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Nov 2015 · 1.3k
Yes, No.
Raquel Butler Nov 2015
Yes, No,
Indecision loves me so,
Yes, No,
The only words I seem to know,
Yes, No,
Stormy mind yet silent tone,
Yes? No?
Yes. No.
yes? ugh, I don't know!?!?!
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
on my mind.
Raquel Butler Oct 2015
And I can't figure out
why you're still on my mind
after all this time.
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
You found me, you lost me
Raquel Butler Aug 2015
You found me a shell of a girl,
all smiles and laughter.

You found me a gloomy girl,
who mastered her guise.

You found me an ambitious girl,
struggling to lift herself up.

You found me a fearful girl,
who trusted your intentions.

You found me a guarded girl,
who was letting down her walls.

You found me a happy girl,
who was finally feeling wanted.

You found me a mysterious girl,
retracted because your apparent disinterest.

You found me a tragic girl,
saddened by your withdrawal.

You lost me a fantasy girl,
hurt by your abandonment.

You almost had the girl,
you had her so close it hurt,
then you left her in pieces.

How poetic that the way you found her,
was the way you'd leave her.
to many people leave just when they are about to help you.
I guess you really only can rely on yourself.
Aug 2015 · 520
Raquel Butler Aug 2015
When did I get this way?
Was it my first lapse in judgement?
Was it the first time I was so terrified of going to school
I had a panic attack?
Was it the first time I pulled?
Was it on any of the numerous nights I broke down
alone and afraid of who I was?
When did I get this way?
It scares me to know I've been this way forever.
May 2015 · 372
You won't Know
Raquel Butler May 2015
You ask me why im so quiet,
maybe its from the hours spent at
home trying to get my opinions heard
under a shaking voice only to be yelled at
and told I am wrong.

When you wonder why we never hang out
or why I don't tell you anything too personal
don't take it personally, I've seen enough to know
that people you care about don't stay around
forever, people die and friends leave you.

And when people are shocked that I've never
been in love they don't know the hours I've
spent healing the wounds of friends with
broken hearts and reassuring my cousin
that she is in fact loved.

You don't know what it takes to drag myself
out of bed in the morning or how I take a 4 hour nap after
school because school drains the life out
of me.

You don't feel the constant fear
of public speaking, of even talking to a
teacher makes me tremble inside.

You don't know because I don't let
you know know, because I can't,
because letting you know means letting myself
be vulnerable to even more pain and stress.

You won't know because I've been open before,
and I've been hurt.
felt like it needed to be said
Mar 2015 · 1.5k
Do you ever wonder?
Raquel Butler Mar 2015
You wonder why I won't stop,
But do you wonder why I ever started?
Do you ever wonder how I feel?
Do you ever wonder if I have tried?
Do you ever wonder that I have cried?
Do you ever wonder that I almost have died?
Do you ever wonder why I have survived?
Do you ever for a second wonder that I can't?
Do you ever wonder?
You wonder not.
Feeling really down today. This has been a nice release.
Feb 2015 · 382
"It's whatever"
Raquel Butler Feb 2015
It's whatever I say,
Just to get through the day,
In my jaded view,
My problems diminish into blurs,
Its whatever.
Oct 2014 · 860
Its 1:31 A.M
Raquel Butler Oct 2014
Its 1:31 AM, I’m awake on a Sunday night having just finished a sad movie. I must be an emotional wreck because I usually don’t write like this unless I feel deeply sad in my heart. Its weird how its touch and go, how one minute I’m sad and the next I’m nervously smiling watching the crowd in a nostalgic happiness. For some odd reason I’m crying, earlier today I was at a concert, and then afterwards my mother brought me to an over 21 bar. I’m barely over 17, and I realized in that moment next year I would be an adult. A free, unbounded, set on adventures full blown adult; and yeah I felt excited but the worst part was that unbearable scariness clenching my soul telling me unknown is upon me. I’m very odd like that; while my exterior emanates pure bliss my interior can have a billion thoughts of terror and fear of the unknown, a silent battle on a happy vessel.  I’m trying to keep it together here, but here I am almost 2 am on a school night crying my eyes out for nothing and poring my heart out into a poorly written letter to myself. I’ll probably stay up all night because at this point will be extremely tired either way. Sometimes I regret ever taking AP and honors classes, they take up so much of my vacant time, and I always end up procrastinating till the end of me and it hurts so bad. One day I think the stress will be all too much for me, I’ll have pulled out all my eyelashes, picked off every last bump, and silently cried my last tear, and I’ll just vanish into an endless sea of sleep. I hope that never happens though, because for some odd reason I always seem to thrive in these stressful times, I mean sure my coping mechanisms stress me out even more but I survive. I hope the next time I feel like writing it won’t be spur of the moment 2 am because I really need my beauty sleep. It goes without saying that I am a very shallow *****, I am rude and arrogant and intelligent and annoying, but without any of those qualities my life would be impossible. I probably would’ve offed myself by now if I didn’t have a way to cope, if anyone who knows me is reading this you should know how deeply sad I am yet how unbearably happy I am at the same time. I love the time when I wake up and I just want to roll over and sleep again, the moment when my whole outfit screams my name and I feel the best kind of sexiness, when I finally get that math problem or I am full speed ahead in all my classes, you have no idea how happy I am when I hang out with a family member or on rare occasions a friend. How sad it makes me when my sister pushes me around, yet how happy I am that she is still to date my best most wonderful friend in the entire world and there is no way that I would ever be able to survive without her in my life. Now I’m a sobbing mess, over a rude sister, wow how ******* my perspectives of the world are. There is no way I would trade her for anything in the world, her natural beauty and grace, her constant fighting spirit, and her wonderful and unattainable intelligence because there is no way I will ever be as smart as her and no matter what I will always look up to and in to her. This is not a love letter, more a jumbled mess of sad and happy words all mixed together desperate to sort itself out. Scared of the future yet so unbearably yearning for it, what a terribly numb life it hurts so bad it makes me happy to be alive. I could be a sullen gloomy mess of a girl yet my life revolves around the simple fact that I am happy, and no matter what diagnosis or what condition I will always be happy.
Sep 2014 · 2.4k
The Dreaded Path
Raquel Butler Sep 2014
And for some reason, I can't make myself prioritize.
So I wind up reading web sites during the time I should be writing, writing while I should be sleeping,
and sleeping while I should be in class.
And making the "smart" list.
And continuing on the same dreaded path I've been on since middle school, when I first realized I could get away with this.
Sep 2014 · 360
Raquel Butler Sep 2014
I don't want normal
and easy and simple,
I want a painful,
difficult, life changing
devastating, passionate
extraordinary life.
Sep 2014 · 6.9k
Raquel Butler Sep 2014
Don't be fooled by my ability to resist,
I might have never gave into the monster,
but I always gave it a dance.
Sep 2014 · 754
The beginning of an end
Raquel Butler Sep 2014
It was something I never expected,
and island has become two,
the waters a nervous calm,
two flags waving proudly one in the same
yet the same become different,
The birds silently wait for the chirps of its old playmate,
waiting for something that doesn't seem to come,
so for now its on to the next,
on to find solace in an unexpected old,
or become one with an imperfect new.
It's not to late to prevent an end, it never is......
Sep 2014 · 305
The Eternal Battle
Raquel Butler Sep 2014
There are two sides to this eternal battle,
the beauty and the brains,
I once thought that I would be happy with the beauty,
but once i grew and became blessed with this gift it felt like something
I hadn't earned but quite like something i received in an unfair game of "whats your number",
I began to feel different then the rest of my crowd,
I began to lust and think and want and see things in a new light,
I had become an outcast
Trapped in a strange paradox known as the in between
somehow I left behind my beauty but still retained it and went in search of the brain,
I have yet to collect all the pieces of this masterpiece,
but in a strange irony I had begun to realize the Eternal Battle isn't a Battle between people and people,
but it is a struggle between self and self,
once you come to accept the gift of the struggle the struggle becomes you in a way that only you can decide is true to you.
Sep 2014 · 516
9/11 Thoughts
Raquel Butler Sep 2014
I've been wondering how to put this into words for months,
the aching feeling of missing something you haven't quite experienced,
how to long for something like you've had it before but never have,
I've come to the conclusion that I'm either suffering from a mild case of 'your crazy',
or the much realer and scarier version of my thoughts,
I have become homesick of a home I have yet to venture to,
and after much thought I feel this must be true,
but the scary thing is that I still have not a clue what to do.
Aug 2014 · 331
Raquel Butler Aug 2014
the thing that really ***** about betrayal,
is that its always by someone you love
no matter how small or big,
psychical or emotional
it still packs the same punch
it still hurts like hell
and it still leaves you sad, broken, and alone.
Jul 2014 · 851
People are not
Raquel Butler Jul 2014
People are not flat and uninteresting,
they are more than their sexuality,
more than their race or ethnicity,
they are more then  their diseases and their disorders,
a person should not be judged based on a single factor of their lives,
they shouldn't be hated for loving a show or finding comfort in reading something you may not particularly care for at all,
people are more than their singular qualities,
People are complex,
People are beautifully and undeniably complex in a thousand bound and unbound wires that knot and twist and turn to form a being,
People are not these things at all,
People are these things as a whole.
forgive me i was crying writing this
Jul 2014 · 4.4k
Raquel Butler Jul 2014
Be Brave and Be Outspoken,

Be Beautiful and Be Wise,

Be Stubborn and Be Heroic,

Be Rebellious and Be Crazy,

Be Strong and Be Kind,

because at the end of the day,

when all is said and done,

you will have no regrets.
Jul 2014 · 1.0k
Wake up
Raquel Butler Jul 2014
The world as i see it,
it may be to late,
suffering loudly but people ignore them,
emotional dagger's searing pain,
people are scared, angry, and hopeless,
people are helping but many are selfish,
most can not see past their safe house boundary,
thinking the world is at peace not in misery,
Wake up and see the real happenings of our globe,
Bullied people, Starving people,
They rely on the help of other's,
we rely on our job's we depend on our material's,
no one is at peace in this world,
a world filled with hatred, love, sadness, excitement and unhappiness,
Wake up,  See the world as it truly is,
see the unedited uncut version of how we are living,
we may see our country as healthy and rich,
but  many poor live in poverty here,
many unhealthy big and to small,
diseases are common but people frown upon mention,
people are constantly dyeing babies to elder's,
Wake up i beg of you,
see our world truly,
we all see it sometimes as awful and painful,
we regret what we've seen and remove it from memory,
even I even you have done these things,
how can we say we hate our life,
how can we want to **** ourselves,
when other have it worse,
living in poverty,
starvation and pain,
how can we think we have it at the worst when really we are much better off,
life does not make sense,
life can never be completely sorted out,
all problems will exist forever,
peace will never stay forever,
Wake up and see our world truly,
for if we wait to long,
if we think to hard,
if we shy away to much,
and ignore the more needy,
our world will very well be like theirs.
all problems are relevant
Jul 2014 · 543
Thoughts on Life
Raquel Butler Jul 2014
I always had this idea of a perfect life,
getting into the perfect university and meeting 'the one',
getting a well paying job and having a big family,
but somewhere I got lost in a deep pit of self-desire,
my hopes and dreams slipping away into a darker and more adventurous,
tumultuous and chaotic free-spirited rebel;
All i want now is to try new foods,
meet new people and make amazing friends,
I want to travel and have fun,
I  just want to live large
and buy a one-way ticket far away and not come home .
Jul 2014 · 341
Raquel Butler Jul 2014
I wish I knew what it feels to live,
to be happier than ever,
to cry about life experiences not about wanting them,
to live carefree without pressure,
the gentle rays of the sun washing in on a peaceful slumber,
the chaotic chatter of the cars and traffic,
and about loving,
more than anything,
I want to feel alive.

— The End —