
When our fingers intertwine
They seem to match eachother
One made for the others grasp
And I want to trap time in a bottle
That my love for you may never die
But I´ll settle for a poem
Titled with my toughts for you when you ask me
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
Oct 2018 · 654
In you...
Just Alex Oct 2018
I want to mend my mistakes
I want to undo the past
I want do things right
I find a reason to try.

I find the meaning of songs
I find why poets write of love
I find the sorrow of lovers
I want cure their woes
as tears are shed like blood...

I want to find joy
I want to never let go
I want to feel warmth
I find happiness once more.

I find fear like never before
I remember why I stopped
I remember the nervouness
felt before
I find a reason to ignore them
chances is what life is made out of.
Oct 2018 · 264
Seize the chance
Just Alex Oct 2018
We said so much with our eyes
And our bodies yelled to each other
Yet our mouths remained closed
A chance forever lost...
Just Alex Oct 2018
The void of space
To be outside of time
Truly is a blessing
If spent by your side...
Oct 2018 · 425
I miss you
Just Alex Oct 2018
No other words make do
Now that you are far
You miss from my side
Leaving a hole in my life

And the embers of love
Grow colder each day
Distance blows a chilled breeze
And extiguished by tears
They grow colder still

Life can cruel, it can be hard
But harder still when passions
run wild
And hard it hits when you realize
That when the dust settles there lay the shards
Of a love that shone so bright
Bright as the flashes of the past
Of the smiles and the laughter
But now there is only sadness
And the tears leave fog in my eyes
And would my eyes have seen the madness
How crazy to let go of you was
I would not be in this blackness
Trying to mend all this scars
I carry with me as mementos
As reminders of failure
As reminders, you won´t be back.
Oct 2018 · 527
Smoke and Mirrors
Just Alex Oct 2018
In a world of illusion
Where nothing is real
We squirm in the mud
Seeking meaning
And the universe laughs
We keep sinking

And all that we do is a quest
To jusitfy our existence on Earth
We toil, and we breed and we bond
To perpetuate a lie
That´s ages old

We fight for lines in the soil
We ****** for pieces of shiny gold
We give our lives for a flag
We stand firm for whats right
We stand proud against evil
To fight and defeat the demons
We believe in a God above
That showers us in his love

Yet nothing is real, it´s all ethereal
The land is just land, and gold is a rock
Flags are cloth and morality maleable
God is dead, he was never here
He was a stop gap to the only thing real
That we keeps growing like a cancer
And we keep searching for answers
An empire of lies
On a throne of deceit
Nothing is real
Nothing means anything to me
Just Alex Oct 2018
I made a mistake,
Whoops thats on me
I made a mistake
Sorry, I didn´t see
I made a mistake
It won´t happen again
I made a mistake
It´s my fault, I confess
I made a mistake
I know I messed up
I made a mistake
I´m trying my best
I made a mistake
You make them too
I made a mistake
There is no excuse
I made a mistake
You should know better
I made a mistake
What? Can´t handle the pressure?
I made a mistake
You still do?
I made a mistake
Jesus, go get a clue...
I made a mistake
I just can´t help it
I made a mistake
Either fix it, or quit
I made a mistake
My patience is running thin
I made a mistake
Yes, yes you did...

You made a mistake
When you rose from your bed

You made a mistake
Thinking you can have faith

You made a mistake
Thinking you can change

You made a mistake
Thinking you can mend your ways

You made a mistake
Thinking you can escape

You made a mistake
Not wanting to die before

But you sure did good

When you hung from your noose...
Reader discretion is adviced, if you suffer from depression, anxiety or are just easy unnerved then you might want to skip this one.

No I´m not suicidal, I just wanted to write something with a little more bite and edge to it
Oct 2018 · 1.1k
Just Alex Oct 2018
Where the were two, now remains one
A duo that was broken in the anvil of time
A link that was severed, its pieces scattered in the past
A bond eternal, now severed and torn apart.

Theres air where hands would be held
And cold in the place where there used to be an embrace
So dry, are the lips that used to kiss
And agony in the skin that misses the caress
it used to feel.

There´s silence where vows of love were proclaimed
And betrayal in the place promises were made
Rememberance gives way to rage
Memories twisted by sadness and hate.

No more walks down the park
No more dates at the café
No strolls at the boulevard
No more watching sunsets down by the bay.

Where there was one, no theres two
A symbiosis of souls and hearts
We were so close, you and I
But fate decided to tear us apart.
And I can hope that time
Can soften the blow of us beign apart
Maybe an imposible task, but I must try
To delude myself that after you
There is more to live in this life.
Sep 2018 · 869
I ran out of titles
Just Alex Sep 2018
I ran out of verses
They are all... spent
Of things of love and life
All things are... said

And is there a saddest creature
That a man who wishes to write but can´t?
Words trapped inside him like a prison
My own jailor, without the key in my hand

And they wish for freedom
To escape the torment and the silence inside
But in that silence they die
They die...
The words die...
They die alone...
Every death a cut...
To the mind...
To the will...
To the soul...
To the mind and the soul, the guilt that was brought
If only I could have written it before!
I could have done more!
So many stories! So many feelings!
No more...
And the corpses of words
And the messages they had
Rot to form a mire
A putrid, fetid swamp

Maybe something can be salvaged
Yes, maybe something of worth
lays hidden in the muck
Is it worth rescuing
Or let it fester some more?
And the mud keeps growing
Swallowing everything of worth
And it saps the will of writers
Like a pipe with dirt is clogged
And it´s blotted, and it´s roars wishing to be free
But again, they are denied their wish
Warped of the thing they used to be
This words...
They are no longer verses...

They are just ****
Sep 2018 · 1.4k
Musa Perfecta
Just Alex Sep 2018
Eres mi lucero
Un sueño de amor
Que me leva a los cielos
Con un solo beso
Y un roce de tus dedos
Acelera mi corazon

Un ser divino
Con poder sobre el tiempo
Pues pasa tan rapido a tu lado
Y cuando te vas pasa tan lento

De figura tan perfecta
Que la luna refunfuña tu belleza
Los mares celosos que bajo tus cejas
Tus ojos inspiran a mil poetas

Mas vives en mis tristes versos
De mi imaginacion un fragmento
Mi corazon tan desvalido y viejo
Un inalcansable deseo
Mi pasion corre fervorosa
En la lineas de un poema
Y mi labios se abotonan
Al pensar en las rimas de una estrofa
Y si mi musa llegara a mi
E inspiracion inyectara a mis venas
Sera ese dia cuando escribiera
ya no mas poemas de Ti... Si no de ella...
Sep 2018 · 3.1k
A walk in the woods
Just Alex Sep 2018
I enjoy to walk
Alone in the dark
As the sun falters
And the moon shines and lusters
Bright from its ebony coat
And with every step an echo
So rythmically in tune
It matches my heart beating
As grasp in reality
Ever so loose

I ponder on monsters
Who called themselves men
On what twisted them to fiends
And brought them to change?
Is it treason that warped their hearts?
Maybe a lost love who crushed their ilusion?
Perhaps loneliness brought them this stupor?
Whatever it is that brought them so low
It destroyed their will, it broke their soul.

I ponder on love
I wonder how short it tends to be
And how we dwell on its loss
The suffering it brings.
How easy is it to feel a spark
To bring us from the brink of despair
Just to feel it´s mark
And where there was life, now there´s air.

And my thoughts grow darker
And my pace faster
Anticipating disaster
My eyes widen
I feel as if beset by spies
Who stalk from the shadows
Ready to strike

And I see it...
It is no spy
A beast before me
Clad in black
Eyes in red crimson
Stare sat me back
It fills me fright
I try to run
But stand paralized
My legs betray me
And the beast approches
With its back arched
And talons sharp
Holding me still
With its eyes...
It glared at me deeply
Almost feels pity
And whispers to me
"I am a monument to all you hold dear
For you clasp failure with a tight grip
It took a form in the being that before you stands
And is fear what drives forward
Not any feeling of pride
Deluding yourself in betterment
Inside you are nothing but lies"

I came to my knees
And I began to weep
The monster had tore my resolve
But deep within me
I could still feel
A shimmer, a last ray of hope
I can´t let it win
So I came to my feet
And stared and the brute
Clad in blackness so thick
It could block out the sun
And it´s shape had no shape
It twists and it warps
That piercing red stare
That stared straight to my soul
I said to the thing
"It is true what you say
It seems I can´t escape
From the mire of the past
The more I remain
The harder my escape
And the farther the distance
From achieving my plans
An edifice of failure
Given mortal nature
But mortal you are
All that is mortal can die
And when you do
I´ll be back to life"
I tend I write a lot about demons or beasts in the dark, but I can´t help it I find the idea of something scary stalking you very effective at portraying emotion
Sep 2018 · 47.8k
Just Alex Sep 2018
can not be found in the flesh
For as warm it may be
As soft to your fingers it is
It will lay soft and cold eventually

can not be found in gold
Yes, it never loses its luster
But many coins you need to muster
And no number will fill the gap in your soul

can not be found in others
For the laughs may distract
The facade will crack
And still you will be empty inside

ilusive as it may be
It follows you around
It never left
For within you she rest
Waiting to be awoken
And while the rest might feel great
They serve as nothing but crutches
On your own you must stand
If you are to revel
On the pleasures life offers...

To improve one self
To look on path troded
It´s essence

To know there is more
With hunger jump forth
It´s rushes

To balance the mind
With the desire of the heart
It´s key

And once held in hand
You will understand
That happiness flies like a bird
But behind she left
And the knowledge
That you can get it again...
Just Alex Sep 2018
Imagine if one day
Gravity just gave way
It all began to float
Loosened from the floor

And as you begin your gentle rise
As if being pulled by the sky
What would you think about?
Would feelings within you be aroused?

Would you think of the young?
As they float up to their demise
Would you be glad their innocence
was left alone?
Or saddened that their deeds
will forever be undone?

Would you think of the old?
As they hasten their death
Would you be glad
their suffering is at an end?
Or saddened of the mistakes
they could not yet mend

What of lovers, is there a thought?
To a swift end comes their love
To feel their embrace nevermore
Or in eternity each other adore.

Families, friends and co-workers?
Officers, bankers and robbers?
Priest, sinners and saints?
Me, you and them?

All floating softly to death
So many stories
That came to an end
But what about you?
Would you spare you a thought?
Reminsce or curse it all?
Would any regret cross your mind
Or maybe memories would warm your heart
Projects left unfinished
And dreams so long without visit

For this reasons and more
we musn´t dally
So do away with lists
projects and tallies
Life is too short to spend thinking
We must think less
And open up to feeling
For we are not machine but human
And humans die
So go out there and live
Before you are claimed by the sky
The stanzas in this one are kinda weird but I like how it ended up. Funny story about this one, I was in the bus and today was a real hard day at work, my head was in auto-pilot. So I get to my stop and ususally I do a little hop of the last step of the bus, and as I land on the floor I began wondering to myself "What if I didn´t land? What if one day I jump and I just float away, and everything else just, floats into the sky?" One thing lead to another and a new poem was made, that as always, I hope you boys and girls and whatever is in between enjoy.
Sep 2018 · 485
Just Alex Sep 2018
A daemon
It stalks in the night
It fills me fright
Blocks out the light

Its dark in appearance
Claws and teeth showing
Denies my calm cleareance
As my anxiety keep growing

To stop my ambition
It gives me visions
Of loss and defeat
Yet strong I stand
For losing I can't
My life depending on it

Yet stoic it stands
The glare on its eyes
His desire to destroy
All that gives me joy

And no angels will come
No champion wielding sword
This fight is my own
By my side no companion
Alone I sally forth
As another option there is not

But I won´t lay in the mud
****** and bruised but not beaten
So open the maws of hell
His minions spew forth
I will not be defeated...
Something a little different I find, I think this could use more work but I´m satisfied with how it ended up, I find it easier to work upon a completed poem that it is to make one, so hopefully this will be way better than it is when I first wrote it. Regadless of all that hope you fine folk like it!
Aug 2018 · 756
Poems all day
Just Alex Aug 2018
I wish I could write
Yet life´s meddling
Has me drawing  blanks
I stare at the screen
I stare at a sheet
It´s all the same
There´s only white
And my pen grows dry
And my heart colder
My blood thicker
My mind dumber
A jam of words
Within me grows
I can´t form verses
Theres only letters
Only phonemes
Only scribles
That look like symbols
Lost meaning all...
So many poems to write
They remain in the void
For you will have to excuse me
I need to get back to work...
The monotony of work sure saps the creative flow, if it isnt´t me being absolutly spent from the day to day, it´s doing the same thing over and over again. And over, and over, and over...
Aug 2018 · 956
Cada que te veo
Just Alex Aug 2018
Quiero escribirte un millon de versos
En todos decirte como te quiero
Pero no hay suficiente tinta en el universo
Asi que acercate, pegate a mi pecho

Acercate, te lo dire con besos
Dejare tus labios rotos y desehechos
Un frenesi que no conoce frenos
Que tu placer rompa el silencio

Que en este fuego que tenemos
Nuestros cuerpos se derritan enteros
En uno solo fundido este nuestro aliento
Tomados de la mano, rozar las nubes del cielo

Quiero escribirte un millon de versos
En todos decirte cuanto te deseo
Pero las palabras se la lleva el viento
Asi que acercate mas, perderte no quiero
A little experiment maybe, but I also speak and write in spanish, hell I began writing poetry due to Pablo Neruda, a chilean poet, so I gave it a shot to write a poem in spanish here, so let´s see what happens, maybe one day I´ll translate it, but for now here goes nothing.
Aug 2018 · 5.7k
A killer most insidious
Just Alex Aug 2018
No poison as venomous
Nor insidious a rouge
No piercing an arrow
Can compare to love

A disease like no other
Like no virus or spore
It rides the breezes of Autumn
With the leaves as they fall

In the laughter of lovers
As they gaze into their eyes
Their company they cherish
As the world, it turns blank

Such subterfuge is legend
As warning you it does not
And in chains of steel unbreaking
Your heart will be wrought

Your walls will crumble
Your discipline, for naught
You crave their happiness
And then you are lost...
as it tears you asunder
and rips you apart from within

Oh, such a malady has no cure!
You can only give in...

When will you arrive my love?
Please, come to me
Cool this fever of passion
This fire that rages within
Swiftly my darling!
Life from my fingers it slips
I can´t bear to see them smiling...
In sadness I wallow in...
yet, maybe this is what I deserve
For turning my back on my heart
The pain, the agony, it feels...
like the cut of a thousand knives...
Aug 2018 · 5.7k
Just Alex Aug 2018
I wonder if you dream of me
If you remember me at all
I dream about you sometimes
It´s all I have since you are gone

I dream of us alone
People are so much noise
They distract me from what I want
You smile, your kisses and so much more...

I wonder if you think about me
If you can even think anymore
I think about you often
The cuddling, the hugs, the walks...

And it fills me with memories
Of things that can´t return
I yearn for remedies
For the malady of your loss

Yet what my heart aches
Is nothing compared to yours
I hope you can think of me, my love
As you lay dead on the earth
And you mind on the void...
Well time to honor my pen name with a sad poem, I find that now I just think of verses and try to build the poem around it, before I just felt a jolt of inspiration and poured it onto writting, but now I´m growing more methodical, guess reading as many poems as I do now to seek inspiration does that, regardless of that I hope you fine folk enjoy it nevertheless!
Aug 2018 · 1.6k
Love was never as alluring
Just Alex Aug 2018
Love was never as alluring
Until its gaze drew an emerald shade
And like arrows shots ensuring
From my memory they wouldn´t fade.

And from such a strike
There is no hope to defend
No bastion wall as sturdy
Or polished shield can hope deflect.

Yet your stare so piercing
Went through my flesh with  ease
My heart laid bare and empty
And now with hope its filled.

A quest I will make to find
Your green emerald eyes
My life maybe forfeit, yet I must try
For before your sight, I never felt so alive.
A short one tonight, but I like how it ended up, specially the first stanza, I´ve been reading Petrach lately and that man was a master, so I think in a way I tried to replicate him, not that I compare of course, but I wanted to give it a shot
Aug 2018 · 789
Stare into my eyes (V 2.0)
Just Alex Aug 2018
Stare into my eyes
Deeply and sweetly
Fall prey to my gaze
They are yours for the taking
Lose yourself in them.

Gaze into my eyes
Green like emerald gems
Brave the secrets of my mind
Take me and make me yours
Be with me until time stops

Peer into my eyes
As you would into a lake
See yourself reflected upon them
They give you joy and sorrow
And they will do so
Until you run out of days...

Obsess over my eyes
They haunt your thoughts
You can´t live without them
As they take root on your soul
And nurture you back from the dead
You need them
You cannot stop...
You need to see them…
Like ghosts they haunt you,
Like spectres they pursue
They won´t leave you be…
They will hunt you like wolves
So stay right here, with me...
And watch them
Let the pain go all away
Just watch them, again and again
And again, and again
Until infinity…
I like to go back to my poems and see if I can make them better, at least in my opinion, but maybe there are people who enjoy the previous editions, so I´m posting both
Aug 2018 · 4.9k
Just Alex Aug 2018
Eyes see
Stares lock
Yours to mine
Mine to yours
Hearts flutter
Beat like drums
We aim ourselves
We begin to run
Time dilates
It seems to stop
Yet you are closer
I can´t wait anymore
And in that moment
The distance is null
We embrace eachother
We share in our warmths...
Words fail me...
Where to begin?
I call myself a poet? Huh
I wish
Would a poet lose his words?
His inspiration fade?
Would his pen run dry?
Are my hands so afraid ?
And yet
Nothing else matters
I can only feel
How the ice shatters
The glow, the heat
It sparks life anew
It gives me hope again
The closer I get to you
I tried to make a sweet poem, and played around with the composition of the poem itself, it´s not much, but you gotta start somewhere. Regardless I hope you guys like it!
Aug 2018 · 168
Just Alex Aug 2018
So smooth, so clear
Like glass
Refined and edgeless
Like marble
It glows, its warm
Like a window, a screen
And you are trapped behind it
Oh how I wish you could be free
Oh how I wish you were here with me
To cuddle together
To sleep by your side
To have you around my arms
To feel your warmth against mine
To forget our pasts
We don´t need them anymore
We need each others company
To see what the future holds
Aug 2018 · 221
Just Alex Aug 2018
She is my goddess
And to her I give all my praise
I come to my knees
I begin to pray
That she never leaves me

My goddess has a divine glow
Shines from the light
Banquishes the night
Destroys the shadows
With just her visage

My goddess is always with me
Just centimeters away
I try to touch
But get repulsed
Oh, how much I want to feel her...

My goddess is beatiful
She is gorgeous by design
Her eyes like stars
Her smile so bright
She is perfect in every regard

My goddess exists just for me
And I live just for her
Many like her exist
Walk out of the mist
But mine I won´t share

My goddess isn´t real...
She exists in my head
A fantasy of a reality
I will never acquire...
Someone to good for the world...
Someone to good for me...
If she were to exist
The ground wouldn´t be fit to feel her feet
If she were to exist
She wouldn´t deserve someone like me...
Aug 2018 · 1.9k
Linger (V 2.0)
Just Alex Aug 2018
The distance is what makes it so hard
To be here, so far away from your side
To be here, as if snared in the lies
That you miss me as I long for times gone by.

To know what I had… To let it all go...
Your smile, your laugh and your touch
To know they are gone, never to return
It tears me asunder, it saps my soul...

The realization is what makes it so hard
To know that you were never mine
I could have had it, but I couldn’t grasp
It slipped my fingers, how could I be that blind?!

The shadows are what make it so hard
To let go of your memory and bury you in the past
I feel it clawing at me, it is screaming so loud
It won´t let me forget and it brings me down under its weight
As I measure this sadness in pounds
My failure streches on for miles
And liters of tears flow from my eyes
If only I could purge these hours from time...

And it is there, as it has been since the first day
The emptiness, the silence, the space
As time ebbs away, and life goes on
Mine came to an end
The moment I let you go.
I edited this poem so much that I think it deserves a re-release, hopefully its better than the original version! I´m thinking of unlisting the originals just to not spam my stream with what is basically, the same poem over and over again, but we´ll see what happens
Aug 2018 · 2.4k
Just Alex Aug 2018
I toil away everyday
I rise in the early morn
I feel my youth slip away
And life away from me flow.
I work like a mule
I get paid like a dog
I serve snakes
Who think we are all cogs.
And why do this?
Why cut my life short?
For Meaning? Boredom? Love?
It´s for freedom, freedom and nothing more.
To break away from the machine
To break out in my own path
The hope of it keeps me alive
As I toil my life day and night.
I tried something different with this one, both in subject and in format. I hope you folk enjoy it!
Aug 2018 · 15.9k
Just Alex Aug 2018
It follows me around you know
Maybe it never really left
It hangs around the air, light as a feather
But it´s presence, heavy as a weight.

As I sit on the bus, an empty seat at my side
It sits, it looks at me, and it stares...
And my mind is flooded with thing we used to do
Things of lovers: to kiss, to hug, to lose myself in you
To show you my affection, to show you I cared.

As I go out to take a walk, it walks by my side
It matches my speed, no matter how slow or fast
And my heart weighs heavy with things I could have done
Tell you I love you, being there for comfort
So much time wasted, never to return.

As I lay in my bed, it lays by my side
Perfectly still, just outside of my grasp
And our future banishes in front of my eyes
Our home, our family, our lives intertwined
It tears me apart, as I begin to cry.

It follows me around, but I can´t leave it behind
The ghost of you, it haunts me day and night
The mistakes I made… The errors of my ways…
I pay for dearly, every single day
Loneliness follows me, and it has your shape…
Hopefully you guys enjoy this one, I felt a bolt of inspiration to write this, and that is one of the best feelings on Earth for me, to just pour yourself on a poem.
Jul 2018 · 3.9k
A moment away from you
Just Alex Jul 2018
Every moment away from you
A curse with no end
The miles that tear us apart
Sink into my heart
When I can´t hear your voice
Everything else is noise

A dagger that cuts
Blood streams forth
It drips at first
But then it pours
Life escapes me
Ebbs away
Thick and cold it runs
It chills me to the bone...

And as the embers of my life grow dead
And my senses start to go numb
Reach out to me and touch me
Button my lips to yours…
And once you do, stay
Please don´t leave me alone
It is so cold when you leave me
It is so dark when I don´t have your love
I notice I repeat a lot of words when I write, that is something to try and correct but I like how this one ended up
Just Alex Jul 2018
I will write you the most romantic verses tonight
For you deserve nothing less my love
Than verses to make your heart soar
Than verses than make you want me more.

I will say “You carry my heart in yours”
“You stole it like a thief in the night”
“But I don´t want it back, to you it now belongs”
“It is yours, my sweet, as am I”

I can write the sweetest verses tonight
For they remind me of you my love
When I see you, I smile from side to side
The clouds go away, the sun shines bright in the sky.

I can say “You are a beacon of light”
“You are the reason I go to sleep every night”
“You are everything to me my dear”
“I love you, please, don´t ever leave my side”

I could write you the most sensual verses tonight
For it´s something I can´t help my love
The sway of your figure, that look in your eye
It sends my senses into overdrive.

I could say “Tonight no one else exists but you”
“The night is only yours and mine”
“Your lips clamor my kiss, your hips my hands”
“As our breaths mingles, our bodies melt into one”

I want to write so many things my dear
Fill pages with silly love poems
What I don´t to ever write is “Goodbye”
And I want to tell you always
“I love you… I love you so much…”
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