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Liquid nitrogen
Surrounded my warm heart, and
Froze the blood and flesh.
Bea Aug 2014
He plays with my hair
He holds my hand in the crowd
on the bench where we both sat
squeezes it tightly when we cross streets
because he knows I'm scared
He rubs my shoulder
my back
my spine
He wraps his arm around my waist
around me
He takes pictures of us
and asks "kiss me?"
I licked his cheek and I got that stare
THAT stare
that makes me want
and crave for him more

but everything is temporary
one day I'll wake up and
you're gone
because we're just bored
we just wanna get into this
different kind of fun

I know you're not gonna save me
not even asking for it
You'll damage me

we are temporary

but right now
all I feel is you're my drug--
and addictive
You'll damage my body
my insides
my mind

you damage me
Leah Jul 2014
You meant "us" but "in love", oh.
Oh, okay. You burnt me, really. Love, love, what's for? Absolutely nothing.
Mary N May 2014
I smelled a sweet smell a couple days ago. It made me think of you.
I watched a movie yesterday. It made me think of you.
I heard a song last night. It made me think of you.
I saw a man do this thing this morning. It made me think of you.
I saw this sign this afternoon. It made me think of you.
I passed by a store an hour ago. It made me think of you.
I took a breath a moment ago. It made me think of you.
Everything makes me think of you.
I think of you.
May 26, 2014
Brianna May 2014
I can't help but wonder why we are pretending like it's Woodstock and 1969 all over again?

We pretend we know something about peace.
We act like we understand what it's like to be women and have no rights.
(Ladies you have more rights than you think you do)
We act like we know how the men and women in war feel when they come home to protesters and hatred.
(Stop hating on people who are risking their lives to save our country!)

***, drugs, rock n roll.
Peace and love.

We don't know anything.
We are so young and naive.

I am the same as the rest of you.,
I pretend like equality and legalizing drugs will make this world different, but it won't.
I like the idea of peace and love.
I love *** and rock n roll.

But I'm just a ****** up kid from the 90's.
I love too much.
I live too fast.
I'll die to young.
I like the idea of weaving flower in my hair & I love the Beatles.

Maybe 2014 is 1969 in a more obscene fashion?
Not sure where this came from.
I'm really not political or invoked in feminism don't hate on me. Just trying something new!!!
aar505n May 2014
A lantern can only go so high before it must come down.
A smile can only last so long until it becomes a frown.

Happiness eventually turns to sadness.
But the opposite is true too.

A frown can only last so long till it becomes a smile.
A lantern can be reignited.
and it's only a matter of time until you see that lantern floating high in the sky.
Oleander May 2014
It was not love that struck me first.
Before anything else,
it was an arrogance that
overwhelmed my senses,
so I held my nose
to keep out the stench and
went on my way.
I ignored you and
let you exist in your
perfect little multilingual corner,
thinking it too put together and
not for me at all. It was
dull and silent and
no one could dance there.

Then, one morning,
while a foreign language
spoke in jazz in my head,
you expressed the complexity,
the utter chaos of
one molecule slipping into another
and weaving the majestic
world of science that
baffles and amazes
even the brightest of minds.
You opened your mouth
and love hit me harder
than ever before as I realized that
just like me,
wanted to figure out
the math of the world and
solve the equation.
How could that not ensnare me
in an awful trap of trying
to not only calculate the world,
but to also dissect you and
determine what you are made of
and what fuels you?

After that,
you became a rush of Golden Years1,
a reminder that,
“dearly beloved, we are
gathered here today
to get through this thing
we call life”2,
an extraordinary personification
of old time rock ‘n roll3,
and an interpretation
of the love that stays
even when summer is over4.
The music danced through my veins
like never before because you
were all of those things
and more!
Anyone could ask me about you,
(Oh, dear, what is he really like?),
and I would just sing for them
and hope they understood.
How could they not?
If they really listened
to all of those lyrics and really
let the notes slip across their skin
and sink into their pores,
they could know you.

But melodies change.

Without warning,
I am held back
by your
not because you
inflict it upon me,
but because
you shelter me from it.
You want to
save my light,
so you refuse to
let me see inside,
afraid to lose it,
afraid the demons
will take it away5.
That is the melancholy tune
that changed
your definition
in my dictionary.

You are the lesson of betrayal.
A bittersweet song
which reminds us all to realize
your savior can also be
your captor
and executioner6.
That is a lesson
you learned the hard way,
though you never really say how.
You hide it beneath
the rhyme and reason
that is senseless poetry.

Not to be repetitive,
but you are music
only I can hear.
The genre is always changing,
but you are always demanding
space in my ears, a clamor
of so much to dance to
with wild abandon.
The endless noise often hurts,
often makes me curl up in a ball,
begging for silence.
But, when it unifies...
when it slows down...
when it decides what to be,
even if only for a few seconds,
you are the
most beautiful thing
in the world to me.
Those are the moments
when you are one song
and I can see you
for just a second
before all the others
demand attention and
obscure the real music that
follows the beat of your heart.
This is when I am head over heels
and I have to beg you not
“to take my heart,
don’t break my heart,
don’t, don’t,
don’t throw it away.”7

How incredible
you really and truly are.
You are a soundtrack and
you come in different volumes.
I swear I want nothing else
from you than to just listen,
slip on my headphones
and submerge in the
raucous of sound and composition
that is you.
I can’t always see you,
but I can always hear you,
and I will listen
until the day you turn it off,
the day when silence ensues and
you are
but the shell a great ballad
will refer to
as a

1. “Golden Years” by David Bowie
2. “Let’s Go Crazy” by Prince
3. “Old Time Rock ‘n Roll” by Bob Seger
4. “Boys of Summer” by Don Henley
5. “Demons” by Imagine Dragons
6. “Miss Missing You” by Fall Out Boy (Specifically, the line: “The person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger.”)
7. “Head Over Heels” by Tears for Fears
8. “American Pie” by Don McLean
I use music for my inspiration, and any musical references should be properly cited. The songs, of course, do not belong to me, all that copyright stuff bla bla bla!!
anonymous Apr 2014
Why don't you just shove it in my face like all the others
Yeah, I'm not enough.
No need to remind me.
anonymous Apr 2014
You're my:
A. Addiction
B. Best Friend
C. Comforter
D. Daydream
E. Equal
F. Family
G. Guy
H. Hero
I. Idiot
J. Joy
K. King
L. Lucky charm
M. Man
N. Number 1
O. Open Door
P. Prince
Q. Question
R. Role Model
S. Star
T. Tear
U. Uniting hand
V. Valentine
W. Winter Gift
X. The 'x' to my equation
Y. You
Z. Love Zone
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